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Thakorji ni seva

1) if you want to do pustimarg seva in full

Nitya krama Sevavidhi: 
Nitya Karma: One should get up early in the morning about one and half hours before sun rise. While
opening the eyes, look at the palm and chant the verse and observe both the hands. Before leaving bed
and keeping feet on the floor ask for pardon of Mother Earth. Have a look at the Tulsi necklace of your
neck. Wash legs, hands, and mouth and do gargling. Then facing North side, offer respect to Shri
Acharyacharan, Lord Shri Krshna by naming them and stretching the body on the floor. Then offer
respects to parents, elders and others according to status. Then finish toilet, teeth brushing, bathing etc.
Keeping in the mind that a soul is the devotee of Lord Shri Krshna, paint twelve Tilaks, six impressions
relating to our Lord and take Charanamrit. If one has sacred thread then one should perform the morning

Sandhya rituals.
Manglaa: After obtaining the permission of Shri Yamunaji, Shri Acharyacharan, Shri Prabhucharan and
recollect their grace by which one has got a chance to serve Lord in ones own house, the door of our
Lords temple to be opened with chanting of Shri Vallabhastak. One should treat the temple as Akshar-
Brahm, (the place for Lord Shri Krshna to reside), where our Thakorji also lives. Enter the temple and
offer the respect by stretching the body on the ground. Thinking of ringing noise from the small necklace
around the neck of cows of Vraja, one should ring the bells thrice and blow the Sankh. Then taking away
Jhari, Banta outside, clean them and put them to their respective places. This time recite Sevaphalam.
Perform brooming and mopping of the temple and also clean and keep ready Sinhasan, Gaadi, Takiya
(Cushioned seat) etc where our Lord resides in the temple. Recite Antahkaranprabodh and
Sidhaantrahasya this time. Keep ready dresses of our Lord as per season and calendar. Hymn poems
(kirtans) one-one for Shri Acharyaji, Shri Gusainji, Shri Yamunaji, Shri Ganges and two kirtans of
prevailing seasons schedule to be sung for waking Him up. Clean the hands/feet properly and request
Shri Thakorji to wake up. Apply Uparana to Shri Thakorji. But during cold season, keep double thick
sweater (Duhara angarakha) on the cushioned seat before waking Him up. Shri Thakorji is to be
protected from cold by wrapping him in thick dress and put a small fire stove between the period from
Prabodhini and Dolotsav. Palms to be warmed up before touching Lord in a winter season. Handkerchief,
Flute are to be arranged on the chair of the Lord, offer morning breakfast (Mangal Bhog) as per ones own
capacity. Milk-curd-butter-sugar candy are to be offered, keeping in mind that Lord Shri Krshna must have
relished such breakfast in Vraj when he was there in person (Vraj-leela). Then cover the mouth of Jhariji
with red wet cloth, but during winter season from Prabodhini to Dolotsav, that cloth should be dry one.
Pour fresh drinking water in Jhariji and offer it to our Lord and recite Yamunastak and/or Navratna. Hymn
kirtans of breakfast. The time duration for Morning breakfast is twelve minutes. During this time prepare
bed of Lord nicely. When the time is up for Mangal bhog, speak loudly as to take permission before
entering a temple. Then enter the temple, clean lips/hands of Shri Thakorji with Mukhvastra, offer two
betel as mouthwash. Warm water is to be used in winter season to clean hands of Shri Thakorji. Have a
look at Mangala mood of Shri Thakorji and offer Aarti with respective Kirtan.
Sringaar/Gwaal: Arrange Sringar chair and a big dish for Lords bath. Sringar food is to be offered by
keeping it in front of Lord. Offer dresses/ornaments befitting prevailing season and/or festival. Always
keep warm water for bath through out the year except in a winter season where it should be comfortably
hot. Sing kirtans relating to Sringar. After finishing dressing and decoration with ornaments to Lord, offer
flower necklace (Malaji), flute (Venuji) and show mirror image. Then fill up Jhariji. Take the bathed water
(Charanamrit) after touching His Feet (Charansparsh). Offer Gopivallabh bhog of twenty four minutes.
When time is over, remove take away bhog, offer Aachaman, Mukhvastra, betel. Announce Gwaal and
offer cream of milk and milk to Lord as a Goudohan in Vraj-leela. After that have glimpse of Gwaalmood.
Then revive the sentiment of self dedication (Brahmsabandh) and utter Samarpam gadya mantra,
panchaakshar mantra by keeping Tulsi leaf in the palm. Thereafter offer the same lea f to Shri Thakorjis
Raajbhog: Offer Dhoopdeep and then full lunch (Rajbhog) to Lord. Put one-one Tulsi leaf in each item.
While speaking Panchaksharmantra, sprinkle water from Sankh in Rajbhog. Make a request to Lord (on
behalf of Shri Acharyaji, Shri Gusainji) to relish Rajbhog and offer dandvat to Him and come out of the
temple. Allow to lapse 48 minutes and offer 4 kirtans as per regular prevailing season. During the waiting
period follow the Sravan-Kirtna-Smaran etc. After offering rajbhog, sing chak ke pad in hot season and
bhojan bulayave ke pad in cold season. At the end of the period take permission of Lord for entering by
speaking loudly before taking out rajbhog. Thereafter offer Aachman-Mukhvastra-Bida. Keep a Banta with
2 bida on royal chair (sihasan). Fill up Jariji by humming Shri Yamnunashtaka and keep it there. Then
take away all bhog items. Arrange one khandpat near sihasan and decorate it with toys. Put ball-bat/stick.
Put 2 cushions (gaadi) on a small table (paat) and keep a game of chess or Chopad in the middle. Show
mirror to Shri Thakorji after arranging Maala-Venuvetra on him. Sing kirtans narrating Rajbhog glimpses.
Offer rajbhog aarti, again show mirror, and take out flute-stick and maalaji. Read out Shri Krshnashraya
stotram in front of Shri Thakorji. Arrange jariji and banta for retirement near bed. Put a carpet, linking paat
and bed. Then after offering Dandvat lock the temple door.
Seva Anavsar: There after in absence of physical seva of Shri Thakorji in person, keep some of
Mahaprasad separately for A Cow as Gua Grass and take Mahaprasrad for self after offering it to other
devotees. Go through Bhagwat, Subodhniji and other books of Pushti margiya sect, study them.
Alternatively go out for some earning, but keep your mind in Lord Shri Krshna.
Oothapan and Bhogaarti: Follow othapan procedure in the evening at 4 pm. After entering house
temple, offer respect bodily. Take out jariji-banta and clean/wash them. Have glimpses of othapan. Put
and filled up jairji. Offer fruit etc in othapan bhog. Sandhya bhog can be offered simultaneously. Keep it
for 15 minutes. Sing bhog aaye ke kirtan. When the time is up, take away bhog. Offer Aaachman-
Mukhvastra and Bida. Take away Khandpaat of rajbhog. Put flower necklace,flute,stick. Sing pad of
bhogaarti and perform Sandhyaaarti.
Shayanbhog aarti: First shift flute/stick. Make Shri Thakorji sit on a seat (paat par padhrana) and
slowly/softly remove the shringar. Offer milk bowl. Fill up jhariji. Take away Milk bhog and wipe off lips,
offer Aachman and bida. Start preparing and arranging a dinner Shayanbhog as per ones own capacity.
Then, Offer Dhupdeep. Sing kirtans pad indicating the readiness of Shayanbhog (Shayanbhog aaye ke
pad) Allow 24 minutes time before removing Shayanbhog. Thereafter, offer Aachman-Mukhvastra and
bida. Decorate him with flower necklace and flute. Have glimpses of this mood and sing befitting kirtans.
Offer Shayanaarti and Dandvat-pranam. Remove Maala and Venuji. Make Shri Thakurji sleep in the bed.
Sing pad of sleeping softly. Keep jhariji, banta of bida, banta of bhog, Aachmani trishti,maalaji etc
everything near the bed.(Shaiyyaji) keep a small/soft lamp on. Offer Sashtang dandvat pranam and come
out of temple.
Take mahaprasad (Dinner). Read/Listen stories of Lord-His divine qualities (Guna), His divine play (leela)
in association with other true devotees (Satsang). Sing pad/poems narrating surrender/refuge sentiments
(Dinta/aashray). Then go to sleep brooding God in mind .Giving indication of time duration for entire Seva,
Shri AcharyaCharan says in NibandhEk kaalam dvikaalam va trikaalam vapi pujyet” One time, two times
or morning-afternoon-evening three times a day, one can perform seva. Those who are required to go out
for earning may follow rituals from Mangla to Rajbhog and then make Shri Thakurji retire to bed (Shayan).
Like this one time (ek-kaal)/(tri-kaal) three times a day , one can engage himself in seva as per
convenience as approved by Shri Mahaprabhuji. The utmost necessary factor in Krshna-Seva is to offer
own body, money, family in our own house to our Lord with a sentiment of love and affection (total refuge
and dedication in Lord Shri Krshna).

2) Other type is smaran bhakti and mansik pooja

In Gujarati:
 Savare vehala uthi ne thakorji na mangala karava break fast dharavo.
 aftrer 1 hour bethak taiyar kariaapavi thakorji ne 16 sanghar karava ema snan thi lai ne bansari
 mirror ma image dekhadavi dhup divo kari ne after noon ma bhog lagavo
 then after podhadi deva (suva ni bhavana)
 round about 4 oclock uthadava bhog lagavo (butter and sugar)
 kala vala karava (yamunastak, kirtan, bhajan whatever u want)
 sayankale aarti karavi bhog lagavo
 ratri na samaye fari thi podhadi deva
 everytime change cloth when they getup and when they go for sleep

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