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Sojorna Truth

She was born Isabella Bonfrie. She was for abolition and women's rights. She
was given credibility because she was a former slave.

Fredrick Douglass

He is a former slaver from Maryland. (He was carpenter). He writes a autobi-

ography and becomes famous. He becomes frightened. He becomes afraid
and leaves the country, He purchases his own freedom. He publishes the
North Star, an abolitionist magazine, He believes in abolition and civil rights,

The Underground Railroad

The passage to freedom usually leads to Canada. Harriet Tugman a former

slave was the most famous conductor. She is called moses by her people,
she took twenty groups to freedom.

Eligah P. Lovejoy

Activist he was a abolitionist and he was the antipope. In 1837 Illinois he is

beaten to death him his news paper artist.

Southern Argument

The first argument was that Israelites. George Fitsugh calls slavery the new

Gag Rule

It said slavery in the House of Representatives could not be discussed. John

Quincy Adams worked to have the gag rule thrown out. When in is repealed
in 1884 the cause of abolition is going to take off.

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