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Absolutism- One person holds complete and total power

Capitalism- An economic system based on private ownership and the investment of money in
business ventures in the hopes of making a profit
Communism- All property and industries are owned by the people and everything is shared
Enlightenment- A movement during the 1700’s that tried to apply science and reason the all
aspects of society
Industrialization- Industries are created to make manufactured goods
Imperialism- Empire Building
Mercantilism- Nations power is based on its wealth
Predestination- The Calvinistic belief that God predestines those who will be saved
Reformation- A movement of reform
Renaissance- A rebirth of the arts and sciences in Europe
Socialism- The factors of production are owned by the government and are (supposedly) working
for the greater good
Urbanization- Movement from rural areas to cities
Utilitarianism- Every aspect of life is judged by its usefulness to the greatest number of people
Adam Smith- “wealth of nations”, Invisible Hand, Capitalism
Columbus- Sailing to Asia, discovers America
De Gama- First man to sail from Portugal to India
Dias- First man to sail around the southern tip of Africa
Elizabeth I- Very influential British Monarch
Magellan- First man to sail around the world
Cortez- Conquered the Aztecs
Pizzarro- Conquered the Incas
Spencer- Social Darwinist
Calvin- T.U.L.I.P.
Locke- Leviathan
John Stuart Mill- Utilitarian philosopher
Marx- Communism
Louis XIV- Incredibly powerful and rich French king, the sun king, Versailles
Louis XVI- Revolution
Luther- Starts the Reformation
Montesquieu- The Spirit of Laws, Checks and balances
Napoleon- nearly dominated world
Hobbes- Absolute Monarchy, Social contract
Jefferson- Natural rights, declaration of independence
Voltaire- Freedom of speech
Wycliffe- Jesus Christ is true head of the church
Huss- Bible is higher than the Pope
Joan of Arc- Savior of France- Maid of Orleans
William the conqueror- Conquered Normandy
Richard the Lionhearted- English King during the crusades
Saladin- Richard’s enemy during the crusades who later became his friend
Philip II- Very powerful king of Spain
Henry Ford- Assembly line
Alexander Graham Bell- Telephone
Marconi- Wireless telegraph
Edison- Light bulb, Stock ticker
Benthum- Father of utilitarianism

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