Twenty Reasons Why ICT Is An Excellent Tool For Teachers and Learners

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SEN Support

Twenty reasons why ICT is an excellent tool for teachers

and learners

10 reasons why ICT is an excellent tool for all learners in the inclusive

• ICT enables inclusion in classroom activities

• ICT enables the pupil to be an active participant in the classroom, not
just a passive observer
• ICT offers opportunities for differing learning styles
• ICT is a motivating medium which has 'street cred'
• ICT enables pupils to stay on task by focusing their attention and
alleviating some of the physical pressures
• ICT enables pupils to develop independence
• ICT affords privacy to work and develop at the learner's own pace
• ICT provides a medium through which pupils can demonstrate their
true ability and potential
• ICT can facilitate social communication and interaction, including pupils
in a wider community
• ICT can support the production of well-presented, high quality

10 reasons why ICT is an excellent tool for all teachers in the inclusive

• ICT provides a tool for differentiation by tailoring and adapting tasks to

a pupil's abilities and skills
• ICT provides a means for pupils to publish for a wider audience
• ICT provides a readily available range of hardware and software to
support all pupils
• ICT facilitates continuity and progression.
• ICT provides a different means of presenting materials which will
engage, stimulate and motivate pupils
• ICT enables teachers to produce materials of a high standard
• ICT enables teachers to access adaptable, freely available materials in
electronic form from a wide source
• ICT facilitates a collaborative mode of working, where teachers can
share resources and materials using the Web and e-mail
• ICT provides a means of keeping records of individual progress
• ICT encourages all pupils to work independently and creates
opportunities for making the best use of human resources.

From the Becta Inclusion Web site Jan 2000

 Lancashire Schools’ ICT Centre From the Becta Inclusion Web site Jan 2000

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