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Malta Allied Airgunners Club

Shooting Sport Discipline Commission


V1 -2008

Basic Rules ARFT (Air Rifle Field Target).

1. Safety
1.1 All the rules issued in MAAC Safety and Range Rules Document
applies for ARFT activities.
1.2. If the Range Officer (RO) issues one whistle blast ALL shooting
must STOP at once. The competitors must discharge their air rifles in a
safe direction possibly into soft ground if the shot was already loaded.
They must check the air rifles and remove any magazines loaded.
When the RO issues 2 whistle blasts this means that the activity can
1.3. Any beach in safety regulations will lead to disqualification from the
1.4. The shooting area must be minimum 3 meters wide from the firing
line. The firing line separates down range from the shooting area.
1.5. No one is allowed to go beyond the firing line until the RO declares
range is clear.
1.6. The range should have signs indicating the following:
a. Eye protection
b. Filling station
1.7 All persons are required to be in complete control both mentally and
physically during MAAC matches. The regulations of the Worldwide
Anti-Doping Code (best practices models written by the World Anti-
Doping Agency – A.M.A.) completely apply to all the people and all the
competitions taking place under the authority of the MAAC.

2. ARFT Match Procedure.

2.1. Competitors, Range Officers (RO’s), Safety Officer (SO), Counting
Marshals (CM), Organizers, Club officials and Press must wear the
MAAC # ID card or a temporary card issued by MAAC to be able to
enter the firing area.
2.2. If you are approached by an RO, SO or a CM for any reason please
do what they instruct you. These people are there to ensure fair play
and safety through out the activity.

2.3. If there is a dispute the RO must be informed at once as he is
responsible for the final decision. This decision is final and cannot be
2.4. An organizer or a MAAC official not assigned as RO or SO for the
match, cannot take a decision regarding ARFT rule infringement nor a
safety violation.
2.5. In the case of a safety violation the RO may consult the SO for a
final decision.
2.6. The competitors must register for the activity within the allocated
time otherwise they will not be allowed to compete. This must be
enforced at all times. Competitors that cannot be in time must inform the
organizers before hand.
2.7. The SO or RO will conduct the safety briefing 10 minutes before
commencing the activity. Anyone who is not present for the safety
briefing will not be allowed to shoot.
2.8. ARFT competitions are composed of 10 FT targets to be shot in 3
separate rounds hence a total of 30 shots. These are normally assigned
in 10 different lanes. Every lane must have a number from 1 to 10, a
number on the lane and one next to the target.
2.9. The targets can be set from 10m to 50m.
2.10. It is possible that due to unforeseen circumstances this
arrangement will not be possible. However it would be possible to use 5
lanes and 2 targets for each lane. In such circumstance it is important
that the targets are marked from 1 to 10 because the target will be
closer to each other then normal. This is required to avoid competitors
shooting the wrong targets.
2.11. The competitors are grouped in 10’s or in the event of using 5
lanes in groups of 5.
2.12. Every group will do 2 rounds the stop for a break. The next group
will follow. Then the first group will undertake the final round, until all
groups finish their 3 rounds.
2.13. Every competitor is given a number during registration. This
number will assign the competitor to his group.

2.14. Every round has assigned shooting positions for each target
written on the score sheet except for the last round of the ARFT Malta
Championship which is free style.
2.15. Only competitors shooting the round are allowed in the shooting
area. All the other competitors must exit to the visitor area.
2.16. An area will be provided inside the shooting area to store air rifles
or other equipment.
2.17. The Competitor air rifle used in ARFT Malta Championship cannot
be changed from one session to the next. The rifle will be registered in
the first session must be used till the end of the Championship.
2.18. If any modifications effecting power are done in due time and the
competition does not have a power class there is no need to notify the
organizers. However if competitors a participating in Power Classes it is
a must to inform the organizers.
2.19. If the power is changed then one has to start fresh in fixtures for
ARFT Malta Championship or other championships with more then one
2.20. If a competitor has a technical problem and needs to use a
different air rifle he must inform the organizers before hand. The rifle
must be in the same class if classes are used.

3. ARFT Regulations.
3.1. Targets used must be made of metal. These are called “knock
down targets” that drop when the center zone is hit.
3.2. The center has a diameter of 45mm.
3.3. These targets must be placed between 10 and 50 meters and the
distance can be set at random and not exactly measure.
3.4 The shooting position must be assigned for each target on the score
3.5. Every lane must have a number and even each target must carry
the same number during competitions.
3.6 You must shoot at the target in your lane only. If you shoot the
wrong target and drop it, but it is not in your lane this will be marked as
a MISS that is 0 points.

3.7. If the arrangement of targets is complicated or not as specified on
this document the RO or CM must guide the shooters towards the
3.8. In case of a dispute the RO decision is final and cannot be
3.9. The score in ARFT competitions is 1 point if the target is knocked
down and 0 points for a faceplate hit or miss.
3.10. The target must be dropped only if hit directly on the hit zone by a
pellet to get a 1 point score.
3.11 You must not reset the target until you get permission form the CM.
3.12 If a competitor resets his target and the hit is not confirmed by the
CM he will get 0 points.
3.14. Any disputes on other competitors, CM. organizers, targets etc,
must be addressed directly to the RO or CM.
3.15 Any disputes on safety must be addressed to RO and SO.
3.16. Their decision is final.
3.17 If a target is reported to have been knocked down because the
face plate has been hit, the RO can decide to take a test using the air
rifle involved. If the target proves defective this must be fixed, adjusted
or replaced. If the air rifle is found to be too powerful more then allowed
and it was not registered on that power the competitor will be
3.18. If a competitor forgets to load a pellet and dry fires against a target
then this is considered as a shot taken and he/she will receive 0 points
as for miss.
3.19. A competitor can ask to refill a PCP air rifle during his round. He
will be given permission by the RO to exit the firing line to refill. This will
only be allowed if the pellet has not been loaded.
3.20. Before leaving the firing line he/she must remove any magazines
loaded in the Airgun.
3.21. The air rifle has to be checked clear by the RO before exit.
3.22. The refilling of Airguns will take place in an assigned area that has
been prepared before by the organizers. This area must have a sign
“Filling Station”. No air cylinders can be kept on the firing line unless
permitted by the SO.

3.23. All the supporting points for the air rifle provided by the competitor
body must always be behind the firing line. The muzzle only can extend
beyond the firing line.
3.24. The firing line must be visible at all times.
3.25. In ARFT competitions the targets must be 100% visible from their
corresponding lane, it is not allowed that the targets are obscured by
flora or other object in the range. The targets must be placed on flat
ground facing directly to the firing line. The targets must carry the lane
number on the right when looking at them from the firing line. The
distance of the number should be minimum 1 target width,
3.26. Sitting shots were the competitor is supporting his back are not
3.27. Kneeling shots must have a 3 point body support. The foot, the
knee and the tip of the boots. The arm and wrist supporting the rifle
must be in front of the knee and not supported. A cushion or knee cap
can be used directly under the knee touching the ground.
3.28. In the prone position only the elbows can touch the ground. Elbow
protectors or sock bean bag can be used under the supporting elbows
only. The rifle cannot touch the ground or the supporting elbow
3.29. The scope can be adjusted any time during ARFT match even for
every target. All scope functions can be all used focused, range, in and
magnify on each target.
3.30 The use of electronic range finders is not allowed in ARFT. The
competitors can zero the scope and air rifle in an area provided with the
permission of the RO. A sign “Zeroing Lane” must indicate the lane to
be used for zeroing. This must not interfere with the match. The Zeroing
lane should be in the shooting area to the extreme left or right of the
other lanes or in a separate area. The number of competitors allowed on
this lane at one time is the decision of the RO. Safety regulations apply
also on this lane.
3.31. The use of Bipod, gun hooks, slings are not permitted in ARFT.
Slings to carry the air rifle and fixed bi pods can be left attached to the
stock but cannot be used to support shooting an ARFT target.

3.32. Cushions can be used for sitting and kneeling shots. The cushion
must not be more the 4 inch thick when the competitor is sitting on top
of it. You cannot use the cushion to support your back.
3.33. The competitors are issued with a score card on registration. The
competitor must give his/her score care to the CM before entering his
lane to shoot his/her target. The competitor must make sure that the CM
has filled correctly the score before leaving the lane. If the competitor is
noted to have changed any contents of the score sheet he/she will be
disqualified. The competitor is responsible for his/her score card. If this
is lost there will be an impact on his final score because all previous
shots taken will be set to 0 on a new score sheet. At the end of the last
round the Competitor must hand over the score sheet to the CM
responsible for statistics so that the final scores can be issued.
3.34. As soon as the last competitor finishes his last shot from the last
round the match is declared CLOSED by the RO. The competitors are
requested to pack up their equipment. No further shooting is allowed
until results are issued and final presentation is completed.
3.35. There can be a situation were for the first 3 positions a shoot off is
required to determine the winners. This means that 2 or more
competitors have the same points and need to be classified for the 1st,
2nd and 3rd positions. The shoot off is resolved as follows.

a. The competitors will first shoot the first 5 targets as on the match
score sheet per round 1.
b. If score remain in parity they will shoot the first 5 targets as in the
second round.
c. If again the score is in parity the competitors will shoot a target
each standing until one will fail.
The final result will not show these points but serve to classify the

4. Air Rifle Classes in MAAC-ARFT.

4.1. There are three air rifle classes in MAAC organized ARFT events.
a. Recoil ( No power limit )
b. PCP ( Max 35 ftlbs)*

c. International class (12ftlbs max)

*Air rifles PCP with a higher power must be accepted by the organizers
to compete.
4.2. The organizers can ask for a chronograph test on each rifle
competing at any time.
4.3. Any rifles found with a power exceeding that indicated and which
was not declared will be disqualified.
4.4. The rifle classes are being used in MAAC ARFT National ARFT
Championship but can be used in other activities. These classes can be
modified by MAAC in the future.
4.5 MAAC reserves the right to include or remove a class if the number
of competitors for the class is not reached. The minimum competitors for
a class to be valid are 5 competitors.
4.6 In ARFT Open competitions no class exist. However power
limitations may be applied.

5. MAAC Competitions and Championships.

5.1 MAAC Commission is responsible for all Competitions and
5.2 MAAC has the right to organize competitions or championships for
MAAC members only or open to other Airgun Clubs in Malta.
5.3 MAAC events which are open to all Airgun Clubs will be notified by
MAAC PRO on media. Air gun clubs wishing to compete in such
activities must notify MAAC Secretary at least 14 working days prior to
the event with the list of competitors forming the club team and submit
the registration fee within 7 working days from the event.
5.4 The Club teams will follow MAAC regulations for the event.

MAAC Commission has the right to change or modify these ARFT

rules. This document is property of MAAC.


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