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Spring 2010(Jan-June)

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3

MU0001 – Manpower Planning and Resourcing - 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0816)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Elaborate on the Human Resource cost accounting method along with its merits and

limitations [10]

Q.2 Discuss the steps in Manpower Planning. [10]

Q.3 Healwell Pharma Company has been functioning for the last 15 years. The company
decided to computerize the office 7 years ago. Now it has decided to use the application of
information system in HRM.

Suggest how and in what activities they could use the information system.

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3

MU0001 – Manpower Planning and Resourcing - 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0816)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 What is scenario planning? Explain [10]

Q.2 Discuss the different elements of Talent Management [10]

Q.3 Due to the recent recession, FinPlus Finance company has to downsize the current
employees. In this scenario what are the responsibility of an HR professional?. What kind of
plan can they prepare?. [10]

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