Answer All Questions: Question One

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Computer Man College for computer studies

Computer Engineering Department

Final Exam ENG (9)

Subject : Microprocessor &Interfacing

Answer All Questions:

Question One:

Define the following terms and their functions:

a) ALE . b) BHE/S7. C) QS1 ,QS0. D) Bus interface unit(BIU). E)

Tristate logic.

Question Two :

a) Design a square wave generator with a pulse width of 100 µs by using the
8155 timer.Set up the timer in mode 1 if the clock frequency is 3 MHz .
b) List the components found in a programmable device.
c) What is the main difference between the 8085 and 8086.
d) Explain the need to demultiplex the bus in the 8085.

Question Three:

Analyze the interfacing circuit shown below and find its memory address range

Question Four:

a) Draw the control register for the 8155 and specify the function of each bit.

b) Determine the address of the control /status register, I/O PORTS ,and timer
registers in the figure below:

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