Apps DBA Questions

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1. What are Ad utilities?

Ad utilities stand for the application DBA utilities. These are a set of tools used for
installing, up gradating, maintaining and patching Oracle Applications. There are around
15 Ad utilities, which are shipped along with Oracle Applications.

2. What is maintenance mode and how to enable/disable the same?

Maintenance mode is a feature which is introduced in 11.5.10. For doing any

maintenance activity in the application system like applying patches, the maintenance
mode needs to be enabled in the application system. It can be enabled/disabled using the
adutility adadmin. In the adadmin main menu, there is an option ‘Change Maintenance
Mode’ which is used for changing the maintenance mode.

3. What is the log file location for all the Ad utilities?

The default log file location for all the Ad utilities is $APPL_TOP/admin/
$TWO_TASK/log. The log file is in the format <adutility_name>.log. For example the
log file of the adadmin will have the name adadmin.log.

4. What is adadmin and why is it used?

Adadmin (Ad administration) is used to perform a number of administrative tasks to

maintain the Oracle Applications. Adadmin ensure that Oracle Applications run
The Adadmin performs two types of works – one which is performed at database level
and other which is performed at the file system level. The users are requires to provided
all the inputs at the Adadmin prompt which normally involves choosing from the various
options from the Adadmin menu. This doesn’t mean that Adadmin can’t be used non-
interactively. You can run some task non-interactively also and this is really useful for
scheduling routine tasks that require little or no user intervention.

5. Can adadmin be scheduled to run in a non-interactive mode?

Yes, adadmin can be scheduled to run at a later time in a non-interactive mode.

6. How is adadmin run in a non-interactive mode?

To run adadmin in non-interactive mode, you must at first create a defaults file. Once the
defaults file is created, you can run the adadmin in non-interactive mode using this file.
To create a defaults file, specify defautlsfile= <filename> at the Ad Administration
command line. The defaults file must be located under APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>.
$adadmin defaultsfile=APPL_TOP/admin/emstest/default.txt

In order to choose which task the defaults file will run, you add menu_option=<menu
choice> to the utility start command. For example,

7. What options are available in the adadmin main menu?

The following options are available in the adadmin main menu.

AD Administration Main Menu
. Generate Applications Files menu

. Maintain Applications Files menu

. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu

. Change Maintenance Mode

. Exit AD Administration
8. What are the adadmin activities that can be run in a parallel way?

The following adadmin tasks are supported to be run in parallel mode.

• Recreate grants and synonyms

• Compile APPS schema

• Maintain multiple reporting currencies schema

• Convert to Multi-org

• Generate message files

• Generate form files

• Generate report files

9. Which options of adadmin can and cannot be run in a non-interactive way?

Starting form AD.I all the options of the adadmin can be run in non-interactive way.

10. Do Ad utilities support the help option?

Yes, starting from AD.I all Ad utilities support the “help” option. The help can be
invoked by typing
<AD Utility name> help=y
The only exception to this is admrgpch that takes –help option.

11. What does the option generate message files do in adadmin?

This is the first option in the menu if adadmin. This option takes care if generating all the
Oracle message files. Oracle Application uses these files to display messages. This task
generates message binary files (extension .msb) from Oracle Application library tables.
Once this option is selected, it asks a couple of questions like the number of workers for
parallel processing and the list of products for which the message files need to be
12. How can you regenerate all the forms files using adadmin and what does it do

The generate forms files option of adadmin takes care of generating the forms files
(extension .fmx) from binary forms definition files (extension .fmb). These binary forms
definition files are normally located at $AU_TOP, and the executables files are stored
under each product’s directory. Oracle Applications use the binary form files to display
data entry forms. Like the previous option, this option also asks for a couple of questions
before generating the forms. This task should be performed anytime you have issues with
a form or a set of forms.

13. You have accidentally deleted the environment file. How can you recreate it?

You can recreate the environment file by using the option create applications file from
adadmin. This option creates an environment file that defines your system configuration.
It prompts for Oracle Applications environment name.

14. In adadmin there is an option validate APPS schema. What does it mean and what
does it do?

Validating APPS schema means verifying the integrity of the APPS schema. It checks
whether the apps schema has proper roles and privileges or not. It determines the
problems you must fix specific to APPS schema as well as the problems you must fix not
specific to the APPS schema. This task produces a report named <APPS schema name>.
1st which is located at $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/out.
Validation of the APPS schema is in turn taken care by a SQL script advrfapp.sql. The
location of the same is $AD_TOP/admin/sql. The same script can also be run from the sql

15. How do you recreate the grants and the synonyms for the APPS schema?

The recreation of the grants and the synonyms in the APPS schema can be done using the
option recreate grants and synonym for the APPS schema available in the adadmin. This
task takes care of recreating grants and synonyms for APPLSYSPUB, recreates grants in
some packages from SYSTEM to APPS and recreating grants and synonyms for APPS
Each product’s data objects are created in its own schema (such as the GL schema) but
the user accesses all the data objects through the APPS schema, therefore the APPS
schema must have the appropriate grants and synonyms for those objects.

This task runs two SQL files:

• Runs $FND_top/admin/sql/afpub.sql to set up grants and synonyms for the Applications
Public Schema (APPLSYSPUB by default)

• Runs $AD_TOP/admin.sql/adappsgs.pls for every Oracle Applications base product


16. What is the significance of the DUAL table? Who owns this table and how many
rows it should have?

The DUAL table is created automatically by Oracle along with the data dictionary. It is
located in the schema of SYS. It has one column named DUMMY of type VARCHAR2
and contains one row with a value of ‘X’. In case it has more than one row, application
system may not function properly.

17. What is ad splice? What does it do?

Oracle often releases new products after the base release of Oracle Applications. These
products are known as off cycle products. Ad splice is the utility which takes care of
incorporating and off cycle product into Oracle Applications so that it is recognized by
the ad utilities as a valid Oracle Application product. Ad splice registers off cycle
products as active in the system and as a result the ad utilities recognize the off cycle
products as valid product for a specific release. Then you can use adpatch to install the
product’s component file system and database object.

18. What does ad splice set up?

Ad splice sets up the following:

• The product’s database account

• The product’s physical location <PRODUCT>_TOP

• Logical $<PRODUCT>_TOP – need to run the created environment file afterwards

19. What are the three files which ad splice requires at the time of splicing?

The three files are newproducts.txt, <prod>prod.txt and <prod>terr.txt, where <prod>
refers to the product name.

20. Explain the significance of the ad splice control files.

Ad splice requires two types of control files.

• Product definition file: There are two product definition files per sliced product
(prod_name)prod.txt which contains language independent information for product and
(prod_name)terr.txt which contains language dependent information for the product.
Since both of the files define the product and the associated language, these files must not
be edited. The ad splice control files must be copied to the APPL_TOP/admin directory.

• Product configuration file: The product configuration newprods.txt file contains all the
parameters which are required to splice a new product.

The following is the given entry from the newprods.txt

The entries are discussed below.

• Product: This is the new product which will be spliced by ad splice. So, this entry
should not be edited.

• Base_product_top: This is the base directory which contains the new product which is
normally the APPL_TOP.

• Oracle_schema: This identifies the Oracle schema where the database objects for this
product are created. This should be the same as product name.

• Sizing factor: This is the sizing factor which the Oracle Applications use when creating
the tables and index for this product. The default value of 100 refers to 100% which
means that the objects are created with the defaults size as determined by Oracle and the
default value is recommended.
• Main_tspace: This is the default tablespace for the product.

• Index_tspace: This is the default index tablespace for the product.

• Temp_tspace: This is the tablespace for the Oracle schema’s temporary segments, for
example, TEMP.

• Default_tspace: It specifies the default tablespace where this product’s objects are

21. What is distributed AD?

Distributed AD is introduced after AD.H which allows workers processing to be

distributed across multiple nodes. This can be used only on the application systems that
are using a shared application tier file system. For example, to run an AutoPatch session
with a total of nine workers, say four workers on the local node and five workers on a
remote node, distributed AD can be used.

22. What is the advantage of distributed AD?

With distributed AD, the workers can utilize the additional resources of the remote nodes
where they are running apart from the primary node. This capability improves scalability,
performance, and resource utilization and completion of worker in a faster time.

23. What is maintaining snapshot information and how can it be done?

Basically, there are two types of snapshots: APPL_TOP snapshot and global snapshot.
An APPL_TOP snapshot lists patches and versions of files in the APPL_TOP. A global
snapshot lists patches and latest versions of files in the entire applications system (that is
across all APPL_TOP). Both APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots may be either
current view snapshot is created once and updated to maintain a consistent view. A
named view snapshot is a copy of the current view snapshot at a particular time (not
necessarily the latest current view snapshot) and is not updated.
A complete current view snapshot is required for automatic prerequisite patch checking
to operate. During the installation, RapidInstall created a current snapshot as a baseline.
And, each time you run AutoPatch; it automatically creates a new (updated) snapshot so
that the information is current as of the application of the patch.
The same can be done using the adadmin utility.

24. Which ad utility is used to restart the failed workers?

For restarting the failed workers the utility adctrl is used.

25. What is the hidden option in adctrl?

The eighth and last option is adctrl is the hidden option. It’s used for skipping and
restarting the failed workers.

26. Explain briefly the different status of the workers.

Following are the different status of workers:

The manager assigned a job to the worker.

The worker completed the job

The worker has encountered a problem and has failed.

Fixed, Restarted
You fixed the problem and the failed job has restarted.

The worker has restarted a job.

The worker is running a job.

The worker is idle.

27. Can adctrl be run in non-interactive way? If yes, how?

Yes, adctrl can be in a non-interactive way exactly in the same way it runs for adadmin.
The same defaults file which is used for the adadmin can also be used for running adctrl
in non-interactive manner. Only the menu option needs to be added for running the adctrl
in case same defaults file is used. If you want to
create a new defaults file then the same can be created exactly in the same way as created
for adadmin.

Given below is the example of running adctrl in non-interactive mode:

adctrl interactive=n\
menu_option=SHOW_STATUS \

The menu option for the defaults file for adctrl is listed below:

Tell manager that a worker acknowledges quit

Tell manager that a worker failed its job

Tell worker to restart a failed job

Show worker status

Tell worker to quit

Restart a worker on the current machine

28. What is adrelink and why is it used?

Adrelink is the executable which is used to relink ad executables with Oracle product
libraries contained within the Oracle Applications Technology Stack Oracle_Home. All
product executables can be linked using the relink application executables menu on the
adadmin maintain application files submenu except an ad executable which has to be
manually relinked using ad relink. Normally programs that need to be updated after a
patch are automatically relinked by AutoPatch.

29. What is the force=y option while using the

The option force=y will relink the executables regardless the status of the libraries or the
object files. Force=n will relink only if the libraries or object files are some recent than
the current executable program.

30. What is ODF comparison utility and how is it used?

The object description file comparison utility is known as adodfcmp. Each Oracle
application product is made up of one or more building blocks. For example, journal
entry is one building block of Oracle General Ledger. There is an object descriptor file
(ODF) describing the tables, views, indexes, sequences and privilege sets for the
particular building block.
The ODF comparison utility compares an ODF with the database objects in an Oracle
account, detects any differences in database structure, and runs SQL
statements to remove the differences, so that the objects in the account will match the
descriptions in the ODF file. The ODF comparison utility is used to compare the data
model of a customer’s data to a standard set of data model files form the current Oracle
application release. It can optionally modify the database to match the standard data
model. ODF comparison compares the building block to the ODF.

1. What is cloning and why is cloning of an instance required?

Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of the Oracle application system.
Cloning of application system is required due to following reasons:
• Creating a test copy of your production system before up gradation

• To test some patches

• Periodically refreshing a test system from your production system in order to keep the
test system up-to-date

• Creating a development copy of your environment to be used by the developers

• Moving an existing system to a different machine

2. How many types of cloning are available?

There are two types of cloning methods available for Oracle Applications. One is adclone
and other is rapidclone.

3. What is the difference between adclone and rapidclone?

Adclone is an Oracle provided utility to clone application system. This utility is used to
clone application system for release 11.5.1 to 11.5.5 for system which are not autoconfig
enabled, whereas rapidclone is used for those system which are autoconfig enabled.

4. What are the steps involved in adclone?

Adclone involves four simple steps:

• Running rapid install

• Copying the source database

• Copying the source application file system

• Updating the configuration information

5. What is rapidclone?

Rapid clone is the new cloning utility which is used for autoconfig enabled environments.
Rapid clone leverages the new installation and configuration technology utilized by

6. How do I determine if my application system is autoconfig enabled or not?

There are a couple of ways to check if the environment is autoconfig enabled or not. You
can check your environment in the following ways:
• Open the environment file APPLSYS.env or APPSORA.env in your APPL_TOP. If the
top of the file says that it is maintained by autoconfig, then your system is probably using
autoconfig. Apart from those files, opening any other important configuration files gives
the information this file is managed by autoconfig if your application system is
maintained by autoconfig.

• Check for the applications context file in the APPL_TOP/admin directory. This file will
typically be named <SID>,xml or <SID>_<HOSTNAME>.xml. If the application system
is autoconfig enabled there will be a corresponding xml file

• Check for the applications context file in the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME under the
appsutil directory. This file will typically be named <SID>.xml or
<SID>_<HOSTNAME>.xml. If the application system is autoconfig enabled there will
be a corresponding xml file

7. I have the context file in the APPL_TOP admin directory and all my configuration files
also say that the application system is managed by autoconfig but when I login to the
database server I am not able to see the context file. Is my application system really
autoconfig enabled?

It means that autoconfig is not enabled in the database tier. You need to enable the
autoconfig in the database tier also.

8. Can I clone an application system from one operating system to another?

Yes, you can do a cloning from one platform to another as long as the target application
system platform is binary compatible with the source system platform. For example, you
can do a cloning from a lower version of Solaris to higher version of Solaris but not from
Solaris to Windows. Also with in a same platform, you can clone from a 32bit source
system to a 64bit target system.

9. My source and target platforms have different binaries. Say I have AIX platform in the
source and I want the target platform in Linux. Is there any way I can clone the
Yes, you can clone or migrate the application system from any platform to Linux or any
supported Unix platform. For doing this, you need to refer the metalink note migrating to
Linux within Oracle Applications.

10. Is it possible to clone from a single node installation to a multiple node installation?

Yes, you can clone a single node installation to a multiple node installation using the
rapid clone.

11. Explain briefly the steps to clone from a single node to a multi-node cloning?

Once the database cloning is over, the next step is to login to the APPL_TOP as the
owner of application file system viz, applmgr and run the from the
COMMAN_TOP/clone bin. While running, it asks “Does the target system
have more than one application tier server node”. Enter yes. Then it prompts for the
target system’s concurrent processing node, admin node, forms node and the Web node.
Fill in node details from where you want these processes to run. It then prompts for the
various mount point details and creates the context file for you. Follow the same process
form all the nodes.

12. You have a multi-node shared APPL_TOP. Explain briefly the cloning process for
the same.

If you have a shared APPL_TOP then apart from running the you also need
to run “ sharedappltop” for sharing the APPL_TOP from all the nodes. In
this case, you need to run only from the first node and you can create the
context file using the in the other nodes by giving the reference to the XML
file of the first node. Then you need to run the form
$FND_TOP/patch/115/bin which will create the 8.0.6 and iAS Config Home for your
application system.

13. Can you clone a multi-node APPL_TOP to a single node APPL_TOP? Explain
briefly the process for the same.

Yes, you can clone a single node APPL_TOP form a multi-node APPL_TOP. For this,
you have to merge multiple APPL_TOP and COMMAN_TOP files system into a single
APPL_TOP and COMMAN_TOP. For doing the same, the first step would be to login to
each application tier node and run the ‘maintain snapshot task’ from the adadmin. Once
done, login to one of the APPL_TOP and run the for merging the
APPL_TOP. The same can be run using the command:

$ cd <COMMAN_TOP>/admin/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>
$perl apps Tier merge

Once done, you need to login to the other nodes and run the for merging all
the APPL_TOP’s but from the other nodes the command would be different.

Login as the APPLMGR user to each of the secondary nodes being merged and run:

$ cd <COMMAN_TOP>/admin/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>

$ perl appltop merge

For creating a clone of the multi-node APPL_TOP to a single node APPL_TOP you need
to merge all the multi-node APPL_TOPs to a single APPL_TOP. You can merge all the
APPL_TOPs together in a separate mount point so that the source application system is
not affected with the clone.

Copy the following directories from the first node to the place you want to create the
merged APPL_TOP.

<OA_HTML> (when this directory exists)
<COMMAN_TOP>/_pages (when this directory exists)

Form the other APPL_TOPs recursively copy:

Directory <COMMAN_TOP>/clone/appl


Directory <COMMAN_TOP>/clone/appl on the merged APPL_TOP

Configure the merged APPL_TOP by running the command

$ cd <COMMAN_TOP>/clone/bin

$ perl apps Tier

It will create the single node APPL_TOP in the regular way.

14. Does rapid cloning take care of updating all the profile options?

Rapidclone only takes care of the site level profile options. All the other profile options
need to be manually updated.

15. How do you prepare the template before cloning the application system?

You can prepare the template executing the following commands from the database and
the application tier.
• At database tier: Login as Oracle user and run the following cd < RDBMS

Perl db tier

• At the Application tier: Login as applmgr and run the following:

cd <COMMAN_TOP>/admin/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>perl apps tier

16. From the APPL-TOP, what are the files that you need to copy for creating a clone
application system?

You need to copy the following files from the APPL_TOP





• COMMAN_TOP>/util

• COMMAN_TOP>/clone

• COMMAN_TOP>/_pages (if this directory exists)



17. What exactly happens when you run Does it anyway effect the source
application system? prepares the source system to be cloned by collecting information about

the database and creates various templates of files containing source specific hardcoded
values. It collects all the information about the source application system, the port
numbers of the source application system etc. These templates are stored in the
appsutil/template directory.

18. If you are told to clone a environment manually without using rapidclone, how will
you do it?

For doing a manual clone, you need to change all the configuration files with the correct
path of the APPL_TOP, product top, database SID, and port numbers. For doing the
same, you need to change the following important configuration files.


Once these changes are done, you need to update the FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS value
table in the database with the correct values of all the profiles and the FND_NODES with
the node information. Here we are assuming that you are keeping the existing technology
stack for doing the cloning. If you are bringing the technology stack also from the source
env, you also need to change all the apache configuration files with the correct port and
then need to link the iAS_ORACLE_HOME and the middle tier ORACLE_HOME and
then run the autoconfig. Once done, start all the services.

19. How can you reduce time in cloning? What are the steps you can follow to clone an
environment quickly?
These are the steps you can follow to clone an env quickly. If the technology stack of the
source and the target environment are at the same patch level then you need not copy the
8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME and the IAS_ORACLE_HOME every time. You can keep the
existing technology stack. Before deleting the APPL_TOP, you can take a backup of the
existing context file (the xml file in $APPL_TOP/admin) and then once the APPL_TOP
and COMMAN_TOP copy is done then you can revert back the same xml file rather than
regenerating the same. If you are using the same XML file, you need not run the
rapidclone as simply running of autoconfig will take care of all the things. In case you are
using the shared APPL_TOP, you need to run the script from
$FND_TOP/patch/115/bin which will create the 8.0.6 and iAS Config Home for your
application system.

20. Can I clone a cloned application system?

Yes, you can clone a cloned application system.

21. Is it possible that I use different set of ports for the cloned application system rather
than the one which I am using for the source application system?

Yes, you can choose any port pool for the cloned application system. Adclone prompts
for the port pool at that time put the port pool in which you want to run application

22. How knows the values for the target application system? prompts for the values required to create the new context file used to
configure the target system. You need to provide the values for the prompts which uses for creating and configuring the target application system.

23. What are the various questions that prompts for and what should I
answer to the prompts?

In the database tier, it prompts for the following:

• Target database SID

• Target system domain name

• Target instance is a Real Application Cluster (RAC) instance (y/n)

• Current node is the first node in an N node RAC Cluster (y/n)

The tool will then ask for the number of nodes that will exist in the final RAC instance
and gather, the following information for every node:
• Hostname

• Database Sid

• Instance number

• Listener port

• Private interconnect name


• Number of DATA_TOP

• DATA_TOP mount points

In the application tier, it prompts for the following:

• Database server hostname

• Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n)

The tool with them prompt for the hostname of:

• Concurrent processing node

• Administration node

• Forms server node

• Web server node

• Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n)?

If yes, the tool will then prompt for each auxiliary mount information.
• APPL_TOP mount point
• APPL_TOP aux.1

• APPL_TOP aux.2

• APPL_TOP aux.3

• COMMAN_TOP mount point

• 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME mount point

• iAS ORACLE_HOME mount point

• Location of JDK 1.3.1

• Port pool number:[0-99]

24. Does clone preserve the patch history?

Yes, Rapid Clone preserves the patch history. The following patch history is preserved
even after the clone.
• RDBMS ORACLE_HOME: Preserve the OUI oraInventory.

• iAS ORACLE_HOME: preserve the OUI oraInventory.

• 806 ORACLE_HOME: preserve the patch level and Oracle inventory.

• APPL_TOP and Database: preserve the patch level and history tables.

1. What is concurrent manager?

When an Oracle Application user submits a request to run a program, it’s called
concurrent request. Concurrent manager are the programs, which are responsible for
running the concurrent requests. When a user submits a report to be run as a concurrent
request, the job enters in a request queue. Concurrent managers continuously read request
from the master queue and run the requests based on the request’s schedule, priority, and
compatibility rules. Concurrent managers run in background and they take care of
initiating and completing the concurrent requests.
2. What are the different types of concurrent manager?

Oracle Applications consist of several types of concurrent managers. The important ones
are internal manger, standard manager and conflict resolution manager. Apart from these,
you can define your own custom concurrent manager.

3. What is an internal concurrent manager?

The internal manager is the one which is responsible for controlling all other concurrent
managers. Its main task is to ensure that all other concurrent managers are up and
running. The internal concurrent manager starts, sets the number of active processes,
monitors and terminates all other concurrent processes through requests made to the
service manager, including restarting any failed processes. The internal concurrent
manger also starts and stops, and restarts the service manager for each node.

4. What is conflict resolution manager?

The conflict resolution manager takes care of resolving the program incompatibilities and
checks if a request in queue can be run in parallel with the running request. It also takes
care of resolving the program incompatibilities. If a program is identified as run alone,
then the conflict resolution manager prevents the concurrent managers’ form starting
other programs in the same conflict domain.
When a program lists other program as being incompatible with it, the conflict resolution
manager prevents the program from starting until any incompatible programs in the same
domain have completed running.

5. What is a standard manager?

The standard manager is the master concurrent manager. This manager is always running
and it can take care of processing any concurrent request. It has no specialization rules.
This manager runs 24 hours a day for the whole year. The definition of this manager
should never be altered. In case if you alter the definition of the standard manger and you
have not defined additional managers to run your requests, some of the programs may not
run in a proper way.

6. How do I enable/disable the conflict resolution manager?

There is a system profile option “Concurrent: Use ICM”. The default value of this profile
option is No which allows the conflict resolution manager to be started. Setting the same
to Yes will cause the conflict resolution manager to be shutdown and the internal
concurrent manager will take care of the conflict resolution duties. Using the internal
concurrent manager to resolve the conflicts is not recommended.

7. What are the difference ways to start concurrent manager?

Concurrent manager can be started using the script located at the locations of
the scripts or with the startmgr utility located at $FND_TOP/bin.

8. What are the different ways to stop concurrent manager?

Concurrent manager can be stopped using the script It can also be stopped
using the Concsub utility. Form the operating systems, the concurrent manager can be
stopped by querying the FNDLIBR process and killing the same.

9. In administer concurrent manager form there are two columns labeled as actual and
target. What are these columns and what is their significance?

Target column lists the number of processes that should be running for each manager for
this particular workshift. Actual column lists the number of processes that are actually
running. If the actual column is zero, there are no processes running for this manager. If
the target column is zero, then either a workshift has not been assigned to this manager,
or the current workshift does not specify any target processes. If the target column is not
zero, then the manager processes have either failed to start up, or has gone down.

10. How do I run/schedule a concurrent request from operating system level without
logging in to the application?

A concurrent request can be schedule/run from the operating system using the
CONCSUB utility. CONCSUB means Concurrent Submit.

11. What are the different ways to check if concurrent manager (CM) is running or nor?
There are a couple of ways through which one can check if the CM is running or not.
Form the operating system, it can be checked by querying the FNDLIBR process. Form
the forms, it can be checked from the Navigation > Concurrent > Manager > Administer.
It can be also checked using the scripts status and finally it can also be
checked from Oracle Application Manger.

12. What is the default location of the concurrent manger logfiles?

The concurrent manager log files can be located in one of the following places:
1) If the environment variable $APPLCSF is set, the default location is $APPLCSF/

2) If the environment variable $APPLCSF is not set, the logs go to $FND_TOP/


13. I have submitted a request and it’s showing the status inactive/no manager.
Concurrent manager is up and running and the request are being picked after some time.
What could be the reason for the same?

If the concurrent manager is up and running and the request goes to the status inactive/no
manager for some time it means that cache cycle is less. Cache size is set on the
Concurrent> Manager> Define form. Basically, this regulates how many requests a
manager will pick up for each sleep cycle. The solution is either to increase the cache size
of the manager or increase the actual number of the manager process. The manager could
be standard manager or any other manager for which the issue is coming.

14. I have submitted a request; it has gone to pending standby status for a long time
whereas other requests are getting completed normally without any issues. What could be
the reasons?

If any particular request is going to pending standby status and others are getting
completed, it means that either it is waiting for the output of some other request or is
conflicting with some other request. If the request is conflicting, check the queue of the
conflict resolution manager for troubleshooting.

15. How do I process more concurrent requests in parallel?

If you want to process more requests simultaneously, there are two ways for the same –
one, increase the number of the target process for the manager and second, change the
cache size of the concurrent manager.

16. When do the tables FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS and

FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESS need to be purged?

When the tables reach 20,000 rows, the performance beings to diminish. You may want
to run purge concurrent request on a regular basis, depending on the amount of requests
being run.

17. What are the concurrent request log file and output file naming conventions?

Request log files: 1<request id>.req

Output files: If $APPCPNAM is not set: <username>.
<request id>
If $APPCPNAM = EQID: o<request id>.out
If $APPCPNAM = USER: <username>.out
Where: <request id> = The request id of the concurrent request
And: <username> = The id of the user that submitted the request
Manager log files:
ICM log file: Default is std.mgr, can be changed with the mgrname startup parameter
Concurrent manager log: w<XXXXXX>.mgr
Transaction manager log: t<XXXXXX>.mgr
Conflict Resolution manager log: c<XXXXXX>.mgr
Where: <XXXXXX> is the concurrent process id of the manger.

18. What happens when the internal concurrent manager dies? Are all the managers also
killed immediately after it?

No, if the internal manager dies, the request continues to run normally except for the
queue control requests.

19. Does the internal manager run or schedule any request for itself?
No, the internal manager does not run or schedule any request. It has nothing to do with
scheduling requests, or deciding which manager will run a particular request. Its function
is only to run ‘queue control’ requests, which are requests to startup or shutdown, other
managers. It is responsible for startup and shut down of the whole concurrent processing
facility, and it also monitors the other managers periodically, and restarts them it they
should go down. It can also take over the conflict resolution manager’s job, and resolve

20. If the internal manager goes down, do I need to kill all the managers before restarting
the internal manager?

No, if the internal manager goes down you need not kill all the managers. You can simply
start the internal manager using startmgr.

21. Can I delete concurrent manager?

Yes, you can delete any concurrent manager. For deleting, query for the manager in the
defined concurrent manager form and then delete the row.

Deleting the predefined concurrent managers is not recommended and it should never be
done. Deletion may cause instability in the system.

22. What is internal monitor?

This manager is used to implement parallel concurrent processing. It monitors whether

the ICM is still running, and if the ICM crashes, it will restart it on another node.

23. How do I clean out concurrent manager tables?

For cleaning concurrent manager tables, Oracle provides a script called cmclean.sql.

24. I hit the restart button to start the standard manager but it still doesn’t start?

Asking a manager to restart sets the status to restart. The internal concurrent manager will
start in the next process monitor session or the next time internal concurrent manager
starts. Use activate, to start a manager immediately. Also, when a manager is deactivated
manually, the internal concurrent manager will not restart it. You will need to set it to
restart, or activate it manually.

25. I tired to stop the concurrent manager using the script I can still see from
the operating system that a few FNDLIBR processes are still running and is
not able to stop the concurrent manager completely. What do I do in this situation?

If you are not able to stop the concurrent manager using the script, query for the
FNDLIBR process using the command
Ps –ef | grep FNDLIBR
And then kill all the process using the command
Kill -9 <process id>
If there are more than one process of the FNDLIBR, you can kill all them in one go using
the command
Ps –ef | grep FNDLIBR | awk ‘{ print $2}’ | xargs kill – 9

26. What are the circumstances in which you need to bounce the concurrent manager?

The following are the situations in which one may need to bounce the concurrent
• When you modify the definition of the printers

• When you modify the environment variables. Say you have changed the APPLTMP and
APPLTMP variable

• When all the requests are pending or hanging

27. What are the reasons a concurrent manager hangs?

The concurrent manager hangs due to many reasons. A few of them are:
• Long running jobs

• The internal manager was activated by someone other than owner of the application

• The operating system files system is full

• It’s not able to create the log file

• You’ve shut down the internal manager, but actual has a number in it

• The database is hanging may be because the archive log files have filled

• There could be some ORA error that’s coming

• Pending/standby requests are too many

28. How can you stop concurrent manager using the CONSCUB utility?

Concurrent manager can be stopped using the CONSCUB utility by the following

CONCSUB apps/apps@<dbname> SYSADMIN ‘system Administrator’ SYSADMIN


29. What are the different parameters of the startmgr utility?

The parameters of the startmgr utility is given in the following table.


Sqlplussername/password that owns the foundation tables

The name of the manager
Internal manager

Log file
The log file of the manager


The number of seconds the ICM should wait before checking new request from the table
60 Seconds

If the CM goes down abnormally it will automatically restart the manager. Y = the
number of minutes the ICM waits before restarting the manager
N=not to restart after abnormal termination

MAILTO is a list of users who should receive mail whenever the manager terminates
Current user

The default printer for sending the output files

This is used for diagnosis. If the CM is started with the parameter diag=y then full
diagnostic output is prodiced in the log file

The number of sleep cycles ICM will wait before checking failed Managers

Number of pmon cycles the ICM wairs between times it checks for normal changes in
concurrent manager operation. Normal changes include the start or end of a work shift
and changes to the concurrent manager definitions entered in the Define Concurrent
Manager form. (Default 1)

30. What exactly happens when a concurrent request is submitted?

Once a concurrent request is submitted by the user, the table

FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS is automatically updated with the details of the
request. The table is also updated with the information about the schedule of the
concurrent request whether it’s immediately scheduled or scheduled at a fixed
time. Once the request is scheduled to run the concurrent manager checks the
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table to find out I the request is incompatible with
any other request. If the request is incompatible then the conflict resolution manager
takes care of the request and finds out what are the incompatibilities and resolves them. If
there are no incompatibilities, it’s checked whether any special manager is there to take
care of this request then it goes to the queue of that manager else the standard manager
takes care of the same. Once the request is processed, the
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table is updated with the status.

31. In the administer concurrent manager form, what is the significance of the terminate

The terminate button is used to terminate any concurrent manager. When you terminate
internal manager, all the managers automatically get deactivated and all the running
requests are terminated. If you want to terminate a particular manager, select the manager
and click the terminate button. The status of the manager changes to deactivate after a
few seconds and all the requests processed by that manager are immediately terminated.
Once a manager is terminated, it doesn’t restart automatically. You have to manually
restart it using the restart button.

32. In administer concurrent manager form, what is the significance of the deactivate
button and how can you deactivate a manager from there?

For deactivating a particular manager, select the manager and press the deactivate button.
In case of deactivation, all the requests processed by the manager are allowed to complete
before the manager shuts down. If you deactivated the internal manager, all the managers
automatically get deactivated but all the running requests are allowed to complete before
the manger is shut down. This is the only difference between termination and
deactivation. In termination, all the running requests are terminated immediately where as
in case of deactivation all the running requests are allowed to complete first.

33. In administer concurrent manager form, what is the significance of the verify button
and for which managers it’s available?

The verify button becomes enable only when you select the internal manager. One of the
functions of the internal manger is to monitor the processes of each concurrent manger.
The process of monitoring the other concurrent manger by internal manager is known as
the PMON cycle. When you click the verify button you can force the process monitoring
or the PMON activity to occur. The verify button is also available for the conflict
resolution manager which checks for the program incompatibilities.
34. What is parallel concurrent processing and what is the significance of the same?

Parallel concurrent processing is the way to distribute concurrent managers across

multiple nodes in a cluster, massively parallel, or networked environment. It helps in
distributing the load across multiple nodes thereby fully utilizing the hardware resource.
The following are the advantages of the parallel concurrent processing:

Load Distribution Since the concurrent processing is distributed among multiple servers,
as a result the load is distributed across various nodes which results in high performance.
Fault Tolerance When a node fails, the concurrent processes continues to run on other
nodes, as a result the work is not hampered.
Single Point of Control The ability to administer concurrent managers running on
multiple nodes from any node in a cluster, massively parallel, or networked environment.

35. Explain briefly how parallel concurrent processing works?

In case of parallel concurrent processing, all the managers are assigned a primary and a
secondary node. The managers are started in their primary node by default. In case of
node failure or Oracle instance failure, all the concurrent managers on that node are
switched to their secondary nodes. Once the primary node is available again the
concurrent managers on the secondary nodes are migrated back to the primary node.
During the migration process, a manager may be spread across both primary and
secondary nodes.
In case of parallel concurrent processing, it may happen that in a node where parallel
concurrent processing is configured; the Oracle instance may or may not be running. The
node which is not running Oracle, the concurrent managers connects via Net8 to a node
which is running Oracle.
The internal concurrent manager can run on any node, and can activate and deactivate
concurrent managers on all nodes. Since the internal concurrent manager must be active
at all times, it needs high fault tolerance. To provide this fault tolerance, parallel
concurrent processing uses internal monitor processes. The job of the internal monitor
process is to constantly monitor the internal manager and start it when it fails. Only one
internal monitor process can be active on a single node. You decide which nodes have an
internal monitor process when you configure your system. You can also assign each
internal monitor process a primary and a secondary node to ensure fail over protection.
Internal monitor processes, like concurrent managers, can be assigned work shifts, and
are activated and deactivated by the internal concurrent manager.
The concurrent log and output files from requests that run on any node are accessible
online from any other node. Users need not log onto a node to view the log and output
files form requests running on that node.
36. Where can I define the primary and the secondary nodes for the concurrent manager

For defining the primary and secondary nodes of each manager, you need to launch forms
with system administer and need to navigate the Concurrent > Manager > Define form.
Query for the manager in which you want to define the primary and secondary node. In
this screen, put the values for the primary and the secondary nodes and save.

37. I have defined for nodes of the concurrent manager. Now do I need to start the
concurrent manager from all the nodes?

No, even if you have defined the concurrent manager in four different nodes you need not
start the concurrent manager from all the nodes. You just need to start the concurrent
manager form the primary node and GSM takes care of starting the concurrent manager
from all the other nodes.

38. My request is making error out with the error – unable to create temporary files
XXXXX.tmp. How do I fix it?

This issue normally comes if the values of $APPLTMP, $APPLPTMP in the APPL_TOP
and the utl_file _dir parameter of the database are not in sync. All the three variables
should be exactly the same. If these issues come, change the values to make all these
three in sync. If you change the values in the APPSORA.env, you need to bounce the
concurrent manager for the changes to get effected. In case if you change the values of
the init.ora, you need to bounce the database to reflect the changes. (Of course you need
to bounce the application tier also if you are bouncing the database.)

39. The user comes to you saying that the request is taking a lot of time to complete.
What will be your approach for debugging it?

You can do the following to debug the same.

• You can run a trace on the request id to find the expensive sql’s and then tell the
developer to fix the same.

• You can check the program incompatibilities in the concurrent request.

• You can check the query which the concurrent program is executing and see if it is
creating any locks in the database.
• Many times the users schedule the request to run at a later time.

You can check the parameters with which the request is run. (For example, once a user
came saying that request is not printing the output. On checking the possible things, it
was realized that he scheduled the request with print copies = 0.)

40. How can you know which trace file is created for the particular request?

You can find out the same using the script given below. The trace will be located in the
udump location of the database server.
Accept request promt ‘please enter the concurrent request id for the appropriate
concurrent program:’
Column traceid format a8
Column tracename format a80
Column user_concurrent_program_name format a40
Column execname format a15
Column enable_trace format a12
Set lines 80
Set pages 22
Set head off

SELECT ‘Request id: ‘|| request_id ,

‘Trace id: ‘|| oracle_process_id,
‘Trace Flag: ‘|| req.enable_trace,
‘Trace Name:
‘|| dest.value||’
Execname.subroutine_name ,
‘Status :
‘||decode (phase_code,’R’,’Running’)
||’-‘||decode (status_code,’R’,’Normal’),
“STD Serial: “||ses.sid||”,’||
“Module : “||ses.module
From fnd_concurrent_requests req,
V$session ses, v$process proc,
V$parameter dest, v$parameter dbnm,
Fnd_concurrent_program_v1 prog,
Fnd_executables execname
Where req.request_id = &request
And req.oracle_process_id-proc.spid(+)

And proc.addr = ses.paddr(+)

And req.concurrent_program_id =
And req.program_applicaiton_id =

41. What are the things that need to be taken care when you define a concurrent program?

When defining a concurrent program the following things need to be taken care.
• Selecting an executable file to run the program

• Choosing the execution method for the program (when defining your executable in
define concurrent program executable)

• Defining parameters for the program, if any

• Defining printing information

• Specifying any incompatible program that must not run while the program runs

• Choosing whether to allow users to run this report from the run reports form or from
within a form. If the latter option is chosen, the form from which you want to kick-off
your program need to be modified. If the first option is chosen, the program needs to be
added to a report security group.

42. How do you schedule concurrent requests?

For scheduling the concurrent requests, you need to click the schedule button while
submitting the request. The concurrent program can be scheduled only once, periodically
or on some specific days. You can also save this schedule for future reference and can
use the same schedule for a different concurrent program by using the option apply a
saved schedule. If you don’t schedule the request then by default the concurrent requests
are submitted immediately.

43. What does the completion option mean at the time of submitting a request?

The completion option refers to what Oracle Application will do once the request is
completed. It can notify people via email, can save the output in a file, can take a print
out of the same or simply won’t do anything.

44. What is a work shift?

The work shift defines the time for which the concurrent manager is active. You can
define some fixed date or time for manager or can make the manager run
24*7 making it active all the times. The work shifts are defined by using the work shift
form from the following navigation > Concurrent > Manager > Work Shifts.

45. What are the important scripts related to the concurrent managers and what are their

The following SQL scripts located under $FND_TOP/sql are useful when diagnosing
concurrent manager problems.
1. afimchk.sql Informs about the status of the ICM and PMON method.
2. afcmstat.sql Lists active manager processes.
3. afrqrun.sql Lists all the running, waiting and terminating requests.
4. afrqwait.sql Lists requests that are constrained and waiting for the ICM to release
5. afrqscm.sql Prints log file name of managers that can run a given request. It can be
used to check for possible errors when a request stays in pending status. It requires a
request id value.
6. afcmcreq.sql Prints the log file name of the manager that processed the request.
7. afrqstat.sql Summary of completed concurrent requests grouped by completion status
and execution type. It requires number of days prior to the current date, when to report
8. afimlock.sql Lists locks that the internal concurrent manager is waiting to get.
9. afcmrrq.sql Lists managers that currently are running a request.

46. What are the things you need to check if you are not able to view the logs of the
concurrent manager?

• You need to cross check the TNS entries.

• You need to check the DBC file.

• You need to check if the Apache/Jserv is running properly.

• You need to check if the connect descriptor is correct.


INTERVIEW 325 Frequently Asked Questions


1. Architecture

2. Installation

3. Forms

4. Concurrent Manager

5. Patching

6. Ad Utilities
7. Cloning

8. Up gradation

9. R12


1. Describe the architecture of Oracle Applications.

Oracle Applications follow a three-tier architecture:

(1) Database-tier containing the RDBMS database,

(2) Middle-tier containing various servers like forms server, web server, concurrent
processing server, admin server, reports server, and discoverer server, and

(3) Desktop-tier, the client desktop, through which users access Oracle Applications.
2. Does a tier mean a physical machine?

No, a tier does not mean a physical machine. It is basically a logical portioning. Each tier
has more than one physical server and each physical server can accommodate mire than
one different tier. For example, the middle-tier can be configured in 4-5 different servers
and any server can be used for hosting database as well as Web server.

3. How is the three-tier architecture different from client server architecture model and
which is better model?

In a Client-server architecture, you need to install the application software in all the
client’s machines. If you are using 100 computers as clients, you need to install the
application software in 100 computers. The three-tier architecture eliminates this issue.
The application software is hosted centrally in the middle tier and there is no need to
install it in all the client’s machines.

4. If I am not installing the client software in the desktop PC, then how will I access
Oracle Applications?

The Client desktop accesses Oracle Applications through Java enabled Web browser with
JInitiator and forms client applet.

5. What is forms client applet?

For running forms from the client computer, the forms client applet must run in the client
desktop. It supports all Oracle Application forms including the custom forms. The forms
client applet is a collection of JAR (Java Archive) files. These JAR files contain all the
classes, required to run the presentation layer of Oracle Applications.

6. What is JInitiator?

Oracle JInitiator enables end-users to run Oracle forms services applications directly
within Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer on Windows 2000, Windows NT4.0, and
Windows XP platforms.
Oracle JInitiator is implemented as a plug-in (Netscape Navigator) or ActiveX Object
(Microsoft Internet Explorer). It allows you to specify the use of the Oracle-certified java
Virtual Machine (JVM) on Web clients instead of relying in the default JVM provided by
the browser.

Oracle JInitiator is automatically downloaded to a client machine from the application

server for the first time. The client Web browser encounters an HTML file that specifies
the use of Oracle JInitiator. The installation and updating of Oracle JInitiator id
performed using standard plug-in mechanism provided by the browser.

7. Do I need to download and install JInitiator every time I log in to oracle Applications?

No, the JInitiator needs to be installed only once. After the JInitiator is installed, the
client’s desktop is configured and nothing needs to be done from the client’s machine.

8. What is Oracle Applications technology layer?

Oracle Applications technology layer provides common basic functionality across all
Oracle Applications product families. The Oracle Applications technology layer is a
collection of product whose functionality is used by all the modules of Oracle

9. What are the components of Oracle Applications technology layer?

Oracle Applications technology layer comprises the following products:

• Oracle Application DBA (AD)

• Oracle Application Object Library (FND)

• Oracle Common Modules (AK)

• Oracle Application Utilities (AU)

• Oracle Alert (ALR)

• Oracle Workflow(WF)

• Oracle Applications Framework (FWK)

• Oracle XML Publisher (XML)

10. What does database tier consist of?

Database tier consists of Oracle database, which stores all the data. The database server
contains Oracle Home and data files.

11. How many Oracle Homes are there in Oracle Applications and what is the importance
of each one of them?

Oracle Applications have three Oracle Homes:

I. Database Oracle Home in the database tier that acts as the Oracle Home for the Oracle

II. Oracle Home in the applications tier, also known as 8.0.6 Oracle Home. It is called the
technology stack Oracle Home and used by forms, reports and discoverer.

III. iAS Oracle Home, used by the Oracle HTTP server. It is used by the Web listener.

12. Can I enable real application clusters in the database tier along with Oracle

Yes, real application clusters can also be configured with Oracle Applications. In that
case, more than one instance of Oracle runs and the data files are stored at a central
location accessible from the entire instance.

13. What does the application tier consist of?

The application tier is the place where the application software is located. It also hosts a
large number of servers which interact with the database and the client-tier. The
application tier architecture shifts software administration from the desktop to the middle
tier removing the burden of installing the application software at every client. The
application tier also supports load balancing among multiple forms server, concurrent
processing server to provide optimum scalability and performance.

14. Which servers are hosted from the application tier?

The following six servers constitute the application tier:

• Oracle HTTP server (Apache)

• Forms server

• Reports server

• Admin server

• Concurrent processing server

• Discoverer server

15. What is Oracle HTTP server?

Oracle HTTP server is the Web server which is used by Oracle Applications. It processes
all the requests received from the clients. The Web server includes a couple of additional
components like Web listener, Jserv (Java Servlet Engine) and Java Server Pages.

16. What is the difference between Apache and Oracle HTTP server?

Oracle HTTP server is the customized form of the Apache. Oracle has customized the
Apache Web server as per its own requirement which is known as the Oracle HTTP

17. What is the function of the Oracle HTTP (Apache) server?

The Web listener accepts the HTTP requests coming from the client browsers, and the
Web server services the request. If the URL needs advanced processing then it forwards
the same to the servlet engine which in turn contacts the database for processing the
request and returns back to Web listener. If the incoming request needs parsing a JSP file
then the following sequence occurs. The client browser makes a request to the Web
listener. The Web listener checks the nature of the request and then contacts the Jserv
(Servlet Engine) where it runs a JSP. The JSP contacts the database for the information
and returns a HTML page which is in turn displayed in the Web browser.

18. How does Oracle HTTP (Apache) server work?

The Web server works in the following way:

• The user clicks a hyperlink on his desktop.

• The browser contacts the web listener with the URL. If possible, the HTTP listener
services the request itself by returning a sample HTML page. In case it needs JSP parsing
then - the Web listener redirects the same to Servlet Engine (Jserv) for running a JSP;

- the JSP in turn contacts the metadata dictionary in the database where it gets the
information from the application table to construct the HTML page;

- the Web server returns the resulting HTML page back to the browser.

19. Where are Apache log filers located, and what are these files?

Apache log files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs. The log

files are error_log, error_log_pls, access_log and access_log_pls.
20. Where are Apache configuration files stored and what are the important Apache
configuration files?

Apache configuration files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf

directory. The main configuration files are httpd.conf, apps.conf, httpd_pls.conf,
oprocmgr.conf, and oracle_apache.conf.

21. How do I know which file -httpd.conf or httpds.conf- is being used by the Apache?
The same can be determined by examining the script apachectl which is located at
$IAS_TOP/Apache/Apache.bin. It is internally called by the script which is
located at the scripts location. In the script apachectl, there is a variable httpd defined,
which points to either the httpd or the httpds executable. If the httpd variable in the
apachectl script calls httpd, Apache configuration depends on httpd.conf. If the apachectl
script calls httpds, Apache configuration depends on httpds.conf.

22. In case of a shared APPL_TOP, where do I see the configuration files and the log
files for the Apache?

In case of a shared APPL_TOP, the techstack home is also shared across all the different
server so all the Apache and Jserv configuration files are stored in
$IAS_CONFIG_HOME directory. There will be a separate $IAS_CONFIG_HOME
directory for each node of the application system.

23. I have done a couple of customizations in apps.conf, but each time I
run the autoconfig it is overwriting the customizations. What do I do?

To overcome this problem, go to the #FND_TOP/admin/template directory. There also,

you will see all those configuration files. Make a directory custom in the
$FND_TOP/admin/template directory and copy all the files where you want to do the
customization from $FND_TOP/admin/template to $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom
and do the customizations in the files in custom directory. Now run autoconfig. To
explain this, lets take an example. Say you want to do some customization in the
apps.conf file. The usual location of the apps.conf file is
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf. the same file is also available in the
$FND_TOP/admin/template directory. Copy the apps.conf file from
$FND_TOP/admin/template directory to custom directory. Make all the customizations
in the apps.conf file in the custom directory. Now run autoconfig. The customization will
now be read from the files in custom directory.

24. Where are Jserv configuration files stored?

Jserv configuration files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc.

25. What are the important configuration files which are used for making Apache run
along with Jserv?
• $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/httpd.conf (or httpds.conf, depending on your platform)

• $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/Jserv.conf

• $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/

• $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/

• $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/oracle_apache.conf

• $APACHE_TOP/Ojsp/conf/ojsp.conf

Where $APACHE_TOP refers to the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache directory.

26. Where are Jserv log files located?

The Jserv log files are located in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/log directory

and in the format mod_jserv.log.

27. Where are JVM log files located?

The JVM log files are located in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/log/jvm


28. How do I check the version of Apache?

The version of the same can be checked using the command

$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache /Apache/bin/httpd –v.

The output is given similar to as given below.

httpd –v

Server version: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19 (Unix)

Server built: Dec 6 2005 13:41:10 (iAS rollup 5)

29. When I login to the Oracle Applications from the PHP-based applications, login page
simply hangs. What approach should I follow for the debugging?

If the login page hangs, the first step would be to check the Apache log files. Go to the
Apache log directory and check for the access_log and error_log. You will get some
information there. If you are not able to find anything then check for the Jserv logs from
there you will get some information. Also, check the logs of the JVM. Try to analyse all
the errors that you are able to debug anything then do as AOL diagnostics test which will
tell you where the issue is. You can also enable debug for Apache, Jserv if you are not
getting any pointer from the logs.
30. How do I enable debug for Apache?

Edit the httpd.conf/httpds.conf file to enable debug for apache. Find the following section
in the apache configuration file and set the Log Level to debug. You may want to make a
backup of this file before you edit. Now the Apache log files will be written with debug
information. You also need to bounce the Apache after the making the changes.

31. How do I enable debug for Jserv?

Edit the Jserv.conf to enable debug for the Jserv module. Find the following section in
Jserv.conf and ser the LogLevel to debug. Also, edit the to enable debug
for the java portion of the Apache Jserv find the following section in and
set log=true, log.timestamp=true, and the logging for the channels to true
log.channels=true. You also need to bounce the apache after making the changes. Now
the log files will be written with the debug information.

32. How can I launch AOL diagnostics test?

The AOL diagnostics test can be launched using the following URL.

http(s)://< host><domain>:<port>/OA_HTML/jsp/fnd/aoljtest.jsp

It prompts for the database hostname, SID, port name, apps userid and apps password. In
case of RAC environments, you have to give the JDBC URL.

33. How do I know about the location of JDBC URL?

The JDBC URL is there in the DBC file in the $FND_TOP/secure directory. Open the
file and you will get the JDBC URL from there.

34. How do I test whether my DBC file is valid or not?

You can check the validity of the DBC file using the AdminAppServer utility. Run the
following command java appsun/appspw
STATUS DBC = [path to dbc]/[dbc_name].dbc

This should return STATUS: VALID

35. I have accidentally deleted DBC file or my status of the DBC file is invalid, how do I
recreate the same?

Run Autoconfig. It will recreate the DBC file else you can also create the same by
running the script located at $COMMON_TOP/admin/install directory.

36. What is plsql cache and what is its importance?

The mod_pls component of the Apache caches some database content to file. The plsql
cache also known as database cache is of the type session and plsql cache. The session
cache is used to store the session information and the plsql cache is used to store the plsql
cache which is used mod_pls. It is stored in the
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cache directory.

37. How do I enable PL/SQL logging?

Edit the file, which is usually founded in

$ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg/ and set the following two parameters –
debugModules=all and LoggingLevel=Debug

38. What is admin server?

The admin server is that node of the APPK_TOP from which all the maintenance
activities for Oracle Applications are performed.
39. What kind if maintenance activities can be performed form admin server?

The following maintenance activities can be performed from the admin server.

• Applying the patches

• Maintaining Oracle Applications

• Applying the ad utilities

• Upgrading Oracle Applications

40. Does admin server also have a process like Apache and forms server?

No, the admin server doesn’t have an operating system process like Apache or forms
server. It is basically a node of the APPL_TOP.

41. What is concurrent processing server?

When an Oracle Application user submits a request to run a program, it’s called
concurrent requests. Concurrent manager are the program responsible for running the
concurrent requests. Concurrent requests are processed from concurrent processing

42. What is forms server?

The forms server is that server from which the forms are hosted. It’s component of
middle tier. The forms server can be hosted from more than one node and the load
balancing can be implemented with the forms. The forms user interface is used in the
desktop clients for working in Oracle Applications.
43. Explain briefly, how the connection of the forms server works?

This is how the forms server works.

• Browser sends request (URL) to HTTP Listener (Apache)

• HTML page is retrieved (static) or generated (dynamic)

When the Web server receives the URL, it interprets it. If the URL points to a static file,
the file will be retrieved from storage. If the URL points to a CGI script, the file will
essentially be the same as the static version, but some pieces of
that file will be dynamically generated by the CGI script. If dynamic, CGI script asks
load balancing server for least loaded server. If the URL points to a CGI script, the CGI
script will poll the load balancing server.

• HTTP Listener sends HTML page back to browser

Browser decodes HTML page, and detects the <APPLET> tag indicating a Java Applet.
As the browser decodes the HTML file returned by the Web server, it detects the
<APPLET> tag. This is the designator that indicates a java Applet. Specifically, this is
the thin client that will connect to the forms server.

The <APPLET> tag contains the name Applet, along with numerous parameters
including (a) the name of the form to run, (b) the name of the forms server to use, (c)
login information, (d) any other parameters you need to pass to your forms session.

• Browser sends request (URL) to HTTP Listener for Java Applet

The browser asks the Web server to send it to the Java Applet. Java Applets are stored
in .class or Java Archive (JAR) files. Oracle Applications use JAR files. JAR files are
compressed archives that contain multiple .class files. Oracle Applications use JAR files
because they speed up the downloading of the Java Applet. There are many JAR files that
Applications must download to run.

• HTTP Listener returns Applet (JAR files) to browser

Browser receives Java Applet (JAR files) and begins to run them in its JVM (JInitiator).
The JVM JInitiator checks the version of the files being sent. If the version of the JAR
files is newer than the version cached on the client, JInitiator will continue the download.
If the version is the same or older, JInitiator will begin to run the cached Java files. Java
Applet is now running in the JVM. Browser is no longer part of the equation. The Java
thin client connects to the forms listener via a TCP/IP socket or an HTTP port. The forms
listener is already started, and listens for these requests.

• Forms Listener allocates a forms runtime engine

When the Forms Listener gets the request, it starts a new forms runtime engine for this
thin client. This started forms runtime engine can either be a newly spawned process, or it
can be an allocation of an already running process (which greatly speeds up the
connection process).

• Java Applet connection is passed from Forms Listener to forms runtime engine

The Forms Listener hands-off the connection to the thin client, and then has no further
role in the process. Forms runtime engine loads module(s) needed to run the requested
form. When the thin client connected, it passed a parameter entry, serverArgs. In that
parameter entry, there was a name of a form to run. At this point, the forms runtime
engine loads the form and any libraries and/or menus required by that form.

• Forms runtime engine opens a connection to the database

The details of this connection depend on the whether the Forms Runtime Engine is a
newly spawned process, or if it was allocated from a pool of already running processes.

44. What is load balancing?

Load balancing is a server process that monitors loading on all of the forms servers. Each
of the forms servers runs a load balancing client which keeps the load balancing server
apprised of its load.

45. How can you find how many forms users are connected to the application system
form the operating system level?

You can do the same by querying the f60webmx process and counting the same. You can
use the following command to check this.

Ps –ef | grep f60webmx | wc –l

46. In my PC, I can see lots of JInitiators are installed. How can I find which JInitiator is
being used by the forms process?

When the forms is launched, the Java console displays all the information about the
forms process. There it displays which version of the JInitiator the forms is using.
Alternatively, you can also open the appsweb.cfg file and check the parameter
jinit_ver_name in that file. It will tell which version of the JInitiator is being used.

47. What is reports server?

Reports server is also a component of the middle tier and is hosted in the same node of
the concurrent processing server. Report server is used to produce business intelligence
reports. Report server is started by executable rwmts60 which is located at

48. How can you check from the operating system whether the reports server is up and

Reports server can be checked from operating system by querying for the process
rwmts60. You can check the same using the following command.

Ps –ef | grep rwmts60

49. How can you compile a report manually?

You can do the same using the adrepgen utility as shown below.
adrepgen apps/<apps_passwd>source=$PRODUCT_TOP/srw/filename/rdf
dest=$PRODUCT_TOP/srw/filename.rdf stypr=rdfile dtype=rdffile
logfile=<path_of_log> overwrite=yes batch=yes dunit=character

50. What is discoverer and why it is used?

Discoverer is an intuitive ad hoc query, reporting, analysis and Web-publishing tool that
empowers business users at all levels of the organization to gain immediate access to
information from data marts, data ware houses, online transaction processing systems and
Oracle e-business suite. The discoverer server comprises Oracle Discoverer 4i, a key
component of the Oracle9i Application server (9iAS). Discoverer 4i is tightly integrated
with Oracle Applications which allow users to employ Discoverer to analyze data from
selected business area in human resources, purchasing, process manufacturing financials
and other products. The discoverer server complements the reports server by allowing
performance of ad hoc queries and analysis of the resulting query output. It also allows
users to perform projections based on possible changes to the business environment or
other strategic factors.

51. How can you start the discoverer server?

Discoverer start script is available in the $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/

$CONTEXT_NAME location. Alternatively, you can also use the script
located at $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util directory.

52. What is the product directory in the APPL_TOP and what is the importance of the

For each product there is a separate directory in the APPL_TOP. There are more than two
hundred products in the 11.5.10 release. The product directories are named with the
product’s standard abbreviation like bis for Business Intelligence System, ec for e-

The product files are stored in the product directories.

<Prod_Top> refers to <APPL_TOP> / <prod> / version. For example


Under each product top there are a large number of directories. If we go to FND_TOP
directory, We will see the following directories.

(appmgr01) emstestappl – bash $ cd $FND_TOP

(appmgr01) 11.5.0 – bash $ pwd
(appmgr01) 11.5.0 – bash $ ls
3rdparty fndenv.env html lib media patch secure xml
Admin forms include log mesg reports sql driver
Bin help java mds out resource usrxit
(appmgr01) 11.5.0 – bash $
53. What are the important configuration files available in APPL_TOP?

Following are the important configuration files available in the APPL_TOP.


54. What is the significance of the appsweb.cfg file and where is it located?

This file defines the parameter values used by forms Web CGI. This is the main
configuration file used by the forms. This file contains the following details:

• Forms server Name, ServerPort, DomainName

• Database Connection Parameters

• JInitiator Version

This file is located at $OA_HTML/bin.

55. What is the significance of the DBC file and whether is it located?

The DBC stands for database connection. This is the file which is responsible for
establishing a connection between the database and the APPL_TOP. The DBC file stores
all the information for successful connection to the database. The DBC file contains the

GWYUID stands for Gateway User ID and should have APPLSYSPUB/PUB as User
The defaults User ID/Password for Oracle Applications is guest/guest, guest/oracle,
oracle/guest. This User ID/Password should match with the record available in the
fnd_profile_options table.

The location of this file is $FND_TOP/secure.

56. What is the significance of GWYUID?

It is used to connect to database by thick clients.

57. What is the difference between GWYUID and GUEST_USER_PWD?

GWYUID is used by thick clients to connect to the database. For example, forms uses the
GWYUID to get connected. Whenever a new forms connection is established, it uses
APPLSYSPUB/PUB to authenticate the session, whereas GUEST_USER_PWD
(Guest/Oracle) is used by JDBC thin client.

58. If you go to FND_TOP/secure directory, you can see lots of DBC files located there.
How do you find which one is used by the application system?

To find out which DBC file is used by the application system you can query for the
profile Application Database ID. If the profile name is SID then SID.dbc is used by the

59. What is the significance of the admin directory in the APPL_TOP?

The $APPL_TOP/admin directory contains the scripts and the files which are used by the
AD utilities. This directory also contains the log and output files created during patching
and running of ad utilities. Following are the important files in the $APPL_TOP/admin

• <sid>.xml – This is the context file which is used by the Oracle Applications
• Adovars.env – This is an important configuration file about which we have already

• <sid>/log – This directory contains all the logfiles which are generating during
patching or by the running of Ad utilities

• <sid>/out – This directory contains all the output files

• Text files – This directory contains a large number of text files which contains various
information about the application system and are referred during autopatch

60. How can you change the password of the application users?

The password of the application users as well as the password of all the schemas
including apps can be changed using the ENDCPASS utility. For running the
FNDCPASS, you need to have the system and the apps password. FNDCPASS is run in
the following manner.

FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLYSYS WELCOME

FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GLGLI
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER VISION WELCOME

61. What is ‘0’ and ‘Y’ in flag in FND executables like FNDCPASS, FNDLOAD?

‘0’ means the request id. Since the request is not submitted via the Concurrent Request
submission forms, request id zero is assigned to it.

‘Y’ indicates the method of invocation. It’s invoked directly from the operating system
and not through the concurrent request.

62. What are the tables which store the information about the various application users
and their passwords?

Two tables – FND _USERS and FND_ORACLE_USERID – store the information about
the application users and the passwords.

63. How can you delete an application user?

You can’t delete an application user but you can put the end date the application user
making the user inactive.

64. In case of a multi-node installation, how can you check which service is being run
from which node?

There are two ways to find the same information.

You can open the CONTEXT_FILE in the APPL_TOP/admin and check the information.

You can check for the FND_NODES table and check the column, SUPPORT_CP (for
Concurrent Manger) SUPPORT_FORMS (for forms server), SUPPORT_WEB (web
server), SUPPORT_ADMIN (admin server), and SUPPORT_DB (for database tier).

65. What is OATM and what is its significance?

OATM refers to the Oracle Application tablespace model. In the previous releases of
Oracle Applications, there were two tablespace for each product. One was for data and
the other was for the index and there user to be a lot of overhead in managing all the
tablespaces. The new tablespace model replaces the old tablespace model by 12
tablespaces making it lot easier to manage the tablespaces.

66. Is apps password stored in any flat file outside database?

Yes the apps password file is stored in the file called located at

67. Where are all the middle tier start/stop scripts located?
The scripts for managing the middle tiers are located in
COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/<sid> directory. For running these scripts, login to the
application tier as the owner of the application file system and source the environment
using the environment <sid>.env located in the $APPL_TOP. All the scripts create a log
file which shows the status of the server. The log file written in the directory
$COMMON_TOP/admin log/<sid>. Each component of the middle tier has a separate
log file.

68. What is the script for the start/stop of Apache?

The Apache server can be started with the script

The parameters that accepts is start, stop, and status. { start | stop | status }
The Apache startup script is customized for the Oracle Applications in such a way that it
takes of starting the Jserv, modplsql and the TCF socket server automatically once the
apache is started.

The log file which is created by the script is adapcctl.txt and it is located at the location of
the log file.

69. What is the script for starting/stopping the forms server?

The forms server can be controlled with the script which is located at the
common locations of all the scripts viz $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/<sid>. The
forms server can be started/stopped in the following way. { stop | start | status }
The log file which is created by the scripts is f60svrm.txt available at he common
location of the log files.

Alternatively, the forms server can also be started manually without using the scripts with
the f60ctl executable which is located at $ORACLE_HOME/bin. This is 8.0.6 Oracle
Home and should not be confused with the Oracle Home of the database server.

The forms server can be started manually in the following way.

F60ctl start port=<port name> mode=socket exe=f6owebmx logfile=/location of logfile.

70. How you can start the reports server?

Reports server can be controlled with a script It uses the executable
FNDSVCRG which is located at $FND_TOP/bin. The defaults name of the reports server
log file is rep60_<sid>.txt and is located at same place along with the log files of the
other components of the middle tier.
Reports server can be controlled by { start | stop | status }

71. How you can start/stop all the middle tier components at one go?

For starting and stopping all the middle tiers, Oracle provides two different scripts which
take care of starting and stopping all the middle tiers at one go.

For starting all the middle tiers, the script is It takes the apps user id and apps
password as parameters. < appsusername/appspassword>
Similarly, for stopping all the middle tiers at one go, the script is This also
takes the apps user if and apps password as parameters. <appsusername/appspassword>
Both these scripts create a logfile in which it contains detailed information. The logfile
name is in the following format <Month><Date><Hour><Minute>.log

It gives a formatted report in the log file with the details of which components are started,
which are already running, which are disable and which are not running.

1. How do I check from the server if the forms server is running or not?

Check for the process f60cd. If the process is running it means the forms are up and

2. How do I change the port of the forms server?

Modify the file appsweb.cgf which is available at $OA_HTML/bin

3. How do I enable FRD (forms Runtime Diagnostics)?

For enabling FRD, login to forms as sysdmin. Then add “&record=collect&log=” without
the quotes to the profile option ICX%FORMS%LAUNCHER.

The FRD can also be enable by appending the same on the forms URL
play=&record=collect&log=/tmp/form l.frd

For example, if the forms URL is

Then add the following in the URL.
play=&record=collect&log=/tmp/form l.frd

4. How do you relink the f60webmx executable?

It can done from the command line by using the syntax force=y “fnd

5. My forms server is up and running but while connecting to the forms I am getting the
error “your connection to the server was interrupted. This can be due to a result of
network error, or a failure on the server. You will need to reestablish your session”, what
do I do?

Relink the f60webmx and then bounce the forms server.

6. What is FORMS^)_TIMEOUT?

This is an environment setting which refers to the maximum idle time before f60webmx
shuts down. This will only terminate an idle middle tier process.

7. How do I generate an FMD file manually?

It can be generated from the command line using the following command:
F60gen module=form_name.fmb userid=apps/apps outpur_file=form_name.fmx
module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=special
8. How can I generate a PLL file manually?

It can be generate from the command line using the following command:

F60gen module=library_name.pll userid=apps/apps module_type=library batch=yes


9. How can I generate an MMB file manually?

It can be generated from the command line using the following command:

F60gen module=FNDMENU.mmb userid=apps/apps output_file=FNDMENU.mmx

module_type=menu batch=yes compile_all=special

10. What are important files related to forms?

• – This script starts and stops the forms metric client for apps instance
located in $COMMAN_TOP/admin/scripts. It uses the forms d2lc60 executable to
accomplish this.

• – This script starts and stops the forms metric server for apps instance
located in $COMMAN_TOP/admin/scripts. It uses the forms d2ls60 executable to
accomplish this.

• – This script starts and stops the forms server listener located in
$COMMAN_TOP/admin/scripts. It calls the f60ctl founded in
$ORACLE_HOME/6iserver/bin of IAS.

• Appsweb.cfg – This file defines parameter values used by the forms web CGI located in
$OA_HTML/html/bin. It has the details of the forms server port, host, domain etc.

• Appsbase.html – This is the default HTML file for starting an applet using JInitiator and
is located in $OA_HTML/<language>

• D2lc60.txt – This is the forms metric client log file, located in


• D2ls60.txt – This is the forms metric server log file, located in

• F60svrm.txt – This is the log file located in
$COMMAN_TOP/admin/install. This is not the same as the forms server log file which
not only logs start up and shut down info but also client connectivity. For example, which
client IP is associated with which f60webmx process and debug stack trace info.

• Oracle Applications.dat – This file determines the path Oracle Apps uses to find their
icons and is located in $JAVA_TOP/oracle/fnd/formsClient

11. I am not able to launch the forms through the php. It’s simply hanging however I am
able to launch the direct forms, how should I fix this?

If you are not able to launch the forms then check for profile ICX: Forms Launcher
system profile. Set properly the forms URL here and you should be able to launch the

12. What is the ICX: forms launcher system profile is used for?

This profile option is used by the self service Web application personal home page (also
known as ICX) to determine the base URL needed to launch an application, which in this
case is a forms application.

13. What should ICX: forms launcher be set to?

ICX: forms launcher is set to http://hostname:port/dev60cgi/f60cgi? You can optionally

add some parameters to this URL to enable tracing.

14. What is FORMS60_CATCHTERM?

FORM60_CATCHTERM is an environment setting that enables or disable the forms

abnormal termination handler which catches middle tier crashes and cleans up by
removing temp files, closing db connections and writing diagnostic info to the dump file
or the forms server log file.

15. How do you determine version information about a Oracle Applications forms?
Form the Oracle Applications; open the form whose version you want to know. Go to the
menu bar, select Help>About Oracle Applications. Near the bottom of the information
screen, you will find a heading of “FORMS”. Under this heading you will find the name
and version information of the currently selected form.

16. How do you enable tracing for the forms session and where is the trace file located?

You can start the tracing for the particular forms session by the going to the menu bar of
the Oracle Applications forms session and by selecting Tools and then Trace Enable.
Once you click Enable it will tell you the full path and name of the trace file. It’s
normally located in the udump location of the database server.

17. I want to launch the direct forms for debugging but when I try to launch the direct
forms I get the error, “This application server is not authorized to access this database”.
How can I launch the direct forms?

By default the launch of direct forms is not supported in Oracle Applications. Still if you
want to launch the forms directory then you must set the security off for doing the same.
The direct forms can be accessed using the URL given below.

http://<Apache hostname>.<domain>:<Web port>/dev60cgi/f60cgi

The following command is used for turning the authentication off java apps/apps AUTHENTICATION OFF
DBC=<name of dbc file>

Once the authentication is set to off then the direct forms URL can be accessed.

18. After logging to the forms you are getting the error – the Menu compilation has failed
or Oracle Error there is no valid responsibility available. How will you troubleshoot the

If you are getting the errors like this it means that the system has not been completely
taken out of the maintenance mode or it is still there in the maintenance mode. Once the
system is out of the maintenance mode you will be able to login.

19. When the forms are being launched you can see a yellow bar in the bottom. How to
fix the same?
Regenerate the JAR file using adadmin. The problem will be fixed.

20. What is the difference between the forms running in socket mode and servlet mode?

If the forms are run in the socket mode, there will be a dedicated connection between the
client desktop and the forms server whereas when the forms are started in the servlet
mode, the forms request are processed by the Jserv.

21. How do I find whether the forms are running in servlet mode or in socket mode?

For checking the same, query the f60 process. It will reply in which mode the forms is

22. How do I change form the socket to servlet mode and vice versa?

For doing the same, login to the Oracle Applications manager and follow the navigation
>Site Map> Autoconfig. From there, you will be able to change from socket mode to
servlet mode and vice versa. You have to run autoconfig form the backend and bounce
the forms server after doing the same.


1. What is the minimum disk space requirement for installing Oracle Applications?

The approximate file sizes in a single-node installation are:

• Application tier file system – 26 GB (includes iAS/8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME

• Database tier file system (fresh install with a production database) – 31GB

• Database tier file system (fresh install with a Vision Demo database) – 65GB
• Total space for a single node system, not including stage area, is 57GB for a fresh
install with a production database, and 91GB for a fresh install with a Vision Demo

2. How much stage area is required for RapidInstall?

To run RapidInstall from a stage area, you need at least 24GB to accommodate the files.

3. How much space an additional language needs?

To install an additional language, it needs approximately around 10GB space.

4. Do in need to install any other software before starting the RapidInstall?

Before installing Oracle Applications, the JDK needs to be installed. The version of JDK
which needs to be installed depends on which version of Oracle Applications you want to
install. The latest 11.5.10 release of Oracle Applications needs JDK1.4.2. Apart from
JDK, you must have Perl 5.00.53 installed and which should be there in your PATH. If
you don’t have Perl installed, download the same from

5. Can I start the RapidInstall with any user?

RapidInstall needs to be started only wit the root user. It can also be started with any
other user as well, but that is not recommended as you have two different users – one for
database and other for application file system.

6. How many operating system users I need for Installing Oracle Application?
Oracle recommends that you should have two Unix users for Installing Oracle
Applications – one Oracle user (Oracle) who owns the file system of the database and
one application (applmgr) user who owns the application file system.

7. What are the individual disks included in the Release 11i software Bundle?

The 11.5.10 software comes in DVD format. The individual disks included in the
Release 11i software bundle are labeled as follows:

• Start Here – Disk l

• APPL_TOP – Disk n

• RDBMS – Disk n

• Tools – Disk n

• Database – Disk n

8. Is the NLS software included with the RapidInstall DVD bundle?

No, the NLS software is not included with the RapidInstall bundle. You need to order the
NLS supplement software separately for each additional language which you want to
install along with Oracle Applications.

9. How do I create the stage area of the RapidInstall?

For creating a stage area, the script needs to be run as follows:
$ cd /mnt/cdrom/Disk/rapidwiz
$ perl

10. How many directories are there in the stage area of Oracle Applications?

The following six directories are there in the stage area of Oracle Applications.

• StartCD

• oraApps
• oraDB

• oraiAS

• oraAppDB

• oraNLS (Optional only if you have a NLS Software)

11. What pre-install checks should I make to ensure a successful installation?

• Verify the correct user and groups have been created, as documented in installing
Oracle Applications.

• Verify the required disk space is available, as documented in installing Oracle


• Verify the file system base install directories have write access granted to the user that
will own the software (on UNIX the RapidInstall Wizard may be run as root but the
install runs as the user that will owns the software, therefore this user must have write
access to the baser install directories).

• Verify the required ports are available for the installation.

• Verify system parameters are sufficient for the Oracle software (especially the database)
to run.

• Verify the all the OS patches have been applied as per Oracle documentation.

12. What is a single node installation?

Single node installations is the one in which all the servers (concurrent processing, forms,
Web, reports), the database and all product directories are installed on a single node. In
other words, in single node installation the entire Oracle Applications are installed on a
single server.

13. Where is a single node installation generally used?

The single node installation is generally used for smaller installations and also used for
demonstration purpose.

14. What is an express configuration?

Express configuration installs a fully configured single node system with either a fresh
database or Vision Demo database. Only a few basic parameters such as database name,
top level install directories and port settings needs to be specified in this and express
configuration take care of installing Oracle Applications with out any user intervention.

15. What is configuration file and why is it used?

During installation RapidInstall asks many questions from the user. It saves all the
configuration parameters you enter in a new configuration file (config.txt) which it uses
to configure the system for the new installation. In case the installation fails the same
configuration file can be used for restarting the installation without answering all the
questions again from the scratch. For multi-node installation, this configuration file is
used for the installation in other nodes.

16. I have started RapidInstall but nothing is coming in the screen. What could be the

The display might not be set properly. Set the display and start RapidInstall again.

17. What is a multi-node installation?

A multi-node installation is the one in which the database tier and the application tier are
installed across two or more modes.

18. In a multi-node installation how do I find what services are nothing from which node?

The context file sid_hostname.xml in $APPL_TOP/admin will have the information

about the same. It can also be queried from the table FND_NODES. You can query the
following columns – SUPPORT_CP for concurrent manager, SUPPORT_FORMS for
forms server, SUPPORT_WEB for the apache host and SUPPORT_ADMIN to know the
admin tier.

19. What benefits do I get with multi-node installation?

Multi-node installation distributes the server process across different servers. For
example, in a typical example of multiple node, the database in hosted in one physical
server the apache is hosted from the some other server, the forms are hosted in some
other server, the concurrent manager and reports server is hosted from the some other
server. This helps in distributing the load across various servers and as a result the overall
performance of the application system increases.

20. Incase of multi-node installation, I will have multiple APPL_TOP’s. How will I
manage all the different APPL_TOP’s?

Incase if multi-node installation, various components of the middle tier are hosted across
different physical servers. Shared APPL_TOP means the APPL_TOP will be installed
only in one of the physical servers and all the other servers of the application tier will
shard the file system of the APPL_TOP. Any changes made in the shared APPL_TOP
file system are immediately visible on all nodes. This helps a lot in managing the
application system, Incase if patching, it needs to be done only once as all the servers
share the same APPL_TOP. With 11.5.10 release, RapidInstall creates a shared
APPL_TOP by default for multi-node installation.

21. What is Shared APPL_TOP and how does it help in case of multi-node installation?

Incase of multi-node installation, various components of the middle-tier are hosted across
different physical servers. Shared APPL_TOP means the APPL_TOP will be installed
only in one of the physical servers and all the other servers of the application tier will
share the file system of the APPL_TOP. Any changes made in the shared APPL_TOP file
system are immediately visible on all nodes. This helps a lot in managing the application
system. In case of patching it needs to be done only once as all the servers share the same
APPL_TOP. With 11.5.10 release, RapidInstall creates a shared APPL_TOP by default
for multi-node installation.

22. What is a shared application tier file system?

In a shared application tier file system installation, the APPL_TOP, the COMMON_TOP,
and the applications technology stack (ORACLE_HOMEs) are installed on a shared disk
resource mounted to each node in the system. There nodes can be used to provide
standard application tier services, such as forms, Web and concurrent processing. Any
changes made in the shared application tier file system are immediately visible on all

23. What Operating systems can use the shared APPL_TOP?

All RapidInstall platforms except Windows support a shared application tier


24. Can I share the APPL_TOP across different platforms of operating system?

No, sharing of the APPL_TOP is not possible across different platforms because the
binaries and libraries of the application file system are platform specific.

25. As of now I am using two different APPL_TOP. Can I merge the existing
APPL_TOPs to go for the shared APPL_TOP model?

Yes, you can merge APPL_TOPs which are spread across different nodes. The metalink
document 23428.l. mentions in details about doing the same.

26. What is load balancing?

Load balancing distributes processes for Oracle Applications across multiple nodes. This
distribution of the workload improves the performance and enhances scalability. If the
load balancing then even if the component is down, the application system continues to
work. For example, if Apache load balancing is enabled across two nodes then in case
one of the nodes in down, all the incoming connections will automatically be redirected
to the other node.

27. In which servers load balancing can be enabled?

The load balancing can be enabled in the forms server, Web server as well as the
concurrent processing server.
28. Which products are installed by default along with RapidInstall?

RapidInstall installs all the products automatically regardless of their licensed status.
However, you must register products you have licensed so that they are flagged in the
system as active. An active flag marks products for inclusion in patching and other tasks
that you will perform to update and maintain your system after the initial installation.

29. How can I tell what is installed and licensed after finishing an install?

The script AD_TOP/sql/adute.sql against the APPS user schema will generate a detailed
file (adutconf.lst) with information about the database configuration and what products
are installed and licensed after the rapid installation process complete.

30. I have already done the installation but forgot to license a product I want to use. Can I
license it after the installation?

Yes, licensing can be done after the installation. You can do in two ways.
1) Go to AD_TOP and run the script This will prompt for the additional
products to be licensed.

2) From Oracle Applications Manager go to OAM > License Manger > License
additional products.

31. I have already done the installation. Now I want to add an additional language. Is it

Yes, it’s possible to add a separate language after the installation. For this, you need to
make the language as active from Oracle Applications Manger and need to download and
install the NLS software.

32. I don’t want to use the defaults port that’s being used by RapidInstall. What options
do I have for changing the ports to some other value?
There are two options for assigning different ports rather than using the default ports
while running RapidInstall.
1) You can use the port pool option with which you can increment all the port values at
one go. Say you choose a port pool of 5 then all your port values will be incremental by 5
from the default value.

2) You can use the Advance Edit button for assigning the ports of your choice but make
sure that the ports which you are assigning are not in use.

33. What are the pre-install checks performed by RapidInstall?

The RapidInstall takes care of the following checks.

1) Port availability: The port you have selected is available or clashing with some
existing port.

2) Port Uniqueness: There is no duplicate defined port for the processes.

3) File space check: It ensures whether the file system have sufficient space for a smooth

4) OS Patch Check: It ensures that the right operating system patches are there or not.

5) Operating system check: It checks the operating system.

6) File system check: It checks whether the files are mounted properly and have correct

7) Host/domain check: It verifies the hostname and the domain name.

8) System utilities check: It checks whether the linking utilities like make, ld and cc are
available or not.

9) OS user and group check: It checks that the OS user exists and the OS user is a part of
correct group.

34. How much time does RapidInstall normally take?

RapidInstall approximately takes around 5 – 6 hours to complete in a single node.

35. Once the installation is done, what checks RapidInstall does to ensure that the
installation is successful?

RapidInstall checks the following to ensure the installation is successful.

1) Database availability check: The database is up and running

2) Environment file check: Checks whether the environment file is created properly

3) DBC file check: The DBC file has been created (location $FND_TOP/secure)

4) HTTP check: Check s if the apache is up and running

5) JSP check: Checks if the JSPs are working fine

6) PHP check: Checks if the PHPs are working fine

36. Where are RapidInstall log files written?

RapidInstall log files for Application tier are located under


The Log files for database tier are located under


The log file is of the following format XXXXXXX.log. Where XXXXXXXX =

MMDDHHMM – date and time of run

37. What information is written in the log files of the RapidInstall of db and application

In the db tier RapidInstall log file contains the following information:

• Rapid wizard version

• Date and time install session started

• Rapid wizard source location

• Command line arguments for this execution

• Location of configuration file

• Install session information

o Host name

o Host operating system

o User running install

• Results of:

o Host name

o Port availability check

o Operating system check

o Port uniqueness check

o File system check

o File space check

o Host/domain check

o OS patch checks

o System utilities check

• Results of the actual installation:

o Installation drivers

o XML file creation

o Control file creation

o ADX database utility

The application tier log file contains the following information:

• Results of the actual Installation
• Instantiation drivers

• XML creation

• Control file creation

• ADX database utility

• Results of the post install checks

• Database availability check

• Environment file check

• DBC file check

• HTTP check

• JSP check

• PHP check

• 806infrun.log-Windows only-Updating Registry with Tools 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME


• Iasinfrun.log-Windows only-Updating Registry with Tools iAS ORACLE_HOME


• iASInstalling-Information on Unzipping stages for oraiAS-Tools 8.0.6 and iAS


• installAppl.log-Information on Unzipping stages for oraAPPS-APPS_TOP

• installiasinf.log-Information in creating the Registry update.inf files

1. What is the difference between patch, minipack and maintenance pack?

In simple language,
Patch + Patch = Minipack
Minipack + Minipack = Maintenance Pack
Patches are created and released by Oracle whenever some new enhancements are made
in Oracle Applications or if there is some issue with Oracle Applications. A patch may
contain a fix for a single issue or a collection of issues.
During a release cycle, a product combines all the individual patches in to a minipack.
When these minipacks are combined together into a single patch, it is called a
maintenance pack. In earlier release, these minipacks were referred as patch sets and
maintenance packs were referred as release updates.

2. What are the different types of driver a patch can have?

A patch can have the following kinds of driver.

• Copy driver known as C driver

• Database driver known as D driver

• Generation driver known as G driver

• Unified driver known as U driver

3. What is a copy driver (C driver) and what does it do?

The copy driver copies all the files that are there in the patch to the APPL_TOP. The
copy driver is named as c<patch number>.drv. Apart from copying the files to the
APPL_TOP, the copy driver also does the following tasks.
• Copies the files that are there in the patch to the $APPL_TOP.

• Extracts the appropriate files from each product’s C library.

• Relinks the Oracle Applications products.

• Regenerates the JAR files and compiles the Java Server Pages (JSP) files.

• Compares the files in the patch with the files in the $APPL_TOP. If the files in the
patch are of higher version then only adpatch copies the files from patch to $APPL_TOP.
4. What is a database driver (D driver) and what does it do?

The database driver contains all the commands to change the database object. Just like
the copy driver, the database driver is also named as d<patch number>.drv. The database
driver applies all the assorted scripts copied by the copy driver to the database. There are
many scripts that make changes to the database which are applied by the D driver. Here is
the brief description of all the scripts that are run by the D driver.
• It makes a list of all the invalid objects that are there in the database.

• Runs SQL scripts which make changes to the database objects.

• Compiles all the invalid objects that are there in the database.

5. What is a generate driver (G driver) and what does it do?

Just like the copy driver and database driver, the generate driver is also named as g<patch
number>.drv. The generate driver regenerates all the forms, reports and pl/sql libraries
that have been affected by the patch.

6. What is unified driver (U driver) and what does it do?

The unified driver is combination of C, D and G drivers. It performed the acts in the
order of C, D and G drivers. For unified driver, the same naming convention follows. It’s
also named as u<patch number>.drv. It requires only a single execution of AutoPatch.

7. How is a patch applied in an application system?

A patch is applied in using the adpatch utility. It’s an interactive utility which prompts for
the various details like the patch number, driver details, number of workers, apps
password and system password. When all the details are provided, adpatch applies the

8. What exactly happens when a patch is applied? What is the sequence of steps adpatch
The AutoPatch extracts the appropriate files from the product library. It compares the
extracted object modules with their corresponding files in the patch directory. If a file in
the patch directory is a more recent version than the product’s current file, AutoPatch
backs up the product’s current file in to a subdirectory of the patch directory.
Specifically, it backs up
<patch_dir>.backup/<env_name>/<appl_top_name>/<prod>/<subdir(s)>/ \
Where <patch_dir> is the patch directory, <env_name> is the Applications Environment
name, <appl_top_name> is the APPL_TOP name, and <prod> is the name of the product
being patched.
It also replaces each product’s outdated files with newer files from the patch directory.
It applies changed Java class files and regenerates JAR files as needed.
It loads the new object modules in to the libraries.
It relinks the Oracle Applications products with the Oracle Server.
It runs SQL scripts and exec commands, which change Oracle Applications database
objects. By default, AutoPatch does this in parallel.
It copies any specified HTML or media files to their respective destinations.
It generates Oracle Forms files.
It generates Oracle Reports files.
It generates Oracle Graphics files.
It appends a record of how it changed your system to applptch.txt in the
$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID> directory
It records summary information of actions actually performed to applpsum.txt located
under APPL_TOP/admin.
It updates the various ad tables like ad_applied_patches, ad_bugs with the status of the

9. I want to apply a couple of patches in my application system. Can I apply all the
patches together?

No, you can’t apply all the patches together. You can apply only one patch at a time. If
you want to apply multiple patches together, then you can merge all the patches together
using the merge patch utility and can apply the merged patch at one go.

10. How can I apply a patch in a non-interactive manner?

You can apply a patch in a non-interactive manner using a patch defaults file. The
defaults file stores all the information that is normally asked by the adpatch and uses
them to apply the patch in a non-interactive manner.

11. How do I create a defaults file for applying a patch in a non-interactive manner?

For creating the defaults file for the first time we need to give the following at the
(appmgr01) bash $ adoatch\ defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/def.txt

This will prompt all the questions that are normally asked during interactive patching.
Answer all the questions and when asked for the directory where your patch has been
unloaded, enter an abort at he command prompt. This will create a def.txt file at the
location specified in the command prompt. Verify whether this defaults file is created
properly or not. Once the defaults file is created for the application system, we can run
AutoPatch in non interactive way.

12. What is the test mode of adpatch and why is it used?

The test mode is used to determine the action of the patch without actually applying the
patch. When the patch is run in test mode it does not perform any action as such but
documents the operations it would have performed. In other words, it lists each file it
would have copied, generated, executed or relinked. This is used when you want to know
what wxactly the patch is going to do and what is going to be the impact of the same.

13. How can you apply a patch in the test mode?

You can apply a patch in the test mode by typing adpatch apply = no at the command

14. Under what circumstances one needs to run a patch in a pre-install mode and how is it

Pre-install mode is normally used to update AD utilities before an upgrade to Oracle

Applications. This is run from the command prompt by invoking the following command.
Adpatch preinstall = y
15. From release 11.5.10 onwards one needs to put his application system into
maintenance mode before applying any patch. How can I apply any patch without putting
my application system into maintenance mode?

You can apply a patch without putting the application system into maintenance mode by
using the hotpatch option. Type the following from the command line.
Adpatch options = hotpatch

16. I was applying a patch and the patch failed. I contacted Oracle support and they
advised me to apply one more patch as a fix and then restart my previously failed patch
from the point where it had failed. How do I do that?

If you want to restart your patch from the point where it failed then backup the out and
restart directories from the $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK. Also take a backup of the
FND_INSTALL_PROCESS and AD_DEFERRED_JOBS table from the database and
apply the new patch. Once the new patch is applied, put the files that have taken the
backup in the place and revert the old table. You should be able to apply the patch from
the point where is failed.

17. How can I determine the effects a patch will have on my application system?

You can do the patch impact analysis through the patch wizard in the Oracle Applications
Manger. The patch impact analysis feature of patch wizard will give the following
• The total number of files in the patch

• The number of files the patch will install

• The products that will have updated files

• The files that will be introduced by the patch

• The files on the target system that will be changed by the patch

• The files with dependencies on patched files

18. I have a two node APPL_TOP. Do I need to apply adpatch from all the nodes?
If you have a shared APPL_TOP which is mounted across both the nodes then you need
not apply patches from both the nodes. But if shared APPL_TOP is not
enabled and you are maintaining two different APPL_TOP from two different servers
then you have to apply the adpatch from both the nodes.

19. In case of multi-node installation, how do I know which driver file needs to be run
from which application server?

In case of a multi-node installation, you need to run the C driver from all the nodes as it
copies the files that are there in the patch to the APPL_TOP. The D driver needs to be run
only once from the admin tier and the G driver needs to be run from the servers where the
forms servers are hosted.

20. How do I know what servers are hosted from which nodes?

You can check the same either from the Oracle Application Manger’s dashboard or from
the context file or from the FND_NODEs table.

21. In my patch only U driver is there. I tried applying the patch earlier but it failed due
to some database issue. I have fixed that issue and now I want only the D and G driver’s
portions to run and I don’t want to run the C driver portion of the patch again. Can I do
the same?

Yes, you can skip the C driver part from the patch by typing the following at the
command prompt
Adpatch options = nocopyportion.
Similarly, you can skip the D and G drivers part also by the option nodatabaseportion and

22. While applying patch using adpatch, how can you hide the passwords?

You can use adpatch flags = hidepw while applying patches to hide apps or system
23. What happens if I apply the driver in the wrong sequence? Say I apply the G driver
before the C and D drivers?

The driver always needs to be applied in the C, D and G sequence. If you try to run the G
driver before the C driver the patch won’t be able to find the forms which the G driver
wants to generate, as the C driver has not copied them in the APPL_TOP and hence the
path will fail.

24. What are AutoPatch restart files?

Restart files store information about completed processing in the event of a patch or
system failure. They allow AutoPatch, AutoUpgrade, and AD Administration to continue
processing at the point where they stopped.

The restart files are located at $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart.

25. Where do I find the log files of the patch?

The patch log files are located in the $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/log directory.

The default name of the patch log file is adpatch.log but it is recommended to change it
as patch driver.log in order to identify the patch log easily.

26. What are all the log files which the patch creates?

Running the patch creates the following log files.

• Adpatch.log : It contains the information about the patch run.

• Adpatch.lgi : It contains the other information about the patch run.

For example, the files which has not been copied by the adpatch.
• Adrelink.log : It contains the relinking information which the patch does.

• Adworkxx.log : it contains the various workers log.

27. How to find if a patch is applied in an instance or not?

You can query the tables ad_applied_patches to find out I fhte patches have been applied
to the instance or not. You can also check the ad_bugs to find if a patch is applied or not.

28. What is difference between ad_applied_patches and ad_bugs tables for finding the
patch information?

The table ad_applied_patches is updated only if the patch is applied by the adpatch
utility. If the patch is a part of some other big patch then that information won’t be there
in the ad_applied_patch as it is not applied using adpatch. But that patch information will
be there in ad_bugs. Alsom if all the patches are applied using the adpatch utility, that
information is also stored in the ad_bugs table.

29. While applying patch, it’s showing me “tafnw1” as default APPL_TOP value. What
does it mean?

• “t” stands for “tier”

• “a” stands for the “admin” tier

• “f” stands for the “forms” tier

• “n” stands for the “node” tier

• “w” stands for the “Web” tier

30. I was applying a patch and the workers have failed. How do I skip and restart the
failed workers?

For this, you need to open a new terminal and invoke the adctrl utility. Choose the eighth
options which are generally hidden for skipping and restarting the worker.

31. You were applying a patch and it has failed. What do you do?
If the patch has failed then the first step would be to check the patch log file to find out
where exactly it has failed. If the patch fails at D driver or G driver then you should also
check the workers log to find out the exact error. Then try to fix the issue. If it is fixed,
restart the patching using the adctrl utility.

32. You have applied a patch which brings new files to the APPL_TOP but after applying
the patch the users are complaining that they are not able to see the new changes. How do
you troubleshoot this?

Check the log file of the patch in the log location. You will get some clue whether
adpatch has copied or applied that file or not. Else clear the cache from the server and
bounce the apache.

33. How do I clear the cache from the server?

In the COMMON_TOP directory, there will a directory starting with _pages. This is the
directory where the files are cached in the server. Delete all the files from there for
clearing the cache.

34. You have to apply a multiple number of patches. How can you reduce the downtime?

You can reduce the patching time in a number of ways.

• You can merge all the patches into one single patch using admergepatch admrgpch.

• You can choose the max number of the workers which your CPU permits.

• In case you are applying all the patches one by one, you can choose the options
nocompiledb nocompilejsp and nolink so that compilation of the invalids object, jsp’s
and relinking can be skipped till the last patch is applied. In the last patch you can
compile all of them and do the relink.

1. Is the upgrade process same if you want to upgrade to 11.5.10 from 11i and non-11i
No, the upgrade process is different if you are upgrading from an 11i instance to 11.5.10
and from non-11i instance to 11.5.10.

2. What are the pre-upgrade steps that need to be taken for the up gradation of a non-11i
instance to 11.5.10?

The important steps that need to be taken before an upgrade are:

• You need to take a complete backup of the application system

• You need to run the TUMS utility

• You need to review the TUMS report

• You need to maintain the multilingual tables

• You need to rename the custom database objects

• You need to check attachment file upload directory

• You need to save the custom.pll

3. What is TUMS? Why is it required to run TUMS before doing an upgrade?

TUMS is a utility to help customers reduce the number of steps necessary in the upgrade.
It looks at a customer’s specific situation, and identifies which steps are irrelevant for that
customer. The output of TUMS can be used to reduce upgrade time. The upgrade manual
scripts (TUMS) is used to create a report that lists the upgrade steps that don’t apply to
Oracle Application installation. You can ignore the steps that are generated with the
report of TUMS.

For generating the TUMS report, you need to download and apply the TUMS 3422686
patch from metalink using the adpatch utility. The TUMS patch needs to be applied for
both 10.7 and 11.0.x version of Oracle Applications.

Once the patch is applied successfully, the adtums.sql script is used to generate the
TUMS report. For the <DIRECTORY> value, enter the full path of the directory that you
want the TUMS report to be written to. This directory must be listed in the
UTL_FILE_DIR parameter of your init.ora before TUMS can write the report and must
have the appropriate permissions to write the report (tums.html).

4. After the application of the TUMS patch, where does the script adtums.sql need to be
run from?

If you are upgrading from release 10.7, the script needs to be run from the following

For UNIX users:

$ cd $AD_TOP/patches/107/sql
$ sqlplus <APPS username> / < APPS password>
@adtums.sql <DIRECTORY>

For Windows users:

C:\> cd %AD_TOP%\patches\107\sql
C:\> sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password>
@adtums.sql <DIRECTORY>

If you are upgrading from release 11.0, the script needs to be run from the following

For UNIX users:

$ cd $AD_TOP/patches/110/sql
$ sqlplus <APPS username> / < APPS password>
@adtums.sql <DIRECTORY>

For Windows users:

C:\> cd %AD_TOP%\patches\110\sql
C:\> sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password>
@adtums.sql <DIRECTORY>

5. What is the significance of custom.pll and what does it contain?

Custom.pll is the custom library. If you have done some customization in Oracle
Applications, you must preserve the custom library (custom.pll) which contains the
details of the customizations done in the application system. It is used to migrate to 11i.
6. What is the actual upgrade process for doing an upgrade foe a non-11i application

Once all the pre-upgrade tasks are done, we can start the actual upgrade. The upgrade
starts with running RapidInstall. It needs to run twice – one for doing the actual upgrade
and secondly, for configuring all application systems once the upgrade is complete. This
is the sequence in which the upgrade works from a 10.7 or 11.0.x release to 11.5.10CU2.

• Enter configuration parameters and run RapidInstall

• Run autoUpgrade to upgrade products and database objects

• Run AutoPatch to apply the patches

• Run RapidInstall to configure and start all the servers and services

7. If I run the RapidInstall, does it mean that it creates a new application system for me?
What happens to the existing database?

RapidInstall connects to the existing database and creates the new database
ORACLE_HOME, APPL_TOP and the Tech stack. Once the RapidInstall is run,
you need to migrate the existing database to 9i run AutoUpgrade and then to switch to the
new application system. Once this is done, you need to take care of all the customizations
is the new APPL_TOP, apply the required patches and then run the RapidInstall again to
configure all the servers.

8. What is AutoUpgrade and why do we need to run AutoUpgrade?

Once the RapidInstall is run successfully the next step is to run AutoUpgrade. It is used
to upgrade Oracle application product from the earlier version to the base version of the
latest release. It can be started from the command prompt by invoking the AutoUpgrade
utility by typing adaimgr.

9. Where is the location of the adaimgr log files?

I. If the environment variable $APPLCSF is set, the default location is $APPLCSF/

II. If the environment variable $APPLCSF is not set, the logs go to $FND_TOP/

10. Explain briefly the steps in the AutoUpgrade process?

There are three steps in the AutoUpgrade process:

1. Choosing database parameters

The first option is the adaimgr main menu which is used for choosing the database
parameters. Form this screen, you can do the following:

• Changing the default Oracle user id and password for each product

• Setting the sizing factor for new objects of a product or for new products

• Setting the table spaces for new products

• Changing the table spaces for existing products

2. Choosing overall tasks and their parameters

This is the second option in the AutoUpgrade main menu. It displays the tasks that
AutoUpgrade will do during the upgrade processing. You can do the following form this
• Create applications environment file

• Verify files necessary for install/upgrade

• Install or upgrade database objects

3. Running the selected tasks

This is the third step in the AutoUpgrade process. Here it prompts for the following:

• How do you wish to enable parallel concurrent processing

• Do you wish to use the 8.3 file name convention [No]

• Enter the common area for the log and the out files

• Enter the directory for applications temporary files

• Enter the directory for reports temporary files

• Enter the Web server host machine

• Enter the port number

Once all the information is given, the AutoUpgrade starts running and verifies the files
for all the products one by one.

11. Explain in details what are the pre-upgrade steps for upgrading to 11.5.10 for 11i
application system?

The following are the pre-upgrade steps for the upgrade process for 11i application

Announcing downtime

The first step towards an upgrade is announcing a downtime. All the users must be
communicated with the downtime well in advance and the downtime should be planned
in such a way that it affects the least in terms of revenue. Ideally the upgrade should be
planned in weekends or holidays where you can afford to have a downtime.

Backing up application system

A full backup of the database and the APPL_TOP must be taken before starting the
upgrade process so that in case of any upgrade failures you can revert back to the existing
system. A cold backup of the database should be taken with the normal shutdown.

Running TUMS utility

TUMS is a utility to help customers reduce the number of steps necessary in the upgrade.
It looks at a customer’s specific situation, and identifiers which steps are irrelevant for
that customer. The output of TUMS can be used to reduce upgrade time. The upgrade
manual script (TUMS) is used to create a report that lists the upgrade steps that don’t
apply to Oracle Application installation. You can ignore the steps that are generated with
the report of TUMS.

The TUMS for 11.5.10 maintenance pack report will be created in the directory
UTL_FILE_DIR. So make sure that this directory has proper write permission.

Once the patch is applied successfully, the TUMS report can be generated using the
following command:

$ cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql
$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password>
@adtums.sql <DIRECTORY>

For updating the auto config tech stack components, you need to apply the patch
4489303. Make sure you follow all the steps as mentioned in the readme of the patch.

Running tech stack validation utility

Apply the patch 4318672 in all the nodes of the APPL_TOP to install the utility which
verifies the minimum technology stack components version and the other configuration
requirements which are associated with the 11.5.10 CU 2 maintenance pack. Once this
patch is applied you need to run the technology stack validation utility at the APPL_TOP
as well as at the database.
The utility can be run with the following command:


$ADPERLPRG $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/TXKScript/p1
- script=$FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkVa111510MP.p1

- txktop=$APPLTMP

- appspass=<apps_password>

- outfile=$APPLTMP/txkVa111510MP.html
At Database

$ADPERLPRG $ORACLE_HOME/appstil/bin/TXKScript/p1
- script=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/txkVa111510MP.p1

- txktop=$ORACLE_HOME

- appspass=<apps_password>

- outfile=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/temp/txkVa111510MP_DB.html

The utility must return the “[ALLPASS]” status on each application tier server node as
well as database server nodes in order for you to be able to continue with the installation
of the release 11.5.10 maintenance pack. If the “[FAIL]” status is returned for any test on
any node, you must take the specified action to fix the problem, re-run the utility on each
node that reported a failure, and ensure that the “[ALLPASS]” status is returned.

Converting to OATM model (optional)

The 11.5.10 release of Oracle Application introduces a new Oracle Application

Tablespace Model (OATM) consisting only twelve tablespaces. In this model, each
database object is mapped to a tablespace based on its input output characters, which
include object size, life span, access methods and locking granularity. This model
facilitates easier maintenance, reduced space usage, and run-time performance gains for
Oracle applications. The OATM uses locally managed tablespaces. In previous release of
11i, each product was allocated two separate tablespaces – one for index and the other for
data. But with OATM the total number of tablespace has been reduced to 12 including
temporary tablespace, system tablespace, and undo segments. If your application system
is on a previous release then you can switch to OATM model using the Oracle
Application Tablespace Migration Utility. This is an optional step.

Configuring database for new products

The database must be configured for the new products, which are added since the release
of 11i. For this, you need to apply the patch 3180164 which takes care of adding the new
product details in your environment. Follow all the steps as mentioned in the readme of
the patch.

Product specific steps

Apart from these steps there are many product specific pre-install steps that need to be
done before the application of the maintenance pack. Since these tasks are specifically
related to products that are installed so we are not discussing the same here. You must
check this with the Oracle manual while doing an upgrade.

12. Explain in details the actual upgrade steps for upgrading to 11.5.10 for an 11i
application system.

The following are the actual upgrade steps for upgrading to 11.5.10 for an 11i application

Stop middle tier

Shutdown all the components of the middle tiers before starting the patching. For
stopping the same, you can use the script which is located in the
$APPLCSF/scripts/<sid> directory.

Upgrading database

Before applying the 11.5.10 CU2, the database must be upgraded to 9i release 2 or a
higher version of Oracle RDBMS. If you are planning to upgrade to 9.2.0 version then
you must follow the steps given in the metalink note 216550.1 and if
you are planning to upgrade to 10g release 1 then you must follow the steps given in the
metalink note 282038.1.

Apply 11.5.10 CU 2 maintenance pack

Apply the 11.5.10 CU 2 patch 3480000. in case you have a multiple node APPL_TOP
then the patch should be applied at the admin tier at first and then should be applied in
all the other nodes of the APPL_TOP one by one. If you have any other languages
installed other than American English then you must apply the NLS patch immediately
after the base patch. In case you are upgrading from release 11.5.4 or earlier version, you
must run the adadmin and choose the option “Maintain multi-lingual tables”. The NLS
patch also needs to be applied from all the nodes in case of a multiple node installation.

The autopatch also takes care of performing the post-installation steps during the
patching itself like compiling Apps schema, compiling the flexfields, maintaining MRC,
compiling JSPs, generating JAR files, generating forms etc. which earlier needs to be
done manually after patching.

13. What are the post-upgrade steps that need to be followed once the upgrade is done?
The following are the post-upgrade steps.

Start middle tier

Once the 11.5.10 CU 2 patch has been successfully applied, you can start all the middle
tiers. You are starting the middle tiers for testing purpose only, so the access to the users
to the application system should not be given till you complete all the steps.

Registering new products

The new products, that are added, don’t get registered in the database automatically. They
need to be done manually. For this, you have to use the license manager which can be
invoked using the Oracle Application Manger.

Dropping MRC schema

The Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) schema is no longer used anymore. You can
safely drop the schema at any time. This can be done online also and no downtime is
required for this. The following script needs to run for doing the same.

$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin
$ sqlplus SYSTEM/<SYSTEM password>

Product-specific tasks

Apart from all these tasks, there are a lot many product-specific tasks that need to be
done as a part of Oracle Application Upgradation. Consult the Oracle manual for getting
a list of all those tasks.

Sanity testing

Once all the product specific tasks are done, do a sanity test to check that the
environment is working fine. If you are facing some issue after the upgradation, then
contact the Oracle support with full details of the error.

Announce environment to users

Once the sanity testing is done and all the logins are working fine then announce the
environment to the users so that they can start using it. Take a complete backup of the
environment as soon as possible.

14. How can you upgrade the database or the techstack using the RapidInstall?
For starting the database or techstack upgrade using the RapidInstall, the RapidInstall
screen is invoked by typing rapidwiz – techstack from the command prompt. It then gives
two options to choose from

Upgradation to 9i ORACLE_HOME

Upgrading to 9iAS

Interview questions:

1. What is Location of Jserv configuration files?

Jserv configuration files are located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc

2. What is file used for? What's full path of this file? What's significance of
this file?

I'll again suggest you don't just remember answer & try to solve mystery behind this file.
First where this file exists ?

You can find this file under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg

Based on file location I am sure you can say this is related to Apache, &
looking into modplsql/cfg, I am sure you will say its related to mod_pls (mod plsql
component of Apache/Oracle 11i WebServer) configuration file. This file is used by
mod_plsql component of Apache to connect to database. So when you type url
http://hostname:port/pls/SID , whenever Apache(11i Web Server) finds that request is for
/pls/ then Apache delegates this request to mod_pls component which in turn pick this
file & check if there is any DAD with name SID (in our example its VISION11I) &
Sample entry in

connect_string = VISION11I
Password = apps
Username = APPS
default_page =

On typing http://hostname:port/pls/VISION11I, it will connect to database using apps

schema & will return you page (where fnd_web is package & ping is
procedure or vise versa).
3. What are various components in Application/Middle Tier.

In Application Tier various components are Web Server, Forms Server , Reports Server,
Concurrent Manager, Admin Server & Discoverer Server.

4. What is APPL_TOP, COMN_TOP, ORA_TOP.....

XXX_TOP is top level directory in Oracle Application 11i for respective Component. To
know more about various TOP's Click Here

5. What are issues you encountered during Oracle Applications 11i?

Answer to this question will depend on issues you encountered. Don't lie infront of
Interviewer. If you have not installed applications 11i accept it.

6. What's difference between TWO user & single User Apps 11i Install ? What are
advantages/disadvantages of two ?

7. What’s US directory in $AD_TOP or under various product TOP's .

US directory is default language directory in Oracle Applications. If you have multiple

languages Installed in your Applications then you will see other languages directories
besides US, that directory will contain reports, fmx and other code in that respective
directory like FR for France, AR for arabic, simplifies chinese or spanish.

8. What are main concurrent Manager Types.

ICM - Internal Concurrent Manager Manager which manages concurrent Managers

Standard Managers Which Manage processing of requests?
CRM - Conflict Resolution Managers Resolve conflicts in case of incompatibility.

9. Where is Concurrent Manager log file location.

By default standard location is $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG , in some cases it can go to

$FND_TOP/log as well.

10. Where would i find .rf9 file, and what exactly it dose?

These files are used during restart of patch in case of patch failure because of some

11. Where is appsweb.cfg or appsweb_$CONTEXT.cfg stored & why it’s used?

This file is defined by environment variable FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE This is
usually in directory $OA_HTML/bin on forms tier.

This file is used by any forms client session. When a user try to access forms , f60webmx
picks up this file and based on this configuration file creates a forms session to

12. What is multi node system ?

Multi Node System in Oracle Applications 11i means you have Applications 11i
Component on more than one system. Typical example is Database, Concurrent Manager
on one machine and forms, Web Server on second machine is example of Two Node

13. Can you clone from multi node system to single node system & vice versa ?

Yes, this is now supported via Rapid Clone, Check if your system has all pre-req. patches
for Rapid Clone and you are on latest rapid clone patch.

14. Does rapid clone takes care of Updating Global oraInventory or you have to register
manually in Global OraInventory after clone?

Rapid Clone will automatically Update Global oraInventory during configuration phase.
You don't have to do any thing manually for Global oraInventory.

15. What is .dbc file , where its stored , whats use of .dbc file ?

dbc as name says is database connect descriptor file which stores database connection
information used by application tier to connect to database.

This file is in directory $FND_TOP/secure also called as FND_SECURE

16. What things you do to reduce patch timing? You can take advantage of following -

Merging patches via admrgpch

Use various adpatch options like nocompiledb or nocompilejsp
Use defaults file
Staged APPL_TOP during upgrades
Increase batch size (Might result into negative)

17. How you put Applications 11i in Maintenance mode ?

Use adadmin to change Maintenance mode is Oracle Apps. With AD.I you need to enable
maintenance mode in order to apply apps patch via adpatch utility. If you don't want to
put apps in maintenance mode you can use adpatch options=hotpatch feature.

18. Can you apply patch without putting Applications 11i in Maintenance mode?

Yes, use options= hotpatch as mentioned above with adpatch.

19. What are various options available with adpatch?

Various options available with adpatch depending on your AD version are

Autoconfig, check_exclusive, checkfile, compiledb, compilejsp, copyportion,
databaseprtion, generateportion, hotpatch, integrity, maintainmrc, parallel, prereq,

20. Adident utility is used for what?

Adident utility in oracle apps is used to find version of any file.

AD Identification.
ex. "adident Header <filename>

21. What is adsplice utility?

Adsplice in oracle apps is utility to add a new product.

22. How can you licence a product after installation?

You can use ad utility adlicmgr to licence product in Oracle Apps.

23. What is MRC? What you do as Apps DBA for MRC?

MRC also called as Multiple Reporting Currency in oracle Apps. Default you have
currency in US Dollars but if your organization operating books are in other currency
then you as apps dba need to enable MRC in Apps.

24. What is JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and which component uses JVM?

JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine,

25. What is access_log in apache, what entries are recorded in access_log? Where is
default location of this file?

Access_log in Oracle Application Server records all users accessing oracle applications

This file location is defined in httpd.conf with default location at


Entries in this file is defined by directive LogFormat in httpd.conf Typical entry in

access_log is - - [10/Sep/2006:18:37:17 +0100] "POST /OA_HTML/OA.jsp?.... HTTP/1.1"
200 28035
Where 200 is HTTP status code & last digits 28035 is bytes downloaded as this page
(Size of page)

26. Where is Jserv configuration files stored?

Jserv configuration files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc

27. What is session time out parameter & where all you define these values?

To know about session time out parameter & location where its defined Click Here

28. Where is applications start/stop scripts stored ?

Applications start/stop scripts are in directory $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/


29. What are main configuration files in Web Server (Apache)?

Main configuration files in Oracle Apps Web Server are

httpd.conf, apps.conf, oracle_apache.conf, httpd_pls.conf

jserv.conf, ssp_init.txt,,

plsql.conf,, plsql.conf

30. What is profile option, what are various types of profile options?
31. What is APPS listener? Why is it used?

32. How do you start/stop apps listener?

33. If users complaining Oracle Applications 11i system is running slow, what all things
you will check at broad level?

34. What is Autoconfig?

35. What is context file?

36. Why appsutil directory under Database ORACLE_HOME used for?

37. How to create User in Oracle Applications 11i? Can you delete a User?

38. What is Single Sign On? (If you are using portal 3.0.9 or 10G)?

39. How to configure portal with 11i? (If you are using portal 3.0.9 or 10G)?

40. How to check if Apps 11i System is Autoconfig enabled?

Under $AD_TOP/bin check for file & if this exists use contextfile=<CONTEXT> show=enabled

If this file is not there, look for any configuration file under APPL_TOP if system is
Autoconfig enabled then you will see entry like

# AutoConfig automatically generates this file. It will be read and.......

41. How to check if Oracle Apps 11i System is Rapid Clone enabled?

For system to be Rapid Clone enabled, it should be Autoconfig enabled (Check above
How to confirm if Apps 11i is Autoconfig enabled). You should have Rapid Clone
Patches applied, Rapid Clone is part of Rapid Install Product whose Family Pack Name is
ADX. By default all Apps 11i Instances 11.5.9 and above are Autoconfig & Rapid Clone
42. What is the difference between two env files in <CONTEXT>.env and

APPS<CONTEXT>.env is main environment file which in turn calls other environment

files like <CONTEXT>.env under $APPL_TOP, <CONTEXT>.env under 806
ORACLE_HOME and custom<CONTEXT>.env for any Customized environment files.

42. What is access_log in Apache?

access_log file keeps record of users accessing Oracle Apps 11i Webserver.

Typical entry in access_log is like - - [25/Aug/2006 :03:15:13 +0100] "GET /OA_JAVA /oracle /forms

/registry/Registry.dat HTTP/1.1" 200 4117
Which means client with IP requested for file mentioned above on 25 Aug
2006 at 03:15 AM , 200 is status code returned by Apache which means page returned
successfully (Status Code 302 means page redirected , 404 page not found, 500+ Internal
Server error)
last digit 4117 in above entry of access_log means file size which is 4117 bytes. This file
is quite useful in monitoring your Web Server.

Please note above format might defer on your system as this is dependent log_format in
Apache configuration file (httpd.conf)

43.What is the location of access_log file?

access_log file by default is located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/ Apache/Apache/logs.

Location of this file is defined in httpd.conf by parameter CustomLog or TransferLog

44. What is your Oracle Apps 11i Webserver Version and how to find it?

From 11.5.8 to 11.5.10 Webserver version is iAS, In order to find version under
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin execute ./httpd -version
./httpd -version
Server version: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19
Server built: Dec 6 2005 14:59:13 (iAS rollup 5)
45. What is Location of Jserv configuration files?

Jserv configuration files are located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME /Apache/Jserv/etc.

46. What is plssql/database cache? In order to improve performance mod_pls (Apache

caches some database content to file. This database/plssql cache is usually of type session
& plsql cache
session cache is used to store session information.
plsql cache is used to store plsql cache i.e. used by mod_pls

47. Where is database/plssql cache stored?

plssql & session cache are stored under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/

Apache/modplsql/cache directory.

48. How to determine Oracle Apps 11i Version?

Select RELEASE_NAME from fnd_product_groups;

You should see output like

11.5.9 or

49. What is *.dbc file & what is the location of dbc file?

dbc as name stands for is database connect descriptor file used to connect to database.
This file by default located in $FND_TOP/secure directory also called as
$FND_SECURE directory.

50. What is content of dbc file & why it’s important?

DBC file is quite important as whenever Java or any other program like forms want to
connect to database it uses dbc file.

Typical entry in dbc file is

51. There are lot of dbc file under $FND_SECURE, How to determined that which dbc
file to use from $FND_SECURE?

This value is determined from profile option "Applications Database ID"

52. What is RRA/FNDFS ?

Report Review Agent(RRA) also referred by executable FNDFS is default text viewer in
Oracle Applications 11i for viewing output files & log files. As most of apps dba's are not
clear about Report Server & RRA, I'll discuss one on my blog and update link here.

53. What is PCP is Oracle Applications 11i?

PCP is acronym for parallel concurrent processing. Usually you have one Concurrent
Manager executing your requests but if you can configure Concurrent Manager running
on two machines (Yes you need to do some additional steps in order to configure Parallel
Concurrent Processing). So for some of your requests primary CM Node is on machine1
and secondary CM node on machine2 and for some requests primary CM is on machine2
& secondary CM on machine1.

55. Why I need two Concurrent Processing Nodes or in what scenarios PCP is used?

Well if you are running GL Month end reports or taxation reports annually these reports
might take couple of days. Some of these requests are very resource intensive so you can
have one node running long running; resource intensive requests while other processing
your day to day short running request.

Another scenario is when your requests are very critical and you want high resilience for
your Concurrent Processing Node, you can configure PCP. So if node1 goes down you
still have CM node available processing your requests.

56. Output & Logfiles for requests executed on source Instance not working on cloned
Here is exact problem description - You cloned an Oracle Apps Instance from
PRODBOX to another box with Instance name say CLONEBOX on 1st of August. You
can any CM logs/output files after 1st of August only becuase these all are generated on
CLONEBOX itself, But unable to view the logs/output files which are prior to 1st
August. What will you do & where to check ?

Log , Output file path & location is stored in table FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.

select logfile_name, logfile_node_name, outfile_name, outfile_node_name from
fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=&requestid ;
where requestid is id of request for which you are not able to see log or out files. You
should see output like
/u01/PRODBOX/log/l123456.req, host1,/u01/PRODBOX/out/o123456.out, host1
Update it according to your cloned Instance Variables.

57. How to confirm if Report Server is Up & Running ?

Report Server is started by executable rwmts60 on concurrent manager Node & this file
is under $ORACLE_HOME/bin .execute command on your server like
ps -ef | grep rwmts60
You should get output like
applmgr ....... rwmts60 name=REP60_VISION
where VISION is your Instance name.

Else you can submit a request like "Active Users" with display set to PDF, check output
& log file to see if report server can display PDF files.

58. What is difference between ICM, Standard Managers & CRM in Concurrent

ICM stand for Internal Concurrent Manager, which controls other managers. If it finds
other managers down, it checks & try to restart them. You can say it as administrator to
other concurrent managers. It has other tasks as well.

Standard Manager these are normal managers which control/action on the requests &
does batch or single request processing.

CRM acronym for Conflict Resolution Manager is used to resolve conflicts between
managers & request. If a request is submitted whose execution is clashing or it is defined
not to run while a particular type of request is running then such requests are
actioned/assigned to CRM for Incompatibilities & Conflict resolution.

59. What is use of Apps listener ?

Apps Listener usually running on All Oracle Applications 11i Nodes with listener alias as
APPS_$SID is mainly used for listening requests for services like FNDFS & FNDSM.

60. How to start Apps listener ?

In Oracle 11i, you have script which will start your apps listener. You can also
start it by command

lsnrctl start APPS_$SID (Replace sid by your Instance SID Name)

61. How to confirm if Apps Listener is Up & Running ?

execute below command

lsnrctl status APPS_$SID (replcae SID with your Instance Name)

so If your SID is VISION then use lsnrctl status APPS_VISION out put should be like
Services Summary...

FNDFS has 1 service handler(s)

FNDSM has 1 service handler(s)
The command completed successfully

62. What is Web Listener ?

Web Listener is Web Server listener which is listening for web Services(HTTP) request.
This listener is started by & defined by directive (Listen, Port) in httpd.conf
for Web Server. When you initially type request like to access application here port number 80 is Web
Listener port.

63. How will you find Invalid Objects in database ?

using query
SQLPLUS> select count(*) from dba_objects where status like 'INVALID';
64. How to compile Invalid Objects in database ?

You can use adadmin utility to compile or you can use utlrp.sql script shipped with
Oracle Database to compile Invalid Database Objects.

65. How to compile JSP in Oracle Apps ?

You can use perl script shipped with Oracle apps to compile JSP files.
This script is under $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts. Sample compilation method is
perl --compile --quiet

66. What is difference between adpatch & opatch ?

adpatch is utility to apply oracle apps Patches whereas

opatch is utility to apply database patches

67. Can you use both adpatch & opatch in Apps ?

Yes you have to use both in apps , for apps patches you will use adpatch utility and for
applying database patch in apps you will opatch utility.

68. Where will you find forms configuration details apart from xml file ?

Forms configuration at time of startup is in script and

appsweb_$CONTEXT_NAME.cfg (defined by environment variable
FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE) for forms client connection used each time a user
initiates forms connection.

69. What is forms server executable Name ?


70. What are different modes of forms in which you can start Forms Server and which
one is default ?

You can start forms server in SOCKET or SERVLET by defualt Forms are configured to
start in socket mode.

71. How you will start Discoverer in Oracle Apps 11i ?

In order to start dicoverer you can use script under $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/
$CONTEXT_NAME or under $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util (under
Middle/Application Tier)

72. How many ORACLE HOME are Oracle Apps and whats significance of each ?

There are three $ORACLE_HOME in Oracle Apps, Two for Application Tier (Middle
Tier) and One in Database Tier.

ORACLE_HOME 1 : On Application Tier used to store 8.0.6 techstack software. This is

used by forms, reports & discoverer. ORACLE_HOME should point to this
ORACLE_HOME which applying Apps Patch.

ORACLE_HOME 2: On Application Tier used by iAS (Web Server) techstack software.

This is used by Web Listener & contains Apache.

ORACLE_HOME 3: On Database Tier used by Database Software usually 8i,9i or 10g


73. Where is HTML Cache stored in Oracle Apps Server ?

Oracle HTML Cache is available at $COMMON_TOP/_pages for some previous

versions you might find it in $OA_HTML/_pages

74. Where is plssql cache stored in Oracle Apps ?

Usually two type of cache session & plssql stored under


What happens if the ICM goes down?

1. All the other managers will keep working. ICM only takes care of the queue
control requests, which means starting up and shutting down other concurrent managers.
How will you speed up the patching process?
o You can merge multiple patches.
o You can create a response file for non-interactive patching.
o You can apply patches with options (nocompiledb, nomaintainmrc, nocompilejsp)
and run these once after applying all the patches.
How will you handle an error during patching?

3. Look at the log of the failed worker, identify and rectify the error and restart the
worker using adctrl utility.

Provide a high-level overview of the cloning process and post-clone manual steps
4. Run pre-clone on the source (all tiers), duplicate the DB using RMAN (or restore
the DB from a hot or cold backup), copy the file systems and then run post-clone on the
target (all tiers).
Manual steps (there can be many more):
o Change all non-site profile option values (RapidClone only changes site-level
profile options).
o Modify workflow and concurrent manager tables.
o Change printers.
Provide an introduction to AutoConfig. How does AutoConfig know which value from
the XML file needs to be put in which file?
5. AutoConfig uses a context file to maintain key configuration files. A context file
is an XML file in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory and is the centralized repository.
When you run AutoConfig it reads the XML files and creates all the AutoConfig
managed configuration files.
For each configuration file maintained by AutoConfig, there exists a template file which
determines which values to pick from the XML file.
Can you tell me a few tests you will do to troubleshoot self-service login problems?
Which profile options and files will you check?
o Check guest user/password in the DBC file, profile option guest user/password,
the DB.
o Check whether apache/jserv is up.
o Run IsItWorking, FND_WEB.PING, aoljtest, etc.
What could be wrong if you are unable to view concurrent manager log and output files?

7. Most likely the FNDFS listener is down. Look at the value of

FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table. Look at the FND_NODES table. Look at the
FNDFS_ entry in tnsnames.ora.
The Oracle Applications FNDFS program, used to retrieve report output from the
Concurrent Manager server, can be used to remotely retrieve any file from the server
without operating system or application authentication. A mandatory patch from Oracle is
required to solve this security issue.

How will you change the location of concurrent manager log and output files?

8. The location of log files is determined by parameter $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and

that of output files by $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT.
If the user is experiencing performance issues, how will you go about finding the cause?

o Trace his session (with waits) and use tkprof to analyze the trace file.
o Take a statspack report and analyze it.
o O/s monitoring using top/iostat/sar/vmstat.
o Check for any network bottleneck by using basic tests like ping results.
How will you change the apps password?

o Use FNDCPASS to change APPS password.
o Manually modify files.
o Change any DB links pointing from other instances.
Provide the location of the DBC file and explain its significance and how applications
know the name of the DBC file
o Location: $FND_TOP/secure directory.
o Significance: Points to the DB server amongst other things.
o The application knows the name of the DBC file by using profile option
"Applications Database Id."

1. Is 10g certified with E-Business Suite?

Oracle Applications 11i (version 11.5.9 and version 11.5.10) is now certified for use with
the Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (minimum version running on Linux x86
and other platforms. Requisite patches and other instructions have been published via
MetaLink Note# 362203.1 (Interoperability Notes - Oracle Applications 11i with Oracle
Database 10g Release 2). For specific platform versions supported, please check Certify.

Oracle Applications 11i (version 11.5.9 and version 11.5.10) is certified for use with the
Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (minimum version running on Linux x86 and
other platforms. Requisite patches and other instructions have been published via
MetaLink Note# 282038.1 (Interoperability Notes - Oracle Applications 11i with Oracle
Database 10g Release 1). For specific platform versions supported, please check Certify.

2. Will there be additional database patches required on top of 10g ?

All the required patches for Oracle Database 10g Release1 are documented in MetaLink
Note# 282038.1
All the required patches for Oracle Database 10g Release2 are documented in MetaLink
Note# 362203.1

3. What are the supported versions for 9ir2 Database ( 9.2.0.x ) and E-Business Suite ?
Currently is certified on E-Business Suite 11.5.7 and above. You can refer
Metalink Note# 216550.1 for more details..

4. Are the Real Application Clusters ( RAC ) and Automatic Storage Management
(ASM) features also certified with 10g ?
Yes. If 10g certification is announced on a platform, RAC and ASM are also certified on
that platform

5. My customer would like to start planning for 10g Real Application Clusters ( RAC )
and Automated Storage Management (ASM) upgrade immediately, are there any
development programs to assist him?
Yes, for customers planning on using 10g RAC or 10g ASM they can avail of the 10g
APPSRAP program. This program is available on invitation for all customers. Customers
interested in this program can direct their Account Manger or Service Delivery Manager
to the Oracle Internal AppsRAP website: and contact the Program Manager, Vamsi Mudumba
( )

6. What are the supported versions for 9i RAC and E-Business Suite ?
Currently RAC is certified on E-Business Suite 11.5.7 and above. For the latest
information on certified combinations ,platform information please go to Certify on

7. Which Application Modules in the E-Business Suite support Real Application Clusters
( RAC ) ?
All E-Business Suite modules work when deployed in a RAC enabled database platform.
For specific Application specific best practices, look at the Section on Application
Specific Best Practices
Technical Architecture

1. Is it possible to deploy E-Business Suite 11i on an Itanium Database Server ?

Yes. More details regarding supported Itanium platforms and migration process are
documented in Metalink Note# 304489.1

2. Is the use of BIG-IP Load Balancer across multiple mid-tiers supported ?

Hardware load balancers are a supported configuration for Application architecture. Now,
there is autoconfig support too for this architecture. For more information, see Oracle
MetaLink Note 217368.1 , Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise
Deployments of E-Business Suite 11i.

3. Can Oracle Web Cache be used with Oracle iStore 11i implementations?
Oracle Web Cache is certified for use with Oracle iStore 11i. See MetaLink Note#
186981.1 for a more detailed discussion on this topic

4. Is MTS supported for E-Business Suite 11i customers ?

MTS can be used with E-Business Suite 11i However, it is only useful on 32 bit
Windows. It is not recommended for other platforms as the overall performance is worse
with MTS, and the shared pool footprint explodes. The dispatcher also increases overall
data server CPU with 11i workloads.

5. Are extended clusters with RAC supported for 11i ?

Yes. A few customers are currently live with this architecture ( eg: Canon Europa in
Netherlands )

6. Is the use of separate Operating Systems supported for Midtier and Database ?
Yes. This is called a split configuration for 11i. For more details on what combinations
are certified look at Certify on Metalink

1. Can an OUI based global inventory be recreated ?

If the new XML format inventory is being used, just re-register to the global inventory. If
that's not the case then there is no easy way to recover it. It will be a manual effort
specific to each scenario and will result in data loss which might not be critical always.

2. What's the impact of setting the column SESSION_COOKIE_NAME in the

ICX_PARAMETERS table in a RAC environment ?
The Self–Service infrastructure (ICX), by default, uses the database instance name as part
of the cookie name if the cookie name has not been explicitly set by the administrator. In
the RAC environment, the database instance name can change based on which instance
the users were connected. Hence, you should explicitly set the cookie name
(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME) to a constant value in the ICX_PARAMETERS table.
Update the ICX_PARAMETERS table from the Apps schema using the following



3. What's the impact of setting the profile option Applications Database Id in a RAC
environment ?
Applications Database Id needs to be set in RAC based environments in order to avoid a
cookie mismatch. Since RAC environments will have multiple rows in gv$instance, the
profile must be set to avoid mismatches when building the cookie. The difference
between setting the column SESSION_COOKIE_NAME in ICX_PARAMETERS table,
and Applications Database Id is that SESSION_COOKIE_NAME provides control to
override the default cookie naming at the site level, while Applications Database Id, can
be implemented at either the site, responsibility, or user levels. It's best to set both of
them to the same value at the site level.
Concurrent Processing

1. How should SFM processes be defined in a PCP environment with RAC?

Define a primary and secondary node for all the SFM managers just like the rest of the
managers. SFM must run corresponding to every database node that serves fulfillment
requests ( similar to the transaction managers). Please look at MetaLink Note# 240818.1
for more information

2. Can multiple transaction managers be started on multiple servers serving a difference

instance without using PCP ?
No. PCP should be used for all such configurations.

3. Is there a requirement for a NAS device ( like NetApp) to store all the output and log
files when using PCP ?
No. PCP can be used with files that are stored on local servers. You will have to setup
FNDFS appropriately so that files on one node can be accessed by requests from another
node. It is also recommended to set the init.ora parameter
max_commit_propagation_delay= 0. For Compaq Tru64 clusters only, please set
max_commit_propagation_delay= 1.

4: Does FNDFS support load balancing and failover ?

Yes, if load balancing or failover support is required for FNDFS, then the file system will
have to be identical on all the hosts.

5. Should I separate my concurrent processing tier from the database tier ?

Historically, the accepted best practice for concurrent manager deployment has been to
run the Concurrent Manager processes on the same server(s) as the database itself, to
eliminate network traffic between the managers and their dedicated server processes.
However, with the availability of fast LANs between the middle tier servers and database
servers, best practice now is to configure the managers to run on separate middle tier
servers. This gives you maximum flexibility on choosing hardware platforms (the
database tier can be a different platform than the middle tiers) and allows the database
servers to be fully available for database processing, with no cycles needed for batch

6. Are virtual hostnames currently supported with Concurrent Processing ?

No. There is no support for virtual hosts with CP

7. We run a huge number of concurrent requests in our environment. What are general
tips for better performance ?
1) Check the corresponding concurrent manager parameters and tune them - process,
sleep, cache
2) Check the process and session parameters in init.ora or spfile for the database instance
3) Check to see if there are any fnd tables that are frequently locking and increase the
freelist parameter ( if not using Automatic Segment Space Management, ASSM )
4) Run the purge concurrent request job

8. How do Java concurrent programs work ? Can I direct load for Java concurrent
programs to a specific node ?
Java Concurrent Programs and Self-service applications use the connect string specified
in DBC file. Currently there is no way to create a separate dbc file for Java Concurrent
programs and constrain where they run in a RAC environment if the CP tier and Web tier
are shared.

1. Is Partitioning supported with E-Business Suite ?

Yes. Partitioning of Applications standard or custom tables is supported. Oracle
Applications utilizes partitioning in the standard product in many modules out-of-the-

2. Are there documented best practices for partitioning E-Business Suite objects ?
Currently there are no documented best practices on this topic. Customers intending to
partition should understand the data access paths, growth rates, access patterns and
modules that the object is used in.

Disaster Recovery

1. Is Logical Standby supported with E-Business Suite 11i ?

No. Logical standby is not supported with E-Business Suite 11i.

2. Is Physical Standby with Real Application Clusters ( RAC) supported with E-Business
Suite ?
Yes. This is a supported configuration. Best practices are document in Metalink Note#

Real Application Clusters ( RAC )


1. How do I check the IP address / NIC being used for the inter-node traffic ?
To determine the IP address / NIC being used for RAC related traffic, run the following
commands in SQL*Plus:

SQL> oradebug setmypid

SQL> oradebug ipc

The information written to a trace file in the user_dump_dest will indicate the IP address

2. How can interconnect traffic be monitored ?

1) From the hourly Statspack reports, monitor these statistics ( generated every second )
from both instances: 'global cache cr blocks served' and 'global cache current blocks
served'. This should give the total number of blocks sent across the interconnect per
second during each interval. It would be useful to understand how the interconnect traffic
varies over time and what the system is doing when these numbers are high.
2) Run Statspack at level 7 (or higher) to get segment statistics. This should show which
segments that contribute to the interconnect traffic. You can also check
gv$segment_statistics and gv$cache_transfer.
3) Monitor gv$session_wait to see which sessions are involved in RAC related waits.
This might give us an idea about which users or modules that are involved in generating
the interconnect traffic. It will also give us the specific blocks.
4) Use OS utilities to monitor the interconnect traffic as well. Look for variations over
5) Keep an eye on the statistic 'global cache blocks lost' which might indicate problems
with the interconnect.
6) Watch for any network errors reported by the OS monitoring utilities.
Database Load Balancing

1. Do I need to do functional partitioning for RAC ?

No.. But you can if you need to push your database servers close to their maximum
capacity, and need the small percentage of improved performance provided by
distributing the load along functional boundaries. This however does entail more
maintenance during failover.

2. How can one achieve functional partitioning for forms modules ?

Set the profile option Database Instance to a specific instance either at the application,
responsibility or user level. The internal name for this profile option is
INSTANCE_PATH. For more details refer to MetaLink Note# 294652.1 E-Business
Suite 11i on RAC : Configuring Database Load balancing & Failover

3. How can one achieve functional partitioning for self-service modules ?

The current method of achieving load partitioning is to redirect self-service users to a
specific midtier ( using a hardware load balancer ) and setting the apps_jdbc_url in the
dbc file to be instance specific. Please look at MetaLink Note# 244366.1 for more

1. Is Cloning supported for a 11i RAC environment ?

Yes. Cloning from RAC to RAC and cloning from RAC to non-RAC systems is
supported using Rapid Clone. For a detailed list of steps and best practices, refer to the
Advanced Cloning Options Section of MetaLink Note# 230672.1 Cloning Oracle
Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone

2. Is Cloning supported from Raw devices to a cooked file system if an environment

needs to be cloned from RAC system to Non-RAC ?
No. This specific scenario is not currently supported with the Rapid Clone infrastructure
and is considered a consulting solution. RMAN can be leveraged for the migration from
Raw devices to a cooked file system
Application Specific Best Practices
1. What is the recommended value of max_commit_propagation_delay in init.ora for E-
Business Suite on RAC ?
It is recommended to set set the init.ora parameter max_commit_propagation_delay= 0.
For Compaq Tru64 clusters only, please set max_commit_propagation_delay= 1

2. Can I use Advanced Planning and Scheduling ( APS ) on a separate database that is a
RAC cluster ?
Yes, you can. Merging APS into OLTP database and isolating the load to a separate RAC
instance is supported. Refer MetaLink Note# 279156.1 and MetaLink Note# 286729.1
for more details.

3. Can I run Email Center in a RAC environment ?

Yes, see MetaLink Note# 272266.1 for RAC related specific instructions.

4. Can I run Oracle Financial Services Applications (OFSA) in a RAC environment ?

Yes, you can. Refer MetaLink Note# 280294.1 for RAC related best practices.

5. Can I run ABM ( Activity Based Management ) in a RAC environment ?

Yes. ABM is supported in a RAC environment. Refer MetaLink Note# 303542.1 for
RAC related best practices.

6. Is patching in a 11i RAC environment difference from a single instance ?

No all best practices that pertain to a single instance environment can be applied for a
RAC environment.

Oracle Global Single Instance ( GSI )


1.What is the configuration of Oracle's GSI Production ?

Database Server:
Hardware: 4 node RAC, 4 Sun F25K , 36 X 1.2GHz CPUs, 144G of Memory
Storage: EMC Disk (6.4 TB)

25.0 G total
Buffer Cache 10.0 G
Shared Pool 14.0 G

Middle Tier:
54 Linux middle tier machines
Dell 2650
2 x 3.00 GHz 6G Memory ( with hyperthreading )
NetApps Filer Cluster
Hardware Load Balancing:
Concurrent Manager

1. What are the issues to be considered during the planning stage for concurrent
manager ?
a. Are you going to have a shared code tree?
b.Are you going to have a shared log/out file system?
c. How many middle tier hosts and how are you going to distribute them across the
d. Do you have programs that use UTL_FILE_DIR, this is instance specific
e. How should failover be setup in the environment ?

2. What strategies are used for managing concurrent queues in production ?

To obtain best throughput for the 100,000 requests run each day, there is a queue
framework setup for "critical" workload (approx. 10% of the requests), and "non-critical"
workload (approx. 90+% of the requests).

Capacity is always given first to the "critical queues", which should always process
with the shortest pending times. The "non-critical" workload is managed by assigning the
programs to a queue based upon their expected run-times. This framework prevents long-
running requests from clogging up all the queues, which causes very short, fast requests
to be stuck up in the queue for a very long time

GSI uses a few workshifts to reduce capacity given to non-critical concurrent workload
during the highest on-line peaks of the global day, but all queues have some slots 24
hours / day.

Critical queues: Business determines which programs are assigned to these queues;
there is a set of of queues for each module (OM, AR, AP/GL, PA, Payroll/HMRS);
programs are assigned to the appropriate critical queue using specialization rules to
include the specific program name. The critical queue for the application is directed to
the database node appropriate to the application (e.g., OM Critical queue runs on node 1)

Non-critical queues: There is a set of 4 queues created for each database node.
Programs are assigned to the appropriate queue based upon
a) the average elapsed time of program, and
b) the application identifier for the program.

Programs are manually assigned to appropriate queue by "including" the program's

“request type” associated with each elapsed time threshold.

o Immediate Queues (request type='IMMEDIATE'): intended for programs whose

elapsed time is always < 5 minutes
o Priority Queues (request type='PRIORITY'): intended to include programs whose
avg. elapsed time is < 10 minutes (note: the Priority Queues also include the request type
for the Immediate Queues)

o Standard Queues (request type='STANDARD'): intended to include programs whose

avg. elapsed > 10 minutes and < 10 hours, but can also run Immediate and Priority
programs; since this queue is the "default" queue, specialization rules for this queue are
"EXCLUDE" only (i.e., exclude Long-running programs)
Long-running, previously called “overnight” (request type='LONGRUN') Queues:
intended to include programs whose avg. elapsed > 10 hours, but also includes the
request type for Immediate, Priority, and Standard)

3. How are the concurrent queues distributed across multiple instances ?

The concurrent programs are grouped by application with each application group
directed to a database instance. This load direction is accomplished by defining a set of
queues for each database instance. The instance a concurrent manager connects to is
controlled by the environment setup on the associated concurrent processing node. Each
set of managers has a set of specialization rules that "include" the request types for the
application groups which are associated with the instance the manager assigned to

1. Are you using standard size devices?


2. How many sizes do you maintain? Why ?

Three sizes are maintained:1Gb, 4Gb and 13Gb. We have found that these three sizes
are optimal for the growth that we are seeing. 1Gb is for small tablespaces that don’t
grow much – e.g. system. 4Gb datafiles are used for all everything else apart from the
LOB tablespaces and the large tables/indexes that were moved to dedicated tablespace

3. Are there any standards used for naming datafiles and maintaining them ?
The volumes bear the same names as the datafiles so it is quite a clean configuration.
We actually refer to the datafiles themselves via links. E.g. filename in dba_datafiles
refers to a link, which then points to the datafile. Experience has proven that this
approach is very flexible if we need to perform reorganizations and when creating copies
(also known as cloning). We use the same approach with our cooked and raw datafile

4. How much free space do you maintain?

Tablespace are maintained with at least 5% free space – we get an automatic alert at
priority two when there is less than 10% free, at priority 1 when there is less than 5%

5. Do you maintain spares, how many, what do you name them?

Spare volumes are created when we have less than 10 left of any size and named
extra_size_XXX (XXX being a number). When these are required to be used for new
datafiles they are renamed to the datafile name with the lvrename command

6. Are you using volume group striping?

Yes – groups of 8 x 68Gb disks ( software striping ) , stripe width is 1024 MB. In
addition, 8-way striping at hardware level is utilized.

7. What was the process of conversion to raw devices ?

Prior to converting to raw we had established the practices of standard sized datafiles.
When it came to the conversion we used dd to relocate the data, dbv to verify the copied
files and once they had all been relocated the links were repointed (as described above) to
point to the new locations. On large systems this can be parallelized to limit the time

8. Were there any issues faced after converting to raw ?

No – there really isn’t any difference between using raw and cooked datafiles aside
from the discipline needed to maintain adequate free space, and that is covered by our

9. What storage is being used ?


10. Are you using autoextend? What max size? What increment by?
We do not use auto extend as it cannot be used with Raw volumes

11. Do you have multiple dbf’s for the same tablespace? Are all autoextend on?
Yes we have multiple datafiles per tablespace, but we don’t use autoextend
Monitoring & Troubleshooting

1. What tools are used for monitoring space ?

Enterprise Manager

2. What thresholds are set for monitoring

As above – less than 10% free raises a P2 alert, less that 5% free a P1

3. What set of processes or parameters are monitored ?

Examples are various health points of each node of the database (for example, whether
the database is up or down, someone holding a lock which is blocking other users, etc.).
Additionally, we monitor on one of the nodes events which are common to the entire
database (for example, data storage issues etc.). We can also monitor for concurrent
manager events such as long-running and long-pending so that we can investigate the
causes of these – they may be legitimate but it may imply issues.

4. What tools are used for troubleshooting RAC?

EM is RAC aware and can be used for both monitoring and administrative tasks. Some
checks are performed just for a RAC environment – for example tablespaces filling,
extents monitoring etc. We also do per-instance monitoring of session_waits, enqueues,
library cache pins etc so that we can quickly start investigating if these start to increase
above normal running levels.

1.How were the number of nodes in the RAC cluster calculated ?

For us this was part of a consolidation exercise. As such we calculated the anticipated
load of the consolidated environments and specified two servers that could satisfy the

2.How is the interconnect monitored ? What parameters are watched ?

Measureware tool is used. This collects performance data and PerfView, which reports
for network traffic. Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is used to show each cluster’s
interconnect network traffic.

3.How did you implement, phased approach, node at a time? What would you do
Phased approach – a node at a time. This reflects the manner in which the load
increased as more and more source environments were migrated into the single instance.

1. What sort of cloning mechanism is used ?

We generate a create controlfile script on the source environment. We then create a
copy of the source environment from a BCV backup, renaming the volumes if we are
doing a raw to cooked datafile conversion. This is usualy from one of our nightly hot
backups. We edit the create controlfile script to reflect the new instance name and run it
to create the controlfiles, and then apply any archived log files as required to open the


What are the components of the standalone Oracle Forms product?

The standalone Oracle Forms product is composed of the following:


Is there a difference between the standalone and Apps Forms product?

Technology and components wise it is the same except for some executables
(f60webmx); configuration files (appsweb.cfg,etc.) and the directory locations for both.


Is that really all there is to it?

Well, there are some more subtle differences. In standalone Forms we create the
client by loading f60all.jar or f60all_jinit. In apps Forms we load a lot more, you can find
a list of these files in the archive= section of your appsweb.cfg. Also since apps Forms is
only supported to run from Jinitiator and not native browser mode, cab files (
is not used unlike in standalone Forms.



What is f60webmx?

The f60webmx is your web forms runtime executable, similar to f60webm except that
it has Apps specific user exits linked into it.



How can you recreate the f60webmx executable?

To do this you issue the following command:

adrelink force=y "fnd f60webmx"



What are some of the related Forms/Apps files? - located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts, this script starts and stops

the Forms Metric Client for your Apps instance; it uses the Forms d2lc60 executable to
accomplish this. - located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts, this script starts and stop
the Forms Metric Server for our Apps instance; it uses the Forms d2ls60 executable to
accomplish this. - located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts, this script starts and stops

the Forms Server Listener; similar to and actually calls the f60ctl found in
$ORACLE_HOME/6iserver/bin of IAS.

appsweb.cfg - located in $OA_HTML/html/bin, this file defines parameter values

used by the Forms Web CGI, similar to formsweb.cfg found in
$ORACLE_HOME/6iserver/forms60/server of IAS.

appsbase.html - located in $OA_HTML/<language>, this is the default HTML file for

starting an applet using Jinitiator, similar to basejini.htm found in
$ORACLE_HOME/forms60/server of IAS.

d2lc60.txt - located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/install, this is the Forms metric client

log file.

d2ls60.txt - located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/install, this is the Forms metric

server log file.

f60svrm.txt - located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/install, this is the log

file. This is not the same as the Forms server log file which not only logs startup and
shutdown info but also client connectivity (which client IP is associated with which
f60webm process) and debug stack trace info.

OracleApplications.dat - located in $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/formsClient, among

other things this file determines the path Apps uses to find their icons; its similar to and
supplements registry.dat found in $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/server of IAS.



Is Forms Builder installed with Apps on Unix and Windows?

Yes it is. Unlike standalone Forms that installs the Forms Builder only as part of the
IAS product suite on Unix. On Windows platforms you would have to install the IDS
product suite to get Forms Builder.


What is a Forms Builder node?

A Forms Builder node refers to the leaves and branches of its Object Navigator. The
Object Navigator provides a hierarchical display of the objects in a Form modules.

Objects are grouped under their respective nodes. For example, all of the windows
defined in a form module appear under the Windows node; all the LOVs defined in the
form module appearunder the LOVs node and all the program units appear under the
Program Units node. It is important to familiarize yourself with this in case you need to
navigate within an Apps form during the course of debugging a problem.



Where can you find Forms/Applications certification information for Apps?

Go to

- click on ?Product Lifecycle? ? ?Certifications?.

- click on ?View Certifications by Product?.
- select your ?Product Group? as ?E-Business suite?.
- select your ?Product? as ?E-Business suite?.
- select your ?Platform Selection?.
- check the ?E-Business Suite Versions? and check ?Certified combinations only?.
- under the ?Applications Tier Certifications? table click on the ?other? column.


11. Where can you find Forms/Jinitiator certification information for Apps?

Same as # 5


12. Where can you find Forms patch set information for Apps?
Note 125767.1 Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i is your best
source for this info.


13. Is there a difference between the standalone and Apps Forms patch set?

No there is not. The patch sets are identical but Apps requires an interoperability
patch (I/O patch) and pre/post patches to be applied along with the Forms patch set.


14. What is the ICX: Forms Launcher system profile option for?

This profile option is used by the Self Service Web Applications Personal Home Page
(also known as ICX) to determine the base URL needed to launch an application, which
in this case is a Forms application.


15. What should ICX: Forms Launcher be set to?

?ICX: Forms Launcher? is set to ?http://machine_name:port/dev60cgi/f60cgi?. In

Apps release 11i you can add some parameters to this URL to enable some Forms
features like tracing.


16. What is FORMS60_CATCHTERM?

FORMS60_CATCHTERM is an environment setting that enables (value = 1 by

default) or disables (value = 0) the Forms abnormal termination handler which catches
middle tier crashes and cleans up by removing temp files, closing db connections and
writing diagnostic info to the dump file or the forms server log file.
The Forms signal handler can be disabled to troubleshoot spinning/hanging
f60webmx processes.

17. What is FORMS60_TIMEOUT?

FORMS60_TIMEOUT is an environment setting that determines the maximmum idle

time (in minutes) before f60webmx shutsdown. Note that it will only terminate an idle
middle tier process, i.e. one which is waiting for the "next message" from the client. If the
middle tier process is running a transaction or waiting for a query to complete it will not
have take effect.


18. How do you enable Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) in Apps?

To enable Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD):

- login to Apps as sysadmin

- click on Profile/System
- add the following to the end of its value at user level:

Note that like any Apps profiles you can do this on various levels e.g. site, user, etc.
so that you target your FRD accordingly. Also be aware that FRD incurs significant
overhead to Apps processing so disable it when not in use.


19. How do you disable direct Forms access through the http://host:port/dev60cgi/f60cgi

You can do this by using the mod_rewrite (the Swiss Army Knife of URL
manipulation :) engine of the Apache server. In your httpd.conf file add the following
lines at the end:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/dev60cgi/f60cgi$
You'll have to tighten up the code somewhat but here I am taking advantage of the
fact that the URL for accessing Apps directly and through the personal home page are not
exactly the same i.e. if the URL does not have certain parameters in it then I redirect the
user to a different web page of my choice.


20. How do you get a Stack Trace?

To generate a stack trace for Forms:

- set environment variable $FORMS60_CATCHTERM=0

- stop the Forms server
- backup file f60webmx
- make sure you are signed in as the user who owns f60webmx executable, then run
this command to relink this executable with debug symbols: force=y ranlib=y link_debug=y "fnd f60webmx"

- restart the Forms server

- reproduce the issue
- check for a new core file with corresponding timestamp in
$FORMS60_TRACE_PATH or $PWD or $FND_TOP/bin directory

Note 353805.1 How To Generate A Stack Trace For Forms With Applications 11i
Note 1812.1 TECH: Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file



1. Is HTTP connection mode supported in Apps?

Not at this time. There are plans to bring HTTP support back to Apps but it is
currently undergoing certification and it would most likely only be supported when using
the Forms servlet. Most of the issues have to deal with how to make the various Apps
environment settings available to the listener. Bug 1992211 keeps track of this issue.

2. Is Forms listener servlet supported in Apps?

No its not. Forms listener servlet is currently not supported in Apps.


3. Do you have to be on a specific Forms patch set to use Forms listener servlet?

For standalone Forms, this feature has been there since patch set 4 and certified
against patch set 5. For Apps, a minimum of patch set 6 will be required and it will only
work for environments with a single node web forms tier.


4. Are there any changes to the Forms product components when in Forms listener

Yes. With Forms Listener Servlet certain Forms components are replaced:

Forms CGI - Forms Servlet (FormsServlet.class)

Forms Server - Forms Listener Servlet (ListenerServlet.class)


5. How is Forms load balancing accomplished?

Currently Forms load balancing is done through proprietary programs called Metric
Server and Metric Clients. The Metric clients are setup on machines with a corresponding
Forms server and they constantly report to a Metric Server their load situation. The
Metric Server then uses this information to decide which machine to pass a request to run
a web form. Note 148516.1 Load Balancing in 11i Note 148155.1 Load balancing
implementation and trouble shooting in 11.5.x using metric server are good sources for
more info.

6. How is Forms load balancing accomplished with Forms listener servlet?

Forms servlet is now available for use with eBusiness Suite. Load balancing is
enabled using the capability of the HTTP server (Oracle HTTP powered by Apache.)
Reference: Note 201340.1 Using Forms Listener Servlet with Oracle Applications 11i


7. How to set up Forms to work through a firewall?

In the current Form Services architecture a firewall needs be configured to allow

traffic on 2 ports. The listener port of the Oracle HTTP server (usually port 80 or 8002)
and the Forms Listener/Server (usually 9000). The Oracle HTTP server handles the initial
request, authentication to the server, and presents a list of responsibilities for the end user
to choose from. Self Service applications will continue to use only this listener, but if a
core application is invoked, the client makes a request to the Forms Listener that then
creates a new Forms Server Runtime process. The Oracle HTTP server port will allow
http traffic e.g. requests for help files, requests to the TCF servlet, etc. The Forms
Listener/Server port will allow socket or https traffic. In the new Forms Servlet
architecture the only port that needs to be open is the Oracle HTTP server.



1. What is this Forms ?Cancel-Query? issue with Apps?

Being able to cancel a long running query was a much sought after feature in Apps
both for queries against data blocks and LOVs. The feature was first introduced in Forms
patch set 3 but it subsequently broke many other functionalities. Patch set 9 finally fixes
all of these. Note 138159.1 Canceling Long Running Queries in Oracle Applications 11i
is your best source for this info.


2. Why are some Forms files (appsweb.cfg,appsbase.html,etc.) duplicated across an

Apps install?

This is because of the way patching is done in Apps. All patches are initially copied
to their corresponding products in the $APPL_TOP directory, because some of these files
are accessed by an external process they will also be copied to directories outside
$APPL_TOP where they can be easily accessed by external processes. Make sure that
any changes you make to one copy propagate to all its duplicates.


3. How do you generate Apps Forms modules or FMB files?

Oftentimes as part of upgrading Forms or modifying a Form module or applying a

patch modifying a Form module, you would encounter an issue that would necessitate
manually regenerating the Forms module executable or FMX file. To do this you issue
the following command:

f60gen module=form_name.fmb userid=apps/apps output_file=form_name.fmx

module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=special


4. How do you generate Apps Forms library modules or PLL files?

To do this you issue the following command:

f60gen module=library_name.pll userid=apps/apps module_type=library batch=yes



5. How do you generate Apps Forms menu modules or MMB files?

Note that there is only one menu for Apps so it is rare that you need to regenerate the
menu. To do this you issue the following command:

f60gen module=FNDMENU.mmb userid=apps/apps output_file=FNDMENU.mmx

module_type=menu batch=yes compile_all=special


6. When do you have to regenerate your Apps Forms modules?

There are many occassions when you have to regenerate (recreate the FMX) your
Apps forms or when your Apps forms are regenerated, some are true some are not:

After an operating system upgrade? False

After a database upgrade? False
After applying a Developer patch? False.
After applying an I/O patch? True.
After applying an Apps patch? True, but only if there is a g driver involved.


7. What is compile_all=special?

For standalone Forms the only valid values for compile_all are ?yes? and ?no?.
compile_all=special is similar except that it doesn't attempt to update the source files.


8. What do you do with a PL/SQL Error 302 and PL/SQL Error 306 when generating a
Form module?

This is a generic error message saying your form has attempted to call a program unit,
which can be a package (Apps encapsulates all function and procedure calls within
packages); a function or a procedure that it cannot find.

Why? Maybe its not defined in the Form itself. Maybe its not defined in the database.
Maybe you?ve misspelled it. The error itself will provide clues for you to debug the
where and why of this problem. Here is a typical error that you might get when
generating a form:

Compiling WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger on SUBMIT_REQUEST item in

DEPT data block...
ompilation error on WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger on SUBMIT_REQUEST
item in DEPT data block: PL/SQL ERROR 302 at line 4, column 25 component
'SUBMIT_REQUES' must be declared
PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 4, column 3 Statement ignored

WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED is a name of a forms trigger in the form.

SUBMIT_REQUEST is the name of a forms item, in this case a button. DEPT is the
name of a data block in the form. So far this tells us that the errant code is in a WHEN-
BUTTON-PRESSED trigger attached to a SUBMIT-REQUEST button attached to the
DEPT data block and it?s on line 4 column 25 of that trigger.

Once you open the form in Forms Builder you can easily track down this trigger and
see that the there was a misspelling in the name of the function call (SUBMIT_REQUES
is missing a T at the end). The code is as follows:

req_id NUMBER;
?01-NOV-02 00:00:00',FALSE,'x');

Note that the package can reside in the Form under the ?Program Units? node; or as a
Forms library attached to the form or as a stored object in the database.


9. What is the sequence in which Forms resolves program unit calls?

Forms will attempt to resolve a program unit call in the following sequence:

Program Units node

Forms Library

This will give you an idea on where first to look for broken packages in your hunt for
the broken package. Oftentimes you might have to dig to the nth level to find the broken
root package that has cascaded its problem up to the package where you currently see it.
Either your amazing PL/SQL skills will find the problem for you or you can call Oracle
Support and use their amazing PL/SQL skills. On occasion the problem in your package
is already fixed in a later release.


10. What do you do when you find the root broken package?

First you have to determine the files that created the package body and spec. To do
this you either:
Start Forms Builder (f60desm).
Connect to the database as apps/apps.
Expand the ?Database Objects? node.
Expand the ?APPS? schema node.
Expand the ?Stored Program Units?node.
Locate your package spec and body.
Double click on the icon besides it.


Login to SQL*Plus as APPS/APPS.

Locate your package spec and body.


11. How do you get the latest package release?

SQL> select name,type,text from user_source where name ='FND_REQUEST' and

line < 3

What we?re looking for is the name and version number (AFCPREQS.pls 115.4
and AFCPREQB.pls 115.27) of the files that create the package. Support will then
determine if it?s advisable to apply the latest release of those files.


12. What is the FORMS60_CATCHTERM issue in Apps?

There was an issue where spinning f60webmx processes are spawned when the Forms
abnormal termination handler is enabled. Disabling this handler (or
FORMS60_CATCHTERM=0) works around the problem and it is also fixed in Forms
v6.0.8.12. This is Bug 1367619,Bug 1394311 and Bug 1396450


13. What is the AlertBundle issue?

Often times in your jinitiator console, apache error_log and your jserv_log files, you
will see the following errors which shouldn't be any cause for concern:
User Interface

1. How do you change the background color of a required item in Apps?

Change the $OA_JAVA/oracle/apps/fnd/formsClient/OracleApplications.dat file and

change the RGB value for app.ui.requiredFieldVABGColor. To turn off the color of the
required item you can either change the value of app.ui.requiredFieldVA from true to
false (note that this is what the OracleApplications2.dat is for, a requirement for the
ADA). You have to restart Jinitiator for this to take effect.


2. How can you affect the look and feel of your Apps forms?

You can alter the interface look and feel of Apps forms by changing the values of the
following variables in the appsweb.cfg file:

lookAndFeel=Oracle (or generic)

colorScheme=blue or (teal, titanium, red, khaki, blue, olive, purple)

The FND.D patch will allow control of some of these settings through the system

Java Look and Feel=Oracle (or generic)

Java Color Scheme=blue (or teal, titanium, red, khaki, blue, olive, purple)



1. Is customizing Apps Forms supported?

Customizing Apps forms can mean many things. Here are some interpretations and
whether they are supported or not:

Do you support issues encountered when customizing seed or Apps products forms?
Only if it pertains to standalone Forms functionality.
Do you support issues encountered when running customized seed or Apps product
forms? No.

Do you support issues encountered when customizing Apps template forms? Only if
it pertains to standalone Forms functionality.

Do you support issues encountered when running customized Apps template forms?
Only if it pertains to standalone Forms functionality.

Do you support issues encountered when integrating customized Apps template forms
with Apps? Yes.


2. What if you really want to customize Apps forms?

Apps strives to be a very complete product. It presents you with features that preclude
the necessity of customizing or building new forms. On top of this it has the added
functionality of being able to do internal customization of its forms through the use of
flex fields, but if this isn?t enough then the following manuals should help you
accomplish this Oracle Applications Developer's Guide (A75545-02) and Oracle
Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based (A75395-01).


3. How do you integrate custom forms with Apps?


CUSTOM APPLICATIONS would be a good source of info, official documentation can
be found in Chapter 2 of the Oracle Applications Developer's Guide (A75545-02).


4. Can you save Form modules (FMB, MMB, PLL) into the database?

Yes and no. Yes if its standalone and no if its part of Apps, this is because Apps
forms are structured so that their dependent modules are all stored as files. In Forms 9i
(not yet released) you will not be able to store Forms modules in the database altogether.

5. Where can you find the source Forms modules for Apps?

Apps places all its source (FMB) files in the $AU_TOP/forms/<language> directory
whereas the FMX files reside in their respective $PRODUCT_TOP/forms/<language>
directory. On the other hand, all menu (MMB, MMX) and library (PLL and PLX) files
are copied to the $AU_TOP/resource directory.


6. How can you find the version of Forms in Apps?

Once you are in an Apps form ...

click on Help
click on About Oracle Applications

... from the top level menu. The information is under the Forms Server section.


7. How can you find the version and name of the form you are currently on in Apps?

Same as #6 except that the information is under the Current Form section. The Form
Name corresponds to the FMB and FMX file for that form. The Form Version
corresponds to the release level of that form.


8. How can you confirm the version of the FMX or FMB file?

Oftentimes, once you determine the version and name of the current form you want to
peek into the internal workings of the actual form itself. To ensure that you are peeking at
the right release of the FMB file you can do the following:

$adident Header FNDSCSGN.fmb

If you do this on the machine where Apps is installed it should be as simple as
starting Forms Builder and opening the form.

If you simply copy the form over to a a machine that does not have Apps installed,
you will run into is a lot of FRM-18108: "Failed to load the following objects" errors.
This is because an Apps form is usually dependent on a host of other forms, libaries and

If you want to open the TEMPLATE.fmb form, make sure you have the following
forms, libraries, copied over as well from the $AU_TOP/forms/<language> and
$AU_TOP/resource directories:

9. How can I open an Apps form in Forms Builder?

If you want to open a product specific form, make sure you have all its associated
forms and libraries copied over. Since it is quite difficult to pinpoint exactly what this is,
its best to just copy over the entire contents of $AU_TOP/forms/<language> and

Questions and Answers

1. What is cloning?

Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an already existing Oracle
Applications system.


2. How can I clone an Oracle Applications system?

There are two cloning methods documented in the following white papers available
off of Oracle MetaLink Note 230672.1

* Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i

* Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone

Note: The third Cloning method (Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with
AutoConfig) has been fully replaced by Cloning with Rapid Clone, and is no longer

3. What are the differences between the two cloning methods?

* Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i was originally published in conjunction
with Release 11.5.5 and is applicable for all 11i releases up to 11.5.5 that are not
AutoConfig enabled.
* Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone is applicable for all
11i systems that have migrated to AutoConfig and enabled Rapid Clone. This method
contains steps to install AutoConfig and Rapid Clone.


4. What is the AD Cloning utility?

AD Cloning utility ( is the name of the cloning command line utility. This
utility is used to preserve and apply configuration information to the cloned target


5. What is Rapid Clone?

Rapid Clone is the new cloning utility introduced in Release 11.5.8. Rapid Clone
leverages the new installation and configuration technology utilized by Rapid Install. See
OracleMetaLink Note 230672.1 (Cloning Oracle Applications 11i with Rapid Clone) for
instructions on installing and enabling Rapid Clone.


6. How do I determine if my system is Rapid Clone enabled?

First, verify that your system is AutoConfig enabled. Then, verify that you have
applied the latest Rapid Clone patch documented in OracleMetaLink Note 230672.1
(Cloning Oracle Applications 11i with Rapid Clone). See Searching the Patch History
Database in the AD Procedures Guide for instructions on searching for patches applied to
your system.
7. What is AutoConfig?

AutoConfig is a configuration tool that supports automated configuration of an Oracle
Applications Instance. All of the information required for configuring an Applications
instance is collected into a central repository, called the Applications Context. When the
AutoConfig tool runs, it uses information from the Applications Context file to generate
configuration files and update database profiles. See OracleMetaLink Note 165195.1 for
details on installing and migrating to AutoConfig.


8. How do I determine if my system is AutoConfig enabled?

There are several identifiers for when the system is AutoConfig enabled. The
following are two common indicators:
* Open the environment file APPSORA.env in your APPL_TOP. If the top of the
file says that it is maintained by AutoConfig, then your system is probably using
* Check if there is an Applications Context file in the APPL_TOP/admin directory.
This file will typically be named <SID>.xml or <SID>_<HOSTNAME>.xml.
* Check if there is an Applications Context file in the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME
under the appsutil directory. This file will typically be named <SID>.xml or

See OracleMetaLink Note 165195.1 for more details on identifying if your system
already uses AutoConfig.

9. We are running Release 11.5.7 (or any prior release), which cloning method can we

Due to the advancements in the cloning solution with Rapid Clone, all customers are
now recommended to move to using Rapid Clone. if you are on release 11.5.7 or any
release before 11.5.7, you will need to first enable AutoConfig on your system, if not
already done, before you can use Rapid Clone as documented in the Cloning Oracle
Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone white paper.
10. We are running Release 11.5.8 (or any later release), which cloning method can we

In 11.5.8 AutoConfig is enabled on the middle tier out of the box. In 11.5.9 and any
later release, AutoConfig is enabled by default on both the database tier and the middle
tier. Update AutoConfig and Rapid Clone code to the latest code line and use Rapid
Clone to clone your system. Full instructions are in Cloning Oracle Applications Release
11i with Rapid Clone document 230672.1 on OracleMetalink.

11. Our Oracle Applications system is on Windows, which cloning method can we use?

If your system is on a release prior to 11.5.7 and is not AutoConfig enabled, use the
method documented in the Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i white paper. If your
system is on any AutoConfig-enabled 11i release, use the method documented in the
Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone white paper.

12. We have a Platinum installation of Oracle Applications. Can we clone our system?

Yes, cloning a Platinum system using the Rapid Clone method is no different than
cloning a non-Platinum installed system.
13. Can I clone from one operating system version to another?

Yes, if the target system platform is binary compatible with the source system
platform. For example, if you have an existing single-node Oracle Applications system
on Solaris 2.6, you could clone it to a node running Solaris 8, but not to a node running
HP-UX. Note that cloning from a higher version of a platform to a lower version is not
supported, for example, from Solaris 8 to Solaris 2.6. Other examples of binary
compatibility for Oracle Applications are:
* AIX 4.3.3 to AIX 5.1 (32-bit)
* HP-UX 11.0 to HP-UX 11i
* Windows NT to Windows 2000
Within a same platform you can also clone from a 32bit source system to a 64bit
target system.
Note (AIX only): when cloning from AIX 32bit to AIX 64bit, apply patch 2896876
(64bit kernel extension for Oracle) on the target system prior to running

14. Can I clone from one platform to a different platform?

Yes, you can clone or migrate the Applications middle tier from any platform to
Linux or any supported Unix platform using the procedure described in document
238276.1 "Migrating to Linux with Oracle Applications Release 11i".

15. Can I reclone just the database?

Yes, if the source system has changed and you want to update the target system with
these changes, you can reclone just the changed database. If Applications patches were
applied to the source system, the APPL_TOP and the database must be cloned to keep the
file system and database synchronized. See the Recloning section in the white papers for
16. Can I clone a single-node system to a multi-node system?

The Rapid Clone cloning method allows for cloning a single-node system to a multi-
node system. See the Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone white
paper for details.
17. Can I clone a multi-node system to a single-node system?

You can use Rapid Clone to merge multiple APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP file
systems into a single APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP file system. For more details
about this procedure, see "Section 3: Merging existing APPL_TOPs into a shared
APPL_TOP" in document 233428.1 on OracleMetaLink.
18. What cloning options are available for each cloning method?

The table below shows the cloning options that are currently available for each
cloning method.

19. Does Rapid Clone modify the source system?

No, Rapid Clone does not modify the source system. prepares the
source system to be cloned by collecting information about the database and creating
generic templates of files containing source specific hardcoded values. These templates
are stored in the appsutil/template directory leaving the original files untouched. This
process usually takes a few minutes to complete the first time.
Migrating to Autoconfig on the database node (pre-req to Rapid Clone), however,
will update the RDBMS init.ora and network listener files. See the instructions in the
Autoconfig document 165195.1 (Section 4: Migrating to AutoConfig on the Database
Tier) on how to preserve customizations to these files.


20. How does know the target system values?

Answer: will prompt for the values required to create the new context file used
to configure the target system. A few values are calculated from the current target system
(hostname, user and group). The rest of the target specific values are prompted for:

database SID Target database SID
domain name Target system domain name
Prompts specific to the DB Tier
Target System database name Target System database name
Target instance is a Real Application Cluster (RAC) instance (y/n) Answer yes if
the target system is going to be part of a RAC instance.
Current node is the first node in an N Node RAC Cluster (y/n) This prompt only
appears when you answered "yes" to the previous question.
Answer ¨yes" to this question if the current host is the first node being configured in
the target system RAC cluster. The tool will then ask for the number of nodes that will
exist in the final RAC instance and gather, the following information for every node:
- Hostname
- Database Sid
- Instance number
- Listener port
- Private interconnect name

Answer "no" to this qstion if at least one node of the target RAC cluster has already
been configured by Rapid Clone (i.e if you already replied "yes" to this question for any
other node in the cluster). The tool will then prompt for the following information to
connect to a life node (the answers must describe a node that has already been
- Hostname
- Database Sid
- Listener port
RDBMS ORACLE_HOME directory Path to the Target system RDBMS
Number of DATA_TOP's:
Database mount points. Enter the number of distinct directories containing the
target database dbfs, then their paths.
Prompts specific to the Apps Tier
database server node hostname of the machine hosting the database server
Does the target system have more than one applications tier server node (y/n)?
Answer yes if the target system is part of a multi-nodes configuration. The tool
with then prompt for the hostnames of:
- concurrent processing node
- administration node
- forms server node
- web server node
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n)?
Answer yes if the target system APPL_TOP is divided across multiple mount
points. The tool will then prompt for each auxiliary mount (4 mounts):
- APPL_TOP mount point
- APPL_TOP aux.1
- APPL_TOP aux.2
- APPL_TOP aux.3
Note: if your APPL_TOP is divided into 2 or 3 mounts only, you can specify identical
mounts to the above prompts.
APPL_TOP mount point APPL_TOP directory
COMMON_TOP directory COMMON_TOP directory
8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory
iAS ORACLE_HOME directory iAS ORACLE_HOME directory
Location of JDK 1.3.1 Location of JDK 1.3.1
Prompt common to DB and Apps Tiers
Port pool number:[0-99] Enter the port pool that you want to use on the target
system. Make sure to specify the same port pool on the DBTier and the AppsTier. If the
source and target machines are different, you have the option to preserve the source port
values on the target system.


21. What is the port pool? What if I want to give a specific value to a Server Port?

If you are cloning on the same machine or want to redefine the server ports , you will
be prompted for a port pool. The port pool provides a way to use a set of predefined
server ports. There are 100 port pools. For example, if you select 3, the default database
port number (1521) becomes 1524.
The following table lists all the server ports. To see how the port pool calculation
enter a number between 0 and 99(both inclusive) in the form and click "Get Ports".

Port Name

Autoconfig Variable

(Default) Port Numbers allocated for Port Pool: 0

(Custom) Port Numbers allocated for Port Pool:

Web Listener Port s_webport 8000 8001
Database Port s_dbport 1521 1522
RPC Port s_rpcport 1626 1627
Reports Port s_repsport 7000 7001
OPROC Manager Port s_oprocmgr_port 8100 8101
Web PLSQL Port s_webport_pls 8200 8201
Servlet Port s_servletport 8800 8801
Forms Listener Port s_formsport 9000 9001
Metrics Server Data Port s_metdataport 9100 9101
Metrics Server Req. Port s_metreqport 9200 9201
JTF Fulfillment Server Port s_jtfuf_port 9300 9301
iMeeting Collaboration Server Port s_imtsrvport 9500 9501
iMeeting Recording Server Port s_imtrecport 9600 9601
iMeeting Monitor (iMon) Port s_imtimonport 9700 9701
Map Viewer Servlet Port s_mapviewer_port 9800 9801
OEM Web Utility Port s_oemweb_port 10000 10001
VisiBroker OrbServer Agent Port s_osagent_port 10100 10101
MSCA Server Port s_mwaPortNo 10200 10201
MSCA Dispatcher Port s_mwaDispatcherPort 10300 10301
TCF Port s_tcfport 15000 15001
OACORE Servle Port Range s_oacore_servlet_portrange 16000-16009 16010-
Discoverer Servlet Port Range s_disco_servlet_portrange 17000-17009 17010-
Forms Servlet Port Range s_forms_servlet_portrange 18000-18009 18010-
XMLSVCS Servlet Port Range s_xmlsvcs_servlet_portrange 19000-19009 19010-
Forms Start Port s_frmStartPort 20000 20001
Java Object Cache Port s_java_object_cache_port 12345 12346

If you want to give a specific value to a port on the target system, independently from
the port pool, you must first complete the Target System configuration with
(temporarily select a value for the port pool). Once completes successfully,
edit the new target context file with editcontext or OAM and modify the corresponding
Autoconfig variables. Run Autoconfig to refresh the system with the new values (see
OracleMetaLink document 165195.1).


22. Does Rapid Clone preserve the patch history?

Yes, Rapid Clone preserves the patch history of the complete Applications Stack:
* RDBMS ORACLE_HOME: preserve the OUI oraInventory.
* iAS ORACLE_HOME: preserve the OUI oraInventory.
* 806 ORACLE_HOME: preserve the patch level and ORCA inventory.
* APPL_TOP and Database: preserve the patch level and history tables.

23. Can I clone a clone?

Yes, a cloned system created with Rapid Clone can then be used as the Source
System in the next cloning. RapidInstall itself is now a clone of a clone using the Rapid
Clone technology.


24. Can I change the database dbf files layout while cloning?

Yes, Rapid Clone allows to add or remove database mount points or redidtribute dbf
files among mount points in the target system. As long as all the source system dbf files
are present in the target system database mount points specified during the adcfgclone
prompts (see question "How does know the target system values?"), Rapid
Clone will find them and re-create the database control file accordingly.


25. What is the oraInventory?

The oraInventory is the location for the OUI (Oracle Universal Installer)'s
bookkeeping. The inventory stores information about:
* All Oracle software products installed in all ORACLE_HOMES on a machine
* Other non-Oracle products, such as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
In a 11i Application system the RDBMS and iAS ORACLE_HOMEs are registered
in the oraInventory. The 806 ORACLE_HOME, which is not managed through OUI, is

On Unix/Linux, the location of the oraInventory is defined by the content of

oraInst.loc, at:
- /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc on Solaris, HP-UX and Tru64
- /etc/oraInst.loc on Linux and AIX
On Windows, the location of the oraInventory is defined by the value of the registry
key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|Software\Oracle\INST_LOC or if this value is not
defined, at C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory


26. What is a binary oraInventory? Is my Inventory binary?

Before OUI 2.X, the oraInventory was binary.
A binary oraInventory centralizes, in a binary format, the location of every Oracle
products on the machine and the detail of their patch level. The oraInventory location is
defined by the content of oraInst.loc. You will have a binary inventory only if ALL of the
following conditions are met:
* you are on 11.5.7 or earlier (11.5.8+ install XML inventory out of the box)
* you have never installed OUI 2.X or higher (Install converts the inventory to
* you have never run Rapid Clone (Rapid Clone converts the inventory to XML)

If the following file exists, the oraInventory is NOT binary:

<oraInventory location as pointed by oraInst.loc>/ContentsXML/inventory.xml


27. What is a XML oraInventory? Is my Inventory XML?

Starting with OUI 2.X and 11.5.8, the information in the inventory is stored in
Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. The XML format allows for easier
diagnosis of problems and faster loading of data Rapid Clone requires the inventory to be
in XML format in order to clone it, and will take care of performing the binary to XML
convertion if necessary.
Unlike the binary oraInventory, The XML inventory is divided into 2 distinct
* The Global inventory (or Central inventory)
* The Local inventory (or Home inventory)

More information about these components is available under other questions in this
The inventory is XML if the following file exists:


28. What is the Global (or Central) Inventory?

The Global Inventory is the part of the XML inventory that contains the high level list
of all oracle products installed on a machine. There should therefore be only one per
machine. Its location is defined by the content of oraInst.loc.
The Global Inventory records the physical location of Oracle products installed on the
machine, such as ORACLE_HOMES (RDBMS and IAS) or JRE. It does not have any
information about the detail of patches applied to each ORACLE_HOMEs.
The Global Inventory gets updated every time you install or de-install an
ORACLE_HOME on the machine, be it through OUI Installer, Rapid Install, or Rapid
Note: If you need to delete an ORACLE_HOME, you should always do it through the
OUI de-installer in order to keep the Global Inventory synchronized.


29. What is the Local (or Home) Inventory?

There is one Local Inventory per ORACLE_HOME. It is physically located inside the
ORACLE_HOME at $ORACLE_HOME/inventory and contains the detail of the patch
level for that ORACLE_HOME.
The Local Inventory gets updated whenever a patch is applied to the


30. How does Rapid Clone deal with the oraInventory?

Rapid Clone requires OUI 2.2 to be installed in the ORACLE_HOME as a
prerequisite and will performs all the actions necessary to clone the inventory:
* Converts the Global inventory to xml format when it was binary on either the
source system or the target system
* Registers the cloned ORACLE_HOME in the target system Global Inventory
* Updates the Local Inventory of the target ORACLE_HOME to reflect the new
machine, paths, users, etc.


31. Why don't I need to manually copy the oraInventory when cloning?

The local inventory is automatically copied from the source system to the target
system as part of copying the ORACLE_HOME itself.
The Global Inventory is machine specifc and therefore should not be copied. If you
are cloning from one machine to a different machine, Rapid Clone will simply register
the target ORACLE_HOME in the target machine Global Inventory (This action will
automatically create the Global Inventory if it did not exist on that machine).


32. What does do?

Answer: is shipped with the OUI patch, listed as a prerequisit to Rapid Clone (see
Metalink Node 230672.1). It should be run as part of the OUI patch installation and will
perform the following tasks:
* Register the OUI program in the Global Inventory
* Register the JRE in the Global Inventory
* Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME in which the patch is install is properly
registered in the Global Inventory. In doing so, it will attempt to automatically fix
Inventory corruptions that are known to cause problem whilie cloning, such as
- Home indexes out of sync between the Global and Local Inventory
- Duplicate Home Names entries
- Duplicate Home Path entries

1. Oracle Application Server and Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i

What is Oracle Application Server?

Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS) provides the infrastructure to develop and

deploy e-business portals, transactional applications, and Web services. Oracle9iAS
provides an integrated development environment for developers to create Internet
Applications including J2EE Applications, Web Services, Enterprise Portals, Wireless
and Business Intelligence Applications.

Oracle Application Server 10g (OracleAS 10g) is the latest release of Oracle's
Application Server, succeeding Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS) Release 2.0.
This suite of products includes Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J), Oracle HTTP Server
(powered by Apache), Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle Forms, Oracle Identity Management,
Oracle Portal, Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle Business Integration, and Oracle

Oracle Application Server is part of the Fusion Middleware Family of products.

What are the differences between 9iAS R2 and 9i R2?

9iAS R1 corresponds to Oracle9i Application Server Release 1, which comprises all

application server (middle-tier) products (e.g. 9iAS

9iAS R2 corresponds to Oracle9i Application Server Release 2, which comprises all

application server (middle-tier) products (e.g. 9iAS 9.0.2).

9iR1 corresponds to Oracle9i Database, which comprises all database server products
(e.g. 9i Version

9iR2 corresponds to Oracle9i Database, which comprises all database server products
(e.g. 9i Version
Certification of one combination (e.g. 9iR2 with Applications 11i) does not imply
certification of any others (e.g. 9iAS R2 with Applications 11i). All products must be
individually certified with Applications 11i.
What is the difference between Oracle9i Application Server and Oracle Application
Server 10g?

These names refer to the Fusion Middleware Family of products, which includes
JDeveloper, Forms, Reports, Discoverer, Single Sign-On, Oracle Internet Directory,
Portal, WebCache, and other middleware tools.

Oracle9i Application Server (short name: 9iAS) refers to all application server
(middle-tier) products up to 9iAS 9.0.3, including:
* Oracle9i Application Server Release 1 Version
* Oracle9i Application Server Release 2 Version 9.0.2
* Oracle9i Application Server Release 2 Version 9.0.3

Oracle Application Server 10g (short name: OracleAS 10g) refers to all subsequent
application server (middle-tier) releases, including:
* Oracle Application Server 10g Release 1 Version 9.0.4
* Oracle Application Server 10g Release 1 Version
* Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 Version
* Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 Version
* Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 Version

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 Version 10.1.3

How is Oracle9i Application Server integrated with Oracle E-Business Suite Release

The Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i uses several individual components now
delivered as part of the Oracle9i Application Server (9iAS) suite. These individual
components include the Oracle HTTP Server (powered by Apache), PL/SQL, Forms
Server, Reports Server, Discoverer, Workflow, and many others.

Prior to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.7, some components originally

delivered in 9iAS were installed as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite Rapid Install.
Versions of the components included in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i Rapid
Install often differed from component versions delivered in the standard 9iAS releases.

The Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.7 and 11.5.8 Rapid Install contains 9iAS Enterprise Edition. New installations of these releases will have the 9iAS technologies already in place. Note, however, that Applications features that
depend on 9iAS (e.g. the use of Portal 3i as the default launchpad) are not
enabled by default in these releases. Customers who start with either the 11.5.7 or 11.5.8
Rapid Install will be able to apply additional patches and perform post-install
configuration steps to use the features that depend on 9iAS

Customers who apply the 11.5.7 Maintenance Pack or later to an existing Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i environment are not automatically upgraded to 9iAS
Enterprise Edition. In general, Maintenance Packs used to upgrade to the latest Oracle E-
Business Suite release do not include technology stack upgrades. 11i Maintenance and
Family Packs generally deliver fixes to Oracle E-Business Suite code. With some
exceptions, this general policy ensures that customers can get bug fixes for Oracle E-
Business Suite modules without having to upgrade their technology stack.

Customers upgrading originally environments created with the 11.5.1 to 11.5.5 Rapid
Installs may follow the migration instructions in Oracle MetaLink Note 146468.1 to
migrate their existing technology stacks to 9iAS Enterprise Edition and to
configure Oracle E-Business Suite features that depend on it.
What are the benefits of integrating an existing Oracle E-Business Suite environment
with OracleAS 10g?

Benefits of this configuration are:

Security & Identity Management
Log on with Single Sign-On
Log on with Single Sign-On and access all Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
modules, Oracle technology products, and custom partner applications.
Log off all applications at once
Log off Release 11i and all partner applications with a single logout or session
Manage user credentials in Release 11i
Manage user credentials exclusively in the native Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i (FND_USER) directory. User updates in the E-Business Suite may be automatically
synchronized with an external Oracle Internet Directory 10g instance.
Manage user credentials in Oracle Internet Directory
Manage user credentials in Oracle Internet Directory, a standards-based LDAPv3
directory which leverages the scalability, high availability and security features of the
Oracle Database. Oracle Internet Directory serves as the central user repository for the
Oracle Identity Management infrastructure, simplifying user administration for all
products in the Oracle environment. User updates in Oracle Internet Directory may be
automatically synchronized with the E-Business Suite.
Synchronize user credentials between Oracle Internet Directory and Release 11i
Manage and synchronize user attributes bidirectionally between Oracle Internet
Directory 10g and Release 11i via Oracle Directory Integration & Provisioning. Provision
new Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i user accounts from both Release 11i
administration consoles and Oracle Internet Directory via the Delegated Administration
Integrate with third-party single sign-on services
Integrate Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with existing third-party single sign-on
solutions, including Microsoft Windows Kerberos, CA SiteMinder.
Integrate with third-party LDAP directories
Use Oracle Directory Integration & Provisioning to integrate Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i with existing third-party directory solutions, including Sun Java System
Directory, Microsoft Active Directory, Novell e-Directory, and OpenLDAP.
Single sign-on using digital certificates
Simplify and secure access to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i via X.509 v3 PKI
digital certificates.
Associate Oracle Internet Directory user accounts with Release 11i user accounts
Associate an Oracle Internet Directory user account with one or more unique Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 11i user accounts. Useful for deployments where single sign-
on accounts in corporate LDAP directories differ from Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i user accounts.
Integrate a central Single Sign-On instance with multiple Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i environments
Integrate a central, enterprise-wide Single Sign-On instance with one or more Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 11i environments.

Integrate Portal with multiple Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments
Integrate Portal with one or more Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments
using Portal 10g
Add Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i portlets to custom portal pages
Use Oracle Portal to build customized corporate portal pages with Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 11i portlets, including the Applications Navigator, Applications Favorites,
and Workflow Notifications.

Additional Features
Analyze Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with Discoverer
Use Discoverer, Oracle's ad hoc query, reporting, analysis, and web publishing tool,
to allow business users at all levels of the organization gain immediate access to
information from Release 11i. Release 11i users can use Discoverer to analyze data from
selected business areas in Financials, Operations, Human Resources, Purchasing, Process
Manufacturing, Activity Based Management, and more.
Deploy OracleAS 10g to provide enterprise services for custom applications
Use the stand-alone Oracle Application Server 10g platform for deploying and
integrating custom applications. Take advantage of OracleAS 10g middleware services
for deploying and managing applications and Web services, delivering personalized
applications through enterprise portals and mobile devices, providing real-time business
intelligence, integrating applications, and automating business processes.
Accelerate E-Business Suite responsiveness with Web Cache
Use Oracle Web Cache 10g to as a reverse proxy, load-balancer, or cache to improve
the responsiveness of the E-Business Suite for your end-users. Performance
improvements from Web Cache are particularly notable in high-latency Wide Area
Network (WAN) deployments, where data compression can speed performance

Is Oracle Application Server 10g certified with Oracle E-Business Suite?

Yes, Oracle Application Server 10g is certified with Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i for the use of Oracle Internet Directory, Single Sign-On, Portal, Discoverer, Web
Cache, and Oracle Integration.

For more details about this certification, see the following Notes on Oracle Metalink
( ):
* 186981.1 : Frequently Asked Questions
* 293849.1 : Roadmap: Using OracleAS 10g with the Oracle E-Business Suite
(Overview Presentation)
* 233436.1 : OracleAS 10g + E-Business Suite Installation Guide
* 261914.1 : Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with Oracle Internet
Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On
* 305918.1: Portal 10g + E-Business Suite Installation Guide
* 313418.1: Discoverer 10g + E-Business Suite Installation Guide
* 306653.1: Web Cache 10g + E-Business Suite Installation Guide
* 223927.1 : Oracle Application Server Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite:
Statement of Direction

There are currently no plans to certify the upgrade of existing Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 11i application tiers to Oracle Application Server 10g.
Is Oracle9i Application Server certified with Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i?

Yes. For new customers wishing to create new, fresh installations of Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i, the 11.5.7 Rapid Install and higher includes 9iAS
Enterprise Edition. Customers installing 11.5.7 and higher for the first time may perform
additional post-installation steps to enable 9iAS-based functionality, including Portal,
Single Sign On, and Discoverer 4i.

Existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i customers may migrate their current
technology stack to 9iAS Enterprise Edition by following Oracle MetaLink
Note 146468.1 and may perform additional post-installation steps to enable 9iAS-based
functionality, including Portal, Single Sign On, and Discoverer 4i.
Is Oracle9i Application Server certified with Applications 10.7 or 11.0.x?
There are no plans to certify 9iAS with Applications 10.7 or 11.0.x. If those
customers upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i using the 11.5.7 Rapid Install
or higher, they will receive 9iAS as part of the standard 11i technology stack.

The only exception applies to Oracle iProcurement 11.0.3. iProcurement customers

may upgrade to 9iAS by following MetaLink Note 203376.1 . Support for this
configuration is available by filing TARs for Oracle iProcurement 11.0.3.
What versions of Oracle9i Application Server Release 1 can be used with Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i?

The Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.7 Rapid Install and higher contain Oracle9i
Application Server Release 1 Version Enterprise Edition.

Migration to Oracle9iAS Enterprise Edition is certified for environments

created with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i Rapid Installs prior to 11.5.7. For
details on upgrading existing environments to 9iAS, see Oracle MetaLink Note
146468.1 .

Prior versions of Oracle9iAS, including 1.0,,, and are not
certified with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i. There are no plans for these
Can an existing Release 11i application server be upgraded to Oracle Application
Server 10g?

No. Oracle has no plans to support the upgrade of the application server of an
existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environment to Oracle Application Server
10g. Existing Release 11i environments will remain at the Oracle9i Application Server level, and may be integrated with an Oracle Application Server 10g instance
deployed on a standalone server or in a separate ORACLE_HOME. Once integrated, an
existing Release 11i environment may take advantage of Oracle Application Server 10g
services on the standalone instance, including Single Sign-On, Oracle Internet Directory,
Portal, and Discoverer.

The E-Business Suite Release 12 includes Oracle Application Server 10g as part of its
Rapid Install. For details, see Oracle Application Server with Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12
Frequently Asked Questions (Metalink Note 415007.1).
Is 9iAS certified with Oracle Real Applications Clusters?

Yes, 9iAS is certified with Oracle Real Applications Clusters for the 9iR2
and 10gR2 databases. There are no issues with this configuration.
What is the authoritative source for certification information for Oracle products?
Oracle MetaLink ( ) is the authoritative source for
certifications between all Oracle products. Select "Certify & Availability" to query
Oracle product certifications by platform and products.

New certified configurations and technology stack patches for the E-Business Suite
are released regularly. For breaking news, updates, and technical discussions about E-
Business Suite technology stack topics, you can also monitor or subscribe to the E-
Business Suite Technology blog on the Oracle Technology Network.
What is the roadmap for future certifications of Oracle Application Server with the E-
Business Suite?

An overview of currently supported architectures, features and benefits, and

upcoming certifications is published in Oracle MetaLink Note 293849.1, Using Oracle
Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i.

New certified configurations and technology stack patches for the E-Business Suite
are released regularly. For breaking news, updates, and technical discussions about E-
Business Suite technology stack topics, you can also monitor or subscribe to the E-
Business Suite Technology blog on the Oracle Technology Network.
What training is available for migrating Release 11i environments to 9iAS?

Using the Oracle9i Application Server with Applications Release 11i is available on
Oracle University .

This self-paced course reviews the process required to migrate an existing Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i technology stack to Oracle9i Application Server It
discusses basic and advanced conceptual topics such as 9iAS disk space and operating
system requirements and supported systems architectures for Portal 3i and Discoverer 4i,
Enterprise Single Sign-On, and Oracle Internet Directory. It includes some discussion of
AutoConfig concepts, configuration management best practices, 9iAS migration
troubleshooting techniques and advice on how to avoid common problems, with pointers
to additional online resources.
What is involved in migrating to 9iAS

The following summarises the major components required to migrate an existing

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environment to 9iAS Enterprise Edition:
1. Upgrade to or higher
2. Implement AutoConfig
3. Use the 11.5.9 RapidWiz -techstack method to install 9iAS
4. Upgrade to latest certified Developer6i Patchset (optional)
5. Install latest certified Discoverer 4i release (optional)
6. Install latest certified Portal release (optional; required for Portal functionality)

Install latest certified Oracle Internet Directory release (optional)

This is a high-level overview only; see the Related Documentation for detailed
What is involved in integrating OracleAS 10g with Release 11i?

The following summarises the major steps required to integrate an existing Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i environment with Oracle Application Server 10g:
1. Upgrade the Release 11i environment to 9iAS (if necessary)
2. Install Oracle Application Server 10g on a standalone server or in a separate
3. Implement Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory
4. Install the interoperability patches on the Release 11i environment
5. Register the Release 11i environment with the Oracle Application Server 10g
6. Implement Portal (optional)
7. Implement Discoverer (optional)

This is a high-level overview only; see the Related Documentation for detailed
How does one obtain support for 9iAS or OracleAS 10g with the E-Business Suite?

Oracle9i Application Server Support for this release is available for all
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i customers.

File TARs with Oracle Support via MetaLink using the following identifying
information to ensure that your issue is routed correctly:
* Product: Oracle Application Object Library
* Product Version:
* Type of Problem: 9iAS Install and Config

OracleAS 10g: Support for Oracle Application Server 10g + E-Business Suite
configurations is available for all customers.

File TARs with Oracle Support via MetaLink using the following identifying
information to ensure that your issue is routed correctly:
* Product: Oracle Applications Technology Stack
* Type of Problem: Oracle Application Server 10g

2. General Installation Questions

What resources are available to explain patching for Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i environments?

For general information about patching Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
environments, including discussions about patch types and minimizing patching
downtimes, see:
* Patching Oracle Applications: Frequently Asked Questions (Metalink Note
* Oracle Applications Release 11i - Patching Best Practices and Reducing
Downtime (Metalink Note 225165.1)
Why are there two appsweb.cfg files in two different locations?

This is normal. $FND_TOP/admin/driver/fndtmpl.drv instantiates the template

$FND_TOP/admin/template/appsweb.cfg to both locations - the runtime location
$OA_HTML/bin and the prod_top location $FND_TOP/resource. Patches will
automatically replace files in both locations via AutoConfig. For more information about
AutoConfig, see Oracle MetaLink Note 165195.1 , Using AutoConfig to Manage System
Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i.
Can adclone be used with 9iAS installations created with

Yes. See Oracle MetaLink Note 216664.1 , Frequently Asked Questions Oracle
Applications DBA Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i.

3. General Configuration Questions

How does one implement load-balancing support for Release 11i environments?

System administrators can implement several different types of load-balancing in

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments: hardware-based HTTP Layer load-
balancing, hardware-based DNS layer load-balancing, software-based JServ layer load-
balancing, Metric Server-based load-balancing for Forms, load-balancing for Concurrent
Processing nodes, and load-balancing via Real Applications Clusters (RAC) for database

For more information, see Oracle MetaLink Note 217368.1 , Advanced

Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite 11i.

E-Business Suite Release 11i environments may be integrated with a stand-alone

instance running Oracle Application Server 10g. Oracle Application Server 10g has been
separately tested with load balancers, firewalls and stand-alone SSL accelerators ; note
that these tests apply to Oracle Application Server 10g and may not be directly applicable
to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments.
What are some potential issues after implementing HTTP Layer load-balancing for
Release 11i?

After implementing HTTP Layer load-balancing with certain hardware-based load-

balancers (including F5, Cisco, and Alteon hardware), certain Release 11i components
such as the Portal Parallel Engine and jtflogin.jsp may generate session timeout errors or
not work properly. Other services, including the Forms Servlet Listener and Discoverer
servlet, may continue to function.

These issues may occur when services running on Release 11i database-tier or
application-tier server nodes need to establish a loopback connection to themselves via
the hardware-based load-balancer.

For example, to build a Portal page, the Portal Parallel Engine makes a PL/SQL
request to the visible host and domain name specified by the AutoConfig Web Server
Host and Local Domain Name context values. In order for this loopback connection to be
successful, both the application-tier and database-tier servers need to be permitted to
access the hardware-based load-balancer. Certain networking security policies enforced
by the hardware-based load-balancer may cause the reply to be blocked or routed
incorrectly, breaking the TCP session, and causing failures in Portal connectivity.

To resolve these issues, ensure that you have installed the latest AutoConfig
templates specified in Oracle MetaLink Note 217368.1 and that the AutoConfig Web
Server Host context value is set to the hardware-based load-balancer. Then verify
whether an application-tier server node can establish a loopback connection to itself. For
example, try to establish a telnet session from the application-tier server node to itself.
You should also check whether the database-tier server node can perform the same
loopback connection. If the connection is refused, consult your load-balancer
documentation for procedures to enable Secure Network Address Translation (SNAT) or
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) support for your network.
Is Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i certified with specific third-party networking

Use of third-party networking components, including load-balancers, routers, and

switches, is supported by Oracle. "Supported" means that Oracle Support will assist with
Technical Assistance Requests (TARs) filed via Oracle MetaLink by Release 11i
customers for advanced configurations covered by Note 217368.1 , Advanced
Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite 11i.
Instructions in this Note are explicitly designed to work generically with all third-party
networking components for the documented configurations.

"Certification" refers to a comprehensive suite of functional tests across all Release

11i applications on all supported operating system platforms. Oracle Support and the
Oracle Applications Technology Group do not have testbeds comprising all possible
combinations of third-party networking components on all operating system platforms.
As such, the Oracle Applications Technology Group does not certify Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 11i with all possible combinations of third-party load-balancers, routers,
switches, firewalls, proxies, or other networking hardware.

Oracle Support will provide best-efforts support to isolate networking-related

problems or conflicts within Release 11i technology stack configurations (e.g. with
AutoConfig). Given limited Oracle resources and expertise with third-party networking
components, third-party vendors may need be engaged to help isolate problems

If problems are isolated to the third-party hardware, then the third-party vendor may
need to be engaged help resolve the issue. Oracle Support will escalate specific cases to
the Oracle Applications Technology Group where there are conflicts or issues or with
Release 11i configuration issues (e.g. with AutoConfig). Where appropriate, the Oracle
Applications Technology Group may work collaboratively with third-party vendors on
specific escalations that require coordinated updates from both Oracle and the third-party
Can Oracle Application Server 10g be installed on an existing Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 11i server?

Yes, Oracle Application Server 10g may be installed on the same physical server used
for an existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i instance. The OracleAS 10g
Infrastructure database may also be installed on that server. There are some restrictions,
the most important of which is that Oracle Application Server 10g must be installed in a
different ORACLE_HOME than the existing Release 11i ORACLE_HOME.

Other restrictions are noted on Oracle MetaLink > Certify > View Certifications By
Product > Product Group: Application Server > Product Selection: Oracle Application
Server > Oracle Application Server 10g and Oracle9i Application Server Release 1
( Coexistence Restrictions. In particular, note that Discoverer 4i and Discoverer
10g have dependencies on different Visibroker versions, preventing the simultaneous
operation of both Discoverer versions on the same physical server in some circumstance
(Bug 3266454 ).

Also see the "Compatibility with Earlier Versions" chapter of the Oracle Application
Server 10g Installation Guide 10g for your operating system platform.
Can Oracle Application Server 10g be installed on a different operating system
platform than Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i?

Yes. Oracle Application Server 10g may be installed on one or more physical servers,
each on different operating system platforms. These servers do not need to be running on
the sample platform as an existing Release 11i application tier server node.

For example, the following architecture is supported:

* Release 11i application tier server node on Linux
* Oracle Application Server 10g Metadata Repository on Hewlett Packard HP-UX
* Oracle Application Server 10g Identity Management on Sun Solaris

Oracle Application Server 10g on Linux

What are some best practices recommendations for Oracle Application Server 10g

E-Business Suite Release 11i environments may be integrated with a stand-alone

instance running Oracle Application Server 10g. Best practice recommendations for
configuring those stand-alone instances may be found in the Core Documentation for
Oracle Application Server 10g.
When OracleAS 10g is integrated with the E-Business Suite, where should the
OracleAS 10g Infrastructure database be installed?

The Infrastructure database for Oracle Application Server 10g is installed using the
"OracleAS Infrastructure 10g" installation option, and may be installed in the default
database included with OracleAS 10g. The OracleAS 10g Infrastructure database cannot
be installed in an existing E-Business Suite Release 11i database. The Infrastructure
database may optionally be installed in a database by using the Repository Creation
Assistant (repca) tool. For more information about this tool, see the Oracle Application
Server Repository Creation Assistant User's Guide 10g for your operating system
Is it possible to add additional languages to an the E-Business Suite environment that
is integrated with Oracle Application Server 10g?

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i instances and Oracle Application Server 10g
instances use different mechanisms to support NLS languages.

It is possible to add additional languages to an existing Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 11i environment; see the following resources:
* Installing Oracle Applications: A Guide to Using Rapid Install
* Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

It is currently not possible to add additional languages to an existing Oracle

Application Server 10g instance after the original installation. This is a known functional
limitation in Oracle Application Server 10g. For information on installing additional
languages during the initial OracleAS 10g installation, see the "Installing Additional
Languages" chapter in the Oracle Application Server 10g Installation Guide 10g for your
operating system platform. This functional limitation is expected to be addressed in
Oracle Application Server Release 11; this is subject to change.
Can 9iAS be installed in a separate ORACLE_HOME on an existing Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i application tier server node?

The upgrade process for customers following Oracle MetaLink Note 146468.1
installs the latest version of Oracle9i Application Server and associated patches
in a separate ORACLE_HOME on a server that may already have an existing installation
of Oracle9i Application Server At the end of the upgrade process, the E-
Business Suite environment is switched from the old ORACLE_HOME to the new

Although is is possible to switch from one ORACLE_HOME to another, running

9iAS services out of both ORACLE_HOMEs at the same time is not a supported or
recommended configuration when integrating 9iAS with Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i .
Can Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i and Oracle Collaboration Suite integrate
with the same Oracle Application Server 10g instance?

Yes. Oracle Collaboration Suite is certified for use with the Identity Management
components of Oracle Application Server 10g. See Oracle MetaLink > Certify > View
Certifications By Product > Product Group: Collaboration Suite > Oracle Application
Server Information.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i is certified with Oracle Application Server 10g .

Both the Release 11i and Oracle Collaboration Suite instances may be registered as
partner applications to the same Oracle Application Server 10g instance.
What resources are available for Oracle HTTP Server performance tuning?

See Oracle9i Application Server Best Practices Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) (Part Number
A95201-01), available on the Oracle Technology Network .

This documentation may recommend manual changes to configuration files that do

not apply to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments that have been migrated
to 9iAS and AutoConfig. See Oracle MetaLink Note 165195.1 , titled Using
AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i and How
does AutoConfig handle manual changes to configuration files?
What resources are available for installing and configuring Oracle Application Server

The Oracle by Example (OBE) series provides hands-on, step-by-step instructions on

how to implement various technology solutions to business problems. OBE solutions are
built for practical real-world situations, allowing you to gain valuable hands-on
experience as well as use the presented solutions as the foundation for production
implementation, dramatically reducing time to deployment.
* Oracle By Example Viewlets that demonstrate how to do regular and High
Availability installs of Oracle Application Server 10g
* OracleAS 10g High Availability Solutions
Is AutoConfig mandatory for migrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
environments to 9iAS

Yes, AutoConfig is required by the Release 11i interoperability patch used in the
9iAS migration. The Rapid Wizard-based installation process documented in
Oracle MetaLink Note 146468.1 uses AutoConfig to configure the new 9iAS-based
components in a Release 11i environment.
How does AutoConfig handle manual changes to configuration files?
AutoConfig is a configuration tool which supports automated configuration of an
Applications Instance. See Oracle MetaLink Note 165195.1 , Using AutoConfig to
Manage System Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i. All of the information
required for configuring an Applications Instance running out of an APPL_TOP is
collected into a central repository, called the Applications Context. When the AutoConfig
tool runs, it uses information from the Applications Context file to generate all
configuration files and update database profiles.

There are several major benefits provided by AutoConfig:

* Configuration Support - AutoConfig delivers a fully functional, supported
configuration of the APPL_TOP and the ORACLE_HOMEs in its supporting technology
* Configuration Management - AutoConfig provides a mechanism to configure or
re-configure an Applications Instance through one centralized procedure.
* Configuration Delivery and Patching - The uptake of new technology is
simplified, as new configurations and configuration changes can be provided in the form
of a patch.

The current version of AutoConfig supports manual customizations of configuration

files. To ensure that your customizations are not overwritten by AutoConfig, follow the
procedures documented in Note 270519.1, Customizing an AutoConfig Environment.

How can Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i customers upgrade the Oracle HTTP
Server without 9iAS

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.1 to 11.5.5 Rapid Installs included Oracle
HTTP Server 1.0.0, which corresponds to Apache 1.3.9 with additional Oracle mods.
The Oracle HTTP Server (powered by Apache) that was originally installed can
optionally be upgraded to Oracle HTTP Server, which corresponds to Apache
1.3.12s with additional Oracle mods. See Metalink Note 161779.1 , "Upgrading Oracle
HTTP Server in Applications 11i."
Which security patches should be applied to Oracle HTTP Server for E-Business
Suite environments?

Oracle strongly recommends that all E-Business Suite customers install the latest
Critical Patch Update. Critical Patch Updates are cumulative updates that contain fixes
for multiple security vulnerabilities.

* Oracle Critical Patch Update Program General FAQ (MetaLink Note 290738.1)
* Oracle Critical Patch Updates and Security Alerts
What versions of Oracle HTTP Server and Apache were shipped with Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i?

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.1 to 11.5.5 Rapid Installs included Oracle
HTTP Server 1.0.0, which corresponds to Apache 1.3.9 with additional Oracle mods.

There was no Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.6 Rapid Install. Only 11.5.6
Family Packs for ERP and CRM were released, which did not deliver any new
technology stack components.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.7 Rapid Install and higher include Oracle9i
Application Server, which includes Oracle HTTP Server, which
corresponds to Apache 1.3.19 with additional Oracle mods.

Customers may have optionally upgraded their 11.5.x environments by following

Metalink Note 161779.1 , "Upgrading Oracle HTTP Server in Applications 11i." This
upgrade included Oracle HTTP Server, which corresponds to Apache 1.3.12s
with additional Oracle mods.

To verify which version of Oracle HTTP Server (Apache) you have installed, issue
the following command:

$APACHE_TOP/Apache/bin/httpd* -version

For a comprehensive summary of all Oracle HTTP Server and Apache versions
delivered with all Oracle products, see Metalink Note 260449.1 Everything You Wanted
to Know About The Apache-Based OHS Version.
What is the latest Oracle HTTP Server rollup patch certified for Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 11i?
A list of all rollup patches for Oracle HTTP Server certified for Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 11i environments can be found in MetaLink note 254618.1 , Oracle HTTP
Server Patches Certified to be used with E-Business Suite 11i. This Note also lists the
latest application server security and AutoConfig template patches certified for Release
Can reverse proxies, demilitarized zones, and multiple domains be used with the E-
Business Suite?

Yes. For more information, see Oracle MetaLink Note 287176.1, DMZ
Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i.
How can Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments be cloned?

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments can be cloned using two different
methods. For details, see Frequently Asked Questions: Cloning Oracle Applications
Release 11i.

There are additional implications for Release 11i environments that have been
integrated with Oracle Application Server 10g. For a more extensive discussion, see In-
Depth: Cloning OracleAS 10g + E-Business Suite Environments.

Cloned Release 11i environments may share a common Oracle Application Server
10g instance. For example, a single Oracle Internet Directory user directory may be
shared by multiple Release 11i instances.

Alternately, system administrators may require that each cloned Release 11i instance
have its own cloned Oracle Application Server 10g instance. In this scenario, a separate
Oracle Application Server 10g instance must be installed, and the appropriate metadata
for the standalone Oracle Application Server 10g instance must be transported from the
original Oracle Application Server 10g instance to the new Oracle Application Server
10g instance.

Oracle Application Server 10g has a different set of tools for replicating environments
than Release 11i. At present, individual OracleAS 10g components such as Oracle
Internet Directory and Portal have their own separate tools for copying metadata between
OracleAS 10g instances. For example, user information in a given Oracle Internet
Directory instance may be copied to a different Oracle Internet Directory instance using
the built-in OID replication tools or LDIF files.

System administrators evaluating configuration management approaches for cloning

Release 11i environments integrated with Oracle Application Server 10g should review
their requirements against the capabilities of the Oracle Application Server 10g utilities.
For details, see:
* Oracle Application Server 10g Documentation Library
* In-Depth: Cloning OracleAS 10g + E-Business Suite Environments
Which versions of Forms and Reports are used by Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i after a 9iAS migration?

After an existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environment has been migrated
to 9iAS, Developer 6i Patchset 6 or higher is required. A complete cross-
reference between Developer 6i Patchsets and Forms and Reports version numbers can be
found in MetaLink note 125767.1 , Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications

Forms and Reports run out of the new 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME created during the
migration to 9iAS Release 11i has dependencies on 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME-
based components in the following areas: user exits, charting, and UTF-8.
What ports are used by Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i application services?

Default ports Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments that have been
AutoConfig-enabled are listed in Oracle MetaLink Note 216664.1 , titled Frequently
Asked Questions Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i.

4. Discoverer Questions

What versions of Discoverer are certified with the Oracle E-Business Suite Release

The following configuration is Generally Available and supported:

* Discoverer 10g ( + Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i

The certification of Discoverer with the E-Business Suite is currently

underway, but firmer release schedules are not yet available. Customers can monitor or
subscribe to the E-Business Suite Technology Stack Blog for regular updates on new

Discoverer 4i was desupported for E-Business Suite users as of October 2006.

Discoverer 4i users are encouraged to upgrade to Discoverer 10g at the earliest

What are some Single Sign-On-related usage scenarios for Discoverer 10g and the E-
Business Suite?

There are four major usage scenarios for Discoverer 10g accessing the E-Business
Suite via OracleAS 10g:
SCENARIO A: Invoking Discoverer workbooks from Applications Portlets via
Oracle Portal
* Step 1. The system administrator creates a form function for a given Discoverer
workbook, assigns the form function to an E-Business Suite menu and responsibility, and
grants this responsibility to UserA.
* Step 2. UserA signs on to Single Sign-On and Portal, then uses the Applications
Navigator portlet to select the new E-Business Suite responsibility linked to the menu and
Discoverer workbook form function.
* Step 3. UserA clicks on the link for the Discoverer workbook. The workbook
opens in Discoverer with no additional logins required.


* URLs to the Discoverer form functions shown in the Applications Navigator

portlet can also be added as links to the Applications Favorites portlet
* Discoverer is running against an APPS_MODE End-User Layer, which ensures
that workbooks can be accessed only by Discoverer users who have been granted the
appropriate Applications responsibility to view the workbook data.
* Discoverer does not look up the user in FND_USER. Discoverer receives all
Single Sign-On session information for the authenticated user via the Oracle Applications
ICX session information, which is passed to Discoverer via the form function invocation
through the Applications Navigator and Applications Favorites portlets.
SCENARIO B: Invoking Discoverer workbooks from standalone Discoverer

Standalone invocation of Discoverer with E-Business Suite workbooks via

Discoverer's Connection Manager feature with Single Sign-On enabled is supported for
users whose Applications SSO Login Types profile option is set to SSO. For details, see
Using Discoverer 10.1.2 with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 313418.1).
SCENARIO C: Use of Discoverer portlets for E-Business Suite workbooks

The Discoverer portlet provider can be used to deliver the contents of any worksheets
that have been developed against the E-Business Suite as a "portlet" within Oracle Portal.
This makes it easy to collate multiple worksheets into a single Portal page.

To use this feature:

* Step 1. Oracle Portal page designers add the worksheet(s) to the portal page and
specify which E-Business Suite userid and responsibility will be used to retrieve the
results for each individual portlet ahead of time.
* Step 2. End users sign on to Oracle Portal page via Single Sign-On using their
OID username. These users can view the contents of these portlets, the results of which
are determined by the choice of Applications userid and responsibility selected by the
page designer.
* Step 3. Users can customize the connection details for each portlet if given the
appropriate privilege.
SCENARIO D: Use of Discoverer invoked from E-Business Suite menus via E-
Business Suite Home Page
* Step 1. The system administrator creates a form function for a given Discoverer
workbook, assigns the form function to an E-Business Suite menu and responsibility, and
grants this responsibility to UserA.
* Step 2. UserA signs on to Single Sign-On, is shown the E-Business Suite menus
via the E-Business Suite Home Page, and uses the Applications Navigator to select the
new E-Business Suite responsibility linked to the menu and Discoverer workbook form
* Step 3. UserA clicks on the link for the Discoverer workbook. The workbook
opens in Discoverer with no additional logins required.


* URLs to the Discoverer form functions shown in the Oracle Applications

Framework Applications Navigator can also be added as links to the Applications
Favorites portlet
* Discoverer is running against an APPS_MODE End-User Layer, which ensures
that workbooks can be accessed only by Discoverer users who have been granted the
appropriate Applications responsibility to view the workbook data.
* Discoverer does not look up the user in FND_USER. Discoverer receives all
Single Sign-On session information for the authenticated user via the Oracle Applications
ICX session information, which is passed to Discoverer via the form function invocation
through the Applications Navigator and Applications Favorites regions running on the E-
Business Suite Home Page.

What is needed to install the Discoverer .eex files into the End User Layer?

For Discoverer 4i: Discoverer 4i Administration Edition is used to import the Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 11i End User Layer export (.eex) files and populate the
Discoverer End User Layer. Discoverer 4i Administration Edition is is part of the Oracle
Internet Developer Suite and is only available on Microsoft Windows. However, the shell
scripts shipped to install the .eex files on the Windows platform require a Unix-
compatible shell interpreter and support for Perl scripts.

Oracle does not include a shell interpreter with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
or Oracle9i Application Server. MKS Toolkit ( ), a third-
party set of utilities that includes several UNIX shell interpreters and Perl, is
recommended. MKS Toolkit for System Administrators, MKS Toolkit for Developers,
and any other MKS Toolkit suites that include UNIX shell interpreters and Perl are
sufficient to support installation of Discoverer 4i content for Release 11i.

Other third-party shell interpreters for Windows may also work but have not been
tested by Oracle. Cygwin ( ) has been tested and is NOT
compatible with AD utilities due to issues with awk compatibility. Microsoft Services
for UNIX has been tested and is NOT compatible with the shell script.
Customers are strongly advised to use the certified and recommended MKS Toolkit
where possible; unexpected behaviour may result from using uncertified third-party tools.

Discoverer 4i Administration Edition is a resource-intensive program. If you cannot

find a PC with 512 MB of RAM (virtual + physical resources), efficiency and results are
unpredictable, and .eex import times may increase. Oracle recommends running
Discoverer 4i Administration Edition on a PC with a total of at least 512 MB of RAM
(virtual + physical resources). Close all unneeded programs, services, and memory-
resident utilities (e.g. virus checkers), and ensure that there is enough free diskspace for
virtual memory page swapping.

Discoverer 4i was desupported for E-Business Suite users as of October 2006.

Discoverer 4i users are encouraged to upgrade to Discoverer 10g at the earliest

For Discoverer 10g: Discoverer 10g supports the creation of End User Layers from
the application-tier server node directly, unlike Discoverer 4i Administration Edition,
which could only be run on a Windows PC. Discoverer 10g customers on UNIX
platforms (e.g. Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Linux) may perform .eex imports and EUL
administration tasks on directly their UNIX application-tier servers, eliminating the
requirement for MKS Toolkit for UNIX platforms.

Windows customers running Release 11i and Discoverer 10g are still required to use
MKS Toolkit to run ADPATCH and other AD utilities.
Can the Discoverer tablespace name be customized?

Yes. Oracle recommends that the Discoverer tablespace name where the End User
Layer resides be named 'DISCOVERER', but this may be customized if needed. If
changed from the default, ensure that you specify the new tablespace name when creating
the End User Layer using the -DEFAULT_TABLESPACE command line parameter for
the eulapi utility (Discoverer 10g), or the /DEFAULT_TABLESPACE command line
parameter for the DIS4ADM.EXE utility (Discoverer 4i).
What are the supported Discoverer 4i configurations?

Discoverer 4i was desupported for E-Business Suite users as of October 2006.

Discoverer 4i users are encouraged to upgrade to Discoverer 10g at the earliest

If the Discoverer 4i Server is installed on a separate physical server from the Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 11i applications tier server node, this is a supported
configuration. See Oracle MetaLink Note 139516.1 for installation procedures. These
"standalone" Discoverer 4i installations require 9iAS to be installed in its
entirety as a prerequisite. Partial or custom installations are not supported.
If Discoverer 4i is to be installed on the same server and in the same
ORACLE_HOME as an existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i application tier
server node, then Oracle MetaLink Note 146468.1 must be followed prior to Oracle
MetaLink Note 139516.1 .

If Discoverer 4i is to be installed on the same server but in a separate

ORACLE_HOME on an existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i application tier
server node, then Oracle MetaLink Note 218111.1 must be followed prior to Oracle
MetaLink Note 139516.1

For details, see Oracle MetaLink , which is the authoritative source for all
certifications between Oracle products.
Can an uncertified version of Discoverer be used with Release 11i?

In general, system administrators are advised to install only Applications-certified

Discoverer versions and patches in their Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
environments using the standard Applications 11i workbooks and End User Layer
content; see Oracle MetaLink , which is the authoritative source for all certifications
between Oracle products. There may be circumstances that make the installation of
uncertified Discoverer patches necessary; consult Oracle Support for guidance based
upon your specific circumstances.

"Certification" of Discoverer versions and patches with Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 11i involves a coordinated testing effort across all Release 11i products that use
Discoverer. Certifications are generally performed for production releases for
Discoverer. Oracle does not generally certify small, individual emergency patches against
Oracle E-Business Release 11i. Oracle's Discoverer support policy is to respond to bugs
filed against both certified, production patch releases as well as emergency patches.

Customers are advised to follow controlled configuration management strategies

when working with uncertified emergency patches:
* Always back up a known working environment before applying patches.
* Always back up a known working environment at the certified patch level.
* Refrain from applying uncertified, emergency patches unless it is unfeasible to
wait until the next production patch release is certified.

Always test patches thoroughly before applying them to production environments.

What does "Applications Certification" of a Discoverer patchset or release mean?

Oracle periodically certifies the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with specific
patchset or release versions of Oracle Discoverer. Specifically, this means that certain
versions of Discoverer have been tested by Application product teams against the
workbooks and End User Layer that ship with their Applications modules (for example,
Financials Intelligence). A customer using an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
module which ships Discoverer content is free to upgrade to the latest certified version
and can typically install it in the ORACLE_HOMEs of existing application tier server
nodes of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments.

Independent of this Applications certification process, Oracle Discoverer supports

creation of custom workbooks and End User Layers against an Applications instance as a
fully supported "stand alone" feature. Regardless of whether or not a given Discoverer
patchset or release has been "Applications certified" a customer is free to use any
production release of Discoverer against their Applications instance to create custom
workbooks and End User Layers through "stand alone" instances of Discoverer (i.e.
usage of Discoverer outside of an Applications module which utilizes Discoverer, such as
Financials Intelligence). For example, a customer is supported to use 9iAS Discoverer
9.0.2 against Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i to develop their own custom
workbooks and End User Layer in support of an enterprise wide Business Intelligence
solution even though this release has not been "Applications certified." Please note that in
this case, Discoverer must be installed outside of the the ORACLE_HOMEs of existing
application tier server nodes of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments. For
more information, please refer to chapter 17 "Using Discoverer with Oracle
Applications" of the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide 9.0.2 part
number A90880-01.
What resources are available on Discoverer benchmarks, performance optimization,
and tuning?
* Oracle MetaLink Note 360622.1, Capacity Planning for Discoverer 10g (10.1.2)
* Oracle MetaLink Note 175287.1 , Oracle9iAS Discoverer Version 4i Capacity
Planning Guide

This documentation may recommend manual changes to configuration files that do

not apply to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments that have been migrated
to 9iAS and AutoConfig. For more information about AutoConfig, see Oracle
MetaLink Note 165195.1 , Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with
Oracle Applications 11i and How does AutoConfig handle manual changes to
configuration files?
Can multiple instances of Discoverer be installed on the same physical server?

It is possible to install multiple instances of Discoverer in separate

ORACLE_HOMEs on the same physical server on UNIX platforms. This is supported
via AutoConfig; see Oracle MetaLink Note 165195.1

Due to limitations in the Windows registry, it is not possible to install multiple

instances of Discoverer on the same physical server on Windows platforms.
Can Discoverer be implemented with third-party load-balancers?
Yes, although Oracle does not explicitly certify Discoverer with specific third-party
load-balancers, and Oracle Support can provide only best-efforts support for this
configuration. Customers with issues that cannot be reproduced in Release 11i
environments without the third-party load-balancer are advised to contact the third-party
vendor for advanced product-specific assistance. System administrators interested in
experimenting with this configuration are advised to configure the load-balancer to
handle routing requests for Discoverer services "with affinity" (i.e. "persistent"
connections) so that traffic from a given client is routed to the same application-tier
server node for Discoverer. This ensures that the existing Discoverer session is reused,
rather than being recreated from scratch on another server, a process which may incur
additional processing overhead.
Can Discoverer be used with firewalls?

Yes. Some resources for configuring Discoverer with firewalls are available on
Oracle MetaLink :
* DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 287176.1)
* Discoverer 4i Plus Firewall Step-by-Step Configuration Information (Metalink
Note 183658.1)

Oracle Discoverer 4i Plus Firewall and SSL Tips (Metalink Note 159200.1)
When will Discoverer content in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i be translated?

Discoverer content in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i includes the End User
Layer and workbooks. This content is available in U.S. English only and is not expected
to be translated.
Can intranet Discoverer users use Discoverer in SSL?

Yes, this is fully supported. See:

* How To Configure Discoverer 10g (10.1.2) Plus/Viewer For HTTPS (SSL)
Access (Metalink Note 338071.1)
* Discoverer 4i Plus Firewall Step-by-Step Configuration Information (Metalink
Note 183658.1)

Oracle Discoverer 4i Plus Firewall and SSL Tips (Metalink Note 159200.1)
Are all Oracle Applications Framework versions certified with Discoverer?

Discoverer is never called directly from Oracle Applications Framework and there are
no specific version dependencies between the two technologies.

5. Portal Questions
What is Oracle Application Server Portal?

Oracle Application Server Portal (OracleAS Portal) is a complete, browser-based

environment for the development, deployment, administration, and configuration of
enterprise class portals. OracleAS Portal incorporates a complete portal building
framework with self-service publishing features to make creating and managing the
information accessed within your portal simple and easy. A wide variety of portal
interfaces and configurations are possible: from a simple departmental-level publishing
portal to an Internet-accessible portal that serves both customers and employees. Tight
integration with other components of the Oracle Application Server and with the Oracle
database ensures that the solution can scale to an enterprise class audience.

For more information, see the Oracle Portal Center (Oracle Technology Network).
How does an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i instance communicate with Portal?

The integration between Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i and Portal is via the
Oracle Applications Framework Web Provider integration. The E-Business Suite
Release 11i is a partner application to Single Sign-On. For more information, see:
* Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide 10g

Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide 10g

What versions of Oracle Portal are certified with the Oracle E-Business Suite Release

Portal 10g (10.1.4) is certified with all Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.8 and
higher environments as part of the certification with Oracle Application Server 10g. See
Using Oracle Portal 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 305918.1).

Environments built with the 11.5.10 Rapid Install may only be used with Portal 10g.
This configuration requires the use of Oracle Application Server 10g.

All future certifications of Portal will be for architectures where Portal is installed on
a standalone server or a separate ORACLE_HOME distinct from the Release 11i

Oracle Portal will be desupported for E-Business Suite users in July 2007.
Customers currently using Portal should evaluate their plans for migration to
Portal 10g at the earliest opportunity. Customers using Portal for homepage
functionality without custom Portal content may wish to consider using the Oracle
Applications Framework-based home page.
Can Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i be integrated with third-party portals?

This depends on the capabilities of the third-party portal. Oracle does not certify
third-party portal products with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i.

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) produced by the Applications Navigator in

Release 11i environments can be used as bookmarks in browsers and links in third-party
portals. Users will be prompted to log into the E-Business Suite, if necessary, prior to
their being redirected to the linked E-Business Suite functionality. Applications Object
Library Minipack 11i.FND.G is a minimum prerequisite for bookmarkable URL support.

Portlets released for Release 11i (including the Applications Navigator, Applications
Worklist, and Applications Favorites) are designed to run with Oracle Portal. Current
versions of the Release 11i portlets are not compatible with third-party portals. It is
expected that JSR-168 / WSRP-compliant versions of these portlets will be made
available for E-Business Suite Release 12. These Release 12 portlets will be designed to
be compatible with standards-compliant third-party portals.
What portlets are released for the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i?

The key Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i portlets are described in Integrate
Enterprise Applications Into Oracle Application Server Portal. This whitepaper is also
published in the Integration and Collaboration area on the Oracle Technology Network.
Why are there hundreds of new portlets available when customizing a Portal page
after upgrading to 11.5.9?

The portlets, such as Profit & Loss and Expense Management KPIs, were part of
Daily Business Intelligence 5.0. Daily Business Intelligence 5.0 seed data, such as the
portlet names, was inadvertently included in the 11.5.9 maintenance pack. DBI 5.0 used
Oracle Portal to render DBI overview pages. DBI 5.0 was previously available under the
Early Adopter Program but is no longer available.

All new DBI implementations must start with DBI 6.0 or later. The overview page
rendering technology was switched in DBI 6.0 to OA Framework instead of Oracle Portal
to simplify the implementation. DBI overview pages and drill-down reports can be
accessed from Oracle Portal via the Applications Navigator portlet or the Applications
Favorites portlet.
Does Oracle Portal comply with the WSRP and JSR-168 specifications?

Yes. The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards

(OASIS) Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) and the Java Community Process
(JCP) Java Specification Request (JSR) 168 standards enable the interoperability of
portlets across different portal platforms.
The current architecture for OracleAS Portal 10g already adheres to the design
principles of OASIS WSRP and JSR-168; as a result, Oracle has been able to contribute
significantly to the WSRP specification. Oracle is also a member of the expert group for
JSR-168 and one of the primary advocates in the JSR-168 process for ensuring
compatibility with WSRP.

See Oracle Technology Network: WSRP and JSR 168 Standards

Can PortalTools be used with Portal 3.0.9 and Release 11i?

PortalTools is a set of three generic portlets: OmniPortlet, Simple Parameter Form,

and WebClipping. These portlets require infrastructure introduced in Oracle9i
Application Server Release 2, and are not compatible with Portal 3.0.9 and Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i.
What resources are available for sizing and performance management for Portal

The Performance & Sizing (Oracle Technology Network) area provides guidance on
estimating hardware sizing and optimizing performance of Oracle Portal environments.
Release 11i system administrators should be aware that the documents on this site are
written for generic environments using Oracle Portal. While all of the general principles
for sizing and performance optimization for Oracle Portal apply, specific
recommendations for fine-tuning configuration files in Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i environments must be executed through the Release 11i AutoConfig tool.
Can Release 11i environments with Portal 3.0.9 be migrated to Portal 10g?

Oracle Portal will be desupported for E-Business Suite users in July 2007.
Customers currently using Portal should evaluate their plans for migration to
Portal 10g at the earliest opportunity.

Migration instructions for upgrading Portal 3.0.9 to Portal 10g are published on the
Oracle Technology Network Portal Center . It is important to note that these instructions
will apply to the migration of the Portal metadata repository in standalone configurations;
these instructions will not be validated for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i

When Portal 3.0.9 is installed with 9iAS in a Release 11i environment, the
Portal metadata repository resides in the Release 11i database. Due to the complexity of
moving the metadata repository out of the Release 11i database safely, Oracle will not be
certifying or recommending this upgrade path for Release 11i customers. Release 11i
customers with Portal 3.0.9 implementations are advised to install Portal 10g in a
standalone environment and manually recreate their existing Portal content in the new
Can Portal be installed on a standalone server?

Yes. Portal 10g from Oracle Application Server 10g may be installed on a separate
standalone server, or in a separate ORACLE_HOME on an existing server. See Using
Oracle Portal 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Metalink Note 305918.1).

Portal 3.0.9 from Oracle9i Application Server must be installed on an

existing application tier server node when used with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i,
with the Portal Repository installed into the Applications 11i database.
Is it possible to use Portal to call the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i as an
external application?

Yes, it is possible to install Oracle Portal on a standalone server that is physically

separate from an existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i application tier server
node. Portal is able to call the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i by passing a userid
and password combination; this is called external authentication. However, this is not a
recommended or supported configuration as it comes with a number of disadvantages:
* There is no centralized administration of users and passwords for the various
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i subsystems, requiring users to login multiple times
(e.g. Discoverer users would need to reauthenticate for access to workbooks)

* There is no supported method of importing existing Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 11i usernames and passwords information into the standalone Oracle Single
Sign-On server
* There is no access to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i page definitions and

Logging out does not end the overall Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i session
Can Portal be integrated with multiple Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i

For Portal 10g: Yes. Integration of Portal with multiple Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i instances is supported with Portal 10g from Oracle Application Server 10g.
See Is Oracle Application Server 10g certified with Oracle E-Business Suite?

Release 11i portlets are instantiated for each instance. For example, if two Release
11i instances are registered with a single Portal 10g instance, there will be two
Applications Navigator Portlets - one for each Release 11i instance.

For Portal 3.0.9: No. Portal 3.0.9 from Oracle9i Application Server may be
integrated with a single Release 11i instance only. There are known issues with
integrating multiple Release 11i instances with Portal 3.0.9 that are resolved with the
certification of Portal 10g and higher.
Why must Portal be installed in a Release 11i environment when integrating
with a standalone Portal 10g instance?

An Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i instance communicates with a standalone

Oracle Application Server 10g instance running Portal 10g via the Oracle Applications
Framework Web Provider.

The Oracle Applications Framework Web Provider running on the Release 11i
instance relies on the Java Portal Development Kit (JPDK) for Single Sign-On
integration. JPDK is bundled only as part of the Portal installation. To deliver
this prerequisite, Portal needs to be installed in the filesystem of the Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i application tier server node.

The Portal 3.0.9 schemas do not need to be installed on the Release 11i database tier,
and Portal 3.0.9 is not used for any Portal services. All Portal services are delivered by
the Oracle Application Server 10g instance running Portal 10g.
Can Portal 9.0.2 be used with Identity Management 9.0.4 and Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 11i?

No. Portal 9.0.2 (released with Oracle9i Application Server Release 2) is not certified
with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i.
How are non-Applications Portal users authenticated when using FND_USER?

If Login Server 3.0.9 authentication has been configured to use the Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 11i's FND_USER user directory to store user information, all Portal 3.0.9
users must be registered in FND_USER and managed with the Applications user
administration forms. Do not assign Applications responsibilities to Portal users if they
are not authorized to be Release 11i users.
Should the Web Provider and the Application Portal URLs be set to HTTP or

The OAFrameworkWebProvider URL defines how the Web Provider communicates

with Release 11i. If the Release 11i environment has been SSL-enabled, then the Web
Provider URL should use HTTPS. If the environment is not SSL-enabled, then HTTP
should be used. This general principle applies to the Application Portal URLs as well: if
SSL is desired and enabled, then the Application Portal URLs should be set to HTTPS,
otherwise, it should be set to HTTP.

6. Oracle Internet Directory , Single Sign-On & Security Questions

Where can one get information about security alerts for Oracle products?
Security alerts for all Oracle products can be found on the Oracle Technology
Network: . Please refer to that website
for information on contacting Oracle's Security Alert team if you believe that you have
identified a security vulnerability, or if you have questions about whether a particular
security issue is resolved by a given Critical Patch Update.
What are some security-related resources for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i?
* Critical Patch Updates and Security Alerts (Oracle Technology Network)
* Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite (Metalink Note 189367.1)
* Enabling Oracle Label Security in Oracle E-Business Suite (Metalink Note
* Encrypting EBS 11i Network Traffic using Advanced Security Option /
Advanced Networking Option (Note 391248.1)

Using Transparent Data Encryption with the E-Business Suite (Metalink Note
What is required to enable Single Sign-On for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i?

By default, E-Business Suite Release 11i authenticates users against its internal user
repository (FND_USER).

E-Business Suite Release 11i may optionally be integrated with Oracle Single Sign-
On 10g and Oracle Internet Directory 10g, parts of Oracle Identity Management. For
integration steps, see Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E- Business
Suite Release 11i (Metalink Note 233436.1).

When integrated with these components, E-Business Suite Release 11i delegates user
authentication to Oracle Single Sign-On 10g. User administration, including password
resets, may be managed in Oracle Internet Directory 10g. For conceptual information
about the various scenarios for managing users and passwords in this integrated
architecture, see the "Oracle Single Sign-On Integration" chapter in Oracle Application
System Administrator's Guide - Release 12 (Part No. B31451).
Can Oracle Single Sign-On and Oracle E-Business Suite work with third-party single
sign-on products?

Yes. E-Business Suite Release 11i environments may be integrated with Oracle
Single Sign-On 10g. Oracle Single Sign-On 10g may be integrated, in turn, with third-
party authentication systems.

In this configuration, the E-Business Suite delegates user authentication to Oracle

Single Sign-On 10g. Oracle Single Sign-On 10g, in turn, delegates user authentication to
the third-party authentication system. A chain of trust is established between all three
systems. End-users who have successfully logged on to the third-party authentication
system are recognized by the E-Business Suite and Oracle Single Sign-On 10g as trusted
users, and are redirected to the requested E-Business Suite functionality without having
to log in again.

Examples of third-party authentication system integrations include:

* Microsoft Kerberos (Windows Native Authentication)
* CA Netegrity SiteMinder
* IBM Tivoli Access Manager
* Smart-card and Common Access Card (CAC) systems

For information on integrating Oracle Single Sign-On 10g with third-party

authentication systems, see the "Integrating with Third-Party Access Management
Systems" chapter in Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide
10g (Part No. B14078).

For conceptual information about the various scenarios for managing users and
passwords in this integrated architecture, see the "Oracle Single Sign-On Integration"
chapter in Oracle Application System Administrator's Guide - Release 12 (Part No.

Oracle provides general support for isolating integration issues between third-party
authentication systems and Oracle Single Sign-On 10g. Although Oracle will attempt to
resolve third-party integration issues to the best of their ability, users of third-party
products may be advised to contact the third-party vendor for detailed support for third-
party issues.
Can Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle E-Business Suite work with third-party
LDAP directories?

Yes. E-Business Suite Release 11i environments may be integrated with Oracle
Internet Directory 10g. Oracle Internet Directory 10g may be integrated, in turn, with
third-party LDAP 3/X.500 compliant directories.

In this configuration, the E-Business Suite synchronizes user attributes with Oracle
Internet Directory 10g. Oracle Internet Directory 10g, in turn, synchronizes user
attributes with the third-party LDAP directory. User attributes may be synchronized:
* From the E-Business Suite to Oracle Internet Directory 10g to the third-party
* From the third-party LDAP to Oracle Internet Directory 10g to the E-Business
* Bidirectionally

Examples of third-party LDAP directory integrations include:

* Microsoft Active Directory
* Microsoft Exchange
* Sun Java System Directory
* IBM Tivoli Directory Server
* Novell e-Directory
* OpenLDAP

For information on integrating Oracle Internet Directory 10g with third-party LDAP
directories, see the Oracle Identity Management 10g Integration Guide (Part No.

For conceptual information about the various scenarios for managing users and
passwords in this integrated architecture, see the "Oracle Single Sign-On Integration"
chapter in Oracle Application System Administrator's Guide - Release 12 (Part No.

Oracle provides general support for isolating integration issues between third-party
LDAP directories and Oracle Internet Directory 10g. Although Oracle will attempt to
resolve third-party integration issues to the best of their ability, users of third-party
products may be advised to contact the third-party vendor for detailed support for third-
party issues.
Can Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i be used directly with a third-party LDAP
directory instead of Oracle Internet Directory?

No. Replacing Oracle Internet Directory directly with a third-party LDAP directory
for Release 11i is not supported. Release 11i is certified with the Oracle Identity
Management services included in Oracle Application Server 10g, which include Oracle
Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On. Third-party LDAP directories must be
integrated with Oracle Application Server 10g, which in turn may be integrated with
Release 11i .
How can Microsoft Active Directory and Windows Native Authentication be used
with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i?

For Oracle Application Server 10g users: Release 11i may be integrated with Oracle
Application Server 10g . Once integrated, Oracle Application Server 10g provides
multiple methods for integrating Oracle Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory
with Microsoft Windows environments and Microsoft Active Directory. Windows
Native Authentication is an authentication scheme for those who use Internet Explorer on
Microsoft Windows. When this feature is enabled in OracleAS Single Sign-On, users log
in to single sign-on partner applications automatically using Kerberos credentials
obtained when the user logs in to a Microsoft Windows computer. See:
* Integration with the Microsoft Active Directory Environment
* Integration with the Microsoft Windows Environment
* How To Synchronize Microsoft Active Directory Quick Start Guide
* Troubleshooting Active Directory to OID Synchronization
* Understanding DIP Mapping Files
How does the AppsLogin servlet work?

The AppsLogin servlet supercedes older Release 11i login mechanisms and certain
product-specific login pages. The AppsLogin servlet detects the login mode by reading
the "Applications SSO Type" profile option for the current Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i instance and transparently redirects to the appropriate login page.
* Scenario 1: AppsLogin running on a Release 11i instance configured for Self-
Service Web Applications (SSWA) will authenticate the user via the AppsLocalLogin.jsp
page, and then redirect to the configured home page specified in the Self Service Personal
Home Page mode profile option.
* Scenario 2: AppsLogin running on a Release 11i instance configured for Single
Sign-On will redirect to the Single Sign-On 10g login page for user authentication, and
then redirect to the configured home page specified in the Self Service Personal Home
Page mode profile option.

Scenario 3: AppsLogin running on a Release 11i instance configured for Single

Sign-On and Portal will redirect to Single Sign-On 10g login page for user authentication,
and then redirect to the default Portal home page.

The AppsLogin servlet may be installed for Release 11i environments running 9iAS , or Release 11i environments integrated with Oracle Application Server 10g
and Single Sign-On 10g.
Can Oracle Internet Directory groups be mapped to Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i responsibilities?

Presently, user information in Oracle Internet Directory 10g and Release 11i may be
automatically synchronized. Users must still be granted Release 11i responsibilities via
the Release 11i security administration forms.
Are passwords synchronized between Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i instances?

No. Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i uses passwords and credentials stored and
managed in Oracle Internet Directory.
What is the difference between Oracle Login Server and Oracle Single Sign-On

Various Oracle documentation may alternately refer to Login Server, Single Sign-On
Server, and Single Sign-On. These terms all refer to the same product at different times
in its lifecycle:
* Oracle9i Application Server uses the term Login Server
Oracle9i Application Server 9.0.2 and higher use the term Single Sign-On Server,
or simply Single Sign-On
Where can one find more information about the Oracle Workflow Business Event

Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i keep user
information synchronized by raising events in the Oracle Workflow Business Event
System. For details about the business events raised when users are added or modified in
either location, see Note 261914.1 Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with
Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On. For more information about the
Oracle Workflow Business Event System, see the Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
How can new users added to Oracle Internet Directory be automatically added to the
E-Business Suite Release 11i instance?

For maximum security in the default configuration, new users added to Oracle
Internet Directory must be manually added to the subscription list of a registered E-
Business Suite Release 11i instance. In the default configuration, the process of adding a
new user requires the following steps:
1. Add user in Oracle Internet Directory using the Delegated Administration
Services tool (or equivalent mechanism when OID is integrated with a third-party LDAP
2. Add user to subscription list of a registered 11i instance using the provsubtool.orc
3. User information is automatically propagated via the Directory Integration &
Provisioning Platform to the 11i instance's FND_USER table.
4. Grant 11i responsibilities to the newly created user, using the 11i "User Define"

System administrators may optionally enable the APPS_SSO_OID_IDENTITY

profile option. Enabling the APPS_SSO_OID_IDENTITY profile option automates Step
2, above: users added to Oracle Internet Directory when the
APPS_SSO_OID_IDENTITY profile option is enabled are automatically added to the
subscription list for the registered 11i instance and created in FND_USER. System
administrators must still manually grant 11i responsibilities to the newly created user.
Can Oracle Internet Directory 10g be used with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i?

Yes. See What is required to enable Single Sign-On for Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i?
What is the master source-of-truth for user information after Oracle Internet Directory
is integrated with Release 11i?
The recommended practice is to designate either Oracle Internet Directory or Release
11i's FND_USER as the master source-of-truth for user information after Oracle
Application Server 10g has been integrated with Release 11i. This is configurable by the
system administrator by following Note 261914.1 and selecting the appropriate
provisioning profile template.

Oracle strongly recommends that Oracle Internet Directory be designated as the

master source-of-truth for Release 11i environments that have been integrated with
Oracle Application Server 10g.

Advanced system administrators with specialized needs may designate both

directories as masters for individual attributes. For example, Oracle Internet Directory
may be designated the master source-of-truth for the USERNAME attribute, and Release
11i's FND_USER is the master for the DESCRIPTION attribute. This is not
recommended but technically possible.

In all scenarios, user information must be synchronized between Oracle Internet

Directory and Release 11i. This synchronization is accomplished via the Directory
Integration & Provisioning Platform, included with Oracle Internet Directory in Oracle
Application Server 10g. In the scenario where Oracle Internet Directory is the master
source-of-truth, user information from Oracle Internet Directory must be locally
replicated in Release 11i. In the scenario where Release 11i is the master source-of-truth,
user information from Release 11i's FND_USER must be locally replicated in Oracle
Internet Directory; Oracle does not recommend this latter scenario.

Regardless of which option is selected, Oracle Single Sign-On authenticates users

against Oracle Internet Directory.

Note the distinction between user authentication (which validates that the user is
whom they claim to be) and user authorization (which validates that the user has access
to specific Release 11i functions and data).

For Release 11i environments that have been integrated with Oracle Application
Server 10g and Oracle Internet Directory, user authentication is done by Single Sign-On
against Oracle Internet Directory, and user authorization is done by Release 11i against
FND_USER. FND_USER is still used internally by Release 11i for user authorization,
transaction records, audit trails and other internal 11i security management.

Since the user authentication and user authorization functions are tightly integrated
but performed by Single Sign-On and Release 11i, respectively, user namespaces in
Oracle Internet Directory and Release 11i's FND_USER must always be kept

A third-party LDAP directory may be integrated with Oracle Internet Directory. In

these configurations, it is expected that the third-party LDAP directory will be designated
as the master source-of-truth. In this scenario, user information between all three
repositories must be kept synchronized. Assuming that the third-party LDAP directory
has been designated as the master source-of-truth, user information should be
synchronized from the third-party LDAP to Oracle Internet Directory to Release 11i's
FND_USER. In this configuration, passwords for Single Sign-On-enabled E-Business
Suite users are maintained in the third-party LDAP; no passwords are maintained in
either Oracle Internet Directory or the E-Business Suite's Release 11i's FND_USER.
Can Oracle Single Sign-On be used with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i but
without Oracle Internet Directory?

No. Oracle Single Sign-On always authenticates users against Oracle Internet
Directory. Oracle Internet Directory is a mandatory requirement when integrating Oracle
Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i.
Can Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1 be used with Oracle E-Business Suite Release

Effective October, 2003, Oracle suspended distribution of Oracle Internet Directory

3.0.1-based authentication and synchronization for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
for new customer deployments of this functionality. Oracle will continue to support
existing customers who have already deployed Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1 in their
Release 11i environments.

For all other customers, Single Sign-On support for Oracle E-Business Suite Release
11i will be restricted to user authentication with the native Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i (FND_USER) repository. Although Note 150832.1 will continue to be
available for reference purposes on Oracle Metalink, the corresponding Oracle Internet
Directory synchronization patches have been withdrawn from general circulation.
Who will be affected
1. Customers planning to integrate third-party LDAP products with Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i environments using Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1.
2. Depending on the deployment, customers planning to integrate third-party single
sign-on services with Release 11i environments using Login Server 3.0.9. Customers will
have to ensure that user repositories used by third-party single sign-on services are
manually synchronized with Release 11i's (FND_USER) user directory.
Recommended alternative

Oracle has certified Oracle Application Server 10g and Oracle Internet Directory with
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i. For more information, see Is Oracle Application
Server 10g certified with Oracle E-Business Suite?
What Oracle database releases can Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1 run on?

Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1 is released as part of Oracle9i Release 1. Oracle

Internet Directory 3.0.1 is compatible only with Oracle9i Release 1. Customers
upgrading their Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i environments to later database
releases (e.g. Oracle9i must ensure that they maintain OID 3.0.1 on an Oracle9i
Release 1 database.
Where can one find more information about Netegrity SiteMinder compatibility with
Oracle Application Server?

Computer Associates certifies different versions of SiteMinder on various operating

system platforms with Oracle Application Server 10g. Some of these certifications have
been completed, and others are underway. This is subject to change, and customers are
advised to contact Computer Associates for the latest certification status.

For the platforms on which CA SiteMinder has been certified, Oracle has released
MetaLink Note 297880.1, Integrating OracleAS 10G Single Sign-On With Netegrity
SiteMinder for Unix Systems: January 2005.
How can PKI X.509 V3 digital certificates be used with Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i?

Yes. E-Business Suite Release 11i must be integrated with Single Sign-On 10g and
Oracle Internet Directory 10g to support the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) X.509
digital certificates. PKI digital certificates are stored in Oracle Internet Directory 10g.
Users' browsers present the PKI digital certificates at the authentication stage to Oracle
Single Sign-On 10g, which passes them on to Oracle Internet Directory 10g for

For details on integrating E-Business Suite Release 11i with Single Sign-On 10g and
Oracle Internet Directory 10g, see Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle
E- Business Suite Release 11i (Metalink Note 233436.1).

For more information about using digital certificates with Single Sign-On 10g, see the
"Signing on with Digital Certificates" chapter in Oracle Application Server Single Sign-
On Administrator's Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) (Part No. B14078)
What resources are available for load-balancing, sizing, or implementing High
Availability for an Identity Management server?
* Oracle Application Server 10g High Availability (Oracle Technology Network)
* Highly Available Identity Management Deployment Configurations in OracleAS
* Deployment Scenarios

Distributed Identity Management with Active Failover Cluster for High

Can the Release 11i user directory be switched between Oracle Internet Directory and
Applications FND_USER?
For existing Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1 users: Switching between the two
possible user directories, Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1 and FND_USER, is supported.
One scenario where this may be desirable is where the Release 11i FND_USER directory
is initially used for a small-scale Release 11i environment enabled for Single Sign-On
support. The same environment may be upgraded later to use Oracle Internet Directory to
integrate with third-party LDAP directories in a broader implementation. See Oracle
Metalink Note 146469.1 , Installing and Configuring Oracle Login Server and Oracle
Portal 3i with Oracle Applications 11i.

To switch from one external authentication method to another, execute the steps
corresponding to the desired user directory. For example, if Step 4.1 has already been
executed to configure FND_USER as the default external authentication, execute Step
4.2 to switch to Oracle Internet Directory.

For Oracle Internet Directory 10g users: In Release 11i environments that have been
configured to delegate user authentication to Oracle Application Server 10g via Single
Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory, individual users may be designated as "local"
users or "external" users. "Local" users are authenticated against the native Release 11i
FND_USER directory. "External" users are authenticated against the external Oracle
Internet Directory user directory.
How can existing user information from Applications FND_USER be uploaded to
Oracle Internet Directory?

The Applications Technology Group provides prepackaged tools for synchronizing

the E-Business Suite with Oracle Internet Directory 10g. For details, see Integrating
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single
Sign-On (Metalink Note 261914.1).
How are user passwords transferred between third-party LDAP directories and Oracle
Internet Directory?

Some capabilities exist for synchronizing passwords, but this is generally not
necessary, since these environments typically also include third-party authentication
systems that authenticate users against the third-party LDAP directories. For a detailed
discussion, see the "Choose Where to Store Passwords" chapter in the Oracle Identity
Management 10g Integration Guide (Part No. B14085).

Password hashes from third-party LDAP directories can be included in LDIF-based

imports into Oracle Internet Directory. The following hash algorithms are supported:
MD4, MD5, SHA, SSHA, and UNIX Crypt. For more details, see Migrating Data from
Other LDAP-Compliant Directories in Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
Password transfer to Oracle Internet Directory is needed only if migrating from an
existing third-party LDAP directory to Oracle Internet Directory. Password transfer is
not necessary for configurations where Release 11i is integrated with an existing third-
party LDAP via Oracle Application Server 10g, where the third-party LDAP directory
remains actively used.
How can CRM environments be upgraded to support Single Sign-On?

For Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1 users: Earlier documentation and announcements
stated that Customer Relationship Management Self-Service Web Applications
components are not compatible with Single Sign-On.

Further analysis has been performed, and the list of "Single Sign-On exceptions" has
been isolated to a smaller subset applications in Release 11i.

Note 150832.1 , Implementing Single Sign-On for Oracle Applications 11i with
Login Server Authentication Using Oracle Internet Directory, has been updated with a
preliminary summary of this new information. The "Functional Limitations for Oracle
Internet Directory Users" section of this document contains the current list of Release 11i
applications that have special requirements for Single Sign-On support.

The Applications Technology Group is preparing a further update with the latest list
of Release 11i modules that are not compatible with Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1. For
more information about the availability of the latest list on Metalink, contact Remi

For Oracle Internet Directory 10g users: The majority of Release 11i modules are
compatible with Single Sign-On 10g with the release of 11.5.10; a list of exceptions may
be found in MetaLink Note 233436.1. Customers using earlier 11i versions may need to
apply product-specific patches to enable Single Sign-On for selected products.
How can one identify the currently installed version of Oracle Internet Directory?

There are at least three possible methods of identifying the currently installed version
of Oracle Internet Directory:
1. Select Help > About OID using the Oracle Directory Manager client
2. Point Oracle Directory Manager at one or more Oracle Internet Directory
instances. Oracle Directory Manager displays system operational attributes when an
instance is selected. One of the attributes shown is Oracle Directory Version.

Each OID instance has a root DSE attribute (entry DN = "") called
What user attributes are synchronized between Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 11i?
For Oracle Internet Directory 10g: The set of user attributes that may be
synchronized between Oracle Internet Directory 10g and Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 11i differs depending upon the direction of synchronization. For more details,
see Oracle MetaLink Note 261914.1 , Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On.

For Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1: The following directory information can be
synchronized between Oracle Internet Directory and Release 11:
* User identities from Oracle Human Resources. See Chapter 27, "Synchronizing
with Oracle Human Resources" in the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
Release 3.0.1 (Part Number A90151-01).
* Attributes synchronized from Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1 to Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 11i FND_USER by patch 2499306 (see Oracle MetaLink Note
150832.1 ) are:


Is it possible to prevent multiple concurrent logins for a single user account?

Yes. See Oracle MetaLink Note 375403.1, How Can I Restrict Applications Users
To Be Signed In Only Once At Any Time.

Questions and Answers

Overview and Terminology

What is AutoConfig?
AutoConfig is a configuration tool that automates the configuration of an Oracle
Applications system. The information required for configuring an Applications system is
collected into a repository, called the Applications Context; there is one Applications
Context for each application tier, and one for the database tier. When AutoConfig runs, it
uses information from the Applications Context file to generate all configuration files and
update database profiles.

Refer to Metalink Note 165195.1 for details on installing, using and updating
AutoConfig. The Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures and the Oracle
Applications Maintenance Utilities provide further information on how to use
AutoConfig in the context of maintaining your system.


What is the difference between the application tier and the database tier?
Before we can answer that, let's define a few terms in the context of the Release 11i
* A node or machine is a computer.
* A server is a collection of one or more computer processes that perform a
specific function.
* A tier is a logical grouping of one or more servers or computer processes.

Now let's answer the question.

* The application tier (also called the middle tier) consists of a number of servers,
such as the concurrent processing server, web server, forms server, and administration
server, that process the transactions of the Release 11i system, as well as provide
communication between the desktop tier and the database tier. (Such servers are also
referred to as application tier servers. Likewise, the nodes on which such servers run are
also referred to as application tier server nodes.)
* The database tier consists of the database server, which stores all the data of the
Release 11i system.

The primary location of the files used by the application tier servers is the
APPL_TOP, whereas the primary location of the files used by the database server is the
Oracle8i or Oracle9i ORACLE_HOME.

For more information about the Release 11i architecture, refer to Oracle Applications
Concepts, Release 11i.


How can I identify the application tier and the database tier in a multi-node system?
A node can contain one or more servers, and can therefore belong to one or more

In a single node system, that node belongs to both the application tier and the
database tier, since all servers are contained on that single node.
In a multi-node system, each node contains one or more servers, and therefore
belongs to one or both tiers. If the node contains any of the application tier servers,
including the web server, forms server, concurrent processing server, or administration
server, which means that there is an APPL_TOP on the node, then the node belongs to
the application tier, and is considered an application tier server node. If the node contains
the database server, which means that there is an Oracle8i or Oracle9i ORACLE_HOME
and the Applications database instance on the node, then the node belongs to the database
tier, and is considered a database server node.

Let's analyze a common configuration where the database server and the concurrent
processing server exist on one node (Node 1), and the other servers exist on a second
node (Node 2). Since Node 1 contains both an application tier server (the concurrent
processing server) and the database server, Node 1 belongs to both the database tier and
the application tier. But since Node 2 contains only application tier servers, Node 2
belongs only to the application tier.


How do I configure AutoConfig for a multi-node system?
The AutoConfig patch is applied using AutoPatch. Therefore, it must be applied to
each application tier server node, which means to each node that contains an APPL_TOP.

If the database server node contains only the database server and no other servers,
then you would not apply an AutoConfig patch on that node.

Once all the application tier servers have been updated by the AutoConfig patch,
there is a separate process for updating the database server, which is documented in
Metalink Note 165195.1. This process consists of running the admkappsutil utility on one
(only one) application tier, copying the generated file to the database tier and
unzipping the file into the RDBMS ORACLE HOME.

Example 1:
The system has two nodes.
Node 1 = administration server, concurrent processing server, database server
Node 2 = forms server, web server

Since both nodes are application tier server nodes, the AutoConfig patches need to be
applied to both nodes. Once the patches are applied, you have to update the database
server Node1 by running the admkappsutil utility from the APPL_TOP on Node1,
copying the generated to your RDBMS ORACLE_HOME on Node1 and
unzipping the file into the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME.

Example 2:
The system has two nodes.
Node 1 = database server
Node 2 = administration server, concurrent processing server, forms server, web

Since Node 2 is the only application tier server node, the AutoConfig patch needs
only be applied to Node 2. Once the patch is applied, you have to update the database
server Node1 by running the admkappsutil utility from the APPL_TOP on Node2,
copying the generated to your RDBMS ORACLE_HOME on Node1 and
unzipping the file into the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME.

Example 3:
The system has three nodes.
Node 1 = database server
Node 2 = administration server, concurrent processing server
Node 3 = forms server, web server

Since Node 2 and Node 3 are application tier server nodes, the AutoConfig patch
needs to be applied to Node 2 and Node3. Once the patches are applied, you have to
update the database server Node1 by running the admkappsutil utility either from the
APPL_TOP on Node1 or Node2 (it does not matter on which Node you run the
admkappsutil utility), copying the generated to your RDBMS
ORACLE_HOME on Node1 and unzipping the file into the RDBMS

* Metalink Note 208738.1


What user do I log in as to use AutoConfig in a typical multi-node system?
For nodes running Windows, there is only one user that owns both the application tier
servers and the database server, so you would log in as that user.

For nodes running UNIX or Linux, if you want to configure the application tier
servers, log in as the user that owns the application tier servers (sometimes referred to as
the applmgr user). If you want to configure the database server, log in as the user that
owns the database server (sometimes referred to as the oracle user).


How do I determine if AutoConfig is enabled?
Check for the script (adcfginfo.cmd on Windows) under
<AD_TOP>/bin. If it exists, use it to check whether AutoConfig is enabled.
For the APPL_TOP: contextfile=<CONTEXT>

For products: contextfile=<CONTEXT> show=enabled

If doesn't exist, look in any configuration file in your APPL_TOP. If the
file header contains the following, AutoConfig has been run on your instance :

Is AutoConfig compatible with Oracle Applications 11.5.x?
Yes, it is compatible with all 11i releases. You can use AutoConfig to configure and
maintain any Oracle Applications 11i environment.

Release 11.5.1 - 11.5.6 (all tiers):

Apply the latest AutoConfig consolidated patch to obtain the AutoConfig utility.

Release 11.5.7 and higher (application tier):

AutoConfig is included in new Applications installations and in the associated
maintenance packs.

Release 11.5.9 and higher (database tier):

AutoConfig is included in new Applications installations and in the associated
maintenance packs.

Note: If you upgrade from a maintenance pack version that does not include
AutoConfig to a maintenance pack version that includes AutoConfig (for example you
upgrade from 11.5.3 to 11.5.10), you have to separately migrate to AutoConfig as part of
the pre-upgrade process. Follow the instructions of the corresponding maintenance pack.


What does the term "Context_name" mean?
The "Context_name" is the logical name for your Context. The default value for
Context_name is <SID>_<hostname>. In earlier versions of AutoConfig the default was
set to <SID>.

What are the basic components of AutoConfig?

What are the different AutoConfig scripts and what do they do?
The scripts are listed in the following table.

Note: .sh scripts are for UNIX users and .cmd scripts are for Windows users.

AutoConfig pre-requisites
Do I need to upgrade to Apache 1.3.12s?
If you are applying the AutoConfig patch to an instance created with a Rapid Install
version lower than Release 11.5.5, upgrade to Apache 1.3.12s.

Refer to Metalink Document 161779.1 on OracleMetalink.

Note: Rapid Install for versions 11i7 and higher installs Oracle HTTP Server 1.3.19
from iAS


The Context file

How will the adbldxml utility name the Applications Context file it generates?
When adbldxml generates the Context file, it first checks for the existence of an
Applications Context file conforming to specific requirements in the
<APPL_TOP>/admin directory on the application tier and in the <RDBMS
ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil directory on the database tier.
If an xml file exists, adbldxml creates the Applications Context file using the same
Specific requirements are:
* The Context file refers to the hostname for which we generate the file.
* The Context file refers to the Database SID for which we generate the file.
The default name for the Context file is <Context_name>.xml.


How can I make changes to the Applications Context file?
Go to the OAM Login page. Sign in and navigate to Site Map. Click on AutoConfig.
Use this link to update your Applications Context file.

For additional information see the Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.

Note: Manually editing the Applictions Context file is not supported. Many context
variables have dependencies between each other. The OAM AutoConfig resolves all
these dependencies when changing the value of a variable. By manually editing the
Applications Context file you will bring the data into an inconsistent state.


I want to execute the adbldxml utility on a fresh RDBMS Oracle Home. How can I
build the Context file, when the database environment file is not present?
The adbldxml utility requires the following environment variables to be set:
* ORACLE_SID (LOCAL on Windows)
Set the variables according to your instance. For example:

* On Windows


I was instructed to change the value of the context variables s_adperlprg and
s_perl5lib. How can I achieve that?
Apply the latest AutoConfig patch, then perform the following steps depending on
your use case:
* You were instructed to use a certain perl version. You have perl and its libraries
installed in the perl standard location for your os (e.g. /usr/lib/perl5 on Linux) and perl is
in your PATH:
1. unset PERL5LIB
2. perl $AD_TOP/bin/
3. Source the environment file (APPS<Context_name>.env)
4. Review your Applications Context file; s_adperlprg and s_perl5lib will now
point to your system perl location.

* You were instructed to use a certain perl version. You installed perl and its
libraries into a custom - non perl standard location (e.g. perl is installed at
/u03/myperl/bin and the perl libraries at /u03/myperl/lib).
1. PERL5LIB=<location of the new PERL5LIB that you want to use>
2. export PERL5LIB
3. <location of the new perl you want to use> <AD_TOP>/bin/
4. Source the environment file (APPS<Context_name>.env)
5. Review your Applications Context file; s_adperlprg and s_perl5lib will now
point to your customized perl location.

AutoConfig will update the context variables in the context file accordingly. After the
AutoConfig run subsequent utilities and tools can use the context variables s_adperlprg
and s_perl5lib.


Running AutoConfig
When should I run AutoConfig?
You should run AutoConfig in the event of the following cases:
* You did updates to your Applications Context file.
* An Oracle Metalink Note instructs you to run AutoConfig as part of an upgrade,
migration, cloning and/or configuration process.
* The Readme of an Oracle patch instructs you to run AutoConfig after the
application of the patch.
* You apply any ADX Product patch.

Note: When you have AD.I or higher applied on your system, then adpatch will
automatically invoke AutoConfig if the patch that you apply requires AutoConfig to run.

Which files / profile options get changed when I run AutoConfig?
Run the adchkcfg utility to get an html report that lists all the files and profile options
that get changed when you run AutoConfig.

If you have AD.I or higher applied and you want to see the list of files and profile
options that will get changed when adpatch is run, then run adpatch with the apply=no
option before applying the patch. For more information, refer to Oracle Applications
Maintenance Procedures - Section Patching - Testing a Patch before Applying it.

For instructions on how to run the adchkcfg utility and a discussion about the report
that the utility generates, see Appendix B of the Metalink Note 165195.1.


Where is the log file located that AutoConfig creates?
The log file that AutoConfig creates is located at:

On the application tier:


On the database tier:


where: <MMDDhhmm> = (month, day, hour, and minute of the AutoConfig run)


Which directories based on the Context_name will AutoConfig create?
AutoConfig creates the following directories based on the Context_name:

Install Scripts : <COMMON_TOP>/admin/install/<Context_name>

Control Scripts : <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/<Context_name>
Log files : <COMMON_TOP>/admin/log/<Context_name>

Beginning with Release 11.5.7, Oracle Applications comes with the modified
directory structure.

I see multiple directories under <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts - which one do I
Previously, AutoConfig generated the directory <SID> in
<COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts. To provide support for a shared APPL_TOP,
AutoConfig now creates the directory <SID>_<hostname>.
If your system contains both directory names, use the scripts under
<SID>_<hostname>. You can safely delete directories named <SID>, after backing them

Refer to Metalink Document 233428.1 on OracleMetalink to learn more about the

Shared APPL_TOP configuration.


How can I roll back an AutoConfig session?
All backup configuration files from each AutoConfig session are stored in:
On the application tier:

On the database tier:

<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/out/<Context_name>/<MMDDhhmm>/

where: <MMDDhhmm> = (month, day, hour, and minute of the AutoConfig run)

You can run (Unix) or restore.cmd (Windows) to roll back an AutoConfig

For additional information see Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.


How does AutoConfig know which scripts to create for service controls?
The following variables in the Applications Context File let AutoConfig know which
scripts to create:

Context Variable Action

s_isAdmin If set to Yes, create administration service scripts
s_isConc If set to Yes, create concurrent processing and reports service scripts
s_isWeb If set to Yes, create web service scripts
s_isForms If set to Yes, create forms service scripts

The variables are set according to your configuration when you create the
Applications Context file:

Single-node system: All the service control scripts are present on the same node.
Therefore, all variables are set to "YES" in the Applications Context file.

Multi-node system:

Node 1 = forms server, web server
Node 2 = concurrent processing server, administration server, database server

On Node 1 only the forms and web service control scripts are created. On Node 2
only the admin and concurrent processing service control scripts are created. The
Applications Context files contain the following values:

Context Variable Node 1 Node 2

Value Value
s_isAdmin NO YES
s_isConc NO YES
s_isWeb YES NO
s_isForms YES NO


How does AutoConfig know what application tier node type the APPL_TOP
The AD Utilities such as AutoPatch and AD Administration patch and maintain files
based on the application tier node type that the APPL_TOP supports. The following
variables in the Applications Context file define which files are patched and maintained
for the APPL_TOP:

Context Variable Action

s_isAdAdmin If set to Yes, the APPL_TOP contains binaries and scripts used to
maintain the Applications system.
s_isAdConc If set to Yes, the APPL_TOP can be used to provide the CP and
Reports services. All binaries, scripts, reports and other files related to these services
exist in the APPL_TOP.
s_isAdWeb If set to Yes, the APPL_TOP contains the necessary files to
provide Oracle HTTP services
s_isAdForms If set to Yes, the APPL_TOP contains the necessary files to
provide Forms services

The variables are set according to your configuration when you create the
Applications Context file:

Single-node system: All the application tier types are present on the same node and
there is only one APPL_TOP. All variables are set to "YES" in the Applications Context

Multi-node system sharing the same APPL_TOP: A shared APPL_TOP contains all
the necessary software components to run any service. All variables are set to "YES" in
the Applications Context files sharing the APPL_TOP.

Multi-node system, where every node has a separate APPL_TOP:

Node 1 = forms server, web server
Node 2 = concurrent processing server, administration server, database server

Every node has its own APPL_TOP that only patches and maintains the files specific
to the node. The Applications Context files contains the following values:

Context Variable Node 1 Node 2

Value Value
s_isAdAdmin NO YES
s_isAdConc NO YES
s_isAdWeb YES NO
s_isAdForms YES NO


How do I preserve customizations to an AutoConfig-maintained environment?
Refer to Metalink Note 270519.1 for details on how to implement customizations.


What do I do when a patch or Oracle documentation instructs me to manually modify
an AutoConfig-maintained file?
Contact Oracle Support to incorporate the necessary changes in the AutoConfig
1. Identify the patch or the note that is requesting the manual change.
2. Log a Service Request with Oracle Support, providing the same information.


Patching AutoConfig
How do I get the latest changes to AutoConfig?
Updates to AutoConfig are delivered in the ADX product patch. The latest patch at
the time of this writing are patch number 3453499.


How do I apply the latest AutoConfig patch?
Perform the following steps in the order listed:
* Review the pre-requisites as documented in Metalink Note 165195.1.

* Apply the AutoConfig patch

Update the Oracle Applications file system with the AutoConfig files by applying
patch 3453499. to all application tier nodes in the Applications instance.

* Copy AutoConfig to the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME

If you enabled AutoConfig on the Database Tier, update the RDBMS
ORACLE_HOME file system with the AutoConfig files by performing the following
o On the Application Tier (as the APPLMGR user):
+ Log in to the APPL_TOP environment (source the environment file)
+ Create file
perl <AD_TOP>/bin/
+ This will create in $APPL_TOP/admin/out .

o On the Database Tier (as the ORACLE user):

+ Copy or FTP the file to the <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>
unzip -o

* Run AutoConfig on the Database Tier

If you enabled AutoConfig on the Database Tier, run AutoConfig on the database
tier node.
Attention: The database server must remain available during the AutoConfig run.
All the other database tier services should be shut down.
* Run AutoConfig on the Application Tiers
Run AutoConfig on all application tier nodes.

Attention: The database server must remain available during the AutoConfig run.
Only the application tier servers should be shut down.


Net Services
What is the Net Services Topology Data Model?
The Net Services Topology Data Model stores the entire topological information
about a single Oracle Application instance. The data model stores information about each
node in the Oracle Applications instance which is then used to generate the Net Service
configuration files (for example tnsnames.ora). AutoConfig seeds the data model with
relevant data.

The Net Services Topology Data Model stores the following information:
* On the database tier: Hostname, Database SID, Database Name, Instance Name,
TNS Descriptors.....
* On the application tier: Hostname, FNDFS and FNDSM alias descriptors.........


When is the Net Services Topology Data Model seeded?
The Net Services Topology Data Model is seeded every time you run AutoConfig on
the respective tier. Every time you run AutoConfig on the database tier, the relevant data
is seeded/updated for the database tier. Respectively, every time you run AutoConfig on
the application tier, the relevant data is seeded/updated for the application tier.


What mechanism is used to generate the tnsnames.ora file?

How do I seed the Net Services Topology Data Model?
The Net Services Topology Data Model can be seeded/updated by running
AutoConfig on the database tier followed by all application tiers.


When do I need to deregister a database tier or an application tier?
You have to deregister a tier from the Net Services Topology Data Model in one of
the following cases:

* You want to delete an application tier

* Your database is upgraded/migrated resulting in a change in one of the following
o Database Host
o Database Port
o Database Name
o Database SID
You should deregister the tier before the tier is decommissioned.


How do I deregister an application tier from the Net Services Topology Data Model?
To deregister the current application tier from the Net Services Topology Data
Model, invoke the following command:

perl <AD_TOP>/bin/ appspass=<APPSpwd> contextfile=<CONTEXT>



How do I deregister a database tier from the Net Services Topology Data Model?
To deregister the current database tier from the Net Services Topology Data Model,
invoke the following command:

perl <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin/ appspass=<APPSpwd> \

contextfile=<CONTEXT> -removeserver

When do I need to purge the complete Net Services Topology Data Model?
You need to purge the complete Net Services Topology Data Model, when the
Database Name is changed as a result of a database upgrade/migration.


How do I purge the complete Net Services Topology Data Model?
To purge the complete Net Services Topology Data Model, invoke the following

perl <AD_TOP>/bin/ appspass=<APPSpwd> contextfile=<CONTEXT>



How do I seed the Net Services Topology Data Model after purging it?
See question "How do I seed the Net Services Topology Data Model".


I want to deregister an application tier or a database tier from the Net Services
Topology Data Model. I can't use the script because I already
decommissioned the tier or removed the context file. How can I deregister the tier?
In this case you can use the PL/SQL API. Perform the following steps in the order
* Locate the System Name:
o The System name is the database name
o Verify with sql query: select DB_NAME from FND_DATABASES;
* Locate the server name corresponding to the tier in question:
o Query on the database tier:
I want to purge the complete Net Services Topology Data Model. I can't use the script because I removed the relevant context file(s). How can I purge the
Data Model?
In this case you can use the PL/SQL API. Perform the following steps in the order
* Locate the System Name:
o The System name is the database name
o Verify with sql query: select DB_NAME from FND_DATABASES;
* Run the following PL/SQL block:


How do I configure AutoConfig to generate the failover aliases?
To generate the failover aliases use the database tier context variable

You can specify a comma separated list of "servicename:instance" to use connect

time failover management.

For example
generate a TNS Alias in the tnsnames.ora file that fails over to INSTANCE_NAME1
when the current instance is not available. If INSTANCE_NAME1 is not available it fails

To set up the failover listing, perform the following steps in the order listed:
1. Update the context variable s_alt_service_instances in the database tier context
file applying the failover rules as described above.
2. Run AutoConfig on all database tiers.
3. Run AutoConfig on all application tiers.

These steps will generate tns aliases <INSTANCE_NAME>_FO with description

lists as configured in s_alt_service_instances. These aliases will still not be used
anywhere. You will have to set the two task variables like s_tool_twotask to actually use
these aliases.
Check the question "For which database versions can I define failover aliases for
information about the availability of failover aliases on different database versions.

Note: On database versions that are or higher the generated alias
<INSTANCE_NAME>_FO can only be used for failover. On 8.0.6 the generated alias
can't be used for failover. However, it can be used for load balancing.


For which database versions can I define failover aliases?
You can generate failover aliases for all database versions that are or higher.
Currently, Oracle Applications does not support failover aliases for the 8.0.6 Oracle


Database connectivity
Should the database server remain available during the AutoConfig run?
Yes. The database server and the database listener must remain available during the
AutoConfig run. This is true when running AutoConfig on the application tier, as well
when running AutoConfig on the database tier. If you run AutoConfig on the application
tier, then the 806 database listener must remain available also.


What is the use of the context variable s_apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor?
The s_apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor stores the connect string for jdbc connections.
All jdbc connections are done using this context variable. The value for this context
variable is generated by AutoConfig.

When the value is reset (empty), AutoConfig tries to connect to the database using the
s_dbSid, s_dbhost and s_dbport context variables.


When do I need to reset (empty) the context variable
You should reset the value for s_apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor to an empty value ("
"), when one of the following value changes:
* Database Host
* Database Port


What steps do I need to follow to maintain my database connectivity when I migrate
my database from one host/platform to another?
Perform the steps in the order listed:
* Before the migration:
1. Deregister the database tier from the Net Services Topology Data Model.
Refer to the question "How do I deregister a database tier from the Net Services
Topology Data Model?"
If you haven't enabled AutoConfig on the database tier, you can ignore this
* After the migration:
1. Reset the context variable s_apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor in the context file
for the application tier to an empty string.
2. Update the context variables s_dbhost and s_dbport in the context file for the
application tier to reflect the new values in the middle tier context file.


I migrated my database tier to a new host/platform, but the application tier still tries to
connect to the old database. How can I fix this situation, so that the application tier
connects to the new database?
Your old database tier is still registered in the Net Services Topology Data Model.
Perform the following steps:
* You have to clean up the data model by following the steps described in the
question: "How do I purge the complete Net Services Topology Data Model?".
* Perform the step described in the question: "How do I seed the Net Service
Topology Data Model?"

My 11i instance is configured with RAC. Now I want to migrate to AutoConfig. How
do I achieve that?
To migrate to AutoConfig on a RAC instance, follow these steps in the order listed:
1. Enable AutoConfig on all database tiers. Follow the instructions in the
AutoConfig Metalink Note 165195.1.
2. AutoConfig will not overwrite your existing init.ora file. However, AutoConfig
will generate a RAC conform init.ora file when no init.ora file exists. We recommend
that you backup your existing init.ora file and let AutoConfig generate an init.ora file for
you. This will ensure that the init.ora file conforms to the Oracle's standards (for example
using of DB_Name as the service name or handling local and remote listeners).
3. Run AutoConfig on the database tier.
4. Stop and start the database listener.
5. Enable and run AutoConfig on all your application tiers. Follow the instructions
in the AutoConfig Metalink Note 165195.1.

Note: You need to enable and run AutoConfig on the database tiers FIRST! followed
by the application tiers. This order is required because the RAC configuration data needs
to be uploaded to the Net Services Topology Data Model, so that a correct tnsnames.ora
file can be created on the application tier.


My 11i instance is configured as non-RAC. Now I want to migrate to RAC using
AutoConfig. What steps should I follow?
To migrate an Oracle Applications 11i instance from non-RAC to RAC, follow the
instructions as described in Metalink Note 279956.1.


I applied all the required RAC patches, but my TWO_TASK variables still point to
the instance aliases. How can I point them to load balanced aliases?
Update your application tier context file and set the values of the following context
variables to the desired load balanced alias names:
* s_tools_twotask
* s_weboh_twotask

Windows specifics
What is the correct setting for MSDEVDIR?
Use the path to the VC98 directory, not the MSDev98 directory. The vcvars32.bat file
exists only under the VC98 directory. For example:C:\CPP\VC98.


After running AutoConfig, the Apps.cmd and <CONTEXT_NAME>.cmd contain
slashes instead of backslashes on Windows. How do I resolve this issue?
Download patch 2690783 from OracleMetaLink and follow the instructions in


Can I use the perl shipped by MKS to run adconfig.cmd on Windows?
No. The perl shipped by MKS is not certified. Use the perl available in your
Applications Environment (iAS for the application tier, 9i for the database tier) or
download the ActivePerl from Perl has to be in the PATH in order for
AutoConfig to run.


After I run AutoConfig in my 11.5.9 Windows environment I have two Apache
services and two forms services. Which ones should I use?
* The two Apache services are:
o Oracle Apache Server <SID> (original service)
o Oracle Apache Server <Context_name> (new service)
* The two forms services are:
o OracleFormsServer-Forms60<SID> (original service)
o OracleFormsServer-Forms60<Context_name> (new service)

Run the rem_srv.cmd script delivered in patch 3197605 to remove the duplicate

After I run AutoConfig in my 11.5.9 Windows environment I have two Apache
services, two forms services, two metrics client services, and two metrics server services.
Which ones should I use?

Run the rem_srv.cmd script delivered in patch 3695041 to remove the duplicate


The script adsvalsn.cmd fails when I run AutoConfig. How do I resolve this issue?
Check in your Service Control Panel to see if the 806 listener service is set to
automatic or manual.
If your service is set to automatic, then you hit a known issue, that can be ignored.
You can use the following workaround to resolve the issue:
copy %AD_TOP%\bin\adstart.exe %COMMON_TOP%\util\SrvStart.exe


What should I do if my AutoConfig script exits with non-zero status?
If AutoConfig exits with non-zero status, open the adconfig.log and check for the
reported errors:
* Errors in the instantiation phase: Check to see if the template files listed in the
error summary exist in your file system. If they do not exist, the AutoConfig File Driver
of the product is faulty. Report the problem to Oracle Support.
If the template files exist, check for permission issues. If you cannot fix the issue,
report the problem to Oracle Support.
* Error encountered in the SETUP/PROFILE/APPLY phase: Check the
adconfig.log file to see the reason for the failure. If you cannot fix the issue, report the
problem to Oracle Support.

Note: Refer to the question "Where is the log file located that AutoConfig creates?"
for the location of the log file.

How do I configure AutoConfig to start the TCF servlet?
Perform the following steps:
1. Apply the Thin Client Framework (TCF) Servlet Implementation patch.
2. Apply TXK.A or higher.
3. Verify that the s_tcfstatus variable is set to "disabled" in your
<Context_name>.xml file.
4. If set to "enabled", use the Context Editor to update the TCF Process Status to
"disabled" and save the changes.
5. Stop all application tier services.
6. Run AutoConfig to update the configuration files.
7. Make additional updates based on your system configuration (see Note
8. Restart all application tier services.

* Oracle Applications 11i - Thin Client Framework (TCF) Servlet Implementation
* AutoConfig: TCF - View Tree Error - Unable to Establish a Network Connection


How can I resolve TNS-12500 while trying to start GSM?
Change the profile option CONC_GSM_ENABLED to N until GSM is configured. If
GSM is configured, check listener.ora located in
<8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin/<Context_name>

AutoConfig depends on the CONC_GSM_ENABLED profile option to create entries

for FNDSM in the listener.ora file. If listener.ora contains entries for FNDSM and the
corresponding executable is not found, the listener will not to start.

Apply the latest AutoConfig patch. The patch creates the FNDSM entry in

* Cannot Start GSM Service Manager - TNS Errors in listener Log and CCM Log

My concurrent managers don't start after running AutoConfig? How do I resolve this

Look in the file APPLSYS_ux.env (Unix) or APPLSYS_nt.env (Windows) located in

<AD_TOP>/admin/template. If the version of the file is 115.15 or lower, your
environment file hard codes variables, which prevent the concurrent manager to start.
Apply the latest AutoConfig patch to get the templates that use Application Context


How do I resolve a FileNotFoundException while running
If the script fails with a "FileNotFoundException", apply the latest
AutoConfig patch.

* Fails With Errors During AutoConfig
* Script Fails During AutoConfig Migration


How do I resolve an address in use (could not bind to port) when staring Apache?
The error "Address already in use: make_sock could not bind to port" occurs when
non-SSL Apache and SSL Apache occupy the same port. The latest AutoConfig patch
makes sure, that these ports don't conflict.

* AutoConfig Cannot Start Startssl because of Address already in use: make_sock:
could not bind to port


I get the message "You are not authorized to view this page" when I access the
application. How do I resolve this problem?
After applying TXK AutoConfig Template Rollup F (patch 3104607) or later, the
Apache configuration won't allow symbolic links per default. Standard security practice
and our strong recommendation is that you don't use symbolic links for E-Business Suite
If you want to enable symbolic links, use the Context Editor to change the value of
the variable s_options_symlinks from "Options -FollowSymLinks" to "# Options
-FollowSymLinks". Run AutoConfig to reflect the change and restart the applications
The pre-patch report txkValidateRollup of TXK AutoConfig Template Rollup G
(patch 3239694) or later provides you more detailed instructions.


On HP/UX Itanium fails because of a missing POSIX module. How do I
resolve this problem?
When you get the error message "Can't locate loadable object for module POSIX
@INC." while running AutoConfig on HP/UX Itanium, then download and apply patch
4261525 .

Questions and Answers

1. What is a "Shared APPL_TOP"?

A traditional multi-node installation requires the Applications file system on each
node in the system.
In a Shared APPL_TOP installation, the APPL_TOP and the COMMON_TOP file
systems are installed on a shared disk resource mounted to each node in the system.
These nodes can be used to provide standard application tier services, such as Forms,
Web, and Concurrent processing. Any changes made in the shared APPL_TOP file
system are immediately visible on all nodes.
Note that each node continues to have a separate Applications techstack installation
(see also question 2).


2. What is a "shared application tier file system"?

In a shared application tier file system installation, the APPL_TOP, the
COMMON_TOP, and the Applications technology stack (ORACLE_HOMEs) are
installed on a shared disk resource mounted to each node in the system. These nodes can
be used to provide standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web, and
Concurrent processing. Any changes made in the shared application tier file system are
immediately visible on all nodes.


3. What operating systems are certified?

All Rapid Install platforms except Windows support a shared application tier
infrastructure. There is no time estimate for a Windows solution.


4. I want to migrate my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application tier

file system. What 11i releases are supported?

You can migrate any existing Oracle Applications 11i release to a shared application
tier file system.


5. Can I share the application tier file system across nodes with different platforms?

No. The nodes sharing the application tier file system need to be binary-compatible.


6. If the platforms of my nodes are binary-compatible, can I share the application tier
file systems? For example, can I share a node using Solaris 2.6 with one using Solaris 8?

No, all machines sharing the file system must be configured to run the same
Operating System with the same OS patch level.


7. Are there any restrictions on the type of shared disk resources that can be used for
sharing an application tier file system?

No, your shared application tier file system can reside on any type of shared disk
resource. Examples of shared disk resources include an NFS mounted disk or a disk
array. The shared disk resource does not have to be local to the machine, and it can also
be a standalone disk array. Usual tuning considerations apply.

8. Can I merge APPL_TOPs?

Yes, you can merge APPL_TOPs that are spread across multiple nodes. Follow the
instructions described in the OracleMetaLink document 233428.1.


9. How can I implement a shared application tier file system during an Oracle
Applications installation?

You must use the Rapid Install 11.5.10 or higher. Refer to Installing Oracle
Applications for more information.


10. How can I migrate my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application
tier file system?

Follow the instructions described in the OracleMetaLink document 233428.1.


11. When migrating my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application tier
file system, I had to rename the Oracle Applications Context file. Will I still need the
original file and its associated context directories/files?

The following files/directories can be removed after you back them up:
* The original Context File <APPL_TOP>/admin/<SID>.xml
* The file <APPL_TOP>/APPSORA.env>
* The directory <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/<SID>
* The directory <COMMON_TOP>/admin/install/<SID>

Questions and Answers

Where can I find a list of AutoPatch features and the AD minipacks that introduced
The Oracle Applications DBA 11i+ Features Matrix (OracleMetaLink Note 210326.1)
contains a list of major AD features in Release 11i and identifies which AD minipack
introduced each feature.
What is a patch driver file?
AutoPatch uses a driver file to direct the installation of a patch. This unified driver is
named u<patchnumber>.drv. It contains all the driver actions (copy, database, and
generate) that the patch requires, and it performs these actions in the stated order.
Typically, you run the driver on all APPL_TOPs and AutoPatch determines which
actions are required for the current APPL_TOP and runs only those actions.

The driver actions are as follows:

* Copy: Contains commands to change Oracle Applications files. The commands

include directives to copy and update files, libraries, and/or Java, and commands for
generating JAR files and/or C executables. In a multi-node system, the copy portion runs
on all application tier APPL_TOPs.
* Database: Contains commands to change Oracle Applications database objects, such
as PL/SQL and table definitions, or to update or migrate data. In a multi-node system, the
database portion runs only on the application tier APPL_TOP that implements the
administration server.
* Generate: Contains commands to generate forms, reports, messages, and/or graphics
files. In a multi-node system, the generate portion runs on all application tier
APPL_TOPs, unless the APPL_TOP only implements the administration server.

See Oracle Applications Concepts for a definition of administration server and other
server types.
Which releases support unified drivers?
All 11i versions of AutoPatch support unified drivers. There is no minimum level. In
order to make it easier to turn off entire categories of actions, without having to specify
each action type, AD Minipack H introduced simple methods to disable entire categories
of actions, for example, adpatch options=nodatabaseportion.

See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for a list of available command line
What is the AutoPatch checkfile feature?
The checkfile feature reduces patch application downtime by checking to see if a given
database action has been performed previously for the associated file contained in the
patch. If an action has been performed using the current (or higher) version of a file,
AutoPatch omits the action from the current patch application.
What are the Oracle Applications patch types?
All Applications patches are organized by aggregation level.

Standalone (one-off) Patch: Addresses a single fix or enhancement. Standalone patches

are released only when there is an immediate need for a fix or enhancement that cannot
wait until an aggregate bundling is available. Although standalone patches are intended to
be as small as possible, they usually include any dependent files that have changed since
the base release in order to form a complete patch that can be applied by any customer.
The actual number of files changed will depend on the current code level on the system to
which the patch is being applied.
Rollup Patch (RUP): An aggregation of patches that may be at the functional level, or at a
specific product/family release level. For example, a Flexfields rollup patch contains all
the latest patches related to Flexfields at the time the patch was created. A Marketing
Family 11.5.10 rollup patch contains all the latest Marketing patches released since, and
applicable to, 11.5.10.

Minipack: An aggregation of patches at the product level. For example, Inventory

Minipack G (11i.INV.G) contains all the latest patches for the Inventory product at the
time the minipack was created. Minipacks are named in alphabetical sequence such as
11i.INV.E, 11i.INV.F, 11i.INV.G, and so on. Minipacks are cumulative. In other words,
11i.INV.G contains everything in 11i.INV.F, which contains everything in 11i.INV.E,
and so on. The terms patchset and minipack are often used interchangeably.

Family Pack: An aggregation of patches at the product family level. For example,
Financials Family Pack C (11i.FIN_PF.C) contains all the latest patches for products in
the Financials family at the time the family pack was created. Family product codes
always end in "_PF" and family packs are given alphabetical sequence such as
11i.HR_PF.B, 11i.HR_PF.C, and 11i.HR_PF.D. Family packs are cumulative. In other
words, Discrete Manufacturing Family Pack G (11i.DMF_PF.G) contains everything in
11i.DMF_PF.F, which contains everything in 11i.DMF_PF.E, and so on.

Maintenance Pack: An aggregation of patches for all products in the E-Business Suite.
For example, Release 11.5.10 Maintenance Pack contains all the latest code level for all
products at the time 11.5.10 was created. Maintenance packs are numbered sequentially
such as 11.5.8, 11.5.9, 11.5.10, and are cumulative. In other words, 11.5.10 contains
everything in 11.5.9, which contains everything in 11.5.8, and so on.

In addition to the patches in a maintenance pack, Oracle also packages a new Rapid
Install at each maintenance pack release level. So Applications Release 11.5.10CU2
Rapid Install contains the same applications code level that a customer would get if they
applied the Release 11.5.10CU1 Maintenance Pack on an earlier 11i release level. Note
that the technology stack could still be different because Rapid Install includes the latest
certified technology stack. The maintenance pack includes only Applications code.

Maintenance packs can be downloaded from OracleMetaLink or ordered as a CD Pack

from the Oracle Store.

Patches can also be organized by purpose.

Diagnostic Patch: Used to gather additional information when a product failure cannot be
reproduced by Oracle. The additional information assists Oracle Support Services and
Oracle Development in resolving the failure.
Interoperability Patch: Allows Oracle Applications to function properly with a newer
version of the technology stack. Interoperability patches are typically required with new
versions of the database or Applications technology stack.

Translated Patch: A non-English version of a patch. Release 11i supports 30 non-English

languages. Customers who are using languages other than English, need to apply the
corresponding translated patch(es) for the languages they are using in addition to any
base US patch(es).

Merged Translation Patch: Provided in real time (without requiring a translator) in the
event a translated patch is not available when a customer needs it. A merged translation
patch is applied just like a fully translated patch. The fully translated patch is escalated
and is usually available within 24 hours. It can be applied safely on top of a merged
translation patch.

Translation Fix: Provided in the event a translation word choice is inappropriate. A

translation fix is applied just like a translated patch, except there is no corresponding base
US patch.

New Feature Patch: Introduces new functionality and/or products. It is applied using
standard patching utilities.

Consolidated Update (CU): Improves and streamlines the upgrade and maintenance
processes by consolidating certain post-release patches. Most recommended patches and
rollups for a particular maintenance release are consolidated into a single patch that is
installed immediately following application of a maintenance pack or a new installation
of Rapid Install. Updates in the CU are predominantly error corrections.

Family Consolidated Upgrade Patch: Consolidates all upgrade-related patches from all
the products within a product family. Family consolidated upgrade patches are released
as needed and are applicable only if you are upgrading to Release 11i from Release 10.7
or 11.0. The Oracle Applications Release Notes, Release 11i (, Note 316803.1
lists the most recent patches.

Documentation Patch: Updates online help.

What are AutoPatch restart files?
Restart files store information about completed processing in the event of a patch or
system failure. They allow AutoPatch and AD Administration to continue processing at
the point where they stopped. Do not modify or delete restart files unless specifically told
to do so by Oracle Support Services.

The restart files reside in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart (UNIX) or in %APPL_TOP

%\admin\<SID>\restart (Windows).
What are the implications of patching a multi-node environment? How do I know
what type of server/tier/node I am patching?
In a multi-node environment, you need to apply the patch, in its entirety, first to the node
where you have implemented the administration server node. After that, you can apply
the patch in any order on the remaining nodes.

In many cases, the terms server, tier, and node are used interchangeably and the exact
meaning must be inferred from the context. Officially, the terms are different and have a
distinct meaning.

* A node (or machine) is a computer.

* A server (or service) is a process or group of processes that runs on a single machine
and performs a specific function.
* A tier is a logical grouping of one or more services potentially spread across more
than one physical machine.

In Release 11i there are three tiers: desktop, application, and database.

* The desktop tier (generally an end-user PC) does not consist of any servers. Rather it
consists of a Web browser that makes use of HTML and a Java applet to provide the user
* The application tier (or middle tier) hosts the various servers that process the
business logic and manage communication between the desktop tier and the database tier.
Six servers comprise the application tier: web server, forms server, reports server,
Discoverer server (optional), concurrent processing server and administration server. The
nodes on which such servers run are referred to as application tier server nodes.
* The database tier consists of the database server, which stores all the data in a
Release 11i system.

For example, if a node contains only the database server and no other Release 11i
software, it is called the database server node, and is part of the database tier only.
However, it is possible for the database server and any of the application tier servers to
run on the same node. In this situation, the node can be called the database server node,
the forms server node, the Web server node, and so on. Because servers from other tiers
are running on one node, the node belongs to more than one tier.

For more information about the Release 11i architecture, see Oracle Applications

To determine what application tier servers are on each node, refer to the Applications
Dashboard in Oracle Applications Manager (see Oracle Applications Maintenance
Utilities for more details).
What is the AD Features matrix displayed on the AutoPatch screen and in the logfiles?
AD Feature Versions is a framework created to handle mismatches between the AD code
on the file system and the AD objects in the database. Both the version of the feature on
the file system and the version of the feature in the database are tracked separately. When
the two versions do not match, the feature is disabled, and when the two versions match,
the feature is (normally) enabled.
The following table is an example of the information displayed by AD Feature Versions
in AD utility log files. The first four columns represent the name of the feature, whether
the feature is enabled, the version of the feature in the APPL_TOP, and the version of the
feature in the database.

Feature Active? APPLTOP Data Model Flags


The Flags Column values represent:

* 1st flag: Is the feature enabled in the APPL_TOP?

* 2nd flag: Does the feature require an enabling file on the file system?
* 3rd flag: Does the enabling file exist?
* 4th flag: Does the feature depend on any database objects?
* 5th flag: Is the value of the 6th flag relevant?
* 6th flag: Is the feature enabled in the database?

This message is informational in nature only. The AD Feature Versions framework is

only used by AD internally and should not be modified except under explicit instructions
from AD Development.
How often should I apply minipacks, family packs, and maintenance packs?
You should keep your maintenance level up to date in order to:

* Receive the latest fixes.

* Reduce the number of file updates needed for emergency fixes.
* Reduce the possibility of unfulfilled prerequisite patches when applying an
emergency fix.
* Make it easier for Oracle Support and Oracle Development to assist you.
* Keep core products such as AD (patches and maintenance fixes), FND (security and
technology stack updates), and HR (legislative updates) up to date.

At a minimum, apply maintenance packs to stay within two maintenance releases. For
example, since 11.5.10CU2 is currently available, customers at the 11.5.8 (or earlier)
level should be planning their upgrade to 11.5.10CU2.

Use minipacks and family packs if you have an immediate need for the latest patch level
for a product or product family and cannot wait to apply the corresponding maintenance
How can I find the latest available minipack, family pack, or maintenance pack?
On OracleMetaLink, click the Patches & Updates tab. Choose the Quick Links to the
Latest Patchsets, Mini Packs, and Maintenance Packs link to see a listing of:

* Latest Oracle Applications R12 Packs

* Latest Oracle Applications 11i Packs
* Latest Oracle Server/Tools Patchsets

A link at the top allows you toggle between the three lists.
Can I apply multiple patches in one operation?
Before you run AutoPatch, use AD Merge Patch to merge multiple patches into a single,
integrated patch so that the required patching tasks and processes are performed only
once. In general, you can safely merge any Oracle Applications patch with another
Oracle Applications patch. Patches should be merged with their listed prerequisite
patches to make the application of the patch easier. However, patches that affect the
Applications DBA (AD) product may change the AutoPatch utility itself. So, they can be
merged only with other AD patches and must be applied separately, before you apply any
non-AD patches.

Note: AD Merge Patch cannot merge patches of different releases, different parallel
modes, or different platforms. However, it can merge patches for a specific platform with
a generic patch, or patches with different source character sets. The utility notifies you if
you try to merge incompatible patches.
How do I apply multiple translation patches?
If an Oracle Applications system contains multiple languages other than American
English (US), and you are applying multiple patches for each language, the recommended
method is to merge all US patches into a single patch and all patches for every non-US
language into a single patch. Then, apply the merged US patch followed by the merged
language patch.

You can also merge US patches with the additional language patches or merge each
language in separate language-specific patches. Depending on your downtime window
and your system topology, it may be necessary to keep the US and non-US patches

See Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures for a more detailed analysis and step-
by-step procedures.
Can I run multiple AutoPatch sessions at the same time?
You cannot run multiple sessions simultaneously (concurrently). However, patches can
be merged and applied in a single patching session.
Do patches need to be applied in a particular order? What is a prerequisite patch?
AD patches are the only patches that must be applied in a specific order. This is
necessary because you may need to patch the patching utility itself so that it works
properly when you use it to apply subsequent patches. It is not necessary to apply non-
AD patches in a particular order, even though a readme may state a specific order is
A prerequisite patch fulfills a dependency for another patch. Strictly speaking, they are
co-requisites and can be applied in any order before using the system. We recommend
that you merge a patch with its required prerequisites, with the exception of prerequisite
patches for the AD product.

Starting with AD Minipack H, AutoPatch has a Prereq feature that, when run with
patches containing metadata, automatically determines if prerequisites are not fulfilled
and informs you. At this point, you can download the prerequisites, merge them with the
patch, restart AutoPatch, and apply the merged patch.

Older patches, or patches whose metadata is missing the prerequisite information, may
list prerequisite patches in the patch README.

See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for information.

Can I automate the patching process?
Non-interactive patching allows you to save time by automating the patching process and
avoiding some of the prompts. You can store the responses to the patching prompts in a
defaults file. Then, when you run AutoPatch, you specify the name of the defaults file,
the location of the patch top directory, the name of the driver file and other parameters in
the command line.

See Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures for information on running AutoPatch

non-interactively using a defaults file.
How can I track my customizations? What happens to my customizations during

You should apply patches first on a test system. Then, review the changes in the test
system and identify the best way to re-integrate customizations affected by the patch.

If you have registered your customized files in $APPL_TOP/admin/applcust.txt,

AutoPatch reviews the files to determine if any of those files will be replaced during the
application of the patch.

Note: Registering customized files does not prevent the object or the patch from being
applied. It only makes them available to AutoPatch for review. See Customization
Standards in Oracle Applications Developer's Guide for more details.
How do I know what patches or files have been applied to a system? What happened
to my applptch.txt file?
Previously, patch history was stored in a text file called applptch.txt in the
$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID> directory. AutoPatch appended information about each
applied patch to the applptch.txt file automatically.

Since AD Minipack E, the Patch History feature stores all patch information in database
tables. If the information cannot be written to the database, it is stored in the file system,
and is automatically loaded to the database each time AutoPatch is run. In this case, the
temporary patch history file was named applptch.txt.

In AD Minipack H (and later), there are two patch history files:

* javaupdates<timestamp>.txt - records patch history about changes to Java files

* adpsv<timestamp>.txt - records patch history about changes to all non-Java files.

The best way to review patching history is to use the Applied Patches utility provided by
Oracle Applications Manager (OAM). From the Applied Patches interface, you can
perform a simple search by querying on the patch number, the number of days or date
range during which patches were applied and/or the patch language. An advanced search
provides additional search criteria. The search results display useful information
including patch name, description, a list of merged patches, location of applied patch,
language, files changed or copied, bug fixes in each driver file, whether patch application
was successful and timing information. See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for
more information.
Can I determine ahead of time how a patch will affect my system?
You can analyze the actions a patch will take by reviewing patch log files without
applying a patch to production or you can access a Patch Impact Analysis report through
the Patch Wizard in Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) to see how a patch will affect
the files on your system.

If you want to review log files, you can apply a patch on a test system. Alternatively, you
can apply the patch in production using the AutoPatch test mode. Applying a patch in test
mode requires that you use the AutoPatch option apply=no. The resulting log file shows
all the actions that AutoPatch will take.

To determine how a patch will affect the files on your system, you can request a Patch
Impact Analysis report for a specific patch through the Patch Wizard in OAM version 2.2
and later. The Patch Impact Analysis feature of Patch Wizard provides links to details
about a patch including the following information:

* The total number of files in the patch

* The number and type of files the patch will install
* The products that will have updated files
* The files that will be introduced by the patch
* The files on the target system that will be changed by the patch

See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for additional information.

If I am applying a patch and it fails, should I simply re-run it from the beginning after
fixing the issue?
If a patch driver fails, fix the issue and restart AutoPatch. AutoPatch will allow you to
continue where the patch left off. Re-running the patch from the beginning may result in
it being applied incorrectly.
What should I do when the Oracle Applications AutoPatch Prerequisite Checking
Feature fails?
There are various issues that could cause a failure in the AutoPatch Prerequisite Checking
Refer to When Oracle Applications Automatic Patch Prerequisite Checking Feature Fails
(OracleMetaLink Note 233040.1).
If a worker fails when AutoPatch is running, what should I do?
When a worker fails its job, the AD utility running the worker takes one of several
possible actions:

* Defers the job to the end of the list of jobs to run and assigns the worker another job
* Sets the worker status to Failed and continues to run jobs in other workers
* If all other workers are in failed or waiting state, waits for user input (interactive
mode) or exits (non-interactive mode)

If the worker remains in a failed state, examine the worker log file and determine the
cause of the failure. The worker log files are named adwork<number>.log (for example
adwork01.log or adwork001.log). They are located in the same directory as the main AD
utility log file. By default this is under $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log.

Attempt to correct the problem and restart the failed job. If you cannot determine the
cause of the failure, try restarting the failed job to see if it works the second time (it may
have failed due to a concurrency or resource issue).

To restart a failed job, run AD Controller and choose the option to restart a failed job.
Enter the worker number when prompted. You can use AD Controller to see the status of
jobs both before and after restarting them. The status before restarting should be Failed,
and the status after restarting should be Fixed, Restart. If you are unable to fix the failed
job, contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.

If the AD utility exited after the job failed, you must use AD Controller to restart the
failed job before you can restart the AD utility. Otherwise, the AD utility will detect the
failed job and shut down again.

See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for additional information.

Q1. After you apply a patch, there may be an invalid view. How do you validate the

A: Most views are recreated via a new Projects sql script. These scripts would be located
in your $PA_TOP/patchsc/107/sql directory for release 10.7, and in
$PA_TOP/patch/110/sql directory for release 11.0.x, and in $PA_TOP/patch/115/sql
directory for release 11.5.x. After you run a select statement to locate your invalid view,
you can go to one of the above directories and grep for that invalid view name. The
following is an example of a select statement to find invalid objects:

Login to sql as apps/ [pwd]

SQL> select object_name, object_type

from user_objects
where status = 'INVALID';

------------------------------------------------ --------------------

The following is a grep statement example for release 11.0 in unix to locate a script to
recreate a view:

Change directory to the corresponding $PA_TOP/patch/110/sql directory.

Type the following command in the $PA_TOP/ .. /sql directory:

$PA_TOP/patch/110/sql> grep -i PA_EXPENDITURE_TYPES_EXPEND_V *

There will be many resulting lines, but only one line has the required information. An
example of a resulting line is as follows:



The pavw110.sql script is an update script that will recreate the view and validate the
invalid view. This is known by the "CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW" statement
from the grep.

You should log an iTAR with Projects if you do not find a current script to recreate a
view. Support will resolve any invalid object issue that you have. For additional
information, see Note 74660.1, Resolving Invalid Objects in Oracle Applications


Q2. How do you compile all objects for the APPS schema?

A: You can compile objects using the compile objects selection from the ADADMIN
tool. To compile all objects manually for the APPS schema you either need to change
directory to the $AD_TOP/sql directory or verify it is in your path. Login to SQLPlus as
system/manager and run the following command to compile all APPS objects:
SQL> @adcompsc.pls apps apps %

You can replace the "%" sign with an actual object name to compile a single object.

For mote information, see Note 104457.1, Invalid Objects FAQ's.


Q3. How do you generate a form, report, library, or menu from a failed patch


1. Find the name for the form that needs regenerating as stated in question number 8
under the FORM heading.

2. Logon to the server as the applmgr that contains the forms, reports, libraries, or
menus that need to be regenerated

3. cd $AU_TOP

4. Run the corresponding command as follows:

Oracle Forms executables used to generate forms depends on platform and Oracle
Applications versions:

Q4. How do you determine what patch set you are currently utilizing?


1. If you are on release level, patch set level PA.H (784658) or higher, you
run the following command in SQLPlus:

select pa_server_pkg.get_patch_level from dual;

2. For any release level lower than PA.H or release level of 11.0.x or 11.5.x, there is no
easy way to determine your patch set level. You will need to retrieve a list of patch set
numbers from MetaLink. Using that list, you can utilize the find file utility to search for a
file in the APPL_TOP/admin/[SID_NAME] directory for Release 11.0.x or 11.5.x and in
the APPL_TOP directory for Release called "applptch.txt". If the file exists,
look in the file for patch numbers from your patch set list (start with the latest patch
number and work backwards in the list until a hit is made).
You can also run the following grep statement in the directory where the applptch.txt
file resides to list all product groups patches:

fgrep 'begin bug pa' applptch.txt

3. If options a or b from above are not possible, you will have to select a random
number of views, forms, and packages. You can determine what version the objects are
based on. You will have to contact Oracle Projects Support for an estimated patchset
level. (To learn how to get version information go to question 8)

For more information, review the following note:

Note.97398.1, What Patches have been applied to an instance?


Q5. What are the current mini packs, patchsets or one off patches for the Projects


Review Note:108691.1 for the latest patchset/family pack information for the Projects
Review Note:108255.1 for the latest Internet Time (formerly Self-Service Time)
patching information.


Q6. There are specific invalid PA% objects in your database that will not compile. What
do you do to clean up these objects?

A: There are Oracle Projects objects in the database that may not compile. They are part
of Oracle Projects products, but you may not have that product installed or implemented
on your system.

The following are common product files that may be affected:

All objects starting with this name are part of the Oracle Projects Archive Purge

1. a. If on release 10.7 or 11.0.x then download and install the patch for Oracle
Projects Archive Purge. Patch numbers are:
Release 11 - 1235250 Release 10.7 - 982722 (server-side) Release 10.7 - 982724

2. b. If upgrading to release 11i, Oracle Projects Archive Purge is not currently

available on that release.

You may complete one of the two options:

1. Drop all of these objects from the database.
2. Keep them in the Database as invalid, which will not affect Projects.

All objects starting with this name were part of the Oracle Projects upgrade from 9.x.,
10.x to You may drop all of these objects from the database with no affect on
the Oracle Projects product.

Objects starting with this name are part of Oracle Projects Online Time and Expense

Install the latest patchset or mini pack for Projects on any application version level or
drop the objects if you are not planning to use Oracle Projects Online Time and Expense.

Objects starting with this name are part of Oracle Projects Data Warehousing product.
You should setup Oracle Projects and Oracle Data Warehousing to utilize this new
product. Or, you can drop these objects if you are not going to implement Oracle Data


Q7. The Projects adpatch process may fail while running the database driver. What
actions do you need to complete to finish the patch process?

A: You should restart the adpatch process for the database driver using only one worker.
There may be a conflict with another patch not completing before the current patch starts.

For more information, see Note:47709.1, AutoInstall Frequently Asked Questions

Q8. How do you determine version information about a form, view, package or


In the application, open the form you are having a problem with then, from the menu bar,
select Help>About Oracle applications. Near the bottom of the information screen you
will find a heading of "FORMS". Under this heading you will find the name and version
information of the currently selected form.

Logon to the database using SQLPLUS as apps/ and run the following sql command:

FROM user_views
AND text LIKE '%Header%';

Logon to the database using SQLPLUS as apps/ and run the following sql command:

FROM user_source
AND text LIKE '%Header%';

To find the version of an executable you first must go to the
APPL_TOP\PRODUCT_TOP\bin directory where that file is located. Then run the
following command:

strings [NAME OF EXECUTABLE] | grep -i header > [somefilename.txt]


Q9. What log files are generated with adpatch, and where are they located?

A: The adpatch process will produce a log file which lists the actual process steps and if
any workers are spawned, worker logs will be created also. The adpatch process will
either use a default log file name, adpatch.log, or you are prompted to create your own
unique name. For release, the adpatch log file is located in the
$APPL_TOP/install/log directory. For Release 11.0.x or 11.5.x, the adpatch log file is
located in the APPL_TOP/admin/[SID_NAME] directory. If you do not create a unique
log file name, the adpatch process will append the log file each time you rerun it.
Most patches will utilize workers and each worker will create their own worker log file.
These log files are named adwork01.log, adwork02.log, etc. For release, the
adwork0x.log log file is located in the $APPL_TOP/install/log directory. For Release
11.0.x or 11.5.x, the adwork0x.log log file is located in the APPL_TOP/admin/
[SID_NAME]/log directory.

The adaimgr process will also generate a log file, which is located in the
$APPL_TOP/admin or $APPL_TOP/install/log directory.

If you are having problems applying a patch, please upload these log files when you log a
Service Request with Oracle Support.


Q10. How do you change a shared install to a full install using the License Manager?

A: To change the status of an install from shared to full do the following:

$cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/assistants/licmgr

If you are using 11.5.5 you can do the following:

$ cd $AD_TOP/bin


Q11. How do you find any critical high priority/mandatory patches for Oracle Projects?


1. Sign on to MetaLink
2. Select the Patches button from the left Menu bar.
3. Select the Release, Product, Platform and Language based on your configuration. If
you would like to see patches for all products, click on the first product, then Shift-Click
on the last product to select all. Alternately, you can select several individual products by
holding down the Ctrl key while selecting each one.
4. In the Limit Search to field, select High Priority Product Patches or High Priority
Product Patches NOT in Latest Mini Pack.

Q12. How do you receive the enhanced trace options for the forms diagnostics menu?

A: Apply patch:1552649 to enhance the trace capabilities in 11i. This patch provides an
enhanced database trace utility for Application forms. A new trace menu is provided that
allows a regular trace, trace with binds, trace with waits and trace with binds and waits.
Once trace has been enabled, all forms opened after that will also be running with trace
enabled. When trace is disabled for a form, all forms running in trace mode will have
trace disabled when they gain focus. For additional information, refer to Note:47709.1,
AutoInstall Frequently Asked Questions.

FND Concurrent Manager FAQ's


When would one be required to bounce (stop and restart) the Concurrent Manager?

When you modify the Printer Driver you have to restart the Manager which
runs the request which is attached to that Printer Driver, however,if you do
not know which manager then you have to restart the Internal manager because
the printer driver can be used by multiple managers and multiple requests.
If only a concurrent program definition is modified, running a verify on the
Internal Manager will pick up the changes without the need for bouncing the

Does the Internal manager schedule requests to be run or does it put requests
into queues to be run by other managers?

This is a very common misconception. The ICM really does not have any
such scheduling responsibilities. It has NOTHING to do with scheduling
requests, or deciding which manager will run a particular request.
Its function is only to run 'queue control' requests, which are
requests to startup or shutdown other managers. It is responsible for
startup and shutdown of the whole concurrent processing facility, and
it also monitors the other managers periodically, and restarts them if
they should go down. It can also take over the Conflict Resolution
manager's job, and resolve incompatibilities.

If the ICM itself should go down, requests will continue to run

normally, except for 'queue control' requests. You can restart it with
'startmgr', you do not need to kill the other managers first.
How can I check to see if a concurrent manager is running?

One way to see if a manager is running is to use the 'Administer

Concurrent Managers' form. Navigate to Concurrent->Managers->Administer.
You will see two columns labeled 'Actual' and 'Target'. The Target column
lists the number of processes that should be running for each manager
for this particular workshift. The Actual column lists the number of
processes that are actually running. If the Actual column is zero, there
are no processes running for this manager. If the Target column is zero,
then either a workshift has not been assigned to this manager, or the current
workshift does not specify any target processes. If the target column
is not zero, then the manager processes have either failed to start up,
or gone down. You should check the manager's logfile and the ICM
logfile. You can also search for OS processes using the 'ps' command.
It is possible for the form to be inaccurate, i.e. it may show actual
processes even though they are not really running. When in doubt, check for
processes at the OS level. On NT, you can check to see if the Concurrent Manager
service is running using the Services control panel.

Where do concurrent request or manager logfiles and output files go?

The concurrent manager first looks for the environment variable

$APPLCSF. If this is set, it creates a path using two other
environment variables: $APPLLOG and $APPLOUT
It places log files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG, output files go in

So for example, if you have this environment set:

$APPLCSF = /u01/appl/common
$APPLLOG = log
$APPLOUT = out

The concurrent manager will place log files in /u01/appl/common/log,

and output files in /u01/appl/common/out
Note that $APPLCSF must be a full, absolute path, and the other two
are directory names.

If $APPLCSF is not set, it places the files under the product top of
the application associated with the request. For example, a PO report
would go under $PO_TOP/$APPLLOG and $PO_TOP/$APPLOUT
Logfiles go to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/log
Output files to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/out
All these directories must exist and have the correct permissions.

Note that all concurrent requests produce a log file, but not necessarily
an output file.
Concurrent manager logfiles follow the same convention, and will be
found in the $APPLLOG directory

What are the logfile and output file naming conventions?

Request logfiles: l<request id>.req

Output files: If $APPCPNAM is not set: <username>.<request id>

If $APPCPNAM = REQID: o<request id>.out
If $APPCPNAM = USER: <username>.out

Where: <request id> = The request id of the concurrent request

And: <username> = The id of the user that submitted the request

Manager logfiles:

ICM logfile: Default is std.mgr, can be changed with the mgrname

startup parameter
Concurrent manager log: w<XXXXXX>.mgr
Transaction manager log: t<XXXXXX>.mgr
Conflict Resolution manager log: c<XXXXXX>.mgr

Where: <XXXXXX> is the concurrent process id of the manager

Can I delete a concurrent manager?

You can disable the manager by checking the 'Enabled' checkbox, or

you can simply Terminate the manager and it will not run again unless
you reactivate it.
If it is really necessary, you can query the manager in the
'Define Manager' form, and delete the row. (It is recommended that you
DO NOT do this)
What is the function of the 'Conflict Resolution Manager'?

Concurrent managers read requests to start concurrent programs running. The

Conflict Resolution Manager checks concurrent program definitions for
incompatibility rules.

If a program is identified as Run Alone, then the Conflict Resolution Manager

prevents the concurrent managers from starting other programs in the same
conflict domain.

When a program lists other programs as being incompatible with it, the
Conflict Resolution Manager prevents the program from starting until any
incompatible programs in the same domain have completed running.

What is the 'Internal Scheduler/Prereleaser' manager?

The short name for this manager is FNDSCH. It is also known as the
Advanced Scheduler/Prereleaser Manager. This manager is intended
to implement Advanced Schedules. Its job is to determine when a
scheduled request is ready to run. Advanced Schedules were not fully
implemented in Release 11.0, they are implemented in Release 11.5,
but are not widely used by the various Apps products. General Ledger
uses FNDSCH for financial schedules based on different calendars and
period types. It is then possible to schedule AutoAllocation sets,
Recurring Journals, MassAllocations, Budget Formulas, and MassBudgets
to run according to the General Ledger schedules that have been

If financial schedules in GL are not being used then it is not a

problem to deactivate this manager.

What is the 'Internal Monitor' manager/service?

This manager/service is used to implement Distributed Concurrent Processing.

It monitors whether the ICM is still running, and if the ICM crashes,
it will restart it on another node.
You do not need to run this manager/service unless you are using Distributed
Concurrent Processing.

See the Installation manual and Sysadmin Guide for more info on DCP.
How do I check/set the PMON method?

To check the PMON method:

1) cd $FND_TOP/sql
2) sqlplus apps/apps @afimchk.sql
This will tell whether the internal manager is running, what the PMON
method is, and where the log file is.

To set the PMON method:

1) first shut the concurrent managers down
2) cd $FND_TOP/sql
3) sqlplus apps/apps @afimpmon.sql LOCK (or RDBMS)

How do I enable/disable the Conflict Resolution Manager?

Use the system profile option 'Concurrent: Use ICM'.

Setting this to 'No' (which is the default) allows the CRM to be started.
Setting it to 'Yes' causes the CRM to be shutdown and the Internal
Manager (ICM) will take over the conflict resolution duties. If the CRM will
not start (it is started automatically by the ICM), check this profile option.

Note that using the ICM to resolve conflicts is not recommended.

The CRM's sole purpose is to resolve conflicts, while the ICM has
other functions to perform as well. Only set this option to 'YES'
if you have a good reason to do so.

How do I clean out the Concurrent Manager tables?

Cleaning out the tables is a useful method of making sure that there
are no invalid statuses that can prevent the managers from starting.
Previously, this has been done by truncating fnd_concurrent_processes
and/or fnd_concurrent_requests. Truncation of the tables is a little
drastic, and can cause problems later when trying to purge requests,
not to mention losing all of the request information.

Run the script, cmclean.sql, article Note 134007.1 CMCLEAN.SQL - Non

Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables
It will make sure the relevant status codes are valid without
deleting any information.

How do I tell concurrent manager processes apart at the OS level?

What is the syntax for controlling the concurrent manager using startmgr and
concsub in NT?

On NT, the concurrent manager is run as an NT service, you start and

stop the managers using the Services control panel.
See the Applications Installation manual for NT, Appendix A for
details. See pg. 5-9 of this manual for instructions on creating the
concurrent manager service.

Why am I seeing pinging entries like this in the ICM logfile?

PING ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.705 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.120 ms
Process monitor session ended : 29-FEB-2000 10:38:43
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.985 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=1.006 ms

Pinging other machines is used in Distributed Concurrent Processing.

This means you have DCP turned on, using the environment variable
APPLDCP. Set APPLDCP to OFF and restart the managers.

I hit the Restart button to start the Standard manager, but it still did not

Telling a manager to restart just sets the status to Restart. The ICM
will start it the next process monitor session or the next time the
ICM starts. Use Activate to start a manager immediately.
When a manager is deactivated manually, the ICM will not restart
it, you will need to set it to Restart, or activate it manually.
How many rows are in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS and

Depending on the specification of the system it has been seen that when
tables reach above 3000-4000 rows, the performance begins to diminish, however,
there could be 30000-40000 rows in the tale before the performance begins
to degrade.

You may want to run the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data on
a regular basis, dependant on the amount of requests being run.

The Purge Concurrent Requests job can be used to purge:

Requests, Mgr logs, and All requests depending on what is chosen.

Use the following options: Enter = All, Mode = AGE, Mode Value = 15

The std.mgr log continuously grows where it may good to

archive it regularly.

Any processes pending in Internal or Conflict Resolution Manager?

Best course of action before starting the Concurrent Managers is to cancel

any "Deactivate" or "Verify" jobs pending in the Internal Manager and place
any other pending jobs on hold.

How do I turn on transaction manager diagnostics?

Set the profile option 'Concurrent:Debug Flags' to 'TCTM1' at the site

level. This will cause transactions to make debug entries in the
FND_CONCURRENT_DEBUG_INFO table. Truncate this table before running a
tranasction, then select the entries from the table.
Starting the managers with diag=Y will also produce more information
in the transaction manager logfile.

How do transaction managers work?

(See the server documentation for details on the DBMS_PIPE package)
1) A tranasction manager is started on the concurrent processing
server, and periodically reads the pipe for incoming transactions.
2) A client program (usually a form) calls the
3) This function writes a message into the pipe containing the program
to be run and its parameters.
4) FND_TRANSACTION.SYNCHRONOUS begins reading a return pipe for the
return status.
5) The manager sees the message in the pipe, retrieves the program id
and parameters.
6) The manager runs the program with the specified parameters. The
program will be of type 'Immediate', so there will not be a
separate concurrent request run.
7) The program completes, and the manager packs its return status into
the return pipe.
8) FND_TRANSACTION.SYNCHRONOUS reads the return value and passes it
back to its caller.

Note that these events take place essentially simultaneously on the

client and server. This is a synchronous transaction because the
client waits for the server to return, or times out waiting for it.


When you try to submit a request like Active users or

Active responsibilities, request gets submitted.

When we view the help requests, you find that it is

inactive / nomanager.

Within 12 to 15 seconds, you refresh-it gets completed.

Initially, you could find only inactive and we look at

the diagnostic- the concurrent manager assigned is not
picking up.

There is no specialization rules in any managers except

the include program this source.

Most often when this occurs where a request goes
"inactive/no manager" and is then processed a short time
later, the solution is to either increase the cache size
for your Standard manger, or increase the actual number of
Standard manager processes.

Cache Size is set on the CONCURRENT/MANAGER/DEFINE form. Basically,

this regulates how many requests a manager will pick up for each
sleep cycle.

How do I process more concurrent requests concurrently?

The Concurrent Manager parameters, (Query the concurrent manager by

Login as Sysadmin, navigate -> Concurrent -> Manager -> Define and Query for
the relevant concurrent manager), should be modified to handle more
concurrent requests concurrently, this can be done in two steps:

(i) Increase the Number of Target processes for the manager

(ii) Change the cache size of the concurrent manager as this determines
how many requests will be evaluated by a manager at a time and should match the
target (process) value as set above.

Question: How To Delete An Oracle Applications User

Answer: It is not possible. See note 161745.1 for details.

Question: How To Manually Change The APPS, APPLSYS and APPLSYSPUB

Passwords in Oracle Applications

Answer: See Oracle Applications Schema Password Change Utility (FNDCPASS) in

the System Administrator's Guide - Configuration.

Users monitoring (FNDSCMON):

Question: Can you track terminal name of users using Applications?

Answer: No, the Monitor User form does not display the terminal name of the user that
is logged into the application. See Note 109065.1 for more details.
Question: How to Clean Up Inactive Sessions Based on the Information in the Monitor
User Form

Answer: Procedure described in Note 98464.1

Responsibilities definition (FNDSCRSP):

Question: How to exclude menu choises from a new SSWA responsibility

Answer: See Note 107816.1

Question: How to delete a responsibility from Oracle Applications?

Answer: The ability to delete responsibilities is not planned.

Responsibilities cannot be deleted since those records are kept

for security and monitoring purposes. However, responsibilities

can be disabled by assigning an end date to the effective period

Responsibilities ValueSet assignation (FNDRSGRP):

Question: How to Setup Security Rules for an Accounting Flexfield Segment.

Answer: Note 147211.1

Application currency defintion (FNDNLDCX):

Question: How to Activate the Predefined Euro Currency in General Ledger

Answer: See Note 148445.1

Question: How to Disable a Currency in Oracle General Ledger

Answer: See Note 147982.1

Application network testin (FNDPMNET):

Quesion: How to Run Oracle Applications Network Test

Answer : See Note 152508.1

Define profile options (FNDPOMPV):

Quesion: How can you find the name of a needed profile option?

Answer: See Note 50270.1

Miscelaneous FAQs:

Question: Have some performance issues. What doc can be helpfull?

Answer: Note 15476.1 Resolving Locking / Hanging Scenarios

Note 117129.1 How To Get A Trace For And Begin To Analyze A

Performance Issue

Note 100883.1 How to Create a SQL Trace from another session.

Question: How to Determine Which User Submitted a Request that Completed in Error
Answer: See note Note 151121.1

Quesiton: How do you tell what product is installed Full and Shared within

Answer: This information can be accessed within Applications from the Alert Manager


Question: How to compile an Oracle Reports file or PLL?


Windows NT:

Oracle Reports

R25CON32 userid=apps\<psswd> source=<APPL_TOP>\

<product>\srw\filename.rdf dest=%<PRODUCT_TOP>%\srw\filename.rdf

stype=rdffile dtype=rdffile logfile=x.log overwrite=yes batch=yes


PLL File

R25CON32 userid=apps\<psswd> source=<APPL_TOP>\<product>\srw\

filename.rdf dest=%<PRODUCT_TOP>%\srw\filename.rdf

stype=pllfile dtype=pllfile logfile=x.log overwrite=yes batch=yes


Oracle Reports

adrepgen userid=apps\<psswd> source=<$PRODUCT_TOP>\srw\filename.rdf


stype=rdffile dtype=rdffile logfile=x.log overwrite=yes batch=yes


PLL File

adrepgen userid=apps\<psswd> source=<$PRODUCT_TOP>\srw\filename.rdf


stype=pllfile dtype=pllfile logfile=x.log overwrite=yes batch=yes


Question: How do you test out the Initilization strings used in Applications Printer


Windows NT

- Create a sample directory and copy a rpt file into that directory.

- Type: FNDPRESC "init_string" > foo (init_string = the exact

init string used wtihin applications surronuded by double quotes)

- Edit the report file and insert a line at the top of the report.

- Edit the foo file and copy / paste the init string at the inserted
line of the report file.

- Print the file from the command line.


- Create a sample directory and copy a rpt file into that directory.

- Type: FNDPRESC "init_string" > foo (init_string = the exact

init string used wtihin applications)

- vi the report file and insert a line at the top of the report.

Shift + o

- vi the foo file and copy / paste the init string at the inserted

line of the report file.

- lp -d<printername> l#####.out

Question: How do you get minutes and seconds for the start time of a concurrent request
from a SQL*Plus query?

Answer: Issue the following sql statement:

select to_char(actual_start_date,'dd-mon-rr' hh:mi:ss')

from fnd_concurent_requests

where request_id=####;

Question: What is the proper way to change the Applications privileged passwords?


- Shutdown the Concurrent Manager

- Change the APPS, APPLSYS and APPLSYSPUB passwords at the

Database level

- Change the APPS, APPLSYS and APPLSYSPUB passwords at the

Application level

- Change the APPS password in any Concurent Manager startup


- See Note 1015596.102 (10.7) and Note 159244.1 (11.0) for details!

Question: How do you find out the module versions in a Binary file on Windows NT?


$ cd product_top\bin

$ find\I "$Header" fndlibr.exe

Question: How can I determine the version of a file?


oracle apps dba interview questions and answers

February 6, 2009 at 9:43 am | In Oracle Apps | 4 Comments
Tags: apps dba interview questions and answers, restrict apps users, sql to find pending
and running concurrent requests, start oracle apps restricted, transaction manager,
Transaction Manager Concurrent Manager

1. What happens if the ICM goes down?

2. How will you speed up the patching process?
3. How will you handle an error during patching?
4. Provide a high-level overview of the cloning process and post-clone manual steps.
5. Provide an introduction to AutoConfig. How does AutoConfig know which value from
the XML file needs to be put in which file?
6. Can you tell me a few tests you will do to troubleshoot self-service login problems?
Which profile options and files will you check?
7. What could be wrong if you are unable to view concurrent manager log and output
8. How will you change the location of concurrent manager log and output files?
9. If the user is experiencing performance issues, how will you go about finding the
10. How will you change the apps password?
11. Provide the location of the DBC file and explain its significance and how applications
know the name of the DBC file.
1. All the other managers will keep working. ICM only takes care of the queue control
requests, which means starting up and shutting down other concurrent managers.
o You can merge multiple patches.
o You can create a response file for non-interactive patching.
o You can apply patches with options (nocompiledb, nomaintainmrc, nocompilejsp) and
run these once after applying all the patches.
3. Look at the log of the failed worker, identify and rectify the error and restart the
worker using adctrl utility.
4. Run pre-clone on the source (all tiers), duplicate the DB using RMAN (or restore the
DB from a hot or cold backup), copy the file systems and then run post-clone on the
target (all tiers).
Manual steps (there can be many more):
o Change all non-site profile option values (RapidClone only changes site-level profile
o Modify workflow and concurrent manager tables.
o Change printers.
5. AutoConfig uses a context file to maintain key configuration files. A context file is an
XML file in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory and is the centralized repository.
When you run AutoConfig it reads the XML files and creates all the AutoConfig
managed configuration files.
For each configuration file maintained by AutoConfig, there exists a template file which
determines which values to pick from the XML file.
o Check guest user/password in the DBC file, profile option guest user/password, the DB.
o Check whether apache/jserv is up.
o Run IsItWorking, FND_WEB.PING, aoljtest, etc.
7. Most likely the FNDFS listener is down. Look at the value of
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table. Look at the FND_NODES table. Look at the
FNDFS_ entry in tnsnames.ora.
8. The location of log files is determined by parameter $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and that
of output files by $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT.
o Trace his session (with waits) and use tkprof to analyze the trace file.
o Take a statspack report and analyze it.
o O/s monitoring using top/iostat/sar/vmstat.
o Check for any network bottleneck by using basic tests like ping results.
o Use FNDCPASS to change APPS password.
o Manually modify files.
o Change any DB links pointing from other instances.
o Location: $FND_TOP/secure directory.
o Significance: Points to the DB server amongst other things.
o The application knows the name of the DBC file by using profile option “Applications
Database Id.”

Set # 1 : Compatibility

On which databases can Oracle Applications be installed on (i.e. Oracle, SQL Server,
Informix, etc.) ?
Answer :-
Oracle database only.

Set # 2 : FND vs. AOL

What is the difference between “FND” and “AOL” ?

What are they ?
What do they mean ?

FND is the system name of core Application Object Library(AOL).

AOL consists of the entire schema which forms the base layer for Functioning of Oracle
Applications(without which the Apps can not work).

Set # 3 : Schemas

What is the difference between the following schemas and when are they being
Used by the system :

1) Apps
2) Applsys
3) Applsyspub
Answer :-
Apps is the database schema which used for connecting applications(front end) user It
internally uses the Applsyspub user for connecting .It comprises synonyms for all the
individual module’s objects. Concurrent Requests also use the apps db schema for
executing the requests.

Applsys is a schema in oracle applications which contains the information about the FND
or Foundation Tables.

Applsyspub is the schema which used internally in Oracle Applications (Gateway User)
by application Users.

Set # 4 : Techstack

What do we mean by Techstack ?

What comprises the Techstack ?

In Oracle Applications the Technical Software Components which comprises of the
entire Applications is called Techstack.

They are
1. Db Techstack.—(Database (Oracle RDBMS ) Software.
2. Applications Techstack.(in 11i the 8.06 (i.e. for forms ,reports and for PL/SQL and
other libraries) and 8.1.7 for Application Server).(in R12 the releases 10.1.2 and 10.1.3).

Set # 5 : “GL” Database User

When does the system logs in as Database user “gl” and why ?

When using the General Ledger Module Responsibilities the system logs in as Database
user gl and this is done for database security.

Set # 6 : Password Change

Before changing password for “apps”, what would you say are the top three
Precautions to be taken (before doing in Production) ?
Can we change the password for user “guest” ? Why ?

Ensure that downtime is taken for changing the apps password.
Ensure that no application users are connected
Ensure that no concurrent requests are running .
And make the application tier down and change the apps user password. This is best

We can change the Guest user’s password. This is done for advanced security.
Set # 7 : “xml” vs. “dbc” files

What’s the difference between the “xml” file and the “dbc” file ? How are they
Being used by the system ?

Answer :-

Xml file in oracle Applications is the context file which is maintained by Autoconfig to
maintain the Applications configuration in a centralized manner.

Dbc file is the file used to connect the application user to the database.

Set # 8 : TWO_TASK

What is the “TWO_TASK” variable ? How does Oracle Applications uses it ?

Oracle Applications System maintains TWO_TASK variable for the applications to work
It will be common for database tier and application tier. So that from applications tier
users can connect to the database without issues.

Set # 9 : $AD_TOP

What is $AD_TOP ?
What does “AD” stand for ?
Which type of user mostly uses this directory ?

Answer :-

AD_TOP is the TOP for Application DBA Module which contains all the essential
utilities and files used for maintaining the Oracle Applications System.
AD stand for Applications DBA.
Application DBA’s mostly use this directory.

Set # 10: Workflows

What is a workflow?
How does Oracle Applications uses workflows?
What would be the top three things to monitor for workflows ?
What would be the top three typical questions to ask about workflows ?
Does a Workflow have a version ? If so, how can we find out ?

Answer :-
Workflow is a module in Oracle Applications .It is also a Standalone Product. Normally
workflow is used to carry out the flow of work by approving system and this is mostly
used in Order Management.

The top three things to monitor workflow would be.

1.Login as Sysadmin and by using the workflow Administrator web applications monitor
for any pending or errored out workflows and correct it.
2.Make sure the “Synch workflow tables” concurrent program is running properly
without errors and monitoring the Workflow Managers.
3.Monitor the health of Workflow Notification Mailers .

The Top three typical questions to ask about workflows are.

1.How will you configure a workflow Notification Mailers.

2.How will you navigate and troubleshoot for finding out errored workflow notifications.
3.How will you troubleshoot that if workflow notification mailer is not working
properly(not sending e-mails).

Workflow has a Version, by executing the wfver.sql in FND_TOP/sql we can find this
component’s version.

How will you find the pending and running concurrent requests from SQL prompt?

after logging as apps user in sqlplus

run this sql $FND_TOP/sql/afrqrun.sql

This will show the pending and running concurrent requests in the instance

Newly Added

What is Transaction Manager(Concurrent Manager) and its purpose?

Transaction Manager is defined so that it has a special pool of database resource to
execute concurrent requests.
Its not like other concurrent managers and its not dependent on any concurrent queue
tables. i.e when a client submits concurrent request which is assigned to the Transaction
Manager then it immediately executes that conc request. This manager is used to run high
priority concurrent requests.

How can you restrict application access to only certain users?

Ans :- By editing the apps.conf configuration file in Apache/conf directory and adding
directive and by giving
Allow and bouncing the apache.
Other users will get 403 forbidden error. You can also customize the error message in

Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions

1. what is the utility to change the password of a dba schema in oracle apps? Ans:
2. what are mandatory users in oracle apps?
Ans: applsys,applsyspub,apps
3. What simplay a oracle Architechture?
Ans: Desktop Tier, Application Tier, Database Tier 5. What are the components in the
Application Tier?
Ans: Apache(http)
Forms Server(f60srv)
Metric Server(d2ls)
Metric Client(d2lc)
Report Server(rwm60)
Concurrent Server(FNDLIBR)
Discoverer 6.What are main file systems in Oracle Apps?
DB_TOP,ORA_TOP 7. What are there in Desktop Tier?
Ans: Internet Browser, JInitiator 8. What is the location of JInitiator in the Desktop Tier?
Ans: c:\program files\oracle\Jinitiator 9. What is the location of client cache?
Ans: c:\documents and settngs\user\oracle jar Cache 10. What is the location of Server
Ans: $COMMON_TOP/_pages
11. Which package will be used for the user validation by plsql agent?
Ans: oraclemypage
12. What are adadmin utilities? and Its location?
Ans: 1.adadmin
13.What are the location of JaVA Files?
Ans: JAVA_TOP and all PRODUCT_TOP/Java/Jar
14. What is the name of the xml file of Apps and its location?
Ans: Context Name.xml and $APPL_TOP/admin
15. what is the location of Apps environment file? and its name?
Ans: contextname.env and $APPL_TOP
16. In how many way Jar files are generated?
Ans: Normal and Force
17. Once Jar files are generated what files get effected?
Ans: All Product_top/java/jar files and Two files in JAVA_TOP they are
18. How do you see the files in zip file?
Ans: unzip -v
19.How do you generate jar files?
Ans: Using adadmin and option 5
20. How do you start the apps services?
Ans: $COMMON_TOP\admin\scripts\Contextname\ apps/appspwd
21. What is the executable to generate jar files?
Ans: adjava
22. How do you relink a executable of a product
Ans: by relinking option in adadmin or adrelink
23. How do you relink AD product executable? and usage?
Ans: and force=y "ad adsplice"
24.When do you relinking?
Ans: 1. when you miss a executable file
2. When there is a problem with any executable file
3. When any product executable get currupted
25. What is DAD?
Ans: It is a file which stores apps passwords in hard coded format. i.e wdbsvr
26.How do you relink OS files and libraries?
Ans: using make command
27.What is compile scheman option in adadmin?
Ans: This option is used to compile/resolve the invalid objects
28. Where do you get the info about invalid objects?
Ans: from dba_objects where status=invalid

29.How do you compile an obect ?

Ans: alter object_ type objet _name compile. Eg: alter table fnd_nodes compile
30.How do you see the errors of a table or view?
Ans: select text from dba_errors where name='emp_view'
31. How do you see the errors in the db?
Ans: show error
32. How do you compile a schema?
Ans: using utlrp.sql (location is ?/rdbms/admin/) or
going adadmin, compile schema option
33. How do you know how many invalid objects are in specific schema?
Ans: select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID' group by owner;
34. How do you know the package version?
Ans: select text from dba_source where name='package name' and type='PACKAGE
BODY' and rownum<10>/rdbms/admin)
41. How do you load java class to databae?
Ans: loadjava
42. What are restart files? and its location?
Ans: These files contains the previouse session info about adadmin.. location is
43.How do you validate apps schema?
Ans: To validate synonyms, missing sysnonyms and all grant. You can do it in adadmin.
after validating it iwll produce
a report in the location $APPL_TOP\admin\sid\out\*.out
44. How do you enable maintainance mode?
Ans: using adadmin or running a script called "adsetmmd.sql ENABLE/DISABLE"
45.What is APPS_MRC Schema?
Ans: It is used for multi language support. To synchronize APPs schema and
46. How to see the version of a script or form or report or etc?
Ans: grep Header adsetmmd.sql or adident Header adsetmmd.sql
strings -a GLXSTEA.fmx grep Header or adident Header GLXSTEA.fmx
47.What is the location of adadmin log?
Ans: $APPL_TOP\admin\sid\log
48. What are the oracle homes in Apps?
Ans: 8.0.6ORACLE_HOME(Dev 6i products) and IAS_ORACLE_HOME (Apache)
49. How do you configure you ipaddress at client side? and server side?
Ans: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and \etc\host
50. What is the location of Datbase server related scripts?
Ans: $ORACLE_HOME\appsutil\scripts\contextname
51. what is the utility to clean the concurrent manager?
Ans: @cmclean.sql ( You have download from metalink)
52. How do you stage the 11.5.10 Apps software?
Ans: using
53. What is the location of the source files of forms?
Ans: AU_TOP/forms/US/
54. What is the executable to generate forms?
Ans: f60gen

1. How do you Apply a application patch? -> Using adpatch 2. Complete Usage of
adpatch? 1. download the patch in three ways.
a) Using OAM-Open Internet Exploreer->Select Oracle Application Manager-> Navigate
to Patch Wizard -> Select Download Patches -> Give the patch number(more than one
patch give patch numbers separated by comma-> Select option download only->Select
langauge and Platform-> Give date and time-> submit ok Note: Before doing this Your
oracle apps should be configured with metalink credentials and proxy settings

b) If your unix system is configured with metalink then goto your applmgr account and
issue following command

2.Give metalink username and password
3.After connecting, cd patch number
4. ls -ltr
5. get compatiable to OS)
c) Third way is connect to

1. After logging into metalink with your username and password

2. Goto Quickfind->Select patch numer-> Give patch number->Patch will be displayed-
>Select os type->Select download
3. ftp this patch to your unix environment
2. Apply the patch?

1. unzip downloaded patch using unzip

eg: unzip
2. Patch directory will be unzip with patch number.
3. Goto that directory read readme.txt completely.
4. Make sure that Middle tier should be down, Oracle apps is in maintainance mode and
database and listener is UP
5. Note down invalid objects count before patching
6. Goto patch Directory and type adpatch
7. It will ask you some inputs from you like, is this your appl_top,common_top, logfile
name,sytem pwd, apps pwd, patch directory location, u driver name etc. Provide
2. During Patch What needs to be done?

1. Goto $APPL_TOP/admin/SID/log
2. tail -f patchnumber.log(Monitor this file in another session)
3. tail -f patchnumber.lgi(Monitor this file in another session)
4. TOP comand in another session for CPU Usage
3. Adcontroller during patching?

1. During patching if worker fails, restart failed worker using adctrl(You wil find the
option when u enter into adctrl)
2. If again worker fails, Goto $APPL_TOP/admin/SID/log/workernumber.log
3. Check for the error, fix it restart the worker using adctrl
4. If you the issue was not fixed, If oracle recommends if it can e ignorable, skip the
worker using adctrl with hidden option 8 and give the worker number
4. Log files during patching?

1. patchnumber.log ($APPL_TOP/admin/SID/LOG/patchnumber.log)
2. patchnumber.lgi($APPL_TOP/admin/SID/LOG/patchnumber.lgi)
3. adworker.log($APPL_TOP/admin/SID/LOG/adworker001.log)
4. l.req($APPL_TOP/admin/SID/LOG/l1248097.req)
5. adrelink.log($APPL_TOP/admin/SID/LOG/adrelink.log)
6. adrelink.lsv($APPL_TOP/admin/SID/LOG/adrelink.lsv)
5. useful tables for patching?
1. ad_applied_patches->T know patches applied
2. ad_bugs->ugs info
3. fnd_installed_processes
4. ad_deferred_jobs
5. fnd_product_installations(patch level)
6. To know patch Info?

1. You can know whether particular patch is applied or not using ad_applied_patches or
2. Using OAM->Patch wizard-> Give patch numer
3. To know mini pack patchest level, family pack patchest level and patch numbers by
executing script called has to be downloaded from metalink
7. Reduce patch time?

1. using defaults file

2. Different adpatch options you can get these options by typing adpatch
tabaseportion,nogenerateportion etc)
3. By merging patches into single file
4. Distributed AD if your appl_top is shared
5. Staged APPL_TOP while in production env
8. Usage of Admerging?

1. You can merge number of patches into single patch

2. create two directories like eg: merge_source and merged_dest
3. Copy all patches directories to merge_source
4. admrgpch -s merge_source -d merged_dest -logfile logfile.log
5. merged patch will be generated into merged_dest directory and driver name wil be
8. Usage of Adsplice?

1. Download splice patch, and unzip it

2. Read the readme.txt perfect
3. As per read me, copy following three files to $APPL_TOP/admin
4. open newprods.txt using vi and modify the file by giving correct tablespace names
available in your environment
5. run adsplice in appl_top/admin directory

How to apply India Localization Patches

1. How to apply india Localizatin Patches?

1. We have to install India localization Patch Application Tool by downloading patch
2. Copy the downloaded patch to $JA_TOP and unzip the same there
3. A directory inpatch will be created afer unzipping. In which india localization patch
tool avaialable
4. Go to india localization patch directory
5. use following command
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/ drvr_file=6355941.drv fnd_patchset=H
appspwd=apps japwd=ja logfile=6355941.log systempwd=manager
fnd_patchset= FND PATCHSET LEVEL
japwd = ja_top password
drv_file=patchnumber.drv file
2. How do you know what are india localization patches applied? Solution : using

1. what is the utility to change the password of a dba schema in oracle apps? Ans:
FNDCPASS 2. what are mandatory users in oracle apps? Ans: applsys,applsyspub,apps
3. What simplay a oracle Architechture? Ans: Desktop Tier, Application Tier, Database
Tier 5. What are the components in the Application Tier? Ans: Apache(http) Jserver(jre)
Forms Server(f60srv) Metric Server(d2ls) Metric Client(d2lc) Report Server(rwm60)
Concurrent Server(FNDLIBR) Discoverer 6.What are main file systems in Oracle Apps?
Ans: APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, DB_TOP,ORA_TOP 7. What are there in Desktop
Tier? Ans: Internet Browser, JInitiator 8. What is the location of JInitiator in the Desktop
Tier? Ans: c:\program files\oracle\Jinitiator 9. What is the location of client cache? Ans:
c:\documents and settngs\user\oracle jar Cache 10. What is the location of Server cache?
Ans: $COMMON_TOP/_pages 11. Which package will be used for the user validation
by plsql agent? Ans: oraclemypage 12. What are adadmin utilities? and Its location?
$AD_TOP/bin Ans: 1.adadmin 2.adpatch 3.adsplice 4.adident 5.adrelink 6.adlicmgr
13.What are the location of JaVA Files? Ans: JAVA_TOP and all
PRODUCT_TOP/Java/Jar 14. What is the name of the xml file of Apps and its location?
Ans: Context Name.xml and $APPL_TOP/admin 15. what is the location of Apps
environment file? and its name? Ans: contextname.env and $APPL_TOP 16. In how
many way Jar files are generated? Ans: Normal and Force 17. Once Jar files are
generated what files get effected? Ans: All Product_top/java/jar files and Two files in
JAVA_TOP they are 18. How do you see the files in zip file?
Ans: unzip -v 19.How do you generate jar files? Ans: Using adadmin and option 5 20.
How do you start the apps services? Ans:
$COMMON_TOP\admin\scripts\Contextname\ apps/appspwd 21. What is the
executable to generate jar files? Ans: adjava 22. How do you relink a executable of a
product Ans: by relinking option in adadmin or adrelink 23. How do you relink AD
product executable? and usage? Ans: and force=y "ad adsplice"
24.When do you relinking? Ans: 1. when you miss a executable file 2. When there is a
problem with any executable file 3. When any product executable get currupted 25. What
is DAD? Ans: It is a file which stores apps passwords in hard coded format. i.e wdbsvr
26.How do you relink OS files and libraries? Ans: using make command 27.What is
compile scheman option in adadmin? Ans: This option is used to compile/resolve the
invalid objects 28. Where do you get the info about invalid objects? Ans: from
dba_objects where status=invalid 29.How do you compile an obect ? Ans: alter object_
type objet _name compile. Eg: alter table fnd_nodes compile 30.How do you see the
errors of a table or view? Ans: select text from dba_errors where name='emp_view' 31.
How do you see the errors in the db? Ans: show error 32. How do you compile a schema?
Ans: using utlrp.sql (location is ?/rdbms/admin/) or going adadmin, compile schema
option 33. How do you know how many invalid objects are in specific schema? Ans:
select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID' group by owner; 34. How do
you know the package version? Ans: select text from dba_source where name='package
name' and type='PACKAGE BODY' and rownum<10 35.Where do you find package
locks? Ans: v$access 36. Where do you find object locks? Ans: v$locked_object 37.
HOw do you login directly to the apps in the browser? Ans: 38.How do you enable direct loing in oracle
apps 11.5.10 Ans: open the contextname.xml and change to FREE or connect to
apps/apps change the server id in the fnd_nodes to OFF 39.How do you setup the JVM in
the database? Ans: initjvm.sql (?/rdbms/admin) 40. How do remove the jvm from the
database? Ans: rmjvm.sql(>/rdbms/admin) 41. How do you load java class to databae?
Ans: loadjava 42. What are restart files? and its location? Ans: These files contains the
previouse session info about adadmin.. location is $APPL_TOP\admin\sid\restart\*.rf9
43.How do you validate apps schema? Ans: To validate synonyms, missing sysnonyms
and all grant. You can do it in adadmin. after validating it iwll produce a report in the
location $APPL_TOP\admin\sid\out\*.out 44. How do you enable maintainance mode?
Ans: using adadmin or running a script called "adsetmmd.sql ENABLE/DISABLE"
(AD_TOP/patch/115/sql) 45.What is APPS_MRC Schema? Ans: It is used for multi
language support. To synchronize APPs schema and APPS_MRC 46. How to see the
version of a script or form or report or etc? Ans: grep Header adsetmmd.sql or adident
Header adsetmmd.sql strings -a GLXSTEA.fmx grep Header or adident Header
GLXSTEA.fmx 47.What is the location of adadmin log? Ans:
$APPL_TOP\admin\sid\log 48. What are the oracle homes in Apps? Ans:
8.0.6ORACLE_HOME(Dev 6i products) and IAS_ORACLE_HOME (Apache) 49. How
do you configure you ipaddress at client side? and server side? Ans:
c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and \etc\host 50. What is the location of Datbase
server related scripts? Ans: $ORACLE_HOME\appsutil\scripts\contextname 51. what is
the utility to clean the concurrent manager? Ans: @cmclean.sql ( You have download
from metalink) 52. How do you stage the 11.5.10 Apps software? Ans: using
53. What is the location of the source files of forms? Ans: AU_TOP/forms/US/ 54. What
is the executable to generate forms? Ans: f60gen

oracle apps dba interview questions and answers

February 6, 2009 at 9:43 am | In Oracle Apps | 4 Comments
Tags: apps dba interview questions and answers, restrict apps users, sql to find pending
and running concurrent requests, start oracle apps restricted, transaction manager,
Transaction Manager Concurrent Manager
1. What happens if the ICM goes down?
2. How will you speed up the patching process?
3. How will you handle an error during patching?
4. Provide a high-level overview of the cloning process and post-clone manual steps.
5. Provide an introduction to AutoConfig. How does AutoConfig know which value from
the XML file needs to be put in which file?
6. Can you tell me a few tests you will do to troubleshoot self-service login problems?
Which profile options and files will you check?
7. What could be wrong if you are unable to view concurrent manager log and output
8. How will you change the location of concurrent manager log and output files?
9. If the user is experiencing performance issues, how will you go about finding the
10. How will you change the apps password?
11. Provide the location of the DBC file and explain its significance and how applications
know the name of the DBC file.
1. All the other managers will keep working. ICM only takes care of the queue control
requests, which means starting up and shutting down other concurrent managers.
o You can merge multiple patches.
o You can create a response file for non-interactive patching.
o You can apply patches with options (nocompiledb, nomaintainmrc, nocompilejsp) and
run these once after applying all the patches.
3. Look at the log of the failed worker, identify and rectify the error and restart the
worker using adctrl utility.
4. Run pre-clone on the source (all tiers), duplicate the DB using RMAN (or restore the
DB from a hot or cold backup), copy the file systems and then run post-clone on the
target (all tiers).
Manual steps (there can be many more):
o Change all non-site profile option values (RapidClone only changes site-level profile
o Modify workflow and concurrent manager tables.
o Change printers.
5. AutoConfig uses a context file to maintain key configuration files. A context file is an
XML file in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory and is the centralized repository.
When you run AutoConfig it reads the XML files and creates all the AutoConfig
managed configuration files.
For each configuration file maintained by AutoConfig, there exists a template file which
determines which values to pick from the XML file.
o Check guest user/password in the DBC file, profile option guest user/password, the DB.
o Check whether apache/jserv is up.
o Run IsItWorking, FND_WEB.PING, aoljtest, etc.
7. Most likely the FNDFS listener is down. Look at the value of
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table. Look at the FND_NODES table. Look at the
FNDFS_ entry in tnsnames.ora.
8. The location of log files is determined by parameter $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and that
of output files by $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT.
o Trace his session (with waits) and use tkprof to analyze the trace file.
o Take a statspack report and analyze it.
o O/s monitoring using top/iostat/sar/vmstat.
o Check for any network bottleneck by using basic tests like ping results.
o Use FNDCPASS to change APPS password.
o Manually modify files.
o Change any DB links pointing from other instances.
o Location: $FND_TOP/secure directory.
o Significance: Points to the DB server amongst other things.
o The application knows the name of the DBC file by using profile option “Applications
Database Id.”

Set # 1 : Compatibility

On which databases can Oracle Applications be installed on (i.e. Oracle, SQL Server,
Informix, etc.) ?
Answer :-
Oracle database only.

Set # 2 : FND vs. AOL

What is the difference between “FND” and “AOL” ?

What are they ?
What do they mean ?

FND is the system name of core Application Object Library(AOL).

AOL consists of the entire schema which forms the base layer for Functioning of Oracle
Applications(without which the Apps can not work).

Set # 3 : Schemas

What is the difference between the following schemas and when are they being
Used by the system :

1) Apps
2) Applsys
3) Applsyspub
Answer :-
Apps is the database schema which used for connecting applications(front end) user It
internally uses the Applsyspub user for connecting .It comprises synonyms for all the
individual module’s objects. Concurrent Requests also use the apps db schema for
executing the requests.

Applsys is a schema in oracle applications which contains the information about the FND
or Foundation Tables.

Applsyspub is the schema which used internally in Oracle Applications (Gateway User)
by application Users.

Set # 4 : Techstack

What do we mean by Techstack ?

What comprises the Techstack ?

In Oracle Applications the Technical Software Components which comprises of the
entire Applications is called Techstack.

They are
1. Db Techstack.—(Database (Oracle RDBMS ) Software.
2. Applications Techstack.(in 11i the 8.06 (i.e. for forms ,reports and for PL/SQL and
other libraries) and 8.1.7 for Application Server).(in R12 the releases 10.1.2 and 10.1.3).

Set # 5 : “GL” Database User

When does the system logs in as Database user “gl” and why ?

When using the General Ledger Module Responsibilities the system logs in as Database
user gl and this is done for database security.

Set # 6 : Password Change

Before changing password for “apps”, what would you say are the top three
Precautions to be taken (before doing in Production) ?
Can we change the password for user “guest” ? Why ?

Ensure that downtime is taken for changing the apps password.
Ensure that no application users are connected
Ensure that no concurrent requests are running .
And make the application tier down and change the apps user password. This is best
We can change the Guest user’s password. This is done for advanced security.

Set # 7 : “xml” vs. “dbc” files

What’s the difference between the “xml” file and the “dbc” file ? How are they
Being used by the system ?

Answer :-

Xml file in oracle Applications is the context file which is maintained by Autoconfig to
maintain the Applications configuration in a centralized manner.

Dbc file is the file used to connect the application user to the database.

Set # 8 : TWO_TASK

What is the “TWO_TASK” variable ? How does Oracle Applications uses it ?

Oracle Applications System maintains TWO_TASK variable for the applications to work
It will be common for database tier and application tier. So that from applications tier
users can connect to the database without issues.

Set # 9 : $AD_TOP

What is $AD_TOP ?
What does “AD” stand for ?
Which type of user mostly uses this directory ?

Answer :-

AD_TOP is the TOP for Application DBA Module which contains all the essential
utilities and files used for maintaining the Oracle Applications System.
AD stand for Applications DBA.
Application DBA’s mostly use this directory.

Set # 10: Workflows

What is a workflow?
How does Oracle Applications uses workflows?
What would be the top three things to monitor for workflows ?
What would be the top three typical questions to ask about workflows ?
Does a Workflow have a version ? If so, how can we find out ?
Answer :-

Workflow is a module in Oracle Applications .It is also a Standalone Product. Normally

workflow is used to carry out the flow of work by approving system and this is mostly
used in Order Management.

The top three things to monitor workflow would be.

1.Login as Sysadmin and by using the workflow Administrator web applications monitor
for any pending or errored out workflows and correct it.
2.Make sure the “Synch workflow tables” concurrent program is running properly
without errors and monitoring the Workflow Managers.
3.Monitor the health of Workflow Notification Mailers .

The Top three typical questions to ask about workflows are.

1.How will you configure a workflow Notification Mailers.

2.How will you navigate and troubleshoot for finding out errored workflow notifications.
3.How will you troubleshoot that if workflow notification mailer is not working
properly(not sending e-mails).

Workflow has a Version, by executing the wfver.sql in FND_TOP/sql we can find this
component’s version.

How will you find the pending and running concurrent requests from SQL prompt?

after logging as apps user in sqlplus

run this sql $FND_TOP/sql/afrqrun.sql

This will show the pending and running concurrent requests in the instance

Newly Added

What is Transaction Manager(Concurrent Manager) and its purpose?

Transaction Manager is defined so that it has a special pool of database resource to
execute concurrent requests.
Its not like other concurrent managers and its not dependent on any concurrent queue
tables. i.e when a client submits concurrent request which is assigned to the Transaction
Manager then it immediately executes that conc request. This manager is used to run high
priority concurrent requests.

How can you restrict application access to only certain users?

Ans :- By editing the apps.conf configuration file in Apache/conf directory and adding
directive and by giving
Allow and bouncing the apache.
Other users will get 403 forbidden error. You can also customize the error message in

Oracle Apps DBA - FAQ

?? Explain about Oracle Applications 11i architecture.
Internet Computing Architecture is a framework for three-tiered, distributed computing
that supports Oracle Applications products. The three tiers are the database tier, which
manages Oracle8i database; the application tier, which manages Oracle Applications and
other tools; and the desktop tier, which provides the user interface display. With Internet
Computing Architecture, only the presentation layer of Oracle Applications is on the
desktop tier in the form of a plug-in to a standard Internet browser.
• What is Technology Stack?
The key components of the technology stack are:
1. Database Server: This is the Oracle Database engine, and hardly needs any
introduction. The version being deployed with Applications 11i is 8i (, although
as reviewed later on we still need two ORACLE_HOMES on the application stack
(, and
2. Forms Server: This is a combination of a Apache HTTP listener process and the Oracle
Forms 6.0 server. Since Forms 6.0 is certified with Oracle 8.0.6, we need an Oracle 8.0.6
Home on the Forms Server.
3. Reports Server (version 6.i): This normally runs on the database server. At Legerity,
we use a mixture of Oracle Discoverer and third-party tools for our reporting
requirements. Discoverer is an optional component of the End User Layer and is used for
Business Intelligence functions. Oracle Graphics is a component which runs closely with
Oracle Reports.
4. Self Service/Web/CRM: In this interface, the end users view HTML pages served by
HTTP listeners of the Apache Web Server .
5. Concurrent Processing Server: The concurrent processing server runs each of the jobs
submitted by the Oracle Applications software. These may be interactive jobs, such as
print a specific invoice, or an automated process such as analyze all database objects. At
our implementation we kept concurrent processing on the same physical tier as the
database server.
6. Administration Server: Each of the other tech stacks needs an administration
component in order to perform tasks such as patching the stack, re-linking
executables and re-creating Java Archives. As a consequence, an Administration
component is present on the database server, Concurrent Manager server, forms server
and Web server. The utilities adpatch and adadmin are part of the Administration tech
7. Thin Client Framework (TCF Server): Since release 11 of Oracle Applications, certain
product forms support graphical display of hierarchical data using Java Applets. At
Legerity’s implementation, our MRP module used the TCF Server process for viewing a
tree during “pegging”. It comprises of a TCF listener process called SocketServer which
can be configured using either HTTP/HTTPS/Socket mode. On Unix, the command jre
oracle.apps.fnd.tcf.ServerControl <port#> status tells you about the status of the listener
8. HTTP/Web Listeners: In Apps 11.5.1, WebDb 2.2, WebDB 2.5 and the Apache Server
(version 1.3.9) facilitate communication between the above components and the client.
From Apps version 11.5.2, WebDb 2.2 and 2.5 have been replaced by the Apache Server
9. Java: The Java environment is used heavily in Apps 11i. In release 11.5.1, the
components are Java Runtime Environment 1.1.8 (JRE 1.1.8), Java Development Kit
1.1.8 (JDK 1.1.8) and Jserv 1.1.
10. JInitiator: This Browser Plug in (version is installed on the client, which in
most cases is a PC. The cloning techniques discussed here should obviate the need for
any cloning required on the client/PC. Version has been replaced by a higher
version, since the original install of 11.5.1.
?? Where are all form objects(.fmbs) will be available?
AU_TOP is the place where all the form objects, jsp of all the modules will be placed. It
will place its executable to respective PROD_TOP after compiling the .fmb.
?? What is the utility used when migrating from 11 to 11i?
To upgrade forms, the form can be directly compiled in next release(forms 6i) Form can
be compiled by using ifcmp60.exe flint60 batch executable can be used to check whether
the form is compatible to apps or not
?? What is an interface ?
Integrating one application to other applications It involves Data file, insertion scripts,
loader scripts, Temp tables Data file is a flat file having contents with delimitter insertion
scripts are used to insert data into product tables from temp table loader scripts are also
called as control files which are used insert data from data file to temp table. Temp tables
are used to transfer data from one module to another or application
?? Advantage of Securing Attributes while Creating User & Responsibility?
Securing attributes allow rows (records) of data to be visible to specified users or
responsibilities based on the specific data (attribute value) contained in the row. This is
basically for Oracle Self-service web application for data security
?? What is Alert in Apps? How to register it? How it supports Different languages
Oracle Alerts allows you to monitor your business information. It enables you to: Be
informed of database exceptions as they happen Specify the exception conditions along
with frequency Be informed through a single point through email Take actions you
specify depending on a recipient's response Perform routine database tasks automatically
Integrate email systems
?? What is flex-field?
An Oracle Applications field made up of segments. Each segment has an assigned name
and a set of valid values. Oracle Applications uses flexfields to capture information about
your organization. There are two types of flexfields: key flexfields and descriptive
?? What is Descriptive Flex-Field?
A flexfield is a field made up of segments. Each segment has a name you or your end
users assign, and a set of valid values. There are two types of flexfields: key flexfields
and descriptive flexfields. Descriptive flexfields let you satisfy different groups of users
without having to reprogram your application, by letting you provide customizable
”expansion space” on your forms.
?? Give an example of Key-FlexField.
In another example, Oracle General Ledger uses a key flexfield called the Accounting
Flexfield to uniquely identify a general ledger account.At Oracle, we have customized
this Accounting Flexfield to include six segments: company code, cost center, account,
product, product line, and sub–account.
?? Difference between KFF & DFF?
A flexfield is a field made up of sub fields, or segments. A flexfield appears on your form
as a pop up window that contains a prompt for each segment. Each segment has a name
and a set of valid values. There are two types of flexfields: key flexfields and descriptive
flexfields. Key flexfields are flexible enough to let any organization use the code scheme
they want, without programming.
Descriptive flexfields provide customizable expansion space on your forms. You can use
descriptive flexfields to track additional information, important and unique to your
business, that would not otherwise be captured by the form. Descriptive flexfields can be
context sensitive, where the information your application stores depends on other values
your users enter in other parts of the form. A descriptive flexfield appears on a form as a
single character, unnamed field enclosed in brackets. Just like in a key flexfield, a pop up
window appears when you move your cursor into a customized descriptive flexfield. And
like a key flexfield, the pop up window has as many fields as your organization needs.
?? How to determine whether the form is AOL compliant or not?
Manually checking the code in certain form events flint60.exe utility can be used to
check whether the form is having AOL standard or not
?? Why we have to use Profile options?
A user profile is a collection of changeable options that affect the way your applications
run. Oracle Applications establishes a value for each option in a user’s profile when the
user logs on or changes responsibility. Oracle Applications provides these options so that
you can alter the behavior of your applications to suit your own preferences.
?? What are different Handlers in Apps Coding Standards?
Oracle Applications uses groups of packaged procedures, called handlers, to organize
PL/SQL code in forms so that it is easier to develop, maintain, and debug. Handlers may
reside in program units in the form itself, in form libraries, or in stored packages in the
database as appropriate.
Item Handlers An item handler is a PL/SQL procedure that encapsulates all of the code
that acts upon an item. Most of the validation, defaulting, and behavior logic for an item
is typically in an item handler.
Event Handlers An event handler is a PL/SQL procedure that encapsulates all of the code
that acts upon an event. Usually event handlers exist to satisfy -requirements of either
Oracle Forms or the Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms–Based
Products, as opposed to particular business requirements for a product.
Table Handlers A table handler encapsulates all of the code that manages interactions
between a block and its base table. When an updatable block is based on a view, you
must supply procedures to manage the insert, update, lock and delete. Referential
integrity checks often require additional procedures. Table handlers may reside on either
the forms server or the database, depending on their size and the amount of interaction
with the database, but they typically reside in the database.
?? What is Custom.pll ? Restrictions & Advantages?
The CUSTOM library allows extension of Oracle Applications without modification of
Oracle Applications code. You can use the CUSTOM library for customizations such as
Zoom (such as moving to another form and querying up specific records), enforcing
business rules (forexample, vendor name must be in uppercase letters), and disabling
fields that do not apply for your site.
?? What is Folder? Use?
A flexible entry and display window in which you can choose the fields you want to see
and where each appears in the window.
?? Function Security?
Function security lets you restrict application functionality to authorized users.
Application developers register functions when they develop forms. A System
Administrator administers function security by creating responsibilities that include or
exclude particular functions. A function is a part of an application’s functionality that is
registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a
responsibility. There are two types of functions: form functions, and non–form functions.
For clarity, we refer to a form function as a form, and a non–form function as a
subfunction, even though both are just instances of functions in the database.
?? What are various Execution methods of concurrent programs
The execution method identifies the concurrent program executable type and the method
Oracle Application Object Library uses to execute it. An execution method can be a
PL/SQL Stored Procedure, an Oracle Tool such as Oracle Reports or SQL*Plus, a
spawned process, or an operating system host language.
?? What is Zoom feature in Apps?
Moving to another form and performing actions querying up specific records) Zoom :
The addition of user–invoked logic on a per–block basis. A Zoom typically consists of
opening another form and (optionally) passing parameter values to the opened form
through the Zoom logic.
?? What is AOL?
Set of Standards and objects used by Oracle Applications to develop and maintain Oracle
?? How can you find out the version of a Oracle Apps System?
The column RELEAS_NAME of the table FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS gives you the
exact version of the Oracle apps like 11.5.8 or 11.5.9. It also has columns that tells us
whether Multi-org/MRC is installed.
?? How do you relink Oracle’s Executable?
There are two ways of relinking the oracle executable.
- One way is using Oracle Universal Installer – this is recommended.
- Other way is use make command:
$make -f ioracle
?? How do you change the Password in Oracle applications:
Use FNDCPASS utility to change the password of APPS, Schema Users and
Application’s Users in an Oracle apps 11i Environment. One should not change by any
other means.
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER SYSADMIN WELCOME
However, after changing APPS password, you need to edit the file at
?? How do you set the color and Title at logon screen of the Oracle applications?
The ICXINDEX.htm file at $OA_HTML will have the color scheme which can be
changed with a combination of RBG (against “#FFFFFF”). Similarly you can set title
using HTML tags.
?? How do you change the Logo that is displayed at the time of logging with yo
Company’s logo?
There is a file logo.gif available at $OA_MEDIA. Copy your company’s logo file here
and rename it to logo.gif. this is the file read and displayed on the login screen
?? How do you compile a Report:
To Compile a report, use:
rwcon60 userid=scott/tiger@bs817 batch=yes source=repport.rdf stype=rdffile
dtype=repfile overwrite=yes
?? How do you compile a form?
To copile a form, Run:
f60gen module= .fmb userid=apps/apps compile_All=Special
?? How do you compile the JSPs?
Use: perl -x $APPL_TOP/jpl/jtf/11.5.0/admin/scripts/ to compile the JSPs
if required to be done manually.
?? What is a "Shared APPL_TOP"?
A traditional multi-node installation requires the Applications file system on each node in
the system. In a Shared APPL_TOP installation, the APPL_TOP and the
COMMON_TOP file systems are installed on a shared disk resource mounted to each
node in the system. These nodes can be used to provide standard application tier services,
such as Forms, Web, and Concurrent processing. Any changes made in the shared
APPL_TOP file system are immediately visible on all nodes.
- Sharing is possible across binary compatible platforms. So, APPL_TOP's of Solaris 2.6
and 8 can be shareable where as Solaris and AIX is not possible.
- You can merge two APPL_TOPs only if patch set level is same for both.
?? What is FNDCPPUR program?
Whenever a concurrent manager is started, it loads one record into FND_DUAL and also
it will load records during run time as well. Also it inserts records into
which also need a purging. FNCPPUR is a concurrent program that purges these tables
on a periodical basis.
?? How do you remove Java Cache cache?
Follow the below steps to remove Java Cache at Apache:
1. Stop Apache
2. Delete Apache cache:
$ cd $OA_HTML/
$ cd _pages
$cd oa__html // there is underscore “_” written twice here. After “oa”
$ rm *
3. Start Apache
?? What is MRC?:
The Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) feature in Oracle Applications allows you to
report and maintain accounting records at the transaction level in more than one
functional currency. The Multiple Reporting Currencies feature is available in Release 11
of Oracle Applications.
You do this by defining one or more reporting sets of books, in addition to your primary
set of books. In your reporting sets of books, you maintain records in a functional
currency other than your primary functional currency. Primary functional currency is the
currency you use to record transactions and maintain your accounting data within Oracle
?? How do you find out a Unix process ID of a concurrent request?
If you know the Unix process ID and you want to know for which concurrent request, it
belongs to:
Select request_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where oracle_process_id=<PID>.
If you know the Request_ID from the concurrent request screen of the Oracle apps, then
you can find the PID by:
Select oracle_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=<ID obtained
from Apps>
?? How do you know the block size of O/S?
df –g will give you the block size against each mount partition of the devices.
?? How do you collect Statistics in Oracle Apps?
It Oracle we use DBMS_STATS package to compute the statistics required by a CBO.
However Oracle recommends to use FND_STATS package and NOT the DBMS_STATS
package in Oracle apps environment. The usage is as below:
exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('ONT') < For a specific schema >
exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_statistics('ALL') < For all schemas >
?? How do you change SID and/or DBID of a Database Indtance?
The following steps will lead you to change of Database Name automatically without
need of any manual change.
1. Backup the database
2. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE of the database
4. Open one session and run NID with sysdba privileges
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db DBNAME=test_db2 SETNAME=Y
- the value of DBNAME is the new dbname of the database
- SETNAME must be set to Y. The default is N and causes the
DBID to be changed also.
5. shutdown IMMEDIATE of the database
6. Set the DB_NAME initialization parameter in the initialization parameter
file to the new database name
7. Create a new password file
8. Startup of the database(without resetlogs)
Note: If you want the DBID alone to be changed, the use:
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db
If you dont want Database as well as DBID to be changed, then
% nid TARGET=SYS/password@test_db DBNAME=test_db2
?? What is the difference between request set and Request group?
Request Group:
It is the group of all the requests bundled together and attached to a particular
responsibilities. These requests can be of the same application or combination of reports
of different applications. When attached to a responsibility, the user will have the access
to all the reports of the “Rquest group”
Request Set:
It is the set of all concurrent requests(reports) which are arranged in such a way that when
run this set as a single request, all the requests defined under this request set will be
executed as per the sequence. This is useful if a set of reports need to be fired
sequentially and on regular basis. We need not keep a track of the sequence, but the
request set will take care of that.

Release 12 Apps DBA 101

Presentation Objectives

Learn about the new features, functionality and utilities available with Release 12

We will also cover patching strategy and patch
nuances that have changed from Release 11i

Release 12 Basics

Release 12 aka R12

Each new point release of R12 is packaged in a RUP (Release Update Pack)

Current R12 RUPs are 12.0.1, 12.0.2, 12.0.3 and

Oracle releases a new RUP for Release 12 every
three months concurrent with the quarterly CPU

RUPs may include stub applications, performance
improvements and new or enhanced functionality

Read the Release Content Documents (RCDs) on
MetaLink to see what changed between RUPs


Release 12 Basics

Release 12 is constantly changing

Release 12 RUPs contain the latest Apps CPU patch

Certain patches should be applied on a regular schedule (e.g. quarterly Critical Patch

When you install Release 12, you install all modules, whether you license them or not

Quarterly Release 12 upgrade packs (RUPs) can change/add functionality and/or

Applications Technology (ATG) or pseudo products are an integrated set of modules
used by all of the other modules: FND, OAM, OWF, FWK, JTT, JTA, TXK, XDO, ECX,

Release 11i Architecture Components

User Interface Application Logic Database Logic

User Interface Application Logic Database Logic

R11i and R12 Multi-Tiered Architecture

• Desktop Tier

R11i -uses a browser and JInitiator or Sun J2SE Plug-In

R12 – uses a browser and Sun J2SE Plug-in

Desktop Tier -The Case for Sun J2SE

JInitiator 1.1.8 for R11i desupported Dec 2008

JInitiator 1.3 desupport announcement pending

Sun J2SE required for R12

Sun J2SE includes all features that JInitiator enhanced to support Oracle Forms

Upgrading directly to Sun J2SE is less disruptive than going from 1.1.8 to 1.3 to Sun

Sun J2SE eliminates the need for Oracle to support their patched JInitiator versions of

R11i and R12 Multi-Tiered Architecture

• Application (Middle) Tier

The Application Tier holds the code that users run against the database

R11i -Web Services, Forms Server, Report Server (optional), Concurrent Processing
Server and an Admin Server

R12 -Web Services, Forms Server, Concurrent Processing Server and an Admin Server

R11i -uses iAS (JServ)

R11i and R12 Multi-Tiered Architecture

• Application (Middle) Tier

– R12 uses Oracle Application Server 10g

OracleAS 10g 10.1.2 – Forms – equivalent to the R11i


OracleAS 10g 10.1.3 – the Web Server and Oracle Containers for Java (OCJ4) –
equivalent to the R11i 8.1.7 ORACLE_HOME

Note – “Server Partitioned” --> “Split Configuration” --> “Mixed Platform Architecture”

Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3

JDBC 10.2

Provides more functionality than R11i JServ

JServ versus 10g AS

Release 11i JServ -a simple Java apps server that supports JSP and Servlets, and little else

Release 12 Oracle Application Server 10g

supports Sun’s Java Enterprise Edition version

1.4 (Java EE 1.4) programming standards

Includes Oracle Identity Management for security

Supports BPEL in an OC4J Container

Latest version of OID for E-Business Suite is


JServ versus 10g AS

• Release 12 OAS 10g

– Uses OCJ4 (Oracle Containers for Java)

Supports multiple instances of OCJ4, not for scalability (which was why you could have
multiple JServ instances), but for division of processing

Each instance of OCJ4 is used as a compartment to
contain one portion of the OAS 10g functionality

This allows the individual instances to be tuned for their actual workload, and helps to
prevent them from competing for resources

Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server
Administrator’s Guide 10g Release 3 (10.1.3)

Installed and configured with every Oracle Application Server

Essential for running Oracle Application Server

An integrated way to manage all Oracle Application Server components
includingDiscoverer, OCJ4, etc.

Checks to see if a service has terminated and tries to restart the service automatically

Dynamic Resource Management (DRM) – you can customize process management

Spawn an additional OC4J process if average response time exceeds a threshold and if
there are less than four processes

Start an additional OC4J process every day at 5pm for peak hours

Resource Management Directive (RMD) tells DRM when and what to do -Directives are
configured in opmn.xml

Creates a file for each managed process and can rotate log files

R11i and R12 Multi-Tiered Architecture

• Database Tier

R11i -runs Oracle 9iR2 or Oracle 10g

R12 – Oracle 10g

Database Tier – Oracle 10g

Performance – PL/SQL 2x faster

Manageability -Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and Automatic SGA Tuning

Optimizer Improvements

Oracle is certified with R12 Version 12.0.2 or higher

Oracle Database Vault recently certified for R11i, still waiting for certification with
Release 12

The most important reason for upgrading to Oracle 10g is that it is in Premier Support,
and Oracle 9i is in Extended Support = $$$

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM)

Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Application Management Pack (AMP) -$$





Administration and Maintenance Tools

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM)

Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control

Monitor E-Business Suite performance,
availability and configuration changes

Can monitor multiple E-Business systems

Can drill down into Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

MetaLink Note: 394448.1

Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)


Patch Wizard recommends patches, provides details about what a patch will change, and
shows what patches have modified a specific file

Recommended tool for making changes to
context_file.xml (AutoConfig)

License Manager enables licensed E-Business Suite modules

Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)


Administer concurrent managers and workflow components

Includes Diagnostic Wizards for Concurrent Manager Recovery, Service Infrastructure,
GCS and Forms Monitoring, CP Signature and Dashboard Collection Signature

Provides a menu-driven system to set up, run and view Diagnostics

MetaLink Note: 225024.1

Applications Management Pack (AMP)

Oracle Applications Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite with EM Grid
Control 10gR3 (*

Extends Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control

Can purchase for Oracle Applications installation -$$

Integrates OAM with Grid Control to provide a consolidated end-to-end E-Business Suite
management solution

Applications Management Pack (AMP)

Monitors your system for security problems, usage characteristics, configuration changes
and performance

Key Capabilities:

Automated Cloning *

Automatic Discovery of E-Business Suite Systems

Configuration Management

Service Level Management

Applications Management Pack (AMP)

AMP monitors Oracle Applications Service, Oracle Applications Infrastructure Service,
Concurrent Processing Service, Forms Applications Service, Concurrent Manager,
Workflow, Custom Objects, Patch Information

Use AMP to Clone – but read MetaLink Note: 412044.1 “Application Management Pack
for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 1.0 and 2.0.1 Troubleshooting Guide” carefully –
Latest AMP Version 2.0.1 addresses many cloning issues

Clone with Data Scrambling (Data Masking)

MetaLink Note: 394448.1

Should We Upgrade to R12?

Release 11.5.10 software is 4 years old

End of life for is 2009. Why would you upgrade to a release whose support is
ending? 10% Cost…

New/improved modules – the biggest difference for Release 12 is on the functional side;
much more so than the technical side

Swan Interface – enhanced user interface

If you are planning an upgrade, you should considerupgrading to Release 12

If the software is stable, always upgrade to the latest release

Release 12 is stable!

Fusion Applications Release at the End of 2008

MUST We Upgrade to R12?

Premier, Extended or Sustaining Support?

Premier Support

– Includes certification with new third party

products/versions and Oracle products

Extended Support

Costs more than Premium Support

Certification is with most existing instead of new third party products/versions and
Oracle products

Extended Support may not include certification with some new third-party

So if you find a new problem with an existing certified configuration, Oracle Support will
help you

If you’re still running Oracle 9i you’re on Extended Support (which ends July 2010)
MUST We Upgrade to R12?

• What’s the risk to not upgrading?

Oracle releases a new CPU every quarter

– The biggest risks -Security / Performance

Critical Patch Updates (CPUs)

CPUs address security vulnerabilities

R12 Apps CPUs are cumulative •

Release 12.0.4 includes the Jan 2008 CPU •

MUST We Upgrade to R12?

• What’s the risk to not upgrading?

Oracle follows strict compliance with ATG_PF RUP policy (N-1)

January 2008 CPU will only support ATG RUP 5 and RUP 6

To stay current on security, you must stay relatively current on ATG RUPs, which means
you must stayrelatively current on which Release of theApplications you are running

If Sarbanes-Oxley compliance is important to yourcompany, can you afford to fall behind
on securityupdates?

If you know there’s a Critical Patch Update, and youknow what vulnerabilities it fixes, so
do hackers

Upgrade Paths

Dual Phase Upgrade

Earlier releases (< 11.5.7) must upgrade to first, then Release 12.

If not on latest certified Oracle 10g, must upgrade to it before upgrading to Release 12.

Two phases do not have to occur during the same critical downtime.

Use OATM Migration Utility to upgrade to Oracle Applications Tablespace Model

Single Phase Upgrade

– 11.5.7 and later releases must upgrade to Oracle 10g (should upgrade to latest
certified, currently 10gR3) if not there already and Release 12 during the same critical

Which Tool Does What?

Rapid Install Wizard -Fresh Install of E-Business Suite AutoConfig – manages

configuration files (httpd.conf, appsweb.cfg) MetaLink Note: 387859.1 Applications
Patching -AutoPatch
• Upgrading E-Business Suite from R11i to R12 *
• Applying an R12 RUP, a Family Pack, Mini-Pack, etc. Database and CPU Patching –
OPatch and N-apply Diagnostics – a set of non-intrusive programs that can be run to
gather information about aspects of the applications Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
– Shows all interfaces in the E-Business Suite for R11i

Rapid Install Wizard

• If you are installing the Applications

– Rapid Install Wizard installs the ORACLE_HOMEs and databases, and the APPL_TOP
and COMMON_TOP directories that contain the Applications code

Rapid Install Wizard

• Instance Home

New for Release 12



context_name is the dbsid_host

Facilitates shared application file system for multi-node configurations


Automatically configures an Oracle Applications Release 12 instance

All necessary information saved in the Applications context file or the Database context

Applications context file is an XML repository in $INST_TOP with APPL_TOP

Database context file is an XML repository in the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME with
database tier information

AutoConfig logfiles are stored under $INST_TOP/admin/log for Application and
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME> for the database


AutoConfig Template files have named tags that are replaced with instance-specific
information located in <product_top>/admin/template – should not be edited

Custom Template File – copy the template and edit it, when AutoConfig detects a custom
template file, it uses it

AutoConfig Driver Files – lists the AutoConfig
file templates and their destination locations


• AutoConfig Scripts – run before running AutoConfig to review changes. Generates a report
showing differences between current and modified AutoConfig – provides information about location of AutoConfig templates – to roll back an AutoConfig session

Applications Patching

Patching is Oracle’s way of releasing code fixes, functionality enhancements or new

Patches can update or create new file system objects like forms, reports and sql scripts

Patches can execute code within the database to change seeded data

R12 Applications Patching Changes

With Release 12, Oracle keeps major new features and bug fixes separate

Major new functionality reserved for point releases

A new maintenance branch will be created for each point release

New feature introduction into maintenance branches limited and requires executive

Codelevels make checking for prerequisites easier

Patch Application Assistant (PAA) enhances tracking manual steps

New Oracle manual “Oracle Applications Patching Procedures”

R12 Applications Patching Changes

• Codelines and Codelevels

Patches are grouped into codelines.

A codeline begins with a point release and progresses to include all patches required to
maintain that point release

Release 12.0 -> Codeline A, Release 12.1 -> Codeline B

The unique set of product features for a point
release or a product family are a codelevel

R12 Applications Patching Changes

In Release 11i, patches could require other individual patches as prerequisites, making it
difficult to determine if a new patch included all the functionality of an older patch

In Release 12, patches can only require a codelevel as a prerequisite

MetaLink Note: 459156.1

Types of Applications Patches

R11i Consolidated Updates (CUs) and R12 Release UpdatePacks (RUPs)

Most thoroughly tested is the latest R11i CU

12.0.4 is the latest R12 RUP

CUs are released after a maintenance pack

You must be running an existing Release 12 to apply an R12 RUP

Maintenance Packs – a collection of the latest product family patchsets – is the
latest R11i Maintenance Pack.

Technology Stack Updates – patchsets or mini-packs that change the underlying services.
The latest for Release 11i is 11i.ATG_PF.H

Types of Applications Patches

Family Packs/Product Family RUP

Tested by their product teams

Mini-packs for a specific, individual product family for a specific point release

Understand the thoroughness of the testing before you plan a Family Pack upgrade

One-off Patches/Individual Bug Fix – rare – a patch that fixes one issue – a recent
example – One-off Patch 6812211 to fix potential data corruption issue in R12 Oracle

Pre-upgrade patch – upgrade related, high priority patches consolidated from all the
products within a product family
Types of Applications Patches

If you are trying to decide whether to apply a Family Pack or a Release Update Pack
(RUP), the major difference is that RUPs are the most thoroughly tested.

If possible, stay current on CPUs and Technology Stack Updates, even if you can’t stay
current on Family Packs

What’s Delivered in R12 RUPs for the DBAs?

New Technology Inventory Report 12.0.2

OC4J Load Balancing – MetaLink Note: 380489.1 12.0.2
Change Base Language Script – 12.0.2
Application Object Library: Custom Directory Information Tree (DIT) 12.0.3
Diagnostics Execution Engine and User Interface Enhancements 12.0.3
Applications Framework: Expose HGrid’s Record Set Size for Administrator
Personalization 12.0.3
Improved Error Notification from XML Gateway 12.0.3
New and Revised Diagnostic Tests – MetaLink Note: 421245.1 for a complete list of R12
Diagnostics Tests 12.0.4

Applications Patching

AutoPatch applies Applications patches (not databasepatches, operating system patches,
or CPUs)

AutoPatch records patch details in the OAM Applied Patches Database

OAM includes tools like Applied Patches, Timing Reports and Patch Wizard to help
determine what patches havealready been applied, how long they may take to apply,and
which ones are available

Using Patch Wizard, there is no excuse for not knowing exactly what – right down to the
SQL code – is being changed by a patch

MetaLink Note: 225165.1


Use AD Merge Patch to group patches together for application, then apply the merged
patch using AutoPatch

Use AutoPatch Non-interactive Mode to automate patch application

Use a Shared Application Tier File System for multi-node systems to apply patches only

MetaLink Note: 181665.1

Patch Application Assistant (PAA)

Oracle Patch Application Assistant (PAA) helps you track and perform manual steps

For patches with manual steps, PAA generates a customized set of instructions specific to
yourinstallation and displays the relevant manualsteps

For merged patches, PAA automatically merges the contents of the individual patch
readme files.

If you need to use PAA, the patch readme will ask you to run

Database and CPU Patching

OPatch utility – To apply patches to the RDBMS

Critical Patch Updates (CPUs) – Quarterly security patches tied to ATG RUPs that patch

CPU Patching -n-apply CPU (aka n-apply) -To apply a Critical Patch Update (CPU) – n-
apply uses OPatch, but provides customized features to make applying CPUs more

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics

Free utilities

New diagnostics delivered in a standard Oracle Patch and are applied using AutoPatch

Diagnostics don’t alter data or setup

Latest patch included in Release 12.0.4

Oracle Support may ask you to run a Diagnostic when logging an SR

Stay current on Diagnostic patches, as the Diagnostic
programs are useful in troubleshooting -Sept 2007

Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)

• To view all the interfaces in the 11i E-Business Suite in one place


Concurrent Programs

Open Interfaces

Interface Views

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Message Transactions

XML Gateway Message Maps

Java Methods

Other Tools, Utilities and Patches

Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) – comprehensive picture of environment -4.10

10g Upgrade Companion Version 2 – for upgrading from Oracle 9i to 10g, MetaLink
Note: 466181.1

Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory 10g

New AutoConfig Patchset (R12 TXK.A.Delta.4 Patchset (Patch 6329757)

Debugging Tools (MetaLink Note: 373548.1 and 454178.1)

Gather Statistics program has Gather Auto option to reduce how much statistics gathering
you need to do
Links -Steven Chan, Director of Applications Technology
Integration for Oracle – wonderful articles explaining the nuances of the Applications – E-Business Suite Security, including CPU vulnerability evaluation – Floyd Teter’s Fusion perspective from the trenches – E-Business Suite books and concurrent manager expertise –that’s us!

Questions and Answers

Oracle EBusiness Suite

Release 12 Architecture and
Tools Overview

Presenter: Sandra Vucinic VLAD Group, Inc.

Speaker’s Background

Over 16 years of experience with Oracle database, applications, development and
administration tools

Director, OAUG Database SIG Board

Director, OAUG SysAdmin SIG and Committee Chair, Oracle Tools and Utilities

Tools and Utilities

Director, OAUG E-Business Applications Technology SIG Board

Director, SROAUG Board

Member, OAUG GEO/SIG Committee

NCOAUG Distinguished Service Award for 2007

OAUG Member of the Year for 2008

Oracle ACE

Presented at OAUG, NCOAUG, CSOAUG, OVOAUG, SROAUG, Apps World and
Open World conferences (70+ sessions)

Founded VLAD Group, Inc. in March, 2001


• New features and enhancements in: •• Applications Object Library

Applications Object Library

Oracle Applications Manager

OA Framework

AD Utilities


11g Database

• Tasks to complete to ease R12 upgrade

R12 Architecture –

Web HTTP Servers Application Technology Stack


R12.1.1 Architecture –

Web HTTP Servers Application Technology Stack


R12 Architecture –


• New versions of middle tier technology:

Applications server (J2EE) version

Forms and Reports version

Discoverer Server version

Servlet Container – (OC4J, no longer JServ)

JDK version 1.5.0_13 – 1.6_03 certified

Oracle SOA Suite version 10.1.3

Oracle Business Intelligence version

Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 3

R12 Architecture –


• New versions of middle tier technology:

• Technologies External to EBS R12

SSO and OID version
• Portal version 10 1 4 2
Portal version

Instance Home (INST_TOP) file system:

• $INST_TOP = $HOME/inst/apps/<context_name>

JInitiator is not certified or supported in R12

New version of database 10g R2 available with Rapid Install and 11g R1 certified

• Tablespace model in R12 OATM

Applications Object Library
features and enhancements

• Identity Management Integration

• User Name Enhancements

User name changes in EBS are automatically synchronized to Oracle ID
• On Demand User Creation
On Demand User Creation

AOL now supports a mode in which EBS user account is automatically created for SSO
users when they first visit a page in EBS
• Mixed Case Passwords

EBS now supports casesensitive passwords
• Automatic Linking Of User Accounts

EBS accounts are automatically linked to existing accounts with the same user name in

Applications Object Library

features and enhancements

• Security

New File System Layout

• EBS code tree is free of configuration, log and output files and can be mounted in
a readonly mode at runtime (when not patching)

Schema Passwords

• The base product schemas are locked except during patching

Applications Object Library

features and enhancements

• User Management
• Proxy User
• Allows a user to specify a proxy who can act ofy p y
their behalf

• Integration with Oracle Internal Controls Manager

• Facilitates enforcement of constraints used for preventive separation on duties
Applications Object Library
features and enhancements

• Concurrent Processing
• MultiOrg Support

MultiOrg Access Control (MOAC) allows a user to
access data for a different operating units without

access data for a different operating units without switching responsibilities

Concurrent Program Definition window is now MOAC enabled. A new field “Operating
Unit Mode” allows user to specify the category for a concurrent program

Standard Request Submission window allows users to execute singleorg or a multiorg
concurrent programs

Applications Object Library

features and enhancements

• Concurrent Processing
• Restarting a Request Set
Restarting a Request Set
• If concurrent request set fails, once fixed user can restart the request set from the
failure point
• Failover Sensitive Workshift
• Can specify how many processes for each workshift should run when instance
fails over to another PCP node

Applications Object Library

features and enhancements

• Oracle Applications Tablespace Model (OATM)

includes the the

New “Tools” tablespace New Tools tablespace includes database schema objects for
products such as Oracle Portal (repository), Oracle Discoverer (EUL), Oracle Internet
Directory (repository), Oracle Application Sever Single SignOn

Configurable Default Extent Size allows DBA to specify the default extent size a part of
migration process

Oracle Applications

• Patch Impact Analysis Enhancements

The ability to identify and to merge multiple language patches that are applicable to the

language patches that are applicable to the environment

The ability for users to crate a list of
patches for analysis as a single set

Analysis of patch changes to customized files that are registered with system

Oracle Applications


• Diagnostics
• Allows to schedule and run diagnostics test as batch programs
• Grid Control Plugin for Oracle EBS

Seamless integration with OAM (concurrent manager administration, workflow
administration, forms monitoring, configuration and patch management)

Clone Automation

OA Framework

features and enhancements

Service Interface

• Java interface designed to support both Web services and local Java APIs.
Includes support for Service Data Object standard.

Service Tester

• User interface used to create unit and integration tests. The tests are recorded in
documents as structured XML data.

“Swan” User Interface

• EBS will use only “Swan” look and feel for Release 12.

Oracle JDeveloper 10g Release 3 (10.1.3)

• R12 leverages Oracle JDeveloper 10g Release 2 (10.1.3).

OA Framework

features and enhancements

BI Publisher integration

Extensive personalization capability

All i if fr

Allows integration of content from

multiple vendors into portal pages

Record history

Allows EBS content to be exposed in third party Portal server

AD Utilities features and


AutoConfig: Parallel Run Option

• The “Parallel Run” feature enables AutoConfig to be executed simultaneously

across multiple nodes EBS instance

AutoConfig: Profiler

• Consolidated HTML report of an AutoConfig run

Source and target location of each template

Time consumed to instantiate/execute individual template scripts

Execution report for each template script

AD Utilities features and


• AutoConfig: Enhanced Check Config Tool

• The Check Config tool (adchkcfg) is used to identify the
potential changes that would take effect on an EBS t it di th tAtC fi Th t l
customer instance during the next AutoConfig run. The tool has been enhanced to report
important database updates, generate a text report for database changes, and offer
improved readability of reports.

AutoConfig: Support for Oracle Database 11g Features

• AutoConfig has been enhanced to support the use of Access Control Lists and
other Oracle Database 11g features.


AD Utilities features and


Multiple Domain Support for database and middle tier

ReadOnly Shared File System Support – appl_top, common_top, tech stack homes can be
deployed on a readonly shared file system

• Rapid Clone
• Added RAC support for ASM and features to expand RAC system by adding a
node to existing RAC cluster

Workflow R12 Features

Digital Signatures

Ability to digitally sign the entire notification contents

Ability to verify the signed documents through an evidence store user interface after the
signing process

evidence store user interface after the signing process

Can exclude purging of a signatureenabled

Worklist Flexfields a new pages are added:

Worklist Flexfield Rules a setup page for creating rules to populate worklist flexfield

Worklist Flexfield Rules Simulation test page used to show the effect of multiple worklist
flexfield rules on the worklist

Workflow Notification Mailer

System Alerts integration

• Sends a system alert as to the status of mailer server

SSL Support

Workflow R12 Features

Mailer service can connect to IMAP and SMTP mail servers using SSL authentication
• Enhanced error handling for mass failures

In cases where many users have been setup with invalid email addresses, the workflow
directory service is updated to no longer send emails to those users
EBS Release 12 database


10g R2 database is part of EBS R12 technology stack

10g R2 database is certified to run with EBS R12.1.1

The latest certified 10g R2 database release ith EBS R12

with EBS R12

Premier Support ends for database version 10g R2 on 7/31/2010

Extended support fees waived until 7/31/2011

10g R2 Terminal Patch Set is (Projected to be released in 2009)

Oracle Metalink Note 454616.1 Export/Import Process for Oracle EBusiness Suite
Release 12 Database Instances Using Oracle Database 10g Release 2

11g Database

Oracle Database 11g Release 1

( is certified, on all Certified EBusiness Suite Platforms, on R12 (12.0.4).

Oracle Database 11g Release 1

( is part of EBS R12.1.1

technology stack

Premier support for database ends in October 2009

11g Database

• Oracle Metalink Note 735276.1

Interoperability Notes EBusiness Suite R12 with Oracle Database 11gR1 (11 1 0)

Oracle Metalink Note 466649.1 Using Oracle 11g Release 1 Real Application Clusters
and Automatic Storage Management with Oracle EBusiness Suite Release 12

Oracle Metalink Note: 741818.1

Export/Import Process for Oracle E

Business Suite Release 12 Database

11g Database – New


Access Control List (ACL) : Introduced support for ACL which is a new feature in 11g

Oracle Advanced Compression

Comprehensive set of compression capabilities to help organizations reduce costs, while
maintaining or improving performance.

Reduces the storage footprint of databases through compression of structured data
(numbers, characters) as well as unstructured data (documents, spreadsheets, XML and
other files).

Provides enhanced compression for database backups and also includes network
compression capabilities for faster synchronization of standby databases.

Tasks to complete to ease R12


Upgrade database to 10g R2 or 11g R1

Convert tablespaces to OATM model

Evaluate impact of R12 on customizations and extensions

Introduce BI Publisher and JDeveloper

Integrate Discoverer Server Release 10g with EBS 11i

Configure Oracle iAS Release 10g for external apps (SSO, OID, Portal) and integrate
with EBS 11i

Position for high availability and scalability

Evaluate and complete platform change based on ROI


Thank You

Sandra Vucinic

(630) 2021248

View Change log

Frequently Asked Questions Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
June 2005

Cloning Concepts
1. What is cloning?

2. How can I clone an Oracle Applications system?

3. What are the differences between the two cloning methods?

4. What is the AD Cloning utility?

5. What is Rapid Clone?

6. How do I determine whether my system is Rapid Clone enabled?

7. What is AutoConfig?

8. How do I determine whether my system is AutoConfig enabled?

9. We are running Release 11.5.7 (or any prior release), which cloning method can we

10. We are running Release 11.5.8 (or any later release), which cloning method can we

11. Our Oracle Applications system is on Windows, which cloning method can we use?

12. We have a Platinum installation of Oracle Applications. Can we clone our system?

13. Can I clone from one operating system version to another?

14. Can I clone from one platform to a different platform?

15. Can I reclone just the database?

16. Can I clone a single-node system to a multi-node system?

17. Can I clone a multi-node system to a single-node system?

18. What cloning options are available for each cloning method? Rapid Clone concepts

19. Does Rapid Clone modify the source system?

20. How does know the target system values?

21. What is the port pool? What if I want to give a specific value to a Server Port?

22. Does Rapid Clone preserve the patch history?

23. Can I clone a clone ?

24. Can I change the database dbfs layout while cloning? Rapid Clone and the

25. What is the oraInventory?

26. What is a binary oraInventory? Is my Inventory binary?

27. What is a XML oraInventory? Is my Inventory XML?

28. What is the Global (or Central) Inventory?

29. What is the Local (or Home) Inventory?

30. How does Rapid Clone deal with the oraInventory?

31. Why don't I need to manually copy the oraInventory when cloning?

32. What does do?

Questions and Answers

1. What is cloning? Answer: Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an
already existing Oracle Applications system.

2. How can I clone an Oracle Applications system? Answer: There are two cloning
methods documented in the following white papers available off of Oracle MetaLink
Note 135792.1

o Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i

o Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone

Note: The third Cloning method (Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with
AutoConfig) has been fully replaced by Cloning with Rapid Clone, and is no longer
supported. [top]

3. What are the differences between the two cloning methods? Answer:
o Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i was originally published in conjunction with
Release 11.5.5 and is applicable for all 11i releases up to 11.5.5 that are not AutoConfig

o Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone is applicable for all 11i
systems that have migrated to AutoConfig and enabled Rapid Clone. This method
contains steps to install AutoConfig and Rapid Clone.


4. What is the AD Cloning utility? Answer: AD Cloning utility ( is the name
of the cloning command line utility. This utility is used to preserve and apply
configuration information to the cloned target system.

5. What is Rapid Clone? Answer: Rapid Clone is the new cloning utility introduced in
Release 11.5.8. Rapid Clone leverages the new installation and configuration technology
utilized by Rapid Install. See OracleMetaLink Note 230672.1 (Cloning Oracle
Applications 11i with Rapid Clone) for instructions on installing and enabling Rapid

6. How do I determine if my system is Rapid Clone enabled? Answer: First, verify that
your system is AutoConfig enabled. Then, verify that you have applied the latest Rapid
Clone patch documented in OracleMetaLink Note 230672.1 (Cloning Oracle
Applications 11i with Rapid Clone). See Searching the Patch History Database in the AD
Procedures Guide for instructions on searching for patches applied to your system.

7. What is AutoConfig? Answer: AutoConfig is a configuration tool that supports

automated configuration of an Oracle Applications Instance. All of the information
required for configuring an Applications instance is collected into a central repository,
called the Applications Context. When the AutoConfig tool runs, it uses information from
the Applications Context file to generate configuration files and update database profiles.
See OracleMetaLink Note 165195.1 for details on installing and migrating to

8. How do I determine if my system is AutoConfig enabled? Answer: There are several

identifiers for when the system is AutoConfig enabled. The following are two common
o Open the environment file APPSORA.env in your APPL_TOP. If the top of the file
says that it is maintained by AutoConfig, then your system is probably using AutoConfig.

o Check if there is an Applications Context file in the APPL_TOP/admin directory. This

file will typically be named <SID>.xml or <SID>_<HOSTNAME>.xml.

o Check if there is an Applications Context file in the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME under

the appsutil directory. This file will typically be named <SID>.xml or

See OracleMetaLink Note 165195.1 for more details on identifying if your system
already uses AutoConfig. [top]

9. We are running Release 11.5.7 (or any prior release), which cloning method can we
use? Answer: Due to the advancements in the cloning solution with Rapid Clone, all
customers are now recommended to move to using Rapid Clone. if you are on release
11.5.7 or any release before 11.5.7, you will need to first enable AutoConfig on your
system, if not already done, before you can use Rapid Clone as documented in the
Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone white paper.

10. We are running Release 11.5.8 (or any later release), which cloning method can we
use? Answer: In 11.5.8 AutoConfig is enabled on the middle tier out of the box. In
11.5.9 and any later release, AutoConfig is enabled by default on both the database tier
and the middle tier. Update AutoConfig and Rapid Clone code to the latest code line and
use Rapid Clone to clone your system. Full instructions are in Cloning Oracle
Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone document 230672.1 on OracleMetalink.

11. Our Oracle Applications system is on Windows, which cloning method can we use?
Answer: If your system is on a release prior to 11.5.7 and is not AutoConfig enabled, use
the method documented in the Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i white paper. If
your system is on any AutoConfig-enabled 11i release, use the method documented in the
Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone white paper.

12. We have a Platinum installation of Oracle Applications. Can we clone our system?
Answer: Yes, cloning a Platinum system using the Rapid Clone method is no different
than cloning a non-Platinum installed system.

13. Can I clone from one operating system version to another? Answer: Yes, if the
target system platform is binary compatible with the source system platform. For
example, if you have an existing single-node Oracle Applications system on Solaris 2.6,
you could clone it to a node running Solaris 8, but not to a node running HP-UX. Note
that cloning from a higher version of a platform to a lower version is not supported, for
example, from Solaris 8 to Solaris 2.6. Other examples of binary compatibility for Oracle
Applications are:

o AIX 4.3.3 to AIX 5.1 (32-bit)

o HP-UX 11.0 to HP-UX 11i

o Windows NT to Windows 2000

Within a same platform you can also clone from a 32bit source system to a 64bit target

Note (AIX only): when cloning from AIX 32bit to AIX 64bit, apply patch 2896876
(64bit kernel extension for Oracle) on the target system prior to running

14. Can I clone from one platform to a different platform? Answer: Yes, you can clone
or migrate the Applications middle tier from any platform to Linux or any supported
Unix platform using the procedure described in document 238276.1 "Migrating to Linux
with Oracle Applications Release 11i".

15. Can I reclone just the database? Answer: Yes, if the source system has changed and
you want to update the target system with these changes, you can reclone just the
changed database. If Applications patches were applied to the source system, the
APPL_TOP and the database must be cloned to keep the file system and database
synchronized. See the Recloning section in the white papers for details.
16. Can I clone a single-node system to a multi-node system? Answer: The Rapid Clone
cloning method allows for cloning a single-node system to a multi-node system. See the
Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone white paper for details.

17. Can I clone a multi-node system to a single-node system? Answer: You can use
Rapid Clone to merge multiple APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP file systems into a
single APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP file system. For more details about this
procedure, see "Section 3: Merging existing APPL_TOPs into a shared APPL_TOP" in
document 233428.1 on OracleMetaLink.

18. What cloning options are available for each cloning method? Answer: The table
below shows the cloning options that are currently available for each cloning method.

Single node to Single node

Multi-node to Multi-node
Single node to Multi-node
Multi-node to Single node
With Oracle9i Database
Windows Platform

Cloning Oracle Applications

19. Does Rapid Clone modify the source system? Answer: No, Rapid Clone does not
modify the source system. prepares the source system to be cloned by
collecting information about the database and creating generic templates of files
containing source specific hardcoded values. These templates are stored in the
appsutil/template directory leaving the original files untouched. This process usually
takes a few minutes to complete the first time. Migrating to Autoconfig on the database
node (pre-req to Rapid Clone), however, will update the RDBMS init.ora and network
listener files. See the instructions in the Autoconfig document 165195.1 (Section 4:
Migrating to AutoConfig on the Database Tier) on how to preserve customizations to
these files.
20. How does know the target system values? Answer: will
prompt for the values required to create the new context file used to configure the target
system. A few values are calculated from the current target system (hostname, user and
group). The rest of the target specific values are prompted for:



database SID
Target database SID

domain name
Target system domain name

Prompts specific to the DB Tier

Target System database name

Target System database name

Target instance is a Real Application Cluster (RAC) instance (y/n)

Answer yes if the target system is going to be part of a RAC instance.

Current node is the first node in an N Node RAC Cluster (y/n)

This prompt only appears when you answered "yes" to the previous question. Answer
¨yes" to this question if the current host is the first node being configured in the target
system RAC cluster. The tool will then ask for the number of nodes that will exist in the
final RAC instance and gather, the following information for every node: - Hostname -
Database Sid - Instance number - Listener port - Private interconnect name Answer "no"
to this qion if at least one node of the target RAC cluster has already been configured by
Rapid Clone (i.e if you already replied "yes" to this question for any other node in the
cluster). The tool will then prompt for the following information to connect to a life node
(the answers must describe a node that has already been configured): - Hostname -
Database Sid - Listener port


Path to the Target system RDBMS ORACLE_HOME


Database mount points. Enter the number of distinct directories containing the target
database dbfs, then their paths.

Prompts specific to the Apps Tier

database server node
hostname of the machine hosting the database server

Does the target system have more than one applications tier server node (y/n)?
Answer yes if the target system is part of a multi-nodes configuration. The tool with then
prompt for the hostnames of: - concurrent processing node - administration node - forms
server node - web server node

Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n)?
Answer yes if the target system APPL_TOP is divided across multiple mount points. The
tool will then prompt for each auxiliary mount (4 mounts): - APPL_TOP mount point -
APPL_TOP aux.1 - APPL_TOP aux.2 - APPL_TOP aux.3 Note: if your APPL_TOP is
divided into 2 or 3 mounts only, you can specify identical mounts to the above prompts.

APPL_TOP mount point

APPL_TOP directory

COMMON_TOP directory
COMMON_TOP directory

8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory

8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory

iAS ORACLE_HOME directory

iAS ORACLE_HOME directory

Location of JDK 1.3.1

Location of JDK 1.3.1

Prompt common to DB and Apps Tiers

Port pool number:[0-99]

Enter the port pool that you want to use on the target system. Make sure to specify the
same port pool on the DBTier and the AppsTier. If the source and target machines are
different, you have the option to preserve the source port values on the target system.

22. Does Rapid Clone preserve the patch history? Answer: Yes, Rapid Clone preserves
the patch history of the complete Applications Stack:

o RDBMS ORACLE_HOME: preserve the OUI oraInventory.

o iAS ORACLE_HOME: preserve the OUI oraInventory.

o 806 ORACLE_HOME: preserve the patch level and ORCA inventory.

o APPL_TOP and Database: preserve the patch level and history tables.


23. Can I clone a clone? Answer: Yes, a cloned system created with Rapid Clone can
then be used as the Source System in the next cloning. RapidInstall itself is now a clone
of a clone using the Rapid Clone technology.

24. Can I change the database dbf files layout while cloning? Answer: Yes, Rapid Clone
allows to add or remove database mount points or redidtribute dbf files among mount
points in the target system. As long as all the source system dbf files are present in the
target system database mount points specified during the adcfgclone prompts (see
question "How does know the target system values?"), Rapid Clone will
find them and re-create the database control file accordingly.

25. What is the oraInventory? Answer: The oraInventory is the location for the OUI
(Oracle Universal Installer)'s bookkeeping. The inventory stores information about:

o All Oracle software products installed in all ORACLE_HOMES on a machine

o Other non-Oracle products, such as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

In a 11i Application system the RDBMS and iAS ORACLE_HOMEs are registered in
the oraInventory. The 806 ORACLE_HOME, which is not managed through OUI, is not.
On Unix/Linux, the location of the oraInventory is defined by the content of oraInst.loc,
at: - /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc on Solaris, HP-UX and Tru64 - /etc/oraInst.loc on Linux
and AIX On Windows, the location of the oraInventory is defined by the value of the
registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|Software\Oracle\INST_LOC or if this value is
not defined, at C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory

26. What is a binary oraInventory? Is my Inventory binary? Answer: Before OUI 2.X, the
oraInventory was binary. A binary oraInventory centralizes, in a binary format, the
location of every Oracle products on the machine and the detail of their patch level. The
oraInventory location is defined by the content of oraInst.loc. You will have a binary
inventory only if ALL of the following conditions are met:

o you are on 11.5.7 or earlier (11.5.8+ install XML inventory out of the box)

o you have never installed OUI 2.X or higher (Install converts the inventory to XML)

o you have never run Rapid Clone (Rapid Clone converts the inventory to XML)

If the following file exists, the oraInventory is NOT binary: <oraInventory location as
pointed by oraInst.loc>/ContentsXML/inventory.xml [top]

27. What is a XML oraInventory? Is my Inventory XML? Answer: Starting with OUI 2.X
and 11.5.8, the information in the inventory is stored in Extensible Markup Language
(XML) format. The XML format allows for easier diagnosis of problems and faster
loading of data Rapid Clone requires the inventory to be in XML format in order to clone
it, and will take care of performing the binary to XML convertion if necessary. Unlike the
binary oraInventory, The XML inventory is divided into 2 distinct components:

o The Global inventory (or Central inventory)

o The Local inventory (or Home inventory)

More information about these components is available under other questions in this FAQ
The inventory is XML if the following file exists:
$ORACLE_HOME/inventory/ContentXML/comps.xml [top]

28. What is the Global (or Central) Inventory? Answer: The Global Inventory is the part
of the XML inventory that contains the high level list of all oracle products installed on a
machine. There should therefore be only one per machine. Its location is defined by the
content of oraInst.loc. The Global Inventory records the physical location of Oracle
products installed on the machine, such as ORACLE_HOMES (RDBMS and IAS) or
JRE. It does not have any information about the detail of patches applied to each
ORACLE_HOMEs. The Global Inventory gets updated every time you install or de-
install an ORACLE_HOME on the machine, be it through OUI Installer, Rapid Install, or
Rapid Clone. Note: If you need to delete an ORACLE_HOME, you should always do it
through the OUI de-installer in order to keep the Global Inventory synchronized.
29. What is the Local (or Home) Inventory? Answer: There is one Local Inventory per
ORACLE_HOME. It is physically located inside the ORACLE_HOME at
$ORACLE_HOME/inventory and contains the detail of the patch level for that
ORACLE_HOME. The Local Inventory gets updated whenever a patch is applied to the

30. How does Rapid Clone deal with the oraInventory? Answer: Rapid Clone requires
OUI 2.2 to be installed in the ORACLE_HOME as a prerequisite and will performs all
the actions necessary to clone the inventory:

o Converts the Global inventory to xml format when it was binary on either the source
system or the target system

o Registers the cloned ORACLE_HOME in the target system Global Inventory

o Updates the Local Inventory of the target ORACLE_HOME to reflect the new
machine, paths, users, etc.


31. Why don't I need to manually copy the oraInventory when cloning? Answer: The
local inventory is automatically copied from the source system to the target system as
part of copying the ORACLE_HOME itself. The Global Inventory is machine specifc
and therefore should not be copied. If you are cloning from one machine to a different
machine, Rapid Clone will simply register the target ORACLE_HOME in the target
machine Global Inventory (This action will automatically create the Global Inventory if it
did not exist on that machine).

32. What does do? Answer: is shipped with the OUI patch,
listed as a prerequisit to Rapid Clone (see Metalink Node 230672.1). It should be run as
part of the OUI patch installation and will perform the following tasks:

o Register the OUI program in the Global Inventory

o Register the JRE in the Global Inventory

o Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME in which the patch is install is properly registered in
the Global Inventory. In doing so, it will attempt to automatically fix Inventory
corruptions that are known to cause problem whilie cloning, such as - Home indexes out
of sync between the Global and Local Inventory - Duplicate Home Names entries -
Duplicate Home Path entries


* Below script are from metalink and oracle reserved the copyrights. These scripts are
mentioned here for information only
For Apps DBA the good place to serach for script is with in their installation of 11i. The
path is $FND_TOP/sql (Usually on Concurrent Manager Node). The following SQL
scripts located under $FND_TOP/sql are useful when diagnosing concurrent manager
afimchk.sql Tells the status of the ICM and PMON method
afcmstat.sql Lists active manager processes
afrqrun.sql Lists all the running, waiting and Terminating requests
afrqwait.sql Lists requests that are constrained and waiting for the ICM to release them.
afrqscm.sql Prints log file name of managers that can run a given request. It can be used
to check for possible errors when a request stays in pending status. It requires a request id
afcmcreq.sql Prints the log file name of the manager that processed the request
afrqstat.sql Summary of completed concurrent requests grouped by completion status and
execution type. It requires number of days prior to today on which to report parameter.
afimlock.sql Lists locks that the ICM is waiting to get
afcmrrq.sql Lists managers that currently are running a request
APPLSYS schema contains shared APPS foundation objects like FND,AD,WF related
data like tables and Indexes.
APPS is the runtime user for E-Business Suite. Owns all the applications code in the
database. APPS Schema Contains Synonyms to the objects of All Products (AP,AR, GL
etc ) and 11i Code (Triggers, views, packages, procedures, functions) but the owner of all
GL tables is GL user , AP tables is AP , and AR tables is AR Schema.
Why should Apps & Applsys passwords always be the same?
The need to have the same password for Apps and Applsys is because when you sign on
to apps, intially it connects to a public schema called APPLSYSPUB. This validates
AOL username and password that we enter (operations/welcome using guest user
account. Once this is verified we select responsibility, this is validated by APPLSYS
schema and then it connects to APPS schema.
Since it uses both applsys and apps during signon process this expects both the password
to be identical. Try changing apps password to something else and try to login, the
validation at the last stage would fail. This would result in failure of application login.
Apps is a universal schema has synonyms to all base product tables and sequences. This
also has code objects for all products (triggers, views, packages, synonyms etc.).
Applsys schema has applications technology layer products like FND and AD etc.
Q How to use the checksum utility for comparing ?
$ cd /u01/Stage11i
$ find oraAppDB oraApps oraDB oraiAS startCD -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \; >
md5sum_myStage.txt &
Metalink Note Id : 316843.1
Q:What scripts can be used to complie apps schema , which one is used in adadmin
compile apps schema ?
adadmin in-turn calls the procedure UTL_RECOMP.RECOMP_PARALLEL
which might be in-turn issues the following commands based on the object types
if object is package body
alter package <package_name> compile ;
alter package <packae_ame> compile body;
alter view <view_name> compile;
Q : Why DB-CM-ADMIN are always insatlled on the same machine in Oracle
Applications in Multi Node Installation ?
ANS: As such there is no restriction to install all of them on a single machine,but if we
install them on 3 different machines then when we will run any AD utility on admin node
or perform any upgradation it needs to access the database so there will be lot of
overhead in accessing the database node on network so to avoid this overhead we install
them on same machine. Similar is the case when we run any concurrent request on the
CM node as Concurrent manager also updates the database objects.
Q. How will you find discoverer version in Apps ?
$ string
Checking the version of any File
You can use the commands like the following:
strings -a $XX_TOP/filename |grep '$Header'
B. What URL you use to access Disco viewer & Disco plus .

where hostname & domainnanme are machine name & domain name on which you
installed 10g AS & port number is port you selected at install time defualt 7777 , though
you can change these hostname & port number to your desired value
The location for looking for dis4pr is $ORACLE_HOME/diswb4/bin
where ORACLE_HOME -> 8.0.6. Oracle Home
Q: I have created EUL using Discoverer 10g Administrator, but my server side is
running 9i AS can I still use Discoverer Plus/Viewer to show reports based on 10g
Ans : Your Discoverer Desktop Admin version is 10g and EUL on server is 9i. As soon
as you try to connect to 9i Server it will display message that You are using old version
EUL kindly upgrade & it will upgrade EUL on server to 10g
Q: The Oracle Applications use Jinitiator. What is a "Jinitiator"?
Jinitiator for the PC is an Oracle implementation of Sun's JavaSoft Plug-In for Solaris. It
is used for connectivity between a Windows based client and Oracle Applications forms.
The Apple Macintosh "MRJ" is an Apple's MAC OS component.
Q: What browsers can be used with Jinitiator?
For PCs, Oracle will support Internet Explorer v 5.5 or lower or Netscape 5.5 or lower.
Internet Explorer is Oracle's browser of choice.
Oracle will support Mac OS 8 to 9.21 with Oracle Applications and using the Discoverer
3i viewer. Internet Explorer 5.1 works with the Oracle Applications. Netscape does not.
Q: I'm getting a Yellow Warning Bar. How do I get rid of this?
1. Yellow Warning Banners
a. What Does "Warning: Applet Window" Mean?
Oracle Applications Release 11.5.1 (11i) requires that its code run in a trusted mode, and
uses J-Initiator to run Java applets on a desktop client. If an applet is "trusted," however,
Java will extend the privileges of the applet. The Yellow Warning Bar is a warning that
your applet is not running in a trusted mode. To indicate that an applet is trusted, it must
be digitally signed using a digital Certificate, so Oracle Applications requires that all Java
archive files must be digitally signed.
b. Who Does This Affect?
This affects all users that try to access Oracle Applications Rel 11i using Jinitiator that
have a different identitydb.obj on their client.
Clients have an "identity database" that is maintained by J-Initiator called
IDENTITYDB.obj. When a jar file is downloaded, the owner of the digital signature is
compared against the entry in the identity databases. If they match, the code contained in
the archive is allowed to run in a trusted mode. The users will need to fix their client PC
in one of two ways:
a. Uninstall Jinitiator and clear browser cache
b. Log back into Applications to get the new plugin,
(oajinit.exe) including the new identitydb.obj
c. Install the Jinitiator on the Client PC and then Log into the
Oracle Applications to download the new signed JAR files
a. Copy the IDENTITYDB.OBJ file to C:\Program
Files\Oracle after saving the old one as IDENTITYDB.old.
When I try to download / install J-Initiator from the web, I get the error: Your
current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. As a result,
the page may not display correctly. I hit OK, and the download stops. What does
this mean?
This means that your security settings are too high for the J-Initiator software to
download. To fix this problem, go to Tools ' Internet Options and click on the "Security"
tab. Click on the Internet icon and then on the button labeled "Custom Level". Enable the
following ActiveX controls: "Download unsigned ActiveX controls," "Run ActiveX
controls and plug-ins," and "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)." Then hit OK. OR
simply set the Security Settings to low, and hit the button labeled "Reset" then "Yes" then
"Ok." Once the install is complete, you may set your security settings back to what they
were originally.
What happens if the ICM goes down?
All the other managers will keep working. ICM only takes care of the queue control
requests, which means starting up and shutting down other concurrent managers.
How will you speed up the patching process?
You can merge multiple patches.
You can create a response file for non-interactive patching.
You can apply patches with options (nocompiledb, nomaintainmrc, nocompilejsp) and
run these once after applying all the patches.
perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ --compile
utrl.sql for database compilation
How will you handle an error during patching?
Look at the log of the failed worker, identify and rectify the error and restart the worker
using adctrl utility.
Q: if you want to check the URL of the Application in the database in which table
you can check ?
Ans : ( Method 1)

Q: How to find CPU & Memory detail of linux

cat /proc/cpuinfo (CPU)
cat /proc/meminfo (Memory)
Q : To check whether the patch is already there or not. For this we query the
select * from AD_BUGS where bug_number=’<patch number>’
Q: How to find if any service is listening on particular port or not ?
netstat -an | grep {port no}
For example if you know that OID is running on 389 port so to check if OID services is
listening or not then use
netstat -an | grep 389
what is the way to find version of installed family packs?
Select product_version,patch_level from
FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS where patch_level like '%GL%';
Replace short name by name of Oracle Apps Minipack for which you want to find out
Patch level . ex.
AD - for Applications DBA
GL - for General Ledger
PO - Purchase Order
Another method can be using the utility which can be downloaded from
Provide an introduction to AutoConfig. How does AutoConfig know which value
from the XML file needs to be put in which file?
AutoConfig uses a context file to maintain key configuration files. A context file is an
XML file in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory and is the centralized repository.
When you run AutoConfig it reads the XML files and creates all the AutoConfig
managed configuration files.
For each configuration file maintained by AutoConfig, there exists a template file which
determines which values to pick from the XML file.
Location of Autoconfig Script (
Autoconfig can also be run in test mode with following script which will not update
anything in the system (
Location on Application Tier
Location on Database Tier
The AutoConfig test mode script produces a configuration report that shows the changes
the AutoConfig script would have made. The configuration report, cfgcheck.html, is
written to <APPL_TOP>/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>/out/<MMDDhhmm> for the
application tier, and for the database tier in
MMDDhhmm stands for the month, day, hour, and minute of the AutoConfig test mode
script session.
A brief about snapshots ?
There are two types of snapshots: APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots. An
APPL_TOP snapshot lists patches and versions of files in the APPL_TOP. A global
snapshot lists patches and latest versions of files in the entire Applications system (that is,
across all APPL_TOPs). Both APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots may be either
current view snapshots or named view snapshots. A current view snapshot is created once
and updated when appropriate to maintain a consistent view. A named view snapshot is a
copy of the current view snapshot at a particular time (not necessarily the latest current
view snapshot) and is not updated. Patch Wizard uses the information contained in the
global current view snapshot to determine which patches have already been applied.
AutoPatch uses the APPL_TOP current view snapshot to determine if all prerequisite
patches have been applied to that APPL_TOP. Snapshot information is stored in the
Can you tell me a few tests you will do to troubleshoot self-service login problems?
Which profile options and files will you check?
Check guest user/password in the DBC file, profile option guest user/password, the DB.
Check whether apache/jserv is up. Run IsItWorking, FND_WEB.PING, aoljtest, etc.
What could be wrong if you are unable to view concurrent manager log and output
Most likely the FNDFS listener is down. Look at the value of OUTFILE_NODE_NAME
the FND_NODES table. Look at the FNDFS_ entry in tnsnames.ora.
How will you change the location of concurrent manager log and output files?
The location of log files is determined by parameter $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and that of
output files by $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT.
If the user is experiencing performance issues, how will you go about finding the
Trace his session (with waits) and use tkprof to analyze the trace file.
Take a statspack report and analyze it.
O/s monitoring using top/iostat/sar/vmstat.
Check for any network bottleneck by using basic tests like ping results.
How will you change the apps password?
Use FNDCPASS to change APPS password.
Manually modify files.
Change any DB links pointing from other instances.
If you changed the APPS (and APPLSYS) password, update the password in these files:
· iAS_TOP/Apache/modplsql/cfg/
· ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat
If you changed the APPLSYSPUB password, update the password in these files:
· FND_TOP/resource/appsweb.cfg
· OA_HTML/bin/appsweb.cfg
Provide the location of the DBC file and explain its significance and how
applications know the name of the DBC file.?
Location: $FND_TOP/secure directory.
Significance: Points to the DB server amongst other things.
The application knows the name of the DBC file by using profile option "Applications
Database Id."
How can u change the logfiles location suppose CM logfile location is APPLCSF now
if we want to change that to a nother location hw is it possible.
Ans: Change the Configuration File parameters
change s_applcsf,s_appllog,s_applout variables in XML file and run the autoconfig.
Conflict resolution managers resolves the conflicts yes , but hw it knows tht there
are conficts?why conflicts occur?
Concurrent managers read request to start concurrent programs running. The
Conflict Resolution Manager checks concurrent program definitions for
incompatibility rules.
If a program is identified as Run Alone, then the Conflict Resolution Manager
prevents the concurrent managers from starting other programs in the same
conflict domain.
When a program lists other programs as being incompatible with it, the Conflict
Resolution Manager prevents the program from starting until any incompatible
programs in the same domain have completed running.
What is adovars.env file ?
The adovars.env file, located in $APPL_TOP/admin, specifies the location of variousfiles
such as Java files, HTML files, and JRE (Java Runtime Environment) files. It iscalled
from the main applications environment file.
How to find the wordsize (32-bit or 64-bit) of Oracle Database
If you have access to an Oracle database which is installed on a 64-bit OS, how can you
identify whether Oracle is 32 bit or 64 bit ?

On typing http://hostname:port/pls/VISION11I , it will connect to database using apps
schema & will return you page ( where fnd_web is package & ping is
procedure or vise versa).
So story about this file doesn't stop here , this url which I mentioned about is quite useful
in troubleshooting so you can check if database connection is working fine or not.
Another thing you want to check about this file is since it stores APPS password you
to change here whenever you change apps password.
Q. What are various components in Application/Middle Tier.
In Application Tier various components are Web Server, Forms Server , Reports Server,
Concurrent Manager, Admin Server & Discoverer Server.
<db_name>APPL or APPL_TOP - Contains the product directories and files for Oracle
<db_name>COMN or COMMON_TOP - Contains directories and files used across
<db_name>ORA - Contains ORACLE_HOMEs for the Applications technology stack
<db_name>DB - Contains the database ORACLE_HOME.
<db_name>DATA - Contains the Oracle Applications database files.
XXX_TOP is top level directory in Oracle Application 11i for respective Component. To
know more about various TOP's you have done 11i or oracle application Installation by
now ( if not please go though my training for apps dba in my previous posts) Oracle
Installer Installs Apps 11i in DB Tier & Application Tier : so lets take Application Tier
you will see three directories under your base Installation directory, these diretories are
APPL, ORA & COMN (Check pic. at left top of this page) so directory APPL is called as
APPL_TOP i.e. top appl directory where files & directories related to different
Application ( like GL General Ledger, PO Purchase Order..) exists. If You are DBA you
can correlate it with your Oracle database software installation (I know after reading this
example you will say its weird but believe me thats how understood it initially ,
ORACLE_HOME can be called as ORA_TOP , network directory you can say
Under ( ORA_TOP ) you will see diretcory related to oracle home , there are two oracle
HOME's in Application Tier 8.0.6 for Forms & Reports , iAS for 9iAS acting as web
COMN_TOP will contain files & directories which will be used commonly by all
components ( Isn't this simple to understand )
Similarly IAS_TOP is top files/directory under ORA_TOP/iAS I hope it might be clear to
you now if not donot worry it will be more clear once you start working as Apps DBA.
I am attaching few screenshot of other mount points ( Courtsey oracle 11i concepts guide
, below is location if you want to read .
acrobat/11iconcepts.pdf ( Add these three lines before putting in to browser , I have not
put it in single line as it breaks my page layout )
So In this guide you will find few more screenshot of different TOP's , Go through
Chapter 2 , Just 13 Pages ( 13 unlucky number for someone but if understand this chapter
, it can be very lucky for you in your Apps DBA Career.
Q. Whats US directory in $AD_TOP or under various product TOP's .
US directory is defauly language directory in Oracle Applications. If you have multiple
languages Installed in your Applications then you will see other languages directories
besides US, that directory will contain reports, fmx and other code in that respective
directory like FR for France, AR for arabic, simplifies chinese or spanish.
Q. Whats main concurrent Manager types.
ICM - Internal Concurrent Manager which manages concurrent Managers
Standard Managers - Which Manage processesing of requests.
CRM - Conflict Resolution Managers , resolve conflicts in case of incompatibility.
You can check the Status of the concurrent Managers using this script
$FND_TOP/sql/ afcmstat.sql
Q : What are the different methods as per Metalink for finding which patches are
applied in 11i
1) (Patch Comparision Tool)
3) Two reports adphrept.sql (patch history) and adfhrept.sql(file
history) in $AD_TOP directory
4) Login to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) => Applied Patches => Simple Search
by 'Patch ID)
Q. What is Single user and Multi User Installation.
Single-user UNIX installations
In order to prepare for a single-user installation, you must first create an oracle user
account and log in as the oracle user to run Rapid Install. The account should be created
with a default shell that is compatible with the Bourne shell.
Multi-user UNIX installations
In order to prepare for a multi-user installation, you must first create an oracle user
account and an applmgr user account. Both should be created with a default shell that
is compatible with a Bourne shell. Log in as root to run Rapid Install. Then specify the
oracle user as the Oracle OS user and the applmgr user as the Apps OS user.
The oracle user is the account that owns the database tier technology stack (9.2.0
ORACLE_HOME) and the database files. The default name for the oracle user is
ora<SID>. For example, for a production (PROD) environment, the default Oracle OS
username might be oraprod.
The applmgr user is the account that owns the application tier technology stack
HOME). The default name is appl<SID>. For example, for a Vision Demonstration (VIS)
environment, the default Apps OS username might be applvis.
For a multi-user install, you must install both the database server and one or more
application tier servers on the same node. On such nodes, you can assign one user
account to be the owner of the database tier file system, and another to be the owner of
the application tier file system. If you are installing a system where the database server is
on one node and all the application tier servers are on one or more separate nodes, then
essentially you will perform a single-user installation on each node.
Q. Where would i find .rf9 file, and what exactly it dose?
These files are used during restart of patch in case of patch failure because of some
Located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart this folder also contains .bak ,.bk2 files
SAMPLE FILE (adwork012.rf9)
%%% restart file format 11.5.A
Location: $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log contains .req files
Q. Where is appsweb.cfg or appsweb_$CONTEXT.cfg stored & why its used ?
This file is defined by environment variable FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE This is
usually in
directory $OA_HTML/bin on forms tier. This file is used by any forms client session.
When a user
try to access forms , f60webmx picks up this file and based on this configuration file
creates a
forms session to user/client.
Sometimes also present in $FNS_TOP/Resource directory
Q. What is multi node system ?
Multi Node System in Oracle Applications 11i means you have Applications 11i
Component on
more than one system. Typical example is Database, Concurrent Manager on one
machine and
forms, Web Server on second machine is example of Two Node System.
Q. Explain steps used in cloning oracle Apps 11i Instance at broad level.
Another important & useful utility under AD_TOP which you and me as apps dba
perform quite
often i.e. Cloning Oracle Application 11i Instance.
Cloning is process of creating replica of your source apps 11i Instance ( lets say you have
apps Instance with name VISIONTST and you want to create similar instance ( including
patches & user data) like VISIONPRD then you will use adclone utility (Also called as
Clone these days). In this case source Instance will be VISIONTST and target Instance
will be
VISIONPRD. There are lot for scenario in which you wish to clone your E-Business
Suite 11i
Instance , like you want to Test if everything is OK in Test & then after testing want to
Production instance or you want to move your Instance from one machine to other
machine or if
you are highly experienced Apps DAB you can use clone as staged environment during
to reduce downtime ( this concept is called as staged appl_top or staged patching/upgrade
, p.s.
this is different from shared APPL_TOP)
So here I am putting broad level steps you will use to clone apps instance .
Step1 . Prerequisites Steps you do before start cloning using rapid clone
1.1 Verify source and target nodes software versions
1.2 Apply the latest AutoConfig Template patch
1.3 Apply the latest Rapid Clone patches
Step2 . Clone Source to Target
2.1 Run preclone on DB tier
2.2 Run preclone on Apps or middle tier
2.3 Copy source file system to target file system
2.4 Configure db tier
2.5 Configure apps/middle tier
Step 3 Finishing Task
3.1 Update profile options
3.2 Update printer settings (If printers are not configured or you don't want to use printer
you can
skip this step)
3.3 Update workflow configuration settings (Important)
Location of Scripts :
The PRECLONE script is located in:
The post clone scripts are located in:
Q. Can you clone from multi node system to single node system & vice versa ?
Yes, this is now supported via Rapid Clone, Check if your system has all prereq. patches
Rapid Clone and you are on latest rapid clone patch.
Q. Does rapid clone takes care of Updating Global oraInventory or you have to register
manually in Global OraInventory after clone ?
Rapid Clone will automatically Update Global oraInventory during configuration phase.
You don't
have to do any thing manually for Global oraInventory.
Location of Global OraInventory on SUN Solaris is : /var/opt/oracle>
Q. What is .dbc file , where its stored , whats use of .dbc file ?
dbc as name says is database connect descriptor file which stores database connection
information used by application tier to connect to database. This file is in directory
$FND_TOP/secure also called as FND_SECURE
Q. Whats things you do to reduce patch timing ? You can take advantage of following -
Merging patches via admrgpch
Use various adpatch options like nocompiledb or nocompilejsp
Use defaults file
Staged APPL_TOP during upgrades
Increase batch size (Might result into negative )
Q. How you put Applications 11i in Maintenance mode ?
Use adadmin to change Maintenance mode is Oracle Apps. With AD.I you need to enable
maintenance mode in order to apply apps patch via adpatch utility. If you don't want to
put apps in
maintenance mode you can use adpatch options=hotpatch feature.
Also you can use the script $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/ adsetmmd.sql
Q. What are various options available with adpatch ?
Various options available with adpatch depending on your AD version are
autoconfig, check_exclusive, checkfile, compiledb, compilejsp, copyportion,
generateportion, hotpatch, integrity, maintainmrc, parallel, prereq, validate
Q. adident utility is used for what ?
adident utility in oracle apps is used to find version of any file . AD Identification.
for ex. "adident Header <filename>
Q. What is adsplice utility ?
adsplice in oracle apps is utility to add a new product.
Q. How can you licence a product after installation ?
You can use ad utility adlicmgr to licence product in Oracle Apps.
Q. What is MRC ? What you do as Apps DBA for MRC ?
MRC also called as Multiple Reporting Currency in oracle Apps. Default you have
currency in US
Dollars but if your organization operating books are in other currency then you as apps
dba need
to enable MRC in Apps. How to enable MRC coming soon...
Q. Whats is JVM(Java Virtual Machine) and which component uses JVM ?
JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine, JVM acronym for Java Virtual Machine which
instructions generated by Java compiler. So user click on any Self Service Request or any
program which uses Java, then Apache forwards this request to mod_jserv (mod_oc4j in
10g AS)
& mod_jserv caters this request with help of JVM.
How & Where check JVM related configuration in Oracle Apps 11i ?
So lets start with CONTEXT file under $APPL_TOP/admin (xml file) which is of pattern
There are two important lines in CONTEXT file which will help you in understanding
jvm_options oa_var="s_jvm_options" osd="Solaris" -verbose:gc -Xmx512M -Xms128M
MaxPermSize=128M -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseTLAB
-Verbose:gc means JVM is configured to print output when gc(Garbage Collector) runs.
Xmx is maximum memory allocated to JVM in above example its 512 MB.
Xms is JVM will start with this much memory i.e. 128 MB.
Now Check another line in 11i Context file like
oacore_nprocs oa_var="s_oacore_nprocs"2/oacore_nprocs
Which means that there are two JVM's for OACore Group. Usually default its 1 JVM in
Instance I changed it to 2, to cater huge Self Service users in my case.
Q: How to increase No. Of JVM's
Since you know place where number of JVM's are stored in Apps 11i in Context File , so
you can
change them as per your requirement. There are basically following Groups with their
own JVM's.
OACoreGroup, where most of Java request goes
DiscoGroup, which serve your Discoverer related requests
FormsGroup, for Forms (If they are running in Servlet Mode, confirm it again as they run
XmlSvcsGroup, for XML Services
In Context File
disco_nprocs oa_var="s_disco_nprocs" osd="Solaris" 1 /disco_nprocs Sets 1 JVM
Process for
oacore_nprocs oa_var="s_oacore_nprocs" 1 /oacore_nprocs Sets 1 JVM for for
Similarly , s_forms_servlet_nprocs & s_xmlsvcs_nprocs for Forms & XML Services
These Groups are defined in configuration file for Jserv i.e. jserv.conf under
This dir also contains more files like for forms ),
XML ), for Disco)
ApJServGroup OACoreGroup
ApJServGroup DiscoGroup
ApJServGroup FormsGroup
ApJServGroup XmlSvcsGrp
Q: Where to find Apps 11i JVM logs ?
JVM log location is defined in ( found in
Oracle Apps 11i JVM log file directory is defined by parameter JVMLOGDIR (
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs/jvm ) and log file are defined by
STDERRLOG. Example of JVM log files are
OACoreGroup.0.stderr ,OACoreGroup.0.stdout, DiscoGroup.0.stdout,
XmlSvcsGrp.0.stderr, XmlSvcsGrp.0.stdout
where 0 denotes first JVM & 1 denotes second JVM. stderr records error encountered in
stdout records other information like GC ..
Q.Analyzing Oracle Apps 11i JVM logs
In order to analyze Oracle apps 11i JVM, lets open stdout file for one of Group, I have
OACoreGroup here, you know log file location (If not check previous page) , open file
OACoreGroup.X.stdout you should see output like below if GC(Grabage Collector) is set
Verbose mode.

[Unloading class sun. reflect. GeneratedMethodAccessor74]

Here first entry is time since JVM was started so each time you bounce Apache it will be
reset to
0. So difference between two entries is seconds after which GC (Garbage Collector) was
executed. First entry in bracket [ is Heap Size at start of GC & Second entry is Heap Size
GC was executed. Number mentioned in round bracket () is heap size currently attocated
in K. If
you see GC running very frequently , you can start thinking of increasing JVM heap size
First three entries were for Minor Garbage Collector & fourth one is FULL GC is for Full
Q: How to check JDBC Connection ?
connect using apps, sys or system & issue
select count(*),module from v$session where program like '%JDBC%' group
by module;
How to find JDBC thin driver that your iAS is using ?
I am posting a simple java program & procedure to compile it that will give your jdbc
thin driver

Q: How to Monitor Oracle Apps 11i JVM ?

There are some tools available like jvmstst, jconsole .. but I never tried so wait till I
configure one
for my system. For monitoring via jconsole I read wonderful note on my favorite
blogger's (Steven
Chan) site
Q.Sizing Apps JVM
As by now you might be aware that there are four JVM Groups,
FormsGroup & XMLsvcsGrp ( FromsGroup JVM's disabled by defualt as forms run on
rather servlets) so thumb rule in Apps is
1 JVM with default settings per 100 Users for OACoreGroup
so if you have 1000 users with five middle tiers you can configure 2 JVM on each middle
tier i.e.
2X5X100=1000 Users.
Q. What is access_log in apache , what entries are recored in access_log ? Where is
default location of this file ?
access_log in Oracle Application Server records all users accessing oracle applications
11i. This
file location is defined in httpd.conf with default location at
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs. Entries in this file is defined by directive
LogFormat in httpd.conf Typical entry in access_log is - - [10/Sep/2006:18:37:17 +0100] "POST /OA_HTML/OA.jsp?.... HTTP/1.1"
200 28035
where 200 is HTTP status code & last digits 28035 is bytes dowloaded as this page(Size
of page)
Q. Where is Jserv configuration files stored ?
Jserv configuration files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc
Q. Where is applications start/stop scripts stored ?
applications start/stop scripts are in directory $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/
the following scripts are there :
Q. What are main configuration files in Web Server (Apache) ?
Main configuration files in Oracle Apps Web Server are
httpd.conf, apps.conf, oracle_apache.conf, httpd_pls.conf
jserv.conf, ssp_init.txt,,
plsql.conf,, plsql.conf
Q. What is session time out parameter & where all you define these values ?
If someone ask Apps DBA to change Session Idle Time out value How & where will you
change ?
In order to answer first you have to understand what kind of seesions are in Apps 11i and
what is
Idle timeout ?
In Apps there are two broad categories of session
- Self Service Application Session ( Server by Web Server iAS Apache & Jserv, like
-Forms session ( served by your form session, like system Administrator)
What is Session Idle time ?
If Oracle Apps client is not doing any activity for some time (when application user goes
for coffee
or talks over phone) session during that time is called as Idle Session & because of
reason, performance issues and to free up system resource Oracle Applications terminates
session( both forms & self service) after idle time value is reached to the one mentioned
configuration file.
From FND.G or 11.5.9 or with introduction of AppsLocalLogin.jsp to enter into
application, profile
option "ICX Session Timeout" is used only to determine Forms Session Idle timeout
value . This
might be confusing as earlier this profile option used to control forms as well as self
application(with session.timeout) session.timeout is used to control Idle session timeout
for Self
Service Applications ( Served by Jserv via JVM )
From where ICX : Session Timeout & session.timeout get values ?
Autoconfig determines value for profile option "ICX: Session Timeout" and
"session.timeout" from
entry in context file ( $APPL_TOP/admin/SID_hostname.xml ) with parameter
where value mentioned is in milliseconds so profile option ICX: Session Timeout value
should be
s_sesstimeout/ (1000 * 60) which means here its 10 Minutes. This value is also set in in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc where number mentioned is
in milli
second i.e. 600000 ( equal to 10 Minutes)session.timeout = 600000
session.timeout mentioned in is in milli secondsICX Session Time out
in profile option ICX: Session Timeout is in minutes so ICX session timeout=30 &
session.timeout= 1800,000 are same 30 minutes
P.S. ICX Session time out was introduced in FND.D so if your FND version is below D
you might
not see this variable.
Important Things Apps DBA should consider while setting session timeout value ?
1.. If you keep session.timeout value too high , when some oracle application user
accessing Self
service application terminates his session, so longer idle session will drain JVM resource
& can
result in Java.Lang No Memory available issues .
2. If you keep it too low, users going out for tea or sitting idle for some time have to login
into application & can be annoying .
Thumb rule is session time out usually set to 30 minutes.
Q. How to check if Apps 11i System is Autoconfig enabled ?
Under $AD_TOP/bin check for file & if this exists use contextfile=<CONTEXT> show=enabled
If this file is not there , look for any configuration file under APPL_TOP if system is
enabled then you will see entry like
# AutoConfig automatically generates this file. It will be read and.......
Q. How to check if Oracle Apps 11i System is Rapid Clone enabled ?
For syetem to be Rapid Clone enabled , it should be Autoconfig enabled (Check above
How to
confirm if Apps 11i is Autoconfig enabled). You should have Rapid Clone Patches
applied , Rapid
Clone is part of Rapid Install Product whose Family Pack Name is ADX. By default all
Apps 11i
Instances 11.5.9 and above are Autoconfig & Rapid Clone enabled.
Q. Whats is difference between two env files in <CONTEXT>.env and
APPS<CONTEXT>.env is main environment file which in turn calls other environment
files like
<CONTEXT>.env under $APPL_TOP, <CONTEXT>.env under 806 ORACLE_HOME
custom<CONTEXT>.env for any Customized environment files.
Q. What is access_log in Apache ?
access_log file keeps record of users accessing Oracle Apps 11i Webserver.
Typical entry in access_log is like - - [25/Aug/2006 :03:15:13 +0100] "GET /OA_JAVA /oracle /forms
HTTP/1.1" 200 4117
Which means client with IP requested for file mentioned above on 25 Aug
2006 at
03:15 AM , 200 is status code returned by Apache which means page returned
(Status Code 302 means page redirected , 404 page not found, 500+ Internal Server error)
last digit 4117 in above entry of access_log means file size which is 4117 bytes. This file
is quite
useful in monitoring your Web Server.
Please note above format might defer on your system as this is dependent log_format in
configuration file ( httpd.conf)
Q. Whats is location of access_log file ?
access_log file by default is located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/ Apache/Apache/logs.
of this file is defined in httpd.conf by parameter CustomLog or TransferLog
Q. What is your Oracle Apps 11i Webserver Version and how to find it ?
From 11.5.8 to 11.5.10 Webserver version is iAS, In order to find version under
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin execute ./httpd -version
./httpd –version
Similarly we can do java –version
Server version: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19
Server built: Dec 6 2005 14:59:13 (iAS rollup 5)
Q. What is Location of Jserv configuration files ?
Jserv configuration files are located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME /Apache/Jserv/etc.
Q. What is plssql/database cache ?
In order to improve performance mod_pls (Apache component) caches some database
to file. This database/plssql cache is usually of type session & plsql cache
a) session cache is used to store session information.
b)plsql cache is used to store plsql cache i.e. used by mod_pls
Q. Where is database/plssql cache stored ?
plssql & session cache are stored under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/
Q. How to determine Oracle Apps 11i Version ?
select RELEASE_NAME from fnd_product_groups;
You should see output like
Q. What is content of dbc file & why its important ?
DBC file is quite important as whenever Java or any other program like forms want to
connect to
database it uses dbc file. Typical entry in dbc file is
Q. There are lot of dbc file under $FND_SECURE, How its determined that which dbc
file to
use from $FND_SECURE ?
This value is determined from profile option "Applications Database ID"
This option can be seen by navigating into Oracle Apps System as System Administrator
then ?Profile ? System ? Search for %Database% then you can see the parameter defined
Q. What is RRA/FNDFS ?
Report Review Agent(RRA) also referred by executable FNDFS is default text viewer in
Applications 11i for viewing output files & log files.
Q. What is PCP is Oracle Applications 11i ?
PCP is acronym for Parallel Concurrurent Processing. Usually you have one Concurrent
executing your requests but if you can configure Concurrent Manager running on two
(Yes you need to do some additional steps in order to configure Parallel Concurrent
Processing) .
So for some of your requests primary CM Node is on machine1 and secondary CM node
machine2 and for some requests primary CM is on machine2 & secondary CM on
Q. Why I need two Concurrent Processing Nodes or in what scenarios PCP is used?
Well If you are running GL Month end reports or taxation reports annually these reposrts
take couple of days. Some of these requests are very resource intensive so you can have
node running long running , resource intensive requests while other processing your day
to day
short running requets.
Another scenario is when your requests are very critical and you want high resilience for
Concurrent Processing Node , you can configure PCP. So if node1 goes down you still
have CM
node available processing your requests.
Q. Output & Logfiles for requests executed on source Instance not working on cloned
Here is exact problem description - You cloned an Oracle Apps Instance from
another box with Instance name say CLONEBOX on 1st of August. You can view any
logs/output files after 1st of August only becuase these all are generated on CLONEBOX
But unable to view the logs/output files which are prior to 1st August. What will you do
& where to
check ?
Log , Output file path & location is stored in table FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.
select logfile_name, logfile_node_name, outfile_name, outfile_node_name from
fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=&requestid ;
where requestid is id of request for which you are not able to see log or out files. You
should see
output like
/u01/PRODBOX/log/l123456.req, host1,/u01/PRODBOX/out/o123456.out, host1
Update it according to your cloned Instance Variables
Q. How to confirm if Report Server is Up & Running ?
Report Server is started by executable rwmts60 on concurrent manager Node & this file
is under
$ORACLE_HOME/bin .execute command on your server like
ps -ef | grep rwmts60
You should get output like
applmgr ....... rwmts60 name=REP60_VISION
where VISION is your Instance name.
Else you can submit a request like "Active Users" with display set to PDF, check output
& log file
to see if report server can display PDF files
Active Users report lists all the users in the system along with their responsibilities.
Q. What is difference between ICM, Standard Managers & CRM in Concurrent
Manager ?
ICM stand for Internal Concurrent Manager, which controls other managers. If it finds
managers down , it checks & try to restart them. You can say it as administrator to other
concurrent managers. It has other tasks as well.
Standard Manager These are normal managers which control/action on the requests &
batch or single request processing.
CRM acronym for Conflict Resolution Manager is used to resolve conflicts between
managers &
request. If a request is submitted whose execution is clashing or it is defined not to run
while a
particular type of request is running then such requests are actioned/assigned to CRM for
Incompatibilities & Conflict resolution
Q. What is use of Apps listener ?
Apps Listener usually running on All Oracle Applications 11i Nodes with listener alias as
APPS_$SID is mainly used for listening requests for services like FNDFS & FNDSM.
FNDFS – FND File Server also known as RRA Reports Review Agent is used to view
text files in
Oracle 11i.
FNDSM – FND Service Manager is a concurrent manager in GSM, and serves requests
like CM’s
Use : ps –ef | grep APPS_
Q. How to start Apps listener ?
In Oracle 11i, you have script which will start your apps listener. You can also
start it
by command
lsnrctl start/status/stop SID (Replace sid by your Instance SID Name) OR
lsnrctl start APPS_$SID (Replace sid by your Instance SID Name)
E.G. lsnrctl status APPS_DEV
Q. How to confirm if Apps Listener is Up & Running ?
execute below command
lsnrctl status APPS_$SID (replcae SID with your Instance Name)
so If your SID is VISION then use lsnrctl status APPS_VISION out put should be like
Services Summary...
FNDFS has 1 service handler(s)
FNDSM has 1 service handler(s)
The command completed successfully
Q. What is Web Listener ?
Web Listener is Web Server listener which is listening for web Services(HTTP) request.
listener is started by & defined by directive (Listen, Port) in httpd.conf for
Server. When you initially type request like to
application here port number 80 is Web Listener port.
Q. How will you find Invalid Objects in database ?
SQLPLUS> select count(*) from dba_objects where status like 'INVALID';
Q. How to compile Invalid Objects in database ?
You can use adadmin utility to compile or you can use utlrp.sql script shipped with
Database to compile Invalid Database Objects.
This Script is located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory
Q. How to compile JSP in Oracle Apps ?
You can use perl script shipped with Oracle apps to compile JSP files.
This script
is under $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts. Sample compilation method is
perl --compile –quiet
Q. What is difference between adpatch & opatch ?
adpatch is utility to apply oracle apps Patches whereas
opatch is utility to apply database patches
Q. Can you use both adpatch & opatch in Apps ?
Yes you have to use both in apps , for apps patches you will use adpatch utility and for
database patch in apps you will opatch utility.
Q. Where will you find forms configuration details apart from xml file ?
Forms configuration at time of startup is in script in
and appsweb_$CONTEXT_NAME.cfg (defined by environment variable
FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE) for forms client connection used each time a user
forms connection.
This file is located in $FND_TOP/admin/template/appsweb.cfg
Q. What is forms server executable Name ?
Q. What are different modes of forms in which you can start Forms Server and which one
is default ?
You can start forms server in SOCKET or SERVLET by defualt Forms are configured to
start in
socket mode
Q. How you will start Discoverer in Oracle Apps 11i ?
In order to start dicoverer you can use script under
OR under $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util (under Middle/Application Tier)
Q. How many ORACLE HOME are Oracle Apps and whats significance of each ?
There are three $ORACLE_HOME in Oracle Apps, Two for Application Tier (Middle
Tier) and One
in Database Tier.
ORACLE_HOME 1 : On Application Tier used to store 8.0.6 techstack software. This is
used by
forms, reports & discoverer. ORACLE_HOME should point to this ORACLE_HOME
applying Apps Patch.
ORACLE_HOME 2: On Application Tier used by iAS (Web Server) techstack software.
This is
used by Web Listener & contains Apache.
ORACLE_HOME 3: On Database Tier used by Database Software usually 8i,9i or 10g
Q. Where is HTML Cache stored in Oracle Apps Server ?
Oracle HTML Cache is available at $COMMON_TOP/_pages for some previous
versions you
might find it in $OA_HTML/_pages
Q. Where is pl/sql cache stored in Oracle Apps ?
Usually two type of cache session & plssql stored under
Q. What happens if you don't give cache size while defining Concurrent Manager ?
Lets first understand what is cache size in Concurrent Manager. When Manager picks
from FND CONCURRENT REQUESTS Queues, it will pick up number of requests
defined by
cache size in one shot & will work on them before going to sleep. So in my views if you
define cache size while defining CM then it will take default value 1, i.e. picking up one
per cycle.
Q. What are few profile options which you update after cloning ?
Rapid clone updates profile options specific to site level . If you have any profile option
set at
other levels like server, responsibility, user....level then reset them.
Q. What is 0 & Y in FNDCPASS, FNDLOAD or WFLOAD ?
0 & Y are flags for FND Executable like FNDCPASS & FNDLOAD where
0 is request id (request ID 0 is assigned to request ID's which are not submitted via
Concurrent Request Form.
'Y' indicates the method of invocation. i.e. it is directly invoked from the command-line
not from
the Submit Request Form.
Q. How to retrieve SYSADMIN password ?
If forgot password link is enabled and sysadmin account is configured with mail id user
password link else you can reset sysadmin password via FNDCPASS
$ FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME
$ FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1
$ FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER VISION WELCOME
Q. If you have done two node Installation, First machine : Database and concurrent
processing server. 2nd machine: form,web Which machine have admin server/node?
Admin Server will be on First machine with concurrent processing server. More on
Admin Server
coming soon..
Q. Whats is TWO_TASK in Oracle Database ?
TWO_TASK mocks your tns alias which you are going to use to connect to database.
assume you have database client with tns alias defined as PROD to connect to Database
on machine listening on port 1521. Then usual way to connect is
username/passwd@PROD ; now if you don't want to use @PROD then you set
TWO_TASK=PROD and then can simply use sqlplus username/passwd then sql will
check that it
has to connect to tnsalias define by value PROD i.e. TWO_TASK
Q. What is GWYUID ?
GWYUID , stands for Gateway User ID and password. Usually like APPLSYSPUB/PUB
Q. Where GWYUID defined & what is its used in Oracle Applications ?
GWYUID is defined in dbc i.e. Database Connect Descriptor file . It is used to connect to
database by thin clients.
Q. What is difference between GUEST_USER_PWD (GUEST/ORACLE) & GWYUID ?
GUEST_USER_PWD(Guest/Oracle) is used by JDBC Thin Client where as GWYUID is
used by
Thick Clients like via Forms Connections.
Q. How to check number of forms users at any time ?
Forms Connections initiate f60webmx connections so you can use
ps -ef | grep f60webmx | wc -l
Q. What is FNDLOAD and what it is used for ?
FNDLOAD is a concurrent program that can move Oracle Applications data between
and text file. FNDLOAD can download data from an application entity into an editable
text file,
which can be uploaded to another database. Conversion between database format and text
format is specified by a configuration file. But i could not find anything regarding
of an Oracle Alert. So, my conclusion was that i must be possible to use FNDLOAD to
Alerts, but that there is no configuration file provided by Oracle. I had to create a
file myself.
We use ldt loader data files for loading.
Oracle currently supports the migration of the following types of data using FNDLOAD
Printers / Print queues / Executables Printers / Print queues / Executables.
Roles / Responsibilities / Forms Roles / Responsibilities / Forms.
Menus / Users / Request Sets Menus / Users / Request Sets.
Request Groups / Request Queues Request Groups / Request Queues.
Work shifts / Programs / Libraries Work shifts / Programs / Libraries.
Attachments / Help Files Attachments / Help Files.
Mime Types Mime Types.
Security Information.
Q. In a Multi Node Installation, How will you find which node is running what Services ?
You can query for table FND_NODES and check for column , SUPPORT_CP ( for
Manager) SUPPORT_FORMS ( for forms server) , SUPPPORT_WEB (Web Server),
SUPPORT_ADMIN( Admin Server), and SUPPORT_DB for database tier.
You can also check same from CONTEXT File (xml file under APPL_TOP/admin)
To Check which node is running what service:
select * from fnd_nodes
Q. If your system has more than one Jinitiator, how will the system know, which one to
pick. ?
When client makes a forms connection in Oracle Applications, forms client session uses
configuration file defined by environment variable FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE
also called as
appsweb config file. These days this file is of format appsweb_$CONTEXT.cfg The
version number defined by parameter jinit_ver_name in this file will be used .
jinit_ver_name=Version=1,1,8,13 ( tells which Jinit to use if u have multiple)
Q. While applying Apps patch using adpatch, if you want to hide the apps password, how
will that be possible ?
Use adpatch flags=hidepw while applying patches in apps to hide apps or system
being displayed on Users Screen.
Q. What is importance of IMAP Server in Java Notification Mailer ?
IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol and Java Notification mailer require
server for Inbound Processing of Notification Mails.
Q. What is difference between Socket & Servlet Mode in Apps Forms ?
When forms run SOCKET Mode these are dedicated connection between Client Machine
& Form
Server (Started by When Forms run in servlet mode the forms requests are
by Jserv in Apache . There will be additional JVM for Forms Request in that case and
you won't
start form via
Q. What is make program in Unix ?
make is utility in Unix/Linux to maintain , update & generate an file mainly executable.
Q. If by mistake you/someone deleted FNDLIBR can this executable be restored if Yes,
How & if no, what will you do ?
Yes, you can restore FNDLIBR executables run adadmin on concurrent manager node
select option 2. Maintain Applications Files menu then select 1. Relink Applications
when prompts for Enter list of products to link ('all' for all products) [all]
select FND when prompt for Generate specific executables for each selected product
[No] ? YES
select YES & from list of executables select FNDLIBR This will create new FNDLIBR
Q. What is .pls files which you see with apps ?
.pls file stands for plsql files. In apps patch these files contain code to create package spec
package body or both.
Q. What are .ldt & .lct files which you see in apps patch or with FNDLOAD ?
.ldt & .lct stands for Loader datafile & Loader configuration files, used frequently in
customization, profile options, configuration data, etc.. across Instances.
Q. What are .odf file in apps patch ?
odf stands for Object Description Files used to create tables & other database objects.
Q. What to find Form Server log files in forms ?
Form Server Start up log file default location is
Forms Run Time Diagnostics default location is
Q. How to convert pll to pld file or pld file to pll ?
Pll->Pld f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pll module_type=library userid=apps/<passwd>
module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pld script=yes
Pld -> pll f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pld userid=apps/<passwd> module_type=library
module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pll parse=y batch=yes
Q. Is APPS_MRC Schema exists for MRC in 11.5.10 and higher ?
No , apps_mrc schema is dropped with 11.5.10 Upgrade & 11.5.10 new Install. This is
by more Integrated Architecture.
Q. If APPS_MRC schema is not used in 11.5.10 and higher then How MRC is working ?
For products like Payable, Recievables which uses MRC and if MRC is enabled then
transaction table in base schema related to currency now has an assoicated MRC
Q. When you apply C driver patch does it require database to be Up & Why ?
Yes , database & db listener should be Up when you apply any driver patch in apps. even
if driver
is not updating any database object connection is required to validate apps & other
schema and
to upload patch history information in database tables.
Q. Can C driver in apps patch create Invalid Object in database ?
No , C driver only copies files in File System. Database Object might be invalidated
during D
driver when these objects are created/dropped/modified.
Q. What is dev60cgi & f60cgi ?
cgi stands for Common Gateway Interface and these are Script Alias in Oracle Apps used
access forms server . Usually Form Server access directly via
Q. Why does a worker fails in Oracle Apps Patch and few scenarios in which it failed for
you ?
This question sounds stupid but this is asked quite often in Apps DBA Interview. Apps
worker can fail in case it doesn't find expected data, object, files or any thing which
driver is trying
to update/edit/modify. Possible symptoms may be underlying tables/objects are invalid, a
patch is missing , login information is incorrect, inconsistency in seeded data...
Q. What is difference between mod_osso & mod_ose in Oracle HTTP Server ?
mod_osso is Oracle Single Sign-On Module where as mod_ose is module for Oracle
mod_osso is module in Oracle's HTTP Server serves as Conduit between Oracle Apache
& Singl Sign-On Server where as mod_ose is also another module in Oracle's HTTP
serves as conduit between Oracle Apache & Oracle Servlet Engine
mod_osso:Conduit between Oracle Apache Server & Singl Sign-On Server
mod_ose: Conduit between Oracle Apache & Oracle Servlet Engine
Q. What is difference between COMPILE_ALL=SPECIAL and COMPILE_ALL=YES
compiling Forms ?
Both the options will compile all the PL/SQL in the resultant .FMX, .PLX, or .MMX file
COMPILE_ALL=YES also changes the cached version in the source .FMB, .PLL, or
.MMB file.
This confuses version control and build tools (CVS, Subversion, make, scons); they
you've made significant changes to the source. COMPILE_ALL=SPECIAL does not do
Q. What is ps -ef or ps command in Unix ?
ps is unix/linux utility or executable to find status of process. Used mainly to find if
services/process is running or not.
Q. What is GSM in Oracle application E-Business Suite ?
GSM stands for Generic Service Management Framework. Oracle E-Business Suite
consist of
various compoennts like Forms, Reports, Web Server, Workflow, Concurrent Manager ..
Earlier each service used to start at their own but managing these services (given that)
they can
be on various machines distributed across network. So Generic Service Management is
extension of Concurrent Processing which manages all your services , provide fault
tolerance (If
some service is down ICM through FNDSM & other processes will try to start it even on
server) With GSM all services are centrally managed via this Framework.
Q. What is FNDSM ?
FNDSM is executable & core component in GSM ( Generic Service Management
discussed above). You start FNDSM services via APPS listener on all Nodes in
Application Tier in
E-Business Suite.
Q. What is iAS Patch ?
iAS Patch are patches released to fix bugs associated with IAS_ORACLE_HOME (Web
Component) Usually these are shiped as Shell scripts & you apply iAS patches by
Shell script. Note that by default ORACLE_HOME is pointing to 8.0.6
ORACLE_HOME and if you
are applying iAS patch export ORACLE_HOME to iAS . You can do same by executing
environment file under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME
Ques 1 Where are the front end user details stored?
The front end user details are stored in table fnd_user in database. You can query the
database for the details you want to know as follows:
logon as database user apps then
sql> desc fnd_user;
sql> select <Column name> from <table>;
you will get the list of details that the table contain from which you can get the further
Ques 2 Is “apps” a database user or “application user”?
“apps” is a Database user.All the information about database users is defined in table
dba_users so you can query the database to know about users.
sql> desc dba_users;
sql> select * from dba_users where username=’APPS’;
This query will give you all details of apps user.
Ques 3 Where are the database objects stored for the products ‘BEN’ &’FND’?
Database objects for the products like ‘BEN’ & ‘FND’ are stored in their own schema
like BEN or APPLSYS (for FND), GL for GL objects
Ques 4 Can Middle Tier & DB run on different versions of OS?
Yes, Middle Tier & DB can run on different versions of OS. This type of configuration
are known as Split Configuration.
Ques 5 Can different Middle Tier’s have different flavours of OS?
Yes different Middle tier’s can run on different flavours of OS.
Ques 6 How do we verify the no. of CPU’s running on a node?
Proc (/proc) file system provides easy information about CPU and their speed.To display
the number of processors in linux you need to use /proc/cpuinfo file. This is a collection
of CPU and system architecture dependent items, for each supported architecture a
different list.Type the following command:
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
Ques 7 How do i identify whether my environment is shared APPL_TOP or not?
To know whether the environment is shared APPL_TOP or not , login to first Middle
& create any file (like abc.txt) in the APPL_TOP. Now logout & login to other Middle
Tier. If you can see that respective file in APPL_TOP, this means you are having shared
Q. If we run autoconfig which files will get effected ?
In order to check list of files changes during Autoconfig , you can run adchkcfg utility
which will
generate HTML report. This report will list all files & profile options going to change
when you run
Q. What is difference between .xml file & AutoConfig ?
Autoconfig is Utility to configure your Oracle Application environment. .xml file is
repository of all
configuration from which AutoConfig picks configuration and polulates related files.
Q. What is .lgi files ?
lgi files are created with patching along with .log files . .lgi files are informative log files
information related to patch. You can check .lgi files to see what activities patch has
done. Usually
informative logs.
Q. How will you skip worker during patch ?
If in your adctrl there are six option shown then seventh is hidden option.(If there are
options visible then 8th option is to Skip worker depending on ad version).
Q. Which two tables created at start of Apps Patch & drops at end of Patch ?
AD_DEFERRED_JOBS are the tables that get updated while applying a patch mainly (d
or u )
unified driver
Q. How to compile an Oracle Reports and forms file ?
Utility adrepgen is used to compile Reports. Synatx is given below
adrepgen userid=apps\<psswd> source = $PRODUCT_TOP\srw\filename.rdf
dest=$PRODUCT_TOP\srw\filename.rdf stype=rdffile dtype=rdffile logfile=x.log
batch=yes dunit=character
Utility f60gen is used to compile Forms. Synatx is given below
f60gen module=<source form name> userid=APPS/<APPS password>
output_file=<executable form name>
EG : For Instance I want to generate sale order forms in ONT schema using f60gen
syntax would be like
OEXOEORD.fmb form:
$cd $AU_TOP/forms/US
$f60gen module= OEXOEORD.fmb module_type=form \
output_file=$ONT_TOP/forms/US/OEXOEORD.fmx userid=APPS/APPS
module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=yes
Q. What is difference between AD_BUGS & AD_APPLID_PATCHES ?
- AD_BUGS: holds information about the various Oracle Applications bugs whose fixes
have been
applied (ie. patched) in the Oracle Applications installation.
- AD_APPLIED_PATCHES: holds information about the "distinct" Oracle Applications
patches that
have been applied. If 2 patches happen to have the same name but are different in content
"merged" patches), then they are considered distinct and this table will therefore hold 2
- This program (a unix shell script) was created to help customers evaluate
currently installed Oracle Applications patchsets and Family Packs. The program
compares the
currently installed patchsets and family packs to the most recently available ones
generated by
Oracle Development. This program utilizes the the applptch.txt file for 10.7-11.0. For 11i
and R12,
it utilizes a combination of tables such as AD_BUGS and AD_APPLIED_PATCHES to
create the
installed patch list. If the 11i release does not use these AD tables (11.5.4 or lower and
have not
applied 11i.AD.E or higher) it still supports using applptch.txt for 11i.
- adutconf.sql: This script provides a wealth of information, including the following:
Product Group(s)
Multi-Org status
Multi-lingual status
Installed product status
Registered schemas
Installed languages
Q. What exactly happens when you put an Oracle Apps instance in maintenance mode ?
Maintenance mode provides a clear separation between normal runtime operation of
Applications and system downtime for maintenance. Enabling the maintenance mode
a) Shuts down the Workflow Business Events System and
b) Sets up function security so that no Oracle Applications functions are available to
Used only during AutoPatch sessions, maintenance mode ensures optimal performance
reduces downtime when applying a patch.
Q: How to find Forms Version in 11i ?
Login to forms from frontend , on top menu bar of forms click on "Help" & Select
"About Oracle
Applications" go to "Forms Server " section. You should see entry like below depending
on your
forms version
Oracle Forms Version :
Which mean you are on forms version . If you want to know whats your forms
level then subtract 9 from fourth digit which means for above case form patchset 17 is
Q: How to find Forms Version in Apps from command Line ?
Enter "f60gen" on Forms Server and check for first line in output like
Forms 6.0 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
This confirms that you are on forms server version and patch set 17. ( Patch
Set =
Fourth Digit - 9)
Q: How to find Jinitiator Version ?
Check for file like appsweb_SID_HOSTNAME.cfg under $OA_HTML/bin defined by
variable FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE & search for entry like jinit_ver_name , you
will see
entry like
which means Jinitiator version is ; if your version is you will see entry
Q: How to find Version of any file in Oracle Apps 11i ? or
Q: How to find any Reports Version 11i ? or
In Oracle Applications under ad utilities there is utility called as adident Used for
purpose or to find out file version use
adident Header <filename>
for ex. inorder to to find file version of one AR form i.e. ARXGLCOR.fmx
adident Header ARXGLCOR.fmx
You should see output like
$Header APPSTAND.fmb 115.33 2002/04/04 11:13:40 pkm ship
$ $Header ARXGLCOR.fmb 115.15 2005/01/31 13:48 mraymond ship
Which means above form executable consist of two forms whose version is 115.33 &
115.15 resp.
Similarly you can use adident to find version of any report in 11i.
Q: How to find Operation System Version (Unix/Linux) ?
For solaris use command
uname –a or cat /etc/release
You will see output like
For Solaris SunOS servername 5.8 Generic_117350-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-
For RedHat Linux use command
cat /etc/*release*
You will see output like
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 6)
Which means you are on Solaris 5.8 or Linux AS 3 resp.
Q: How to find if your Operating System is 32 bit or 64 Bit ?
For solaris use command
isainfo -v
If you see out put like
32-bit sparc applications
That means your O.S. is only 32 bit but if you see output like
64-bit sparcv9 applications
32-bit sparc applications
above means your o.s. is 64 bit & can support both 32 & 64 bit applications
Q: Can I run 64 bit application on 32 bit Operating system ?
You can run 32 bit application (like oracle application server, web server, all oracle
server are 32 bit ) on both 32 /64 bit operating system but a 64 bit application like 64 bit
can run only on 64 bit operating system.
Q How to find if your database is 32 bit or 64 bit(Useful in applying Patches) ?
execute "file $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle" , you should see output like
/u01/db/bin/oracle: ELF 64-bit MSB executable SPARCV9 Version 1
which means you are on 64 bit oracle
If your oracle is 32 bit you should see output like
oracle: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1
Now you know what should be bit of patch to download
Q: How to find OUI version ?
OUI stands for Oracle Universal Installer. In order to find Installer version you have to
./runInstaller -help ( From OUI location)
You will get output like
Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production Copyright (C) 1999, 2005,
Oracle. All
rights reserved.
That means OUI version in above case is
OUI location is $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin
Q: How to find Database version ?
SQL> select * from v$version;
The command returns the release information, such as the following:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
Q: How to find Oracle Workflow Cartridge Release Version ?
Log in to the database as the owf_mgr user and issue
select wf_core.translate('WF_VERSION') from dual;
Q: Determining the Current Version of OJSP ?
You may follow these steps to determine which version of OJSP you have on your web
server if
you aren't sure:
Change to the OA_JAVA directory on your web server.
Using a text editor, create a file called test.jsp with only the following line:
<%= application.getAttribute("oracle.jsp.versionNumber") %>
You can also use the echo command, like so:
On Unix:
echo '<%= application.getAttribute("oracle.jsp.versionNumber") %>' > test.jsp
On Windows NT: echo "<%= application.getAttribute("oracle.jsp.versionNumber") %>"
> test.jsp
Access this JSP from a web browser, using the URL:
http://[your web server]:[your port]/OA_JAVA/test.jsp
The resulting page will show you which version of OJSP your Oracle HTTP Server is
to use.
If the web page displays "", then you do not need to upgrade your OJSP. If,
however, it
displays anything else, such as "", then you are using an older version of OJSP,
and you
must upgrade your OJSP, following the directions in the MetaLink Note indicated above.
Q: How to find opatch Version ?
opatch is utility to apply database patch , In order to find opatch version execute
"$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version"
You should see output like OPatch Version: which means your opatch version
Q. How to find Version of Apps 11i ?
Run following SQL from apps user ;
SQL> select RELEASE_NAME from fnd_product_groups;
You should see output like
Which means you are on Apps Version
Q How to Discoverer Version installed with Apps ?
Discoverer with Apps installed in ORACLE_HOME same as 806 is usually 3i or 4i. To
find Version
login to Application Tier & go to $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/bin and execute
strings dis4ws | grep -i 'discoverer version'
You should see output like
Discoverer Version:Session
Which means you are on discoverer 4i version
Q. How to find Workflow Version embedded in Apps 11i ?
Run following SQL from apps user ;
You should see output like
Which means you are on Workflow Version 2.6.0
You can also use script wfver.sql in FND_TOP/sql to find version of workflow in Apps.
Q: How to find version of JDK Installed on Apps ?
There might be multiple JDK installed on Operating System . Like JDK 1.3.1, 1.4.2 or
1.5 but in
order to find which Version of JDK your Apps is using
Open your Context File $SID_$HOSTNAME.xml under $APPL_TOP/admin and look
for variable
JDK_TOP oa_var="s_jdktop" what so ever value assigned against that parameter go to
directory & cd bin & execute command
./java -version so lets assume entry above is /usr/jdk then cd /usr/jdk/bin & ./java -version
, you
will see output like
java version "1.4.2_10"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_10-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_10-b03, mixed mode)
Which means you are using JDK 1.4.2 in Oracle Applications 11i.
How do we know that particular instance is cloned or normal installed?
Check clone log file . If log file exists this means this is cloned instance
How can you know that how many modules are already implemented in this
check using or OAM
How can we know that whether we already applied latest AUTOCONFIG patch or not
at our instance?
find out patch number for Autoconfig and then check from ad_bugs table
Is this possible to clone a database from hotbackup? If yes plz tell how?
Yes, first recover/clone database from hot backup using normal database clone .
Then run with dbTechStack option instead of dbTier (Use Rapid Clone
topic metalink note for more info)
Suppose your database size is 2000GB now you want to clone a particular one
datafile or tablespace. Plz tell how co clone a datafile or tablespace?
You can import /export tablespace/datafile but can't clone (Check on this again )
How frequent v have to run Gather Schema Statistics Prog?
and Actually wat happens when U run tht Prog?
When ever you have bulk amount of data loaded into the Database, then you have to
schema statistics I think when ever want a snapshot of the presents schemas then u need
run adadmin for gathering statistics of schema and after runnuning this program it
patchset level of oracle_homes and all file versions of executable files
Statistics generated include the following:
Table statistics
Number of rows
Number of blocks
Average row length
Column statistics
Number of distinct values (NDV) in column
Number of nulls in column
Data distribution (histogram)
Index statistics
Number of leaf blocks
Clustering factor
System statistics
I/O performance and utilization
CPU performance and utilization
what is the differnce b/w httpd.conf and httpds.conf ?
httpd.conf is a http demon configuration file where as httpds.conf is a http demon secure
configuration file.
How to see DB size at os level command.
By Issuing the following command in unix
$ ipcs -pmb
ipcs: invalid option -- b
usage : ipcs -asmq -tclup
ipcs [-s -m -q] -i id
ipcs -h for help.
Different Shutdown options in database ?
1) shut (for normal shutdown) --- It will wait until all the users to logout from database.
2) shut transactional --- It will wait until all the transactions to be complete by a commit
3) shut immediate--- It will rollforward the commited data and rollback the uncommited
4) shut abort--- It will not check for users,trancations etc.. just it will aborted from
by shutting down the instance.
A database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode which type of backups you can take?
In no archive log mode, you have to take cold backup only...means..your database should
be down and
take backup....
For this, you can right shell script in order
(a) shutdown the database
(b) copy all the files
(c) startup the database......
Which users logged in to the system longer than 6 months ago ?
select a.user_id,a.user_name,b.user_id,b.start_time
where a.user_id = b.user_id
and b.start_time = (select max(start_time) from FND_LOGINS where user_id =
To see how many distint users are connected to my system,at particular time ?
select distinct fu.user_name User_Name,fr.RESPONSIBILITY_KEY
Responsibility,fu.LAST_LOGON_DATE from fnd_user fu,
fnd_responsibility fr, icx_sessions ic
where fu.user_id = ic.user_id AND
fr.responsibility_id = ic.responsibility_id AND
ic.disabled_flag='N' AND
ic.responsibility_id is not null AND
ic.last_connect like sysdate;
Who uses the OBT_AA schema in Apps ?
OBT_AA is used by ILM (Inventory Management) product. Only objects inside this
schema are db
links, functions, packages, procedures and synonyms. No tables in this one.
What is Bolton: AventX: ?
AventX is a fax and email solution for E-Business Suite from STR software. It works
with other
ERPs like SAP R/3 via its ERP connectors. Users in a Unix-based environment,
including AIX,
HP-UX, Intel Linux, Solaris and Tru64, can send information directly from various host
Schemas created by AventX are called: sf and sfgy
SF = STR Software Fax Commander
SFGY= STR Software Fax Commander Gateway
Fax Commander was the original name of the AventX product and internally you will
find a lot of
names with SF and SFC.
Insight into AutoConfig
I am going to give you some insight or inner working of this tool. Thanks to Harminder
Singh (Try
at your own risk)
For detailed information on AUTOCONFIG refer to the following metalink
Note:218089.1, Note:270519.1 and Note:217368.1.
Wanna create CONTEXT file manually, try this ... and then copy the generated XML to
$APPL_TOP/admin/host_SID.xml tier=apps appsuser=apps appspass=pswd
'+%m%d%y_%H%M%S'`.log out=$HOME/admin/SID_`date '+%m%d%y_%H%M
Wanna Update the tags in CONTEXT File, try this to update tag s_appsEnvName to
java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${CMDDIR}/java/" ${HOME}/admin/SID.xml s_appsEnvName
Wanna try to instantiate configuration files from custom driver and templates files based
on the
values from CONTEXT FILE.
java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${CMDDIR}/java/" -e $HOME/admin/${TWO_TASK}.xml -d
/d01/sid/admin/custom.drv -log /d01/sid/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME.xxcinstantiate.log
/d01/sid/admin/bak/$CONTEXT_NAME -pwd NOP
How to Trace Concurrent Programs for a Specific ERP User
1-First get the ERP user login id .
2- Pull up the SYSTEM profile - make sure in the find screen to select the user & add the
user, and add the profile value, in one line, at the profile option value called,
‘Initialization SQL Statement - Custom’, you can put this in your find as well...
3- Now you need to add the value under the user filed, below the user name, copy this in
notepad in one line and paste it. You can change the identifier and the dump file size as
begin fnd_ctl.fnd_sess_ctl('','','TRUE','TRUE','LOG', 'ALTER SESSION SET
tracefile_identifier=''BENMGL'' max_dump_file_size=''unlimited'''); end;
Q. What is profile options, What are various type of profile options ?
Q. What is APPS listener ? Why its used ?
Q. How do you start/stop apps listener ?
Q. If users complaining Oracle Applications 11i system is running slow , what all
things you will check at broad level ?
Q. What is Autoconfig ?
Q. What is context file ?
Q. Why appsutil directory under Database ORACLE_HOME used for ?
Q. How to create User in Oracle Applications 11i ? Can you delete a User ?
Q. What is Single Sign On ? ( If you are using portal 3.0.9 or 10G )?
Q. How to configure portal with 11i ? ( If you are using portal 3.0.9 or 10G )?
1)How to check if the partitions of a table are set to LOGGING
select partition_name, logging
from dba_tab_partitions
where table_name=’WF_LOCAL_ROLES’;
2)How to Correct Session Cookie Name.
a)select session_cookie_name from icx_parameters;
b)update icx_parameters set session_cookie_name = ‘<hostname_sid>’;
c)select session_cookie_name from icx_parameters;
3) How to find database SID from a Concurrent request.

You need your concurrent request ID as an input.

c.SPID= is the operating system process id
d.sid= is the Oracle process id
4) How to check which object is corrupted.
SELECT tablespace_name, segment_type, owner, segment_name
FROM dba_extents
WHERE file_id = 64 and 1 between block_id AND block_id + blocks-1;
5) How to check whether the product is install,shared and Not installed in Apps.
6) How to check access level when label security feature is installed.

7) How to find out Summary of Concurrent requests.

8 ) How to find out Package Header.

select name,text from dba_source where text like ‘%Header: %’
and owner = ‘APPS’ and name = ‘INVALID_OBJECT_NAME’;
9) How to find out version of a package.
select text from dba_source
where line=2
10) How to find out which request is handle by which concurrent queue.
a) First find out short_name of a program and then pass it as parameter to below query.
b) The below query will give you output
I - Included - Included in new concurrent queue
E - excluded from Standard Manager
This way you know now this running program (concurrent request) is handled by new
manager and not part of standard manager.

11) How to backup the defination of a View before droping a view.
select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(’VIEW’,'RG_View’,'APPS’) from dual;
I will update some more scripts in my next post.
Product installation Information Version of Apps
select * from fnd_product_groups
Information about concurrent requests
select * from fnd_concurrent_requests
Information about particular concurrent request
select logfile_name, logfile_node_name, outfile_name, outfile_node_name
from fnd_concurrent_requests
where request_id =<request id>
Finding Invaled Objects
select count(*) from dba_objects where status ='INVALID'
To Check which node is running what service
select * from fnd_nodes
Information about the bugs fixed in Installation
select * from ad_bugs
Information about the applied patches
select * from ad_applied_patches
Stores values for various profile options
Information about various profile options
To Find database version
select * from v$version

As part of Windows to Linux Upgrade/Migrate project. I wrote the

following query to pull all the profiles that has a hardcoded

Wanna DUMP JVM threads or check GC size

This scripts will be handy if you wanna check the Garbage Collection
Size of OACore JVMs or DUMP them to check for any locking/waiting issue
scripts Check the Garbage Collection Size of OACore JVMs


Q) How to check if your system is SSL enabled?
A quick check : If your context file contains the values of
s_url_protocol / s_local_url_protocol set to https, then
your envt has to be SSLenabled.
If the rest of config is
absent but these are set to https, then URL does not resolve
is an indirect check of incomplete config.
Also you can use this query to check
from applsys.fnd_profile_option_values
where PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE like 'http%';
Q) Query to find who and when update an Oracle Application user's

General Information Q: How often should customers apply minipacks, family packs, and
maintenance packs? A: You should keep your maintenance level up to date in order to:
• Receive the latest fixes.
• Reduce the number of file updates needed for emergency fixes.
• Reduce the possibility of unfulfilled prerequisite patches when applying an emergency
• Make it easier for Oracle Support and Oracle Development to assist you.
• Keep core products such as AD (patches and maintenance fixes), FND (security and
technology stack updates), and HR (legislative updates) up to date.
At a minimum, apply maintenance packs to stay within two maintenance releases. For
example, since 11.5.10 is currently available, customers at the 11.5.8 (or earlier) level
should be planning their upgrade to 11.5.10. Use minipacks and family packs if you have
an immediate need for the latest patch level for a product or product family and cannot
wait to apply the corresponding maintenance pack. Top
Q: How do I know what patches or files have been applied to a system? What happened
to my applptch.txt? A: Prior to AD Minipack E, patch history was stored in a text file
called applptch.txt in the $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID> directory. AutoPatch appended the
applptch.txt file with information about each patch applied. With AD Minipack E, the
new Patch History feature stores all patch information in database tables. If the
information cannot be written to the database, it is stored in files in the file system, and is
automatically loaded to the database the next time AutoPatch is run. In AD Minipack E,
the temporary patch history file was named applptch.txt. In AD Minipack H (and later),
there are two patch history files: javaupdates<timestamp>.txt to record patch history
about changes to Java files, and adpsv<timestamp>.txt to record patch history about
changes to all non-Java files. The best way to review patch history information is to use
the Applied Patches search pages provided by Oracle Applications Manager. The patch
history database feature allows you to query on patches or files applied and filter by patch
number or file name, as well as date, product, APPL_TOP name, server type, or
language. See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for more information. Top
Q: How can I find the latest available minipack, family pack, or maintenance pack? A:
On OracleMetaLink, click the Patches & Updates button on the left-hand side. Choose
the Quick Links to the Latest Patchsets, Mini Packs, and Maintenance Packs link to get
• A listing of the latest minipacks, family packs, or maintenance pack for the E-Business
Suite, or
• A listing of the latest patchsets for Server/Tools products
A link at the top will allow you toggle between the two lists. Top
Q: Where can I find a list of AutoPatch features and the AD minipacks that introduced
them? A: The Oracle Applications DBA 11i+ Features Matrix (OracleMetaLink ID:
210326.1) contains a list of major AD features in Release 11i and identifies which AD
minipack introduced each feature. Top
Q: What is the AD Features matrix printed on the AutoPatch screen and logfiles? A: AD
Feature Versions is a framework created to handle mismatches between the AD code on
the file system and the AD objects in the database. Both the version of the feature on the
file system and the version of the feature in the database are tracked separately. When the
two versions do not match, the feature is disabled, and when the two versions match, the
feature is (normally) enabled. The table below is an example of the information displayed
by AD Feature Versions in AD utility log files. The first four columns in the table below
represent the name of the feature, whether or not the feature is enabled, the version of the
feature in the APPL_TOP, and the version of the feature in the database.

The Flags Column values represent: - 1st flag: Is the feature enabled in the APPL_TOP? -
2nd flag: Does the feature require an enabling file on the file system? - 3rd flag: Does the
enabling file exist? - 4th flag: Does the feature depend on any database objects? - 5th
flag: Is the value of the 6th flag relevant? - 6th flag: Is the feature enabled in the
database? This message is informational in nature only, the AD Feature Versions
framework is only used by AD internally and should not be modified unless under
explicit instructions from AD Development. Top
Q: What is a patch driver file? What is the difference between the c driver, d driver, g
driver, and u driver? A: Patch driver files contain commands used by AutoPatch to direct
the installation of a patch. There are four types of driver files, and a patch can contain
more than one driver.
• Copy driver (c driver): Named c<patchnumber>.drv, and contains commands to change
Oracle Applications files. The commands include directives to copy/update files,
libraries, and/or Java, and commands for generating JAR files and/or C executables. In a
multi-node system, run it on all application tier APPL_TOPs.
• Database driver (d driver): Named d<patchnumber>.drv, and contains commands to
change Oracle Applications database objects, such as PL/SQL and table definitions, or to
update or migrate data. In a multi-node system, run it only on the application tier
APPL_TOP that implements the administration server.
• Generate driver (g driver): Named g<patchnumber>.drv, and contains commands to
generate forms, reports, and/or graphics files. In a multi-node system, run it on all
application tier APPL_TOPs, unless the APPL_TOP only implements the administration
• Unified driver (u driver): Named u<patchnumber>.drv, it is a consolidated driver
containing all copy, database, and generate actions. Apply this driver to all APPL_TOPs
on all application tier servers. AutoPatch knows which commands should be run on each
type of application tier. The unified driver requires only a single execution of AutoPatch.
If you merge a patch that contains a unified driver with patches that contain other driver
types, the resulting merged patch will contain only a merged unified driver.
See Oracle Applications Concepts for a definition of administration server and other
server types. Top
Q: What releases support unified drivers? A: All 11i versions of AutoPatch support
unified drivers. There is no minimum level. In order to make it easier to turn off entire
categories of actions, without having to specify each action type, AD Minipack H
introduces simple methods to disable entire categories of actions, for example, adpatch
options=nodatabaseportion. See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for a list of
available command line options. Top
Q: What are the patching implications of a multi-node environment? How do I know
what type of server/tier/node I am patching? A: In a multi-node environment, you need to
apply the patch, in its entirety, to the node implementing the administration server first.
After that you can apply the patch in any order on the remaining nodes. In many cases the
terms 'server', 'tier' and 'node' are used interchangeably and the exact meaning must be
inferred from the context. Officially, the terms are different and have a distinct meaning.
• A node (or machine) is a computer.
• A server is a collection of one or more computer processes that perform a specific
• A tier is a logical grouping of one or more servers or computer processes.
In Release 11i there are three tiers: desktop, application, and database.
• The desktop tier (generally an end-user PC) does not consist of any servers. Rather it
consists of a Web browser that makes use of HTML and a Java applet to provide the user
• The application tier (also called the middle tier) consists of a number of servers, such as
the concurrent processing server, Web server, forms server, and administration server.
These servers are also referred to as application tier servers. Likewise, the nodes on
which such servers run are referred to as application tier server nodes.
• The database tier consists of the database server, which stores all the data in a Release
11i system.
For example, if a node contains only the database server and no other Release 11i
software, it is called the database server node, and it is part of the database tier only.
However, it is possible for the database server and any of the application tier servers to
run on the same node. In this situation, the node can be called the database server node,
the forms server node, the Web server node, and so on. Because servers from other tiers
are running on one node, the node belongs to more than one tier. For more information
about the Release 11i architecture, see Oracle Applications Concepts. To determine what
application tier servers are on each node, refer to the Applications Dashboard in Oracle
Applications Manager (information on using Oracle Applications Manager can be found
in the Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities). Top
Q: What is the AutoPatch checkfile feature? A: This feature reduces patch application
downtime by checking to see if a given database action has been performed previously
for the associated file contained in the patch. If an action has been performed using the
current (or higher) version of a file, AutoPatch omits the action. Top
Q: Can I run multiple AutoPatch sessions at the same time? A: You cannot currently run
multiple sessions simultaneously. However, patches can be merged and can be applied in
a single patching session. A new AD feature called AD Concurrent Sessions is currently
being tested. It uses a system of locks that will prevent incompatible actions from
executing at the same time, so compatible actions can be run in parallel. This will allow
you to run multiple
AutoPatch sessions concurrently. Top
Q: What are the Oracle Applications patch types? A: All Applications patches are
organized by aggregation level.
• Stand-alone (one-off) Patch: Addresses a single fix or enhancement. Stand-alone
patches are released only when there is an immediate need for a fix or enhancement that
cannot wait until an aggregate bundling is available. Although stand-alone patches are
intended to be as small as possible, they usually include any dependent files that have
changed since the base release in order to form a complete patch that can be applied by
any customer. The actual number of files changed will depend on the current code level
on the system to which the patch is being applied.
• Rollup Patch (RUP): An aggregation of patches that may be at the functional level, or at
a specific product/family release level. For example, a Flexfields rollup patch contains all
the latest patches related to Flexfields at the time the patch was created. A Marketing
Family 11.5.10 rollup patch contains all the latest Marketing patches released since, and
applicable to, 11.5.10.
• Minipack: An aggregation of patches at the product level. For example, Inventory
Minipack G (11i.INV.G) contains all the latest patches for the Inventory product at the
time the minipack was created. Minipacks are named in alphabetical sequence such as
11i.INV.E, 11i.INV.F, 11i.INV.G, and so on. Minipacks are cumulative. In other words,
11i.INV.G contains everything in 11i.INV.F, which contains everything in 11i.INV.E,
and so on. The terms patchset and minipack are often used interchangeably.
• Family Pack: An aggregation of patches at the product family level. For example,
Financials Family Pack C (11i.FIN_PF.C) contains all the latest patches for products in
the Financials family at the time the family pack was created. Family product codes
always end in "_PF" and family packs are given alphabetical sequence such as
11i.HR_PF.B, 11i.HR_PF.C, and 11i.HR_PF.D. Family packs are cumulative. In other
words, Discrete Manufacturing Family Pack G (11i.DMF_PF.G) contains everything in
11i.DMF_PF.F, which contains everything in 11i.DMF_PF.E, and so on.
• Maintenance Pack: An aggregation of patches for all products in the E-Business Suite.
For example, Release 11.5.10 Maintenance Pack contains all the latest code level for all
products at the time 11.5.10 was created. Maintenance packs are numbered sequentially
such as 11.5.8, 11.5.9, 11.5.10, and are cumulative. In other words, 11.5.10 contains
everything in 11.5.9, which contains everything in 11.5.8, and so on.
In addition to releasing a maintenance pack, Oracle also packages a new Rapid Install at
each maintenance pack release level. So Applications Release 11.5.10 Rapid Install
contains the same applications code level that a customer would get if they applied the
Release 11.5.10 Maintenance Pack on an earlier 11i release level. Note that the
technology stack could still be different since Rapid Install includes the latest certified
technology stack, but the maintenance pack includes only Applications code.
Maintenance packs can be downloaded from OracleMetaLink or ordered as a CD Pack
from the Oracle Store.
Patches can also be organized by purpose.
• Diagnostic Patch: Used to gather additional information when a product failure cannot
be reproduced by Oracle. The additional information will assist Oracle Support Services
and Oracle Development in resolving the failure.
• Interoperability Patch: Allows Oracle Applications to function properly with a newer
version of the technology stack. Interoperability patches are typically required with new
versions of the database or Applications technology stack.
• Translated Patch: A non-English version of a patch. Release 11i supports 30 non-
English languages. Customers who are using languages other than English, need to apply
the corresponding translated patch(es) for the languages they are using in addition to any
base US patch(es).
• Merged Translation Patch: Provided in real time (without requiring a translator) in the
event a translated patch is not available when a customer needs it. A merged translation
patch is applied just like a fully translated patch. The fully translated patch is escalated
and is usually available within 24 hours. It can be applied safely on top of a merged
translation patch.
• Translation Fix: Provided in the event a translation word choice is inappropriate. A
translation fix is applied just like a translated patch, except there is no corresponding base
US patch.
• New Feature Patch: Introduces new functionality and/or products. It is applied using
standard patching utilities.
• Consolidated Update (CU): Improves and streamlines the upgrade and maintenance
processes by consolidating certain post-release patches. Most recommended patches and
rollups for a particular maintenance release are consolidated into a single patch that is
installed immediately following the Maintenance Pack or the Rapid Install. Updates in
the CU are predominantly error corrections.
• Family Consolidated Upgrade Patch: All upgrade-related patches consolidated from all
the products within a product family. Family consolidated upgrade patches are released
as needed and are only available for upgrading to Release 11i from Release 10.7 or 11.0.
The Oracle Applications Release Notes lists the most recent patches.
• Documentation Patch: Updates online help. Top
Help Applying Patches Q: How can I shorten patch application time when applying
patches? A: There are several tips and tricks for shortening the time it takes to apply
• Schedule periodic downtime for proactive maintenance. The more up-to-date your
system, the less likely you are to experience known problems, and the easier it is to
resolve new issues. Whenever you can test and schedule downtime to apply the latest
maintenance or family packs, do so.
• Keep AD code up-to-date. Oracle has put tremendous effort in reducing downtime and
improving the maintenance experience. Running at the latest AD minipack level allows
you to take full advantage of these efforts.
• Keep your test system current with your production system (see Cloning Oracle
Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone - OracleMetaLink ID 230672.1). As you test
the application of a patch, it is imperative that the test be realistic in terms of current
patch level and transaction data.
• Consolidate multiple patches into a single, merged patch with AD Merge Patch. AD
Merge Patch is a utility that merges multiple Oracle Applications patches into a single
patch. Use it to apply more than one patch during a single downtime. AD Merge Patch
reduces patch application time by eliminating redundant patching tasks. All 11i patches
can be merged. If you merge translation patches, AD Merge Patch performs necessary
character set conversion at merge time. If you merge patches containing both split (c,d,g)
drivers and unified drivers, AD Merge Patch creates a single, unified driver for the
merged patch allowing the merged patch to be successfully applied.
• Merge and apply US patches, then merge and apply translation patches. Although US
patches must be applied during system downtime, the translation patches can be applied
during uptime, as long as users of the affected languages are not using the system. See
Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures for information on applying translation
• Employ sufficient space. This includes new tablespace for indexes created by the patch.
For patches containing large numbers of files, you should also make sure there is
sufficient temporary space to contain the unzipped patch and files to be copied into the
• Use a shared application tier file system if you have multiple application tier nodes. In a
shared application tier file system installation, the APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, and
application tier Oracle homes (8.0.6 and iAS) are installed onto a shared disk resource
mounted to each node used in the Oracle Applications system. These nodes can be used
to provide standard application tier services, such as forms, Web, and concurrent
processing. Refer to Sharing the Application Tier File System on OracleMetaLink (Doc
ID: 233428.1) for more information.
• Use the Distributed AD feature to utilize additional hardware during maintenance. AD
has always used a Parallel Jobs System, where multiple AD workers start and are
assigned jobs. Information for the Jobs System is stored in the database, and workers
receive their assignments by monitoring certain tables in the database. AD Minipack H
introduces Distributed AD, which allows workers to be started on remote machines as
well, where they can utilize the additional resources on those machines when completing
their assigned jobs. This capability improves scalability, performance, and resource
utilization because workers in the same AD session can be started on additional
application tier nodes. Refer to Distributed AD on OracleMetaLink (Doc ID: 236469.1)
for more information.
• Use a Staged APPL_TOP to reduce the downtime to just the database update. A staged
Applications system represents an exact copy of your Production system including a copy
of the database. Patches are applied to this staged test system, while your Production
system remains up. When all patches have been successfully applied to the test system,
the reduced downtime for the Production system can begin. The staged APPL_TOP is
used both to run the database update into the Production database as well as
synchronizing the production APPL_TOP.
Refer to Using a Staged Applications System on OracleMetaLink (Doc ID: 242480.1) for
more information.
• Perform uptime maintenance, when possible. Examples of maintenance activities that
can be accomplished while users are on the system include:
o Gather Schema Statistics
o Patch the Online Help
o Upload patch history information to the database
o Apply translation patches while users are using different languages (possibly in another
time zone)
o Apply the database update component of a translation patch while using the affected
language Top
Q: How do I run AutoPatch non-interactively? A: The AD defaults file allows you to run
AutoPatch (or AD Administration) in non-interactive mode. It contains tokens to answer
defaults-enabled prompts. Oracle provides a file called adalldefaults.txt that has tokens
for all possible default-enabled prompts. This file is maintained by AutoConfig and can
be used as a template when creating defaults files. See Oracle Applications Maintenance
Procedures for information on running AutoPatch non-interactively using a defaults file.
Q: Do patches need to be applied in a particular order? What is a prerequisite patch? A:
Patches do not need to be applied in a particular order, even though a readme may state a
specific order is required, unless one of the patches is an AD patch. This is because you
may need to patch the patching utility so that it works properly when you use it to apply
subsequent patches. A prerequisite patch fulfills a dependency for another patch. Strictly
speaking, they are co-requisites and can be applied in any order before using the system.
We recommend that you merge a patch with its required prerequisites, with the exception
of prerequisite patches for the AD product.
Starting with AD Minipack H, AutoPatch has a Prereq feature that, when run with
patches containing metadata, automatically determines if prerequisites are not fulfilled
and informs you. At this point, you can download the prerequisites, merge them with the
patch, restart AutoPatch, and apply the merged patch. Older patches, or patches whose
metadata is missing the prerequisite information, may list prerequisite patches in the
patch README. See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for information Top
Q: How do I apply multiple translation patches? A: If an Oracle Applications system
contains multiple languages other than American English (US) and you are applying
multiple patches for each language, the recommended method is to merge all US patches
into a single patch and all patches for every non-US language into a single patch. Then,
apply the merged US patch followed by the merged language patch. You can also merge
US patches with the additional language patches or merge each language in separate
language-specific patches. Depending on your downtime window and your system
topology, it may be necessary to keep the US and non-US patches separate. See Oracle
Applications Maintenance Procedures for a more detailed analysis and step-by-step
procedures. Top

Q: How can I determine the effects a patch will have on my system? A: You can submit a
specific patch impact analysis request through the Patch Wizard in the Oracle
Applications Manager (OAM) 2.2 and later to determine the impact of a patch on your
system. The Patch Impact Analysis feature of Patch Wizard provides reports on:
• The total number of files in the patch
• The number of files the patch will install
• The products that will have updated files
• The files that will be introduced by the patch
• The files on the target system that will be changed by the patch
• The files with dependencies on patched files
See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for additional information. Top
Q: What happens if I run a driver on the wrong application tier server? A: Because
AutoPatch applies only the necessary actions for each type of application tier server, any
driver can be applied to any APPL_TOP on any node. However, the sequence is
important. Patches without unified drivers must have the drivers applied in the following
order: copy driver, database driver, and generate driver. Top
Q: What are AutoPatch restart files? A: Restart files store information about completed
processing in the event of a patch or system failure. They allow AutoPatch,
AutoUpgrade, and AD Administration to continue processing at the point where they
stopped. Do not modify or delete restart files unless specifically told to do so by Oracle
Support Services. The restart files reside in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart (UNIX) or
in %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>\restart (Windows). Top
Q: If I am applying a patch and it fails, should I simply rerun it from the beginning after
fixing the issue? A: If a patch driver fails, fix the issue and restart AutoPatch. AutoPatch
will allow you to continue where the patch left off. Rerunning the patch from the
beginning may result in a patch being applied incorrectly. Top
Q: What should I do when the Oracle Applications AutoPatch Prerequisite Checking
Feature fails? A: There are various issues that could cause a failure in the AutoPatch
Prerequisite Checking Feature. Please refer to OracleMetaLink Note 233040.1 Top
Q: If a worker fails when AutoPatch is running, what should I do?
A: When a worker fails its job, the AD utility running the worker will take one of several
possible actions:
• Defer the job to the end of the list of jobs to run and assign the worker another job
• Set the worker status to Failed and continue to run jobs in other workers
• If all other workers are in failed or waiting state, wait for user input (interactive mode)
or exit (non-interactive mode)
If the worker remains in a failed state, examine the worker log file and determine the
cause of the failure. The worker log files are named adwork<number>.log (for example
adwork01.log or adwork001.log). They are located in the same directory as the main AD
utility log file. By default this is under $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log. Attempt to
correct the problem and restart the failed job. If you cannot determine the cause of the
failure, try restarting the failed job to see if it works the second time (it may have failed
due to a concurrency or resource issue). To restart a failed job, run AD Controller and
choose the option to restart a failed job. Enter the worker number when prompted. You
can use AD Controller to see the status of jobs both before and after restarting them. The
status before restarting should be Failed, and the status after restarting should be Fixed,
Restart. If you are unable to fix the failed job, contact Oracle Support Services for
assistance. If the AD utility exited after the job failed, you must use AD Controller to
restart the failed job before you can restart the AD utility. Otherwise, the AD utility will
detect the failed job and shut down again. Top

1. What is a "shared APPL_TOP"?
2. What is a "shared application tier file system"?
3. What operating systems are certified?
4. I want to migrate my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application tier
file system. What 11i releases are supported?
5. Can I share the application tier file system across nodes with different platforms?
6. If the platforms of my nodes are binary-compatible, can I share application tier file
systems? For example, can I share a node using Solaris 2.6 with one using Solaris 8?
7. Are there any restrictions on the type of shared disk resources that can be used for
sharing an application tier file system?
8. Can I merge APPL_TOPs?
9. How can I implement a shared application tier file system during an Oracle
Applications installation?
10. How can I migrate my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application
tier file system?
11. When migrating my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application tier
file sytsem, I had to rename the Oracle Applications Context file. Will I still need the
original file and its associated context directories/files?
Questions and Answers
1. What is a "Shared APPL_TOP"?
Answer: A traditional multi-node installation requires the Applications file system on
each node in the system. In a Shared APPL_TOP installation, the APPL_TOP and the
COMMON_TOP file systems are installed on a shared disk resource mounted to each
node in the system. These nodes can be used to provide standard application tier services,
such as Forms, Web, and Concurrent processing. Any changes made in the shared
APPL_TOP file system are immediately visible on all nodes. Note that each node
continues to have a separate Applications techstack installation (see also question 2).
2. What is a "shared application tier file system"?
Answer: In a shared application tier file system installation, the APPL_TOP, the
COMMON_TOP, and the Applications technology stack (ORACLE_HOMEs) are
installed on a shared disk resource mounted to each node in the system. These nodes can
be used to provide standard application tier services, such as Forms,
Web, and Concurrent processing. Any changes made in the shared application tier file
system are immediately visible on all nodes.
3. What operating systems are certified?
Answer: All Rapid Install platforms except Windows support a shared application tier
infrastructure. There is no time estimate for a Windows solution.
4. I want to migrate my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application tier
file system. What 11i releases are supported?
Answer: You can migrate any existing Oracle Applications 11i release to a shared
application tier file system.
5. Can I share the application tier file system across nodes with different platforms?
Answer: No. The nodes sharing the application tier file system need to be binary-
6. If the platforms of my nodes are binary-compatible, can I share the application tier file
systems? For example, can I share a node using Solaris 2.6 with one using Solaris 8?
Answer: Yes, you can share application tier file systems across nodes that are binary-
7. Are there any restrictions on the type of shared disk resources that can be used for
sharing an application tier file system?
Answer: No, your shared application tier file system can reside on any type of shared disk
resource. Examples of shared disk resources include an NFS mounted disk or a disk
array. The shared disk resource does not have to be local to the machine, and it can also
be a standalone disk array. Usual tuning considerations apply.
8. Can I merge APPL_TOPs?
Answer: Yes, you can merge APPL_TOPs that are spread across multiple nodes. Follow
the instructions described in the OracleMetaLink document 233428.1.
9. How can I implement a shared application tier file system during an Oracle
Applications installation?
Answer: You must use the Rapid Install 11.5.10 or higher. Refer to Installing Oracle
Applications for more information.
10. How can I migrate my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application
tier file system?
Answer: Follow the instructions described in the OracleMetaLink document 233428.1.
11. When migrating my existing Oracle Applications system to a shared application tier
file system, I had to rename the Oracle Applications Context file. Will I still need the
original file and its associated context directories/files?
Answer: The following files/directories can be removed after you back them up:
o The original Context File <AD_TOP>/admin/<SID>.xml
o The file <APPL_TOP>/APPSORA.env>
o The directory <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/<SID>
o The directory <COMMON_TOP>/admin/install/<SID>

Questions and Answers

Overview and Terminology
1. What is AutoConfig?
Answer: AutoConfig is a configuration tool that automates the configuration of an Oracle
Applications system. The information required for configuring an Applications system is
collected into a repository, called the Applications Context; there is one Applications
Context for each application tier, and one for the database tier. When AutoConfig runs, it
uses information from the Applications Context file to generate all configuration files and
update database profiles. Refer to Metalink Note 165195.1 for details on installing, using
and updating AutoConfig. The Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures and the
Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities provide further information on how to use
AutoConfig in the context of maintaining your system.
2. What is the difference between the application tier and the database tier?
Answer: Before we can answer that, let's define a few terms in the context of the Release
11i architecture:
o A node or machine is a computer.
o A server is a collection of one or more computer processes that perform a specific
o A tier is a logical grouping of one or more servers or computer processes.
Now let's answer the question.
o The application tier (also called the middle tier) consists of a number of servers, such as
the concurrent processing
server, web server, forms server, and administration server, that process the transactions
of the Release 11i system, as well as provide communication between the desktop tier
and the database tier. (Such servers are also referred to as application tier servers.
Likewise, the nodes on which such servers run are also referred to as application tier
server nodes.)
o The database tier consists of the database server, which stores all the data of the
Release 11i system.
The primary location of the files used by the application tier servers is the APPL_TOP,
whereas the primary location of the files used by the database server is the Oracle8i or
For more information about the Release 11i architecture, refer to Oracle Applications
Concepts, Release 11i.
3. How can I identify the application tier and the database tier in a multi-node system?
Answer: A node can contain one or more servers, and can therefore belong to one or
more tiers.
In a single node system, that node belongs to both the application tier and the database
tier, since all servers are contained on that single node.
In a multi-node system, each node contains one or more servers, and therefore belongs to
one or both tiers. If the node contains any of the application tier servers, including the
web server, forms server, concurrent processing server, or administration server, which
means that there is an APPL_TOP on the node, then the node belongs to the application
tier, and is considered an application tier server node. If the node contains the database
server, which means that there is an Oracle8i or Oracle9i ORACLE_HOME and the
Applications database instance on the node, then the node belongs to the database tier,
and is considered a database server node.
Let's analyze a common configuration where the database server and the concurrent
processing server exist on one node (Node 1), and the other servers exist on a second
node (Node 2). Since Node 1 contains both an application tier server (the concurrent
processing server) and the database server, Node 1 belongs to both the database tier and
the application tier. But since Node 2 contains only application tier servers, Node 2
belongs only to the application tier.
4. How do I configure AutoConfig for a multi-node system?
Answer: The AutoConfig patch is applied using AutoPatch. Therefore, it must be applied
to each application tier server node, which means to each node that contains an
If the database server node contains only the database server and no other servers, then
you would not apply an AutoConfig patch on that node.
Once all the application tier servers have been updated by the AutoConfig patch, there is
a separate process for updating the database server, which is documented in Metalink
Note 165195.1. This process consists of running the admkappsutil utility on one (only
one) application tier, copying the generated file to the database tier and
unzipping the file into the RDBMS ORACLE HOME.
Example 1: The system has two nodes. Node 1 = administration server, concurrent
processing server, database server Node 2 = forms server, web server
Since both nodes are application tier server nodes, the AutoConfig patches need to be
applied to both nodes. Once the patches are applied, you have to update the database
server Node1 by running the admkappsutil utility from the APPL_TOP on Node1,
copying the generated to your RDBMS
ORACLE_HOME on Node1 and unzipping the file into the RDBMS
Example 2: The system has two nodes. Node 1 = database server Node 2 = administration
server, concurrent processing server, forms server, web server
Since Node 2 is the only application tier server node, the AutoConfig patch needs only be
applied to Node 2. Once the patch is applied, you have to update the database server
Node1 by running the admkappsutil utility from the APPL_TOP on Node2, copying the
generated to your RDBMS ORACLE_HOME on Node1 and unzipping the file into the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME.
Example 3: The system has three nodes. Node 1 = database server Node 2 =
administration server, concurrent processing server Node 3 = forms server, web server
Since Node 2 and Node 3 are application tier server nodes, the AutoConfig patch needs to
be applied to Node 2 and Node3. Once the patches are applied, you have to update the
database server Node1 by running the admkappsutil utility either from the APPL_TOP on
Node1 or Node2 (it does not matter on which Node you run the admkappsutil utility),
copying the generated to your RDBMS ORACLE_HOME on Node1 and
unzipping the file into the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME.
o Metalink Note 208738.1
5. What user do I log in as to use AutoConfig in a typical multi-node system?
Answer: For nodes running Windows, there is only one user that owns both the
application tier servers and the database server, so you would log in as that user.
For nodes running UNIX or Linux, if you want to configure the application tier servers,
log in as the user that owns the application tier servers (sometimes referred to as the
applmgr user). If you want to configure the database server, log in as the user that owns
the database server (sometimes referred to as the oracle user).
6. How do I determine if AutoConfig is enabled?
Answer: Check for the script (adcfginfo.cmd on Windows) under
<AD_TOP>/bin. If it exists, use it to check whether AutoConfig is enabled. For the
APPL_TOP: contextfile=<CONTEXT>
For products: contextfile=<CONTEXT> show=enabled
If doesn't exist, look in any configuration file in your APPL_TOP. If the file
header contains the following, AutoConfig has been run on your instance :
# # AutoConfig automatically generates this file. It will be read and # overwritten. If you
were instructed to edit this file, or if you are not # able to use the settings created by
AutoConfig, refer to Metalink # document 165195.1 for assistance. #
Note: If you manually changed any file containing this file header, it is no longer
considered as officially AutoConfig enabled!
7. Is AutoConfig compatible with Oracle Applications 11.5.x?
Answer: Yes, it is compatible with all 11i releases. You can use AutoConfig to configure
and maintain any Oracle Applications 11i environment.
Release 11.5.1 - 11.5.6 (all tiers): Apply the latest AutoConfig consolidated patch to
obtain the AutoConfig utility.
Release 11.5.7 and higher (application tier): AutoConfig is included in new Applications
installations and in the associated maintenance packs.
Release 11.5.9 and higher (database tier): AutoConfig is included in new Applications
installations and in the associated maintenance packs.
Note: If you upgrade from a maintenance pack version that does not include AutoConfig
to a maintenance pack version that includes AutoConfig (for example you upgrade from
11.5.3 to 11.5.10), you have to separately migrate to AutoConfig as part of the pre-

upgrade process. Follow the instructions of the corresponding maintenance pack.

8. What does the term "Context_name" mean?
Answer: The "Context_name" is the logical name for your Context. The default value for
Context_name is <SID>_<hostname>. In earlier versions of AutoConfig the default was
set to <SID>.
9. What are the basic components of AutoConfig?
Applications Context
On the application tier: <APPL_TOP>/admin
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil
An XML repository (<Context_name>.xml)contains information specific to that
Applications instance. Can be updated by running the Context Editor. Do not manually
update this file!
AutoConfig Template Files
On the application tier: <PROD_TOP>/admin/template For example:
<AD_TOP>/admin/template <FND_TOP>/admin/template
Include named tags which are replaced withinstance-specific information from the
Applications Context. There is one template
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/template
file for each configuration file. For example: apps_nt.conf apps_ux.conf
AutoConfig File Driver
On the application tier: <PROD_TOP>/admin/driver For example:
<AD_TOP>/admin/driver/adtmpl.drv <FND_TOP>/admin/driver/fndtmpl.drv
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/template
Used by AutoConfig to list the AutoConfig Template Files, their destination locations,
and the commands to be executed, for example, the commands to update profile options.
Every Product Top contains itsown AutoConfig File Driver.
AutoConfig Scripts
On the application tier: <AD_TOP>/bin
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
Provide a simplified interface to the AutoConfig APIs. For example: /
adautocfg.cmd / adconfig.cmd
10. What are the different AutoConfig scripts and what do they do?
Answer: The scripts are listed in the following table.
Note: .sh scripts are for UNIX users and .cmd scripts are for Windows users.
On the application tier: <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/ <Context_name>
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/ scripts/ <Context_name>
A wrapper script that calls adconfig.cmd. Instantiates template files
wspecific to the instance (takthe Applications Context). Uconfiguration files and profi
On the application tier: <AD_TOP>/bin
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin/
A wrapper script that calls aIn earlier versions of uthe
Java API to start AutoC
On the application tier: <AD_TOP>/bin
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
A wrapper script that calls tAPI to start AutoConfig.
On the application tier: <AD_TOP>/bin
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
Creates the Applications CoBefore running this script, ysource the environment. On the
application tier: Source APPS<Context_namAPPSORA.env if
APPS<Context_name>.envexist). On the database tier: Source <Context_name>.e
On the application tier: <AD_TOP>/bin
On the database tier: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
Generates a report that higdifferences between the orifiles and AutoConfig-generafiles.
The report is named cfgcheck.html. It is located On the application tier:
<APPL_TOP>/admin/ <Context_name>/out/<MMOn the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/o<Context_name>/<MMDDh
AutoConfig pre-requisites
11. Do I need to upgrade to Apache 1.3.12s?
Answer: If you are applying the AutoConfig patch to an instance created with a Rapid
Install version lower than Release 11.5.5, upgrade to Apache 1.3.12s.
Refer to Metalink Document 161779.1 on OracleMetalink.
Note: Rapid Install for versions 11i7 and higher installs Oracle HTTP Server 1.3.19 from
The Context file
12. How will the adbldxml utility name the Applications Context file it generates?
Answer: When adbldxml generates the Context file, it first checks for the existence of an
Applications Context file conforming to specific requirements in the
<APPL_TOP>/admin directory on the application tier and in the <RDBMS
ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil directory on the database tier. If an xml file exists, adbldxml
creates the Applications Context
file using the same name. Specific requirements are:
o The Context file refers to the hostname for which we generate the file.
o The Context file refers to the Database SID for which we generate the file.
The default name for the Context file is <Context_name>.xml.
13. How can I make changes to the Applications Context file?
Answer: Go to the OAM Login page. Sign in and navigate to Site Map. Click on
AutoConfig. Use this link to update your Applications Context file.
For additional information see the Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.
Note: Manually editing the Applictions Context file is not supported. Many context
variables have dependencies between each other. The OAM AutoConfig resolves all
these dependencies when changing the value of a variable. By manually editing the
Applications Context file you will bring the data into an inconsistent state.
14. I want to execute the adbldxml utility on a fresh RDBMS Oracle Home. How can I
build the Context file, when the database environment file is not present?
Answer: The adbldxml utility requires the following environment variables to be set:
o ORACLE_SID (LOCAL on Windows)
Set the variables according to your instance. For example:
o On Windows set LOCAL=PROD
15. I was instructed to change the value of the context variables s_adperlprg and
s_perl5lib. How can I achieve that?
Answer: Apply the latest AutoConfig patch, then perform the following steps depending
on your use case:
o You were instructed to use a certain perl version. You have perl and its libraries
installed in the perl standard location for your os (e.g. /usr/lib/perl5 on Linux) and perl is
in your PATH:
1. unset PERL5LIB
2. perl $AD_TOP/bin/
3. Source the environment file (APPS<Context_name>.env)
4. Review your Applications Context file; s_adperlprg and s_perl5lib will now point to
your system perl location.
o You were instructed to use a certain perl version. You installed perl and its libraries
into a custom - non perl standard location (e.g. perl is installed at /u03/myperl/bin and the
perl libraries at /u03/myperl/lib).
1. PERL5LIB=<location of the new PERL5LIB that you want to use>
2. export PERL5LIB
3. <location of the new perl you want to use> <AD_TOP>/bin/
4. Source the environment file (APPS<Context_name>.env)
5. Review your Applications Context file; s_adperlprg and s_perl5lib will now point to
your customized perl location.
?? PERL5LIB=/u03/myperl/lib/5.00503:/u03/myperl/lib/site_perl/5.005
?? export PERL5LIB
?? /u03/myperl/bin/perl $AD_TOP/bin/
AutoConfig will update the context variables in the context file accordingly. After the
AutoConfig run subsequent utilities and tools can use the context variables s_adperlprg
and s_perl5lib.

Author – A.Kishore
All answers are my own or copied from other sites; I really appreciate if anybody can
suggest a better answer
1)My cloning is completed successfully but my apps listener is not getting up?? What is
the problem ?
2)I am applying a patch , can I open another session and run adadmin ?
Yes, unless you are running a process where workers are involved
3)I am applying a patch , can I open another session in another node and run adpatch?
(not distributed patching)?
4)When database is up, listener is up. Listener.ora and tnsnames.ora both are configured
properly, still client is not being able to make a connection to the database. What may be
the possible issues?
Check sqlnet.ora and see the client IP Address information is available
tcp.validnode_checking = yes
tcp.invited_nodes = (hostname1, hostname2)
5)How would take the forms trace?
6) Can C driver be applied when database is down?
No, for any patch u are applied authentication is mandatory
7)If users complain they cant see the login page , how you will debug the issue?
Check whether apache is running (ps –ef |grep http), u can also apache log file
8)How you will troubleshoot if concurrent request is taking long time ?
9)If your applying a patch, it was started successfully and in the middle you realize
nothing happening and no update in patch log file, worker log file (no updates & no error
messages) … How to troubleshoot?
10)Is it possible to clone a database from hotbackup?
Author – A.Kishore
11)When your applying a patch in test mode, does it generate log file?
Yes, never tried though
12)If the user is experiencing performance issues then how you will find the cause?
13)Output & logfiles for requests executed on source instance not working on cloned
Check whether apps listener is running
14)What happens if you don’t give cache size while defining concurrent manager?
Most often when …a request goes "inactive/no manager" and is then processed a short
later, the solution is to either increase the cache size for your Standard manger, or
the actual number of Standard Manager processes that can run. Cache Size is set in the
Concurrent/Manager/Define form. Basically, this regulates how many requests a manager
will pick up for each sleep cycle.

Increasing the cache size within reason allows you to decrease the sleep cycle. In turn,
managers will wake up and scroll through the tables less frequently, which reduces the
amount of work they have to do as well as the amount of system resources utilized. We
sleep cycles set to 5 seconds at some customer sites and recommend increasing the value,
since the managers are waking up and re-reading the same table far too frequently. For
reports that for the most part take a minimum of 1 minute to run, the queue wakes up 12
times to check for runnable processes before even one running request completes.
15)If user complaining oracle applications 11i system is running slow , what things you
will check at broad level ?
16)How do you determine if oracle database has corrupt blocks ?
17)Are the existing DB connections dropped if the DB listener is restarted ?
No, never tried though
18)How do you preserve customizations in a cloned Oracle apps environment?
19)If users are unable to see the output of their concurrent requests , what could be the
Apps listener is not running
Author – A.Kishore
20)Can you start the database from middle tier?
Copied from other website
* Below script are from metalink and oracle reserved the copyrights. These scripts are
mentioned here for information only
For Apps DBA the good place to serach for script is with in their installation of 11i. The
path is $FND_TOP/sql (Usually on Concurrent Manager Node). The following SQL
scripts located under $FND_TOP/sql are useful when diagnosing concurrent manager
afimchk.sql Tells the status of the ICM and PMON method
afcmstat.sql Lists active manager processes
afrqrun.sql Lists all the running, waiting and Terminating requests
afrqwait.sql Lists requests that are constrained and waiting for the ICM to release them.
afrqscm.sql Prints log file name of managers that can run a given request. It can be used
to check for possible errors when a request stays in pending status. It requires a request id
afcmcreq.sql Prints the log file name of the manager that processed the request
afrqstat.sql Summary of completed concurrent requests grouped by completion status and
execution type. It requires number of days prior to today on which to report parameter.
afimlock.sql Lists locks that the ICM is waiting to get
afcmrrq.sql Lists managers that currently are running a request
APPLSYS schema contains shared APPS foundation objects like FND,AD,WF related
data like tables and Indexes.
APPS is the runtime user for E-Business Suite. Owns all the applications code in the
database. APPS Schema Contains Synonyms to the objects of All Products (AP,AR, GL
etc ) and 11i Code (Triggers, views, packages, procedures, functions) but the owner of all
Author – A.Kishore
GL tables is GL user , AP tables is AP , and AR tables is AR Schema.
Why should Apps & Applsys passwords always be the same?
The need to have the same password for Apps and Applsys is because when you sign on
to apps, intially it connects to a public schema called APPLSYSPUB. This validates
AOL username and password that we enter (operations/welcome using guest user
account. Once this is verified we select responsibility, this is validated by APPLSYS
schema and then it connects to APPS schema.
Since it uses both applsys and apps during signon process this expects both the password
to be identical. Try changing apps password to something else and try to login, the
validation at the last stage would fail. This would result in failure of application login.
Apps is a universal schema has synonyms to all base product tables and sequences. This
also has code objects for all products (triggers, views, packages, synonyms etc.).
Applsys schema has applications technology layer products like FND and AD etc.
Q How to use the checksum utility for comparing ?
$ cd /u01/Stage11i
$ find oraAppDB oraApps oraDB oraiAS startCD -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \; >
md5sum_myStage.txt &
Metalink Note Id : 316843.1
Q:What scripts can be used to complie apps schema , which one is used in adadmin
compile apps schema ?
adadmin in-turn calls the procedure UTL_RECOMP.RECOMP_PARALLEL
which might be in-turn issues the following commands based on the object types
if object is package body
alter package <package_name> compile ;
alter package <packae_ame> compile body;
alter view <view_name> compile;
Author – A.Kishore
Q : Why DB-CM-ADMIN are always insatlled on the same machine in Oracle
Applications in Multi Node Installation ?
ANS: As such there is no restriction to install all of them on a single machine,but if we
install them on 3 different machines then when we will run any AD utility on admin node
or perform any upgradation it needs to access the database so there will be lot of
overhead in accessing the database node on network so to avoid this overhead we install
them on same machine. Similar is the case when we run any concurrent request on the
CM node as Concurrent manager also updates the database objects.
Q. How will you find discoverer version in Apps ?
$ string
Checking the version of any File
You can use the commands like the following:
strings -a $XX_TOP/filename |grep '$Header'
B. What URL you use to access Disco viewer & Disco plus .

where hostname & domainnanme are machine name & domain name on which you
installed 10g AS & port number is port you selected at install time defualt 7777 , though
you can change these hostname & port number to your desired value
Author – A.Kishore
The location for looking for dis4pr is $ORACLE_HOME/diswb4/bin
where ORACLE_HOME -> 8.0.6. Oracle Home
Q: I have created EUL using Discoverer 10g Administrator, but my server side is
running 9i AS can I still use Discoverer Plus/Viewer to show reports based on 10g
Ans : Your Discoverer Desktop Admin version is 10g and EUL on server is 9i. As soon
as you try to connect to 9i Server it will display message that You are using old version
of EUL kindly upgrade & it will upgrade EUL on server to 10g
Q: The Oracle Applications use Jinitiator. What is a "Jinitiator"?
Jinitiator for the PC is an Oracle implementation of Sun's JavaSoft Plug-In for Solaris. It
is used for connectivity between a Windows based client and Oracle Applications forms.
The Apple Macintosh "MRJ" is an Apple's MAC OS component.
Q: What browsers can be used with Jinitiator?
For PCs, Oracle will support Internet Explorer v 5.5 or lower or Netscape 5.5 or lower.
Internet Explorer is Oracle's browser of choice.
Oracle will support Mac OS 8 to 9.21 with Oracle Applications and using the Discoverer
3i viewer. Internet Explorer 5.1 works with the Oracle Applications. Netscape does not.
Q: I'm getting a Yellow Warning Bar. How do I get rid of this?
1. Yellow Warning Banners
a. What Does "Warning: Applet Window" Mean?
Oracle Applications Release 11.5.1 (11i) requires that its code run in a trusted mode, and
uses J-Initiator to run Java applets on a desktop client. If an applet is "trusted," however,
Java will extend the privileges of the applet. The Yellow Warning Bar is a warning that
your applet is not running in a trusted mode. To indicate that an applet is trusted, it must
be digitally signed using a digital Certificate, so Oracle Applications requires that all Java
archive files must be digitally signed.
b. Who Does This Affect?
This affects all users that try to access Oracle Applications Rel 11i using Jinitiator that
have a different identitydb.obj on their client.
Clients have an "identity database" that is maintained by J-Initiator called
IDENTITYDB.obj. When a jar file is downloaded, the owner of the digital signature is
compared against the entry in the identity databases. If they match, the code contained in
the archive is allowed to run in a trusted mode. The users will need to fix their client PC
in one of two ways:
a. Uninstall Jinitiator and clear browser cache
Author – A.Kishore
b. Log back into Applications to get the new plugin,
(oajinit.exe) including the new identitydb.obj
c. Install the Jinitiator on the Client PC and then Log into the
Oracle Applications to download the new signed JAR files
a. Copy the IDENTITYDB.OBJ file to C:\Program
Files\Oracle after saving the old one as IDENTITYDB.old.
When I try to download / install J-Initiator from the web, I get the error: Your
current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. As a result,
the page may not display correctly. I hit OK, and the download stops. What does
this mean?
This means that your security settings are too high for the J-Initiator software to
download. To fix this problem, go to Tools ' Internet Options and click on the "Security"
tab. Click on the Internet icon and then on the button labeled "Custom Level". Enable the
following ActiveX controls: "Download unsigned ActiveX controls," "Run ActiveX
controls and plug-ins," and "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)." Then hit OK. OR
simply set the Security Settings to low, and hit the button labeled "Reset" then "Yes" then
"Ok." Once the install is complete, you may set your security settings back to what they
were originally.
What happens if the ICM goes down?
All the other managers will keep working. ICM only takes care of the queue control
requests, which means starting up and shutting down other concurrent managers.
How will you speed up the patching process?
You can merge multiple patches.
You can create a response file for non-interactive patching.
You can apply patches with options (nocompiledb, nomaintainmrc, nocompilejsp) and
run these once after applying all the patches.
perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ --compile
utrl.sql for database compilation
How will you handle an error during patching?
Look at the log of the failed worker, identify and rectify the error and restart the worker
using adctrl utility.
Author – A.Kishore
Q: if you want to check the URL of the Application in the database in which table
you can check ?
Ans : ( Method 1)
select * from icx_parameters
Method 2
select * from fnd_profile_option_values
Q: How to find CPU & Memory detail of linux
cat /proc/cpuinfo (CPU)
cat /proc/meminfo (Memory)
Q : To check whether the patch is already there or not. For this we query the
select * from AD_BUGS where bug_number=’<patch number>’
Author – A.Kishore
Q: How to find if any service is listening on particular port or not ?
netstat -an | grep {port no}
For example if you know that OID is running on 389 port so to check if OID services is
listening or not then use
netstat -an | grep 389
what is the way to find version of installed family packs?
Select product_version,patch_level from
FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS where patch_level like '%GL%';
Replace short name by name of Oracle Apps Minipack for which you want to find out
Patch level . ex.
AD - for Applications DBA
GL - for General Ledger
PO - Purchase Order
Another method can be using the utility which can be downloaded from
Provide an introduction to AutoConfig. How does AutoConfig know which value
from the XML file needs to be put in which file?
AutoConfig uses a context file to maintain key configuration files. A context file is an
XML file in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory and is the centralized repository.
When you run AutoConfig it reads the XML files and creates all the AutoConfig
managed configuration files.
For each configuration file maintained by AutoConfig, there exists a template file which
determines which values to pick from the XML file.
Location of Autoconfig Script (
Autoconfig can also be run in test mode with following script which will not update
anything in the system (
Author – A.Kishore
Location on Application Tier
Location on Database Tier
The AutoConfig test mode script produces a configuration report that shows the changes
the AutoConfig script would have made. The configuration report, cfgcheck.html, is
written to <APPL_TOP>/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>/out/<MMDDhhmm> for the
application tier, and for the database tier in
MMDDhhmm stands for the month, day, hour, and minute of the AutoConfig test mode
script session.
A brief about snapshots ?
There are two types of snapshots: APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots. An
APPL_TOP snapshot lists patches and versions of files in the APPL_TOP. A global
snapshot lists patches and latest versions of files in the entire Applications system (that is,
across all APPL_TOPs). Both APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots may be either
current view snapshots or named view snapshots. A current view snapshot is created once
and updated when appropriate to maintain a consistent view. A named view snapshot is a
copy of the current view snapshot at a particular time (not necessarily the latest current
view snapshot) and is not updated. Patch Wizard uses the information contained in the
global current view snapshot to determine which patches have already been applied.
AutoPatch uses the APPL_TOP current view snapshot to determine if all prerequisite
patches have been applied to that APPL_TOP. Snapshot information is stored in the
Can you tell me a few tests you will do to troubleshoot self-service login problems?
Which profile options and files will you check?
Check guest user/password in the DBC file, profile option guest user/password, the DB.
Check whether apache/jserv is up. Run IsItWorking, FND_WEB.PING, aoljtest, etc.
What could be wrong if you are unable to view concurrent manager log and output
Author – A.Kishore
Most likely the FNDFS listener is down. Look at the value of OUTFILE_NODE_NAME
the FND_NODES table. Look at the FNDFS_ entry in tnsnames.ora.
How will you change the location of concurrent manager log and output files?
The location of log files is determined by parameter $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and that of
output files by $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT.
If the user is experiencing performance issues, how will you go about finding the
Trace his session (with waits) and use tkprof to analyze the trace file.
Take a statspack report and analyze it.
O/s monitoring using top/iostat/sar/vmstat.
Check for any network bottleneck by using basic tests like ping results.
How will you change the apps password?
Use FNDCPASS to change APPS password.
Manually modify files.
Change any DB links pointing from other instances.
If you changed the APPS (and APPLSYS) password, update the password in these files:
• iAS_TOP/Apache/modplsql/cfg/
• ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat
If you changed the APPLSYSPUB password, update the password in these files:
• FND_TOP/resource/appsweb.cfg
• OA_HTML/bin/appsweb.cfg
Provide the location of the DBC file and explain its significance and how
applications know the name of the DBC file.?
Location: $FND_TOP/secure directory.
Significance: Points to the DB server amongst other things.
Author – A.Kishore
The application knows the name of the DBC file by using profile option "Applications
Database Id."
How can u change the logfiles location suppose CM logfile location is APPLCSF
now if we want to change that to a nother location hw is it possible.
Ans: Change the Configuration File parameters
change s_applcsf,s_appllog,s_applout variables in XML file and run the autoconfig.
Conflict resolution managers resolves the conflicts yes , but hw it knows tht there
are conficts?why conflicts occur?
Concurrent managers read request to start concurrent programs running. The
Conflict Resolution Manager checks concurrent program definitions for
incompatibility rules.
If a program is identified as Run Alone, then the Conflict Resolution Manager
prevents the concurrent managers from starting other programs in the same
conflict domain.
When a program lists other programs as being incompatible with it, the Conflict
Resolution Manager prevents the program from starting until any incompatible
programs in the same domain have completed running.
What is adovars.env file ?
The adovars.env file, located in $APPL_TOP/admin, specifies the location of variousfiles
such as Java files, HTML files, and JRE (Java Runtime Environment) files. It iscalled
from the main applications environment file.
How to find the wordsize (32-bit or 64-bit) of Oracle Database
If you have access to an Oracle database which is installed on a 64-bit OS, how can you
identify whether Oracle is 32 bit or 64 bit ?
Gary Robinson's has very good pointers on how to determine the

64-bit Oracle
How to Compile JSP’s without using ADADMIN
adpatch options=nocompilejsp
Tue, 2007-07-10 16:44
When you use adpatch options=nocompilejsp, the lengthy time spent in compiling out of
date jsps is
saved. The command to compile jsps outside of adpatch is:
perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ --compile
Here's how the output of the above command looks like:

initializing compilation:
eliminating children...12318 (-3091)
searching uncompiled...8677
translating and compiling:
searching untranslated...0
compiling jsps... 12% complete: 1100/8677 ETA: 14m7s
Do not use --quite option, as you would not be able to know the progress.
-log <file> to override logfile from ojspCompile.conf
You are
recommended to set the log file location
outside of any network file system shared (NFS) area/drive.
-conf <file> to override ojspCompile.conf
--retry retry previously failed compilation attempts
--flush forces recompilation of all parent JSPs
--quiet do not provide an actively running progress meter
--fast instantly fail jsps that are *possibly* invalid
example1: --compile -s 'jtf%' -p 20 --retry
example2: --compile -s 'jtflogin.jsp,jtfavald.jsp' --flush
example3: --compile --fast --quiet
jsps do compile on the fly, but that affects the application performance. So it is a good
idea to
compile them in advance, if you have not done it during adpatch itself.
How to find the ORACLE_HOME path in Oracle Database?
In 9i:

Q. What is file used for? What's full path of this file? What's
significance of this file ?
I'll again suggest you don't just remember answer & try to solve mystery behind this file.
First where this file exists ? You can find this file under
Based on file location I am sure you can say this is related to Apache, & looking into
modplsql/cfg , I say its related to mod_pls (mod plsql component of Apache/Oracle 11i
WebServer) configuration file. This file is used by mod_plsql component of Apache to
connect to database. So when you type url http://hostname:port/pls/SID , whenever
Apache(11i Web Server) finds that request is for /pls/ then Apache delegates this request
to mod_pls component which in turn pick this file & check if there is any DAD with

can correlate it with your Oracle database software installation (I know after reading this
example you will say its weird but believe me thats how understood it initially ,
ORACLE_HOME can be called as ORA_TOP , network directory you can say
Under ( ORA_TOP ) you will see diretcory related to oracle home , there are two oracle
HOME's in Application Tier 8.0.6 for Forms & Reports , iAS for 9iAS acting as web
COMN_TOP will contain files & directories which will be used commonly by all
components ( Isn't this simple to understand )
Similarly IAS_TOP is top files/directory under ORA_TOP/iAS I hope it might be clear to
you now if not donot worry it will be more clear once you start working as Apps DBA.
I am attaching few screenshot of other mount points ( Courtsey oracle 11i concepts guide
, below is location if you want to read .
acrobat/11iconcepts.pdf ( Add these three lines before putting in to browser , I have not
put it in single line as it breaks my page layout )
So In this guide you will find few more screenshot of different TOP's , Go through
Chapter 2 , Just 13 Pages ( 13 unlucky number for someone but if understand this chapter
, it can be very lucky for you in your Apps DBA Career.
Q. Whats US directory in $AD_TOP or under various product TOP's .
US directory is defauly language directory in Oracle Applications. If you have multiple
languages Installed in your Applications then you will see other languages directories
besides US, that directory will contain reports, fmx and other code in that respective
directory like FR for France, AR for arabic, simplifies chinese or spanish.
Q. Whats main concurrent Manager types.
ICM - Internal Concurrent Manager which manages concurrent Managers
Standard Managers - Which Manage processesing of requests.
CRM - Conflict Resolution Managers , resolve conflicts in case of incompatibility.
You can check the Status of the concurrent Managers using this script
$FND_TOP/sql/ afcmstat.sql
Q : What are the different methods as per Metalink for finding which patches are
applied in 11i
1) (Patch Comparision Tool)
3) Two reports adphrept.sql (patch history) and adfhrept.sql(file
history) in $AD_TOP directory
Author – A.Kishore
4) Login to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) => Applied Patches => Simple Search
by 'Patch ID)
Q. What is Single user and Multi User Installation.
Single-user UNIX installations
In order to prepare for a single-user installation, you must first create an oracle user
account and log in as the oracle user to run Rapid Install. The account should be created
with a default shell that is compatible with the Bourne shell.
Multi-user UNIX installations
In order to prepare for a multi-user installation, you must first create an oracle user
account and an applmgr user account. Both should be created with a default shell that
is compatible with a Bourne shell. Log in as root to run Rapid Install. Then specify the
oracle user as the Oracle OS user and the applmgr user as the Apps OS user.
The oracle user is the account that owns the database tier technology stack (9.2.0
ORACLE_HOME) and the database files. The default name for the oracle user is
ora<SID>. For example, for a production (PROD) environment, the default Oracle OS
username might be oraprod.
The applmgr user is the account that owns the application tier technology stack
HOME). The default name is appl<SID>. For example, for a Vision Demonstration (VIS)
environment, the default Apps OS username might be applvis.
For a multi-user install, you must install both the database server and one or more
application tier servers on the same node. On such nodes, you can assign one user
account to be the owner of the database tier file system, and another to be the owner of
the application tier file system. If you are installing a system where the database server is
on one node and all the application tier servers are on one or more separate nodes, then
essentially you will perform a single-user installation on each node.
Q. Where would i find .rf9 file, and what exactly it dose?
These files are used during restart of patch in case of patch failure because of some
Located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart this folder also contains .bak ,.bk2 files
SAMPLE FILE (adwork012.rf9)
%%% restart file format 11.5.A
Location: $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log contains .req files
Author – A.Kishore
Q. Where is appsweb.cfg or appsweb_$CONTEXT.cfg stored & why its used ?
This file is defined by environment variable FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE This is
usually in
directory $OA_HTML/bin on forms tier. This file is used by any forms client session.
When a user
try to access forms , f60webmx picks up this file and based on this configuration file
creates a
forms session to user/client.
Sometimes also present in $FNS_TOP/Resource directory
; Forms Web CGI Configuration File for Oracle Applications 11i
; $Header: appsweb.cfg 115.100 2001/08/16 12:49:06 pkm ship $
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; This file defines parameter values used by the Forms Web CGI.
; These parameter values are defined on install. Customizations
; are possible by modifying sections at the end of this file.
; Environment administrators should familiarize themselves with
; this file and its three sections:
; - environment specific parameters,
; - default parameter values,
; - specific configurations.
; ********************************
; ********************************
; These parameters describe the main production environment.
; They have to be updated after every patching of this file.
; Forms Server Information: port, machine name and domain
; -------------------------------------------------------
; If using Oracle Forms load balancing, set your serverName to
; serverName=%LeastLoadedHost%
; The following Metrics Server parameters define where the Forms Web CGI
; cartridge should obtain the name of the least loaded Forms Server.
; The default settings leave these parameters blank.
; Environment Name is shown in Forms session browser startup window
; Splash Screen: displayed as a separate window on startup.
; oracle/apps/media/splash.gif is the default Oracle Applications
; splash screen (11.5.2+).
; Customers can customize this parameter by setting it to their
; icon's name and providing the icon in the $JAVA_TOP mapped to
; by the web server's OA_JAVA directory.
Author – A.Kishore
; Forms Client-Server Communication Mode: socket, http, or https
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Oracle Applications is recommending use of socket mode for intranet
; use, and https for internet use. Check Metalink for current issues.
; Database Connection Parameters
; ------------------------------
; JInitiator Parameters
; ---------------------
; The following parameters relate to the version of JInitiator.
; !!! IMPORTANT !!!
; When patching this file, you must update these parameters to reflect
; the JInitiator version you are using in you environment. Follow
; Metalink Apps11i Alert "Upgrading the JInitiator version used with
; Oracle Applications 11i" (Note:124606.1)
jinit_ver_name=Version=1,1,8,13 ( tells which Jinit to use if u have multiple)
; Runform Parameters (NT platform ONLY)
; ------------------
; For Forms Servers running on NT platforms, the prodTop variable
; needs to be set to a FND_TOP-like value: all backslashes (\) should
; be modified to forward slashes (/).
; For example if FND_TOP is D:\oracle\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0 , then
; prodTop should be set to prodTop=D:/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0 .
; If using platforms other than NT leave the default:
; For more details see Runform Arguments section of Default Parameters.
; ************************
; ************************
; It is not recommended to modify these unless requested by Oracle.
; -----------------
; These parameters have fixed names and give information required by the
; Forms Web CGI in order to function. They cannot be specified in the
; URL query string, but they can be overridden in a named configuration
; (see sections below).
; The next parameter (IE50) specifies which JVM is used to execute the
; Forms applet under Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0.
Author – A.Kishore
; ------------------------------
; These match variables (e.g. %FORM%) in the baseHTML file. Their values
; may be overridden by specifying them in the URL query string
; (e.g. "")
; or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)
; 1) Runform Arguments
; --------------------
; The module argument defines the first form to be started.
; It is composed from parameters %prodTop%/forms/%lang%/%formName%
; The default looks like $APPL_TOP/fnd/<version>/forms/US/FNDSCSGN
; Following parameters and prodTop are used for composing module.
; Note: Personal Home Page modifies the lang setting automatically.
; Server Application default is 'OracleApplications'
; Registry Path defines the location for .dat file
; default is '/OA_JAVA/oracle/apps/fnd/formsClient'
; Other Forms Server Arguments
; 2) Java Client Code Parameters
; ------------------------------
; Codebase defines the location of Java code top;
; default value is /OA_JAVA
; Code defines the first Java class to be executed;
; default value is 'oracle.forms.engine.Main'

; 8) Special Configurations
; -------------------------
; These configurations separate the JAR files used by CRM and ERP products
; for those users who only use one or the other, but not both.
; If using only CRM applications, JAR files for non-FND ERP products are
; not needed. Simillarly, if using only ERP products, JAR files for
; CRM products are not needed.
; When the above holds for all users the following two specific
; configurations could be used as defaults.
;# ********************
;# Begin customizations
Author – A.Kishore
;# ********************
;# Customizations below this line will be preserved if patching this
;# file via the instantiation utility.
; ***********************
; ***********************
; You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
; by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.
; Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change. The
; default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
; Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text
; "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
; a form. For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
; a URL like "".
; Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with
; "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)
; Example 2: configuration affecting users of MicroSoft Internet Explorer 5.0.
; Forms applet will run under the browser's native JVM rather than
; using Oracle JInitiator.
; Example 3: configuration forcing use of the base.htm base HTML file in all
; cases (means applet-style tags will always be generated and
; JInitiator will never be used).
; Example 4: configuration to run the demos
; It is needed to run the Forms demos (if they are installed)
pageTitle=Oracle Forms Server Demos
archive=f60all.jar, oracle_ice-4_03_1.jar
; Example 6: Oracle Applications Debug Configuration
; - logging turned on
Author – A.Kishore
; - network statistics
; - potentially debug jar files
; - potentially other debug code
; - review JavaScript result for startup page (htmlDebug)
; Example 7: Different JAR file configurations
; - All Needed JAR files, a.k.a. cup-of-tea mode
; - no On-Demand-Loading
; ------------------------------------------
; Example 8: Customizing Oracle Applications
; ------------------------------------------
; - use the same appsweb.cfg for multiple environments
; - customize the JAR files' signature & JInitiator
; - customize the browser called from appletviewer
; - use load balancing
;# ********************
;# End customizations
;# ********************
;# Begin customizations
;# ********************
;# Customizations below this line will be preserved if patching this
;# file via the instantiation utility.
; ***********************
; ***********************
; You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
; by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.
; Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change. The
; default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
; Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text
; "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
; a form. For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
; a URL like "".
; Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with
Author – A.Kishore
; "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)
; Example 2: configuration affecting users of MicroSoft Internet Explorer 5.0.
; Forms applet will run under the browser's native JVM rather than
; using Oracle JInitiator.
; Example 3: configuration forcing use of the base.htm base HTML file in all
; cases (means applet-style tags will always be generated and
; JInitiator will never be used).
; Example 4: configuration to run the demos
; It is needed to run the Forms demos (if they are installed)

;# End customizations
Q. What is multi node system ?
Multi Node System in Oracle Applications 11i means you have Applications 11i
Component on
more than one system. Typical example is Database, Concurrent Manager on one
machine and
forms, Web Server on second machine is example of Two Node System.
Q. Explain steps used in cloning oracle Apps 11i Instance at broad level.
Another important & useful utility under AD_TOP which you and me as apps dba
perform quite
often i.e. Cloning Oracle Application 11i Instance.
Cloning is process of creating replica of your source apps 11i Instance ( lets say you have
apps Instance with name VISIONTST and you want to create similar instance ( including
patches & user data) like VISIONPRD then you will use adclone utility (Also called as
Clone these days). In this case source Instance will be VISIONTST and target Instance
will be
VISIONPRD. There are lot for scenario in which you wish to clone your E-Business
Suite 11i
Instance , like you want to Test if everything is OK in Test & then after testing want to
Production instance or you want to move your Instance from one machine to other
machine or if
you are highly experienced Apps DAB you can use clone as staged environment during
to reduce downtime ( this concept is called as staged appl_top or staged patching/upgrade
, p.s.
this is different from shared APPL_TOP)
So here I am putting broad level steps you will use to clone apps instance .
Step1 . Prerequisites Steps you do before start cloning using rapid clone
1.1 Verify source and target nodes software versions
1.2 Apply the latest AutoConfig Template patch
1.3 Apply the latest Rapid Clone patches
Step2 . Clone Source to Target
2.1 Run preclone on DB tier
2.2 Run preclone on Apps or middle tier
2.3 Copy source file system to target file system
2.4 Configure db tier
Author – A.Kishore
2.5 Configure apps/middle tier
Step 3 Finishing Task
3.1 Update profile options
3.2 Update printer settings (If printers are not configured or you don't want to use printer
you can
skip this step)
3.3 Update workflow configuration settings (Important)
Location of Scripts :
The PRECLONE script is located in:
The post clone scripts are located in:
Q. Can you clone from multi node system to single node system & vice versa ?
Yes, this is now supported via Rapid Clone, Check if your system has all prereq. patches
Rapid Clone and you are on latest rapid clone patch.
Q. Does rapid clone takes care of Updating Global oraInventory or you have to register
manually in Global OraInventory after clone ?
Rapid Clone will automatically Update Global oraInventory during configuration phase.
You don't
have to do any thing manually for Global oraInventory.
Location of Global OraInventory on SUN Solaris is : /var/opt/oracle>
Q. What is .dbc file , where its stored , whats use of .dbc file ?
dbc as name says is database connect descriptor file which stores database connection
information used by application tier to connect to database. This file is in directory
$FND_TOP/secure also called as FND_SECURE
SAMPLE FILE (bloa40_dev.dbc)

Q. Whats things you do to reduce patch timing ? You can take advantage of following -
Merging patches via admrgpch
Use various adpatch options like nocompiledb or nocompilejsp
Use defaults file
Staged APPL_TOP during upgrades
Increase batch size (Might result into negative )
Q. How you put Applications 11i in Maintenance mode ?
Use adadmin to change Maintenance mode is Oracle Apps. With AD.I you need to enable
maintenance mode in order to apply apps patch via adpatch utility. If you don't want to
put apps in
maintenance mode you can use adpatch options=hotpatch feature.
Also you can use the script $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/ adsetmmd.sql
Q. What are various options available with adpatch ?
Various options available with adpatch depending on your AD version are
autoconfig, check_exclusive, checkfile, compiledb, compilejsp, copyportion,
generateportion, hotpatch, integrity, maintainmrc, parallel, prereq, validate
Q. adident utility is used for what ?
adident utility in oracle apps is used to find version of any file . AD Identification.
for ex. "adident Header <filename>
Q. What is adsplice utility ?
adsplice in oracle apps is utility to add a new product.
Q. How can you licence a product after installation ?
Author – A.Kishore
You can use ad utility adlicmgr to licence product in Oracle Apps.
Q. What is MRC ? What you do as Apps DBA for MRC ?
MRC also called as Multiple Reporting Currency in oracle Apps. Default you have
currency in US
Dollars but if your organization operating books are in other currency then you as apps
dba need
to enable MRC in Apps. How to enable MRC coming soon...
Q. Whats is JVM(Java Virtual Machine) and which component uses JVM ?
JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine, JVM acronym for Java Virtual Machine which
instructions generated by Java compiler. So user click on any Self Service Request or any
program which uses Java, then Apache forwards this request to mod_jserv (mod_oc4j in
10g AS)
& mod_jserv caters this request with help of JVM.
How & Where check JVM related configuration in Oracle Apps 11i ?
So lets start with CONTEXT file under $APPL_TOP/admin (xml file) which is of pattern
There are two important lines in CONTEXT file which will help you in understanding
jvm_options oa_var="s_jvm_options" osd="Solaris" -verbose:gc -Xmx512M -Xms128M
XX:MaxPermSize=128M -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:
-Verbose:gc means JVM is configured to print output when gc(Garbage Collector) runs.
Xmx is maximum memory allocated to JVM in above example its 512 MB.
Xms is JVM will start with this much memory i.e. 128 MB.
Now Check another line in 11i Context file like
oacore_nprocs oa_var="s_oacore_nprocs"2/oacore_nprocs
Which means that there are two JVM's for OACore Group. Usually default its 1 JVM in
Instance I changed it to 2, to cater huge Self Service users in my case.
Q: How to increase No. Of JVM's
Since you know place where number of JVM's are stored in Apps 11i in Context File , so
you can
change them as per your requirement. There are basically following Groups with their
own JVM's.
OACoreGroup, where most of Java request goes
DiscoGroup, which serve your Discoverer related requests
FormsGroup, for Forms (If they are running in Servlet Mode, confirm it again as they run
XmlSvcsGroup, for XML Services
In Context File
disco_nprocs oa_var="s_disco_nprocs" osd="Solaris" 1 /disco_nprocs Sets 1 JVM
Process for
oacore_nprocs oa_var="s_oacore_nprocs" 1 /oacore_nprocs Sets 1 JVM for for
Author – A.Kishore
Similarly , s_forms_servlet_nprocs & s_xmlsvcs_nprocs for Forms & XML Services
These Groups are defined in configuration file for Jserv i.e. jserv.conf under
This dir also contains more files like for forms ),
XML ), for Disco)
ApJServGroup OACoreGroup
ApJServGroup DiscoGroup
ApJServGroup FormsGroup
ApJServGroup XmlSvcsGrp
Q: Where to find Apps 11i JVM logs ?
JVM log location is defined in ( found in
Oracle Apps 11i JVM log file directory is defined by parameter JVMLOGDIR (
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs/jvm ) and log file are defined by
STDERRLOG. Example of JVM log files are
OACoreGroup.0.stderr ,OACoreGroup.0.stdout, DiscoGroup.0.stdout,
XmlSvcsGrp.0.stderr, XmlSvcsGrp.0.stdout
where 0 denotes first JVM & 1 denotes second JVM. stderr records error encountered in
stdout records other information like GC ..
Q.Analyzing Oracle Apps 11i JVM logs
In order to analyze Oracle apps 11i JVM, lets open stdout file for one of Group, I have
OACoreGroup here, you know log file location (If not check previous page) , open file
OACoreGroup.X.stdout you should see output like below if GC(Grabage Collector) is set
Verbose mode.

50515.494: [Full GC[Unloading class sun. reflect. Generated Method Accessor 143]
[Unloading class sun. reflect. GeneratedMethodAccessor136]
[Unloading class sun. reflect. GeneratedMethodAccessor74]
Here first entry is time since JVM was started so each time you bounce Apache it will be
reset to
0. So difference between two entries is seconds after which GC (Garbage Collector) was
executed. First entry in bracket [ is Heap Size at start of GC & Second entry is Heap Size
GC was executed. Number mentioned in round bracket () is heap size currently attocated
in K. If
you see GC running very frequently , you can start thinking of increasing JVM heap size
First three entries were for Minor Garbage Collector & fourth one is FULL GC is for Full
Q: How to check JDBC Connection ?
Author – A.Kishore
connect using apps, sys or system & issue
select count(*),module from v$session where program like '%JDBC%' group
by module;

How to find JDBC thin driver that your iAS is using ?
I am posting a simple java program & procedure to compile it that will give your jdbc
thin driver
Create a file with name in your middle tier (Application Tier)
Replace following parameters
1. <hostname> with your database hostname or IP address
2. <portno> with your database port no.
3. <yoursid> with SID for your database
4. <appspassword> with your apps password
After changing save it with name in your middle tier & execute
This will create class file in your workign directory. Include your current directory into
classpath like
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/<location where JDBCVersion.class created by
then execute
java JDBCVersion
Author – A.Kishore
you should see output like
JDBC driver version is
Which means you are using jdbc thin driver version
Q: How to Monitor Oracle Apps 11i JVM ?
There are some tools available like jvmstst, jconsole .. but I never tried so wait till I
configure one
for my system. For monitoring via jconsole I read wonderful note on my favorite
blogger's (Steven
Chan) site
Q.Sizing Apps JVM
As by now you might be aware that there are four JVM Groups,
FormsGroup & XMLsvcsGrp ( FromsGroup JVM's disabled by defualt as forms run on
rather servlets) so thumb rule in Apps is
1 JVM with default settings per 100 Users for OACoreGroup
so if you have 1000 users with five middle tiers you can configure 2 JVM on each middle
tier i.e.
2X5X100=1000 Users.
Q. What is access_log in apache , what entries are recored in access_log ? Where is
default location of this file ?
access_log in Oracle Application Server records all users accessing oracle applications
11i. This
file location is defined in httpd.conf with default location at
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs. Entries in this file is defined by directive
LogFormat in httpd.conf Typical entry in access_log is - - [10/Sep/2006:18:37:17 +0100] "POST /OA_HTML/OA.jsp?.... HTTP/1.1"
200 28035
where 200 is HTTP status code & last digits 28035 is bytes dowloaded as this page(Size
of page)
Q. Where is Jserv configuration files stored ?
Jserv configuration files are stored in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc
Q. Where is applications start/stop scripts stored ?
applications start/stop scripts are in directory $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/
the following scripts are there :
Q. What are main configuration files in Web Server (Apache) ?
Main configuration files in Oracle Apps Web Server are
httpd.conf, apps.conf, oracle_apache.conf, httpd_pls.conf
Author – A.Kishore
jserv.conf, ssp_init.txt,,
plsql.conf,, plsql.conf
Q. What is session time out parameter & where all you define these values ?
If someone ask Apps DBA to change Session Idle Time out value How & where will you
change ?
In order to answer first you have to understand what kind of seesions are in Apps 11i and
what is
Idle timeout ?
In Apps there are two broad categories of session
- Self Service Application Session ( Server by Web Server iAS Apache & Jserv, like
-Forms session ( served by your form session, like system Administrator)
What is Session Idle time ?
If Oracle Apps client is not doing any activity for some time (when application user goes
for coffee
or talks over phone) session during that time is called as Idle Session & because of
reason, performance issues and to free up system resource Oracle Applications terminates
session( both forms & self service) after idle time value is reached to the one mentioned
configuration file.
From FND.G or 11.5.9 or with introduction of AppsLocalLogin.jsp to enter into
application, profile
option "ICX Session Timeout" is used only to determine Forms Session Idle timeout
value . This
might be confusing as earlier this profile option used to control forms as well as self
application(with session.timeout) session.timeout is used to control Idle session timeout
for Self
Service Applications ( Served by Jserv via JVM )
From where ICX : Session Timeout & session.timeout get values ?
Autoconfig determines value for profile option "ICX: Session Timeout" and
"session.timeout" from
entry in context file ( $APPL_TOP/admin/SID_hostname.xml ) with parameter
where value mentioned is in milliseconds so profile option ICX: Session Timeout value
should be
s_sesstimeout/ (1000 * 60) which means here its 10 Minutes. This value is also set in in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc where number mentioned is
in milli
second i.e. 600000 ( equal to 10 Minutes)session.timeout = 600000
session.timeout mentioned in is in milli secondsICX Session Time out
in profile option ICX: Session Timeout is in minutes so ICX session timeout=30 &
session.timeout= 1800,000 are same 30 minutes
P.S. ICX Session time out was introduced in FND.D so if your FND version is below D
you might
not see this variable.
Important Things Apps DBA should consider while setting session timeout value ?
1.. If you keep session.timeout value too high , when some oracle application user
accessing Self
service application terminates his session, so longer idle session will drain JVM resource
& can
result in Java.Lang No Memory available issues .
2. If you keep it too low, users going out for tea or sitting idle for some time have to login
into application & can be annoying .
Author – A.Kishore
Thumb rule is session time out usually set to 30 minutes.
Q. How to check if Apps 11i System is Autoconfig enabled ?
Under $AD_TOP/bin check for file & if this exists use contextfile=<CONTEXT> show=enabled
If this file is not there , look for any configuration file under APPL_TOP if system is
enabled then you will see entry like
# AutoConfig automatically generates this file. It will be read and.......
Q. How to check if Oracle Apps 11i System is Rapid Clone enabled ?
For syetem to be Rapid Clone enabled , it should be Autoconfig enabled (Check above
How to
confirm if Apps 11i is Autoconfig enabled). You should have Rapid Clone Patches
applied , Rapid
Clone is part of Rapid Install Product whose Family Pack Name is ADX. By default all
Apps 11i
Instances 11.5.9 and above are Autoconfig & Rapid Clone enabled.
Q. Whats is difference between two env files in <CONTEXT>.env and
APPS<CONTEXT>.env is main environment file which in turn calls other environment
files like
<CONTEXT>.env under $APPL_TOP, <CONTEXT>.env under 806 ORACLE_HOME
custom<CONTEXT>.env for any Customized environment files.
Q. What is access_log in Apache ?
access_log file keeps record of users accessing Oracle Apps 11i Webserver.
Typical entry in access_log is like - - [25/Aug/2006 :03:15:13 +0100] "GET /OA_JAVA /oracle /forms
HTTP/1.1" 200 4117
Which means client with IP requested for file mentioned above on 25 Aug
2006 at
03:15 AM , 200 is status code returned by Apache which means page returned
(Status Code 302 means page redirected , 404 page not found, 500+ Internal Server error)
last digit 4117 in above entry of access_log means file size which is 4117 bytes. This file
is quite
useful in monitoring your Web Server.
Please note above format might defer on your system as this is dependent log_format in
configuration file ( httpd.conf)
Q. Whats is location of access_log file ?
access_log file by default is located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/ Apache/Apache/logs.
of this file is defined in httpd.conf by parameter CustomLog or TransferLog
Q. What is your Oracle Apps 11i Webserver Version and how to find it ?
Author – A.Kishore
From 11.5.8 to 11.5.10 Webserver version is iAS, In order to find version under
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin execute ./httpd -version
./httpd –version
Similarly we can do java –version
Server version: Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19
Server built: Dec 6 2005 14:59:13 (iAS rollup 5)
Q. What is Location of Jserv configuration files ?
Jserv configuration files are located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME /Apache/Jserv/etc.
Q. What is plssql/database cache ?
In order to improve performance mod_pls (Apache component) caches some database
to file. This database/plssql cache is usually of type session & plsql cache
a) session cache is used to store session information.
b)plsql cache is used to store plsql cache i.e. used by mod_pls
Q. Where is database/plssql cache stored ?
plssql & session cache are stored under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/
Q. How to determine Oracle Apps 11i Version ?
select RELEASE_NAME from fnd_product_groups;
You should see output like
Q. What is content of dbc file & why its important ?
DBC file is quite important as whenever Java or any other program like forms want to
connect to
database it uses dbc file. Typical entry in dbc file is
Q. There are lot of dbc file under $FND_SECURE, How its determined that which dbc
file to
use from $FND_SECURE ?
This value is determined from profile option "Applications Database ID"
This option can be seen by navigating into Oracle Apps System as System Administrator
then àProfile à System à Search for %Database% then you can see the parameter defined
Author – A.Kishore
Q. What is RRA/FNDFS ?
Report Review Agent(RRA) also referred by executable FNDFS is default text viewer in
Applications 11i for viewing output files & log files.
Q. What is PCP is Oracle Applications 11i ?
PCP is acronym for Parallel Concurrurent Processing. Usually you have one Concurrent
executing your requests but if you can configure Concurrent Manager running on two
(Yes you need to do some additional steps in order to configure Parallel Concurrent
Processing) .
So for some of your requests primary CM Node is on machine1 and secondary CM node
machine2 and for some requests primary CM is on machine2 & secondary CM on
Q. Why I need two Concurrent Processing Nodes or in what scenarios PCP is used?
Well If you are running GL Month end reports or taxation reports annually these reposrts
take couple of days. Some of these requests are very resource intensive so you can have
node running long running , resource intensive requests while other processing your day
to day
short running requets.
Another scenario is when your requests are very critical and you want high resilience for
Concurrent Processing Node , you can configure PCP. So if node1 goes down you still
have CM
node available processing your requests.
Q. Output & Logfiles for requests executed on source Instance not working on cloned
Here is exact problem description - You cloned an Oracle Apps Instance from
another box with Instance name say CLONEBOX on 1st of August. You can view any
logs/output files after 1st of August only becuase these all are generated on CLONEBOX
But unable to view the logs/output files which are prior to 1st August. What will you do
& where to
check ?
Log , Output file path & location is stored in table FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.
Author – A.Kishore
select logfile_name, logfile_node_name, outfile_name, outfile_node_name from
fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=&requestid ;
where requestid is id of request for which you are not able to see log or out files. You
should see
output like
/u01/PRODBOX/log/l123456.req, host1,/u01/PRODBOX/out/o123456.out, host1
Update it according to your cloned Instance Variables
Q. How to confirm if Report Server is Up & Running ?
Report Server is started by executable rwmts60 on concurrent manager Node & this file
is under
$ORACLE_HOME/bin .execute command on your server like
ps -ef | grep rwmts60
You should get output like
applmgr ....... rwmts60 name=REP60_VISION
where VISION is your Instance name.
Else you can submit a request like "Active Users" with display set to PDF, check output
& log file
to see if report server can display PDF files
Active Users report lists all the users in the system along with their responsibilities.
Q. What is difference between ICM, Standard Managers & CRM in Concurrent
Manager ?
ICM stand for Internal Concurrent Manager, which controls other managers. If it finds
managers down , it checks & try to restart them. You can say it as administrator to other
concurrent managers. It has other tasks as well.
Standard Manager These are normal managers which control/action on the requests &
batch or single request processing.
CRM acronym for Conflict Resolution Manager is used to resolve conflicts between
managers &
request. If a request is submitted whose execution is clashing or it is defined not to run
while a
particular type of request is running then such requests are actioned/assigned to CRM for
Incompatibilities & Conflict resolution
Q. What is use of Apps listener ?
Apps Listener usually running on All Oracle Applications 11i Nodes with listener alias as
APPS_$SID is mainly used for listening requests for services like FNDFS & FNDSM.
FNDFS – FND File Server also known as RRA Reports Review Agent is used to view
text files in
Oracle 11i.
FNDSM – FND Service Manager is a concurrent manager in GSM, and serves requests
like CM’s
Use : ps –ef | grep APPS_
Q. How to start Apps listener ?
Author – A.Kishore
In Oracle 11i, you have script which will start your apps listener. You can also
start it
by command
lsnrctl start/status/stop SID (Replace sid by your Instance SID Name) OR
lsnrctl start APPS_$SID (Replace sid by your Instance SID Name)
E.G. lsnrctl status APPS_DEV
Q. How to confirm if Apps Listener is Up & Running ?
execute below command
lsnrctl status APPS_$SID (replcae SID with your Instance Name)
so If your SID is VISION then use lsnrctl status APPS_VISION out put should be like
Services Summary...
FNDFS has 1 service handler(s)
FNDSM has 1 service handler(s)
The command completed successfully
Q. What is Web Listener ?
Web Listener is Web Server listener which is listening for web Services(HTTP) request.
listener is started by & defined by directive (Listen, Port) in httpd.conf for
Server. When you initially type request like to
application here port number 80 is Web Listener port.
Q. How will you find Invalid Objects in database ?
SQLPLUS> select count(*) from dba_objects where status like 'INVALID';
Q. How to compile Invalid Objects in database ?
You can use adadmin utility to compile or you can use utlrp.sql script shipped with
Database to compile Invalid Database Objects.
This Script is located in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory
Q. How to compile JSP in Oracle Apps ?
You can use perl script shipped with Oracle apps to compile JSP files.
script is under $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts. Sample compilation method is
perl --compile –quiet
Q. What is difference between adpatch & opatch ?
adpatch is utility to apply oracle apps Patches whereas
opatch is utility to apply database patches
Q. Can you use both adpatch & opatch in Apps ?
Author – A.Kishore
Yes you have to use both in apps , for apps patches you will use adpatch utility and for
database patch in apps you will opatch utility.
Q. Where will you find forms configuration details apart from xml file ?
Forms configuration at time of startup is in script in
and appsweb_$CONTEXT_NAME.cfg (defined by environment variable
FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE) for forms client connection used each time a user
forms connection.
This file is located in $FND_TOP/admin/template/appsweb.cfg
Q. What is forms server executable Name ?
Q. What are different modes of forms in which you can start Forms Server and which one
is default ?
You can start forms server in SOCKET or SERVLET by defualt Forms are configured to
start in
socket mode
Q. How you will start Discoverer in Oracle Apps 11i ?
In order to start dicoverer you can use script under
OR under $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util (under Middle/Application Tier)
Q. How many ORACLE HOME are Oracle Apps and whats significance of each ?
There are three $ORACLE_HOME in Oracle Apps, Two for Application Tier (Middle
Tier) and
One in Database Tier.
ORACLE_HOME 1 : On Application Tier used to store 8.0.6 techstack software. This is
used by
forms, reports & discoverer. ORACLE_HOME should point to this ORACLE_HOME
applying Apps Patch.
ORACLE_HOME 2: On Application Tier used by iAS (Web Server) techstack software.
This is
used by Web Listener & contains Apache.
ORACLE_HOME 3: On Database Tier used by Database Software usually 8i,9i or 10g
Q. Where is HTML Cache stored in Oracle Apps Server ?
Oracle HTML Cache is available at $COMMON_TOP/_pages for some previous
versions you
might find it in $OA_HTML/_pages
Q. Where is pl/sql cache stored in Oracle Apps ?
Author – A.Kishore
Usually two type of cache session & plssql stored under
Q. What happens if you don't give cache size while defining Concurrent Manager ?
Lets first understand what is cache size in Concurrent Manager. When Manager picks
from FND CONCURRENT REQUESTS Queues, it will pick up number of requests
defined by
cache size in one shot & will work on them before going to sleep. So in my views if you
define cache size while defining CM then it will take default value 1, i.e. picking up one
per cycle.
Q. What are few profile options which you update after cloning ?
Rapid clone updates profile options specific to site level . If you have any profile option
set at
other levels like server, responsibility, user....level then reset them.
Q. What is 0 & Y in FNDCPASS, FNDLOAD or WFLOAD ?
0 & Y are flags for FND Executable like FNDCPASS & FNDLOAD where
0 is request id (request ID 0 is assigned to request ID's which are not submitted via
Concurrent Request Form.
'Y' indicates the method of invocation. i.e. it is directly invoked from the command-line
not from
the Submit Request Form.
Q. How to retrieve SYSADMIN password ?
If forgot password link is enabled and sysadmin account is configured with mail id user
password link else you can reset sysadmin password via FNDCPASS
$ FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME
$ FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1
$ FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER VISION WELCOME
Q. If you have done two node Installation, First machine : Database and concurrent
processing server. 2nd machine: form,web Which machine have admin server/node?
Admin Server will be on First machine with concurrent processing server. More on
Admin Server
coming soon..
Q. Whats is TWO_TASK in Oracle Database ?
TWO_TASK mocks your tns alias which you are going to use to connect to database.
assume you have database client with tns alias defined as PROD to connect to Database
on machine listening on port 1521. Then usual way to connect is
username/passwd@PROD ; now if you don't want to use @PROD then you set
Author – A.Kishore
TWO_TASK=PROD and then can simply use sqlplus username/passwd then sql will
check that it
has to connect to tnsalias define by value PROD i.e. TWO_TASK
Q. What is GWYUID ?
GWYUID , stands for Gateway User ID and password. Usually like APPLSYSPUB/PUB
Q. Where GWYUID defined & what is its used in Oracle Applications ?
GWYUID is defined in dbc i.e. Database Connect Descriptor file . It is used to connect to
database by thin clients.
Q. What is difference between GUEST_USER_PWD (GUEST/ORACLE) & GWYUID ?
GUEST_USER_PWD(Guest/Oracle) is used by JDBC Thin Client where as GWYUID is
used by
Thick Clients like via Forms Connections.
Q. How to check number of forms users at any time ?
Forms Connections initiate f60webmx connections so you can use
ps -ef | grep f60webmx | wc -l
Q. What is FNDLOAD and what it is used for ?
FNDLOAD is a concurrent program that can move Oracle Applications data between
and text file. FNDLOAD can download data from an application entity into an editable
text file,
which can be uploaded to another database. Conversion between database format and text
format is specified by a configuration file. But i could not find anything regarding
of an Oracle Alert. So, my conclusion was that i must be possible to use FNDLOAD to
Alerts, but that there is no configuration file provided by Oracle. I had to create a
file myself.
We use ldt loader data files for loading.
Oracle currently supports the migration of the following types of data using FNDLOAD
Printers / Print queues / Executables Printers / Print queues / Executables.
Roles / Responsibilities / Forms Roles / Responsibilities / Forms.
Menus / Users / Request Sets Menus / Users / Request Sets.
Request Groups / Request Queues Request Groups / Request Queues.
Work shifts / Programs / Libraries Work shifts / Programs / Libraries.
Attachments / Help Files Attachments / Help Files.
Mime Types Mime Types.
Security Information.
Q. In a Multi Node Installation, How will you find which node is running what Services ?
You can query for table FND_NODES and check for column , SUPPORT_CP ( for
Manager) SUPPORT_FORMS ( for forms server) , SUPPPORT_WEB (Web Server),
SUPPORT_ADMIN( Admin Server), and SUPPORT_DB for database tier.
Author – A.Kishore
You can also check same from CONTEXT File (xml file under APPL_TOP/admin)
To Check which node is running what service:
select * from fnd_nodes
Q. If your system has more than one Jinitiator, how will the system know, which one to
pick. ?
When client makes a forms connection in Oracle Applications, forms client session uses
configuration file defined by environment variable FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE
also called as
appsweb config file. These days this file is of format appsweb_$CONTEXT.cfg The
version number defined by parameter jinit_ver_name in this file will be used .
jinit_ver_name=Version=1,1,8,13 ( tells which Jinit to use if u have multiple)
Q. While applying Apps patch using adpatch, if you want to hide the apps password, how
will that be possible ?
Use adpatch flags=hidepw while applying patches in apps to hide apps or system
being displayed on Users Screen.
Q. What is importance of IMAP Server in Java Notification Mailer ?
IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol and Java Notification mailer require
server for Inbound Processing of Notification Mails.
Q. What is difference between Socket & Servlet Mode in Apps Forms ?
When forms run SOCKET Mode these are dedicated connection between Client Machine
& Form
Server (Started by When Forms run in servlet mode the forms requests are
by Jserv in Apache . There will be additional JVM for Forms Request in that case and
you won't
start form via
Q. What is make program in Unix ?
make is utility in Unix/Linux to maintain , update & generate an file mainly executable.
Q. If by mistake you/someone deleted FNDLIBR can this executable be restored if Yes,
How & if no, what will you do ?
Yes, you can restore FNDLIBR executables run adadmin on concurrent manager node
select option 2. Maintain Applications Files menu then select 1. Relink Applications
when prompts for Enter list of products to link ('all' for all products) [all]
select FND when prompt for Generate specific executables for each selected product
[No] ? YES
select YES & from list of executables select FNDLIBR This will create new FNDLIBR
Q. What is .pls files which you see with apps ?
.pls file stands for plsql files. In apps patch these files contain code to create package spec
package body or both.
Author – A.Kishore
Q. What are .ldt & .lct files which you see in apps patch or with FNDLOAD ?
.ldt & .lct stands for Loader datafile & Loader configuration files, used frequently in
customization, profile options, configuration data, etc.. across Instances.
Q. What are .odf file in apps patch ?
odf stands for Object Description Files used to create tables & other database objects.
Q. What to find Form Server log files in forms ?
Form Server Start up log file default location is
Forms Run Time Diagnostics default location is
Q. How to convert pll to pld file or pld file to pll ?
Pll->Pld f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pll module_type=library userid=apps/<passwd>
module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pld script=yes
Pld -> pll f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pld userid=apps/<passwd> module_type=library
module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pll parse=y batch=yes
Q. Is APPS_MRC Schema exists for MRC in 11.5.10 and higher ?
No , apps_mrc schema is dropped with 11.5.10 Upgrade & 11.5.10 new Install. This is
by more Integrated Architecture.
Q. If APPS_MRC schema is not used in 11.5.10 and higher then How MRC is working ?
For products like Payable, Recievables which uses MRC and if MRC is enabled then
transaction table in base schema related to currency now has an assoicated MRC
Q. When you apply C driver patch does it require database to be Up & Why ?
Yes , database & db listener should be Up when you apply any driver patch in apps. even
if driver
is not updating any database object connection is required to validate apps & other
schema and
to upload patch history information in database tables.
Q. Can C driver in apps patch create Invalid Object in database ?
No , C driver only copies files in File System. Database Object might be invalidated
during D
driver when these objects are created/dropped/modified.
Q. What is dev60cgi & f60cgi ?
Author – A.Kishore
cgi stands for Common Gateway Interface and these are Script Alias in Oracle Apps used
access forms server . Usually Form Server access directly via
Q. Why does a worker fails in Oracle Apps Patch and few scenarios in which it failed for
you ?
This question sounds stupid but this is asked quite often in Apps DBA Interview. Apps
worker can fail in case it doesn't find expected data, object, files or any thing which
driver is trying
to update/edit/modify. Possible symptoms may be underlying tables/objects are invalid, a
patch is missing , login information is incorrect, inconsistency in seeded data...
Q. What is difference between mod_osso & mod_ose in Oracle HTTP Server ?
mod_osso is Oracle Single Sign-On Module where as mod_ose is module for Oracle
mod_osso is module in Oracle's HTTP Server serves as Conduit between Oracle Apache
& Singl Sign-On Server where as mod_ose is also another module in Oracle's HTTP
serves as conduit between Oracle Apache & Oracle Servlet Engine
mod_osso:Conduit between Oracle Apache Server & Singl Sign-On Server
mod_ose: Conduit between Oracle Apache & Oracle Servlet Engine
Q. What is difference between COMPILE_ALL=SPECIAL and COMPILE_ALL=YES
compiling Forms ?
Both the options will compile all the PL/SQL in the resultant .FMX, .PLX, or .MMX file
COMPILE_ALL=YES also changes the cached version in the source .FMB, .PLL, or
.MMB file.
This confuses version control and build tools (CVS, Subversion, make, scons); they
you've made significant changes to the source. COMPILE_ALL=SPECIAL does not do
Q. What is ps -ef or ps command in Unix ?
ps is unix/linux utility or executable to find status of process. Used mainly to find if
services/process is running or not.
Q. What is GSM in Oracle application E-Business Suite ?
GSM stands for Generic Service Management Framework. Oracle E-Business Suite
consist of
various compoennts like Forms, Reports, Web Server, Workflow, Concurrent Manager ..
Earlier each service used to start at their own but managing these services (given that)
they can
be on various machines distributed across network. So Generic Service Management is
extension of Concurrent Processing which manages all your services , provide fault
tolerance (If
some service is down ICM through FNDSM & other processes will try to start it even on
server) With GSM all services are centrally managed via this Framework.
Q. What is FNDSM ?
Author – A.Kishore
FNDSM is executable & core component in GSM ( Generic Service Management
discussed above). You start FNDSM services via APPS listener on all Nodes in
Application Tier
in E-Business Suite.
Q. What is iAS Patch ?
iAS Patch are patches released to fix bugs associated with IAS_ORACLE_HOME (Web
Component) Usually these are shiped as Shell scripts & you apply iAS patches by
Shell script. Note that by default ORACLE_HOME is pointing to 8.0.6
ORACLE_HOME and if you
are applying iAS patch export ORACLE_HOME to iAS . You can do same by executing
environment file under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME
Ques 1 Where are the front end user details stored?
The front end user details are stored in table fnd_user in database. You can query the
database for the details you want to know as follows:
logon as database user apps then
sql> desc fnd_user;
sql> select <Column name> from <table>;
you will get the list of details that the table contain from which you can get the further
Ques 2 Is “apps” a database user or “application user”?
“apps” is a Database user.All the information about database users is defined in table
dba_users so you can query the database to know about users.
sql> desc dba_users;
sql> select * from dba_users where username=’APPS’;
This query will give you all details of apps user.
Ques 3 Where are the database objects stored for the products ‘BEN’ &’FND’?
Database objects for the products like ‘BEN’ & ‘FND’ are stored in their own schema
like BEN or APPLSYS (for FND), GL for GL objects
Ques 4 Can Middle Tier & DB run on different versions of OS?
Author – A.Kishore
Yes, Middle Tier & DB can run on different versions of OS. This type of configuration
are known as Split Configuration.
Ques 5 Can different Middle Tier’s have different flavours of OS?
Yes different Middle tier’s can run on different flavours of OS.
Ques 6 How do we verify the no. of CPU’s running on a node?
Proc (/proc) file system provides easy information about CPU and their speed.To display
the number of processors in linux you need to use /proc/cpuinfo file. This is a collection
of CPU and system architecture dependent items, for each supported architecture a
different list.Type the following command:
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
Ques 7 How do i identify whether my environment is shared APPL_TOP or not?
To know whether the environment is shared APPL_TOP or not , login to first Middle
Tier & create any file (like abc.txt) in the APPL_TOP. Now logout & login to other
Middle Tier. If you can see that respective file in APPL_TOP, this means you are having
shared APPL_TOP.
Q. If we run autoconfig which files will get effected ?
In order to check list of files changes during Autoconfig , you can run adchkcfg utility
which will
generate HTML report. This report will list all files & profile options going to change
when you run
Q. What is difference between .xml file & AutoConfig ?
Autoconfig is Utility to configure your Oracle Application environment. .xml file is
repository of all
configuration from which AutoConfig picks configuration and polulates related files.
Q. What is .lgi files ?
lgi files are created with patching along with .log files . .lgi files are informative log files
information related to patch. You can check .lgi files to see what activities patch has
Usually informative logs.
Q. How will you skip worker during patch ?
If in your adctrl there are six option shown then seventh is hidden option.(If there are
options visible then 8th option is to Skip worker depending on ad version).
Q. Which two tables created at start of Apps Patch & drops at end of Patch ?
Author – A.Kishore
AD_DEFERRED_JOBS are the tables that get updated while applying a patch mainly (d
or u
)unified driver
Q. How to compile an Oracle Reports and forms file ?
Utility adrepgen is used to compile Reports. Synatx is given below
adrepgen userid=apps\<psswd> source = $PRODUCT_TOP\srw\filename.rdf
dest=$PRODUCT_TOP\srw\filename.rdf stype=rdffile dtype=rdffile logfile=x.log
batch=yes dunit=character
Utility f60gen is used to compile Forms. Synatx is given below
f60gen module=<source form name> userid=APPS/<APPS password>
output_file=<executable form name>
EG : For Instance I want to generate sale order forms in ONT schema using f60gen
syntax would be like
OEXOEORD.fmb form:
$cd $AU_TOP/forms/US
$f60gen module= OEXOEORD.fmb module_type=form \
output_file=$ONT_TOP/forms/US/OEXOEORD.fmx userid=APPS/APPS
module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=yes
Q. What is difference between AD_BUGS & AD_APPLID_PATCHES ?
- AD_BUGS: holds information about the various Oracle Applications bugs whose fixes
been applied (ie. patched) in the Oracle Applications installation.
- AD_APPLIED_PATCHES: holds information about the "distinct" Oracle Applications
that have been applied. If 2 patches happen to have the same name but are different in
(eg. "merged" patches), then they are considered distinct and this table will therefore hold
- This program (a unix shell script) was created to help customers evaluate
currently installed Oracle Applications patchsets and Family Packs. The program
compares the
currently installed patchsets and family packs to the most recently available ones
generated by
Oracle Development. This program utilizes the the applptch.txt file for 10.7-11.0. For 11i
and R12,
it utilizes a combination of tables such as AD_BUGS and AD_APPLIED_PATCHES to
create the
installed patch list. If the 11i release does not use these AD tables (11.5.4 or lower and
have not
applied 11i.AD.E or higher) it still supports using applptch.txt for 11i.
- adutconf.sql: This script provides a wealth of information, including the following:
Product Group(s)
Multi-Org status
Author – A.Kishore
Multi-lingual status
Installed product status
Registered schemas
Installed languages
Q. What exactly happens when you put an Oracle Apps instance in maintenance mode ?
Maintenance mode provides a clear separation between normal runtime operation of
Applications and system downtime for maintenance. Enabling the maintenance mode
a) Shuts down the Workflow Business Events System and
b) Sets up function security so that no Oracle Applications functions are available to
Used only during AutoPatch sessions, maintenance mode ensures optimal performance
reduces downtime when applying a patch.
Q: How to find Forms Version in 11i ?
Login to forms from frontend , on top menu bar of forms click on "Help" & Select
"About Oracle
Applications" go to "Forms Server " section. You should see entry like below depending
on your
forms version
Oracle Forms Version :
Which mean you are on forms version . If you want to know whats your forms
level then subtract 9 from fourth digit which means for above case form patchset 17 is
Q: How to find Forms Version in Apps from command Line ?
Enter "f60gen" on Forms Server and check for first line in output like
Forms 6.0 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
This confirms that you are on forms server version and patch set 17. ( Patch
Set =
Fourth Digit - 9)
Q: How to find Jinitiator Version ?
Check for file like appsweb_SID_HOSTNAME.cfg under $OA_HTML/bin defined by
variable FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE & search for entry like jinit_ver_name , you
will see
entry like
which means Jinitiator version is ; if your version is you will see entry
Q: How to find Version of any file in Oracle Apps 11i ? or
Q: How to find any Reports Version 11i ? or
In Oracle Applications under ad utilities there is utility called as adident Used for
purpose or to find out file version use
adident Header <filename>
for ex. inorder to to find file version of one AR form i.e. ARXGLCOR.fmx
adident Header ARXGLCOR.fmx
Author – A.Kishore
You should see output like
$Header APPSTAND.fmb 115.33 2002/04/04 11:13:40 pkm ship
$ $Header ARXGLCOR.fmb 115.15 2005/01/31 13:48 mraymond ship
Which means above form executable consist of two forms whose version is 115.33 &
resp. Similarly you can use adident to find version of any report in 11i.
Q: How to find Operation System Version (Unix/Linux) ?
For solaris use command
uname –a or cat /etc/release
You will see output like
For Solaris SunOS servername 5.8 Generic_117350-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-
For RedHat Linux use command
cat /etc/*release*
You will see output like
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 6)
Which means you are on Solaris 5.8 or Linux AS 3 resp.
Q: How to find if your Operating System is 32 bit or 64 Bit ?
For solaris use command
isainfo -v
If you see out put like
32-bit sparc applications
That means your O.S. is only 32 bit but if you see output like
64-bit sparcv9 applications
32-bit sparc applications
above means your o.s. is 64 bit & can support both 32 & 64 bit applications
Q: Can I run 64 bit application on 32 bit Operating system ?
You can run 32 bit application (like oracle application server, web server, all oracle
server are 32 bit ) on both 32 /64 bit operating system but a 64 bit application like 64 bit
can run only on 64 bit operating system.
Q How to find if your database is 32 bit or 64 bit(Useful in applying Patches) ?
execute "file $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle" , you should see output like
/u01/db/bin/oracle: ELF 64-bit MSB executable SPARCV9 Version 1
which means you are on 64 bit oracle
If your oracle is 32 bit you should see output like
oracle: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1
Now you know what should be bit of patch to download
Q: How to find OUI version ?
OUI stands for Oracle Universal Installer. In order to find Installer version you have to
./runInstaller -help ( From OUI location)
Author – A.Kishore
You will get output like
Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production Copyright (C) 1999, 2005,
Oracle. All
rights reserved.
That means OUI version in above case is
OUI location is $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin
Q: How to find Database version ?
SQL> select * from v$version;
The command returns the release information, such as the following:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
Q: How to find Oracle Workflow Cartridge Release Version ?
Log in to the database as the owf_mgr user and issue
select wf_core.translate('WF_VERSION') from dual;
Q: Determining the Current Version of OJSP ?
You may follow these steps to determine which version of OJSP you have on your web
server if
you aren't sure:
Change to the OA_JAVA directory on your web server.
Using a text editor, create a file called test.jsp with only the following line:
<%= application.getAttribute("oracle.jsp.versionNumber") %>
You can also use the echo command, like so:
On Unix:
echo '<%= application.getAttribute("oracle.jsp.versionNumber") %>' > test.jsp
On Windows NT: echo "<%= application.getAttribute("oracle.jsp.versionNumber") %>"
> test.jsp
Access this JSP from a web browser, using the URL:
The resulting page will show you which version of OJSP your Oracle HTTP Server is
to use.
If the web page displays "", then you do not need to upgrade your OJSP. If,
however, it
displays anything else, such as "", then you are using an older version of OJSP,
and you
must upgrade your OJSP, following the directions in the MetaLink Note indicated above.
Q: How to find opatch Version ?
opatch is utility to apply database patch , In order to find opatch version execute
"$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version"
Author – A.Kishore
You should see output like OPatch Version: which means your opatch version
Q. How to find Version of Apps 11i ?
Run following SQL from apps user ;
SQL> select RELEASE_NAME from fnd_product_groups;
You should see output like
Which means you are on Apps Version
Q How to Discoverer Version installed with Apps ?
Discoverer with Apps installed in ORACLE_HOME same as 806 is usually 3i or 4i. To
Version login to Application Tier & go to $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/bin and execute
strings dis4ws | grep -i 'discoverer version'
You should see output like
Discoverer Version:Session
Which means you are on discoverer 4i version
Q. How to find Workflow Version embedded in Apps 11i ?
Run following SQL from apps user ;
You should see output like
Which means you are on Workflow Version 2.6.0
You can also use script wfver.sql in FND_TOP/sql to find version of workflow in Apps.
Q: How to find version of JDK Installed on Apps ?
There might be multiple JDK installed on Operating System . Like JDK 1.3.1, 1.4.2 or
1.5 but in
order to find which Version of JDK your Apps is using
Open your Context File $SID_$HOSTNAME.xml under $APPL_TOP/admin and look
for variable
JDK_TOP oa_var="s_jdktop" what so ever value assigned against that parameter go to
directory & cd bin & execute command
./java -version so lets assume entry above is /usr/jdk then cd /usr/jdk/bin & ./java -version
, you
will see output like
java version "1.4.2_10"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_10-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_10-b03, mixed mode)
Which means you are using JDK 1.4.2 in Oracle Applications 11i.
Author – A.Kishore
How do we know that particular instance is cloned or normal installed?
Check clone log file . If log file exists this means this is cloned instance
How can you know that how many modules are already implemented in this
check using or OAM
How can we know that whether we already applied latest AUTOCONFIG patch or not
at our instance?
find out patch number for Autoconfig and then check from ad_bugs table
Is this possible to clone a database from hotbackup? If yes plz tell how?
Yes, first recover/clone database from hot backup using normal database clone .
Then run with dbTechStack option instead of dbTier (Use Rapid Clone
topic metalink note for more info)
Suppose your database size is 2000GB now you want to clone a particular one
datafile or tablespace. Plz tell how co clone a datafile or tablespace?
You can import /export tablespace/datafile but can't clone (Check on this again )
How frequent v have to run Gather Schema Statistics Prog?
and Actually wat happens when U run tht Prog?
When ever you have bulk amount of data loaded into the Database, then you have to
schema statistics I think when ever want a snapshot of the presents schemas then u need
run adadmin for gathering statistics of schema and after runnuning this program it
patchset level of oracle_homes and all file versions of executable files
Statistics generated include the following:
Table statistics
Number of rows
Number of blocks
Average row length
Column statistics
Number of distinct values (NDV) in column
Number of nulls in column
Data distribution (histogram)
Index statistics
Number of leaf blocks
Clustering factor
Author – A.Kishore
System statistics
I/O performance and utilization
CPU performance and utilization
what is the differnce b/w httpd.conf and httpds.conf ?
httpd.conf is a http demon configuration file where as httpds.conf is a http demon secure
configuration file.
How to see DB size at os level command.
By Issuing the following command in unix
$ ipcs -pmb
ipcs: invalid option -- b
usage : ipcs -asmq -tclup
ipcs [-s -m -q] -i id
ipcs -h for help.
Different Shutdown options in database ?
1) shut (for normal shutdown) --- It will wait until all the users to logout from database.
2) shut transactional --- It will wait until all the transactions to be complete by a commit
3) shut immediate--- It will rollforward the commited data and rollback the uncommited
4) shut abort--- It will not check for users,trancations etc.. just it will aborted from
by shutting down the instance.
A database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode which type of backups you can take?
In no archive log mode, you have to take cold backup only...means..your database should
be down and
take backup....
For this, you can right shell script in order
(a) shutdown the database
(b) copy all the files
(c) startup the database......
Which users logged in to the system longer than 6 months ago ?
select a.user_id,a.user_name,b.user_id,b.start_time
where a.user_id = b.user_id
and b.start_time = (select max(start_time) from FND_LOGINS where user_id =
To see how many distint users are connected to my system,at particular time ?
select distinct fu.user_name User_Name,fr.RESPONSIBILITY_KEY
Responsibility,fu.LAST_LOGON_DATE from fnd_user fu,
fnd_responsibility fr, icx_sessions ic
Author – A.Kishore
where fu.user_id = ic.user_id AND
fr.responsibility_id = ic.responsibility_id AND
ic.disabled_flag='N' AND
ic.responsibility_id is not null AND
ic.last_connect like sysdate;
Who uses the OBT_AA schema in Apps ?
OBT_AA is used by ILM (Inventory Management) product. Only objects inside this
schema are db
links, functions, packages, procedures and synonyms. No tables in this one.
What is Bolton: AventX: ?
AventX is a fax and email solution for E-Business Suite from STR software. It works
with other
ERPs like SAP R/3 via its ERP connectors. Users in a Unix-based environment,
including AIX,
HP-UX, Intel Linux, Solaris and Tru64, can send information directly from various host
Schemas created by AventX are called: sf and sfgy
SF = STR Software Fax Commander
SFGY= STR Software Fax Commander Gateway
Fax Commander was the original name of the AventX product and internally you will
find a lot of
names with SF and SFC.
Insight into AutoConfig
I am going to give you some insight or inner working of this tool. Thanks to Harminder
Singh (Try
at your own risk)
For detailed information on AUTOCONFIG refer to the following metalink
Note:218089.1, Note:270519.1 and Note:217368.1.
Wanna create CONTEXT file manually, try this ... and then copy the generated XML to
Author – A.Kishore

Wanna Update the tags in CONTEXT File, try this to update tag s_appsEnvName to

Wanna try to instantiate configuration files from custom driver and templates files based
on the
values from CONTEXT FILE.

How to Trace Concurrent Programs for a Specific ERP User

1-First get the ERP user login id .
2- Pull up the SYSTEM profile - make sure in the find screen to select the user & add the
user, and add the profile value, in one line, at the profile option value called,
‘Initialization SQL Statement - Custom’, you can put this in your find as well...
3- Now you need to add the value under the user filed, below the user name, copy this in
notepad in one line and paste it. You can change the identifier and the dump file size as
begin fnd_ctl.fnd_sess_ctl('','','TRUE','TRUE','LOG', 'ALTER SESSION SET
tracefile_identifier=''BENMGL'' max_dump_file_size=''unlimited'''); end;
Q. What is profile options, What are various type of profile options ?
Q. What is APPS listener ? Why its used ?
Q. How do you start/stop apps listener ?
Q. If users complaining Oracle Applications 11i system is running slow , what all
things you will check at broad level ?
Author – A.Kishore
Q. What is Autoconfig ?
Q. What is context file ?
Q. Why appsutil directory under Database ORACLE_HOME used for ?
Q. How to create User in Oracle Applications 11i ? Can you delete a User ?
Q. What is Single Sign On ? ( If you are using portal 3.0.9 or 10G )?
Q. How to configure portal with 11i ? ( If you are using portal 3.0.9 or 10G )?
1)How to check if the partitions of a table are set to LOGGING
select partition_name, logging
from dba_tab_partitions
where table_name=’WF_LOCAL_ROLES’;
2)How to Correct Session Cookie Name.
a)select session_cookie_name from icx_parameters;
b)update icx_parameters set session_cookie_name = ‘<hostname_sid>’;
c)select session_cookie_name from icx_parameters;
3) How to find database SID from a Concurrent request.
column process heading “FNDLIBR PID”
SELECT a.request_id, d.sid, d.serial# ,d.osuser,d.process , c.SPID
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,
apps.fnd_concurrent_processes b,
v$process c,
v$session d
WHERE a.controlling_manager = b.concurrent_process_id
AND = b.oracle_process_id
AND b.session_id=d.audsid
AND a.request_id = &Request_ID
AND a.phase_code = ‘R’;
You need your concurrent request ID as an input.
Author – A.Kishore
c.SPID= is the operating system process id
d.sid= is the Oracle process id
4) How to check which object is corrupted.
SELECT tablespace_name, segment_type, owner, segment_name
FROM dba_extents
WHERE file_id = 64 and 1 between block_id AND block_id + blocks-1;
5) How to check whether the product is install,shared and Not installed in Apps.

–requestor, program, user_concurrent_program_name
FROM fnd_conc_req_summary_v
8 ) How to find out Package Header.
select name,text from dba_source where text like ‘%Header: %’
and owner = ‘APPS’ and name = ‘INVALID_OBJECT_NAME’;
9) How to find out version of a package.
select text from dba_source
where line=2
10) How to find out which request is handle by which concurrent queue.
a) First find out short_name of a program and then pass it as parameter to below query.
b) The below query will give you output
I - Included - Included in new concurrent queue
E - excluded from Standard Manager
This way you know now this running program (concurrent request) is handled by new
manager and not part of standard manager.

11) How to backup the defination of a View before droping a view.

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(’VIEW’,'RG_View’,'APPS’) from dual;
I will update some more scripts in my next post.
Author – A.Kishore
Product installation Information Version of Apps
elect * from fnd_product_groups
nformation about concurrent requests

select * from fnd_concurrent_requests

nformation about particular concurrent request

select logfile_name, logfile_node_name, outfile_name, outfile_node_name

from fnd_concurrent_requests
where request_id =<request id>
Finding Invaled Objects
elect count(*) from dba_objects where status ='INVALID'

To Check which node is running what service

elect * from fnd_nodes
nformation about the bugs fixed in Installation

select * from ad_bugs

nformation about the applied patches

select * from ad_applied_patches

Stores values for various profile options
nformation about various profile options


o Find database version

select * from v$version

o find Oracle Workflow Cartridge Release Version

select wf_core.translate('WF_VERSION') from dual;

* Query to find out if any patch except localisation patch is applied
or not, if applied, that what all drivers it contain and time of it's

A.PATCH_NAME = '<patch number>'
* To know that if the patch is applied successfully, applied on both
node or not, start time of patch application and end time of patch
application, patch top location , session id ... patch run id */

* To find the latest application version */

* to find the base application version */

* To find all available application version */

/* To get file version of any application file which is changed through

patch application */

* To get information related to how many time driver file is applied

for bugs */
* To find latest patchset level for module installed */

/* To find what is being done by the patch */

* To find Merged patch Information from database in Oracle Applications

* Second Query to know, what all has been done during application of

* Script to find out Patch level of mini Pack */

elect product_version,patch_level from FND_PROUDCT_INSTALLATIONS where
patch_level like '%&shortname%';
eplace short name by name of Oracle Apps Minipack for which you want to
find out Patch level . ex.
AD - for Applications DBA
GL - for General Ledger
PO - Purchase Order

earch FND_PROFILES for Hard-Coded Path
s part of Windows to Linux Upgrade/Migrate project. I wrote the
following query to pull all the profiles that has a hard-coded Windows
Author – A.Kishore
-- Start Script

-- End Script
anna DUMP JVM threads or check GC size
his scripts will be handy if you wanna check the Garbage Collection
Size of OACore JVMs or DUMP them to check for any locking/waiting issue

# scripts Check the Garbage Collection Size of OACore JVMs


Author – A.Kishore
Q) How to check if your system is SSL enabled?

A quick check : If your context file contains the values of

s_url_protocol / s_local_url_protocol set to https, then
your envt has to be SSL-enabled. If the rest of config is
absent but these are set to https, then URL does not resolve
- which is an indirect check of incomplete config.

Also you can use this query to check

from applsys.fnd_profile_option_values
where PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE like 'http%';
) Query to find who and when update an Oracle Application user's

While generating snapshots before patching if we see Integrity Error then we need to
remove the following file SNAPSHOT.TXT from $APPL_TOP/admin/sid/out.
Issue with APPLSYS and APPS password
Scenario 1:
As you know that apps and applsys password should be in synch and should be changed
There can be situation where a novice user changes applsys password from the backend
database. In that case when you try to start the services it will show following error
APP-FND-01496: Cannot access application ORACLE password
Cause: Application Object Library was unable access your ORACLE password.
You can even reproduce this issue (ofcourse after taking the backup of FND_USER and
FND_ORACLE_USERID table) using the following steps
1. Use the ALTER USER command to change the APPLSYS password
2. Try to run the script to start Apps services.
3. You will get an error “Cannot complete applications logon. You may have entered an
invalid applications password, or there may have been a database connect error.”
4. Then try FNDCPASS to fix password and you will get the error the APP-FND-01496
If this situation happens then you cannot access the application. Infact the services even
wont start.
Resolution to such problem is to rollback the 2 tables FND_USER and
FND_ORACLE_USERID. Once you rollback the tables, apps and applsys passwords
will be in synch and password will be older one. You can then run FNDCPASS and
change the password.
Scenario 2:
Some times when you run FNDCPASS, you get following error
APP-FND-01502: Cannot encrypt application ORACLE password
Cause: Application Object Library was unable encrypt your ORACLE password.
Action: Contact your support representative. (ORACLEUSER=APPS_SERV)
The error comes because the table fnd_oracle_userid contain rows for schemas that does
not exist. Those rows must be deleted from the table.
Use the following query to get the details of the schema that doest not exists
select * from fnd_oracle_userid
where oracle_username not in
(select username from all_users);
The rows returned by this query can be deleted from FND_ORACLE_USERID table.
This will resolve this issue.
Scenario 3:
There can be situation where users has update APPLSYS password using ALTER
command in database directly and also you dont have backup of those tables. Under such
situation, it is very difficult to recover the application and make it working. Still
following methodology is proposed which might help you to restore the password back
and make your application work fine.
For this to work you should have some other application (may be debug or UAT) which
having the same passwords or default passwords for schemas. If you have such
application the following the below steps in the application which is affected by
This method is for resetting apps and applsys passwords. Below are the SQL statements
that will help you reset the APPS and APPLSYS passwords to APPS, the APPLSYSPUB
password to PUB, and the SYSADMIN password to SYSADMIN.
WARNING: This procedure will cause all user passwords to become invalid. ALL users
passwords will need to be reset through the sysadmin responsibility.
Step 1) Reset the Oracle User IDs
Open a SQL*Plus as SYSTEM and reset the passwords for the APPS, APPLSYS, and the
APPLSYSPUB Oracle user ID:
Step 2) Backup the FND_ORACLE_USERID and FND_USER tables (even though these
tables are right now corrupted, do take a backup. You can restore the same when ever you
Open a SQL*Plus session as APPLSYS and backup the tables:
create table FND_ORACLE_USERID_BAK as (select * from
create table FND_USER_BAK as (select * from FND_USER);
Step 3) Reset the APPS and APPLSYS application encrypted passwords
Open a SQL*Plus session as APPLSYS and update the FND_ORACLE_USERID table.
This encrypted string we are updating is the default encrypted string for apps. So if your
application is having apps password the encrypted string will look like this. We are
updating this encrypted string here directly.
Verify the table update:
Step 4) Reset the APPLSYSPUB application encrypted password
Open a SQL*Plus session as APPLSYS and update the FND_ORACLE_USERID table.
The above encrypted string is the encrypted string for password pub. If your applsyspub
password is pub then the encrypted string in FND_ORACLE_USERID will look like
Verify the table update:
Once these updates are done, try your luck by running FNDCPASS and it should work
Hope this help !!!
Metalink note ID 445153.1
Metalink note ID 429244.1
Oracle Apps Technology Blog
Error message: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
Resolution to error: If this error occurs, simply use adctrl to restart the worker on the
current machine.
Error message: Patch not applied successfully, adpatch did not cleanup its restart files
Resolution to error: If this error occurs, execute the following as the instance owner:
$mv restart restart_old
$mkdir restart
After cleaning up the restart files, you may then restart the adpatch session using adpatch.
Error message: ERROR: Javakey subcommand exited with status 1
Resolution to error: If this error occurs, the identity.obj file needs to be re-created. See
Chapter 2 for steps to recreate the identity.obj file. Then, use adctrl to restart the failed
Error message: No error message is displayed; rather the worker log file states that the
worker is complete, yet adctrl indicates that the worker is still running.
Resolution to error: This patching problem occurs when the worker is complete, but did
not update patching tables correctly to notify the adpatch session that it has finished. In
this scenario, the adpatch session is still waiting for the finish return code from the
worker. When this occurs, use adctrl to fail the worker, then restart the worker.
Tip: Any form, library, or report that fails to generate during the patch process can be
regenerated manually after all patching and post-patching steps have completed. If the
object still fails to compile, open an SR.
Question: I’m upgrading from RDBMS Version to, and got the following
SQLPLUS fails when the code you are trying to execute contains
connect to the local database instance via sqlplus '/as sysdba'
I researched the problem on MetaLink, and it said to apply patch 5495695. That still
didn’t resolve the issue.
Answer: Apparently you need to take one more step after applying the patch:
1. Backup $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus executable
2. Copy $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/lib/sqlplus to $ORACLE_HOME/bin
Question: I am looking for a consolidated information point for all changed objects
(tables, views,
etc.) between Release 11.5.8 and Release for GL, AP, AR, FA, CM, Projects,
and Treasury. Do you have any idea where I can get this information?
Answer: Unfortunately, there is no utility or single document provided by Oracle that
outlines the various Release deltas. We'd start with the eTRMs for each Release.
Another source for determining the differences is MetaLink Doc. ID: 163400.1, “Release
Content Documents and Features Summary Matrices”. The top of the note has links to
the Release Content Documents (RCDs) for all the Release11i point releases and
Family Packs that supersede Release 11.5.10. The RCDs list new features, but
not new/changed components. If you scroll down to the ‘About’ Documents you will see,
by product family, a document for each Family Pack. These “About” documents do have
a “New and Changed Modules” section that will help you identify the changes.
This does require knowing which Family Pack you are currently on. For Financials (GL,
AP, AR, FA,CM, Treasury), Release 11.5.8 is Family Pack C, so you would need to read
about Family Packs D, E,F, and G. For Projects, Release 11.5.8 is Family Pack J, so you
would need Family Packs K, L, and M.For Purchasing and Inventory and Order
Management, Release 11.5.8 is Family Pack H, so you would need Family Packs I and J
(note: Inventory and Purchasing and Order Management (ONT) are rolled into Supply
Chain Management for J).
How to Apply a Patch When Already Patching
Occasionally, adpatch will fail on one of the workers and patch installation cannot
continue until a different patch is applied. Currently adpatch only supports applying one
patch at a time. So,how do you stop a patch, apply another patch, and resume the
original patch? The following
steps provide a solution for that scenario.
1. Using the adctrl utility, shutdown the workers.
a. adctrl
b. Select option 3 "Tell worker to shutdown/quit"
2. Backup the FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES/AD_DEFERRED_JOBS tables which is
owned by the
APPLSYS schema
sqlplus applsys/apps
create table fnd_Install_processes_back as select * from
select count(*) from fnd_Install_processes_back;
select count(*) from fnd_Install_processes;
create table AD_DEFERRED_JOBS_back as select * from AD_DEFERRED_JOBS;
select count(*) from AD_DEFERRED_JOBS_back;
select count(*) from AD_DEFERRED_JOBS;
3. Backup the .rf9 files located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart directory. At this
point, the
adpatch session should have ended and the cursor should be back at the UNIX prompt.
cd $APPL_TOP/admin/DEVL
mv restart restart_back
mkdir restart
4. Drop the FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table and the AD_DEFFERED_JOBS table.
sqlplus applsys/apps
drop table AD_DEFERRED_JOBS;
5. Apply the new patch.
6. Restore the .rf9 files located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart_back
cd $APPL_TOP/admin/DEVL
mv restart restart_3263588
mv restart_back restart
7. Restore the FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES/AD_DEFERRED_JOBS tables which is
owned by the
APPLSYS schema.
sqlplus applsys/apps
create table fnd_Install_processes as select * from
select count(*) from fnd_Install_processes;
select count(*) from fnd_Install_processes_back;
create table AD_DEFERRED_JOBS as select * from AD_DEFERRED_JOBS_back;
select count(*) from AD_DEFERRED_JOBS_back;
select count(*) from AD_DEFERRED_JOBS;
8. Re-create synonyms in APPS User
sqlplus apps/apps
9. Start adpatch, it will resume where it stopped previously.
The Case.. The Mess up and The Quick Fix or Re Creating APPS Synonyms
without using ADADMIN
My current post(or a story rather) deals about a real life mess up and the quck solution
we did to fix it with the least possible down time.
The content in this post is scritly for informational purposes only. DO NOT try this
method even on your TEST or Development environment.
The Case
We all know that the APPS schema in Oracle Applications does not really hold many
objects but holds synonyms to all the application objects in various schemas.
Also it is a common practice for the development environment to have a schema similar
to the apps schema in Oracle Applications with only read access.
Some of these synonyms had gone invalid after a cloning process and were giving a
synonym translation invalid error. It was decided to drop and recreate all the synonyms
for the READ ONLY schema.
A dynamic script was crated for dropping all the synonyms form this schema.
spool /tmp/dropsynonym.sql
select 'drop synonym '||SYNONYM_NAME ||';' from user_synonyms;
spool off
This was supposed to be executed in the READ ONLY schema.
After this the synonyms were to be recreated again using another script
spool /tmp/synonym.sql
select distinct 'create synonym "'||object_name||'" for '||owner||'."'||object_n
ame||'";' from dba_objects where owner = 'APPS' ;
spool off
The above process worked fine always and seemed like a fairly tale.. until one fine day..
The Mess up
It all looked OK that day until a poor soul did this.
The drop synonym script was executed from the APPS schema instead of the APPS
read only schema. The result.. All the synonyms from the APPS user got knocked off.
Everything in Oracle Applications came crashing down.
(This is the part where my pager starts beeping..)
After we realized what had happened the first thought to strike my mind was to run
adadmin and re create the grants and synonyms. But as expected adadmin also
refused to work in the absence of the apps synonyms. Classic!!
The Quick Fix
We did have multiple environments of oracle applications at this particular client so we
just made up a script to create all the synonyms again from a working similar instance.
We this script in the APPS schema of the working environment.
spool fixsynonym.sql
select 'create synonym "'||synonym_name||'" for '||table_owner||'."'||table_name||'";' from
spool off
Next we ran the fixsynonym.sql from the apps schema of the environment which had all
its synonyms deleted.
Once done we were able to get back almost all of our synonyms and atleast were able to
get adadmin working back again.
Next we ran adadmin and selected to recreate the grants and sysnonyms for the
APPS Schema.
We did a clean shutdown of the instance and then brought it up again.. and it was back
to perfect.
Adpatch Failed With Invalid Applsys Password
Applying d2673262.drv logfile shows the following error
The ORACLE username specified below for Application Object Library
uniquely identifies your existing product group: APPLSYS
Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] : xxxxx
AutoPatch is verifying your username/password....Unable to connect.
Error:The given ORACLE password is not the correct password.
Please re-enter the ORACLE username and password.
Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] :
APPS and APPLSYS password are not same
APPLSYSdoes not have the create session privilege
Either the APPS/APPLSYS passwords are different.
The APPLSYS and APPS passwords always have to be the same.
Always change both at the same time. When changing these
passwords, it is important to change the APPLSYS password first
and the APPS password second (To change the password it is recommended
to use the FNDCPASS Utility).
APPLSYS does not have a create session PRIVILEGE.
grant create session privilege to applsys.
Unable to start or stop concurrent manager
· fact: Oracle Application Object Library
· symptom: Unable to start or stop concurrent manager
symptom: APP-01055 Concurrent Manager cannot connect to database
· symptom: APP-00988 Oracle error 1017 in fducsq
change: Copied Oracle datafiles from one database to another.
Passwords for SYS and SYTEM were changed. APPS & APPLSYS passwords
were reset w/in the application following the same being changed in
the client server. System profiles were changed in the copied
instance to reflect the Database Instance, Application Web Agent &
Site Name changes needed.
cause: Startup and shutdown scripts were hardcoded with old passwords
Modify startup and shutdown scripts to use the new passwords.
I am getting this error one of my instance
ORA-01653: unable to extend table APPLSYS.AD_PATCH_RUN_SESS_ATTRIBS
by16 in
tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA
datafile to the
tablespace indicated
Actually i have i applied FP_K RUP2 patch after that it was worked some time fine,
Now suddenly i am getting this error.
ORA-04062: signature of package "APPS.FND_REQUEST" has been changed
FRM-40735: ON-INSERT trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-04062.
Check for the invalid objects related to the patch. If there are no invalids, then regenerate
forms(.fmb) and .pll files. It may help u in solving the problem.
I was trying to change the domain name of oracle application , by making
changes in both .xml files . but when i was not success , i return to what i had
changes as i had the backup of old .xml files. but now when i m running in both the tirs, it cant connect to the database .
When You change the domain name in apps u have to change it in both context files (xml
also in hosts file located in etc (/etc/hosts. If your O/S is Linux) and in sysctlconf if u
specified at the time of installation. (/etc/sysctlconf see the parameter
After changing the domain name u restart the listener and database and run autoconfig.
When i login into application and try to open any forms, in status bar i am getting
exception:http://..../fndewt.jar .
and not able to load the form. if i use /dev60cgi/f6cgi then also forms are not
coming up.
It was basically the browser setting in jinitiator.
We complete the refresh prod over test on one week back. After that we are facing one
problem, concurrent managers down every day. How to trouble shoot this issue. Please
guide me..........ASAP. ?
profile option Concurrent:GSM Enabled and make it to 'N' and start the managers
sh start apps/apps
Q: I'm getting a Yellow Warning Bar. How do I get rid of this?
1. Yellow Warning Banners
a. What Does "Warning: Applet Window" Mean?
Oracle Applications Release 11.5.1 (11i) requires that its code run in a trusted mode, and
uses J-Initiator to run Java applets on a desktop client. If an applet is "trusted," however,
Java will extend the privileges of the applet. The Yellow Warning Bar is a warning that
your applet is not running in a trusted mode. To indicate that an applet is trusted, it must
be digitally signed using a digital Certificate, so Oracle Applications requires that all Java
archive files must be digitally signed.
b. Who Does This Affect?
This affects all users that try to access Oracle Applications Rel 11i using Jinitiator that
have a different identitydb.obj on their client.
Clients have an "identity database" that is maintained by J-Initiator called
IDENTITYDB.obj. When a jar file is downloaded, the owner of the digital signature is
compared against the entry in the identity databases. If they match, the code contained in
the archive is allowed to run in a trusted mode. The users will need to fix their client PC
in one of two ways:
a. Uninstall Jinitiator and clear browser cache
b. Log back into Applications to get the new plugin,
(oajinit.exe) including the new identitydb.obj
c. Install the Jinitiator on the Client PC and then Log into the
Oracle Applications to download the new signed JAR files
a. Copy the IDENTITYDB.OBJ file to C:\Program
Files\Oracle after saving the old one as IDENTITYDB.old.
When you try to submit a request like Active users or Active responsibilities, request gets
submitted. When we view the help requests, you find that it is inactive /
nomanager.Within 12
to 15 seconds, you refresh-it gets completed.Initially, you could find only inactive and we
at the diagnostic- the concurrent manager assigned is not picking up.There is no
specialization rules in any managers except the include program this source.
Most often when this occurs where a request goes "inactive/no manager" and is then
processed a short time later, the solution is to either increase the cache size for your
manger, or increase the actual number of Standard manager processes.
Cache Size is set on the CONCURRENT/MANAGER/DEFINE form. Basically,this
regulates how
many requests a manager will pick up for each sleep cycle.
Oracle Applications 11i Middle Tiers Linux Migration
We successfully migrated our Oracle Applications 11i ( middle tiers (forms and
from HP-UX to Linux during the weekend. We followed the standard Metalink Note :-
for the Linux Migration. Our admin tiers and database instances were on HP-UX and
were left alone during the migration. Overall it has been a smooth cutover, however we
face a SEV 1 issue during the GOLIVE activities. We were able to get help within the
maintenance window and thereby were able to release the instance on time. The details
ORA-01403: No Data Found...
After completing all the tasks and starting the applications on the target linux servers,
none of
the forms were opening. Every click resulted in a "ORA-01403: No Data Found" error.
reviewed all the tasks and everything was run fine. However we were convinced that this
could be a result of just one file or one wrong parameter. Soon after a thorough search on
Oracle Metalink site, we found an article that says an incorrect custom.pll can cause this
while trying to open any form or click on any form button. After getting this vital hint,
we were
able to demonstrate that its indeed the custom code that is causing the problem. The
method was used to confirm this.
Login to forms
If "ORA-01403: No Data Found" occurs on every form click or form button click, then
the error window, Goto Help menu => Diagnostics => custom code => The option here
be NORMAL. Choose OFF.
Now navigate forms again. The error no longer showed up after turning off custom code.
After narrowing down to the bottom of the problem, we soon found that a pll file added
with CUSTOM.pll for some changes was not compiled on linux. The problem went away
compiling this pll too.
adadmin program compiles only the standard code and hence custom code compilation
has to
be taken care of seperately after the standard code compilation. Failure to compile any
code files can result in the above problem.
How to Change APPS Password without running ADCONFIG
Any other ORACLE database user password can be changed simply by the 'alter user
username identified by xxxxx' command. However the APPS user password change
in an Oracle Applications 11i instance has got a few more additional steps. In this post i
outline all the steps required without running the adconfig utility as well as the
process after changing the password
APPS password change procedure WITHOUT running adconfig
Login to any of the admin tiers of the 11i instance
FNDCPASS apps/old_pwd 0 Y system/sys_pwd SYSTEM APPLSYS new_pwd
Edit $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat and update with the new password
Login to all of the middle tiers of the 11i instance (or just one of them if its a shared appl
Edit the following files and update them with the new password
Recreate any database links that are owned by the apps user
Update any 3rd party tools, interfaces or scripts that have the password hardcoded
APPS password change procedure WITH adconfig
Login to any of the admin tiers of the 11i instance
FNDCPASS apps/old_pwd 0 Y system/sys_pwd SYSTEM APPLSYS new_pwd
Backup any customizations in the configuration files
cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME and run
Restore the customizations to the configuration files
Login to all of the middle tiers of the 11i instance (or just one of them if its a shared appl
Backup any customizations in the configuration files
cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME and run
Restore the customizations to the configuration files
Recreate any database links that are owned by the apps user
Update any 3rd party tools, interfaces or scripts that have the password hardcoded
Login to the database as apps user
Complete the AOL/J diagnostic test. This webpage asks for the new apps password and
tries to
complete a jdbc connection. http://11i_web_URL:port/OA_HTML/jsp/fnd/aoljtest.jsp
There may be lot of customizations in the configuration files that are generated by the Saving and restoring them each and every time is run is the
key to
a successful apps password change procedure when adconfig is run ( If one
not sure about all the customizations in the configuration files, one can choose the first
procedure above WITHOUT running adconfig
How to verify whether a patch has been applied in 11i
There are several known ways for checking whether a patch (simple patch, patchset,
pack or minipack or maintenance pack) has been applied in the Oracle 11i E-Business
However in these "several" ways, what is the best method which is also suppored by
Support ?
Yesterday i was doing patch analysis for installing Oracle Support Diagnostics 2.5
(IZU) in our production system. It listed 11i.ATG_PF.H.4 (Rollup 4) as the
So i downloaded (the Oracle Patch Comparision utility) and ran the script to
the current Running Versions in our system for patchsets and family packs.
It listed 11i.ATG_PF.H(3438354) as the Running Version and
11i.ATG_PF.H.5(5473858) (Rel-
By_Metalink) as the 'Latest Available' one in the Report_11i.txt output file.
So as per the tool, there is no 11i.ATG_PF.H.4 (4676589) in our system. I
ahead with my patch analysis only to know later that '11i.ATG_PF.H.4' has indeed been
to our system.
AD_PATCH_DRIVERS shows 4676589, whereas does not show this is
applied !!
though Metalink Note 162524.1 shows either method is OK.
4 Different methods as per Metalink for finding patch information in 11i
1) (Patch Comparision Tool)
3) Two reports adphrept.sql (patch history) and adfhrept.sql(file
history) in $AD_TOP directory
4) Login to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) => Applied Patches => Simple Search
'Patch ID)
What is the best method out of the 4 above ?
Finding patch history through OAM is the best method. It is easy to use and it has a
interface. AD_PATCH_DRIVERS too is good if you want to write a SQL statement.
What does the Documentation say ?
According to the 'AD Maintenance Utilities' PDF for , OAM is the best method
finding patch history.
Conclusion is not a reliable tool and Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) or querying
AD_PATCH_DRIVERS table is the correct method to determine the current patchset

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