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TITLES: The title is in capital letters

which helps to make it stand out. The

shiny silver colour makes it look like a
metal finish, and the chips in it add to

The Climb – Poster Review this look. All of these factors help to
give information on what the tone
film may be like, and from looking at it
I think the film is going to have a dark
and gritty mise en scene. The names
of two actors and the creator are
IMAGES: The image was shown at the top of the page to give
creates the background acknowledgment.
is a concrete wall and a
dirty ground. On the
wall there is graffiti
which adds colour to the
poster, making it more
eye catching but also
telling the viewer a little
about the film. From TEXT: Not much text is
looking at the image the used because the
audience knows that the images used big and
setting of the film will be take a lot of focus so
urban. use of text would
confuse the reader.
The text that is used is
credits, acknowledging
The image also
the people involved
introduces us to two
with the production. A
characters. The man and
website address is also
woman are sitting on the
on the bottom so that
dirty ground, not looking
viewers can get
at each other and body
further information
language of the pair
about the production,
shows that they seem
helping to link to the
uncomfortable about
purpose of the poster
something, making the
which is to advertise.
audience want to see
the film to find out what
has happened. I think the poster works well in creating the mise en scene shown
in the film. However I do not think it is successful in grabbing the
attention of viewers. Personally, I do not think the poster is bold
enough and has too much going on; it should be simpler in order to
attract viewers.

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