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September 27, 2010

• FF – Why do hurricanes travel from east to

west during most of their lives?

• EQ: How can I predict weather conditions or

patterns based on data collected from direct
observations and measurements?

• HW- 4 square vocabulary (isobar, isotherm)

Station Model
Direct Observations and Measurements
• Meteorologist – a scientist who studies weather and
• Basic weather conditions can be observed and/or
measured or obtained from meteorologists at
national weather data collection sites.
• In order to make weather predictions, the data should
be collected on a regular basis over a period of time.
• This allows for the development of patterns in
weather conditions from the analysis of the data.
Weather Tools
Weather Tools
Weather Tools
Direct Observations/Measurements

• Cloud Types
• Wind (Direction and Speed)
• Temperature
• Change in Temperature
• Cloud Cover
• Precipitation Type and Amount
• Pressure
• Humidity
Weather Stations
Florence Airport Weather Station

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