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The MBA programme is well structured and
integrated course of business studies. The main
objective of practical training at MBA level is to
develop skill in student by supplement to the
theoretical study of business management in
general. Industrial training helps to gain real life
knowledge about the industrial environment and
business practices. The MBA programme provides
student with a
fundamental knowledge of business and
organizational functions and activities, as well as an
exposure to strategic thinking of management.
In every professional course, training is an important
Professors give us theoretical knowledge of various
subjects in the college but we are practically exposed
of such subjects when we get the training in the
organization. It is only the training through which I
come to know that what an industry is and how it
works. I can learn about various departmental
operations being performed in the industry, which
would, in return, help me in the future when I will
enter the practical field. Training is an integral part of
MBA and each and every student has to undergo the
training for 2 months in a company and then prepare
a project report on the same after the completion of
During this whole training I got a lot of experience
and came to know about the management practices
in real that how it differs from those of theoretical
knowledge and the practically in the real life. In
today’s globalize world, where cutthroat competition
is prevailing in the market, theoretical knowledge is
not sufficient. Beside this one need to have practical
knowledge, which would help an individual in his/her
carrier activities and it is true that “Experience is
best teacher”.

With immense pleasure, I would like to present this project
report for
Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd.,
Anand. It has been an enriching experience for me to
undergo my research training at AMUL, which would not
have possible without the goodwill and support of the people
around. As a student of AMITY GLOBAL BUSINESS
SCHOOL NOIDA I would like to express my sincere thanks
too all those who helped me during my practical training
Words are insufficient to express my gratitude toward Mr.
Rahul Kumar, the Managing Director of AMUL. I would like
to give my heartily thanks to Mr. J. K. Joshi, Manager of
Administration, who permitted me to get training at AMUL. I
am very thankful to Mr.Pankaj
Gadhavi, who helped me at every step whenever needed
and Mr. G.D.Trivedi who arranged all possible visits for me
at AMUL.
As we know research work needs hard work, keen insight
and long patience with scholarly vision based on content
operation hence it becomes a humble duty to express my
sincere gratitude to Mr. Dalveer Singh, Production
incharge, and Mr. H.B Ramgadhia of
chocolate plant at MOGAR.
At last but not least my grateful thanks is also extended to
Mr. Mukesh Mandun (Director’ FMS-IRM’ Jodhpur) and my
thanks to all
my faculty members for the proper guidance and assistance
extended by them. I am also grateful to my parents, friends,
Ms. Kirandeep Kaur to encourage & giving me moral
support. However, I accept the sole responsibility for any
possible error of omission and would be extremely grateful
to the readers of this project report if they bring such
mistakes to my notice.

Sr.No Chapter Name

1. Executive summary
2. Introduction & History
3. Marketing Research
4. Research Design
5. Limitations
6. My Findings
7. Suggestions
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography
10. Annexure

The Anand-based largest dairy co-operative of
India, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing
Federation (GCMMF) which markets Amul
brand, has now become the largest food retail
company in India by crossing the milestone of
Rs6,700 crore annual turnover.

"So far, there is only one FMCG

company ahead of Amul in retail sector. But in
food sector, we have become the largest retail
company with a turnover of over Rs6,700
crore," said RS Sodhi, chief general manager of
Slowly and gradually, Amul has also expanded
its distribution network across the country.
Currently, there are 3,500 distributors for
value-added milk products and 1,800
distributors for fresh milk to ensure that Amul
products are available to all segments of
consumers in India through more than 20 lakh
outlets, says the annual report. Apart from
that, GCMMF has expanded its network


FMCG industry, alternatively called as CPG

(Consumer packaged goods) industry primarily
deals with the production, distribution and
marketing of consumer packaged goods. The
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are
those consumables which are normally
consumed by the consumers at a regular
interval. Some of the prime activities of FMCG
industry are selling, marketing, financing,
purchasing, etc. The industry also engaged in
operations, supply chain, production and
general management.

FMCG industry provides a wide range of

consumables and accordingly the amount of
money circulated against FMCG products is
also very high. The competition among FMCG
manufacturers is also growing and as a result
of this, investment in FMCG industry is also
increasing, specifically in India, where FMCG
industry is regarded as the fourth largest
sector with total market size of US$13.1
billion. FMCG Sector in India is estimated to
grow 60% by 2010. FMCG industry is regarded
as the largest sector in New Zealand which
accounts for 5% of Gross Domestic Product

Despite the dramatic rise in input costs, the Rs 82,000 crore

Indian FMCG industry is likely to sustain its robust growth
momentum aided by increased rural incomes, taxation
benefits and gradual shift from the unorganized
sector/regional players.
“Price increases and excise benefits will help counter rising
input prices. Hence, we do not expect contraction in
operating margins,” predict industry analysts.
The sector’s net profits are expected to grow 15.2% YoY
and increased realisations to lead to 14.8% YoY sales
growth. While the industry does not expect price increases
to result in significant downtrading, it may result in
deceleration in volume growth, opine analysts. "Given the
defensive characteristics of the industry, we see limited
impact in a rising interest rate scenario. Post the recent
correction and narrowing of valuations premium, the sector
looks attractive," said a Mumbai-based analyst.
According to analysts with Angel Broking, the industry is
expected to report a robust top line growth of 15-16%
driven by rising consumer spends and higher value
growth.” However, earnings for the industry are expected
to grow 12-13%. Margins are expected to come under
pressure barring a few companies, as a low base, rising
crude prices (impacting packaging costs) and input cost
inflation will have an impact,” added analysts.


Some common FMCG product categories

include food and dairy products, glassware,
paper products, pharmaceuticals, consumer
electronics, packaged food products, plastic
goods, printing and stationery, household
products, photography, drinks etc. and some
of the examples of FMCG products are coffee,
tea, dry cells, greeting cards, gifts, detergents,
tobacco and cigarettes, watches, soaps etc.
Some of the merits of FMCG industry, which
made this industry as a potential one, are low
operational cost, strong distribution networks,
presence of renowned FMCG companies.
Population growth is another factor which is
responsible behind the success of this industry.

FMCG industry creates a wide range of job
opportunities. This industry is a stable, diverse,
challenging and high profile industry providing
a wide range of job categories like sales,
supply chain, finance, marketing, operations,
purchasing, human resources, product
development, and general management.


Some of the well known FMCG companies are

Sara Lee, Nestlé, Reckitt Benckiser, Unilever,
Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Carlsberg,
Kleenex, General Mills, Amul,Pepsi and Mars


Amul (Anand Milk Union Limited), formed in 1946, is a

dairy cooperative movement in India. It is a brand name
managed by an apex cooperative organisation, Gujarat Co-
operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF),
which today is jointly owned by some 2.8 million milk
producers in Gujarat, India[1].

AMUL is based in Anand, Gujarat and has been a sterling

example of a co-operative organization's success in the
long term. It is one of the best examples of co-operative
achievement in the developing economy. "Anyone who has
seen ... the dairy cooperatives in the state of Gujarat,
especially the highly successful one known as AMUL, will
naturally wonder what combination of influences and
incentives is needed to multiply such a model a thousand
times over in developing regions everywhere."[2] The Amul
Pattern has established itself as a uniquely appropriate
model for rural development. Amul has spurred the White
Revolution of India, which has made India the largest
producer of milk and milk products in the world[citation needed].
It is also the world's biggest vegetarian cheese brand [3].

Amul is the largest food brand in India and world's Largest

Pouched Milk Brand with an annual turnover of US $1050
million (2006-07) [4]. Currently Amul has 2.8 million
producer members with milk collection average of 10.16
million litres per day. Besides India, Amul has entered
overseas markets such as Mauritius, UAE, USA,
Bangladesh, Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and a
few South African countries. Its bid to enter Japanese
market in 1994 had not succeeded, but now it has fresh
plans of flooding the Japanese markets [5]. Other potential
markets being considered include Sri Lanka.
Dr Verghese Kurien, former chairman of the GCMMF, is
recognised as the man behind the success of Amul. On 10
Aug 2006 Parthi Bhatol, chairman of the Banaskantha
Union, was elected chairman of GCMMF.
Amul: The origin
The mighty Ganges at it's origin is but a tiny stream in the
Gangotri ranges of the Himalayas. Similar is the story of
Amul which inspired 'Operation Flood' and heralded the
'White Revolution' in India. It began with two village
cooperatives and 250 liters of milk per day, nothing but a
trickle compared to the flood it has become today. Today
Amul collects, processes and distributes over a million
liters of milk and milk products per day, during the peak,
on behalf of more than a thousand village cooperatives
owned by half a million farmer members. Further, as
Ganga-ma carries the aspirations of generations for
moksha, Amul too has become a symbol of the aspirations
of millions of farmers.Creating a pattern of liberation and
self-reliance for every farmer to follow.
(Gujarat Co-operative
Milk Marketing
Federation Ltd.)
GCMMF is India's largest food products marketing
organisation. It is a state level apex body of milk
cooperatives in Gujarat, which aims to provide
remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the
interest of consumers by providing quality products, which
are good value for money. GCMMF markets and manages
the Amul brand. From mid-1990s Amul has entered areas
not related directly to its core business. Its entry into ice
cream was regarded as successful due to the large market
share it was able to capture within a short period of time -
primarily due to the price differential and the brand name.
It also entered the Pizza business, where the base and the
recipes were made available to restaurant owners who
could price it as low as 30 rupees per pizza when the other
players were charging upwards of 100 rupees.
Members: 13 district
cooperative milk
producers' Union
No. of Producer 2.79 million
No. of Village 13,328
Total Milk handling 11.22 million litres
capacity: per day
Milk collection (Total 3.05 billion litres
- 2008-09):
Milk collection (Daily 8.4 million litres
Average 2008-09):
Milk Drying Capacity: 626 Mts. per day
Cattlefeed 3500 Mts per day
Achievements of

• 2.8 million milk producer member families

• 13,759 village societies
• 13 District Unions
• 8.5 million liters of milk procured per day
• Rs. 150 million disbursed in cash daily
• GCMMF is the largest cooperative business of small
producers with an annual turnover of Rs. 53 billion
• The Govt. of India has honoured Amul with the “Best
of all categories Rajiv Gandhi National Quality
• Largest milk handling capacity in Asia
• Largest Cold Chain Network
• 48 Sales offices, 3000 Wholesale Distributors, 5 lakh
retail outlets
• Export to 37 countries worth Rs. 150 crores
• Winner of APEDA award for nine consecutive years
The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd,
Anand (GCMMF) is the largest food products marketing
organisation of India. It is the apex organization of the
Dairy Cooperatives of Gujarat. This State has been a
pioneer in organizing dairy cooperatives and our success
has not only been emulated in India but serves as a model
for rest of the World. Over the last five and a half decades,
Dairy Cooperatives in Gujarat have created an economic
network that links more than 2.8 million village milk
producers with millions of consumers in India and abroad
through a cooperative system that includes 13,141 Village
Dairy Cooperative Societies (VDCS) at the village level,
affiliated to 13 District Cooperative Milk Producers’
Unions at the District level and GCMMF at the State level.

Amul India (Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing
Company Name:
Federation Ltd.)
Business Type: Manufacturer
Infant Milk Food,Skimmed Milk
Product/Service (Cheddar,Mozzarella,Emmental,Gouda),Cheese
(We Sell): spreads,Ghee,Condensed Milk,Chocolates,malted
milk food,Breadspreads,fresh milk,UHT milk,Ice-
Number of
501 - 1000 People

Trade & Market

North America
South America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Main Markets: Eastern Asia
Southeast Asia
Mid East
Total Annual Sales
Above US$100 Million

Factory Information
Number of R&D
Above 100 People
OEM Service Offered
The turnover of GCMMF (AMUL) during 2008-09 was Rs.
67.11 billion. It markets the products, produced by the
district milk unions in 30 dairy plants, under the renowned
AMUL brand name. The combined processing capacity of
these plants is 11.6 million litres per day, with four dairy
plants having processing capacity in excess of 1 million
Litres per day. The farmers of Gujarat own the largest state

of the art dairy plant in Asia – Mother Dairy, Gandhinagar,

All dairy plants of the unions are ISO 9001-2000, ISO
22000 and HACCP certified. GCMMF (AMUL)’s Total
Quality Management ensures the quality of products right
from the starting point (milk producer) through the value
chain until it reaches the consumer.
The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.
cannot be viewed simply as a business enterprise. It is an
institution created by the milk producers themselves to
primarily safeguard their interest economically, socially as
well as democratically. Business houses create profit in
order to distribute it to the shareholders. In the case of
GCMMF the surplus is ploughed back to farmers through
the District Unions as well as the village societies. This
circulation of capital with value addition within the
structure not only benefits the final beneficiary – the farmer
– but eventually contributes to the development of the
village community.
This is the most significant contribution the Amul Model
cooperatives, of which, the Federation is the apex body, has
made in building the Nation.

Sales Rs US $ (in
Turnover (million) million)
1994-95 11140 355
1995-96 13790 400
1996-97 15540 450
1997-98 18840 455
1998-99 22192 493
1999-00 22185 493
2000-01 22588 500
2001-02 23365 500
2002-03 27457 575
2003-04 28941 616
2004-05 29225 672
2005-06 37736 850
2006-07 42778 1050
2007-08 52554 1325
2008-09 67113 1504
Amul Brand Building

GCMMF (AMUL) has the largest distribution network for

any FMCG company. It has nearly 50 sales offices spread
all over the country, more than 3,000 wholesale dealers and
more than 5,00,000 retailers.
AMUL is also the largest exporter of dairy products in the
country. AMUL is available today in over 40 countries of
the world. AMUL is exporting a wide variety of products
which include Whole and Skimmed Milk Powder, Cottage
Cheese (Paneer), UHT Milk, Clarified Butter (Ghee) and
Indigenous Sweets. The major markets are USA, West
Indies, and countries in Africa, the Gulf Region, and
[SAARC] [1]neighbours, Singapore, The Philippines,
Thailand, Japan and China.
In September 2007, Amul emerged as the leading Indian
brand according to a survey by Synovate to find out Asia's
top 1000 Brands.[6]
Amul's product range includes milk powders, milk, butter,
ghee, cheese, curd, chocolate, ice cream, cream, shrikhand,
paneer, gulab jamuns, flavoured milk, basundi, Nutramul
brand and others. In January 2006, Amul plans to launch
India's first sports drink Stamina, which will be competing
with Coca Cola's Powerade and PepsiCo's Gatorade [7].
In August 2007, Amul introduced Kool Koko, a chocolate
milk brand extending its product offering in the milk
products segment. Other Amul brands are Amul Kool, a
low calorie thirst quenching drink; Masti Butter Milk; Kool
Cafe, ready to drink coffee and India's first sports drink
Amul's sugar-free Pro-Biotic Ice-cream won The
International Dairy Federation Marketing Award for 2007
Amul Pasteurised Butter

AMUL BUTTER is made from Butter, Common Salt,

permitted natural colour- Annatto.

AMUL LITE : A Low Fat Low Cholesterol Bread Spread

• Unlike Butter & Margarine, Amul Lite is a low-fat, low-

calorie & low-cholesterol bread spread, hence a
healthier substitute. It contains 26% less fat and
calorie content as compared to butter or margarine.
Amul Kool Millk Shaake

Amul is all set to further consolidate its position in the

beverages market with the introduction of milk shake under
brand name Amul Kool Millk Shaake in 4 exciting flavours –
Banana, Mango, Strawberry and Badam.

Amul Kool Café

Amul Fresh Milk

AMUL MILK is Pasteurised Milk

Amul buttermilk
Amul Emmental Cheese

Presenting Amul's Emmental Cheese with holes

Amul Chocolates

AMUL CHOCOLATE is made from Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Milk

Solids, Chocolate mass
During the financial year 2008-09, GCMMF registered
a 27.7% growth to achieve the new landmark. From
Rs5,255.41 crore of turnover in 2007-08, the milk
giant jumped to Rs6,711.31 crore in 2008-09. For
the third consecutive year, it has posted a double
digit growth turnover. Apart from it, despite
recession, the unduplicated turnover of the dairy co-
operative of Gujarat would have crossed the mark of
Rs10,000 crore during the fiscal.

The Anand-based largest dairy co-operative of India,

Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation
(GCMMF) which markets Amul brand, has now
become the largest food retail company in India by
crossing the milestone of Rs6,700 crore annual
The annual report of GCMMF for 2008-09,
released by the federation on Friday, reveals
that milk procurement has witnessed a double
digit growth. Total milk procurement by
member unions of GCMMF during 2008-09
averaged 87.19 lakh kg per day which has
increased by 14.87% over 75.90 lakh kg per
day in 2007-08. The highest procurement as
usual was recorded in winters during January
2009 at 114.24 lakh kg per day. Despite
recession, the federation has witnessed growth
in export. Export of GCMMF has reached Rs133
crore against Rs125 crore last year
Slowly and gradually, Amul has also expanded
its distribution network across the country.
Currently, there are 3,500 distributors for
value-added milk products and 1,800
distributors for fresh milk to ensure that Amul
products are available to all segments of
consumers in India through more than 20 lakh

outlets, says the annual report. Apart from

that, GCMMF has expanded its network of Amul
parlours to more than 4,000 parlours across
various towns and cities of India.
The future for institution is a subject which requires
constant attention the future is perceived is one
embroiled with hardship. Hardship may surface in
many forms as global demand and changes, foreign
affiliation , competition, liberalization ,changing value,
urban shifting, etc are some of them to name which we
forces and union has to cope with them.
In future union should be adopt latest technology
.Union should not sit for most quality of produced and
co placement with existing product range but think in
more innovative way to stay ahead research and
development unit has to be strengthened. Union also
thinks of price to sustain leading position in the market.
Prices will have to remain study and so union should
concentrate on reducing and maintenance expense
rather then proposing increasing product rise.
In comparison with other companies which are in
leading position in dairy industries , the milk producing
animal in our country gives yield four times less milk.

Hence, it is time that union should review enhancement

of milk production by adopting better animal
husbandry practices . so, these are the some future
challenges for union that has to be faced.
The system succeeded mainly because it provides an
assured market at remunerative prices for producers' milk
besides acting as a channel to market the production
enhancement package. What's more, it does not disturb the
agro-system of the farmers. It also enables the consumer an
access to high quality milk and milk products. Contrary to
the traditional system, when the profit of the business was
cornered by the middlemen, the system ensured that the
profit goes to the participants for their socio-economic
upliftment and common good. Looking back on the path
traversed by Amul, the following features make it a pattern
and model for emulation elsewhere. Amul has been able to:
• Produce an appropriate blend of the policy makers farmers
board of management and the professionals: each group
appreciating its rotes and limitations,

• Bring at the command of the rural milk producers the best

of the technology and harness its fruit for betterment.

• Provide a support system to the milk producers without

disturbing their agro-economic systems,

• Plough back the profits, by prudent use of men, material

and machines, in the rural sector for the common good and
betterment of the member producers and

• Even though, growing with time and on scale, it has

remained with the smallest producer members. In that
sense. Amul is an example
par excellence, of an intervention for rural change. The
Union looks after policy formulation, processing and
marketing of milk, provision of technical inputs to enhance
milk yield of animals, the artificial insemination service,
veterinary care, better feeds and the like - all through the
village societies. Basically the union and cooperation of
people brought Amul into fame i.e. AMUL (ANAND MILK
UNION LIMITED), a name which suggest THE TASTE OF

• First plant is at ANAND, which engaged in the

manufacturing of milk, butter, ghee, milk powder,
flavored milk and buttermilk.
• Second plant is at MOGAR, which engaged in
manufacturing chocolate, nutramul, Amul Ganthia and
Amul lite.

• Third plant is at Kanjari, which produces cattelfeed.

• Fourth plant is at Khatraj, which engaged in

producing cheese.

Today, twelve dairies are producing

different products under the brand name
Amul. Today Amul dairy is no. 1 dairy in
Asia and no. 2
in the world, which is matter of proud for
Gujarat and whole India.

Marketing research plays an important role in the process of

marketing. Starting with market component of the total
talks. It helps the firm to acquire a better understanding of
consumers, the competition and the marketing environment.

“Marketing research is a systematic gathering, recording and
analysis marketing problem to facilitate decision making.”
- Coundiff & Still.
“Marketing research is a systematic problem analysis, model
building and fact finding for the purpose of important
making and control in the marketing of goods and services.
- Phillip Kotler .



Defining the Marketing Problem to be tackled and identifying

market research problem involved in the task.
(1) Define the problem and its objectives.
(2) Identify the problem.

(3) Determine the information needed.

(4) Determine the sources of information.
(5) Decide research methods.
(6) Tabulate, Analyze and interpret the data.
(7) Prepare research report.
(8) Follow-up the study.

Define the problem and its

objectives :-
This includes an effective job in planning and designing a
research project that will provide the needed information. It
also includes the establishment of a general framework of
major marketing elements such as the industry elements,
competitive elements, marketing elements and company

(2) Identify the problem :- Identifying the problem

involves getting acquainted with the company, its business,
its products and market environment, advertising by means
of library consultation and extensive interviewing of
company’s officials.

(3) Determining the specific Information needed

In general the producer, the manufacturer, the wholesaler
and the retailer try to find out four things namely :-
(1) What to sell
(2) When to sell
(3) Where to sell
(4) How to sell
(4) Determine the sources of information :-
(a) Primary Data :- Primary datas are those which are
gathered specially for the project at hand, directly – e.g.
through questionnaires & interviews. Primary data sources
include company salesman, middleman, consumers,
buyers, trade association’s executives & other businessman
& even competitors.

(b) Secondary Data :- These are generally published

sources, which have been collected originally for some other
purpose. Source are
internal company records, government publication, reports &
publication, reports & journals, trade, professional and
associations publications & reports.

(4) Decide Research methods for collecting data

If it is found that the secondary data cannot be of much use,
collection of primary data become necessary. Three widely
used methods of gathering primary data are
A) Survey
B) Observation
C) Experimentation

A) Survey Method :- In this method, information gathered

directly from individual respondents, either through personal
interviews or through mail questionnaires or telephone

B) Observation Method :- The research data are gathered

through observing and recording their actions in a marketing
situation. This technique is highly accurate. It is rather an

C) Experimental Method :- This method involves carrying

out a small scale trial solution to a problem, while at the
same time,
attempting to control all factors relevant to the problem. The
assumption here is that the test conditions are essentially
the same
as those that will be encountered later when conclusions
from the experiment are applied to a broader marketing

D) The Panel Research :- In this technique the same

of respondents is contacted for more then one occasion; and
information obtained to find out if there has been any in
their taste
demand or they want any special quality, color, size, packing
in the product.

a) Preparation of questionnaire
b) Presetting of questionnaire
c) Planning of the sample

(5) Tabulate, Analysis and Interpret the Data :-

The report must give/contain the following information:-

a) The title of research
b) The name of the organization for which it has been
c) The objectives of research
d) The methodology used
e) Organization and the planning of the report
f) A table of contents along with charts and diagrams used
in the reports
g) The main report containing the findings
h) Conclusion arrived at end recommendations suggested
i) Appendices (containing questionnaire / forms used sample
design, instructions.)

(6) Follow-up the study :- The researchers, in the last

should follow up this study to find if his recommendation are
implemented and if not, why


“Advertising is a paid form of non-personal

presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or
services by an identified sponsor.”

Increase the awareness level of AMUL CHOCOLATE.
 Seek the general perception of consumer towards AMUL

 To find the performance of AMUL CHOCOLATE vis-à-vis
 To know the consumer psyche and their behaviour



related sub objectives
To know the relationship of sales with the advertisement.

 To know awareness of people towards Amul chocolates.

 To know in which segment chocolates are mostly


 To know which advertisement tool is mostly preferred by


 To know the preference of Amul chocolates with

To Other competitive brands.

 To know the factors which affects consumer’s buying

to purchase chocolates.
3. Information requirement

• First, I had to know about all the competitors present in the

Chocolate segment (Reputed and well established brands as
well as Local brands).

• Before going for the survey I had to know the comparative

packs and prices of all the competitors existing in the

• Since chocolate is a product that attracts children and

youngsters hence I had to trace the market and segment it,
which mainly deals with people of various age groups.

• As chocolate is different product, the main information

is the various types of chocolates available in the market,
calorific value and various other facts. They can be termed
as :

• As Amul chocolate advertisements are mainly done

hoardings but on television the advertisement is being
telecasted timely and on the proper time or not

AMUL CHOCOLATE is made from Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Milk

Solids, Chocolate mass.
• Milk Fat 2%
• Sugar 55%
• Total Fat 32.33%
(Milk Fat + Cocoa Fat)
• Cocoa Solids 7.5%
• Milk Solids 20%

4. Choice of research design –

alternatives & choice
Despite the difficulty of establishing an entirely satisfactory
classification system, it is helpful to classify marketing
research on
the basis of the fundamental objectives of the research.
Consideration of the different types, their applicability, their
strengths, and their weakness will help the student to select
type best suited to a specific problem.
The two general types of research are:

Exploratory research seeks to discover new relationship,
on discovery of ideas.
Marketing researches devote a significant portion of their
work on
exploratory studies when very little is known about the
being examined.
Conclusive studies attempts to determine the frequency with
something occurs or the relationship between two
Usually conclusive studies assume certain under underlying
characteristics of the market or have some precise
statement of
research questions/hypothesis.


If one wants to know what type of dentifrice people use,

what they
think of, television commercials, or why they buy particular
of cars, the natural procedure is to ask them. Thus, the
questionnaire method has come to be the more widely used
of the
two data collection method. Many consumers are now
familiar with
the telephone caller who greets them with “We are making a
survey”, and then proceeds to ask a series of questions.
interviews are conducted in person, others by telephone,
and others
by mail. Each of these has its special advantages and
and limitations. The questionnaire method in general,
however, has
a number of pervasive advantages and disadvantages.
Discussion of
particular variations will be more meaningful if these
of the general methods are brought out first.
A questionnaire consists of list of questions to be asked from
respondents and the space provided to record the answer /
responses. Questionnaire can be used for the personal

focus groups, mails and telephonic interviews. The choice

these alternatives is largely determined by the type of
to be obtained and by the type of respondents from whom it
is to be
The common factor in all varieties of the questionnaire
method is
this reliance on verbal responses to question, written or oral.

Questionnaire in the project consists of:

Multiple choice questions

 Dicthomus


Questions of this type offer the respondents an alternative to
the right answer among others. It is faster, time saving and
biased. It also simplifies the tabulating process.


In this type respondents are free to answer in their own

words and
express the ideas they think are relevant, such questions are
as first questions or opening questions. They introduce the
and obtain general reaction.


These are the questions which are Boolean in nature. These

are straightforward and respondents have to answer them in
straight way. That means the answer can only be either
‘Yes” or ‘No’.


Sample design is a definite plan of obtaining some items
from the
whole population. The sample design used in this project is
two state
sampling i.e. Cluster and convenience. In the probability
methods, each items in the sample is chosen one at a time
from a
complete list of universe elements. In marketing research
practice, it
will sometimes be more expedient to select clusters or
groups of
universe elements, rather than to choose sample items
Sampling methods in which universe elements are chosen in
---- rather than individually -- are called cluster-sampling
They are widely used in the sampling of human populations.
no complete universe listing exists, a type of sampling is
called area
sampling may be the only practically feasible form of


The non structured techniques for attitude measurement are

primarily of value in exploratory studies, where the
researcher is
looking for the salient attributes of given products and the
factors surrounding purchase decisions as seen by the
Structured techniques can provide a more objective
system, one which is more comparable to a scale or a
yardstick. The
term scaling has been applied to the efforts to measure
objectively, and a number of useful scales have been


Sample design is a definite plan of obtaining some items

from the
whole population. The sample design used in this project is
two state
sampling i.e. cluster sampling and convenience sampling.
The whole
city was divided into some geographical areas and I have
Memnagar, Ashram road, Sattelite, Bopal, Bodekdev,
Vastrapur, Navrangpura, Usmanpura, Maninagar and
Narayanpura. The total sample size was 200.


Here the whole area is divided into some geographical area

and a
definite number of consumers were to be surveyed.

This type of sampling is chosen purely on the basis of

and according to convenience.I visited Garden, Parks,
Superstores, Theatres and Gymnasium.


1. Sampling Technique : Non probability sampling

(A non probability sampling
technique is that in which each element in the population
does not have an equal chance of getting selected)

2. Sample Unit : People who buy chocolates

Available in retail outlets, superstores, etc

3. Sample size : 200 respondents (Age ranging between 15

yrs to 65 yrs)
4. Method : Direct interview through questionnaire.

5. Data analysis method : Graphical method.

6. Area of survey : Ahmadabad District.

7. Timing of survey : 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and 5.00 pm To

8.00 pm


 Limited time available for interviewing the respondents.

As a
result of this it was not possible to gather full information
the respondents.

 When I interviewed children and teenagers, sometimes

use to give answers under the influence of their parents or

 As summer training is going under summer season so

Sometimes people are less interested in filling up

 Sometimes the problem which I face is language problem

which I have to make them understand.

 Non-cooperative approach and rude behavior of the


 If the respondents answer does not falls between

amongst the
options given then it will turn up to be a biased answer.

During the survey it was found that still there are 10%
who have not tasted Amul Chocolate.

 Lake of Awareness in consumers. Many people are not

about Amul chocolates specially children and teenagers.
 As I found that the main product of Amul is Milk and
company firstly wants to capture maximum market share in
milk market which is approx. 66%, after it Amul is
upon butter & cheese which has market share of approx.
so it is not concentrating upon chocolates.

 When I interviewed people then many of the people can

recall Amul chocolate advertisement. It shows Lake of
Advertisement or advertisement is not timely given or
advertisement is not given on right time.

 In its advertisement is not using any brand

which attracts all age group people like Cadbury.

 There is lake of Sales Promotional Activities i.e. free

extra weight, toys, quiz contest etc.

 Cadbury is main competitor and strategically better

performerthen Amul.

 we find the main thing is that “Amul” brand name has

very good
image in consumer’s mind and they consider it as Pure
&Good Product.

 People who have tasted Amul Chocolate are not ready

purchase the same again.

 In order to maintain and increase the sales in the city of
Ahmedabad, the following recommendations regarding
Chocolates; particularly regarding advertisement,
promotional policies, etc, are hereby suggested:

 First and foremost Amul should take proper action in order

improve service, because although being on a top slot in
Butter and milk supplies it does not get the sales in
which it should get.

 Company should use brand ambassador which attracts

age segment i.e. Saniya Mirza, Shaktimaan, Amitabh
Superman, Krrish, Jadoo etc.

 Amul should give local advertisements apart from the

advertisements given at the national level. Local
must mention the exclusive Amul shops of the city.

 Try and change the perception of the people through

word of
mouth about Amul in advertisements, because they are the
best source to reach Children and families.

 Though Amul chocolate advertisements are rarely shown

television yet many people could recall it as per the data of
research. It shows that there is only need to give
only to rememorize customers. Because Amul is very strong
brand name.

 Company should launch chocolate in new attractive

to change image of Amul chocolate in consumers mind.

 Company should introduce sales promotion schemes

free weight, pranky, tattoo, contest, free gifts etc.

 Advertisement can be done with the help of animations

attracts children and teenagers because chocolates are
consumed largely in this segment.

 Company should launch chocolates in new flavors like –

Mix Fruit
As we know that Amul is very big organization and
market leader in dairy products. It has maximum market
share in
Milk, Butter and Cheese, which are its main/core products.
As we
know Amul is a co-operative organisaion but chocolate
industry is a
profitable industry we can’t ignore it. With the help of
company can find out its week points in chocolate product
and can
increase its market share through rectify mistakes. People
believed in Amul’s product and they will accept its
chocolates also
if effective actions were taken.

The survey resulted into following conclusions :

 Amul must come up with new promotional activities

that people become aware about Amul Chocolates like
Chocozoo, Bindaaz, and Fundoo.

 Quality is the dominating aspect which influences

to purchase Amul product, but prompt availability of other
chocolate brands and aggressive promotional activities
others influences the consumer towards them and also leads
increase sales.

 In comparison to Amul Chocolate, the other players such

Cadbury, Nestle, and Perfetti provide a better
and give competition to the hilt.

 People are mostly satisfied with the overall quality of

Chocolate, but for the existence in the local market Amul
use aggressive selling techniques.






6. Research Methodology. ( Harper W.Boyd, C. R. Kothari )


We are the student of MBA from AMITY GLOBAL

BUSINESS SCHOOL NOIDA conducting a survey on
Effectiveness of
advertising towards sales of Chocolates.
[1] What kind of Chocolate do you eat?
Branded ______ Non-branded ______

[2] Who uses chocolates in your family?

Children Teenager
Young Old

[3] What form of Chocolate do you like?

Cookies _____ Bar _____
Wafer _____ Other _____

[4] Which Television channel you like to watch most?

STAR _______ ZEE ________
SONY _______ CARTOON ________
Others _______

[5] In between what time you like to watch television?

Timings _____________

[6] By which media you prefer to watch advertisements?

Television Hoardings
Newspapers Magazines
Others (Mention)

[7] Which advertisement you like the most?


[8] What factors effects you in a chocolate advertisement?

Brand ambassador _______ Jingles ________

Comedy _______ Music ________

Others (Mention) _______

[9] Have you ever tasted Amul Chocolate?

Yes _____ No ______

[10] Can you recall AMUL Chocolate advertisement?

Yes ____ No ____
[11] What is the frequency of purchasing Chocolate?
Daily ______ Weekly _______
Fortnightly ______ Occasionally _______

[12] How do you scale your Chocolate?


[13] Which Chocolate do you like most?

AMUL ____________
CADBURY ____________
NESTLE ____________
PERFETTI ____________
OTHERS ____________

[14] What would you like to see in a chocolate

NAME: ___________

AGE: ___________
10-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45 and


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