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The auditor expresses opinion on the financial statements produced by said company.

The Audit adds credibility without bias or conflict of interest. Without an audit a company’s reports
would be meaningless.

GAAS – Generally Accepted Auditing Standards – The big one

GAGAS – Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards
PCAOB – Any CPA firm that audits any public company is oversight by this board.

Sarbanes Oxley Act – SOX

A. General Standards - TIP
a. Training – properly trained
b. Independence – in-fact and in appearance
c. Professional Care
B. Standards of Fieldwork - PIE
a. Planning and Supervision –
b. Internal Control, Entity, and Environment – Get an understanding of the environment
and entity and controls.
i. Weak internal controls means more evidence is needed. You don’t have to give
an adverse opinion just need more evidence
c. Evidence
C. Standards of Reporting - ACDO
a. Accounting - Must state if the financial statements are in accordance withGAAP – Must
state (EXPLICIT)
b. Consistency – Identify in the auditor’s report – Silence is OK (Implicit)
c. Disclosure- Can state in the auditor’s report if disclosure is not adequate – Silence is OK
d. Express opinion – Must state (Explicit)
i. We want to let the reader know what we are assuming responsibility for and
what we are not assuming responsibility for.
ii. Different in opinions are okay
iii. One statement opinions okay

Auditor’s Standard Report (Unqualified Opinion)

A. Title – ‘Independent’ must be included in the title
B. Addressee – Shareholders or the board of the company
C. Intro Paragraph
a. Statement that the financial statements were audited
b. RR – Responsibility of management is financial statements; Responsibility of auditor is
the Opinion
D. Scope Paragraph (2nd Paragraph of 3) – Accordance to GAAS
a. AA - Statement the audit was in accordance with U.S. GAAS
i. For Audits of publicly traded companies a reference is made to PCAOB
standards instead of GAAS
b. PP - audit was Planned and Performed to obtain reasonable assurance
c. MM - that the financial statements are free from Material Misstatement
d. EE - audit included Examining Evidence on test basis
AA - Assessing the Accounting Principles used
MM - significant estimates Made by Management
E. Opinion Paragraph – Accordance to GAAP
a. Opinion to the fair representation of the financial statements.
b. Statement to the conformity of GAAP.
F. Firm Name – Signed or printed on the report
G. Report Date – on or after the last date the evidence was received to support the opinion.

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