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Analysis of Product Portfolio, Distribution Channels, Pricing and People

and Process Strengths & Marketing Strategies of

Report Submitted to: Prof. V. Shekhar

Report Prepared By: Students of PGP 08 – 10
GROUP 11 (Marketing –B)
Amit Singh Rana 08PG286
Nikhil Aggarwal 08PG105
Rajorshi Bhadra 08PG112
Sachin Kaushik 08PG264
Satam Roy 08PG125
Sonam Sharma 08PG196
Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’


We would like to express profound gratitude to our instructor,

Prof. V. Shekhar, for his invaluable support, encouragement,
supervision and useful suggestions throughout this assignment work.
His moral support and continuous guidance enabled us to complete our
work successfully.

We are also highly thankful to Mr. Malay Shrivastava (Business Analyst-

WIPRO, LOB- BI) & Abhishek Sahani (Pre-Sales Consultant-WIPRO, LOB-
ERP) for their valuable suggestions throughout this study.

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’


Topic Page No.

Introduction 3

Portfolio of Products and Services 5

Distribution Framework of WIPRO 6

Pricing 10

People, Processes and Strengths 12

Leadership Development Framework 15

Marketing Strategies of WIPRO 17

Core Competencies of WIPRO 21

Corporate Social Responsibility of WIPRO 22

References 23

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’


Wipro Limited is a $5 billion Indian conglomerate. According to the 2008-09 revenue, Wipro is
the second largest IT Company of India. Wipro Ltd has interests varying from information
technology, consumer care, lighting, engineering and healthcare business.

 Type- Public
 Founded- 1945
 Founders- Munjuluri Sivaji
 Headquarters- Bangalore, Karnataka India
 Key people- Azim Premji, Chairmain, Girish Paranjpye joint CEO, Suresh Vaswani joint CEO

History about the company:-

 Wipro(Western India Palm Refined Oils) started as a vegetable oil trading company in 1947 in
Maharashtra founded by Azim Premji‟s father
 Azim Premji succeeded his father and repositioned Wipro into a consumer goods company that
produced hydrogenated cooking oils/fat company, laundry soap, wax and tin containers and later
set up Wipro Fluid Power to manufacture hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders in 1975
 In 1975 when IBM was asked to leave India, Wipro entered into the information technology
 In 1979, Wipro began developing its own computers and in 1981, started selling the finished
 In 1980 Wipro moved into software development and started developing customized software
packages for their hardware customers
 Since 1992 Wipro began to expand off shore in US and by 2000 Wipro Ltd ADRs were listed on
the New York Stock Exchange

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

Wipro as a company deals in the following industries:-

 Aerospace  Insurance
 Automotive  Manufacturing
 Banking  Media
 Business & Consumer Services  Medical Devices
 Communication Service Providers  Mobile Devices
 Computer Peripherals  Pharmaceutical & Bio-Tech
 Computer Software  Retail
 Computing  Securities & Capital Markets
 Consumer Electronics  Semiconductors
 Consumer Packaged Goods  Storage
 Energy  Telecom
 Government  Telecom Equipment
 Healthcare  Transportation
 Hi Tech  Utilities
 Hospitality & Leisure

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

Portfolio of Products & Services

 Wipro Ltd offers a wide spectrum of services which can be classified as following:-

 Product Design Services of Wipro- As product manufacturers and platform vendors across the
world strive to make better products with shorter development cycle and reduced total cost of
ownership, Wipro Technologies partner with them to provide comprehensive solutions in
product lifecycle management and product realization.
Their Product Design Services portfolio includes solutions across the spectrum and can be
classified as:-
 Hardware Design  Testing, Verification and Validation
 System Software Development  Support Services
 Business process outsourcing services:-
Customer interaction services
 Financial and accounting services  Supply chain services
 Payment services  Knowledge services
 Industry Administration Services
Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

Distribution Framework of Wipro

Wipro gives a high priority to the functioning and implementation of distribution channels in an
effective and efficient manner since the quality and value of its products and services solely
depends on the network of its distribution channels. Coordination and synchronization of these
distribution channels is quite essential for high value delivery of its products and services.


 Global Data Synchronization for Distributors

As a critical link in the supply chain, distributors today need to be aware of the industry-wide
developments in the area of Global Data Synchronization, determine the business case for its
adoption and finally chart out a roadmap for implementation.

 Achieving Data Synchronization

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

 Internal IT Systems Integration

 Cleanse data in catalogs Make systems

 GTIN and GLN compliant

 Implement a Product Information Management system

 External Data Synchronization

 Establish a messaging system and a data pool compliant to EAN.UCC standards

 Synchronize basic item data with enterprise master catalog with manufacturers and

 Syndicate the relationship dependent pricing and promotion data with retailer

 Data Analytics
Build a Data Analytics and Decision Support System to provide

 A consolidated view of inventory

 Measurement of inbound & outbound logistics metrics
 Performance measure of promotional activities
 Common Product Catalog:- Wipro can commission a pilot implementation on a pre agreed
scope involving a few product categories, SKUs or operating companies and then engineer a full
scale roll out
 Reverse Logistics:- On reverse logistics solutions help seamless collaboration between
retailers and suppliers by providing complete visibility and thus increasing reverse logistics
velocity and consumer satisfaction. Wipro‟s „ready to implement portal solution‟ encompasses
efficient processes that aid in drastic reduction of inventory levels, minimize operational cost in
real-time through automated workflow and improved inventory and resource utilization
 Centers of Excellence (COE):- Wipro‟s ability to provide business-focused solutions stems
from the fact that Wipro‟s delivery organization is supported by “Centers of Excellence”
comprising of a dedicated team of domain experts and functional architects. This enables it to
provide winning solutions for the unique problems faced by Wipro‟s client‟s and help them
respond proactively to industry trends.
Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

 Supply Chain Management of Wipro: -- Supply chain management is a crucial tool for
companies today to control their bottom lines and hence improve profitability. Wipro provides
supply chain services across the complete material management lifecycle ranging from raw
material sourcing to finished goods handling to retailing solutions. Supply chain services of
Wipro include:-
 Inventory management
 Direct Procurement
 Transportation Administration
 Logistics and Dispatch
 Better supply chain/inventory management
 Services right across the supply chain spectrum
 Bottom line savings and lesser procurement costs
 Shortening of the delivery cycle

Wipro Technologies uses two distribution models for its IT based services:-
 Global Delivery Model: - Also referred to as “Follow the Sun Model” Global Delivery Model is
the most successful model in terms of its reach and accessibility to the end user or client. It‟s a
combination of onsite model and offshore model but unlike the onsite/offshore model wherein
the offshore development centre of service provider is located at one place, in its global delivery
model Wipro has its offshore development centers spread out across the globe. This enables its
clients to have a large working team with varied qualities and expertise in different fields.

Some of the functions of Wipro’s onsite team involves:-

 Understanding the client‟s requirements
 Directly interacting with the client to get a better idea of their needs and changes in them
 Acting as a mediator between the client and the offshore development centers
 Planning and designing the initial steps of the project
 Testing the outcome of the project in tandem with the client‟s team
 Executing the project successfully at the client‟s place
Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

 Provide the required support for maintenance

Tasks accomplished at the offsite development centre of Wipro includes:-
 Detailed design that will be continuation of what the onsite team designed
 Deciding any specific technological requirements for the project
 Development
 Testing before handing over to onsite team
 Continuous technical support
Advantages of Wipro Global Delivery Model:-
 Lower risks involved since the continuity of operations is not hampered in case of any
hindrance caused due to disaster/emergency at one of the offshore centers
 Round the clock productivity because of time-zone difference
 Best results due to high quality work performed by varying skilled professionals across the
 Shorter lead time
 Cost benefits due to offshore outsourcing
 No possibility of communication gap
 Faster response
Disadvantages cannot be attributed to this model to a very large extent since it is very flexible
and economical in its operations despite of its complex structure.

 Fixed Delivery Model: - Under this model Wipro has only one development centre carrying all
the operations of its distribution network. This model is based on the concept of utilization of
resources under the time availability factor of its workforce.
Fixed delivery model is implemented in the following manner:-
 For every IT related issue a ticket is raised at the development centre which has to be
handled by the workforce of that development centre.
 Sometimes the ticket raised for any issue get resolved faster and hence the employee is
diverted to handle other tickets piled up in the waiting line.
 Thus it ensures optimum utilization of resources in rendering services by efficient use of
time and skill
Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’


Wipro Technologies generally use two main pricing models which are as follows:-
 Time & Material Pricing Model: - Under this pricing model Wipro charges its clients using the
principle of pro rate basis or work and time proportion. In order to calculate the total cost of any
project it is very essential for Wipro and its client‟s to work out any fixed hourly rate as a
multiplying factor for the cost calculation. Then the number of hours worked by the workforce is
multiplied by the hourly rate previously agreed upon in order to compute the total cost of project.
Mathematical expression for cost calculation:-
r- Hourly rate (Rs/$ per hr)
t- Total number of hours worked
T- Total cost
T= r*t
Thus the value of T gives the total cost involved in the project. It is one of the pricing model
used by Wipro for its Business clients in order to calculate the total cost involved in the
completion or outsourcing of any project or business.

 Fixed Price Pricing Model:- Unlike the previous pricing model this one does not calculate the
cost of project using variable pay rate rather it deals with a fixed price negotiated between the
supplier and customer i.e. Wipro and its clients. Under this pricing model both the parties agree
to a fixed price for the entire project duration till its completion.
Pricing scheme of this model depends on the following factors:-
 Workforce expertise
 Complexity of the project
 Demand of the skilled professionals
 Pricing structures of the competitors in market
 Bargaining power of the clients

Generally at the corporate level following steps are followed by Wipro in deciding about the
pricing scheme or structure for its business clients:-
Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

 Rough estimation by drawing a blue print in order to find out what needs to done in the
Landscape of the customer
 Customer is in a state A where he does not know how to fill this gap and transit to state B.
This gap is due to the uncertainty in the cost or pricing structure

Merchandising & Pricing: - The area of expertise of the Merchandising & Pricing
COE( Centers of Excellence) include technology, domain and process consulting in merchandize
planning, category management, price and markdown management and retailer-supplier

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

People, Processes & Strengths

The productivity and goodwill of any firm in market depends on the design of processes and
workforce as per certain standards in order to meet the challenges of marketplace.
At Wipro we can highlight the following points for people & processes strengths:-
 Human Resources: - Wipro Technologies is a global service provider delivering technology-
driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of its business clients. Wipro has 38
“Centers of Excellence” that create solutions around specific needs of industries. Wipro delivers
unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process excellence, quality
frameworks and service delivery innovation. Wipro is the World‟s first CMMi Level 5 certified
software services company and the first outside USA to receive the IEEE Software process
 Employee Feedback & Communication: - Wipro as an organization believes in Connecting
and Listening to people.
 Channel W the employee portal, has been creating a de facto „Wipro community‟ by allowing
Wiproites to interact, disseminate information on things they most cherish. This intranet ensures
that the entire organization is wired and there is meaningful exchange of information/views
across domains and geographies. Key sections encourage employee participation and
communication through bulletin boards and chat rooms among other things. Employee feedback
and continuous improvement is a cornerstone of Wipro‟s progress.
 W 10 is a dipstick survey with 10 questions which checks the satisfaction level on issues, which
affect the health of the workplace and supervisory effectiveness. The feedback given by
employees is shared with management through scorecards.
 Employee Perception Survey: - Wipro conducts employee satisfaction surveys every two years.
Employees are encouraged to give comments and rank the organization on certain
areas/satisfaction drivers. Top management then prepares a timely action plan to address the
areas of concern and task forces are created to focus on improvement areas and implement action

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

 Action plan (Meet your people program)- The W10 scores provide the trigger to
managers/supervisors to meet their teams and resolve issues which create dissatisfaction in the
 Skip Level- Wipro believes that team feedback is an important parameter of leadership
development as well as team cohesiveness. A Skip level meeting is a formal team feedback
session facilitated by HR as well as the supervisor‟s supervisor. This is an institutionalized
process in Wipro and managers see great merit in it as they get feedback from the team that
affects team performance and can make mid-course corrections to improve effectiveness at work
 New Managers Assimilation Program (NMA): Since team work is highly valued, assimilation of
a new manager in team play is very critical part of his/her induction to the company. It enhances
team bonding and aims at consensus and collation of concerns, the challenges ahead, “must-
know-about-manager” etc. from the team
 Corporate Culture: - Everyday at Wipro is challenging and thought-provoking. What are tested
are employees drive, enthusiasm and initiative. New ideas are appreciated and innovation is
encouraged- if an individual has a suggestion and plan to take it forward.
 Beyond Work: - Beside the routine job related activities employees of Wipro get an opportunity
to express and enjoy joy at the workplace. They are engaged in various recreational activities
such as games, events and social activities such as Dandiya festivals, the World Environment
Day celebrations or chat with Sri Sri Ravishankar on their employees portal Channel W- it is all
happening at Wipro
 Workforce Diversity: - Wipro seeks to build a climate that welcomes, celebrates, and promotes
respect for the entire human race. In their commitment to diversity, Wipro welcome people from
all backgrounds and seek to include knowledge and values from various cultures.
 Business Level Program:-
 Wipro Leaders’ Qualities Survey: - Wipro Leaders‟ Qualities Survey which started in 1992 is
one of Wipro‟s oldest leadership development initiatives. It successfully contributed to endeavor
to nurture top class business leaders in Wipro. Wipro has 8 Leadership Qualities, which are
based on Wipro vision, values and business strategy. In order to identify and help develop
leaders these competencies Wipro has adopted a 360- degree survey process. This is an end-to-
end program, which starts with the obtaining of feedback from relevant respondents and ends
Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

with each leader drawing up a Personal Development Program (PDP) based on the feedback
received. The PDP is developed through “Winds of Change” which is a seven step program that
helps in identifying strengths and improvement areas, and determining action steps.
 Leadership Lifecycle Programs: - Wipro has developed an approach for Life Cycle
Stage Development Plan. Training and development programs at various stages have been
designed by mapping the competencies to specific roles. Competencies specify the specific
success behaviors at every role.
 Entry-level program (ELP) - The program covers the junior management employees with the
objective of developing managerial qualities in the employee. The target group is campus hires
and lateral hires at junior level
 New Leaders Program (NLP) – It is popularly known as NLP and aims at developing potential
people managers, who have taken such roles or are likely to get into those roles in the near future
 Wipro Leaders Program (WLP) – This program is for middle level leader with people,
process, business development and project management responsibilities. These leaders are like
the flag bearers of Wipro values and Wipro way of doing business. They not only walk the value
talk but they also have a responsibility of assimilating new leaders with the Wipro culture.
 Business Leaders Program (BLP) – This is for senior leaders with business responsibility. At
this level, people are trained up for revenue generation; and Profit & Loss responsibilities. The
program covers commercial orientation, client relationship development, and team building and
performance management responsibilities among other things
 Strategic Leaders Program (SLP) – This program covers top management employees. The
focus is on Vision, Values, Strategy, Global Thinking and Acting. Customer Focus and Building
Star Performers. Wipro ties up with leading business schools of international repute to conduct
this program for Wipro leaders.

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’









 Managing Performance: - The Wipro philosophy has a clear thrust on performance

enhancement. Wipro has a systematic and robust process for planning, implementing, reviewing,
and evaluating performance of their employees. The entire process is online, which ensures
scalability and standardization. Wipro ensures that employees receive periodical feedback and
that the Development Plan forms a significant part of the entire performance management
 Reward Philosophy: - Exemplary performance is unquestionably awarded at Wipro. There
are various awards and recognition programs, which have been institutionalized across business.
Wipro also constantly endeavor to enhance their reward program to align it with changes in
employee motivators and business drivers.

Evolution of Six Sigma at Wipro: - Six Sigma at Wipro simply means a measure of quality that
strives for near perfection. It is an umbrella initiative covering all business units and divisions so
that it could transform itself in a world class organization. At Wipro it means:-

 Have products and services meet global benchmark

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

 Ensure robust processes within the organization

 Consistently meet and exceed customer expectations
 Make Quality a culture within

Matrix Organization Structure of Wipro: - This organizational structure at Wipro groups

employees by both function and product. It uses teams of employees to accomplish work, in
order to take advantage of the strengths, as well as make up the weaknesses, of functional and
decentralized forms.
Thus it enables the Wipro Engineers to share information more readily across task boundaries by
working in different cross functional teams.

 Quality consulting and software quality: - At Wipro quality is like integrity – non
negotiable. Wipro pursue quality with a missionary zeal and have put in place robust processes to
ensure that Wipro deliver quality with six sigma consistency.
 Salient features of Quality Programs at Wipro :-
 Most mature six sigma program in the industry- ensures that 91% of their projects are
completed in schedule, much above the industry average of 55%
 World‟s first company to be awarded PCMM Level 5 and CMMI Level 5
 World‟s first SEI CMM ver. 1.1 Level 5 software services company
 Defect prevention-post release defects rates at less than 0.2 per KLOC, amongst the lowest in
the industry
 Cycle time reduction due to lower rework rate
 Cost of failure avoidance and high project visibility

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

Marketing Strategies of Wipro

Wipro expects to significantly grow its global IT services business and the percentage of its total
revenues and profits contributed by this business over the next few years. It hopes to achieve this
objective by identifying and developing service offerings in emerging growth areas as separate
business opportunities, such as infrastructure support services, business intelligence services and
telecommunication, internet and application service providers.It is also planning to aggressively
develop the research and development services by focussing on high growth markets such as
telecommunication, mobile communication and the internet and high growth technologies such
as embedded software. Also, the company will be leveraging its experience in providing IT
services in the Indian market and its access to existing clients outside India to provide global
support services.

The intention is also to increase the number of clients through a dedicated sales team focussed on
new client acquisitions and increasing its presence in Europe and Asia. The goal is to make every
new client account earn over $1 million in annual revenues within twelve months. Also the
company intends to increase its share of business with existing clients by expanding its range of
IT solutions and by increasing its knowledge of industry segments and individual client
businesses to allow it to better understand client requirements. The focus would be on improving
operating margins by increasing the revenue per IT professional by providing higher value added
services, increasing the number of productized services and increasing the proportion of the
company's fixed price contracts.

Wipro focuses largely on “pull” marketing initiatives, targeting prospective clients while
they are searching for relevant IT information. Mostly this means Web -based marketing with
four key components:-

 Search engine promotion

 Thought leadership content on leading IT portals and directories
 Web seminars and events
 Website content

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

Wipro’s own website is the fulcrum of the entire lead-generation program. The marketing
team has invested heavily in creating a wide range of material to showcase company capabilities
and successes, demonstrate through leadership, and provide interactive opportunities to sample
Wipro‟s wares.
Wipro uses special offers and more than 400 case studies to get visitors to demonstrate and
register their special interests. Comprehensive Web monitoring provides regular analysis of what
is and what is not working and what role the web is playing in lead generation and relationship
Building on the pull elements, Wipro uses permission marketing to strengthen relationships and
move prospects along the sales cycle. Specific initiatives include telesales, direct mail, and
industry-based newsletters. In all cases, the marketing team relies on the prospect database
to create carefully targeted lists based on incoming traffic, client profiles, and ongoing web
activity. This helps create the greatest possible impact from the limited “push” activities. Typical
marketing campaigns today target as few as 30 to 50 accounts.
Many firms talk of a single few of the customer, yet just as many are saddled with disparate
databases and uncoordinated marketing and sales activities. The common result is that some
prospects are bombarded with conflicting messages through different channels while others
simply fall through the cracks.
Wipro faced exactly that challenge several years ago and invested in the creation of a single
prospect intelligence database that provides a complete view of all marketing and sales
interactions with prospect companies as well as extensive profile information. The data base now
includes detailed data on multiple contacts from almost every company in the Fortune 1,000 and
more than 17,500 senior management contacts in all. The database is so effective that Wipro no
longer buys lists of any kind to support its marketing efforts.
Results from Wipro‟s integrated lead generation program have greatly exceeded expectations
and created an extremely high return on marketing investment. Along with a surge in qualified
leads have come greatly accelerated sales cycle. The typical six to nine month sales cycle has
been shortened to 30 days in some cases. Leads are converted to sales far more quickly because
the targeted approach is more personalized and focused. The particular tactics at the heart of
Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

Wipro‟s program are well known, if not always well developed. No doubt Wipro has done a
great job in improving its Website, developing newsletter and Web events, and targeting the right
prospects. And it is certainly helped by being in a growing market. Yet the great power and the
most important lessons of the program lie in its integrated nature and its disciplined execution.

The move to the higher echelons of the software value chain

Wipro has consciously focused on increasing the revenue contribution from higher-end service
lines. The share of services such as IT consulting, systems integration, technology infrastructure
services, testing, package implementation and R&D services has been consistently increasing
over the past few years. There is significant growth potential in these areas. In order to put it in
numbers, in FY2002, revenues from such services totaled 14% of IT service revenues, while in
FY2006, this figure was nearly 30%. These services have grown at a CAGR of 64.0% during this
period, and total revenues from these services nearly touched US$ 500 mn, from just US$ 67 mn
in FY2002.
To give just one example, Wipro has been amongst the first movers in services like infrastructure
management, which have significant growth potential. Infrastructure management, which is the
remote management of a company's IT infrastructure, such as servers, desktops, network
management and security systems, used to be an activity that was performed nearly 95% onsite
only a few years ago. However, with the increasing acceptance of the off-shoring concept, the
activity is now performed 65% offshore, with significant cost savings and value addition for the
clients. This service line has grown at a CAGR of over 40% from FY2002, and given Wipro's
strong positioning in this service, appears poised for even stronger growth in future.

Wipro's greater technology-intensity give it an edge over its peers

While Wipro's peers derive a significant part of their revenues from the enterprise services
business, Wipro has an edge in terms of it being relatively more technology-intensive. The
company, as part of its R&D group, provides services in the areas of emerging technologies
related to avionics, embedded systems, product engineering, home networking, internet
infrastructure, consumer and automotive electronics, to telecom equipment manufacturers like
Nortel. The telecom and internet accesses space is a lucrative one due to the fact that R&D

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

spends by the US industry and government have been strong. As a mater of fact, the technology
R&D business accounts for around 37% of the company's total revenues. Wipro has also de-
risked its revenues away from the equipment manufacturing space by venturing into the telecom
service provider segment. This, we believe, gives the company greater resilience to slowdowns
such as the one seen in the equipment manufacturer segment at the beginning of this century.
With favourable trends in the global telecom sector, such as increased competition, adoption of
3G in numerous countries across the globe, the move to 'next-generation networks' (NGN), and
the need to differentiate oneself from competition, leading to greater emphasis on the provision
of 'value-added services', such as streaming video, Wipro, being a key player in this space,
appears well-poised to benefit.

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

Core Competencies of Wipro

For any business firm the most crucial key driver in its growth and productivity are the set of
core competencies which it follows in order to differentiate its products and services from other
competitors in market.
Wipro Ltd over the years has leveraged on the following key core competencies for its growth
and sustainability:-
 Innovation as a key business driver by implementing certain business ideas which can change the
world. Change has always been driven by innovation at Wipro. Over the years it has raised the
bar in delivering solutions that make a difference in the technology landscape while leading to
enhanced values for its customers.
 Inorganic growth strategy has been a critical factor in Wipro for getting deeper domain-expertise,
adding new service-lines and fueling rapid growth
 Intensive R&D efforts for matching the changing needs of customers
 Excellent corporate work culture in terms of information sharing and empowerment
 Quality as a very vital factor in order to deliver reliability and perfection to customers by
maintaining high standards in service offerings and products, as well as internal processes and
people management. The Quality Management system (QMS) , called veloci-Q is a
consolidation of experiences and best practices that are also aligned to standard quality models
and certification.
 Low Cost Service Model

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

Corporate Social Responsibility of Wipro

Wipro believes in following CSR functions:-

 Reaching out to create new opportunities :- Over the years Wipro has never been limited to
the projects and processes that are executed as daily operations rather it has developed a clear
road of taking its success to other sections of society who struggle to care for their own basic
 Wipro Cares :- Wipro care program is executed by with the help of its employees who are free
to volunteer their services and other recognized voluntary organizations who make sure the goal
is never out of focus
 Wipro Applying Thought in Schools: - Education is recognized as a key investment in Wipro,
not only within, but also marked and leveraged as a social initiative. Through the Applying
Thought in Schools initiative, it takes it tagline seriously enough to build a network of social
organizations committed to education reform. Education quality, research and interventions are
clearly defined that its program explores.
 Eco Eye: - Their commitment to the ecology around us is as strong as our every endeavor.
Wipro believe that the future lies in sustainable solutions that will never interfere with our
environment. With the formation of Eco Eye, Wipro is now a business that incorporates better
ecological balance in every project they execute.

Group 11: B2B Marketing Project ‘WIPRO’

1. Sridhar, V (April 23, 2009). "Wipro net up at Rs. 3,899 crore". The Hindu. Retrieved
2. "WIPRO quater results-Sep 2009".
3. "Hoover's Profile: Wipro Technologies". Singh, Abhay; Ron "Indian tech
4. "ZDNet Asia Top Tech 50". ZDNet Asia.
5. "Wipro Limited". NYSE Euronext.
6. Siddiqui, Sabrina; Rafiq Dossani, Martin Kenney. "Indian Outsourcing Has Peaked".
Business Week (Debate Room).
7. "Wipro Technologies". July 21, 2007.
8. "Wipro - The Journey". Wipro.
9. "Company History - Wipro".
10. Phadnis, Chitra (July 2). "Wipro betting on quality to compete". The Hindu Business Line.
"Wipro Faqs".
11. "Wipro gets PCMM certification". The Hindu Business Line.
12. "Wipro Technologies is World's First CMMi Level 5 Ver 1.1 Organization". Business Wire.
May 30, 2002.
13. "IDC rates Wipro as the leader". The Times of India. August 16, 2004.
14. "Wipro-NewLogic closes its site in France !".


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