Pure Biology TYS Unit 2.5A

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Structured Qn 1a

Pure Biology
TYS Unit 2.5A Diaphragm must appear dome-shaped, base of
Respiration: Gaseous Exchange
diaphragm must be at the base of ribcage.

Structured Qn 1bi
•  Balloons will inflate [1/2]
•  When the rubber sheet is pulled down, the
volume inside the bell jar increases,
decreasing the pressure;
•  Surrounding air outside the jar has a higher
pressure and moves into the balloons [1/2]

Structured Qn 1bii Structured Qn 2

•  Walls of the bell jar are rigid and do not (a) A: Alveolus
move while the ribs move during breathing;
• B: Capillary
•  Rubber sheet does not arch upwards while
diaphragm arches upwards during • C: Red blood cell
expiration; (b) During inhalation:
•  Balloons representing the lungs consist of • External intercostal muscles contract
only 1 chamber each while the lungs have • Ribs rise
many alveoli;


Structured Qn 2c Structured Qn 2d
• The molecule of oxygen dissolves in the layer •  There would be no change in the % oxygen in
of moisture lining the wall of the alveolus; inspired air which remains at 20.5% [1/2]
•  But the % oxygen in expired air would increase from
• The molecule then diffuses across the one-cell 16.5% to a higher value (but lower than 20.5%) [1/2]
thick alveolar wall and one-cell thick
endothelium (capillary wall) down a •  This is because a person who has an iron deficiency
concentration gradient; might develop anaemia, as iron is required for
haemoglobin synthesis;
• The molecule then enters into blood plasma, •  A decrease in haemoglobin levels would mean less
diffuses into the cytoplasm of the red blood cell oxygen would be taken up into the blood from inspired
(E) and binds reversibly with haemoglobin; air in the alveoli, leading to a higher % of oxygen in
expired air;

Structured Qn 3 Structured Qn 3c
• (a) 5 x (60/20) = 15 breaths/min • (i) The volume of air is increasing from 2 dm3 to 2.5 dm3
across a period of 2 seconds;
• (b)(i) C and E • (ii) The increase in volume of air is due to inhalation, in
which the external intercostal muscles contract and the
• (b)(ii) Points C and E marks the end of internal intercostal muscles relax;
exhalation and inhalation respectively, • causing the ribs to swing upwards and outwards [1/2]
where there is no change in volume of air in • The diaphragm contracts, and flattens [1/2]
• This increases volume of the thoracic cavity and
the lungs, indicating an equal pressure in
pressure drops [1/2]
the lungs compared to pressure in the • Lungs expand and pressure in the lungs decreases
surrounding air; below pressure in surrounding air;
• Air outside the body rushes/drawn into the lungs [1/2]

Structured Qn 3d
Breathing: Summary
• Line extends for 12 seconds on the graph
External  • Should have a higher frequency & volume


Structured Qn 4 Structured Qn 4

Some candidates drew several arrows for
both oxygen and carbon dioxide and
sometimes lost marks through carelessly
leaving one of the oxygen arrows just short
of a red blood cell, or simply ending in the

Essay Qn 1a Essay Qn 1b
• Layer of moisture that is secreted by the cells of • The lining of the trachea has:
the alveolar wall, that allow gases in the air to • C-shaped rings of cartilage that enable it to stay
dissolves in to facilitate diffusion; open to conduct air;
• One-cell thick alveolar wall reduces diffusion • Gland cells in its lining that secrete mucus which
distance for faster diffusion of oxygen and helps to trap dust & foreign particles in the air;
carbon dioxide; • And cilia in its lining that sweep the mucus
• Large surface area to allow faster diffusion; or containing the particles up to the pharynx;

• Richly supplied with blood to maintain diffusion


Essay Qn 2a Essay Qn 2a
• i) The Diaphragm
• ii) Between the ribs are 2 sets of antagonistic muscles –
• A dome-shaped sheet of muscle & elastic tissue, the external & internal intercostal muscles
separating the thorax from the abdomen;
• During inhalation, the muscles contract, the diaphragm • During inhalation, the external intercostal muscles
flattens downwards; increasing the volume of the contract and internal intercostal muscles relax;
thoracic cavity [1/2]
• During exhalation, the muscles relax, the diaphragm • Ribs swing upwards and outwards [1/2]
arches upwards; again to reduce the volume of the
thoracic cavity [1/2] • During exhalation, the external intercostal muscles relax
and internal intercostal muscles contract;

• Ribs swing downwards and inwards [1/2]


Essay Qn 2b Essay Qn3

• Cilia lines the trachea and sweeps the mucus; • One method of study is to track non-smokers and
containing the dust/foreign particles up to the smokers over a length of time (retrospective case
pharynx; studies) to verify the correlation between smoking
and risk of getting lung cancer. The studies can
also be differentiated between the numbers of
cigarettes smoked to establish whether heavier
smoking increases the risk of lung cancer.
• Another method is to study whether the chemicals
contained in cigarette smoke have carcinogenic

Essay Qn 4
Carbon Monoxide binds readily and irreversibly to
Haemoglobin. reducing the ability of Hb to bind with

The oxygen carrying capacity of maternal blood is

reduced hence reducing the supply of oxygen to the
foetus via the placenta;
Pure Biology
Insufficient oxygen hinders cell metabolism and
hence tissue growth, leading to compromise of child’s TYS Unit 2.5B
development; Respiration II
Vague answers such as “hinder child’s development” or “suffocate baby”
not advised, be specific in naming the effect on a biological process.

Structured Question 1 1b(iv)

iv) After strenuous exercise, the body incurs an
i)  71-20 = 51 cm3/kg/min oxygen debt as the oxygen demand exceeded the
oxygen uptake during exercise. [1]
The most common error was to give
incomplete units, such as ‘cm 3 ’, although some Oxygen levels remain high after exercise as
misread the value as 50, rather than 51. oxygen is used to oxidise some lactic acid to
produce energy to convert the rest of the lactic acid
ii) 55-15 = 40 mins accumulated to glucose. [1]

iii) Anaerobic respiration Comments: Candidates, having already been awarded the oxygen
debt mark, often went on to describe how the debt was created, rather
than answering the question posed, by explaining why the additional
oxygen was needed after the exercise. The more able candidates who
did this, often gave an excellent and detailed explanation as to the fate
of lactic acid.


Unit 2.5B Essay Qn 1 Unit 2.5B Essay Qn 1

 Anaerobic respiration refers to the

 In yeast, anaerobic respiration produces
processes occurring in living cells;
ethanol and carbon dioxide;
 Which involves the breakdown of food for
 In skeletal muscle in man, anaerobic
the release of energy (as ATP);
respiration produces lactic acid;
 In the absence of Oxygen;
 As the products of anaerobic respiration
are more complex; than those produced
during aerobic respiration, only a small
amount of energy is released;

Unit 2.5B Essay Qn 2 Unit 2.5B Essay Qn 2

• ai) The body uses energy for active • aii) Anaerobic respiration does not require
transport processes like absorbing the presence of oxygen whereas aerobic
important food molecules in the small respiration requires oxygen.
intestine against a concentration gradient.
• Anaerobic respiration produces a small
• Another important process where energy amount of energy whereas aerobic
is used in the synthesis of new protoplasm respiration produces a large amount of
to make new cells (synthesis of complex energy.

Unit 2.5B Essay Qn 2 Unit 2.5B Essay Qn 2

• b) During a sprint race, there is a very high • During a long distance race, the pace is much
demand for oxygen by respiring muscle tissue. slower than a sprint and so the rate of oxygen
The rate of breathing as well as the heart rate demand is much less though oxygen is will be
cannot provide sufficient oxygen to these required for a longer period of time. Thus, the
muscles. Thus, muscle tissue must rely on heart rate and rate of breathing can provide
anaerobic respiration to provide the energy sufficient oxygen to the aerobically respiring
required by the muscle. However, the amount of muscles. This allows the runner to run for a
energy can only be provided for a short period of much longer period of time as lactic acid and
time as lactic acid builds up and oxygen debt oxygen debt build up is much slower. (Aerobic is
occurs. (Anaerobic is the primary not exclusive, the primary not exclusive, metabolic system to
metabolic system to support high intensity but support lower intensity but longer duration work)
short duration work)

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