Teen Radio Permission Slip

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Teen Radio Volunteer Program

Permission, Responsibility & Emergency Contact Form

As a volunteer, I will:

• Accept the training, guidance and evaluation of library staff

• Maintain a respectful relationship with patrons, volunteers and staff
• Arrive punctually to all my volunteer commitments and call ahead if I will be late or absent
• Seek help and guidance from library staff when needed
• Sign-in and sign-out when I arrive and depart
• Protect the confidentiality of library patron information
• Comply with all library policies and procedures
• Care for all radio program equipment and materials
• Understand that I may be released from volunteer service if I do not adhere to this agreement

As a volunteer’s parent or guardian, I will:

• Grant permission for my child to volunteer at DC Public Library (required for youth ages 18
and under)
• Assist my child in keeping his or her volunteer commitments
• Help my child cultivate the skills he or she needs to complete volunteer service successfully
• Understand that my child may be released from volunteer service if she or he does not ad-
here to this agreement

Teen Radio Volunteer Program

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library, Teen Space
901 G Street, NW
Mondays and Tuesdays 4:30-6:30 PM

______________ ________________________________________ __________________________________

(Volunteer Age) (Volunteer Printed Name) (Parent/Guardian Printed Name)

________________________________________ __________________________________
(Volunteer Signature) (Parent/Guardian Signature)

Emergency Contact : __________________________ Relationship: _____________________

Day phone: __________________________ Evening phone: _____________________________

Remember to
complete this page.
More information:
You can’t participate
rebecca.renard@dc.gov in the program
202.727.5736 without it!

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