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Changes to Examination papers for 2010

1. New papers for 2010:

279 0164 Economic Geography

Candidates should answer THREE of the following TEN questions. All questions carry equal

279 0166 Global environmental problems and politics

Candidates should answer THREE of the following NINE questions. All questions carry equal

2. Changes to existing papers:

279 0005A Mathematics 1

Candidates should answer all EIGHT questions: all SIX questions of Section A (60 marks in
total) and both of the TWO questions of Section B (20 marks each).

279 0005B Mathematics 2

Candidates should answer all EIGHT questions: all SIX questions of Section A (60 marks in
total) and both of the TWO questions of Section B (20 marks each).

279 0020 Elements of Econometrics

Candidates should answer FOUR of the following EIGHT questions: Question 1 of Section A
(25 marks in total) and THREE questions from Section B (25 marks each). Candidates
should divide their time accordingly.

279 0025 Principles of Accounting

Candidates should answer FOUR of the following SEVEN questions: Question 1 of Section
A, Question 2 of Section B, ONE question from Section C and ONE further question from
either Section B or C. All questions carry equal marks.

279 0066 Microeconomics

Candidates should answer ELEVEN of the following SIXTEEN questions: EIGHT from
Section A (5 marks each) and THREE from Section B (20 marks each). Candidates are
strongly advised to divide their time accordingly.

279 0079 Elements of Social and Applied Psychology

Candidates should answer SIX of the following FOURTEEN questions: FOUR from Section A
(10 marks each) and TWO from the remaining Sections B, C and D, with not more than one
question from any one of these three sections (30 marks each). Candidates are strongly
advised to divide their time accordingly.

3. Change to coursework weighting

IS139 Software engineering: theory and application

Candidates will undertake a project consisting of 60% of the overall mark. The examination
will consist of SEVEN questions of which students should answer FOUR. The examination
will contribute the remaining 40% to the overall mark.

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