Already & Yet

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he use of already and yet(de ius ov olwredi and yet)(el

uso de already y yet)

"already" (olwredi) (ya) = se usa en oraciones positivas e

interrogativas para expresar que una acción ya ha ocurrido
o que ya se lleva o llevo a cabo.Ex:It is already noon and
they haven´t come.I have already eaten.Has the class
already begun?.I already did what you asked me to.

"yet" (yet) (todavía, aun) = se usa en oraciones negativas e

interrogativas para expresar que una acción todavía no ha
ocurrido o aun no ha pasado.   En algunas ocasiones se
usa en fases afirmativas, con significado de "aun o
todavía".Ex:There are lots of things that you have yet to
experience.Have the classes begun yet?.    R = no, not yet.
They arenot here yet.He hasn´t eaten yet.

Have you already done your work?.R = yes, I already have

done it. Or  r = no, i haven´t done it yet.

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