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Country United China South Russia France Croatia Ghana

States Korea

Population (in millions) 309.6 1,338.1 48.9 142.0 63.0 4.4 24.0
Area (in thousands of sq. mi) 3,794 3,690 38 6,593 208 22 92
2 82 363 1,287 22 303 200 261
Population density (Per mi )
Birth Rate (Per 1000) 14 12 9 12 13 10 31
Death Rate (Per 1000) 8 7 5 14 9 12 9
Rate of natural Increase (%) 0.6 0.5 0.4 -0.2 0.4 -0.2 2.2
Infant Mortality Rate(per 1000) 6.4 21 3.4 8.2 3.6 5.6 50
Total Fertility Rate(Per Female) 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.5 2.0 1.5 4.0
Life Expectancy (in Years) 78 74 80 68 81 76 60
Per Capita Gross National 46,970 6,020 28,120 15,630 34,400 18,420 1,430
Income Production and
Purchasing Power (in US $)
Most populated countries
1. China 1,338,100,000
2. India 1,189,000,000
3. United States 309,000,000
4. Indonesia 235,000,000
5. Brazil 193,000,000
6. Nigeria 158,000,000
7. Russia 142,000,000
8. Japan 127,000,000
1. Saint Louis 2,800,000
2. Missouri 5,500,000
3. World 6,900,000,000

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