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Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development

Freud proposed that we undergo 5 stages of Psychosexual

Development. Each stage is named after the erogenous zones that are
active. Erogenous zones are parts of the body that have strong
pleasure-giving qualities at particular stages of development.

The task of the individual is successful resolution of each stage. When

he/she was unable to resolve the stage, he/she becomes fixated.
He/She will have difficulties related to each stage until he/she finally
resolves it.

The Oral Stage (first 18 months) is the first stage. At this stage,
the individual's primary sensing organ is the mouth. It is the mouth
that gives it great pleasure (from suckling milk). Fixation at this stage
results in an individual who is highly sensitized to oral activities such
as eating, smoking, and drinking.

The Anal Stage (18-36 months) is the second stage. This stage
corresponds to toilet training. At this stage, the individual learns how
to control his/her eliminative functions (urination and defacation).
Fixation at this stage results in an individual who is highly controlling,
rigid, and compulsive.

The Phallic Stage (3-6 years) is the third stage. At this highly
controversial stage, the individual discovers his/her genitals. Also,
sexual feelings begin. The Oedipal Complex needs to be resolved. The
Oedipal Complex refers to the natural event of the child having sexual
attraction to the opposite-sex parent. He/she wants to posses the
opposite-sex parent. However, as time goes on, he/she realizes that
the same-sex parent will become angry and possibly harm him/her
because of this attraction. So, the child will instead identify with the
same-sex parent in the hopes of gaining a partner who is similar to the
opposite-sex parent. Identification means becoming similar to and
adapting the same habits, principles, morals, traits, etc.

The Latency Stage (6 years old to puberty) is the fourth

stage. After the dramatic emotions elicited by the previous stage, the
individual needs to rest. The latency stage is called thus because at
this stage, sexual feelings are repressed. Instead, the energies are
channeled to other pursuits such as school and sports. The individual
then develops social and intellectual skills.
The Genital stage (adolescence to adulthood) is the fifth and
last stage. At this stage, the individual's sexuality is reawakened and
focused on the appropriate partners.

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