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Transportation Innovations

Turn Pikes were replaced by canals in less than twenty less twenty.
River Team boats came to prominence in 1836. New Orleans become
the biggest southern port thanks to steamboats. The Panic of !837
stopped canal building, railroads out distanced canals by 1840. Clipper
ships began in 1845, they were sleek and fast. Chinese tea made these
profitable. The gold rush of 1849 also helped.

Early American Textile

The embargo and war grew manufacturing. Sam Slater began Amer-
ica’s industrial revolution. In 1790 he starts the first American mill in
Paultucket. The Lowel system created a lifestyle around the mill. There
were no working regulations.

Elias Howe

Invents the sowing machine. It takes the workplace to the home.

Irish Immigrants

Post 1815 Irish came, they wanted to escape British rule. There was a
potato famine in 1849. The average life expectancy was 19. They
avoided the south. They were cheap irish bitches all da english pimps
be effing up da christmas so da irish bitches came to teh US Ho. The
free hommies and the Irish did not get along. The Irish wanted to be
like Andrew Jackson because he slap all da bitch niggas like it was
1776 with James Monroe.

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