Family Income Running Head: Total Family Income

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Family Income

Running head: Total Family Income

Exercise 4
Total Family Income by Marital Status
Duane Cruse
SOWK 300
Tuskegee University
September 29, 2010
The purpose of this data is to explain total family income by marital status as it relates to men
VS women. The variables that are used are Married, Widowed, Divorced, Separate, and Never
Married. Research shows about 24.2 percentage of couples make 24,999 or less. Divorced, there
are about 58.7 that makes 24,999 or less. Ultimately, widowed has the highest percentage of
those who make 24,999 or less.
Table 1

INCOME4 Total Family Increase by Marital Status

R’s Marital Status


INCOME Married Widowed Divorced Separate Never Married Row Total

24,999 or 24.2 66.7 59.7 62.5 46.5 39.0


25,000 to 21.3 10.3 18.8 17.5 23.4 20.0

39, 999

40,000 to 20.4 3.0 13.1 2.5 11.9 15.3


60,000 or 34.2 20.0 9.4 17.5 18.2 25.6

Column 100.1 100 101 100 100 99.9
(N) (795) (165) (213) (40) (286) (19.1)
INCOME4 Total Family Increase by Marital Status

R’s Marital Status


Female Respondents

INCOME Married Widowed Divorced Separate Never Married Row Total

24,999 or
less 24.3 59.7 59.4 67.7 48.6 42.0
25,000 to
39,999 20.4 9.7 17.4 12.9 22.2 18.3
40,000 to
59,999 19.7 3.0 13.8 3.2 4.9 13.0
60,000 or
more 35.7 21.6 9.4 16.1 24.3 26.7
Total 100.1 94 100 99.9 100 100
(N) (412) (134) (138) (31) (144) (859)

Male Respondents

INCOME Married Widowed Divorced Separate Never Married Row Total

24,999 or
less 24.0 71.0 57.3 44.4 44.4 35.0
25,000 to
39,999 22.2 12.9 21.3 33.3 24.6 22.3
40,000 to
59,999 21.1 3.2 12.2 19.0 18,4
60,000 or
more 32.5 12.9 9.3 22.2 12.0 24.2
Total 99.8 100 100.1 99.9 100 99.9
(N) (383) (31) (75) (9) (142) (640)

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