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Lesson Plan*

Date: ______________________ Class / hour / period: _________ Unit: ________________________

Language Learning Objectives Cultural Objectives

1) 1)

2) 2)

MiWL Standards Communication Mode(s)

Interpersonal 
2) Interpretive 
Presentational 

Activity 1 / Warm - Up
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice  Individual 
Overt instruction  Whole group 
Critical framing  Peer work 
Transformed practice  Team / group work 
Learning center 
Procedure: Materials / resources needed
Tip 1: Write as directive (Teacher will … / Students will) 1.
Tip 2: Include a time estimate
Tip 3: How will you adapt your activity to meet needs of
disabled, heritage and other diverse learners? 2.

1. 3.

2. 4.

Formative assessments Summative assessments
1. 1.

2. 2
Activity 2
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:
Situated practice  Individual 
Overt instruction  Whole group 
Critical framing  Peer work 
Transformed practice  Team / group work 
Learning center 
Procedure: Materials / resources needed
Tip 1: Write as directive (Teacher will … / Students will) 1.
Tip 2: Include a time estimate
Tip 3: How will you adapt your activity to meet needs of
disabled, heritage and other diverse learners? 2.

Formative assessments Summative assessments

1. 1.

2. 2.
Activity 3 / Closure / Wrap - Up
Learning opportunity: Participation structure:

*Copy & paste an activity “block” to expand this template as needed.

Lesson Plan*
Situated practice  Individual 
Overt instruction  Whole group 
Critical framing  Peer work 
Transformed practice  Team / group work 
Learning center 
Procedure: Materials / resources needed
Tip 1: Write as directive (Teacher will … / Students will) 1.
Tip 2: Include a time estimate
Tip 3: How will you adapt your activity to meet needs of
disabled, heritage and other diverse learners? 2.

Formative assessments Summative assessments

1. 1.

2. 2.
Homework & Extensions

Self-assessment of your lesson:
What worked? What didn’t? Why? What will you do differently last time? Major a-ha’s?

*Copy & paste an activity “block” to expand this template as needed.

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