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Market Research Methods

Face-to-face interview
A personal interview held in the street or home
Advantages Disadvantages
 2-way communication  Personal interviews can be
 researcher can encourage expensive
respondent to answer  Researchers have to be
 mistakes and selected & trained
misunderstandings can be  Home interviews unpopular
cleared up right away with consumers

Postal Survey
Market researcher sends questionnaire through the post
Advantages Disadvantages
 Inexpensive  Questions must be simple and
 No interviewer training easy to answer
needed  Response rate very low,
incentives sometimes needed

Focus group
Specially selected groups of people, usually led by a chairperson
(facilitator) who puts forward points to encourage open discussion
Advantages Disadvantages
 Qualitative information  Can be difficult to analyse
provided in the form of qualitative information
opinions, feelings and  expensive
 Topics can be explored in
some depth

M. McGowan

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