Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


This chapter contains a compilation of literary citations

accredited to published works that provide the theoretical foundation

for the topic which this study intends to expound.

Foreign Literature

The aims of nursing education principally center on the

transmission of nursing knowledge, and assisting nursing students

to acquire the necessary skills and attitudes associated with

nursing practice. As with professional preparation generally,

nursing education encompasses the three domains of learning, the

cognitive, the affective, and the psychomotor. One way to enhance

nursing education is to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching in

nursing education programs. An interest in evaluating teaching

effectiveness has increased over time and acceptance of the need

to evaluate teaching has continued to grow. Defining what we mean

by effective teaching, however, presents a challenge to the


In Qualities of Effective Teachers, Stronge (2002)

synthesizes research to identify specific teacher behaviors that
contribute to student achievement. Rather than look at outside

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