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Empower Childfen"to Be Self-learners and Pursue Their Potential to the Fullest

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Mathematics, English and Chinese Kumon is for Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Level Students and Adults


The light blue colour expresses intelligence, honesty, the colour of the sky, which is universal, and the colour of pure water, in hope that the future of our children will grow on a grand scale.

The logo includes a face called "THINKING FACE", which suggests that all those involved in KUMON continue to think and grow as individuals.

Kumon Wishes to Nurture Children with Dreams and Goals of Their Own and the Desire for Continuous Learning in Their Lives

In Kumon, we provide Mathematics, English and Chinese programmes for children as young as preschoolers to adults.

Studying our native language enhances our reading comprehension ability and our minds, whereas learning Mathematics enhances our analytical and logical thinking abilities. These abilities are vital and necessary when we process and utilise information or solve a variety of problems that we may encounter throughout our lives.

At Kumon, we seek to nurture children yvith "life skills"-i.e. the ability to live life happily and to the fullest, with dreams and goals, with a willingness to face challenges and continue to try new things proactively and enthusiastically. To reach that end, qualities such as "superior academic ability", "a sense of accomplishment" and "ability to learn independently" are essential.

Armed with these essential "life skills", a person will have broader prospects

in life, With more choices to choose

from, and ultimately be able to choose a path that he most desires, regardless of how society or times may change.

ne- ttamo/{ ;t1etltocl oll.e-CIf'I((1f - Empowers children to self-learn

The basis of the Kumon Method of learning lies ih its ability to ensure that students will have an irresistible enjoyment of learning; the method's value lies in its ability to enable students to advance ahead of school level through self-learning.

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Fits the Shoe to the Foot

Self-affirmation through the daily experience of "I did it."

Individualised learning allows each child to study materials appropriate to his level of ability, regardless of age and school grade.

Children with the. ability should be allowed to study materials that are two, three or even more years ahead of their school level, while students who are weaker should be allowed to start at a level three or even more years below their school level, so that they can work comfortably and experience study as a high ability

.... student experiences it-i.e. the ability to complete a high volume of work quickly with a high level of accuracy. This is essential to motivate students to advance quickly.

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Allows Students to Progress on Their Own Nurturing self-learning ability

The Kumon learning materials are designed to enable students to learn on their own. It is far more effective to tailor the amount of work to an individual's ability and

learning desire than to have adults teaching excessively. Students' learhing ability is developed by the guidance provided by the instructor, who helps students to develop learning habits to read instructions and study examples carefully; think about how to solve problems on their own; and learn from their mistakes. Through observation and communication with each child, Kumon instructors assign the most appropriate worksheets for each child based on the child's ability and pace of learning.

We believe that there is a limit to how much one can be taught, but there is no limit to how/high one can advance through self-learning. The further the children advance on their own, the stronger they develop their selt-learninq ability and challenging spirit.

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Helps Students Set a Higher Goal

Nurturing the ability to explore something new on their own

Kumon instructors communicate with each child so that he has a clear study goal in mind and IS challenged to achieve it every day.

Through the practice of setting dally, monthly and yearly goals, and backed by stronger self-learning ability and motivation in their studies, we aim to nurture our students to be real self-learners to set their study goals, conduct self-evaluation and decide their own rate of progress. Ultimately, we seek to nurture children who are empowered with the will to challenge Kumon worksheets beyond their school level, and complete their Kumon programme. This helps them to gain a strong sense of accomplishment.

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Sharing by Kumon.Students and Parents

Eugene Chua Wei Heng loge 9)

Enrolled in the Kumon English Programme at the age of 6, now studying level J, equivalent to senior high school level

Eugene, now 9, can already read and understand classic novel "Cry, The Beloved Country" by South African author, Alan Paton. With increased ability to. grasp concepts more easily in school, Eugene is not at all daunted even when confronted with topics that are totally out of the school syllabus ..

"There is a lot of general know/edge found from the stories in the Kumon worksheets. Now, I know so much more!"

Muhammad Adib Bin Surani (age 22) Completed 'the Kumoo Mathematics Programme in 2004

"DQing the KumQn Mii!:J1r£!D1qIif)J$ 09.5 iaXPfflfitJ1.f{d my hQrlzQhs, poth in terms of lrialhf;n;ratics and. character. Ihave SiiiCe rl3Jalised {hat- mtji7y af tnee« Jessems.can aotually laB applied te everyday Iff'e. Having gone tfrJrough t/je progrtilmmB has also. helped me tfJ ascertain a true passion forrnathematltJs. and I hope to eleVate rr1y$elf to ma,themfltic[?1 reSfiJJ8.F!i::h My "ultimate gOEll is to sollie the Riernanh Hypothesis~ find I am wilfing to expend as muoh etten as necessary in order to accomplish this dream. "


"Formulated by Bsrrrhard Riemann In 18,5:9. the Riemann Hypothesis is on,eof the 'most famous an.d important lJhsolved problems in rnathernaties.

Teresa Loo (age 14) Enrolled at the Qge of 9, completed the Kumon Mathematics Programme in 2008

"By studying the Kumon worksheets above school leve/, Teresa is given an opportunity to realise her ability ih mathematics. n

- Mr Chnstopher Leo, father of Terese

"Through daily practice of her Kumon worksheets, Teresa has gained greater confidence and interest in mathematics. By studying ahead of her cuirent school grade and overcoming the difficult mathematics problems, she has developed a challenging spirit and tends to persevere tif/ she reaches her goals."

- Mdm YurtJiwaty Halimail, r'notherof Teresa and f<umon statf

How to Enrol Your Child with Kumon

Please refer to the centre directory in our website or contact a Kumon instructor directly or the office at 6232 5855 to find out mom.

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Our dedicated Kumon instructors are looking forward to sharing their vision for your child with you.

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7 pin-9 pm

TUESDAY 9.30 am - 11.00 am 3 pm-6 pm

SATURDAY 9.30 am - 1.00 pm 2 pm= S pm

Fees per subject per month: $120/Registration fee: $30/Cheque payable to

The Learning Journal

Parents' Orientation on

alternate Saturdays from 4 pm (by appointment only)


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