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Research on drugs

How do celebrity’s influence young people to take drugs?

Celebrity influence young people to take drugs because they do it in public and get seen
doing it for example George Michaels and Paris Hilton. They were doing drugs and got send
to jail for it. This would influence young teens to take drugs because there celebrities who
they want to be like are doing it so they would do it to be more like the celebrity.

Why do celebrities take drugs?

Some celebrities take drugs because they are stressed, they have nothing better to do with
their money, and they want to get buzzed up. They can also take drugs to keep fit for
example Dwain Chambers took drugs to make him win race he got banned from alethic for
2-3 years.

How this drugs use presented in the media, good or bad?

The way the media presents the drug use of celebrity’s is bad because they make it sound
like that the celebrity killed somebody. The media shouldn’t really get involved but they
make the celebrity look even worse by saying some things that isn’t true.

Celebrities take drugs to lose weight?

Some celebrities take drugs to lose weight for example ex world heavy weight champion
Ricky Hatton took drugs to lose weight now he has lost his boxing license. That mean he can
never box’s again. At the end Ricky Hatton is setting a bad example to younger boxer and

Have celebrity’s got too much money?

Celebrity have loads of money they don’t know what to do with it. But if they had some
brain loads of people are poor around the world the celebrity’s should give money to charity
instead of spending on drugs. If more celebrity’s gave money to charity’s that would set a
good example for younger kids.

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