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Nat Turners Rebellion

The history of rebellions involving slaves began in South Carolina. It was

called the Stono rebellion. Virginia deal with Nat Turners rebellion. An eclipse
happened and he took it a as sign from god. Thirty Five white men were
killed. The Virginia militia strikes back, in the end the rebellion was put down
and slaves rules were tightened.

Work Progress Administration

Agency made by the new deal. The government hired people to interview

American Colonization Society

Its purpose was to settle former slaves in Africa. Anti slavery and pro slavery
gave it support. Pro slavery people loved it because it got rid of trouble
makers. African Americans hated it. Liberia is founded in 1821, its capitol
Monrovia. The ACS failed because every 400 that went to Liberia, two thou-
sand were born in America,

Davis Walker

Walker’s Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World (1829) It called for a vi-
olent ed to slavery. The north said he was excessing his constitutional rights.
The south wanted him arrested.

William Lloyd Garrison

Most famous abolitionist. The Liberator was his news paper. He supported
equal rights, the temperance movement. He opposed the church. He was a
pacifist, he also opposes the government. He was a member of the New Eng-
land anti-slavery society and the American anti slavery society.

Grimke Sisters

They were daughters of South Carolina slave owners, the spoke against sex-
ism, and stuff.

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