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Lesson 1
by G. Kumar

In the West, Pythagorus discovered the the Law of Vibration. This law states that each
number has a particular vibration. Astro-Numerology is the synthesis of Astrology and
Numerology, the perfect integration between the science of the Heavens and the Science of

The nine numbers correspond to the nine planets in Astrology.

• One represents the luminary SUN

• Two represents the luminary MOON

• Three represents the planet JUPITER

• Four represents the planet RAHU

• Five represents the planet MERCURY

• Six represents the planet VENUS

• Seven represents the planet KETU

• Eight represents the planet SATURN

• Nine represents the planet MARS

Ketu and Rahu are the Nodes of the Moon. The Moon's Ascending Node is Rahu and the
Descending Node is Ketu. The orbit of the Sun and the Moon intersect at two points and they
are these Nodes.

Let us analyze the different properties of the nine base numbers.

The concept of the Fadic Number

If you add up all the digits which comprise your date of birth e.g., ( 23/06/1955 =
2+3+0+6+1+9+5+5 = 31, 3+1 = 4 ) you get the combined Fadic Number. Here in this
example it is 31. 3 plus 1 = 4. So 4 is the Fadic Number.

Find out the Fadic Number of the person concerned. There are effects for both Fadic and the
Combined Fadic Numbers.

Once you find the Fadic Number of the person, know that that person will have the
characteristics of the planet representing that Number. Here are the effects for Unitarians, who
are ruled by the Number ONE.

ONE - Ruled by the King of the Solar Logos, the SUN

These are the solar characteristics:

This number is the middle and the centre of all numbers. This number represents all
that is created and the visible Actuality. Individuals born under this number aspire for
greatness in no uncertain way. Basically creative and imaginative people having great
originality and individuality people born under this number are determined and engaged in
noble activities.

These qualities will exist in no uncertain degree in those who are born on dates 1 10
19 28 etc. These qualities will be highly manifest in those born in the month when the
Sun is in the highest exalted position. (From March 21 to April 28 ). Persons born under
this number always rise high in their respective professions. To achieve the summum bonum,
the highest altaltissimo in their profession, is their main objective. Whatever be their
field, they always protect their authority and the wishes of their subordinates.

They always use their days ( 1, 10, 19, 28 ) for the implementation of their creative
plans. They are very friendly with people whose numbers are 2, 4, and 7. (With people
whose birthdays are 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 16, 20, 22, 25, 29, and 31). The auspicious days are
Sunday and Monday.

If the numbers 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 16, 20, 22, 25, 29, 31 coincides with these days that
days work will be highly fruitful.

Alexander the Great, Charles the First, James the First, Lord Wellington, and Emperor
Paul of Russia were born under the influence of this number.

Personality Overview

Controller of Life - SUN

It is the most powerful luminary in intrinsic strength. It is one of the functional luminaries
and is the King in the Gover- nment of the Almighty. Hence all regal qualities are attribut-
ed to this luminary.

If the Unitarian - ruled by the number One - is you!

You are interested in the psychic sciences. You are more active than contemplative. You
are regal in outlook and always adopt a pragmatic approach to life. You are more practical
than sentimental.

You may be not successful in the worldy sphere as you are not much attached to wealth
and possessions. You are not much careful about spending.

You are frank and outspoken. Because of that you generate many secret enemies. But
they will always dread you because of your inherent fine qualities.

The Sun represents Prudence the greatest of all the seven cardinal virtues. This quality
will be predominant in you. As this virtue predominates in you people will honour and
respect you even during adversity. (More quality information about Numerology and a free
Astro-Numerology Report can be had from

An Analytical Review

The zodiac sign representing this number is Leo. (Don't confuse this with the birth sign in
Astrology). People born under this zodiacal constellation are truly leonine and overactive.
Regal in outlook and adventurous in nature, Leoninians always push their way to the top.
If the Sun is strongly positioned in their horoscopes they will definitely get chances to exhibit
their regal valour.

People consider you rash and ambitious. The Sun represents Politics, the science of the
state. The Solarians are usually politically conscious and politically oriented. If these
people are born in between March 21 to April 28 ( viz - when the Sun is in a state of deep
exaltation ) their shining in political field will become a living reality.

You can expect political victory when the Sun transits favourable points like March 21 to
April 28 and August 16 to Sept 16. Your main drawback is that you jump into things
without much aforethought. You should learn to persevere rather than quit. Patience is
another virtue which you should incorporate.


Regarding diseases, the most likely disease which may affect the Solarians is the disease
of the heart. Blood pressure is also another. Eye troubles are also indicated. Their best fruits
and medicinal leaves are dried grapes, nutmeg, orange, lemon, and ginger. They should
take in honey. They should take care of their health at the ages 19, 28, 37, 55 & 64. They
should guard against ill health and excess exercise during the months of October, December
and January.

Negative Aspects
The Solarians are prone to sudden anger. Anger is said to be man's greatest enemy. Sun is
considered to be a natural malefic in Astrology. You may indulge in politics and its negative
aspect manifests as lack of mental peace and happiness.


Japa Kusuma Sankasham

Kashyapeyam Mahadyuthim
Thamognam Sarvapapagnam
Pranathosmi Divakaram

This mantra, if recited 108 times daily, can neutralise the negative radiations of the Sun.

In the next article we will deal with the Twoians - who are ruled by the Number Two
( Moon).

Lesson 2
by G. Kumar

Like Pythagoras' intoxication with the Music of the Spheres( Wisdom), the Indian Sages were
infatuated with Knowledge. Many scientific truths were cognised by them in higher states of
consciousness which came to be known as the Vedas. One such sage was Vararuchi, who
discovered the interrelationship between numbers and letters of the alphabet. In this lession
we see that the Moon is considered very important in Sidereal Astrology and mental strength
depends on the strength of the Moon in one's natal chart.

The concept of Name Number

These are the various numbers given to the letters of the alphabet.

• A, I, J, Q, Y = 1
• B, K, R = 2
• C, G, L, S =3
• D, M, T = 4
• E, H, N, X = 5
• U, V, W = 6
• O, Z = 7
• F, P = 8
• No letter has been assigned the number nine

Individual Name Number ( the Name Number) is arrived by adding all the digits which
correspond to the letters in your name. For example:

8 2 1 3 5 1 5 4 6 8 1 3 5 Total = 52
Individual Name No : 5 + 2 = 7
Here the individual Name Number is 7 and the Combined Name Number is 52. There are
effects for both the individual and the combined name numbers in Astro-Numerology. We
will deal with it in our forthcoming articles.

Two - Ruled by the Queen of the Solar Logos, the Moon

Moon is considered very important in Sidereal Astrology. Mental strength depends on the
strength of the Moon in one's natal chart.

If the Twoian is YOU! Effects for Fadic Number 2 - Personality Overview

( Fadic Number is the number got after adding all the digits comprising your date of birth ).

Controller of Life - Moon

You are ruled numerologically by the luminary Moon. The main characteristic of Moon is its
fickle& inconstant nature and this has already swayed your temparament. You are moody at
times and this depression generally saps your vitality.

The best remedy for you is to take recourse to yogic practices to overcome depression. Have
implicit faith in God. Optimism is far better than pessimism.

Your inconstant nature makes you hesitant at times. You may lack self-assertion and become
indecisive at times.

If you wear a ring studded with Moonstone you can overcome the negative vibrations of this
number.This ring should be worn on Monday of the bright fortnight after dedicating yourself
to the Lord.

Lunarians are generally timid and accomodative. Hence they are sentimental and
oversensitive.Heavenly topics interest you a great deal. You show inclination towards
Astrology and other allied sciences.

Wealthwise you are subject to terrific ups and downs corresponding to the lunar phases of
waxing and waning. You will be subject to emotional suffering. You like to travel. Your
honesty will be appreciated by people.

Your personal magnetism will win friends and influence people. Your special charm will
offset the minuspoints caused by the fickle and inconstant nature of the Moon.

Mental strength and courage will be adversely affected at times. The ideal remedial measure
will be to fast on Mondays consecrating yourself to the Mother Divine.

In Vedic Astrology, Moon rules the mind ( Manasthu Hinagu ). If you consider Milton's
statement " Mind is its own place and can make a Hell out of Heaven or a Heaven out of
Hell", you can visualise how important a luminary Moon is. The Vedas aver that Moon
represents the mind of the Cosmic Man (Chandrama manaso Jatha ) and is one of the
important political planets. Moon rules over three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac -
Aldebaran (Rohini), Delta Corvi (Hasta) & Altair (Sravana).

An Analytical Review of the Zodiac Sign --- Cancer

The zodiac sign representing this number is Cancer. ( Do not be confused with the birth sign
in Astrology) Cancer represents the heart of the Cosmic Man and Cancerians are tied and
tuned to the cosmic world.Cancerians are generally adaptive to any conditions.
Softheartedness is the bane of the Cancerian.

Resilience is the major forte of the Cancerian. He can struggle against adversity and challenge
with an intrepidity which can surprise anyone.

Cancerians are generally homeloving . Love of the fine arts, music, dance and cinema are
their main inclinations.

Diseases of the stomach may affect them during middle age . In order to alleviate the
suffering watery fruits and herbal medicines may be taken.

Sloka of the Moon

Dhadhi Sankhkha Thusharabham

Ksheerodharnava Sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam
Shambhor Makuta Bhooshanam

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can confer longevity and fortune. This is the moola sloka
of the Moon. All the difficulties in your life will be erased if you propitiate the Moon.

Prominent Persons born under Two

Lal Bahadur Shastri, Napoelean, Adolf Hilter and Mahatma Gandhi

In Astro-Gemmology, Moon represents Pearl or Moonstone. Wearing this stone on a Shukla

Paksha Monday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will enhance the luck of the Twoians.
The Sanskrit text The Jataka Chandrika assigns Pearl to the Moon ( Vimalam Muktaphalam
Sheetagau ) Monday is the day of the Moon (from the Latin dies Luna & the Sanskrit

In the next article we will deal with the Threeians - who are ruled by the Number Three
( Jupiter ).

Lesson 3
by G. Kumar

Astro-Numerology, the perfect unification between the science of Numbers and the Wisdom
of the Heavens was initiated in the West by Pythagoras and by Vararuchi in the East. To
Pythagorus the mystery of the Universe was intercomprehensible in the Notion of the
Number. The letters 0 to 9 are numbers and Infinity was defined as a Numberless Number.
Philosophically, when we say everything is Unity, we are talking about Numbers or that
"Infinity is the beginning of all things" , we are talking about Numbers!
Three - ruled by the Divine Minister of the Solar Logos, Jupiter

Jupiter is considered to be a supreme benefic in Astrology. He is so large and voluminous that

1300 earths can be fit into him. If well posited in a quadrant in one's natal chart, he can give
divine protection to the native.

Effects of Fadic Number Three

( Fadic Number is the number got after adding all the digits comprising your date of birth ).

Your Numerological Number is 3 and your Life Controller is the divine planet Jupiter. This
wisdom planet has all to do with trinities & trilogies. They are very friendly with 6 and 9.

They always aspire for greatness as they can never be satisfied with working under a shadow.
They want to control others. They are stern and immaculate in the implementation of their
duties and responsibilities. They love ve discipline . They obey the Law and make others obey
the Law. The Jupiterians always rise high in Navy Army and administration. As they
implement their duties religiously they shine in almost all realms where sincerity and
responsibility are called for. Their drawback is that as they are devoted to the Law they force
their ideals on others. Even though they are not quarrelsome they create a lot of enemies.
They are proud and vainglorious. They will not serve others. They are annoyed at the slightest
adversity. They use 3 12 21 and 30 for the fructification of their efforts.

Their fortunate days are Thursday Friday and Tuesday. If these days coincide with 3, 12, 2,
30, 6, 9, 15, 18, 24, 27 these dates become fortunate.

They are very friendly with 6 and 9.

Shakespeare, Lord Russel, Winston Churchill and George the Fifth were born under this

Personality Overview

Controller of Life - Jupiter

You are controlled by the biggest planet in the Solar system, Jove or Jupiter. As per Plato he
represents the regal Self, that is Wisdom. He is the greatest benefic in the astrological
hierarchy. He represents the spiritual, the ethical and the aesthetic aspects of Life.

As you are influenced by Jove, Jovian qualities will be predominant in you. Jovian qualities
are compassion love for all mankind, loyalty to preceptor & God, love of Knowledge,
scholarship & personal magnetism. Personal Magnetism is very good in business and you will
shi- ne like the monarch of the sky in the business sphere. Handsomeness is his another virtue.

You will be able to talk your way to the top as you got fine conversational ability. Rhetoric is
one of the arts represented by Jupiter.

You will be able to win a lot of friends and influence people easily. You will be well liked by
the populace as you are a man with special virtues.
Scholarship will grace you in no uncertain way. You will be well-informed in many subjects
irrespective of the knowledge you have in your profession.

Over-sentimentalism is your drawback. You should be very careful about believing the words
of people. As you are frank noble and tender-hearted you have a tendency to speak out
openly. This characteristic may be exploited by shrewd people.

In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter represents the royal Self & Absolute Knowledge ( Divine
Wisdom ). He is the indicator of Divine Grace. He represents all sciences and all arts as
Knowledge is divine in character. He represents Happiness, Learning & Wisdom. . He rules
over three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac - Alpha and Beta Geminorum ( Punarvasu),
Alpha Librae (Visakha) & Alpha and Beta Pegasi (Poorvabhadrapada).

An Analytical Review

Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

The zodiac sign representing this number is the divine Sagittarius. ( Do not confuse this with
the Birth sign in Astrology ). It is a warlike sign indicating a man holding bows and arrows.
Its meaning is that life will be full of enemies and that you may be lacking in mental peace
and happiness of the timid man who acquiesces in evil forces.

Sagittarians are basically God fearing people. Their love of Nature and religiosity stand out as
outstanding characteristics.

Sagittarians generally tend towards spirituality. They are always probing into the mysteries of
life and always try to find an answer to the riddle of life.

Sagittarians love both the celestial and the terrestrial. They always strike a via media between
materialism and spirituality.

Blood pressure and diseases of the digestive tract may affect you during middle age. The
tendency to obesity should be checked.

Negative Aspect

You may become too idealistic when practical life needs some business insight and
foresight.Your becoming spiritual makes you carry the cross of the Redeemer. You may have
to take up other's sins for redemption.


Devanam cha Rishinam cha

Gurum Kanchana Sannibham
Buddhibhootham Thrilokesam
Tham Namami Brahaspathim

This sloka if recited 108 times can ward off the afflictions of Jupiter. This is the moola sloka
of Jupiter.
In Astro-Gemmology, Jupiter represents Golden Topaz. Wearing this stone on a Shukla
Paksha Monday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will enhance the luck of the Threeians.
The Sanskrit text, The Jataka Chandrika assigns Topaz to Jupiter ( Devejyasya cha
Pyshyaragam ) Thursday is the day of Thor or Jupiter (from the Latin Iovis dies & the
Sanskrit Brihaspativar ).

In Transcendental Philosophy the Number Three is considered very sacred. Absolute Being is
defined as Existence- Consciousness - Beatitude ( Sat -Chit - Ananda ). The Trinitarian Unity
is highlighted in both Hinduism and Christianity. (Om,Tat, Sat & Father, Son, the Holy
Ghost) . In Freudian Psycho-Analysis, Mind is an Energy Organization made up of 3 factors -
Id, Ego and Superego. In Vedanta, the 3 Gunas make up Nature!( Satwas, Rajas & Thamas).
Holistic Medicine or AyurVeda is built upon the theory of the 3 humours (Vata, Pitta &
Kapha). Transactional Analysis deals with Parent- Adult-Child formula and Psychology deals
with the three levels of the Mind (Conscious,Sub-conscious & Unconscious). Dante's Divine
Comedy is divided into 3 portions - The Inferno,Purgatorio & Paradiso!

In the next article we will deal with the Fourians - who are ruled by the Number Four and by
the Moon's Ascending Node ( Rahu ).

Lesson 4
by G. Kumar

Astro-Numerology, the perfect synthesis between Astrology and Numerology, deals with the
correspondence between the nine revolving heavens and the nine numbers. It also deals with
the effect of many Numbers----the Fadic Number, the Name Number and the Birth Number
and the combined Fadic, Name and Birth Numbers. The Pythagorean Law of Vibration states
that each number has a particular vibration.

Four - ruled by the Ascending Node or the North Node of the Moon, Rahu

In Astronomy, the two mathematical points where the orbits of the Moon and the Sun
intersect are called Ascending Node ( North Node ) and Descending Node ( South Node),
Rahu & Ketu. ( The orbits of the Sun and the Moon differ by 8 degrees ). They are not actual
planets but are shadowy planets. They are important determinants of behaviour. In Sidereal
Astrology great importance is attached to the Nodal Axis which becomes the pivot of the
horoscope. In Mythology ( which is allegorical and symbolic ), Rahu and Ketu are
characterised as demons as both these shadowy planets are natural malefics. Rahu resembles
Saturn and Ketu, Mars.

Four is not considered to be a very lucky number as it is ruled by a malefic.

Effects of Fadic Number Four

( Fadic Number is the number got after adding all the digits comprising your date of birth ).

Your Numerological Number is 4 ruled by the Moon's Ascending Node, Rahu. The character
of the Fourians is unique and known only to themselves. They view all things from a totally
different angle as opposed to the ordinary people who view everything from a common angle.
In every argument they argue from the opposite side and because of this tendency they gain a
lot of secret enemies. They hate all laws and legal frameworks and destroy all such laws.
They oppose the rulers and always establish their own kingdoms and republics. They always
believe in the freedom of expression and opinion. They are the people who are born on 4 13,
22, and 31 They do not make friends easily. People with numbers 1, 2, 7 and 8 attract them.
The Fourians do not succeed in the realm of material prosperity like the others. If they save
money or make money the way they use it will astound everybody. From June 21 to July 21
and July 22 to the end of August is the best time for the fructification of their efforts.

Four's lucky days are Saturday, Sunday, Monday. If these days coincide with the 4, 13, 22,
31, 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 25, 28, 29 these days will be the most auspicious.

Four's main drawbacks are that they are loners, separated from this world and because of that,
desperation and silence will result.

• Lucky Stone Hessonite

• Lucky Day Saturday
• Lucky Month April
• Lucky dates 4, 13, 22, and 31
• Lucky colour Black

Martin Luther George Washington Lord Byron and Faraday were born under this number.

Personality Overview

Controller of Life --- Moon's Ascending Node

You are controlled by the Moon's Ascending Node, Rahu. Those under the influence of Rahu
are always aggressive in outlook and come up financially. They do not hesitate to employ
means that are not above board to achieve their objectives. Their business insight and
foresight always pay rich dividends. They are very pragmatic in outlook and are more
practical than theoretical.

You are subjected to fits of elation and dejection. Ambiguity always upsets you.

In money matters also, ups and downs are indicated. You have tremendous entrepreneurship
or risk-taking ability which is needed in business.

Rahu is a planet which can give crores and success in speculation and gambling are indicated.

Since you are frank and outspoken many secret enemies are generated. Your ability to argue
logically will confound most people. You will be a controversial figure because you love to
destroy darkness, prejudice and ignorance.

Never moving away from the path you have chosen with a fanatical zeal you always push
your way to your chosen aim.

In Vedic Astrology, if properly posited, Rahu is the bestower of Wealth. He is also known as
the Mokshakaraka. He is the planet of gambling, speculation and hoarding and if powerfully
posited in one's natal chart can give immense wealth. The wealth so attained may not be made
through legal means. Monetary windfall due to lottery, stock-exchange and jackpot is
attributed to Rahu. He rules over three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac --- Alpha Orionis
( Aridra), Alpha Bootis (Swati) and Lamda Aquari (Satabhisha).

An Analytical Review

The zodiacal sign representing this number is Aquarius. (Do not confuse this with the birth
sign in Astrology ). Those ruled by this sign are always lovers of the human race. But they
will never get back what they give.

They are often misunderstood . They are always sufferers, always plagued by one problem or
the other. Even if they achieve success they have to pay a heavy price for it. "Success exacts a
heavy price" is true of them.

Aquarians are generally isolated people. They are loners wanting to move away from this
madding crowd. They always feel that justice is denied to them.

In Astrology Aquarius is the only sign not okayed by the Masters. But despite this it has many
plus points.

Great patience and perseverance are exhibited by the people born under the influence of this
number. Stoicism fortitude and indifference are the virtues accruing from it.


Regarding health these, people always are subjected to unknown diseases. They are also
subjected to thoughts of melancholy. Anaemia, mental tension, backache, headache and eye
troubles are common. Fruits and medicinal leaves best suited for them are spinach and
ocimum sanctum ( sweet basil). They gain a lot due to electric therapy and hypnotism. They
should renounce high cholesterol containing stuffs like meat and eggs. They should guard
against diseases during the months of January, February, August, July and September. They
may experience changes in health during the ages of 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, and 67.

Negative Aspect

You may be prone to anger as Rahu is an incendiary planet. Anger is said to be man's greatest
enemy. If you destroy anger, you become the " Self-Actualising Person" of Abraham Maslow,
living in the widest possible frame of reference.


Ardhakayam Mahaveeram
Chandradithya Vimardhanam
Simhika Garbha Sambhootam
Tham Rahum pranamamyaham

This mantra if recited 108 times daily can confer longevity and fortune. This is the moola
Sloka of Rahu.
In Astro-Gemology, Rahu represents Hessonite. Wearing this stone on a Shukla Paksha
Saturday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will enhance the luck of the Fourians. The
Sanskrit text, The Jataka Chandrika assigns Hessonite to Rahu.

In Transcendental Philosophy the Number Four is considered very sacred. Transcendental

Consciousness is known as the Fourth or Tureeya. Transcending the three relative states of
Consciousness - the waking, the dreaming and the dreamless sleep - is the Divine
Transcendental Consciousness which can be experienced via Yoga. In Yogic Psychology the
fourth element of the Mind is the Superconscious Mind ( the other three being Conscious,
Subconscious and Unconscious). The Superconscious is the foundation of the Mind and not
the Subconscious as believed by modern psychologists.

The Indian sages talked about the Fourfold Vedas. Yogas are Four!

In Western Astrology The Fourth House is the IC , the Imum Coeli, an important house. This,
they say, is the source of the Subconscious Mind.

Mythologic Story

One powerful demon drank the nectar of Immortality. This was reported by the Sun and the
Moon to Lord Vishnu. He used the divine discus and cut the demon into two. The head of the
demon became Rahu and the tail Ketu known as Caput Draconis and Cauda Draconis in
Latin. Astronomical symbology has it that Vishnu is the orbit of the earth known as the
Ecliptic and the demons, the North & South Nodes of the Moon. In his book " De Sapientia
Vaterum " ( The Wisdom of the Ancients ), Bacon opined that scientific truths are contained
in myths!

In the next article we will deal with the Fivians - who are ruled by the Number Five and by
Mercury, the intellectual planet known as Hermes in Grecian Mythology and Buddha in
Indian Mythology.

Lesson 5
by G. Kumar

Astro-Numerology, the perfect synthesis between Astrology and Numerology, deals with the
correspondence between the nine revolving heavens and the nine numbers. It also deals with
the effect of many Numbers----the Fadic Number, the Name Number and the Birth Number
and the combined Fadic, Name and Birth Numbers. The Pythagorean Law of Vibration states
that each number has a particular vibration.

The great Paracelsus averred that the knowledge of the mysteries of the Universe must
perforce be occult as they are not for the uninitiated. These sciences play an important role in
our lives - for they are pointers to the Ultimate Reality.

Five - ruled by the Prince of the Solar Logos, Mercury

Effects of Fadic Number Five
( Fadic Number is the number resulting after adding all the digits comprising your date of
birth ).

Your numerological number is 5 and Your Life Controller is Mercury. The basic nature of
this planet is frailty and in- constancy. In fact the word mercurial is derived from it.

Despite their inconstancy they are intelligent & shrewd and they jump into fields where they
can make easy money hating the hazardous and the laborious paths. They take decisions
quickly without much aforethought. They are very greedy merchants and involved in
stockmarket dealings. They have remarkable resilience.

No crisis can shake them. Their lucky days are Wednesday Thursday and Friday. The best
days they should select for their efforts are 5, 14, 23 . Their main drawback is that they use all
their creative energy and becomes subject to nervous complaints. They are irate to a fault and
cannot face failure.

Cicero Duke of York & the Prince Of Wales were born under this number.

Personality Overview

Controller of Life ---Mercury

You are ruled by the planet which rules commerce, education and speech. As you are a
mercurian you have talent in the commercial field knowledge in many areas fine
communication ability and power of speech. This planet is truly versatile endowing you many
skills in mathematics , wisdom, music sculpture and the arts. The artistic streak in you can
take you to dizzy heights. This artistic ability will be manifest even in the business field in the
areas of publicity and ad- vertising where creativity is called for.

Your versatility will make you well liked by others. Always enterprising and dynamic you
will fit the role of the busy businessman. Pragmatic in approach and using creativity in the
field of economics you will open up many areas of busi- ness hitherto unknown with your

You are emotionally unstable given to fits of depression. Mind becomes inconstant and fickle
at times. Adversity may create havoc in your psyche.

You will shine in stockbroking and law. The speculative stock market has its enchantments
for you.

You will shine in publicity and advertising. Reading books will easily make you a scholar as
your power of imbibing concepts is truly formidable.

In Vedic Astrology, Mercury represents academic knowledge. High academic degrees are
attributable to a strongly positioned Mercury in one's natal chart. Relative scientific
knowledge, music, mathematics, sculpture & art are also his significations. Three
constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac - Epsilon Hydrae, Alpha Cancri ( Aslesha ) , Antares
( Jyeshta ) & Zeta Piscium ( Revathi ) are owned by him.
More quality information about Vedic Astrology & a FREE Astrological Analysis can be had

An Analytical Review

The zodiac sign representing your number is Gemini. People under the influence of this
zodiacal constellation are always enterprising & aggressive equipped with initiative and
entreprenauership. Their pragmatic approach to life and their dynamism make them shine in
the economic sphere. ( Do not confuse this with the Birth Sign in Astrology )

Your mercurial temparament can sometimes be a drawback. There will be emotional

upheavals, mental depressions and ruts from which you will take pains to come out.

Geminians normally are dynamic people always engaged in ent- erprising endeavours. They
are the builders of the economic base of the nation. Their enterprise and initiative always earn
laurels for them.

You are a lover of Wisdom and the arts. Sculpture, music and the humanities will attract you
in no uncertain measure.

Resilience is your forte. You can come out of any nasty situation because of your inherent
fine qualities.

Regarding health as you are always straining mentally you torment your mind and the nervous
system. This makes you pr- one to many diseases. Insomnia arthritis are common. Best
remedy to diseases are proper sleep rest and living like a recluse. The best fruits for you are
carrot oats and all types of nuts.

You should guard against illhealth and excess exercise in the months of June September and
December. During the ages of 14, 23, 32, 50, and 68 you may experience important changes
in health.

Negative Aspect

Manifests as being too intellectual ignoring the ground econo- mic realities of life. Becomes
too heavenly and intellectual. Prac- tical life which is based on Economics takes a beating as
Poetry & Philosophy mark you for their own.


Priyangu Kailka Shyamam

Roopena Prathimam Budham
Soumaym SOumaygunopetham
Tham Budham Pranathosmyaham

This sloka if recited 108 times can ward off the afflictions arising from Mercury' maleficence.
This is the moola sloka of Mercury.
In Astro-Gemmology, Mercury represents Emerald. Wearing this stone on a Shukla Paksha
Wednesday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will enhance the luck of the Fivians. The
Sanskrit text, The Jataka Chandrika assigns Emerald to Mercury .

Lucky Colour GREEN

Lucky Stone EMERALD
Lucky Days of the Week WEDNESDAY
Lucky Day 14, 5, 23
Lucky Month MAY

More information about Planetary Gemmology & a FREE Gem Prescription Report can be
had from

In Transcendental Philosophy the Number Five is considered very sacred. The Absolute Self
is enveloped by five concentric sheaths - the material, the mental, the vital, the intellectual &
the blissful. The entire Universe is composed of the Elemental Five - earth, fire, water, air &
ether. Our sensory world is relayed to us by the Five sense organs. In Sidereal Astrology the
Fifth House is important as it is one of the moral triangles. In Transcendental Meditation, the
Fifth state is the all-important Cosmic Consciousness. Five is very prominent in the
Pythagorean system. No wonder Pythogoras exulted in the mystery of the Number Five!

In the next article we will deal with the Sixians- those who are ruled by Dione or Venus
known as Freya in Norse Mythology and as Shukra in Indian Mythology.

Lesson 6
by G. Kumar

Astro-Numerology, the perfect synthesis between Astrology and Numerology, deals with the
correspondence between the nine revolving heavens and the nine numbers. It also deals with
the effect of many Numbers----the Fadic Number, the Name Number and the Birth Number
and the combined Fadic, Name and Birth Numbers. The Pythagorean Law of Vibration states
that each number has a particular vibration.

Six - ruled by the Fair Planet of Love & the Poet of the Solar Logos, Venus

Effects of Fadic Number Six

( Fadic Number is the number resulting after adding all the digits comprising your date of
birth ).

Your numerological number is 6 and you are ruled by the fair planet,Venus. Venus represents
the aesthetic element and hence your tendencies will be towards drama, music & cinema
poetry and the arts. Venus represents the poet and philosopher. Venusians love material life
and the pleasures of the mundane. Venus is defined as " the fair planet that hearteneth to love"
by Dante. Attractive to the other sex , you will be endowed with personal magnetism.
As you are under the sway of Venus, the arts will have a tremendous influence on you. Poetry
will flourish under your guidance.

You are temperamental and moody at times. Venusians are generally gentle and persevering

Your ability to talk your way through and influence people will pay large rewards as many
people will be influenced by you. The personal magnetism which you generate will be felt by
one and all.

Your best and lucky day is Friday. Venus is known as Freya in Norse Mythology and Freya's
day became Friday ( from the Latin Dies Freya and the Sanskrit Sukravar ). Friday was
consecrated to Venus.

More quality information about Astro-Numerology and a free Astro- Numerological Report
can be had from

Personality Overview

Controller of Life ---Venus

You are controlled by the planet of love Venus. Venus rules all the material and the sensual
aspects of life.

Venus rules gambling and business. Tendencies towards business will manifest during
Venusian influence. Venus inclines one to the pleasures of the senses in no uncertain degree.

Remarkable resilience is another Venusian characteristic.

The opposite sex will be attracted to you in no uncertain measure. Your good nature and
gentle habits will win the admiration of all around you.

The grace and the dignity which you are endowed with will win friends and influence people.
Your charming manners will be worthy of admiration.

Poetry and the fine arts will have a tremendous influence on your life. Venus is known as
Kavi ( poet ) and hence his tendency towards verse & the blushful Hippocrene is universally

One of your drawbacks are that you are too dominated by the senses. Your love of parties and
the sensual pleasures of life will take its toll depriving you of saintly wisdom. Your courage
in the face of adversity will be remarkable. Prosperity will grace you in middle age.

Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures is another chara- cteristic of this fair planet. Music,
cinema & dance will attract you in no uncertain measure. Love for gambling, jackpot and the
stock market will grip you at times.

Your another drawback is that you are subject to the influence of the opposite sex. Wealth,
wine and women will have their sway despite all saintly counsel.
In Vedic Astrology Venus represents Poetics, Aesthetics & Rhetoric. Research shows that
great poets have powerful Venus dominating their horoscopes. In the horoscopes of
Tennyson, Byron, Aurobindo, Omar Khayam & Tagore, Venus was well positioned in the
second house. Venus rules over three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac, 41 Arietis
( Bharani ), Delta Leonis ( Pubba ) & Delta Sagittari ( Poorvashada ).

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & a FREE Astrological Analysis can be had

An Analytical Review

The zodiac sign representing this planet is Libra ( Do not confuse this with the birth-sign in
Astrology). Librans are basically down-to-earth practical people. Libra is an earthly sign and
hence its mundane nature manifests itself as down to earth practicality.

Librans are generally all-rounders. All-round excellence in all fields is the characteristic of the

You will suffer from diseases of the stomach. Fasting on Fridays will pave the way for the
cure of many ailments.

Your materialistic outlook on life will be detrimental as far as happiness is concerned. The
best way out of this lack of ful- fillment is to indulge in yogic practices.

Librans even though love the pleasures of the mundane have a penchant for poetry and
philosophy. "A flask of wine, a book of verse and Thou singing with me in the wilderness " is
their basic philosophy.

Negative Aspect

Venus is a mundane planet giving you all the pleasures of Life. Carnal gratification of the
senses and momentary pleasures he will give you in plenty. The main spiritual aim of Life
will be thwarted and blocked by Venus. His movement is against Moksha or Self-


Hima Kunda Mrinalabham

Daithyanam Paramam Gurum
Sarva Shastra Pravartharam
Bhargavam Pranamamyaham

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions arising from Venus. This is
the moola sloka of Venus.

In Astro-Gemmology, Venus represents Diamond. Wearing this stone on a Shukla Paksha

Friday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will enhance the luck of the Sixians. The Sanskrit
text, The Jataka Chandrika assigns Diamond to Venus.
Lucky Colour Green
Lucky Stone Diamond
Lucky Days of the Week Friday
Lucky Day 15, 6, 24
Lucky Month June

If you wear these stones and colours as per the dictums of Astro-Numerology you stand to
benefit a great deal.

Please wear Diamond on Friday in the bright fortnight. Green should be worn at important

More information about Planetary Gemmology & a FREE Gem Prescription Report can be
had from

In Transcendental Philosophy the Number Six is considered very sacred. The sixth state of
Consciousness in Transcendental Meditation is the Glorified state of Cosmic Consciousness
or God Consciousness. Six main sciences and six auxiliary sciences constitute Indian
Philosophy. Astrology,grammar,science of definition ( Nirukta ), Phonetics, Poetics &
Rhetoric are the six subsidiary sciences. Yoga, Vedanta, Sankhya, Poorva Mimamsa,
Vaisesika & Logic ( Nyaya ) are the six main sciences. In the Supramental Dialectic, the sixth
principle is the all important Chit-Shakti ( the knowledge aspect of Being ).

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from

Astro-Numerology & Religion

The Bible assigns 666 as the number of the Anti-Christ and 888 as the number of Christ.
When we add 8 + 8 +8 , we get the Fadic Number 6, which is a Venusian number. The planet
of Love , in other words, repre- sents the prophet of Love, Jesus. Lord Krishna in the Geetha
says " Among the poets, I am Venus " ( " Kaveenam Usano Kavih" ).

In the next article we will deal with the Sevenians - those who are ruled by the South Node
( Ketu ) or the Ascending Node of the Moon.

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