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Admin module description:

The user will get the home page that will drive to customer and admin page.
The admin will have the following forms,

 login form
 New admin form
 Supplier
 Branch details
 Stock details

The administrator can enter into the admin links and monitors the stock details.
When there is a new administrator the new admin registration page will be opened.
Then he/she has to fill the registration form to become the user. The supplier links
has two buttons supplier entry and suppler list. The supplier entry is used to user
supplier details. The data grid is used to display the supplier details from supplier list.

The branch link has two buttons branch entry and branch list. It does the same
operations as supplier entry and supplier list respectively. The stock detail contains
the re-order level which is obtained from item list.

Customer module description:

The customer module contains

 New user registration

 User login form
 Purchase
 Item details
 Branch details.

When the customer wants to purchase any items purchase form is used to fill the
purchase the details. Item details form uses data grid to get all the items in the shop.
The branch detail helps the customer to know various branches information.

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