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Answer all the questions

Add Neat Sketches wherever needed Use of Design Data Hand book Permitted.




Semester: VI Date: 25 - 04 - 08

Max. Marks: 50

Time . 9.30 PM - 12.30

1). (a) Explain the types of tool wear and types of chip formation with neat sketches - 5 marks.

(b) A 50mm diameter bar is turned at 284 rpm and tool failed in 10 minutes. The speed;:;;as changed to 232 rpm tool failed in 60 minutes. What cutting speed should be used to o~n 30 minutes tool life? - 5 marks

2) (a) Describe the procedure of milling cutter design. How the geometry a~e cutting variables. - 5 marks

(b) Explain how productivity IS improved by tool design. Discuss about the ~ design procedure and economics of tooling.- 5 marks

3) (a) Design ajig for an workpiece shown below having 25mm depth.- 8 marks

l' 1 60 ~[t=r( w; ! :=:t-========r'L,_


,iV12x2 holes

Ln Ln

(b) Draw a leaf type jig and state its use. - 2 marks

4) (a) Design and draw a die for producing a steel cup of height 30mm and internal diameter 40mm with flange width of 10mm.The thickness of C 15 steel sheet is Irnm-S marks

(b) What are the strippers in die set? - 2 marks

.mester: VI

rte: 20 - 02 - 08

Max. Marks: 20 Time: 9.00 AM - 10.00AM

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Department of Production Engineering

Cycle test - I

PR306 Design of Production Tooling


1. Explain the types of tool wear and its mechanism (5)

2. The following equation has been obtained when machining AISI 2340 steel with

Answer all the questions

high speed steel cutting tools having 8.22. (i 6. 6, 15,3/64 tool signature.

2.35 = VTOJ3 f77 dOTI

A 100 minute tool life was obtained using the following cutting condition:

V = 22.86 rn/rnin, f= 0.3175 mm/rev, d = 2.S4mm

Calculate the effect upon the tool life for a 20% increase in the cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut, taking each separately. Calculate the effect of a 20%

increase in each of the above parameters taken together. (6)

3. What is the rake angle rpqllirement for ductile work materials; for brittle


~. List basic design process steps and briefly describe each.

What are the principal properties of tool steels? ,/

(3) (4) (2)


0, we see tbat thi minimum cost.

optimum speed is much higher than

that fOr


Th optimum velocity to achieve tne maximum efficIency, i.e., the rna .

e . h h diffi xrrllUIll

fit ate can be also found out Wit out rnuc I cuny, Of co

pro r , . ~ 'II Urse fo doi this a closed form expression lor vopt WI not be Possible ,t

omg I, b ' and tae

erical or graphical methods have to e employed. If S is the a

num . h fi. Illount

received per piece, then the expression for t e pro t rate IS


Pr = ----.


Rand tt can be expressed in terms of v as before, and VOP1 is found out from the equation

aJvr /"=VOPI = O.


4.1 The chips from an orthogonal cutting operation with an uncut thick. ness of 0.2 mm for various rake angles are:




1. 13

Calculate, for each chip, the corresponding shear angle and shear strain and plot them against IX.

4.2 The cutting and the thrust COmponents of the machining force during orthogonal machining of aluminium with a rake angle of 10° are found to be 312 Nand 185 N, respectively.

(i) Estimate the coefficient of friction between the tool and the chip. (ii) If the rake angle is reduced to 0°, keeping all the other para~eters the same, and if the coefficient of friction aslo remains unchanged, estImate the new values of Fc and FT, using Merchant's first solution.

4.3 During orthogonal machining with a rake angle 100 and an UDcut thickness O. I 25 mm, the values of Fc and F are found to be 517 N 'and 217 N . T d d found

' respectIvely. The average chip thickness is also measure an.

to be 0.43 mm. Evaluate the machining constant for the work materIal.

4.4 When the rake angle is zero during orthogonal cutting, show that ~ _ (l - w)r

Uc - 1 + r2 .


During an orthogonal cutting test, the observations made are: t, = 0.25 mm,

12 = 1.2 mm,

w = 2.5 mm,


1 N

i.e., the llla '

ulry Of lIll.lllll

• COUrs

be Possible for

If S . ' and the IS the

te is amOUnt

opt is found out frolll

with an uncut thick-


and shear strain and

ichining force during of 10° are found to

:001 and the chip,

.he other parameters

unchanged, estimate rlution.

Ie 10° and an uncut und to be 517 N 'and ) measured and found he work material.

.utting, show tbat

.ODS made are:

. m,

.f\ ININ(

(f.' 0°, Fe = 900 N, FT 810 N PII.C)(p. p.

te the mean shear strength of the w '

'~IC\JiIl . ork mater',

( 'mate the cutting component f lill.

6 Est! .' f 0 the ttl .

4. al machmmg 0 an aluminium 11 aChlnlllg r

hogon f b a oy 'lith <>rce du .

ort the width 0 cut eing 2.5 rn 1 an u. . 111'1& the

015 fIllll.. m, Cut tbltkn

. 'b t h ()f

A metal IS eing eu ort ogonally . h

41 r» f h WIt a. tool .

, that tbe rate 0 eat generation in th b With ~ro '

ShOW ) e Sear t>lane fit ·t II p.k

as Fcv(l - ur . can he eXplts .

C Iculate the mean shear plane temperat .

4.8 h' ~ ng with zero rake. Given ure rase during orlhogo 1

JIlac 101 nil

U, = 1.5 J/mm3, /.L = 0.8, tl = 0.2 mm

, r = 0.2,

p = 7000 kg/m 3, C = 500 J /kg- °C, v = 2 m/sec.

Assume that 15% of the heat generated goes into the workpiece.

4 9 If the thermal conductivity of the material is 50 WI °C

• • 0" m· and the

ambient temperature IS 30 C In Exercise 4.8, estimate the peak rake face


4.10 Estimate the three components of the machining force during shaping of a mild steel block, using the following data: depth of cut = 2.5 mm, feed = 0.125 mm/stroke, normal rake angle of tool = 7°, side cutting edge angle = 200, coefficient of friction between chip and tool = 0.8, and ultimate shear stress of work material = 450 Nrmm",

. be

4.11 Prove that the normal rake angle during general tummg can

expressed as

tarr ! [ tan IXb sin ~ + tan oc! cos ~===z],

vI + (tan IXb cos ~ - tan OCS SIO ~)

and side cutting edge side rake,

Where (lb, as, and ~ are the back rake, angles of the turning tool.

4.12· During the conventional turning diameter, the observations made are

turning tool = 5°_110-6°-8°-25°-0.5 mm,

f 75 mm ild steel bar 0

of a mi

depth of cut = 2 mm,

feed = 0.15 mm/revolution, job rpm = 300


'ts::::::: 450 Nj mrn ', /l.::::: 0.8 .



. the three components of the turning for~e and Power cons

Estimate 1 Lee's and Shaffer's shear angle relation, lI111p.

tion follpwmg '"

'" d illing operation using a twist drill, the rotational s

4. I 3 In a n I . 0 / luti peed 'OT

'11 . dIe is 300 rpm the feed IS .2 mm revo utlOn, the point

the dri spin , . f he specif angle

• 0 d the drill diameter IS 15 rnrn. I t e speer c energy of the

IS 120 , an Work

. I' 2 J/mm3 estimate the torque.

materia IS ,

4.14 A mild steel block is being drilled with a drill of 10 rnm diameter. Given

helix angle = 300,

point angle = 1180,

Ts = 450 N/mm2.

feed = 0.2 mm/revolution,

E timate the drilling torque and thrust, using Lee's and Shaffer's shear

s 1 fri b

angle relation. Assume the coefficient of notion etween the chip and the

drill to be 0.75.

4.15 In a slab milling operation with a straight teeth cutter, the cutter has 15 teeth with 100 rake angle and rotates at 200 rpm. The diameter of the cutter is 80 mm and the table feed is 75 rum/min, the depth of cut being 5 mm. The width of the mild steel job is 50 mm and the ultimate shear stress of the work material is 420 Nymm-'. Assuming the coefficient of friction between the chip and the cutter to be 0.7 and using Lee's and Shaffer's relation, plot the variation of the resultant torque with cutter rotation, and estimate (i) the average power consumption and (ii) the horizontal and the vertical components of the average milling force. Modify the ultimate shear stress for considering the size effect according to the relation

or = T (t1 )-0.4

S so av ,

tlav being in mm.

4.16 .So~ve Exercise 4.15 to estimate the power consumption following the ~nncI?le of specific energy. Compare the result so arrived at with that obtained 1D Exercise 4.15.

4.1: T~e rnaxi~um power capacity of a broaching machine is 1.5 k~. U~lDg this machme, a circular hole of diameter 20 mm in a 25_mm-thlck mild steel pla.te has to be enlarged to a diameter of 26 mm. A cut per tooth °AfO.07~ mm is used and the rake angle/provided to the broach teeth is 10°.

ssummg the ffi." 2

. coe cient of friction and shear stress to be 0 6 and 400 N/mrn ,

respectIvely find out th '. . n be

mach' d U' L e mInImum possible time in which one -part ca

men. se ee's and Shaff ,

aner s shear angle relation.

4.18 During the plung . di . b osssection 25 mm >< 10 ~ grrn .m~ operation of a prismatic bar Wit ~r at

2500' mm, a gnndlOg wheel of 250 mm diameter rotating

perce~~a~e l~h:s::; !he hPlunge feed rate is 5 mm/min. What will be ~h; 3 grits/mm2 is re J~~n dt he PO~e~ consumption if the original wheel haVIO

P e y a Slmtlar wheel with 9 grits/mm2?

WheD 4.19 t 0.08

ofcu 150


(pill 4 It be .

to b of cut d~pt '0 tbC

tal d

tallt an cOilS

the wheel

4.Z(Jo·bed in deSC

21 The bal 4.

vennesses. nile

(u)C90 M 4

able wheel.

4.22 Mild s length) are be power more tl tion. The diar unevenness a~ The tool life c


where " is in 1 labour and O'Y each regrindiJ minutes to ch:

4.23 If the Pi $17.50 and th find out the DJ

d powe- conSUlllp_ otational speed l)f n, the point angle

ergy of the work

10 mm diameter.

nd Shaffer's shear o the chip and the

cutter, the cutter 1. The diameter of the depth of cut and the ultimate g the coefficient of I using Lee's and orque with cutter ption and (ii) the .ling force, Modify

according to the

Jrnption following rived at with that

achine is 1.5 kW. in a 25_mm-thick n. A cut per toot~ )roach teeth is 10 '


1.6 and 400 N/ro~ ,

ch one part can e

tic bar with cross- . at iameter rotating

What will be ~be

, wheel bav11lg


I n surra e grinding a 20-mm-wid' . ESSES 285

",he • f e mild t

~l~ l!\ 0101. a feed 0 125 mm/min is s eel block w' h

11\,\11 (l'(1'~(l1l1m and 2000, respectively Thused. The wheel d,lt a depth

\ ff' d h . e numbe f lallleter d

[r~I:1 It is observe t at the wheel is w . r 0 grits/mm2' an

tIC 4, 4 th . \ eartng to f IS found

I" f cut to 0,0 mm, e operahon seem~ tOast. Reduc'

,I(rlll ~ productivity, it is proposed to ke~';'" °thbe acceptable. Tolng t.he

n IpC th hlP e mat ' matn_

lat t and to increase e w ee speed, Thus th enal remOVal

~Ian , dE' , e app rate

,\10. . I can be lOcrease. stimate the requir d h arent hardness f

Ihe II hec . e W eel rpm. 0

'0 Ol1culate the power .consumptIOn during the ri '

~, 'I.ftd in Exercise 4.19, with the original and th g . ndlOg operation dCSCr! IJ" e modified data •

The base of a brass bracket has to be rough .

j'l . ground to re

., ennesses. The four wheels available in the store a (i) A move the

ull)e~ 90 M 4 B, (iii) C 30 Q 12 V, (iv) C 50 G 8 V S~~tl th 30 K 12 V, (II • e most suit-

able wbeel.

4.~ Mild steel straight cylindrical pieces (20 mm diameter X 80 mm length) are being turned on a lathe. The machine capacity is such that a power more than 600 W cannot be supplied for the actual machining operaUOD. The diameter has to be reduced to 17 mm in one pass. The maximum unevenness allowed is 15 ~m. The turning tool has a nose radius orO.5 mm. The tool life equation for this work-tool combination is

vp·2To.2S = 25,

wbere v is in m/min, f in mmrrevolution, and T in minutes, T~e cost r~r labour and overheads is $0.50 per minute and the total cost Involved 10

. , . 0 h e it takes about three

each regrinding of the tool IS $3.00. n t e ave rag , , d

mmutes to change the tool. Estimate the most productive euttmg s:ee. ,

, ib d i Exercise 4.22, IS sold IS

4.23 If the price at which each piece, desert e In . 'two minutes,

m.SO and the idle and setting time involved per piece IS

find out the most efficient cutting speed,

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