Agenda - 093010

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Aiken County Tea Party

Thursday, September 30, 2010

1. Prayer/Pledge
2. Approval of minutes from meeting of 16th
3. Treasurers Report
a. Checking acct.
b. 501(c)(4) application
4. Nomination and election of 2nd Vice
5. Nomination and election of permanent
6. Reports
a. City Council
b. County Council
c. School Board
d. Aiken Corp.
7. Capital Projects Sales Tax
a. Chairman's letter
b. member letters/talkback
c. letters - written and given to members
to send to Aiken Standard.l
8. Oct 16th Rally
a. Jane Page contacting Politicians
b. Questions for candidates
9. Aiken County Fair
a. Oct 21-31
b. share a booth with We The People
at a cost of $215.00
c. Volunteers to man the booth
10. Forming of committees
a. events committee
1. chairman
2. volunteers
b. research committee
1. chairman
2. volunteers
Jet Beckham, Deedee Vaughters
Mary Beth Seaha, others.
c. Media Committee
1. chairman
2. volunteers

11. October 21st Social

Place to be determined - suggestions
12. Business cards and Letterhead
13. Other Business
14. Adjournment

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