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06/25/2008: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "For dogs, especially the smell can be

reduce almost overnight with borax and hydrogen peroxide bath first, unrinsed. The dog will
naturally lick off some of the borax and it will have a killing effect on the yeast infection.
However, in a liter of drinking water 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt is added plus 1/8 teaspoon of
borax for only 1-3 days. Thereafter, only a 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt is added into the
drinking water.

The borax and hydrogen peroxide goes like this: In a hydrogen peroxide 1% solution of one
liter for example, I will add one tablespoon of borax and stir it and apply on the dog
throughout. This is applied everyday for a week.

Most of the smell should go away by the second week.

One other the reason why most domesticated dogs and cats have diseases is the problem of
industrialized farming practices which induces omega 3 deficiency in all farm animals raised
on grains instead of grasses, a practice that is popular in the U.S. Therefore one capsule of
fish oil omega 3 is added to the dog for about 5 days, plus domesticated, dogs, cats (and
humans!) typically have very low diets in bicarbonates. Therefore a more ideal drinking
water for dogs and cats (and humans!) is:

1/4 teaspoon of sea salt, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, in 1 - 1.5 liter of drinking water.

As to whether apple cider vinegar and yogurt will help, it might, but some animals may be
lactic acid intolerant, such as cows and horses. However, if fed to dog, typically 1/2
tablespoon of apple cider vinegar is added into food or water. As for yogurt, it's between
1/2 tablespoon to 1 talbespoon of yogurt. My guess is apple cider may work a little better
han yogurt, but I prefer to deal the problem through baking soda, omega 3 fish oil, and the
hydrogen peroxide and borax remedy."

Control Fungus Externally:

1. Bathe in sulfur-based or medicated shampoo

2. Prepare a 50/50 mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar & Water
3. Rinse or wipe affected areas with 50/50 mixture daily. Note: Do not use Apple cider
mixture on open lesions
4. Prepare a 2% solution of Oxy-Drops (1 teaspoon + 1 cup of distilled water). Use this to
spray or wipe skin, ears, and feet with to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

Suggested Dosage For

For generally itchy pets, start with the suggested dosage on the chart below. You should see
results anywhere from twenty minutes to four days. If not, adjust the dosage upward. When
Skin-eze is working, and your pet is itch free and comfortable for a couple of weeks, you
can try cutting back on the dosage to the suggested maintenance level. Remember, the
following chart is only a GUIDELINE. If your pet becomes itchy again after reducing the
dose, you will know that your pet needs to stay on the higher dosage. You want to try and
find the minimum dose necessary to control the symptoms. For a large dog, or even a small
dog with severe allergy problems, the maintenance level to control symptoms might be four
capsules or tablets, two times daily. A very large dog (90-140 pounds) might need as many
as six tablets or capsules, two times daily.

Pet Cura is widely used in Japan as a wonder treatment for a variety of pets' common problems,
such as:

 Relieving itchy, irritated skin due to contact or inhalation allergies

 Reduces "doggy" odor
 Eliminating static electricity from the dog's coat
 Lessens tear and drool staining (See Before and After Images to left)
 Natural antibacterial and antifungal properties aid healing
 Spray on food and water as an antioxidant supplement...just to name a few.

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