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1. Which are the investment tools you invest in?

[] Bank Fixed Deposit
[] RBI Bonds
[] Mutual Funds
[] Equities
[] others (Please specify)

Re2. You primarily invest for (Rank according to your preference)

[ ] Returns
[ ] Liquidity
[ ] Savings
[ ] Tax Benefits

4. Rank the investments options according to you preference of

[ ] Bank Fixed Deposit
[ ] RBI Bonds
[ ] Mutual Funds
[ ] Equities
[ ] Any other (Please specify)

5. What is the frequency of you investments?

[] Once a Month
[] Once in 6 Months
[] Once a Year

6. Do you invest in Mutual Funds?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

7. If the answer to question 9 is "Yes"

a.)Are you aware of the various schemes offered by Mutual Funds?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Few

b.)Do you know that you can get Tax Advantages by investing in Mutual
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[] Not Sure
c.)On whose external advice do you invest?
[ ] Bank
[ ] Distributor
[ ] Agents
[ ] Direct investments
[ ] C.A.
d.)Which types of Mutual Fund do you invest in?
[ ] Debt
[ ] Equities
[ ] Balanced

8.If the answer to question 9 is "No"

You do not invest in Mutual Fund because of (you may give multiple

[] Bitter past experience

[] Lack of Knowledge
[] Lack of confidence in service being provided
[] Difficulty in selection of schemes
[] In-efficient investment advisors

9. If Mutual Fund offer you Steady Returns, Tax Benefits, Liquidity, Diversification
of Portfolio, Lesser Risk would consider it as an investment option in the future
for you?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] May be

10. Would you be interested to know more about Mutual Funds?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Name : ……………..……………….

Age :……………………………….


Mobile No. :……………………………...

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