James, The Greater

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Lawmakers stoke the public's disgust

Dan Balz, Staff Writer, Washington Post

Sunday, August 1, 2010

“It's hard to imagine what could

drive public approval of Congress even
lower than it has been this year. But a
pending public ethics trial of one of the
House's most senior Democrats (and possibly
a second) and an angry, prolonged tirade on
the House floor that has gone round the cable
networks and YouTube just may be the http://www.google.com/imgres?

answer.” capitol.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.wat

“Anyone who has ever spent time %3D1440%26bih%3D618%26gbv


talking with voters -- in shopping malls or on OomosQPh8_jZAg&page=1&ndsp=20


soccer fields, at their doorsteps or in focus

groups -- has heard the most common
complaints about politicians in

Texts: Mark 3:17; Matthew 20:20-28

Topic: Pride

Thesis: The best response to God’s

blessing is always thankfulness and

Title: James, the Greater

Great Lessons from the Greater James…

1. Promote Peace

“When the 10 /disciples/ heard this, they

became indignant with the two brothers.”

(Mt 20:24 HCSB)

Great Lessons from the Greater James…

2. Select Service

“But Jesus called them to him and said,

"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it
over them, and their great ones are tyrants
over them. It will not be so among you; but
whoever wishes to be great among you must
be your servant,”

(Mt 20:25-26 NRSV)

This is my next step today... August 1, 2010

1. I will be passionate about my faith, but I

refuse to become prideful.

2. I will seek to be a peacemaker in my


3. In difficult circumstances, I will turn to the

Lord Jesus, the suffering servant of God.
Saint James the Elder by Rembrandt

His remains are said to

be in Santiago de Compostela
in Galici (Spain). Saint James is
the Patron Saint of Spain. The
city where his remains are held,
Santiago de Compostela, is
considered the third most holy
town within Roman
Catholicism[2] (after Jerusalem
and Rome). The traditional
pilgrimage to the grave of the
saint, known as the "Way of St.
James", has become the most
popular pilgrimage for Western
European Catholics from the
early Middle Ages onwards.

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