Pià On Vision 05-18

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eeanan RIWMMOPSRPENRAATAPODOAAATADAMASSORSRBAD Strictly for use in the deliberative process - not authorized for release outside official channels without Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) legal review. FOUO 0019032 FOUO ANNEX B (ANALYSIS OF AREA OF OPERATIONS) TO OPLAN 05-18 PINON VISION - 71D (L) AND FORT CARSON 1, General. This annex will present a rolling information estimate of the area of operations (AO) that provides a physical depiction of the AO. 2, Analysis. The analytical portion of this annex will describe the nature of the land parcels as they relate to military training and operations. The analytical lead for this effort is the G2. Because of the unique nature of this land acquisition effor, the G2 will be materially assisted by input from Range Control, DECAM, DPW, LAT and/or such sub-groups as may acquire information impacting on the process. 3. Graphic Depiction, The ITAM section of Range Control, assisted by such other resources as required, will be used to describe specific characteristics of the various parcels of land to be acquired that are of interest to the LAT. Information will be presented in a graphic and textual format as required. Examples of information depicted include: a, Soil and topography. b. Road networks. c. Water courses and bodies. 4. Political boundaries, e. Other such data as required. Bl Strictly for use in the deliberative process - not authorized for release outside official channels without Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) legal review FOUO 0019049 FOUO TAB 1 (PARCEL ACQUISITION PLAN) TO ANNEX B TO OPLAN 05-18 PINON VISION - 7™ ID (L) AND FORT CARSON, Pifion Canyon Maneuver Site ~Creating a Joint Forces Training Center (f\ — Pie Canyon Expansion Parcel Map 1. General. The terrain described below runs the gamut from complex canyon country with great similarity to Afghanistan to high scrub desert and grasslands reminiscent of much of the Middle East. The land is sparsely populated and eminently suitable for the type of extended operations envisioned for UAs. Currently, this plan does not envision acquiring the towns scattered throughout this area although some of the smaller towns may become available over time if PCMS obtains large adjoining tracts for training. ‘The possibility of conducting taining, in and around the towns in the vein of the Special Forces “Robin Sage” exercises in Carolina is potentially an exciting opportunity that 7ID and Fort Carson will explore. 2. Conservation Zone. This parce! consists of approximately 80,057 acres running generally astride the Purgatoire River valley. The land here is generally rugged canyon river bottom terrain and, as has been noted in the 1980 EIS, most species are concentrated along the Purgatoire River canyon and its rim. In addition to the plant and animal life unique to this environment, there are cultural and historic sites scattered throughout this area. The intent to establish a conservation zone will serve to protect natural, cultural, and historic sites in the area and will clearly demonstrate the Army's good stewardship of the land while still providing realistic training sites for our Soldiers. Based on preliminary discussions with the Nature Conservancy, there is 2 good possibility that the Conservancy will manage this buffer with appropriate recognition of Army requirements. The proposed establishment of the conservation BL 35 Strictly for use in the deliberative process - not authorized for release outside official channels without Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) legal review. ae 0019050 POOSHOHSHSOSHHOSCOHHOOHHOHS SHHOKSHSHOHHHHSHHSOCOED FOUO TAB 1 (PARCEL ACQUISITION PLAN) TO ANNEX B TO OPLAN 05-18 PINON VISION — 7" TD (L) AND FORT CARSON: zone will win powerful allies in the conservation community for the expansion effort and goa Jong way toward mitigating “generic” opposition from environmental groups to the expansion. 3, Parcel 1 A. This parcel consists of 79,592 acres located generally south of the Hogback ridge running just inside the current PCMS southern boundary. The land is rolling high desert with frequent clumps of scrub brush and occasional arroyos and ravines. Generally, the land does not have major terrain features or significant elevation differences. The center, west portion of this patcel is the primary location for a sophisticated battalion Jevel Battle Area Exercise Range (BAX) capabie of handling Army and joint service ground and air live fire systems. This area will have reconfigurable target arrays so that PCMS range control can readily modify it to support various training objectives. The parcel will have the appropriate infrastructure built on it to support digitized live fire using primarily non-dud producing ammunition, Units can use explosive ammunition, but such a use will involve a range control process whereby units visually observe explosive rounds and verify detonated upon impact, thus preserving the ability to maneuver across the area without expensive de-dudding procedures. 4, Parcel 1B. This consists of approximately 35,492 acres located along the southeast boundary of the current PCMS. This area consists primarily of rugged canyon land, heavily dissected terrain with some watercourses and significant local elevation differences. This complex terrain is ideal for Special Forces and light infantry training and units will use this area primarily for maneuver and force on force training for Army, joint and possibly combined forces. 5, Parcel 2. ‘This consists of approximately 501,337 acres located in a broad are sweeping from the southwest to the northwest of the existing PCMS. This area is large expanse of rolling, open terrain, interspersed with many arroyos, low hills and intermittent, seasonal streams and scrub growth. 7ID and Fort Carson intend to use this swathe of land to provide maneuver training for ‘mounted forces including rotary and fixed wing aviation and will provide connectivity between new lands acquired north and south of the existing PCMS. This parcel will adjoin parcel 2B to the northeast and the parcel 3 complex to the south, thus providing a superb maneuver corridor around three sides of the existing PCMS. Plans for this parcel include the construction of a Forward Operating Base (FOB) to provide minimal life support to units operating west of the current PCMS. 6. Parcel 2A. This consists of approximately 131,067 acres joining parcels 1A and 1B. It will provide options for mounted maneuver east of the southern Purgatoire River canyon area and allow maneuver access to/from the live fire areas of parcel 1A. Currently, plans for this parcel include the construction of a FOB to provide minimal life support to units operating east of the Purgatoire River. 7, Parcel 2B. This consists of some 142,137 acres in the western portion of the Comanche ‘National Grasslands (North). This land will complete the northern expansion of PCMS and will provide northeast to southwest mancuver extending into parcel 2. This land will primarily support mounted and acrial maneuver over the large, rolling expanses of prairie grassland. © * BL2 Strictly for use in the detiberative process - not authorized for release outside official channels without Freedom of Information Act (FOLA) legal review. ae 0019054 FOUO ‘TAB 1 (PARCEL ACQUISITION PLAN) TO ANNEX B TO OPLAN 05-18 PINON VISION - 71D (L) AND FORT CARSON 8, Parcel 3A. This consists of 104,234 acres generally due south of parcel 1. This will provide a maneuver corridor connecting the southern end of parcel 2 with parcels.1A and 2A. Parcel 3A is typical, rolling high desert scrubland with numerous arroyos and intermittent streambeds. It provides excellent cross-country maneuver opportunities west, north and east. 9. Parcel 3B. This consists of 148,979 acres generally east and northeast of parcel 3A. This land, essentially the same terrain as parcel 3A, permits the same type of maneuver but has the added advantage of allowing access eastward to the Comanche National Grassland (South), if the Army chooses to expand there in the furure 10. Comanche National Grassland (North and South). Although not part of this acquisition project, the Army may consider these lands for a future expansion of PCMS. These areas consist of rolling shortgrass prairie which would provide excellent ground and air maneaver opportunities. The northern grassland is about 199,999 acres located directly north of PCMS. ‘The southern grassland is about $29,514 acres extending eastward toward the Kansas border for some 95 km. ACKNOWLEDGE: MIXON MG OFFICIAL REED G3 35 BA3 Strictly for use in the deliberative process - not authorized for release outside official channels without Freedom of Information Act (FOLA) legal review. FOUO 0019052

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