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Magnetic therapy For Health And Cheer

Magnetic Therapy – An Introduction

From prehistoric times, magnetic therapy has been put to use by people for good health and reduce
body aches. Healing potential of magnets has always been debated by doctors but people who use it
have found it exceedingly instrumental in reducing their ache and supporting superb sleep. As people
are always looking for robust treatments without side effects, magnetic therapy has become preferred
among the common people.

Origins of Magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy products have been used from prehistoric times as they have been attributed to a
bunch of health benefits. People of the modern day prefer to have an efficient and non-surgical method
of treatment for their maladies.

People look for an organic solution

As technology and medical advancements gallop, we find that the side-effects to some of the recent
treatment methods are also on the increase. It is not surprising then that most people aspire to get a
cure for their health disorders through alternative therapy without any side effects.

What do magnets do?

Magnetic therapy is an effective yet efficient method of alternative treatment. From the distant past, it
has been used to alleviate many kinds of joint pain in the human body such as arthritic pain, sciatic pain
and fibromyalgia.

It is common method to apply heat packs to the body segment or joint that is aching and swollen.
Magnets also direct warmth alongwith improved blood circulation, so they are used to relieve body
pains and inflammation. Inflammation (Latin, inflammare, to set on fire) is part of the complex biological
response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants.

Magnets aid in production of melatonin, the sleep hormone by activating the pineal glands, so sleeping
on a magnetic mattress pad is believed to improve sleep quality and reduce restlessness of sleep.

Magnetic Therapy – Reliable Alternative Treatment

Non-surgical technique

The remedial capability of magnets has been experienced by people although the medical fraternity has
yet to endorse its healing effects on the human body. But hope is within reach, with the FDA likely to
recognize magnetic therapy. But presently we have to depend on the high success rate espoused by
users of magnetic therapy products.
Magnetic therapy products occur in variety of forms such as jewelry like bracelets, necklaces and rings,
magnetic mattress products as in magnetic mattress pads and magnetic mattress toppers and
accessories such as magnetic car seat cushions, magnetic insoles and magnetic wraps.

A uniform distribution of powerful healing magnets in the magnetic therapy products makes them
effective in addressing pain alleviation issues. Magnet strength is an essential factor in determining the
performance of the product. Magnetic mattress pads and toppers enjoy an advantage in that the whole
body comes in direct contact with the magnets that are sewn into the mattress pads.

Magnetic therapy products ( in the

form of Woolrest BioMag magnetic mattress pads and toppers made from supreme Downs wool take
comfort levels to the next level and provide drug free pain relief and a great night’s sleep.

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