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An Unforgettable Day

Last Saturday, my brother and I were bored being at home. After a few
suggestions on what to do, we finally decided to go to the library to read some story
books. On our way to the library, we saw a burger stall on the roadside. The smell of
the burgers being cooked was very tempting and it made my stomach growled.
Therefore, I decided to have a burger from the burger stall.

When we approached the burger stall, we saw the hawker busy preparing
some burgers and a woman waiting in front of the stall patiently. I stepped up to the
hawker and ordered my burger. After that, I waited behind the woman with my
brother. While my brother and I were waiting, we watched the hawker make the
burgers. He was skillful in cooking the chicken patties. He saw him put some butter
on the buns before heating it up on the stove.

Suddenly, we saw him scratching his head with his ungloved hand. We
noticed that his hair was messy and I felt disgusted as he continued making the
burger without washing his hand. The woman in front of us also noticed his
unhygienic behaviour and decided to advise the hawker to wash his hand before he
continued making her burger. The hawker ignored the woman’s advice and just
continued making the burger with his dirty hands.

The woman felt dissatisfied with the hawker’s action and started to scold him.
The hawker became angry at the woman and started to quarrel with her. They
quarrelled like cats and dogs in front of us and I became scared. However, my
brother, being a year older and wiser than me, was not scared. Instead, he walked
up to both of them and tried to settle their argument.

My brother advised both of them to settle the matter peacefully. He told the
hawker politely that his irresponsible action may cause his customer to have mild
food poisoning and the woman can put charges on him. Upon hearing this, the
hawker was speechless and ashamed of his irresponsible action. The woman
praised my brother for his wise action and reminded us not to buy contaminated
food. Hence, we all cancelled our order and walked away from the burger stall.

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