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Part I

New Posts/Vacancies

1. When vacancies occur in the approved staffing structure these will be advertised in a timely
manner unless the Line Manager for the vacant post has indicated to the Board of Trustees
that he/she is proposing to alter the Job Description/Personal Specification for the post.

2. In such a situation the post will not be advertised until a new Job Description/Personal
Specification has been considered and approved by the Board of Trustees.

Name of organisation’s policy regarding the employment of consultancy and casual staff are
included as Appendices to this document.

3. Responsibility for preparing and agreeing recruitment advertising copy rests with the person
who will act as Line Manager for the proposed post. He/she has a duty to ensure that all
recruitment advertising copy issued is legal, decent and truthful and complies with relevant
legislation such as Disability Discrimination and Equal Opportunities legislation.

The Line Manager, having due regard to Name of organisation’s Equality and Diversity Policy,
is also responsible for deciding in which publications posts are to be advertised and for
determining any other appropriate place for the advertisement to be displayed.

4. All prospective applicants for advertised posts will receive the same information. As a
minimum this will include:

• A letter detailing:
o Closing date for applications
o Notification procedures to shortlist for interview
o A ‘banning notice’ on the submission of any information other than that
requested on the application form
• Job Description/Personal Specification
• Guidance Note on Completing the Application Form
• Application Form
• Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
• Copy of Name of organisation Annual Report

Requests by prospective applicants for any additional information about a post will be
declined unless these relate to factual matters e.g. hours of work.

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5. The composition of shortlisting and interview panels will be at the discretion of:

• The Chief Executive Officer for posts graded Scale 1 to SO2

• The Chair of the Board of Trustees for posts graded PO1 and upwards

Due attention will be paid by the Chair of a panel to recruiting fellow Panel members on the
basis of the relevance of their experience in considering any particular appointment and to the
gender mix of the panel.

6. On completion of all recruitment exercises a report will be submitted to the Board of

Trustees summarising the information contained in the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forms
completed by candidates. These reports will form the basis of guidance, to be issued by the
Board of Trustees, from time to time, with regard to recommended future recruitment
strategies, to Line Managers.

Part II

Review of Existing Job Descriptions / Redesignation of Existing Staff Posts

1. As a matter of course all Job Descriptions/Personal Specifications will be reviewed

jointly by individual staff members and their Line Manager as part of the Annual Appraisal
procedures applicable to all permanent staff.

2. All requests for amendments to Job Descriptions/Personal Specifications and/or

salary scale placings will be considered by the Board of Trustees. Where a staff member
disagrees with the decision of the Trustees they may appeal this using the agreed Grievance

3. Where it is proposed by Name of organisation as the employer to redesignate an

existing post, in a manner advantageous to an existing employee, the Board of Trustees may
only make such a change without recourse to open advertising, where it can be established
that the existing post holder is already responsible on a permanent basis for a substantial part
of the duties it is proposed to allocate to the new post.

4. Where it is proposed by Name of organisation as the employer that an existing post

be deleted from the staffing structure, all statutory and good practice arrangements relating to
redundancy procedures will be adhered to.

Appendix One

Consultant Recruitment Policy

1. The Board of Trustees is responsible for agreeing the specification for any proposed
work to be done on behalf of Name of organisation on a consultancy basis.

2. The Board of Trustees is responsible for agreeing the terms and rate of remuneration
for any consultancy staff employed by Name of organisation.

3. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible, in consultation with Board of Trustees, for
the appointment of any consultancy staff.

Appendix Two

Casual Staff Recruitment Policy

Name of organisation will make use of casual/agency staff only when their help is required as
a result of sickness, leave or other emergency situations affecting permanent or fixed term
contract staff, and where no other practical arrangements for covering their duties are
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