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Wilmot Proviso

He argued the Wilmot Proviso goes against the fifth amendment. The consti-
tution seems to guarantee slavery.

Free Soil Coalition

An election in coming up, slavery is a big issue. There are Van Buren Demo-
crats, conscience Whigs. Free soil, free speech free labor, and free men. This
was to stop slavery.

Election of 1848

His promise is to only serve one term. Louis Cass develops popular sover-
eignty. The population of a state or territory will decide if they want slavery
or not. Zack Taylor has no platform. The results are Cass and Van Buren split
the vote so Taylor wins. ]

The California Gold Rush

Sutters Mill sees the discovery of gold. December 5th of 1948 he confirms
the gold. There are 3 routs people take to California. There are people who
go through Panama. People take the Cape Horn. 1849 is the biggest year of
the gold rush. It applies for statehood as a free state.

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