Fig Lang Student Teacher

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 and  Simile  
What  is  a  Metaphor?  

What  is  a  Simile?  

The  definition  of  Metaphor:    A  figure  of  speech  
which  involves  a  comparison  between  two  
unlike  things  using  a  form  of  “to  be”  (is,  are,  
was  ,were).  
Example:  The  amount  of  homework  I’m  getting  
is  piling  up  to  the  heights  of  a  skyscraper  .  

Example  from  As  you  Like  it:    All  the  world  is  a  stage,    
And  all  the  men  and  women  merely  actors;    
They  have  their  exits  and  their  entrances;  

What  is  being  compared  in  these  two  sentences?  

The  definition  of  Simile:    A  figure  of  speech  
which  involves  a  comparison  between  two  
unlike  things  using  either  “like”  or  “as”.  

Example  from  “Dragon,  Dragon”:  The  cobbler's  

youngest  son  began  to  tremble  so  violently  that  
his  armor  rattled  like  a  house  caving  in  (441).  
Example  from  “Breaker’s  Bridge”:  On  the  other  
side  of  the  gorge,  the  many  trees  of  the  palace  
looked  like  a  dark-­‐green  sea  (394).  

What  is  being  compared  in  these  two  sentences?  

Practice  making  metaphors:  
The  grey  giant’s  rushed  steps  were…  

The  specks  of  green  on  the  mountain  side  


The  brain,  with  its  rapid  processes,  is…    

Practice  making  similes:  
The  chunks  of  white  chocolate  among  the  
dark  is  like…  

Coming  up  from  the  depths,  the  creature  rose  as  

fast  as…    

The  ashes  were  falling  like…  

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