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Submitted by:
Ellora Sen, Rahil Zafar, Sushmit Kaur,
Mahendra Tripathi, Rahul Mishra,
Meenakshi Sinha


All of us are aware that employees need to be motivated in an

organization. Motivation is that process wherein the person are made
to recognize their needs, for the realization, hard work in the interests
of the enterprise.
To motivate is to induce people to act in a desired manner. The
efficiency of a person depends on two factors, firstly-the level of ability
to do a certain work and secondly-the willingness to do the work. So far
as the first factor is concerned, it can be acquired by education and
training, while the second factor can be created by motivation.
The need for motivation arises due to high level of performance, low
employees turnover and absenteeism, easy acceptance of
organizational changes, good human relation, good image of
organization and for building good relations among employees.
Time Scheduled Programme
10:00a.m - 11:00a.m MOA-B test
11:00a.m – 12:45p.m Discussions on Motivational Concepts
Reward and Reinforcement
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
12:45p.m – 1:30p.m LUNCH BREAK
1:30p.m – 3:15p.m Session on Theories of Motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Alderfer’s ERG Theory
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
3;15p.m – 3:30p.m TEA-BREAK
3:30p.m – 5:30p.m Session on Controlling and
Applications of Motivation

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