Asmodeus (Final Boss) HP 250,000 MP 99999 EN 99999

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Asmodeus (Final Boss) HP=250,000 MP=99999 EN=99999

The Final Battle of the game takes place at the top of the Ethereal Paradigm when the
Main Character meets up with him after the Ruins were resurrected. The battle is split up
into three portions;

In the first portion, when Asmodeus’ HP is between 200,000 and 250,000, two large
tentacle-like pincers attached to Asmodeus accompany him. Each tentacle has 70,000 HP.
These tentacles will cast buffs on Asmodeus causing him to Shell, gaining defense over
the fire, water, ice, thunder, and wind affinities. Immediately cast Degenerate on
Asmodeus to void the effects before the tentacles cast Dual-Meteor, effectively wasting
your party to 1 HP each. If that should happen, cast Ultima-Regen to replenish you HP.
Asmodeus will be casting and Sun flare dealing a minor 1500 damage to one character a

The second portion begins when Asmodeus’ HP drops below 150,000 HP. Asmodeus
will dismiss the first two tentacles and replace them with two more. These tentacles will
begin healing Asmodeus for 1500 HP for each casting. Drain the two tentacles of their
mana to prevent this. Once the tentacles have run out of mana, they will begin casting
moderate elemental spells on your party while occasionally draining Asmodeus’ MP. The
tentacles can Dual-Cast “Heal” and Power Grasp” causing Asmodeus to heal 1000 HP
and dealing the same amounts to your party. Asmodeus will be watching the fight during
this part, so take your chances now!

The final portion of the battle starts when Asmodeus’ HP drops below 40,000. He will
dismiss the last two tentacles and begin casting heavy damaging non elemental spells
against you. If you were lucky enough to nab some “? Rings” have those equipped. These
will increase your defense over “Strange Magics”.
Be on the watch out for Asmodeus’ occasional “Elemental Flare” spells during the whole
battle which drains 4000 HP and inflicts Sap Status.

When you have defeated Asmodeus, he will be left with 1 HP. Use the “Talk” command
to have a final chat with Asmodeus before delivering the killing blow.

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