User's Manual

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AIL· US·· D blI,- -,' '1' N' .. ",~.·I k'· -. " - &. IH·' '" -t" l· .

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user's Installation Gu:ide

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2 F, 2'46 Nei'-Mu Road~Taipeil 110, laiwain~ IFt.O.C.

Pnone: 886 ... 2-8752 ... 2000 Fax: 886-2-8752-111008 UFtL:' nttp.:l/ .. tw

Page 1

I. Overview

ALi's M'5632 Host-to-Host Nletwo:rking Controller provides an UIS8-lbased host-networking and

host-Ii k " '-111 _to . 'f - I ~.A.,~. i 1- . '_I " 'UIS~~:,B-' he sts ., f PC-··. liN'· I'~I teb _I 1_, II D~', _"':__' .. 1'_.; .. - d ',', ·thl th· .. L. '_'1 ,1- I "II' ·1 - t.··, .' i,

II'IOS lin so U Ion or ILVVY or Imore .. _ .. ' lOS S Or , .. 0 e 001'\.. ,eslgne WI I 8 propne ary

P- Ol-IW' ',' 'e-r-_e:a- V··"·I ng'- ,- e-=- c,=-Ih no 11O,-g,-, y' '.' M·· £,~3'~ '2': ·Ie a lo,~ w'· ...... p "w,' '.Ieli" s '·In·g-,-Ie-c,-=- h'· I Pll sol U~J·O- n W" ·'·I*h- b-,' U ·1 It' - in ,"".,,:, ~ ,UI S~ ·,-8':2····'· '0" .',

.. , .. ·1 ~' I ~' .. ' .. ·1 I, '.'_:., _ .. 1 I ,I...J)U .•. - ;:;,;II .. ~"'" I'u., , 11 . I I,~, '.' . ~u .,II,J .'/ I '. IL. .. . IIJ.'VVU '.' .".'

transceiver/controllers with embedded piing-pong FIFOs for optimized thro'uglnput. Throuqh Al.i's proprietary auto detectinq and sw,itehi'ng method between USB 'High-Speed (HS) and Full-Speed

tFS;")' A··,L· M"~'R'3=·,2···-- -I -11- .... · -.=- I' -- '-f-·=- ,-d-I " :- ,., ted h' . -t ... t' o-host -_··::-··tw· "",,··-·-~k·/· .'-' .::- -. -'1··- -',·1--' -. II.·.·=-=-· both

'\ .• '.! ,.' I ,I JU, SUppol"l~S a Ulser rlelnl Y IOnen e· IOS, 0- os nel,Clrlln,gl app Ica Ion via . 0 I

USB,2.0 and USB1.1 interfaces.

ALi USB, Host controller solution provides tv\to softvvare application solutions in one installation package, i.e. I 'IIUSB Data Link" and HUlse Virtual Netvvork" packages to be optionally installed. However, these Me solutions should NOT co-exist in one computer system due to operating system support and hardware limitation.

The "USB, Data" (SuperLink) software package provides a software tool to enable enid-user being capable of accessing remote rile data in remote computer's storage devieejs) th,rougn a

--" .: . 1- 11'-' d - -' '1-'1 &' ~d'-=" ,~ -' 1-' '--1' "1-" - d -." W' , "'h .1-1 I;k,~ "'US'~ B· Virt "1 INI': I· - "'",*~ k" fV"",,··rt '- I IN:' tw, '1'-" -k) . - '-~"""~ - .

slmpe ··rag,· ... ·rop Iprloce,ure .. ,1 Ie IIlJI~e ~'_:~, , . .I,lllllLua ·ell!.'lVur·· ,.,,e ",or···, 5011"I1'VVdre

package is developed to be an NDI~complliant solution Iby emulating a virtual LAN interoperability arncnq peer-to-peer end-users' computers. The VirtulallNet provides a sing'l~e-chip

.' '111 It··I·1 . f I I '~~"'_ ki . . b .... "IA. '1: . . I-=-' " - . .: . - I t I' - ",.. .' thei UIS'-:- '; S·· I ' . .,..1,;-, It·· -. ., Ir-.. . tlv im . . 'I I .~ t· b I· t·

so unon or networ .lngl'lLvvu lor more computers via nerr ,~ .... POll IlLS. IS mneren V mcompa I_: e to

connect tvvo pes togeth,er via a simple USISI cable.

TbQ S·'-'Iuper-L·lnk··· solution prov id S'S' a better solution to resolve tbQ "peer- to' peer" inco rn ·pat·lb··II·I1n,i!

11'lv:" - 1-1.-1 ',:__'--' .'. '_1.1 ·.,','t,I_-.- .--111.11.:- , __ 1- 'W.·. '1_111' _- ",,'- II'I~ ,-- .. 1'- ,I-II.-~Ii 1'_- 1"_1_', 1111.,.'

concern by Al.i's ap'plying a custornized application apple! program. Two independent PC hosts c,an therefore exchange data or information through this proprietary software package by as easy as one simple drag&,drop operation between tvvo computer systems.


Ula"-"'n'" & .. ,' .... ': UI, "I"I,'--:n' '~"Ic DI ;~·"I'·V' ,··:e·-,·r l'o-·s-··t'a·-I'I·'a'· ··t,,·o·- .. ··n····

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The following sections are to illustrate Ulan .& Ulink software package installation procedure for Al.i's USB Hest-Networkinq & Host-Link solution. These sections include.

(1) VirtualllNe~rk driver installation for Windows918/1MIE/2000

(2) driver installation for Windows96/ME/2QOD

(3) Virtual IN rk driver installation for Windo\IVSXP

(4) dr'ilver installation for WlndowsXP

(5) v, "or-·lfy· V', '1·1 rtua I N···· etwerk d river insta llation fO"-'r- 1',',',,"','Ind,- liii'[iI~Jlle9:'·8-·S-".IIE/'··M" C.

_ ,I ,I ~I :,1 I . I. ,', ~IL'VVUI' I.'· '," ,,~I ", .. t.·,IL. ..... '11 J I _~\J.VilV·~i. ", ,', >L.. IIII L:

(16) Verify Virtual Nletwork driver installation for WindQvvs2000/XP (7) Verify S'u'lpelrLink driver installation for Windovvs98/1ME/2000/XP

(8) Upgrade Virtual Net\t,,(Uik driver installation for Wiln,dows98/MEI2000/XP' (9) Upgrade driver instalfation for WindlOvvs98/ME'I2000lXP

(101) Remove Virtuall Net\tv'ork driver installation for ',',,',,,' ,'indows98/MIE/20001XP (111) Remove driver installation for Wi ndo\JVS98/MEJ20QO/XP'

(12) RSlmove & lnstall Virtual Network driver for Win,dows9S/MEl2000/XP'

Page 1


( 3)Rlelmove 'Vir-ural NerMJo-k & lnsta IS per irk driver for W'dovvs98JMEI2OOO/XP1

( ,4) Su perL.ik [) ive - I -3ltallation by Wi do\IVS Dev ·ce Driver Wiza d to Wi ndows 98JME/2000 ( ,5) Virtua :; etwork Driv1er ns al a io - b'y WindoV\lS Dev'io ,I DrIVer Wzard ' or W - dews

981M 12:- 0--'- 0-- - 0- c-

OJ' • • • • •

_ ",' • - •• - ,J

Hi-S[Jeed USB ]JJaiaLirut&NTework Caible V2.0 (AL~)


:H-i.=Sp~edl U'S:B

Data E..inIk,&I~re1twoF.:k. C~able V,2J) (ALi)

10 ~ft 12,53 :MB I' I ~I!J~JHI

~.R9~llr fJJ S ml .. :»W ~O~tlD-·-l ~- Hi~D_c--I,~u~~ .. --I_ dIl~a~IBI~ I _ Q~ J:4f.Og':J9J

21. T e Illn'slialllllatiiolln 'Wiiz3lJldl wil ins(ell the USB2_O Vjlrtlulall N1etw'IDlnk driver. Click INlext,

~)Blbt=~~j ~m1$:~Bi!l\:]~: u~




~tE 11

:;,: I nsl a I ~ationl Wi zerd a

MIl' Icome ro inSlai11

USB Vtrtu~1 NleftVOric, Ald~l*r (DI~IH)I

SIlO Click IF'iiln iislh.

:Pa:ae J



-~ Insta~lationl Wizard ff3

Wele10me 110 IWn III1I

US'S VJ~rtulal N1f:two"': Atlapte~ (DI~9SJ



n~t - n fiNshed!

k:'~~~ ~IJ" thc' ~fc'e~c ·r U B~

Is ~fff!l' •

. s.I~~~ ~ J 8 is! ,~., »' I J ~ ©uItlO. --I - Hi~Sp_". ~ TiJ re!~,, __ I. ~ H'i:-~pl_".1 A1oog" ,,_I r~I1i.i~ -~. ' I J: ~ n~ :l~

2:~ T· e lnstatlatlon Wizarldl wi . stall the US i super Link drver C lck NlelCt.


''i;~',~_.~,'~';IJ, "'.i.. '~jfifi -r'qi ,1 ....

V' ,iLl. t1lJ.W.L~ aim.... ,~I'U' "",aGlas ....

Hl=Speed USB

Data l .. Ink &Nel w'OI:k Cable V:~LO(A:Lii)

~m~~ool!i ~*,~~atl~ ~~

-,~Bi8. ~~~II


~[ij!_t~~ .b!!lJij


;.: Installation. Wizard lEi

WelCome to install USB Super Link. Adllpter

3. Ilnstallati,Q,n \"',':,'Iiza,r,d! AP will install in C:\Program Files\Sup,erLi'nk. Click Next in the followi!ng window .

. '\: Ins t a Ileal ion I Wi zer d EJ

Welcome to inmll USB Super Lin~ A,rkptt:r

I C:\'?F!lI!lII ~ ~ ~€1i\S ups F Wliik


11 I


4. Click Finish.

~ ~nstallationl Wizard 13

Wek!ome to "nnatl USB Super Lin/( Adllpte,

I nst~laOcn fimhed.

P~a2:e pUg the ~rn~e~_y USB!

Page 5;


:8i -S,pl@hed, 'U S'B :Da:~3.LiDLk".N'et work ICa.,hle 'Y2Jl!'{ALi)

:~~BB: t87);1'~~_

~~&~ ~I~ :AIlttgta!;


.:~~ lnstalletione Wizard __

, ,~ "-om _. :N i~1 sr--I,'

U',S Vil'tua ' ,I lelMlO,rk :, I,daprs'" (O'JiB ,I


I .ancel I

3 C'I".-t,. C ~-t"-ifl-- A ,- ~- - ~ ~ '" th 1 II I! d

'~I .,. ',~ I\A\ ,: ',o,nrl~llnue "" nyway I' me 0 ow 'tg 'WI . OW~



Ha,rdwdre lnstellatiun

IrI as fi1!£1t pa sse ~ W lriI.§ o !AI s 60 ~Q r esl i n~ ~ ~ ve r [fy i ~ s c om~ ali DiJ i ty wilh WliOOOlW2: XP_ (1 el] me whv thi2: lestmg is LmportanL I

Continuing IOUI lins:lall8lion of this SOfmWiBe Imd_V Oli d~st8biliii!" Ithe correel opmfarion of POLU ,~"iSlell

ei ther Immelll a lely UI I n II h e fu.u I e. I'll I CUI S 0. f. S.IO n yly recommends that ,Oll slop' ~his; ins:laHatiuh nOIH and cONacl the IhardwarB vendol for lof.wale that has p~ssed Windows Logo _esting.


4. Click IFinish.


111l~~~U~~ion fini5=n8d.

F'le~e plug the .rlsvic~~~niQi!J. U 5 e ~

51. Plug up the Al.ills Vinu'al NeiRvork USB Device.

S. Wndows will install the USIB Vir1ua:1 :Netwark driver. \f\ihe'n this Foundl N,9W Hardware Wrzar,d opens! select Install the software 3utamatically(RecDlm m ended,) and click Nlext.

Page 7


WeiCOlme, to thle, Founld New Hardware Wizard

UJ S a VirrtlWal N e~work Ada~teJ' (0,,99]

II. NmUIl haldwau~ came withl an in:slal atimn [0


or flDPPY, dis k, i iii ser I 'i I IrU1W1_

® II If] s ts U the S:D ~ tl1lJ ar 8' autlUflla ti~ a Iy [~88 om me rr!UlB dI] o 11i1~~aD ~Irnm a list I)F ~'~ecjfii! [oiballOtii (A~var;l!~e~1

[ Cancel 1

'Pleitse wail while the wi:zalid ios'lalls Ithe sollware_=_

T ~ ~o~twarB' j,lOU EIIB inslalling fl[il1 ~lhis l1ardwElr8~

I. Click Finish.

hes not passed Wir:ldU'-N8 Logo t~:stil1g to ~e~~~ its oomlDatibti~l~ w'itk WillflLjWS XP. rr ell me wn'J t~is tes~in!l i;s importa~t.J

Continuing yow installalion ol,thiil; :software ma, impair Oli destabilize Ihe COlilie~~ nperatian 01 ,OW system eiltu:!l imllledialel, Dr in Ihe furUIiEL N icrol:o'fl sbol!ilgl.v .ec=ommend':s Ihal IOU s;~op Ihis in~.allalion Inow and conta-c. Ihc haudwarc ycnd'olf f'OIi sDftwan~ Ihal ha:s pa:s:sed Windows LOUD te£ling_

Page a


Oom pl11ei1ilnlgl Iih19' Found IN 191W' H iJr1dr\ft rei Wliz'ard

Gii!I Hi -S:_p.,e:e:d USB DataLink&N' if: work Cable V2.0 (Al-i) ,~

~mlb!.=fiI~ ~ m,:M.tTft'rgM~ ~l~




[8 fIi]~~~ dIIIM~11

21 T - .. , II' ···_···t.···I'II·· ··t· .',' _ .. 'W' I ""., '. d'l -.,.~ --.-I..o!Iiio11 th~ - ... US" :8' 51'1 _,,_', I L· 'k'" d - ~ .. -:: 'C'I~ ILr NJ . "~to

.' ,Ii e In's, alia IIDlln,.I,.llzali.~ WI~ In31S e '". ~ .. ,~:="upelr Ilnl,' I .. ' rIVe _ ':~'. IC~ r: le',x, .


~ lnstalletione Wizard ,

(o3rll::81 I

3 S·~:, I 1· - - L -1--· k A' ',p. ", .. - "11 '-~II '1 'Co, 'c· \"P- ')- .. -.: - .. F- -I· -, -\S·_···· I .,.-. L- _. k·· Ie·· I' -·1 ··k-/ N'· ',- ... _. t· . - th f,-·, ,11/·· ,. ",,' - r '_ .. ,' d ."-,.'

_. , __ upel1l lin '.: ' WI InS'lLdl In ..... raglraJim I es, uper In. _ Ie .. eXI_ In _ e 0 oW,llng wln-_ow.


,:~ lnstallatlenc Wizard ~

c: \F r o~ f ~ m FillE S \S u ~erL i nk

4. CHek Co'ntinue Anlyway in the following windlow.

Page 10

..- -----------------------

Ha r dYla re I nstalla tie n

h as ~ ~ p ass ed ¥I[nd DWS l© gli t es b rig I~ i ve Flify i~ e e ~ MIO ~i I~d ttl' with WiooGlws: XI~. IT ell me wn~ this testing is im120rtantl

Con'llnuln-g VOUI Installatlonl of _his sol.wale' maR IHlllJdlf ur dellamlize the corrffcl o,petrtlinn of JOUI :gJg~em either immediatel, ~f in the futwm. Mi€;loso'_ s:tfongly recommends that ,ou s.lop this; In~tilHiitiDn nOM! and con fae. I he hilniware ¥ e noof 'or S of.waf e that 11.:18 passed Wimdowt Logo _esling_


5 CI· k F· . h

I I··· . : r_ I·

_. - lei. I Inl5 .

I n s ~ el la tiD n f i nis he d.

Fle~1e ~IY~I ~lie de~iee~enio~ USB!


6. Plug up the AL'ils SUlperlink USB Devlice.

1. Wind'o'VVS will install the USB2.0 SuperLink driver. VVlnlen the Found INew Hardware Wizardl opens, select II'nslall the software aut,omlaticaIIYI(Rec'Q1m m,enaed} and click N1ext.

Page 11

W'8I'com,e to tlhe Found New H aralware Wizard

If ,OUI h~rdware came wilh !I1n inslilHillion [D 01 fl'oPIJM .disk .. insBI. 'iti hall.

. I n~~ lSI I the :s:ofh;'tlo! re a ld om all i ce 11.!lJ1 [R eeo mm end ed], o IlnG~alU tram a lisl ~r s~ecifie lo~a~i~rI (Ad~I'~F)e~~]

[ Co$l~el l


USB 51J~er lirlk

1!1~~ rloli passed Window5= L~~o ~~~~ing to v~Fi~lJ i~~ ~QIl'i@~~ibi~i~jI 'lVith Wmow~ xp_ [Tell ms wh~ tni~ tssting i~ impor~antl

[onlinuing ,OUI inxraDalion 01 this !:O~rNclie may impair Oli destabilize _he c.,lileel opcration ofr fOUl g,slem ei_her immed-.ately 01 in lhe 'ulure. Mic~DsIJF. stlDngly lecommends (helm ,lJU iglop .his linslanation now and Eonta&t ttl e halidwillie ",e III dOl' for , m UWiU8 rhar ha~ pa~sed Windows Logo te~ling.

9. Click Finish.

Page 12

Complleting fhe Found New H ardWilre Wt~':ilrd


f h e wizard h a s Ifiln i shed ins t a Ilin!J tin e sol ~W.Elf 8 tor:

Use these instructions tOI verify successful driver installation on yo'ur system.

1 To verify that the driver is installed; Rig'ht-click on the My Com puter desktop icon, select

P- roperties -. "31 In 1 d-- then click the -D:-e--·v:'--,·I'c---e-- IM'"I~ln--a'Ole=-'r tab Ctick R'n-- the U+U (plus) C·IQ'_ n next I.orr. N-:-- e---"'~'~o-,'rk;

. _ " __ 1"1 I._ .. ~ ~ OJ . _ 111. ~ ~ ~ .'. I ~ _. _. " .,' _. I g _ ~ '. aJ _. II ~ _", IIIiJ. ~ I.' a ,I i ~ _ ," I' 'I ~A. 11l.~ I'. _ I. v-v" . .

Page 11

System Properties II lEI


, 1 3914 'E u s 'C~n trc I ler

~.. C[)'AOM,

1$ ., - ,- Disk drives

[$ ...• , D 1~~liJ ~dQlpter$

1$1.. IrID'~)J disk€:fS

~ ..

H~ld di~k cenao lers K€!}lD Qiifd



2 TOI verify that' the liP address is auto-distribution: 'Righll-click on the NeMDrk Neighbarlhood' desktop icon, select Prapenties~ and then click the IConfig uration tab. Select the target then

click Prope'Riles next tOI reP/I,p Properties and then click the I ,P' Add'lr,ess.

: ~

(!] ..

l!1.. S Qtln~ .. video end g~me ikGln~l@ I~J~

~ I

Refre~h I

Remove 1..__P_rrl_._,. _ _.

- --: W~ ,on~ Pr.~I' ..... 13

- - -- . --- --



Page 14

Use these instructions to verify successful driver installation on your system

11 Tal vSlrify that' the driver is installed; Rilght-1click on the Mly Gam puler desktop icon, sailed Pr'D,perlies~ then click the Hardware tab and click Device Ma'nlage,. Click on thle U+" (plus) sign next to Netwolrk adapters to expand the list.


.!l Device Manager rg~~

File Ac~ion View Help

. (om~lUter Di5k dnves

D ls play ad apt ers

• DVD!'C~-ROM drives

191 0 ~IP l' disk CD fib Oll~ r s

'it ~I o ~~::t I[f!ill d rives

-if- IDE AT~~A I AP~ (oril~nOn!B~5

..!. M b: e a! nd 10 bhlB If pn in ring de ~ ic es

+ M ~JlIit OH;

NBtWEIrk adapters


5~ Virtui31 ~~tllr.l~rk Adl03~tiBr 'OIl9~) #2

*. Other dBVtC8S

. ~~rt~ (rOM ~ I Pl~


2' T~ ~,~ar·lf-\,t tb~t tba d 1i"·IV·· eli" is installed .'E) ·Igi ht-elick on the M", Y"',' N' I 'e' tw' ,0,'" r,k" pla tees desktop icon selec t

v Y~I, J. Ua . u~ . II .' ..... 11 ~ .;.J. a '-= .. ! F\I.~ _ Il1;.,o ~ '. ~ 1 'I.!. ..... I, "', '=_ ',,',,'.__:_. II, - . ~._-_- .I~~ _v·· II/;J./ I ~.;;:;II~ .'.

- .

~ Netwurk Connections ~~fi]

B ck


1.JS"a"-\-1 it LJ aI r:Je t mrK ~.o ·tD.99) .2


. IfJ ~clJir~s~: 1. ~ .1. 1 Sume~ Mo!sk.: 25!i 0 10.0 M r -~ ~rti~d

3 Click the windows icon of toolbars.

I·..=--..~ . \~~. . -

~. ~~I.1fI:'. 4 :.20 PM

._ _. - ...

--::::- .. '-, S-c ... ··-I'~-" ... -.- .. IL·~'k', D'-' .1', .... -.-.,.1',. -:',-: .. ':,1.,,-.'- ...... -.- ... ,.- .~.- .-"'. w.",',,'._. 'd·,,·_'_··"il.i"~' 9'-""I:'~':M' iE' ·Z'·i2>O-'·OII'D'I··~I·~····p'·.'.'

, I I . I I II . I II I _ I I I II f I '. I" I I I. -._ I I - I I 1-- I . I I I I ( '.' I I I I .' " ". I . I .' .. ,- I • I· .... I ~-

erl ",U, ,eli -In" '_ "vier, ,ns: a .IS'_Ilon Ilor I' ,In, I_DWS '. I.' I , '" '_. 1,1 .... ,,'

U th . t cti t ·f - fro I d . . ta II t· t

. -'-' .- .... - - -'~- ,1'-' ',-,' 1'-- 1',-" ""-1- , ..... - 1'1"-' '-'-- '-,, .'."- -' .. '. "'-"11'-'-' " - -.-",','-, - -,-

se ese Ins ru ions 01 veri V success U I .... river Ins a Ian on your sys ern .

Page ]5,

To v,er,ify that the driver is installed.Right-click on the' My 'Computer desktop icon, select Pr,o,perli,esl then click the Hardlware tab and click Device' Manage'r. Click on the "+U (plus) sign next to U1niivelrsal Seri'al Blus eentrelters to expand fh,e list.


~ Device Manager ~[Q][!g]

FUe Aitioli"l ~iew Help

ilDE ~'fH~l~lAIP~ c~rI~roller~ Keyboardis

Mice and other DQintillQl devices MonitOlr5

o t he r d.r:vj i[ 8S

- Port5 (COM &. LlPr) I P~QI[e5SUrS

5 o un dlJ vid~o and qerne contr~1 B~5 - S1'stcm devices

Urri Y'E:1f Sa! II Ser i Gill 8u:; (untrlDll.r:r:;

NE C ~(] tu US E; Op ~n Husk Con tro tI~r . _' NEe ~C] I~ID US ~ Op 8rid~hg5t Con ~nw Uer

, - ~~and~rcl Ulfliv~r§~1 j21CI to I!JISEi ~o~t Controller .. ~,sttandard 'Univ!3rsal ~C[ to USB: Host Controller

-,' :it a nld ~rld UIll i Via f s a I pcr to IlJS EiII~ LI~t [0111 ~ nTIdl er ., U§IB Root Hub

- - - U5~ lRoot Hub

IW~ Root Ml1Jb

: U5E Roo~ Hub

- ; USia IRoo~ Hu~

- - SIB SUp~ r Li rr:.k A~l er -


9- 8·-- tIC I _I EZ'-2--:'O· 'O·'-'o.'I-~I/Vp' J_

: I'~I'", _/"<_~i_I_,, -'1A~i .,.

11. Select the softevare Vilrtual,N,et lnstatl.exe and click it.


2'. Select the Rei"nstall USB V'irtual' Network Adlapter[Versi'on)1 driver and click Next.


-~ lnstelletlene Wizard ~

., come m in r ,

UISB Vim ~ "

U 5~ Virtual N~l~odk Ad~pter [0.99] OtiV~f detected

r; Re~~adI US,S Vir~ual Net'worK A~apter lCl.91~ driver,

r Dnl~ remove USE Virtual Ne~work Ada~fef [1D.!99] ~ri~er_

1 S I CIt th fnma S·- L - kit II d t· k it

-' ""',' '. .. -, " - "1" "- I ." , '.' -. -' '.' - ... -- ,-...... . .' .

• :-= e e . 'I e so ',,' re ,_-_-'ulper In ~ ,ns a, .e'xe an'l C Ie ." I.

2'. Se,ledlt the Reinstall USB, Su per Link Adapter la river and click Next~


9- '8··~·,"~~E~,'!2---"O,----:O:,D.'~I~I/Vp·'·.·),

_-_I,V'J I'i_' , " .. " 1 A~.


.:~ lnstallatjorr« Wizard ~

2' S·-~-I-F·th· '0--"-1"'" -'-'; '('1·"'·""-" U·S----DV··' .. ,·-r1'- 1'>'1 N,-4!!ilill:'~-,-· -k· A'~',~· ;"'-' -(IV'''','-- ·-'-1'1-';', d'-: --,.,'-' 1.::- -d-,' click N,··-·····:t .. ·

. : ~e e~11 . Ile_-,n y remove ' .. '_ .. ~ .' I . ua ". el'VI'or ...uap er" "erslonJ-- river an_ C Ie· . ,ex .

USI8 SUIPE:J LInk ArltJptl[:r Driv8t detected ---------~ ~Bin~lag U 5 S SlIJPBf Link Ad31P~B[ driv81.

r Dnl~1 remove usa Su~e~ Link Ad~~err ~river.

9- 8- AMEZ20- Do.~~P--

.. " : .. ' ..' ". '. ' , , t . 'l' .... I .. '.,,'." /., .

:'_'-_ .",," II ",~ _ '.'_", .... :, ', .. ,,_', .... , '_ "",.' ( ... ",1,' '-.'

11. Select the software Virtual'Net lnstatl.exe and click it.


Page 17


,~ I niSlilLla:1ia no Wizi:I r d III

, ,-_ l~lO USB v~m '~,

lJ 5 fa 'Vi'rtual Network AdapfeF [0, 9S1] DIJtverr detected R@tnslSlU ILJ S B Virtual N e;t.wlWrk A~apfer [0.8S1J Qiriver.




t' Select tb,e. software ,S~-u"p="'~rL·ln' k,,:', Iln_s,-,t'a',' 1111:e--"'x-,le-~ and c ,II. lei ,k,:., ·It

• '" ,l..o L. , ~ l~ ~ O;J I' 1ll.'\\'Vd I ~ ,,', ~ I, _ ,11'1 _ " , ., , " _ _ , , _ ,', •

21. Se,ledit the IOnly re'mlove USB Vi'rtual Nel'iNo,rk Adapt,er(Versi,o"nl) dri,ve'r and click Next.


:\: lnstallaricnc Wizard ~

USB Virtual NetwotkACI~b~r [O.9~J D~i'y'el detected ~-----------iI • ~ n~ t8mGlV8 USB Vli~tu~1 Nl!!twlJrk Ada~181 {o. :39J driver.

Fl e IiTIDV e ~l}Ile\o1 iou 5= clfiver and Hn 5= ta II tJ 519 5 LilDef link Adapter t51Jiv~t



9-1,1 '" .. "'lflIlEI -',/2--:'0"'" -'0:' -'o.:'I-~lVp'.:_,-,

'.'_ ':_'-_I'I.'J -" j ,1,1,_ ,I, '",_1 A~I '

11. Select the software Superli,n,k_lnstall.exe and click it.

2'. Select the Only remove USII Supelr Link Adl(t'pter tj:,river and click Next.

Page 19

.~ lnstelletione Wizard ~

t . Select the software VirtuallNel Inlstall.'exe and click it.


2'. Se'ledlt the 10nily re'mlove USB 1.1INK ADAPTER drilve'r and click Next.

U 518 S ~e[ Link Ada.p~er [) river -dele~~€d -----------, r ReiF"lst~1I U 5 B Su~er Link Ad~~eF driv~r,

~ 0 Iill~ remove US 8 Supe~ Link AdaDlI[!~ driver.

Page 19

2'. Select the Remove previous dnver and in'stall USB Vir1ulallNletwark Adapter(VersionlJ driver and click Next.





~ lnstallatjonc Wizard ~

US IS SIIJ~et Link Ad~pt~~ D river detected ----------(+- 01 nly re rTUD VI!! USB Sup t3~ lin k A ~ efJ ttB r rhiv 8J.

Fi emove previous driver .:lind mstgn

U 5 B Virbll.:i I N et1lJlJOl"Ik A d a~~ r (01. ~911 dr iv ~ J.

N ext I C OIrLC E:I

9-,.·, ','-""lflIlE' -"'2--:'0"", -'0:' -'o.:'I-~lVp·.:__'-,

.• -_ ':_'-_I'I.'J -I' j ",1,_ ,I, ',. __ 1 A~I -

11. Select the software Virtual'Net lnstall.exe and, click it.



.~ lnstelletione Wizard ~

'II come CJ i·' . r - I , S8 V,R . I al .

apte '0.8',

U 51 SUIO~f Link AdGlpt8~ 0 rivE:~ de:le£~~01~----------' o nJy remove USB S upeJ link AdalP~er ~[iveJ.

!I! 'fi E!mOVIa IPr8~iD~:s dli~l3[ end in~taH

US8 Vir~ual Netwerk Ada~ter (O.Sl9~ driver,


9- '8··~·,"~~E~,'!2-_-"OI--_-:O:,D.'~I~I/Vp·'·.·),

.-_I'V'J I'i_· , ' .... , 1 A~.

1 S I CIt th fnma S·- L - kit II d t· k it

_. ..,..,. .. .. -, ., - ··1·· .. - I .. , , ... -.. _. , .... _--- ,-...... . .

• :-= e e . 'I e so I,,' re ,.-_-'ulper In ~ ,ns a I .e'xe an·, C Ie I.

2' S-:··-··I··-*'th 13-······,···· ··'-···1 s d -,.- ······~-··'---t···IIIUS-B'S'-· ..... L-··k··A"d'·· .-., .... ~ -.,. md lick .,---e' eet . I ,e nem'ove prevreus :_ nver ane Ins a ,_-,~~_ -,'_-u,per ma . "II ap er enver an I. c ,lei,

N t

- ., .....


~-------------------- -

:~ lnstallatien» Wiza.rd ~



··e co c fa j .51'a I ,SlS S, er J..·n ,

US S Vlrrtual N etwDfk Ad-s~er [0. 9~1 D river de~ect~~

01 nl}l18mOV€ u S I: Viutual Hetwork Adapter I~. ,~] driver

r: Fh~move ~re~LOtIJs: driv8~ an~ ins.tall USE: S uper Link 4d1apleJ driver.


tor 1.1~11,'~n"':I,dcll',O-,W, ',·S=~, 9·'I'I,~<i,lM' "',: E'-:/,I,:/2··.········-'~'OI-,·',OI',1

I' '. _ , '.'. l ' , _ ... _ I· '. _ _ __ I J 1 " , , U _ _ ._

1. Windows will install the standard USB IPC-to-PC, bridge driver. V\Jhen the Found New Hardware Wizard opens and click Next.

Page 20

Add New Hardware Wizard

USB 2~O Device

A dEN i ce dfi-¥ E! i s a sclt'VoIICtfe Pf C9 ii11 ttl at mGtk e s a Mr,d"",ar~ device wOlk_

C~cel I


2'. Se'ledlt the option to search far the best driver ~or your device[Reco,m,m'enal,ed') then click NI9Xt.

Whet do _)IOU Vhlm win:lQtHJ to do?

Add New Hardware Wizard

~ 5-~-~~h ufa~· -t-~Ub~-t· ·d-~~u f·~-~ ~ .. ~ ~~ :-i [RecOO1~ndedl i

LIL_. I. ~I. __ 1111i_ •• IJlII ..... 1:.1 • __ .I 11L ••••• lI II ••• :JI. 1.1 ._ • .:iIliI_ ... II F. •• ..w .1 •••• _111 •••••• EI ....

r D i~~ ~ ~:st of t~ drivers n ~ specific:

oc~ 00 .. so jJGIU cen :i elect th e dfiver you w~.



],. Browse driver locations and then click Next.

Page 21

Add New Hardware Wizard

W~rdJY'ot!s ~I sesrch fCl ~ rnrver:s in 's dri"¥~ d~~~:se on yell ,Mrd dnve. MJj in MIY of the fok-~ selected kiceoons. ack N ext to start the search.

4 C·- -·1· kiN· t .'-- Ie:, ex .

Add New H 8rdware Wizard

USB Super li-ik Adapter

WirdJ~ is tl~ ready to instaJl ths b8ct liive[ tCl th~ device. C~ck B eck to s~c, ~ d~~ere~ drivet"_, or click N e:-1~ ~ 0 coni: i nlIe.

~cel I

5,. CHek IFinish.

Page 22

Add New Hardware Wizard

USB S~r lirtAd~er

W.-.doos has finisr.::d insfc61g the s~tV\lafe lhat ~CUf rl3W Mrd~r~ d~V1~ r~i~:s_

-, '-, d··-·' ft·' -'. 'W:"'~' ~"d--'I"----'" ,- '. ---. 9'-'-' 'I' ,-····A·,M" E' -/.'··,2;'0···· -'0"'-' "0"- ".

178. I'P:, ,10" r ' " "In (, '0, W·'S··· '" ",-"""1 'I ." e » ',I',.'

~I '-_ I I I -_ ,I I" - '.I .'.' I I I _ I·. -. I I .' ._. '...., ~"', I " I I " ......,...

De'vi:ce Drive'r Wizard Instal'latilon ro,r Windows SBSE

Nate: U1se these instructions if yOlu have just installed an Virtual N1etvvork into your system, Remelmber thlat the first time you restart your system after installing a pori by Virtual Netvvork

U S· =--,18: ("""3 b la, ',tL nl"3y", take IF'!!. n 'gi a IT d U 5, t'OI I th a ,--'3 F tbat th e O'~ I perati n gi ey' eta m-' . is lei . cati n 'g- "3 nd in sta I'll', n 9'--

.•.• _-_ !l/;J.gJ _'~! I la", I.~ u '~~I' ,- .- ~ '_. ~ a_1L,.1L. ~il _ I ~ . ~Ia_ I .~ ~".;;:';II ~ ..::J'-c;I II I~' a ,_.. 1;;:;11, g ._,

d rive-rs for the controller,

1 ~ Windo\fVS will installl the standard USB IPC-Ie-PC bridge driver, V\Jhen the Found New Hardware Wizard opens and' click Next,

Add New Hardware Wizard

This wiz~cI seerehes for n~ drr.refs for:

USB 2_0 De~E

A de~e cJrver is ~ ~ottw~e ~ogem H~t m.!ke~ ~ nar~~e de voe Y\IOfK,

Page 23

2 S-- "--I -F ·t- hi ,- '1-11-'1;.';-11 . tc search :f.o,='-,r t· h'e=- b:e-~s---· d- Ir-IV' rer ~O=' r y,":O'=:'U r .dl_1 'e=-~v""i-l:c='I:e=--f R···e=--c--o,-: Im-' m .e=--'In,~"'e-··d= I')" th - 1-:-=-1' ck

... ee'boIl..leOph.IOn 0 .... 0 _ I .... _1_ .. '1 _1',_.111 .. 1 ,,'_ .. _ . __ ., ""_\ ' .. __ . I .. u .. _1. lenCIC,


Add New Hdrdware \IIiz~ld

••••••••••••• 1111 •••• 1111 •••••••••••• 111 ••••• 111 ••••••••••••• 111 ••••• 111 ••••••••••••• 111 ••••• 111 ....

r: S 8.:1 tc h fo r ~ he bes t ui-¥ er for y 00( de,.-ice. !

[R ec C'iH'f~ r .. ~ Ef]. i

, •••• ,'" •••• " " •••• " " •••• ,'" •••• , " ••••• , " ••••• ," ••••• " , ••••• " , ••••• ," ••••• , " ••••• , " •• J

Di~~ a Mst of t~ drivers in ~ specific

oc~ion," :so}OJ eM! ~ th~ dfiver you w~_

Caoc~ I

< 'Back

3. B'rawse driver location's and then click Next.

Add New Hardware Wizard

WinOO~ ~I search fc. rPe'J\l dtt~f:) in ~5: dri"¥8r d~~Ef:)e 01"1 yOIJ Mrd drive .. ~ in ~ of ~b~ fo~wing selected ~e~~ns. Dick N ext to St8t the seerch.

CD -R 0 M o-i¥'8

r- M~oooft Windows Update

1.["" 'S"'" ..... ," ~ ... " ""':

i !(t\i\I £8_ . . i

'0. " , ••••• " , ••••• ," ••••• , " ••• J

Page 24

Add New Hardware Wizard

USB Virtual N~!H4Jrk Ad~er [D.~]

Wnck.vvs it rtCtW r~~ 10 inu~1 1M best dri~!M fOf t~s cJe~e. Ock B~k to. select t! ~erent rnver~ (( c~k Ne:d to cootinue.

. ..• --- ~.fe~ -->-. ----1 C ~ c eI

......... 111 ••••• 111 ...

5 C7 .lick F·I n ·Is··~h·· (N'·· o-,'!" e: 10" .::, n-'I\I ~,(t,f.1 n g' 8·~·· W'·',' ""·1 ndows p rem pte y't"\U 10- rest a- ...... \/0'-' U Ii" com puter rem 'e-' m ib ell" t- 10-'

.-- "'"'"", I '.",. II .. - .. ,' 'Ii \l'U'1 'e r- , '.' ,'.VVIII~I - vi .. ..,::;:111, 'v.'~1 - I '~.' ,lit 1/' . I' VV' . 1jA .. '.1 ~ I'wl . '.· .. 11 .

restart your cornputer.)

Add New Hardware Wizard

USB Vitlual N eI1Y'11Ufk Ad~b:r [0.99]

Wlndo~s MS tiMh~d nst~h-·IQ tbe to~'tHefe th~)IOLi nM-J haf~~e de YK:e reqti res.


Il Canc~l

to r 11.I"f'~n"··;,d·(,·'o···-····W· ·"S'·' y;n,

111"~.'li I .. · .. '~, ,\".11_-'_.'1' /.:_" Ar'

11. Windows will install the standard USB PC-to-PC bridqe driver. V\lhen the Found New Hardware VVizalFd opens, Select the option to tnstall from a :Iis,t or specific IIDcatiIQ,n{Advancedl] and then cl iek :Next.

If vaul halidwalil~ eame wilt. an in,~.allalimn CD

__ .._", ' ~~u flopp.u di~ ... insert it nnw_

What dID ~~U ~~nt the wizard 10 ~1Ji?

o I nsl ~II the siTIlfI Wet re .3 Ld ~m ~I ~B Ily (R ~~~ mm en d e.a ~ I ntt Gill II F a m a lis~ a r s~ e ~ifi~ 10 C!!I ti.wfll [Ad I.l in ee ~~

Cli~k Next ~o c~ntinue.


[ CaFicel J

® S eariUh fOtl' t ~~ best rn iVeJ ~ n t ~ ese I oc~tiGIn8_

llse ~~e G~ec~ boxes b~low to limi~ Of espend the d~f ~ult se pal h 6 end re moyanl e medi~_ if he bes ~ GI ~ ive~ fa u ~ d willlQ.e .

D s eerch iemovsble medie [~Iop~~~ CD -'FiO M", ~ ~ Inc Iu~e, ~hit I a c.3tiofl in the: &e.3riO~:

o ID 0 n I,t i ear c~_ I ~ I d,IDIillSe Hi e driv~~ t 0 ilist~ II.

CMos e Utis optio n ~ 0 ~el e ul the devifiE dri ~ e r from a lis t. Wi 'the driver ~Qtil C_NOWJ)S8 wllIl be ~~e be~~ ma[~hl f~~ YOIWF Rardwa

Browse For Folder 11J~


My b-Gl[,men ts , My GClMlDlll e~

, My Net'.NDr~ plac es !J1fI32- L [lQ,~

~perLrr£ ~ ~irfljal1r\letwCtrk


1 [ (Hal J

l. Click Conti,nule Anlyway in the f011lowilng windlow.

Page 26

IPlcilse wail while the wizard installs Ilhe sollwarc _

~ USE SlLIpel Link

V.'~Ia.4U~111 'a:_ ,II N' ,',·ie·'····tw'·, "0"- r.b 01'1'- river lin' I s ··~a-,II;~a- "t·,·o·'·· n tr " 1~1'I~n', ·,·;·d·,-··IIO······w' ,Ir, D~; evic . 'e' . D',,····,p,I~v··'··e··'r-

,I"I.L.,.'_' I,' I,ll, ._._ .. _ .. ,',_. ,.,1'" _ J'~,I ,I " ,\, _·_.·11'_ 1'1.,._ .. I '_," ,111.1' . .'11,1 IWt.'J. ',I .. 1,'_'_'_.' . ,'a I ·.··_·_·_·1,'11 J .. _ .. _. L..:~_)J·~,I "'._'_'_.',

Page 27

USB Super link A~aplef

hes nor ~a~~e~ Wiliildow~ logo te~lili'ilg Ito veri~~ it~ e~lnjDallhiu~'y lAli~h WindOlA1~ XP. [T ell me wh~ this: ~e:s~irlg is imRoftant J

[onlinuing POUI in~rallariDn of Itllit $Of~Nill~ mal' imp!!lir uti des~abilize Ilhe coneet operation uf ,OUI ~Jslem eith_f!:liimmediatel1" 01 in the fulure_ M iCUlsofl. Sjtlongl, lec:ommen(ls .har ,ou tlop .his inslana.ion, now and !l:onta£' lh e h rdwalie we n dOl flO. I U ftNille lha~ ha~ pa;ssed Windows Logol tl!:sling_


S t [I P lin s ~~ [I ation

4. Click IFinish.

Com'pleti'nlg the Found New Hardware Wizard

Cliok fmish 16 idl~~8 th~ wizard.

Wizard for Windows XP

11. Windlo'lVS will install the standardllUSB IPC~tQ-IPC bridge driver. When th,e Found New Hardware \(\AzaJlrd opens, Seteet the option to tnstatl frem a lis,t lor specific Ilocatian[Ad'vanced'] and then cl ick N1ext.

We,ICOliOe to the Found New H ar1dware Wi,l,ard

Ilf ,mur hardWeue [came withl an in;slill atimlil CD (I Ii floppy dis k "" in Se.1i t. i I nmw' ..

o 11i1s;~atJ btre s;'G~twaue .§uut.gHl03tiGBI III [~'ecQlmm€In-til€QI] I ~~~~D from a list Of S:lJe!ctl~ic l'ocatton (Adlv~nc8d1~

2. IIrowse driver locations and then click Next.

PI_ea Ie ch n nse MOUI I e arch : ntil inl:ra Iialion m~li_nll_g __

S es r.:~ Ifor U, e best d river in the~ e ~ oc stions.

IU se Ibhe c ~eck. boxe ~ belQw ~ 0 umi t Q r €:-;IJ end Ithe d€f'olJrt lJa ths a nd rerno V~ ble rnede. T he best @rl v~r f~ und will be

o 5 earth re ffi~val:tle me eli a (no ~~)! r: ClIO ·Fuw M .. -J ~ I tilt t~ de thi;s 110 ea tia fI1lin the ~far oh:

e ~D 0 ~ll.Imerus a~d ;:; et tin~~A fffJ~[) edU oPl\§~3~ -1' to

D on(~, sea teh I will G ho O~ e the' dri ve r bD 'in:}~ all.

IOh~OBe ~hi s op~ ~ n tOI sel ec ~ ~he ~ ~ i~ d [iv 8J horn a ~ is{ the d~iv1:r ~ou e~oo:se' will 'be tne best rmate:n fa~ ~~ur hard

------ ._- --_...

Browse For Folder I!ZJ ~

M':( Documents M,:/ (om~ iUter

My Ne~wg r k PI'.51( es

'=1 -- s §32- ~ 00+

- 5 up efL ink

V irtualN etwork


J 0 ?'ie!liJ any SUI bfoJmers J [~(k ~ plu~ ~ilWl d~OV e.

Page 29

has not IJSls:ssd Wirldow~ Logo tf!3ui'l1g to v8rif~ its [:urnDalib~i~~ wi~1Tu wmDws XP. ~T ell me whfJ this ~estingJ i:s imD~ltant.]

Coni inui n g Jour in: tallal i@n 101 thi I; I D f tWM e III :a,' imp a i I or dc:stabilizc Ihc cOlife~. uperatiun 01 your :iJlslcm either immediitlelJl or in the 'ulure_ M1iclfDsmft strongly reeemmends Iha~ you I~DP Ihis inl;~analion nON and contact the hardwarc vendm for sofltware Ihal ha:s; passed Windows logo lesling,.

[ 5 T OF' Insi.:dlCJ~iOlfl 1

4. Click IFinish.

Complatinq thle Found N 8W H ardWilre Wiz,ara

US 18 VirtLJal N etwork AclaptE!~ (10. ~SlJ


Page 29

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