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The Chamber…building a stronger local economy


September 29, 2010

Riverside Chamber President Issues Statement on Passage of Job-Creator AB 2098

RIVERSIDE, CA – Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce President/CEO Cindy Roth released the
following statement after Governor Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 2098 (Miller) into law.

“The passage of AB 2098 is a big victory for our region. This bill accelerates and expedites the six-
lane expansion of the 91 Freeway and creates 18,000 much-needed jobs in the area.

“While a typical freeway expansion project like this requires more than 10 years to complete, the
passage of AB 2098 will condense construction into a four-year window. This means that thousands of
people will have jobs again, and commuters will spend less time stuck in traffic.”

“We thank Governor Schwarzenegger for signing this job-creator bill into law. We also applaud
Assemblyman Jeff Miller, Assembly Transportation Vice Chair Kevin Jeffries, Senator Bill
Emmerson, California Transportation Commissioner Joe Tavaglione, and Riverside County
Transportation Commission Executive Director Anne Mayer for championing AB 2098.”

Established in 1900, The Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce is the voice of business in
Riverside, speaking on behalf of nearly 1,500 member firms – collectively representing 95,000 jobs.
Our mission is to build a stronger local economy by, actively promoting and supporting our
community; fostering the growth and strength of our member organizations; and by engaging federal,
state and local officials on behalf of business interests.


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