The Sufi Science of Self-Realization

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'The Sufi Science of Self-realization'- A Guide to the Seventeen Ruinous Traits,

the Ten Steps to Discipleship, and the Six Realities of the Heart
17 Ruinous Traits - that must be eliminated

1. Anger –Ghadab – Worst of the 17 11.Showing off –Riya’ –

traits. Gives non-rational thinking – Ostentation –acts are invalid if they
form of Kufr – Poison like Cancer 6.Miser – Bukl – have rjya’ in them- it’s a form of
which kills the light of Iman. Anger is hidden Shirk as they worshipping
lack of Sabr and is one of the 3 doors Two types 1.shari'a- giving Zakat) themselves and not Allah (like I gave
2.muru’ah (virtuous merit). this cure & I gave that money) –
which Shaytan enters the heart and Love of this World – Hubb ad-dunya
Iman Leaves - Anger=Heat of Hell – and Bukhl are related ! show offs are proud they want to be
Control anger with Silence don’t reply . see and known by all, they like public
La taghtab=Don’t get angry plaques– they forget it their talent &
money came by Allah’s power!
7. Greed for Wealth –Tama’ –
2. Love of this World – Hubb ad- Avarice - Excessive desire for more
dunya than one needs or deserves. - Having 12.Attachment – Hirs – attachment
‘Love of this world is the root of every no limit to what one hoards of refers to love of the world – such
sin’ – it gives of a bad smell – either you possessions! - removes wisdom from anxiety for wealth and long life -
love this world or the next - the hearts of ‘ilms – eyes never
satisfied and looks at others haqq.
8. Jubn –Coward runs from difficult
3.Malice-Hiqd – Malice means situations so is weak –be brave 13.Superiority –Adhama – claming
having hatred Ill-will; moved by against our 4 enemies dunya, nafs, greatness – satan claimed it – its cure
hatred; intention to Harm.- hawa-desires & shaytan -today sajdah to humble oneself Allahuakbar
look with love to your brother to remove people are cowards in giving (Allah is great) - thinking your better
Malice- sadaqah-cowardice that makes us (because you do ibaadah) than even
hatred feeds of Kufr - love dunya which is easy - we don’t drunkard or a sinner is Adhama!
9. but rather run
Indolence-Batala -Habitual
4 Jealously/Envy Hasad :- envy burns laziness - inactivity resulting from 14.Heedlessness-Ghawaba wal
deeds like fire burns wood – envy also dislike of ( Tariqah )work –Procrastination -kasala – if laziness is killed so too is
signifies the evil eye, al-‘Ayn.- envious (delaying) is the thief of time- nafs says heedless’ heedless is careless-
its painful, difficult, boring it causes laziness is inner self & heedless
ones don’t want happiness for anyone – stress if made into habit.-I dislike a man outer body- No care for anyone even
cure salaat Najat - Surah Falaq who is useless..’- tradition- work for Allah if he can help and stop fitna because
protective not shaytan. action is involved.
5.Vanity- conceit-Proud - ‘Ujb–Being 10. Arrogance-Kibr- regarding 15 Anxiety –Hamm - Worry
Proud was the sin that Ilbis commit first- yourself higher than others – iblis didn’t develops from Heedless- understand
vanity creates conceit and arrogances-' do sajdah due to kibr- curses on arrogant Allah is Razzaq the provider so stop
proud ones & they strut about – worrying! And submit and be content
an atom's weight of pride in the heart generates denial –they don’t accept
will stop you entering jannat.- Allah love ideas, suggestions, opinions-in state of
with Allah. Worry will then lead to
not the Proud’! -Allah doesn’t look at the rejection- no respect for anyone- like big
depression! So work and make an
Proud. titles- blind
effort in Deen and Dunya!
16 depression –Ghamm – Allah
created ease and comfort in
contentment and certainly and
depression - and fear in doubt and
discontent- time feels longer – goes into 17:- To eliminate the 16 bad traits = makes it easy to avoid indulging in the 800
veins & heart – prefers loneliness –sleep forbidden acts (477 Big Ones ).
all day & find pointless things to pass Also -There are 500 acts we are ordered to do and 800 forbidden acts not to do.
time at night.
Easy & Simple Mind maps-diagram aid based on the book ‘The Sufi Science of Self-realization’ of Shaykh Hisham Kabbani – by Muhammad
Sajad Ali –
of all Sins & bad manners and of
all good actions & dreams. 10 Steps to Discipleship - Mureed Seclusion is a must at
2. Evaluating journal! making this step
positive changes of negative 1. Isiqamah-Towards Truth 6. Tadhakkur-
actions of ego! I.e. Looking with –Journey towards the path Remember your
hindsight I could have done this of truth subconscious 3 pitfalls of
and not that.! Only with a Seclusion
checklist can you make change! 2. Tawbah Repent 7. Al-‘Itisam- Holding on 1. Boredom
through Waseela - Fast – 2 failure
Formula for balancing the self;- Intercession and God’s do don’t separate from
forgiveness. saints 3. depression
Spiritual progress Final
Nafil (extra Ibaadah) & Love 3. Muhasabah –Self-Audit 8. Firir- Run to God –Run 6 Powers of the Stage
–allows to identifies every to perfection – and Heart
Muhasabah –Self-Audit = Spiritual sin one commits became diplomat
progress 1. Reality of 4. Reality of
-Minus Love = Robot Ibaadah 9. Tamreen- Training Attraction Intercession
-Minus Muhasabah = no or limited
4.Inaba-Turning Humbly & -say ‘I don’t know’ –do
Surrender. 11 defects-bad 2. Reality of 5. Reality of
Spiritual progress sins to Eliminate what the ego hates!
Downpouring Scrolling

10. Istima’ – Listen –

3. Reality of 6. Reality of
Blocking/ veiling Spiritual growth/ 5. Taffakur-deep obey through listening 2 Focusing Guidance
process this happens with the Contemplation levels
consume Haram food you eat;
Stomach House of all Illness
Heart House of all Spiritual Illness 1 hour deep Contemplation Is 70 1.Listening- ‘ilm
6. Love of Knowledge
The cure Fasting-diet the Ego/Nafs. years of Ibaadah – Muraqabah- 1.Arrogance fame/Praise
Nafs Loves more give opposite fast Sufi Meditation -Kibr Talabul-‘Uluw 2.Obeying –Amal
from desires.
Eat with Wara’ – rigorously 2.Envy- 7. Showing Off –
Investigating the food source, staying Hijra wal Muraqabah-Migration &
Hasad Riya’
in Golden mean! don’t over do it! Meditation
Hijra- to travel not to come back 3. Greed-
Tama’ 8. Miserly-Bukl
to badness
4 ways of consuming Haraam Anger- arises hatred 1-8 are covered in
Food 4.Anger- 9.Praising the the 17 ruinous traits
Hatred arises envy Rich-
1. Stomach food; 2Tongue – Envy arises Malice Ghadab and 9 to 11 are 3
Madhul-Aghniya news ones the
lying ; Malice arises worry
3 eyes-lustful look; 4 ears Worry arises 5. Ghill 10.Despising the process is that of
listening to ghiba depression Bitterness/H Poor refinement, which is
Depression arises atred Ihtiqarul-Fuqara on going back and
Ibadaah is Rizq for Soul; Halal Food linked Black magic improving on even
to good Actions. Sins are Poison for Soul; 11.Cheating-Ghush minor faults.
Haram food linked to Bad
Actions/thoughts will block Spiritual
connection making no difference with 1. Islam- surrender- 1st 3 The Turning point: 8 Stages
waas-waas & inspirations-ilham. Shame- steps will bring you from of Truth
Haya’ is taken away with Haram food. disobedience to 1.Fatih in Truth –Al-Imanu
5.True Action- ‘Amalul-haqq
Ibadaah invalid for 40 days. You are what Surrender U –Turn 180 bil-haqq
6.Struggle of truth Juhdul-
you eat! Degrees 2.True Decision- Qararul- haqq
Doors of barakah open & Increase 2. Iman - Belief
3. Ihsan - Excellence 3.Word of Truth- Kalamul- 7. Meditation of Truth-
with Dhikr Hamdu-lillah wa-
Character haqq Ta’ammul-haqq
shukrullah praise & thank you Allah
read 500 times a day! eEx 4.Truth Behavior -Sulukul- 8.True Concentration -
haqq Tarkeezul-haqq

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