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Naseem Etemad

Kate Al-Shamma
Comm 150

Alexis George: I was born in Nevada of all places. I don’t remember any of
that. From there at age two I was brought to Wisconsin and my first memory
was wearing a red dress at my fourth birthday at chucky cheese. I think
I….I dropped the cake or something like that, that’s why I remember it. I
was eight when I moved here; my most vivid memories are from California.
It was hard making friends with all the moving around….I tried. I wasn’t
good at trying. It’s just people are like, at that age, kids are mean. Kinda got
into a lot of trouble as a kid… Kindergarden we had an art table, we’d get
twenty minutes for each table, and I really wanted to stay at the table so I
punched my teacher for trying to make me leave. Inwas really into art. Don’t
ever remember not doing sketches. My parents are NOT artists, they do stick
figures. My mom collected art though. Victorian stuff, she collected a lot of
that stuff… I actually just found out that we are both really into the
Victorian era. It was kinda funny cause my Mom was dating someone that
worked at the same restaurant and my Dad was like “ You know I’m going
to marry you right?” like the day they met. It was really cute. (Quietly) And
it worked out. (laughs) She likes to hide letters in stuff. I’ll be reading a
book that my Dad has hidden away and there’ll be like a letter inside for me
to find. I have a collection of her letters that she writes to me. (pause) On my
sixteenth birthday, my aunt had a letter in a card that my Mom got me…and
gave it to me that day. My aunt, her sister, really misses her. She’s the only
one who really thinks I look like her at all…Everybody says I look like my
Dad. (pause, fiddles with bracelets) They were married for seven years,

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