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Careers in Finance

UNC Investment Society

What are the entry-level careers in Finance?


Investment Capital Sales & Equity/Debt Asset/Wealth

Banking Markets Trading Research Management

Private Hedge
Equity Funds
What is Investment Banking?
Advise companies on mergers, acquisitions and other corporate actions
Help companies raise capital through equity and
debt markets
Process: first intern as a summer analyst, get a
full-time offer, then come back as a full-time analyst
Analyst program is 2-years long
As an analyst you support senior investment
bankers by:
Building financial models
Creating corporate presentations (pitchbooks)
Conducting general industry research
Getting the Job
What Qualities are conducive to succeeding in Investment
Analytical and quantitative
Attention to detail and hard work ethic
Time management skills
Articulate with words and speech
Likeable personality

What do Recruiters look for on a resume?

Much like applying to college:
Former work experience, coursework or activities that indicate interest in finance
Strong GPA – at least 3.5 or above
Leadership positions and academic honors
Unique experiences and characteristics
Who are the players?
Bulge Brackets: the “Ivy Leagues” Elite Boutiques: the “Liberal Arts Colleges”

Middle Market: the “state schools” Other firms:

 Many smaller, boutique IBs
 May take 1 intern at most, sometimes only hire
full time
 May be focused on local region, specific
industries, or smaller deal/client size
 Often times, purely M&A focused
Who Comes to Campus?
Bulge Brackets: the “Ivy Leagues” Elite Boutiques: the “Liberal Arts Colleges”

Middle Market: the “state schools” Other firms:

 Many smaller, boutique IBs
 May take 1 intern at most, sometimes only hire
full time
 May be focused on local region, specific
industries, or smaller deal/client size
 Often times, purely M&A focused
How to Break In
How do I get the Interview?

Only a few firms recruit at Carolina, the spots are limited and the demand is high
Only way into the other banks is networking, reach out to:
– Alumni
– Kenan-Flagler professors
– MBA students
– Family and friends

Make a conscious effort to get your name out

– Ask the contacts and individuals you meet to
introduce you to colleagues
– Have them forward your resume to Campus
– Reach out directly to the recruiter
– Arrange trips to New York to meet face-to-face
with firms
Recruiting Timeline
Info sessions: November to January
On-campus interviews: January and February
You should begin networking as early as possible and ramp it up from
September till December
– Take advantage of Investment Society’s NY Trip
– Fly up to NY on your own
– Take advantage of alumni network, professors and MBA students

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