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TAHUN /TOPIK 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

1 Physical Quantities and Units 1 1
2 Kinematics and Dynamics 1 1
3 Work, Energy and Power 1
4 Circular Motion 1
5 Rotation of Rigid Bodies 1/2 1 1 1 1
6 Statics 1 1/2 1 2
7 Gravitation 1/2 1
8 Simple Harmonic Motion 1 1 1
9 Oscillation 1
10 Wave Motion 1/3 1 1 1 1/3
I 11 Sound Waves 1/2 1 1 1/3 1
12 Phases of Matter 1/2 1 1
13 Deformation of Solid 1 1
14 Kinetic Theory of Gases 1 1
15 Gases 2/3
16 Thermal Conduction 1/2 1 1 1 1 1/3 1 1
17 Electrostatic 1 1
18 Capacitor 1 1 1 1 2/3
19 Electric Current 1/2
20 D.C. Circuits 1 1 1/3 1 1/2
21 Magnetic Field 1/2 1 1 1
22 Electromagnetic Induction 1/2 1/2 1 1 1
23 A.C 1/2
24 Electronics 1 1
25 Electromagnetic Waves 1 1 1/3
26 Geometrical Optic 1/2 1 1
27 Physical Optic 2/3 1/2 1 1
28 Photon 1/2 1 1/2 1 1
29 Wave-partical Duality 1/2 1 3/4
30 Atomic Structure 1
31 X-Ray 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1
32 Laser 1 1/2 1/2
33 Nucleus 1/2 1 1
34 Radioactivity 1/2 1 1/2 1 1 1
35 Nuclear Reactions 1/2 1 1
36 Elementary Particles 1
5 5 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Uploaded by
A B frequency Ranking
2 24 2.00 21
1 1 4 12 2.00 21
1 32 1.00 29
1 32 1.00 29
5 7 4.50 4
4 12 4.50 4
2 24 1.50 28
3 17 3.00 13
1 2 24 1.00 29
5 7 3.67 10
1 6 2 3.83 8
3 17 2.50 15
1 3 17 2.00 21
2 24 2.00 21
1 2 24 0.67 34
8 1 6.83 1
2 24 2.00 21
1 6 2 4.67 3
1 32 0.50 35
4 12 3.83 9
4 12 3.50 11
1 6 2 4.00 6
1 2 24 0.50 35
2 24 2.00 21
3 17 2.33 19
3 17 2.50 15
1 5 7 3.17 12
1 6 2 4.00 6
3 17 2.25 20
1 32 1.00 29
5 7 2.75 14
3 17 2.00 21
1 4 12 2.50 15
6 2 5.00 2
1 1 5 7 2.50 15
1 32 1.00 29
8 6

TAHUN /TOPIK 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

16 Thermal Conduction 0.5 1 1 1 1
11 Sound Waves 1/2 1 1
18 Capacitor 1 1 1 1
22 Electromagnetic Induction 1/2 1/2 1 1
28 Photon 1/2 1 1/2
34 Radioactivity 1/2 1 1/2
5 Rotation of Rigid Bodies 1/2 1 1 1 1
10 Wave Motion 1/2 1 1 1
27 Physical Optic 1/2 1/2 1
31 X-Ray 1/2 1/2 1/2
35 Nuclear Reactions 1/2 1 1
2 Kinematics and Dynamics 1
6 Statics 1 1/2 1
20 D.C. Circuits 1 1
21 Magnetic Field 1/2 1 1
33 Nucleus 1/2 1
8 Simple Harmonic Motion 1 1
12 Phases of Matter 1/2 1
13 Deformation of Solid 1 1
25 Electromagnetic Waves 1 1
26 Geometrical Optic 1/2 1
29 Wave-partical Duality 1/2 1
32 Laser 1 0.5 1/2
1 Physical Quantities and Units 1
7 Gravitation 1/2 1
9 Oscillation 1
14 Kinetic Theory of Gases 1 1
15 Gases
17 Electrostatic 1
23 A.C 1/2
24 Electronics 1 1
3 Work, Energy and Power
4 Circular Motion 1
19 Electric Current
30 Atomic Structure 1
36 Elementary Particles 1
5 5 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6

Uploaded by
2005 2006 2007
A B A B A B frequency Ranking
1/3 1 1 8 1 6.83 1
1/3 1 1 6 2 3.83 8
1/3 1 6 2 4.33 5
1 1 6 2 4.00 6
1 1 1 6 2 4.00 6
1 1 1 6 2 5.00 2
5 7 4.50 3
1/3 5 7 3.83 8
1 1 5 7 3.00 12
1/4 1 5 7 2.75 14
1 1 5 7 2.50 15
1 1 1 4 12 2.00 21
2 4 12 4.50 3
1/3 1 1/2 4 12 3.83 10
1 4 12 3.50 11
1 1 4 12 2.50 15
1 3 17 3.00 12
1 3 17 2.50 15
1 3 17 2.00 21
1/3 3 17 2.33 19
1 3 17 2.50 15
3/4 3 17 2.25 20
3 17 2.00 21
1 2 24 2.00 21
2 24 1.50 28
1 2 24 1.00 29
2 24 2.00 21
2/3 1 2 24 0.67 34
1 2 24 2.00 21
1 2 24 0.50 35
2 24 2.00 21
1 1 32 1.00 29
1 32 1.00 29
1/2 1 32 0.50 35
1 32 1.00 29
1 32 1.00 29
8 6 8 6 8 6

Nombor soalan
Tahun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1999 W,E,P Gel. Mekanik keadaan jirim C,medan E laser *kegravitian interferens-baji udara konduksi terma I,halaju hanyut t/b nukleus

2000 W,E,P Gel. e/m cang/pepejal kapasitor s.atom/p.tenaga *putaran,g.bulat g/mek,inter/bunyi k/jirim,kond. Haba aruhan e/m,swa kedualan,s-x,r/a

2001 ralat putaran jasad g/mekanik kond. Terma arus,ρ elektronik kedualan belauan laser *p/jasad,statik.graviti g/bunyi,optikgeom termo.gas kapasitan medan B t/pengikat,t/b nukleus

2002 p/jasad ayunan g/bunyi kond. Terma litar at medanB,aruhan e/m s/atom,p/tenaga nukleus *g/bulat c/pepejal,termod elektrostatik optik goem kesan foto.,s-x nukleus,r/aktif

2003 g/bulat ghm g/bunyi kond. Terma kapasitor gel-superposisi kesan f/elektrik z/keunsuran *p/jasad k/jirim m/magnet elektronik laser t/b nukleus

2004 laju lepas g. maju m.young kond. Terma kapasitor arus aruhan pengutuban cahaya t. pengikat tork ghr t.dalam h.hanyut p.p.melengkung x-ray,s.r/aktif

2005 vector rigid body interference F-r graph electric potential eddy current photoelectric Half-life Projectile motion progressive Wave isothermal+heat con. capacitor wave-particle duality m.spectrometer+n.fusion

2006 Dimension shm stationary wave s.h.capacity resistivity shunt x-rays fusion & E released work diffraction h.conduction charge motion photoelectric effect radioactive

2007 Rotation Damped Oscillation interference pattern Young's modulus equi. capacitance self-inductance Wave-partical Duality nuclear reaction projectile. Doppler effect Isothermal change rectifier Bohr orbit nuclear reaction

Uploaded by
No soalan 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1 W,E,P W,E,P ralat p/jasad g/bulat laju lepas vector Dimension
2 Gel. Mekanik Gel. e/m putaran jasad ayunan ghm g. maju rigid body shm
3 keadaan jirim cang/pepejal g/mekanik g/bunyi g/bunyi m.young interference stationary wave
4 C,medan E kapasitor kond. Terma kond. Terma kond. Terma kond. Terma F-r graph s.h.capacity
5 laser s.atom/p.tenaga arus,ρ litar at kapasitor kapasitor electric potential resistivity
6 *kegravitian *putaran,g.bulat elektronik medanB,aruhan e/m gel-superposisi arus aruhan eddy current shunt
7 interferens-baji udara g/mek,inter/bunyi kedualan s/atom,p/tenaga kesan f/elektrik pengutuban cahaya photoelectric x-rays
8 konduksi terma k/jirim,kond. Haba belauan laser nukleus z/keunsuran t. pengikat Half-life fusion & E released
9 I,halaju hanyut aruhan e/m,swa *p/jasad,statik.graviti *g/bulat *p/jasad tork Projectile motion work
10 t/b nukleus kedualan,s-x,r/a g/bunyi,optikgeom c/pepejal,termod k/jirim ghr progressive Wave diffraction
11 termo.gas elektrostatik m/magnet t.dalam isothermal+heat con. h.conduction
12 kapasitan optik goem elektronik h.hanyut capacitor charge motion
13 medan B kesan foto.,s-x laser p.p.melengkung wave-particle duality photoelectric effect
14 t/pengikat,t/b nukleus nukleus,r/aktif t/b nukleus x-ray,s.r/aktif m.spectrometer+n.fusion radioactive

Uploaded by
Damped Oscillation
interference pattern
Young's modulus
equi. capacitance
Wave-partical Duality
nuclear reaction
Doppler effect
Isothermal change
Bohr orbit
nuclear reaction

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