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1. What is definition?

- Act of defining or making definite, distinct, or clear.

2. What are the two kinds of definition?

a.Nominal definition
- expresses what the name means, not what the thing is.
-It circumscribes the precise meaning of a given word without going to the real nature
of this word.

b.Real definition
- Tells us what the thing is.
- It digs deeper into the nature of a thing of which we somehow have a vague
knowledge .

3. What are the different kinds of nominal definition?

a.Ostensive definition
- Indicates the meaning of the term by showing or pointing at the object

b.Synonymous definition
- Definition is so exact to replace the one with the other in any context without shift
in meaning.

c. Etymological definition
- Gives the origin of the word

4. What are the different kinds of real definition?

a.Essential definition
- It is a definition that is constructed by genus and specific difference.
b.Non- Essential (descriptive) definition
- Gives the more notable characteristic of a thing.
- Here are its subdivisions:
 Distinctive definition- definition by property
 Genetic definition- furnishes the mode of origin of a thing. It describes how
something is produced.
 Causal definition- describes a thing by its efficient and final cause
 Definition by efficient cause- gives the producer of a thing
 Definition by final cause- gives the purpose or end on account of which a thing is
 Accidental definition- explains a thing by giving characteristics that are
contingently connected with it.

5. What are the rules in definition of terms?

a. A definition should avoid vagueness and ambiguity. A highly theoretical definition and figurative
language must, therefore be avoided. Definition must be presented in a language an average
person is likely to understand.
b. Definition should not be circular. It should not use the defined term as part of its definition.
c. Definition should not be needlessly negative. Definition must state what a thing is, not what a
thing is not.
d. Definition must be precise. It must not be to narrow or to broad. Definition is too narrow if it
prevents us from applying a term to all of the things to which it can be applied. definition is
too broad if it allows us to apply a term to things to which it cannot be applied.

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