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Download a
software called C
1) Turn off your firewall. Using a firewall can cause the
ping to spike more since the packet is being filtered leading
to the longer duration for the packet to travel.

2) Turn off all other un-necessary internet programs such as MSN,

browsers and most importantly, turn off all current downloads.

3) Make sure your computer is connected via Local-Area-Network

(LAN) and then disconnect the router from the modem.

4) Turn off the Wireless Zero Configuration service which

searches for alternate networks every few mintues by going to
"Start -> Run -> type Services.msc -> Scroll down
to Wireless Zero Configuration -> right click and select Properties->
click Stop -> wait for the service to stop -> click OK".

5) Start> Run> type "cmd" > type "ipconfig /flushdns

Arch type:

Since you now know more about the problems when you
suffer from FPS lag, let's now look at ways and means to
reduce it to ensure a better and smoother gameplay
environment. Here are some simple yet effective ways to
reduce FPS lag.

1) Ensure that your pc is kept cool and not overheated.

2) If your pc has been on for a long time, restart it before

loading Gunz.

3) Keep all drivers up to date especially video drivers.

4) Set your pagefile to a fixed size like 1024min/1024max,

and put it on your fastest harddrive.

5) Defragment your harddrive(s).

6) Disable unnessesary drivers and windows services.

7) Close background applications/processes.

8) Lower your resolution.

9) Lower texture resolution.

10) Get a better cooler and overclock your system.

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